


#ident "@(#)samples/bigsite/README	1.2 24 Oct 1990 05:19:51"

Configurations under this directory are for a set of machines residing
on a TCP/IP network, and connected to a UUCP network.  These
configurations are for sample purposes only and are not intended to
exactly represent the setup of any existing site.


The network is composed of a set of workstations and mainframes that
are connected using TCP/IP networks of various kinds.  In addition,
other machines are accessible via UUCP over point-to-point serial
connections or telephone networks.  A single machine on the TCP/IP
networks handles gatewaying to the internal and external machines that
are accessible through UUCP.


The network described here is a subsection of a domain called FOO.COM.
The specific part is called BAR.FOO.COM, though one of the machines in
this network is a domain gateway for FOO.COM and can route mail for
other subdomains of FOO.COM to the appropriate gateway machines.  In
addition, this FOO.COM gateway machine knows about domains and hosts
outside of the domain, such as the Internet and the world-wide UUCP

The gateways to other subdomains of FOO.COM are:

	Subdomain	Gateway
	---------	-------
	CURDS.FOO.COM	curdsgw
	WHEY.FOO.COM	wheygw
	CCC.FOO.COM	cccgw

The curdsgw machine is running Smail version 3, so mail is delivered
using Batched SMTP over UUCP.  The other machine, cccgw is running
older mail software, so the traditional methods of sending mail over
UUCP are used.  The wheygw machine is not directly connected to bargw,
but is reachable by routing through curdsgw.

The machines outside of the FOO.COM domain all use traditional UUCP
mail.  One of these machines "oldbsd" is running older 4.1BSD sotware
(which cannot be given more than one recipient address per UUCP mail


Machines in the BAR.FOO.COM subdomain all share a forwarding database.
Workstations get this forwarding database (in addition to a standard
aliases file) through SunOS's Yellow Pages facility.  Others rely on
the file existing in the local filesystem namespace.  The exact means
of transfering this database throughout the network is not specified
in this sample tree.  All machines also have access to an aliases
database, though this database is not necessarily kept consistent
throughout the network.

The name of the gateway machine is "bargw" with the following:

o   A map of the world outside of FOO.COM.

o   A UUCP Systems/L.sys file containing neighboring sites.

o   An /etc/hosts file listing all of the machines that are on the
    internal TCP/IP networks.

o   A map of the top level of the FOO.COM domain.

o   A map of the BAR.FOO.COM subdomain.

The gateway machine, bargw, keeps a mailing list directory for use by
the subdomain.  Because it also has all aliases, forwarding and all
passwd file information, it does not need to rely on any other host to
determine how to send mail to a specific login name or mailing list on
the network.  Other machines do not have such a complete view, so they
all send mail to otherwise unresolved local addresses to bargw.


This samples directory is divided into a number of subdirectories.
These are:

bargw	This directory contains all of the configuration files that
	are used by the site bargw.  It also gives examples of how
	bargw extracts map information out of USENET netnews, and how
	it builds its several path databases.

	This directory contains all of the configuration files that
	are used by workstations on the TCP/IP.  It does not show how
	the various YP databases can be built.

others	This directory contains all of the configuration files for
	other machines in BAR.FOO.COM, that do not get files from YP
	and that are not the bargw gateway machine.

When looking at the various configuration files, keep in mind the
following man pages:  smail(4), pathalias(1m), uuwho(1) and

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.