#ident "@(#)samples/bigsite/bargw/maps/README 1.2 24 Oct 1990 05:20:13" -*- README - info about the /usr/lib/smail/maps directory The Smail routers use information found in the /usr/lib/smail/maps directory to determine routes to other sites. Such information is usually in the format of pathalias output. -*- Path resolving: Smail resolves routes by searching the following files in order from top to bottom. These files are in the same format as pathalias output files. Items higher on the list take priority over lower items. force.path - force routes for given sitenames domain.path - formed from domain.map world.path - major path file uuname.path - formed from uuname output Pathalias output files are of the form: site site_a!site_b!...!site!%s Where site can be a simple sitename (e.g., amdahl) or a domain (e.g., .amdahl.com) or a compound name (e.g., hplabs.hp.com). Normally a complete match in one file will result in the path site_a!site_b!... being used to reach site. If only a partial "right-hand-side" match is found, the longest match will be used. It should be noted that transports like uux only understand simple sitenames. This site_a, the leading site, should be a simple site if possible. One could use a method file to direct such paths to a transport that understands non-simple site names. This is why a pathalias map entry should only show links from the local site to simple sitenames. One can always do: bargw simple(DAILY), site(HOURLY) simple.domain.part = simple site = site.com and avoid the issue. See below for details on each file. See smail(5) & smail(8) for more information about routers. -*- duplicate site names: Sometimes two different sites have the same site name. There are several rules on how to deal with this case. If one publishes in an external map (such as world.map) that one talks to "curds", one must treat "curds" as if it is a directly connected. This is true even if the perfered path to "curds" may be thru some other site. One must NEVER be directly connected to two sites with the same name. One can not be connected to two sites samed "foobar". One must never establish a connection to a site that has the same name as an unpublished site internally in our local domain. One must never name an internal domain site the same as a site that we already directly connect to in some form. One should not give an internal site a name of a site that is registered elsewhere. If one does not have a direct connection to "werehwon", paths of the form: werehwon!...!user are ambiguous. If "werehwon" is a simple site name, then user@werehwon is ambiguous. Note that the address of user@werehwon.domain is NOT ambiguous if a path to wherehwon.domain in known. One may dis-ambiguate an ambiguous address in any way one likes. However one should try to honor published addresses in order from top to bottom: * internet addresses registered by SRI-NIC (if on the internet) * addresses registered in a d.* Usenet map * addresses registered in a u.* Usenet map * addresses registered in your local.map map If one receives a connection request from a site "foo" (lets call it new-foo), and one other site has already registered as "foo" (lets call it old-foo), one should resolve the conflict as follows: * If one directly talks to old-foo, refuse the connection. * Encourage new-foo to change its name. Warn them of problems they will face with their Email being mis-directed to old-foo. If none of the above can be done, then do the following: * Pick some domain based name such as "foo.domain" that is unique and where "domain" is not "uucp". This assumes that foo really is in the domain named "domain"! * If "foo.domain" is not already registered either as ".domain" in the case where ".domain" is not a top level domain such as ".arpa" or".edu"; Or if "foo.domain" is not registered, require them to first publish a map containing at least the following information: #N foo-bar, foo.domain ... etc ... foo-bar yoursite(COST) foo-bar .foo.domain foo.domain = foo-bar where foo-bar was a unique simple name. Then add the following lines to the forces file: foo-bar foo!%s foo.domain foo!%s .foo.domain foo!%s If they can not publish a map entry for some reason, refuse the connection. -*- unpublished connections: It is possible to have a connection to a site where such a connection has not been published. A few notes of care should be taken in dealing with such unpublished connections, depending on if the site you are connecting to has registered its name somewhere or not. If the site has a registered map entry, simply use the private.map to record the connection. If the site is not registered, warn them that if someone registeres a site with the same name, Email directed to them could be sent to that other site. Don't record the connection in any map (other than maybe as a comment in private.map), but rather allow the uuname.path file to record the routing information. -*- Internal domain sites: Most sites internal to the BAR.FOO.COM will remain unpublished. The visible domain on the Smail mailer for these sites should be set to FOO.BAR.COM so that route problems do not arise. Only major FOO.BAR.COM sites such as servers or sites with names we wish to reserve should be noted in the world.map. When selecting internal names it is very useful if they do not conflict with a published site. Due to the way domain.path is used only the name Site.FOO.BAR.COM will always be correctly routed. NOTE: It is important that we never establish a connection between an outside site with the same name as an internal site. It is also important that we never give an internal site the same name as a site we directly talk to. -*- force.path file: The force file allows one to force explicit paths to specific sites regardless of that the maps may say. The force file should be used as a last resort when resolving conflicts. The use of map information is not only more general, but allows finer control. The force.path file is formed from the force file by removing comments and sorting it. -*- domain.path file: The domain.path file contains path information about sites in the local domain only. That is, each site found in the first field of the domain.path file is assumed to be in the local domain. In for case of bargw, this local domain is BAR.FOO.COM. A site of the form: foo.BAR.FOO.COM will match the site named "foo" in the domain.path file. One does not need to have both "foo" and "foo.BAR.FOO.COM" in the file. -*- world.path file: When pathalias forms world.path the following information is used. The mkpath.conf file tells mkpath how to build the world.path file. The uuwho command works off of the map files that form world.path. A site of the form "foo.uucp" will match the site named "foo" in the world.path file. One does not need to have both "foo" and "foo.uucp" in the file. Information found in maps higher on the list take priority over information found in lower maps. However the cost of a link is the lowest cost known. Once can alter or force the cost of a link by the dead, delete and adjust directives. (See below) tweak.map - dead, delete, adjust and other Usenet info private.map - map of unpublished links from this site world.map - the Usenet map we publish delete <sitename> - remove Usenet info about our site (amdahl) newmap/*.map - Usenet maps that have not yet been posted Usenet maps - maps in /usr/spool/uumaps/[du].* -*- uuname.path file: The uuname.path file consists of a set of pathalias lines of the form: site site!%s where site is a file listed by uuname. This serves as a catch all in case the site slips thru the other files, or in case the site can not be in a map file. -*- Regarding the dead {} directive: Declaring a site or link (sitea!siteb) dead does NOT distroy the site or link! If no other link can be found, the least costly dead link will be used. In fact, declaring a link or site to be dead will create that link if it does not already exist! The dead directive should never be used in Usenet maps except maybe d.Project. You should not publish a dead directive in your maps. Regarding the delete {} directive: Deleting a link (sitea!siteb) removes knowledge that sitea talks to siteb, however siteb!sitea could still exist. Deleting a site removes all information about that site as well as links to & from that site. A deleted site or link may be recreated by later information. The delete directive never be used in Usenet maps. You should not publish a delete directive in your maps. Regarding the adjust {} directive: An adjust directive on a site adds cost to all outgoing links from that site. By default the cost added is 4000. If a site does not already exist, adjust creates it. The adjust directive never be used in Usenet maps. You should not publish an adjust directive in your maps.
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