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/* pathalias -- by steve bellovin, as told to peter honeyman */ #ifndef lint static char *sccsid = "@(#)mapit.c 9.11 88/05/09"; #endif #include "def.h" #define chkheap(i) /* void */ #ifdef DEBUG #define watchgap(i) i = chkgap(i) #else #define watchgap(i) /* void */ #endif #define trprint(stream, n) \ fprintf((stream), (n)->n_flag & NTERMINAL ? "<%s>" : "%s", (n)->n_name) /* exports */ /* invariant while mapping: Nheap < Hashpart */ long Hashpart; /* start of unreached nodes */ long Nheap; /* end of heap */ long Ncopy, Nlink, Lcopy; void mapit(); /* imports */ extern long Nheap, Hashpart, Tabsize, Tcount; extern int Tflag, Vflag; extern node *Home; extern char *Linkout, *Graphout; #ifdef M_I286 extern node * huge Table[]; #else extern node **Table; #endif extern void freelink(), resetnodes(), printit(), dumpgraph(); extern void showlinks(), die(); extern long pack(), allocation(); extern link *newlink(), *addlink(); extern int maptrace(), tiebreaker(); extern node *ncopy(); /* privates */ static long Heaphighwater; #ifdef M_I286 static link * huge * Heap; #else static link **Heap; #endif STATIC void insert(), heapup(), heapdown(), heapswap(), backlinks(); STATIC void setheapbits(), mtracereport(), heapchildren(), otracereport(); STATIC link *min_node(); STATIC int dehash(), skiplink(), skipterminalalias(); STATIC Cost costof(); STATIC node *mappedcopy(); /* transform the graph to a shortest-path tree by marking tree edges */ void mapit() { register node *n; register link *l; int gap = -1; vprintf(stderr, "*** mapping\n"); vprintf(stderr, "ncopy = %ld, nlink = %ld, lcopy = %ld, tcount = %ld\n", Ncopy, Nlink, Lcopy, Tcount); Tflag = Tflag && Vflag; /* tracing here only if verbose */ /* re-use the hash table space for the heap */ #ifdef M_I286 Heap = (link * huge *) Table; #else Heap = (link **) Table; #endif Hashpart = pack(0L, Tabsize - 1); /* expunge penalties from -a option and make circular copy lists */ resetnodes(); if (Linkout && *Linkout) /* dump cheapest links */ showlinks(); if (Graphout && *Graphout) /* dump the edge list */ dumpgraph(); /* insert Home to get things started */ l = newlink(); /* link to get things started */ l->l_to = Home; (void) dehash(Home); insert(l); /* main mapping loop */ do { Heaphighwater = Nheap; while ((l = min_node()) != 0) { l->l_flag |= LTREE; n = l->l_to; if (n->n_flag & MAPPED) /* sanity check */ die("mapped node in heap"); if (Tflag && maptrace(n, n)) otracereport(n); /* tracing */ chkheap(1); watchgap(gap); /* debugging */ n->n_flag |= MAPPED; heapchildren(n); /* add children to heap */ } vprintf(stderr, "heap hiwat %d\nalloc %ldk, ncopy = %ld, nlink = %ld, lcopy = %ld\n", Heaphighwater, allocation(), Ncopy, Nlink, Lcopy); if (Nheap != 0) /* sanity check */ die("null entry in heap"); /* * add back links from unreachable hosts to reachable * neighbors, then remap. asymptotically, this is * quadratic; in practice, this is done once or twice, * when n is small. */ backlinks(); } while (Nheap > 0); vprintf(stderr, "minimum gap %d%%\n", (gap * 100) / Tabsize); if (Hashpart < Tabsize) { int found = 0; /* 1 ==> found something detached */ for ( ; Hashpart < Tabsize; Hashpart++) { if ((Table[Hashpart]->n_flag & ISPRIVATE) == 0) { if (found == 0) { fputs( "You can't get there from here:\n", stderr); found = 1; } putc('\t', stderr); trprint(stderr, Table[Hashpart]); putc('\n', stderr); } } if (found != 0) { putc('\n', stderr); } } } STATIC void heapchildren(n) register node *n; { register link *l; register node *next; register int mtrace; register Cost cost; for (l = n->n_link; l; l = l->l_next) { next = l->l_to; /* neighboring node */ mtrace = Tflag && maptrace(n, next); if (l->l_flag & LTREE) continue; if (l->l_flag & LTERMINAL) l->l_to = next = ncopy(n, l); if ((n->n_flag & NTERMINAL) && (l->l_flag & LALIAS)) if (skipterminalalias(n, next)) continue; else l->l_to = next = ncopy(n, l); if (next->n_flag & MAPPED) { if (mtrace) mtracereport(n, l, "-\talready mapped"); continue; } cost = costof(n, l); if (skiplink(l, n, cost, mtrace)) continue; /* * put this link in the heap and restore the * heap property. */ if (mtrace) { if (next->n_parent) mtracereport(next->n_parent, l, "*\tdrop"); mtracereport(n, l, "+\tadd"); } next->n_parent = n; if (dehash(next) == 0) { /* first time */ next->n_cost = cost; insert(l); /* insert at end */ heapup(l); } else { /* replace inferior path */ Heap[next->n_tloc] = l; if (cost > next->n_cost) { /* increase cost (gateway) */ next->n_cost = cost; heapdown(l); } else if (cost < next->n_cost) { /* cheaper route */ next->n_cost = cost; heapup(l); } } setheapbits(l); chkheap(1); } } /* * bizarro special case. this merits comment. * * n is a terminal node just sucked out of the heap, next is an alias * for n. because n is terminal, it must have one or more "copies." * if next is one of those copies, don't put next in the heap. * * does that clear things up? */ STATIC int skipterminalalias(n, next) node *n, *next; { while (n->n_flag & NALIAS) { n = n->n_parent; if (ALTEREGO(n, next)) return 1; } return 0; } /* * return 1 if we definitely don't want want this link in the * shortest path tree, 0 if we might want it, i.e., best so far. * * if tracing is turned on, report only if this node is being skipped. */ STATIC int skiplink(l, parent, cost, trace) link *l; /* new link to this node */ node *parent; /* (potential) new parent of this node */ register Cost cost; /* new cost to this node */ int trace; /* trace this link? */ { register node *n; /* this node */ register link *lheap; /* old link to this node */ n = l->l_to; /* first time we've reached this node? */ if (n->n_tloc >= Hashpart) return 0; lheap = Heap[n->n_tloc]; /* examine links to nets that require gateways */ if (GATEWAYED(n)) { /* if exactly one is a gateway, use it */ if ((lheap->l_flag & LGATEWAY) && !(l->l_flag & LGATEWAY)) { if (trace) mtracereport(parent, l, "-\told gateway"); return 1; /* old is gateway */ } if (!(lheap->l_flag & LGATEWAY) && (l->l_flag & LGATEWAY)) return 0; /* new is gateway */ /* no gateway or both gateways; resolve in standard way ... */ } /* examine dup link (sanity check) */ if (n->n_parent == parent && (DEADLINK(lheap) || DEADLINK(l))) die("dup dead link"); /* examine cost */ if (cost < n->n_cost) return 0; if (cost > n->n_cost) { if (trace) mtracereport(parent, l, "-\tcheaper"); return 1; } /* all other things being equal, ask the oracle */ if (tiebreaker(n, parent)) { if (trace) mtracereport(parent, l, "-\ttiebreaker"); return 1; } return 0; } /* compute cost to l->l_to via parent */ STATIC Cost costof(prev, l) register node *prev; register link *l; { register node *next; register Cost cost; if (l->l_flag & LALIAS) return prev->n_cost; /* by definition */ next = l->l_to; cost = prev->n_cost + l->l_cost; /* basic cost */ /* * heuristics: * charge for a dead link. * charge for getting past a terminal host * or getting out of a dead host. * charge for getting into a gatewayed net (except at a gateway). * discourage mixing of syntax (when prev is a host). * * life was simpler when pathalias computed true shortest paths. */ if (DEADLINK(l)) cost += INF; /* dead link */ if (DEADHOST(prev)) cost += INF; /* dead parent */ if (GATEWAYED(next) && !(l->l_flag & LGATEWAY)) cost += INF; /* not gateway */ if (!ISANET(prev)) { if ((NETDIR(l) == LLEFT && (prev->n_flag & HASRIGHT)) || (NETDIR(l) == LRIGHT && (prev->n_flag & HASLEFT))) cost += INF; /* mixed syntax */ } return cost; } /* binary heap implementation of priority queue */ STATIC void insert(l) link *l; { register node *n; n = l->l_to; if (n->n_flag & MAPPED) die("insert mapped node"); Heap[n->n_tloc] = 0; if (Heap[Nheap+1] != 0) die("heap error in insert"); if (Nheap++ == 0) { Heap[1] = l; n->n_tloc = 1; return; } if (Vflag && Nheap > Heaphighwater) Heaphighwater = Nheap; /* diagnostics */ /* insert at the end. caller must heapup(l). */ Heap[Nheap] = l; n->n_tloc = Nheap; } /* * "percolate" up the heap by exchanging with the parent. as in * min_node(), give tiebreaker() a chance to produce better, stable * routes by moving nets and domains close to the root, nets closer * than domains. * * i know this seems obscure, but it's harmless and cheap. trust me. */ STATIC void heapup(l) link *l; { register long cindx, pindx; /* child, parent indices */ register Cost cost; register node *child, *parent; child = l->l_to; cost = child->n_cost; for (cindx = child->n_tloc; cindx > 1; cindx = pindx) { pindx = cindx / 2; if (Heap[pindx] == 0) /* sanity check */ die("impossible error in heapup"); parent = Heap[pindx]->l_to; if (cost > parent->n_cost) return; /* net/domain heuristic */ if (cost == parent->n_cost) { if (!ISANET(child)) return; if (!ISADOMAIN(parent)) return; if (ISADOMAIN(child)) return; } heapswap(cindx, pindx); } } /* extract min (== Heap[1]) from heap */ STATIC link * min_node() { link *rval, *lastlink; if (Nheap == 0) return 0; rval = Heap[1]; /* return this one */ /* move last entry into root and reheap */ lastlink = Heap[Nheap]; Heap[Nheap] = 0; if (--Nheap) { Heap[1] = lastlink; lastlink->l_to->n_tloc = 1; heapdown(lastlink); /* restore heap property */ } return rval; } /* * swap Heap[i] with smaller child, iteratively down the tree. * * given the opportunity, attempt to place nets and domains * near the root. this helps tiebreaker() shun domain routes. */ STATIC void heapdown(l) link *l; { register long pindx, cindx; node *child, *rchild, *parent; pindx = l->l_to->n_tloc; parent = Heap[pindx]->l_to; /* invariant */ for ( ; (cindx = pindx * 2) <= Nheap; pindx = cindx) { /* pick lhs or rhs child */ child = Heap[cindx]->l_to; if (cindx < Nheap) { /* compare with rhs child */ rchild = Heap[cindx+1]->l_to; /* * use rhs child if smaller than lhs child. * if equal, use rhs if net or domain. */ if (child->n_cost > rchild->n_cost) { child = rchild; cindx++; } else if (child->n_cost == rchild->n_cost) if (ISANET(rchild)) { child = rchild; cindx++; } } /* child is the candidate for swapping */ if (parent->n_cost < child->n_cost) break; /* * heuristics: * move nets/domains up * move nets above domains */ if (parent->n_cost == child->n_cost) { if (!ISANET(child)) break; if (ISANET(parent) && ISADOMAIN(child)) break; } heapswap(pindx, cindx); } } /* exchange Heap[i] and Heap[j] pointers */ STATIC void heapswap(i, j) long i, j; { register link *temp; temp = Heap[i]; Heap[i] = Heap[j]; Heap[j] = temp; Heap[j]->l_to->n_tloc = j; Heap[i]->l_to->n_tloc = i; } /* return 1 if n is already de-hashed (n_tloc < Hashpart), 0 o.w. */ STATIC int dehash(n) register node *n; { if (n->n_tloc < Hashpart) return 1; /* swap with entry in Table[Hashpart] */ Table[Hashpart]->n_tloc = n->n_tloc; Table[n->n_tloc] = Table[Hashpart]; Table[Hashpart] = n; n->n_tloc = Hashpart++; return 0; } /* * everything reachable has been mapped. what to do about any * unreachable hosts? the sensible thing to do is to dump them on * stderr and be done with it. unfortunately, there are hundreds of * such hosts in the usenet maps. so we take the low road: for each * unreachable host, we add a back link from its cheapest mapped child, * in the faint that a reverse path works. * * beats me why people want their error output in their map databases. */ STATIC void backlinks() { register link *l; register node *n, *child; node *nomap; long i; /* hosts from Hashpart to Tabsize are unreachable */ for (i = Hashpart; i < Tabsize; i++) { nomap = Table[i]; /* if a copy has been mapped, we're ok */ if (nomap->n_copy != nomap) { dehash(nomap); Table[nomap->n_tloc] = 0; nomap->n_tloc = 0; continue; } /* TODO: simplify this */ /* add back link from minimal cost child */ child = 0; for (l = nomap->n_link; l; l = l->l_next) { n = l->l_to; /* never ever ever crawl out of a domain */ if (ISADOMAIN(n)) continue; if ((n = mappedcopy(n)) == 0) continue; if (child == 0) { child = n; continue; } if (n->n_cost > child->n_cost) continue; if (n->n_cost == child->n_cost) { nomap->n_parent = child; /* for tiebreaker */ if (tiebreaker(nomap, n)) continue; } child = n; } if (child == 0) continue; (void) dehash(nomap); l = addlink(child, nomap, INF, DEFNET, DEFDIR); /* INF cost */ nomap->n_parent = child; nomap->n_cost = costof(child, l); insert(l); heapup(l); if (Vflag > 1) fprintf(stderr, "backlink: %s <- %s\n", nomap->n_name, child->n_name); } vprintf(stderr, "%d backlinks\n", Nheap); } /* find a mapped copy of n if it exists */ STATIC node * mappedcopy(n) register node *n; { register node *ncp; if (n->n_flag & MAPPED) return n; for (ncp = n->n_copy; ncp != n; ncp = ncp->n_copy) if (ncp->n_flag & MAPPED) return ncp; return 0; } /* * l has just been added or changed in the heap, * so reset the state bits for l->l_to. */ STATIC void setheapbits(l) register link *l; { register node *n; register node *parent; n = l->l_to; parent = n->n_parent; n->n_flag &= ~(NALIAS|HASLEFT|HASRIGHT); /* reset */ /* record whether link is an alias */ if (l->l_flag & LALIAS) { n->n_flag |= NALIAS; /* TERMINALity is inherited by the alias */ if (parent->n_flag & NTERMINAL) n->n_flag |= NTERMINAL; } /* set left/right bits */ if (NETDIR(l) == LLEFT || (parent->n_flag & HASLEFT)) n->n_flag |= HASLEFT; if (NETDIR(l) == LRIGHT || (parent->n_flag & HASRIGHT)) n->n_flag |= HASRIGHT; } STATIC void mtracereport(from, l, excuse) node *from; link *l; char *excuse; { node *to = l->l_to; fprintf(stderr, "%-16s ", excuse); trprint(stderr, from); fputs(" -> ", stderr); trprint(stderr, to); fprintf(stderr, " (%ld, %ld, %ld) ", from->n_cost, l->l_cost, to->n_cost); if (to->n_parent) { trprint(stderr, to->n_parent); fprintf(stderr, " (%ld)", to->n_parent->n_cost); } putc('\n', stderr); } STATIC void otracereport(n) node *n; { if (n->n_parent) trprint(stderr, n->n_parent); else fputs("[root]", stderr); fputs(" -> ", stderr); trprint(stderr, n); fputs(" mapped\n", stderr); } #if 0 /* extremely time consuming, exhaustive check of heap sanity. */ chkheap(i) { int lhs, rhs; lhs = i * 2; rhs = lhs + 1; if (lhs <= Nheap) { if (Heap[i]->l_to->n_cost > Heap[lhs]->l_to->n_cost) die("chkheap failure on lhs"); chkheap(lhs); } if (rhs <= Nheap) { if (Heap[i]->l_to->n_cost > Heap[rhs]->l_to->n_cost) die("chkheap failure on rhs"); chkheap(rhs); } #if 00 /* this hasn't been used for years */ for (i = 1; i < Nheap; i++) { link *l; vprintf(stderr, "%5d %-16s", i, Heap[i]->l_to->n_name); if ((l = Heap[i]->l_to->n_link) != 0) do { vprintf(stderr, "%-16s", l->l_to->n_name); } while ((l = l->l_next) != 0); vprintf(stderr, "\n"); } for (i = Hashpart; i < Tabsize; i++) { link *l; node *n; vprintf(stderr, "%5d %-16s", i, Table[i]->n_name); if ((l = Table[i]->n_link) != 0) do { vprintf(stderr, "%-16s", l->l_to->n_name); } while ((l = l->l_next) != 0); vprintf(stderr, "\n"); } #endif /*00*/ } #endif /*0*/ #ifdef DEBUG chkgap(gap) { int newgap; newgap = Hashpart - Nheap; if (gap == -1 || newgap < gap) return newgap; return gap; } #endif
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