
This is config.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* @(#)src/config.h	1.3 18 Feb 1991 15:59:52 */

 *    Copyright (C) 1987, 1988 Ronald S. Karr and Landon Curt Noll
 * See the file COPYING, distributed with smail, for restriction
 * and warranty information.

/* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */
/* =-=-=-=-=- adjust defines below to fit your computer system =-=-=-=-=-= */
/* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */

 * NOTE:
 *	This file is designed to allow attributes to be changed by
 *	use of the -Ddefine or -Ddefine=value flags to cpp.  This can
 *	be used to set parameters in the makefile or to set values
 *	in a direct invocation of `cc'.  It is not recommended that
 *	that this feature be used as a general rule.
 *	For defines which must exist in some form or another, simply
 *	using -D to define another form of the define is sufficient
 * 	to override this file.
 *	For optional defines (for example, ALIASES_FILE) it will be
 *	possible to set a define beginning with NO_ (for example,
 *	NO_ALIASES_FILE) which specifically means that this is not
 *	to be defined.

 * The following section defines the various possible names for the
 * local host which are recognized and produced implicitly by smail

 * Define the full domain name for the local site used in outgoing
 * addresses within header fields.  If VISIBLE_NAME is set to NULL, then
 * the the address used will be the first name in the list HOSTNAMES.  If
 * HOSTNAMES is also NULL, then a hostname will be computed in a system-
 * dependent fashion and VISIBLE_DOMAINS used to build HOSTNAMES and
 * should be a domain name which which remote sites will understand.
 * VISIBLE_NAME does not need to specifically specify the local host.  It
 * can be the domain name for a set of hosts which maintain a consistent
 * user database or automatically forward to the homes for all users
 * within the domain.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "visible_name"
 * # define VISIBLE_NAME	"uts.amdahl.com" (* Sample *)
# define VISIBLE_NAME NULL		/* Normal setting */

 * The value of VISIBLE_DOMAINS may be used to create the HOSTNAMES and
 * VISIBLE_NAMES values.  VISIBLE_DOMAINS can be a list of colon-separated
 * values.  The first value will be used in generating VISIBLE_DOMAINS,
 * the first and remaining values will be used in generating HOSTNAMES.
 * For a host in the UUCP zone which is in the maps distributed over
 * USENET in comp.mail.maps, one of these values should be "uucp".
 * For a host in a registered domain, this should contain the domain in
 * which the host is registered.
 * CAUTION:  for newly registered domains "uucp" should be first in this
 *	     list for a month or two, to allow for propogation of the
 *	     new domain name around the various networks.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "visible_domains"
 * # define VISIBLE_DOMAINS "amdahl.com:uucp" (* sample *)
 * # define VISIBLE_DOMAINS "Berkeley.EDU" (* sample site not in UUCP zone *)
# define VISIBLE_DOMAINS "uucp"		/* for a host in the UUCP zone */

 * A colon-separated list of names for the local host.  This list,
 * together with VISIBLE_NAME, UUCP_HOST and MORE_HOSTNAMES should
 * represent all possible names for the local host.  For a host that
 * is in more than one domain or that can gateway to more than one
 * level of domains, this should represent those names.  For a host in
 * a registered domain in the UUCP zone, which is also in the maps
 * distributed by USENET, <hostname>.uucp should be in this list.
 * If HOSTNAMES is non-NULL then VISIBLE_DOMAINS is ignored.  If
 * HOSTNAMES is non-NULL and VISIBLE_NAME is NULL, then the first
 * value in HOSTNAMES is used to create the VISIBLE_NAME.
 * Also, the first value in HOSTNAMES is used to specify the primary
 * domain name for the local host.  This name should uniquely
 * specify the local host and is used in tracing headers and in
 * forming the Message-Id.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "hostnames"
 * # define HOSTNAMES	"amdahl.uts.amdahl.com:amdahl.uucp" (* sample *)
# define HOSTNAMES	NULL		/* normal setting */

 * A colon-separated list of yet more names for the local host.  This
 * list can be used to specify names in addition to those names computed
 * from the VISIBLE_DOMAINS values crossed with the real hostname.  Thus,
 * if a site (especially a domain gateway) wishes to have one set of
 * names computed automatically from the machines real hostname, while
 * also recognizing an additional set of names, HOSTNAMES can be set to
 * NULL (causing it to be computed) and MORE_HOSTNAMES can be set to the
 * list of additional hostnames.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "more_hostnames"
 * #define MORE_HOSTNAMES	"uts.amdahl.com:amdahl.com" (* sample *)
# define MORE_HOSTNAMES	NULL		/* normal setting */

 * The hostname used in !-routes in the `From_' lines before the header.
 * Set to NULL if this should be computed in a system-dependent fashion.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "uucp_name"
 * # define UUCP_NAME	"amdahl"	(* Example *)
#ifndef	UUCP_NAME
# define UUCP_NAME NULL			/* Normal setting */

 * The following suggested values should probably not be changed,
 * except to make them less restrictive.

 * maximum size for a message.  Messages longer than this are truncated.
 * If you do not wish messages to be truncated at all, set this to zero.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "max_message_size"
# define MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE	(100*1024)

 * This string defines the grade values which correspond to particular
 * names of the Precedence: field in the message header.  The parts of
 * the string are separated by `:' with alternating precedence name and
 * grade character.  Numbers are higher than upper case letters which are
 * higher than lower case letters in their grade value.  Grades in the
 * range [a-m] will only have an error message and header returned to the
 * sender on errors.  Grades in the range [n-z] will not have anything
 * returned to the sender on errors.
 * The values recognized by many sendmail.cf files are: special-delivery,
 * first-class and junk.  Others are useful mainly for getting mail out
 * of the local machine or for communication with other hosts running
 * smail in a similar configuration.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "grades"
#ifndef	GRADES
# define GRADES "special-delivery:9:air-mail:A:first-class:C:bulk:a:junk:n"

 * The maximum hop count allowed for remote delivery.  If a remote
 * transport is called and the current hop_count is equal to or greater
 * than this number, delivery fails.  This number does not affect local
 * delivery (i.e., transports with the `local' attribute turned on).
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "max_hop_count"
 * WARNING: this number is not standardized across all networks, so
 * 	    return messages to senders will fail if an intermediate
 * 	    site in the return path has a lower maximum hop count
 * 	    then the sight initiating the "hop_count exeeded" error
 * 	    message.
# define MAX_HOP_COUNT	20

 * The following values can be changed at the preference of the local
 * site administrator without affecting any remote sites, unless the
 * administrator gets them wrong and causes mail to fail.
 * NOTE: many suggested pathnames are in /usr/lib/smail and
 *	 /usr/spool/smail for compatibility with current naming
 *	 schemes used by other mailers and by netnews.  An
 *	 alternate suggestion is to group these files under one
 *	 directory /usr/smail.

 * This pathname is where the file COPYING from the source directory
 * will be installed for reference by the -bc option to smail.  If
 * this does not begin with `/', it will be referenced relative to
 * smail_lib_dir.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "copying_file"

 * Set this to the name of the system-wide log file to which potentially
 * interesting, non-panic, messages are written.  This file should be
 * truncated periodically.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "logfile"
 * # define LOGFILE "/usr/smail/log/logfile"  (* Alternate suggestion *)
#ifndef	LOGFILE
# define LOGFILE "/usr/spool/smail/log/logfile" /* Suggestion */

 * Set this to the name of the system-wide smail panic log file.
 * This file should be periodically reviewed by the system
 * administrator to ensure that there are no major problems with
 * the mail software, files or configuration.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "panic_log"
 * # define PANIC_LOG	"/usr/smail/log/panic" (* alternate suggestion *)
#ifndef	PANIC_LOG
# define PANIC_LOG	"/usr/spool/smail/log/paniclog" /* Suggestion */

 * Set this to the name of the console device.  This is used as a last
 * resort in attempting to write panic messages.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "console"
#ifndef	CONSOLE
# define CONSOLE	"/dev/console"

 * define the permission modes for the logfile and panic log file.
 * If smail is not going to be run as set uid or set gid, this will
 * have to be 0666.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "log_mode"
#ifndef LOG_MODE
# define LOG_MODE 0644

 * Set this to the spool directories for mail messages, more than one
 * spool directory can be specified by separating names with the colon
 * ( `:' ) character.  Spooling directories are tried in sequence until
 * spooling succeeds completely in one of them.  Thus, alternative
 * directories are useful to prevent loss of mail when filesystems fill
 * up, or run out of inodes, or even when somebody accidentally changes
 * permissions on one spool directory or its associated locking directory.
 * In general, alternative directories should be on separate filesystems,
 * perhaps even separate disks, if you are really paranoid.
 * Of particular use is having more than one spool directory after
 * an extended period of down-time to handle the suddenly increased
 * influx of mail traffic.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "spool_dirs"
 * # define SPOOL_DIRS	"/usr/smail/spool" (* alternate suggestion *)
 * # define SPOOL_DIRS	"/usr/smail/spool:/alt/smail/spool" (* Example *)
#ifndef	SPOOL_DIRS
# define SPOOL_DIRS	"/usr/spool/smail" /* Suggestion */

 * Define the permission mode for spool files.  If a file descriptor
 * locking protocol is used which requires that a file be writable to
 * lock it, then this mode must allow at least write by owner (or group
 * if the mailer is run as set group ID).  These should not allow for
 * global read, as the messages stored in spool files should be considered
 * private.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "spool_mode"
#ifndef	SPOOL_MODE
# ifdef	UNIX_SYS5
#  define SPOOL_MODE	0600
# else
#  define SPOOL_MODE	0400
# endif

 * define the permission modes for lock files.  If the LOCK_BY_NAME
 * locking protocol is not used, then this is not of any value.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "lock_mode" 
#ifndef	LOCK_MODE
# define LOCK_MODE 0444

 * define AUTO_MKDIR to be TRUE if spool and log directories should
 * be created automatically when smail fails to access them.  This
 * behavior allows smail to essentially automatically install itself
 * as long as the binaries are in place.  AUTO_MKDIR_MODE should be
 * set to the mode used for directory creation.
#ifndef AUTO_MKDIR

# define AUTO_MKDIR_MODE  0755

 * define the permission modes for the per-message log files.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "message_log_mode" 
# define MESSAGE_LOG_MODE 0644

 * Name the user that is to receive mail to the Postmaster, by default.
 * This address is used, if no director matches Postmaster, to ensure
 * that this address will always reach somebody.
# define POSTMASTER_ADDRESS "root"

 * This defines the default grade for spool files. These grade
 * characters are used in a form similar to 4.3BSD UUCP grade
 * values.  Typically, this is `C'.  See the definition of the GRADES
 * attribute.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "spool_grade"
# define SPOOL_GRADE	'C'

 * On systems without an atomic rename system call, configuration files
 * are not guarranteed to always exist.  Thus, we must sleep and retry
 * open operations several times before determining that a file really
 * does not exist.  OPEN_INTERVAL defines the sleep interval between
 * retries (in seconds) and OPEN_RETRIES defines the number of retries
 * to be made in opening a file.
 * For files that are optional, and which don't exist this is somewhat
 * expensive and introduces delays into the process, but there is nothing
 * that can be done.
 * NOTE: These can be set with the config file values "open_interval" and
 *	 "open_retries"
 * NOTES: for systems with an atomic rename, OPEN_RETRIES can be 0.
 *	  On systems without higher resolution timing, a sleep of
 *	  OPEN_INTERVAL is guarranteed to sleep at least
 *	  OPEN_INTERVAL-1 seconds.  Thus, this value should be at
 *	  least 2.
# define OPEN_INTERVAL	2
#  define OPEN_RETRIES 0
# else
#  define OPEN_RETRIES	2
# endif

 * The config file can be used to override some compiled in defaults of
 * smail.  If this does not begin with `/', it will be referenced
 * relative to the smail_lib_dir directory.
 * NOTE: This cannot be set with the config file, for hopefully obvious
 *	 reasons.  This can be set on invocation of smail, however.
 * # define CONFIG_FILE	"/usr/smail/lib/config" (* Alternate suggestion *)
# define CONFIG_FILE	"config"	/* Suggestion */

 * A secondary configuration file can be used which overrides both
 * internal configuration and configuration set in the primary configuration
 * file.  This is useful, for example, in an environment using shared
 * filesystems which may have a shared primary configuration and an
 * optional secondary configuration.  If this is NULL, then no secondary
 * configuration file used.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "second_config_file"

 * The director file contains the complete configuration for the director
 * subsystem.  It defines which director drivers are used, parameters
 * affecting driver operation and use, and the order in which directors
 * are called upon.  If this does not begin with `/', it will be
 * referenced relative to the smail_lib_dir directory.
 * If this file does not exist, or DIRECTOR_FILE is NULL, the compiled
 * in defaults, defined in default.c, are used.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "director_file"
 * # define DIRECTOR_FILE "/usr/smail/lib/directors" (* alternate suggestion *)
# define DIRECTOR_FILE	"directors"	/* Suggestion */

 * The router file contains the complete configuration for the routing
 * subsystem.  It defines which route drivers are used, parameters
 * affecting driver operation and use, and the order in which routers
 * are called upon.  If this does not begin with `/', it will be
 * referenced relative to the smail_lib_dir directory.
 * If this file does not exist, or ROUTER_FILE is NULL, the compiled
 * in defaults, defined in default.c, are used.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "router_file"
 * # define ROUTER_FILE	"/usr/smail/lib/routers" (* alternate suggestion *)
# define ROUTER_FILE	"routers"	/* Suggestion */

 * Method files indicate the transport method by which mail is delivered
 * to the next_hop site.  Method files can be indicated two ways in the
 * ROUTER_FILE: by explicit `/' or `~user' based paths, and by non-rooted
 * paths.  To find non-rooted method files, METHOD_DIR is pre-pended to
 * the path.  Set to NULL if you do not wish to have a method directory.
 * If this does not begin with `/', it will be referenced relative to
 * the smail_lib_dir directory.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "method_dir"
 * # define METHOD_DIR	"/usr/smail/lib/methods" (* alternate suggestion *)
#ifndef	METHOD_DIR
# define METHOD_DIR	"methods"	/* Suggestion */

 * The transport file contains the configuration for the transport
 * subsystem.  It defines which transport drivers are used, and parameters
 * affecting driver operation and use.  They are referenced from routers
 * and some directors.  Also, two transports are referenced implicitly be
 * smail's internal algorithms: "pipe" and "file" for delivery to
 * shell-command and file addresses.  If this does not begin with `/',
 * it will be referenced relative to the smail_lib_dir directory.
 * If this file does not exist, or TRANSPORT_FILE is NULL, the compiled
 * in defaults, defined in default.c, are used.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "transport_file"
 * #define TRANSPORT_FILE "/usr/smail/lib/transports" (* alternate *)
# define TRANSPORT_FILE   "transports"	/* Suggestion */

 * The qualify file contains a list of hosts and the domains that they
 * live in.  It is searched sequentially.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "qualify_file"
 * #define QUALIFY_FILE "/usr/smail/lib/qualify" (* alternate *)
# define QUALIFY_FILE   "qualify"  /* Suggestion */

 * The smail library directory is the default directory for various
 * configuration files.  Also, files accessed through the routines in
 * lookup.c may be referenced relative to this directory by default.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "smail_lib_dir",
 *	 though CONFIG_FILE is always referenced relative to the compiled
 *	 in lib directory, for hopefully obvious reasons.
 * #define SMAIL_LIB_DIR "/usr/smail/lib"	(* Alternate Suggestion *)
# define SMAIL_LIB_DIR	"/usr/lib/smail"	/* Suggestion */

 * Require that specified configuration files exist.  If this is
 * defined as TRUE then non-existent configuration files are generally
 * ignored.  If this defined as FALSE, non-existent configuration
 * files will generate a panic.

 * Allow debugging to be used in SMTP dialogs.  This allows the
 * remote end to see the debugging output from smail, but does not
 * have any other affects.  If this is TRUE, the DEBUG command in
 * SMTP turns on debugging and sets its level.  If this is FALSE,
 * the DEBUG command only produces a cute message.  This is only
 * useful if NODEBUG is not defined.
#ifndef SMTP_DEBUG
# define SMTP_DEBUG	TRUE		/* probably reasonable */
/*# define SMTP_DEBUG	FALSE		*/
#endif	/* SMTP_DEBUG */

 * Set this to a string which will be expanded to form the
 * Received: header field.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "received_field"
# define RECEIVED_FIELD	"Received: by $primary_name ($version_string)\n\
	id <$message_id@$primary_name>; $spool_date"

 * Set this to a string which will be expanded to form the
 * Message-Id: header field.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "message_id_field"
# define MESSAGE_ID_FIELD "Message-Id: <$message_id@$primary_name>"

 * Set this to a string which will be expanded to form the
 * Date: header field.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "date_field"
#ifndef	DATE_FIELD
# define DATE_FIELD	"Date: $date"

 * Set this to a string which will be expanded to form the
 * Return-Path: header field.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "return_path_field"
# define RETURN_PATH_FIELD "Return-Path: <$sender>"

 * SMTP startup banner message
# define SMTP_BANNER "$primary_name Smail$version #$compile_num ready at $date"

 * Set this to a string defining the mode to use for delivery of new
 * incoming mail messages.  It should be one of:
 * "foreground"		- deliver without forking a new process
 * "background"		- fork a child to do delivery and don't wait for it
 * "queue"		- do not perform delivery, just write the spool file
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "delivery_mode"
# define DELIVERY_MODE "background"

 * the mailbox file locking protocol requires a retry count and interval
 * for creating lock files.  This is used by the file driver called by
 * the "file" transport and, possibly, the "local" transport
 * NOTE:  These can be changed in config file by setting "fnlock_retries"
 *	  and "fnlock_interval"
# define FNLOCK_RETRIES		5	/* up to five retries */

# define FNLOCK_INTERVAL	3	/* at three second intervals */

 * This octal permission mode is used in creating mailbox lock files
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "fnlock_mode"
# define FNLOCK_MODE	0666		/* everybody can read and write */

 * Define a nobody user ID and group ID for defining default access
 * permissions.  This is often used by directors and routers and
 * transports that call external programs where no other uid/gid has
 * been given.
 * if NOBODY_UID and NOBODY_GID are < 0, but NOBODY is non-NULL,
 * then getpwnam(3) is called to obtain the uid and gid.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "nobody"
 * #define NOBODY_UID	11		(* uid "nobody" on namei *)
 * #define NOBODY_GID	90		(* gid "guest" on namei *)
#ifndef	NOBODY_UID
# define NOBODY_UID	(-1)		/* compute the nobody_uid */
#endif	/* NOBODY_UID */

#ifndef	NOBODY_GID
# define NOBODY_GID	(-1)		/* compute the nobody_gid */
#endif	/* NOBODY_GID */

#ifndef	NOBODY
# if	defined(UNIX_BSD4_3) || defined(sun)
#  define NOBODY	"nobody"	/* 4.3BSD has a standard for this */
# else
#  define NOBODY	"guest"	  /* patch this with something reasonable */
# endif

 * Set SENDER_ENV_VARIABLE to name an environment variable that can
 * be used to name the calling user.  For System V systems this can be
 * set to LOGNAME.  For BSD systems, this can be set to USER.

/* # define SENDER_ENV_VARIABLE		"LOGNAME" /* for System V */
/* # define SENDER_ENV_VARIABLE		"LOGNAME" /* for BSD */
#define SENDER_ENV_VARIABLE		NULL	/* no default defined */

 * Set SMAIL to the location of the `smail' program.  This filename is
 * used when smail wants to re-exec itself to completely reinitialize
 * its state.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "smail"
 * #define SMAIL "/usr/lib/smail/smail"	(* potentially useful setting *)
 * #define SMAIL "/usr/smail/lib/smail"	(* alternate suggestion *)
#ifndef	SMAIL
# define SMAIL "/usr/lib/sendmail"	/* Suggestion */

 * We can directly deliver a mail message by forking a new smail process
 * each time we receive one when the load average is <= MAX_LOAD_AVE.
 * When the load average is > MAX_LOAD_AVE, all incoming messages are spooled
 * for later processing.  Spooling mail messages helps reduce the load on the
 * system while delaying mail delivery.
 * The load average is taken from the 5 minute load average.  On systems
 * that do not compute load average, a value of 0 is always assumed.
 * Set this value to 0 if you always wish to always with directly deliver
 * messages.  The MAX_LOAD_AVE on systems that compute the load average
 * should be set to a value where the response time becomes poor for
 * interactive users.
 * 0 is a magic value which cause the load average not to be computed at
 * all.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "max_load_ave"
#ifndef	MAX_LOAD_AVE
# define MAX_LOAD_AVE	0

 * Normal users cannot set the sender for mail.  However, daemons need
 * to be able to do this.  The TRUSTED string defines which users are
 * allowed to supply a sender explicitly.  If it is NULL, then anybody
 * can supply a sender string.
 * Trusted users should include the real-user-id under which programs
 * like rmail (via uux/uuxqt) or sendmail (via inetd) execute.  Often
 * this means root, uucp and daemon.
 * The symbol TRUSTED is a colon-separated list of trusted users.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "trusted"
 *	Currently, the UUCP subsystem does not change real uids when
 *	executing programs.  Since smail can only use the real uid
 *	to verify users (assuming it runs setuid), it has no way of
 *	verifying absolutely for certain that UUCP submitted mail
 *	received from a remote site as opposed to a user that simply
 *	initiated a UUCP transaction.
 *	   Unless you are certain that your UUCP (and other transport
 *	agents) will always set the real uid to something smail will
 *	recognize as trusted, you should turn off the TRUSTED attribute
 *	by setting it to NULL.
 *	   Depending upon your situation, trusted groups may be
 *	sufficient for your needs.  See below.
 * #define TRUSTED "root:uucp:daemon"	(* The nominal setting *)
#ifndef	TRUSTED
# define TRUSTED NULL			/* Disable use of trusted */

 * Smail can use the effective gid under which the mailer was invoked
 * to perform trusted user verification.  This is a better solution,
 * in general for programs such as uucp that do not change their real
 * uid (in many implementations).  By ensuring that uucp is always
 * invoked with a reasonable group, in this colon-separated list,
 * verification can be performed.  Be sure that all trusted pathways
 * into the mailer have an entry in either TRUSTED or TRUSTED_GROUPS,
 * or the results are worse than setting TRUSTED and TRUSTED_GROUPS to
 * NULL.  After all, these only affect the ability to forge sender
 * lines, which is pretty easy to do anyway.  (just connect to an SMTP
 * socket on another machine and you can forge all the mail you want).
 * #define TRUSTED "uucp:wheel"		(* a potentially nominal setting *)

 * if your machine handles large data areas efficiently, then making
 * MESSAGE_BUF_SIZE the maximum size of a message will minimize i/o
 * overhead for reading and writing the message.  Systems with a
 * small amount of memory or poor VM systems cannot afford large buffers.
 * Larger memory systems can set the buffer size to less than
 * MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE at the expense of more i/o on large mail messages.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "message_buf_size"
# else
# endif

 * Number of entries in address hit table.  The larger the number the
 * greater the space but the greater the efficiency.
 * NOTE: This can be set with the config file value "hit_table_len"
#define HIT_TABLE_LEN	241		/* suitable for large mailing lists */

 * This section adjusts the default director configuration compiled into
 * smail.  See default.c for the complete default configuration source.
 * NOTE:  The existence of a direcor configuration file replaces all of
 *	  this configuration.

 * configuration for the default aliases director
 * If you wish to have an aliases director by default, define
 * ALIASES_FILE to be the name of a sorted file, and ALIASES_PROTO
 * to be the database access protocol to use in searching this file
 * See the file lookup.c for a complete list of these protocols.  If
 * this does not begin with `/', it will be referenced relative to the
 * smail_lib_dir directory.
 * A partial list is:
 * lsearch - perform linear searches on raw alias files.  This is slow
 *	     unless the aliases file is small.
 * bsearch - perform binary searches on sorted alias files with one
 *	     alias rule per line.
 * dbm	   - use the Berkeley dbm(3X) or ndbm(3X) libraries to search
 *	     for aliases.
 * yp	   - use Sun's YP service to search for aliases.  This requires
 *	     the existence of the YP library routines.
 * aliasyp - use Sun's YP service in a manner compatible with standard
 *	     Sun mail.aliases YP databases.  These do not exactly match
 *	     the semantics of other YP databases in that they count an
 *	     the ending nul byte in the length of keys.  There is a
 *	     tool distributed with smail (mkline) that can be used to
 *	     create regular YP databases, for use with the `yp' proto.
 * #define ALIASES_FILE	"/usr/lib/smail/aliases" (* Suggestion *)
 * #define ALIASES_FILE	"/usr/smail/lib/aliases" (* alternate *)
#if	!defined(ALIASES_FILE) && !defined(NO_ALIASES_FILE)
# ifdef HAVE_YP
#  define ALIASES_FILE "mail.aliases"	/* Standard YP aliases map */
# else
#  define ALIASES_FILE "/usr/lib/aliases" /* sendmail compatible name */
# endif
# ifdef HAVE_YP
#  define ALIASES_PROTO "aliasyp"	/* use Sun's YP aliases service */
# else
#  define ALIASES_PROTO "lsearch"	/* This should work on any UN*X os */
# endif

 * In some environments where smail is being integrated into new systems
 * it may be convenient to make the aliases file optional, so that if
 * the file does not exist, it is assumed to be empty.  To enable this
 * behavior define the name below.
# ifndef HAVE_YP
#  define ALIASES_OPTIONAL		/*  */
# endif

 * In some cases, failure to open an aliases database can be considered
 * a temporary failure which can be recovered from by retrying the open
 * at a later time.  One example would be use of YP where the server
 * host may be down.  To enable this behavior, define the name below.
# ifdef HAVE_YP
#  define ALIASES_TRYAGAIN		/*  */
# endif

 * configuration for the default dotforward director
 * If you do not wish to support ~/.forward files, for some strange
 * reason, define DISABLE_DOTFORWARD.  forward files in smail are handled
 * in a reasonable manner which should prevent use of .forward files for
 * trojan horse attacks.  For example, if correctly configured home
 * directories accessible by remote hosts can't be used to write files or
 * exec programs.
/*#define DISABLE_DOTFORWARD /* */

 * The following list should define all home directories known to be
 * accessible from remote hosts, so that care can be taken for
 * .forward files found in these places.
# define REMOTE_HOMES "~nuucp:~uucp:~ftp:/tmp:/usr/tmp"

 * configuration for the default forwardto director
 * If you wish to support users putting "Forward to " lines at the
 * beginning of their mailbox files to indicate forwarding, then
 * define how to find these mailbox files.  System V mailers currently
 * do not have any other means of specifying forwarding information
 * for users.  This maintains compatibility with this system.
#if	!defined(FORWARDTO_FILE) && !defined(NO_FORWARDTO_FILE)
# ifdef	UNIX_SYS5
#  define FORWARDTO_FILE "/usr/mail/${lc:user}"
# else
#  define FORWARDTO_FILE "/usr/spool/mail/${lc:user}"
# endif

 * configuration for the default mailing list director
 * A variation on the forwardfile driver can be used to define a
 * directory which contains mailing list files.  By simply creating
 * a file in a directory a mailing list will have been defined.
 * aliases, forward files and local usernames have precedence over
 * these mailing list files, so it is safe to allow general users
 * access to this directory (e.g., users cannot use this directory
 * to steal mail from other users on the local host).
 * In the spirit of allowing general users access to this file, the
 * caution and nobody attributes are turned on.  This prevents worries
 * about users being able to put shell command and file addresses in
 * these files and accessing things that they shouldn't.  However, it
 * still allows users the convenience of specifying files and shell
 * commands as destinations.
 * Under a 4.3BSD system or a Sun running SunOS3.0 or higher, it is
 * reasonable to set the sticky bit on this directory.  In this case a
 * user will be able to create a file here with assurance that other
 * users will not be able to remove rename it.  However, any system
 * that is comfortable with normal UN*X /tmp and /usr/tmp semantics,
 * should also be comfortable with a globally writable mailing list
 * directory.  If this does not begin with `/', it will be referenced
 * relative to the smail_lib_dir directory.
 * #define LIST_FILENAME "/usr/smail/lists/${lc:user}" (* alternative *)
#if	!defined(LIST_FILENAME) && !defined(NO_LIST_FILENAME)
# define LIST_FILENAME "lists/${lc:user}"	/* suggested pathname */

 * configuration for the default smartuser director
 * Smail can be configured to send mail destined to an unknown user to
 * a remote site that supposedly understands more usernames than does
 * the local host.  By defining an address to which mail to unknown
 * users should be sent, this can be accomplished.  This address should
 * contain a $user where the local address is inserted into the address.
 * If SMART_USER is set to NULL, then a smartuser director is configured
 * which will read the variable smart_user which can be set in the
 * config file.  The default value of the smart_user variable can be
 * specified as CONFIG_SMART_USER.  This enables a smart_user director
 * to be compiled in while the address for the smart_user director is
 * still modifiable through configuration.
 * #define SMART_USER "$user@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com" (* sample setting *)
#if	!defined(SMART_USER) && !defined(NO_SMART_USER)
# define SMART_USER NULL		/* normal setting */


 * This section adjusts the default router configuration compiled into
 * smail.  See default.c for the complete default configuration source.
 * NOTE:  The existence of a router configuration file replaces all of
 *	  this configuration.

 * There is currently no support for method files from the compiled in
 * smail configuration.  However, a hardcoded method table can be used
 * by defining USE_METHOD_TABLE.  If defined, all of the routers will
 * use this table in addition to their default associated transport.
 * In the future, smail may support method files from compiled in
 * configuration.
#if	!defined(USE_METHOD_TABLE) && !defined(NO_USE_METHOD_TABLE)
/*# define USE_METHOD_TABLE		/*  */

 * Default gethostbyaddr router setup
 * If defined, a gethostbyaddr router will be configured which recognizes
 * hostnames such as [] and delivers via SMTP to that IP
 * address.  This requires that the gethostbyaddr driver be configured
 * in by the conf/driver.cf configuration file.  This in turn requires
 * the a BSD-compatible networking library.
#  define USE_GETHOSTBYADDR		/*  */
# endif

 * GETHOSTBYADDR_TRANSPORT defines the default transport used for hosts
 * matched with the pathalias router.
 * #define GETHOSTBYADDR_TRANSPORT  "demand"	(* alternate suggestion *)

 * Default gethostbyname router setup
 * If defined, a gethostbyname router will be configured which calls
 * gethostbyname(3N) to match hosts accessible over TCP/IP.  This requires
 * that the gethostbyaddr driver be configured in by the conf/driver.cf
 * configuration file.  This in turn requires the a BSD-compatible
 * networking library.
#  define USE_GETHOSTBYNAME		/*  */
# endif

 * GETHOSTBYNAME_TRANSPORT defines the default transport used for hosts
 * matched with the pathalias router.
 * #define GETHOSTBYNAME_TRANSPORT  "demand"	(* alternate suggestion *)

 * Default pathalias router setup
 * If you wish to have a pathalias router by default, define PATHS_FILE
 * to be the name of a sorted paths file, and PATHS_PROTO to be the
 * database access protocol used for lookups.  See the file lookup.c
 * for a complete list of these protocols.    If this does not begin
 * with `/', it will be referenced relative to the smail_lib_dir
 * directory.  A current list is:
 * lsearch - perform linear searches on raw path files.  This is slow
 *	     unless the path file is small.
 * bsearch - perform binary searches on sorted path files with one
 *	     path per line.
 * dbm	   - use the Berkeley dbm(3X) or ndbm(3X) libraries to search
 *	     for paths.
 * yp	   - use Sun's YP service to search for paths.  This requires
 *	     the existence of the YP library routines.
 * #define PATHS_FILE	"/usr/smail/lib/paths" (* alternate suggestion *)
#if	!defined(PATHS_FILE) && !defined(NO_PATHS_FILE)
# define PATHS_FILE	"paths"		/* Suggestion */
# define PATHS_PROTO	"bsearch"	/* Compatible with smail1.0 and 2.0 */

 * In some environments where smail is being integrated into new systems
 * it may be convenient to make the paths file optional, so that if
 * the file does not exist, it is assumed to be empty.  To enable this
 * behavior define the name below.
#if	!defined(PATHS_OPTIONAL) && !defined(NO_PATHS_OPTIONAL)
# define PATHS_OPTIONAL			/*  */

 * In some cases, failure to open an paths database can be considered
 * a temporary failure which can be recovered from by retrying the open
 * at a later time.  One example would be use of YP where the server
 * host may be down.  To enable this behavior, define the name below.
#if	!defined(PATHS_TRYAGAIN) && !defined(NO_PATHS_TRYAGAIN)
/*# define PATHS_TRYAGAIN		/*  */

 * PATHS_TRANSPORT defines the default transport used for hosts matched
 * with the pathalias router.
 * #define PATHS_TRANSPORT  "demand"	(* alternate suggestion *)
# define PATHS_TRANSPORT  "uux"		/* queue remote rmail requests */

 * Default uuname router setup
 * If you wish to obtain a list of neighbor sites from the UUCP programs,
 * define the command to extract the list of UUCP neighbor sites.
#if	!defined(UUNAME_COMMAND) && !defined(NO_UUNAME_COMMAND)
# define UUNAME_COMMAND	"/usr/bin/uuname" /* should work almost everywhere */

 * UUNAME_TRANSPORT defines the default transport used for hosts matched
 * with the uuname router.
 * #define UUNAME_TRANSPORT  "demand"	(* alternate suggestion *)
# define UUNAME_TRANSPORT  "uux"	/* queue remote rmail requests */

 * Default setup for the smarthost router
 * If you wish to send unknown addresses to a remote host for routing,
 * define the path used to send mail to that host.  Ask the remote
 * site in question before setting this up.
 * There is a hook in the config file that allows the path and perhaps
 * the transport used to be set in the configuration file.  This hook
 * can be enabled by setting SMART_PATH to NULL and CONFIG_SMART_PATH
 * to the initial value for the smart_path variable.  As well,
 * CONFIG_SMART_TRANSPORT can be set to the default value for the
 * smart_transport variable, though SMART_TRANSPORT can be used instead
 * in any case.
 * Using CONFIG_SMART_PATH is the prefered method of setting up the
 * smarthost router as it does not rely on hard-coded information in
 * default.c.
 * if SMART_PATH is undefined, no smarthost router will be configured.
 * #define SMART_PATH  "namei!amdahl"	(* example path *)
#if	!defined(SMART_PATH) && !defined(NO_SMART_PATH)
# define SMART_PATH NULL		/*  */

#if	!defined(CONFIG_SMART_PATH)
# define CONFIG_SMART_PATH NULL		/*  */


 * SMART_TRANSPORT defines the default transport used for hosts matched
 * with the uuname router.
 * #define SMART_TRANSPORT "demand"	(* alternate suggestion *)
#if	!defined(SMART_TRANSPORT)
# define SMART_TRANSPORT "uux"		/* Suggestion */

 * This section adjusts the default transport configuration compiled into
 * smail.  See default.c for the complete default configuration source.
 * NOTE:  The existence of a transport configuration file replaces all of
 *	  this configuration.

 * Default setup for the local transport
 * Smail can perform local delivery either by appending to mailboxes
 * by itself (only useful if it is setuid or setgid to something that
 * can do this, or if all mail is queued and smail performs all delivery
 * as a daemon).  Alternately, it can send messages to another program,
 * such as /bin/mail and have that program perform delivery.
 * The method used depends upon what is set.  If LOCAL_MAIL_COMMAND
 * is set, it should be a command to be executed which will deliver
 * a message given on its standard input.  Otherwise LOCAL_MAIL_FILE
 * should be set to define which file should be appended to for
 * local mail delivery.  See the installation and operators guide
 * for information on what the command and filename strings look
 * like.
 * #define LOCAL_MAIL_COMMAND "/path/prog $($user$)" (* custom program *)
 * #define LOCAL_MAIL_FILE "~/mbox"	(* Example: file in home directories *)
#if	!defined(LOCAL_MAIL_COMMAND) && !defined(LOCAL_MAIL_FILE)

/* comment out following line if smail should append directly to mailboxes */
/*# define LOCAL_MAIL_COMMAND "/bin/mail -d $(${lc:user}$)" /* call program */

#  ifdef UNIX_SYS5
#   define LOCAL_MAIL_FILE "/usr/mail/${lc:user}" /* append to file */
#  else
#   define LOCAL_MAIL_FILE "/usr/spool/mail/${lc:user}" /* append to file */
#  endif
# endif

 * if a program is used for local delivery, set LOCAL_MAIL_ADDRS to
 * the maximum number of addrs that the program can take.  Generally,
 * a program can either take one or can take many.
# define LOCAL_MAIL_ADDRS	100	/* pick any large number */

 * if smail is doing delivery to mailbox files directly, these files will
 * be created with this mode.
#ifdef UNIX_BSD
# define LOCAL_MAIL_MODE	0600	/* only user can read/write mail */
# define LOCAL_MAIL_MODE	0660	/* mailboxes in restricted group */

 * Setup for the queued uux transport
 * The following command should call uux and queue a mail message
 * for transmission to a remote host.  Check your man page to see
 * if uux supports the -amailpath option, and also check to see
 * if you have the -ggrade option.  Smail can support both of these
 * quite nicely.
 *	"/usr/bin/uux - -r -a$sender -g$grade $host!rmail $(($user)$)"
	"/usr/bin/uux - -r $host!rmail $(($user)$)"

 * Setup for the demand uux transport
 * The following command should call uux and queue a mail message
 * for transmission to a remote host and immediately attempt delivery.
 * Check your man page to see if uux supports the -amailpath option, and
 * also check to see if you have the -ggrade option.  Smail can support
 * both of these quite nicely.
 *	"/usr/bin/uux - -a$sender -g$grade $host!rmail $(($user)$)"
# define DEMAND_UUX_COMMAND "/usr/bin/uux - $host!rmail $(($user)$)"

 * Setup for the queued uusmtp transport
 * The following command should call uux and queue a mail message
 * for transmission to a remote host.  It should invoke a program
 * on the remote host that reads batched SMTP requests from its
 * standard input.
 *	"/usr/bin/uux - -r -a$sender -g$grade $host!rsmtp"
# define QUEUED_UUSMTP_COMMAND  "/usr/bin/uux - -r $host!rsmtp"

 * Setup for the demand uusmtp transport
 * The following command should call uux and queue a mail message
 * for immediate transmission to a remote host.  It should invoke
 * a program on the remote host that reads batched SMTP requests
 * from its standard input.
 *	"/usr/bin/uux - -r -a$sender -g$grade $host!rsmtp"
# define DEMAND_UUSMTP_COMMAND "/usr/bin/uux - $host!rsmtp"

 * Setup for the smtp transport
 * If you wish to use configure the SMTP over TCP/IP transport
 * then define this.  If defined, the smtp driver must be configured
 * into smail in conf/driver.cf.  This in turn requires that
 * BSD networking facilities exist.
# if	!defined(USE_SMTP_TRANSPORT) && !defined(NO_USE_SMTP_TRANSPORT)
# endif

 * Define CALL_BIFF_TPORT to emulate the functionality of the
 * comsat/biff facility in 4.2/4.3BSD.  This is a good example
 * of a shadow transport, which is associated with the local
 * transport.  The only logic in smail which knows about biff
 * is the "biff" transport driver.
 * The driver currently does not exist, so don't define this just yet.
#if	!defined(CALL_BIFF_TPORT) && !defined(NO_CALL_BIFF_TPORT)
/*# define CALL_BIFF_TPORT		/* emulate 4.2/4.3BSD biff service */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.