
This is addnode.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* pathalias -- by steve bellovin, as told to peter honeyman */
#ifndef lint
static char	*sccsid = "@(#)addnode.c	9.4 88/05/09";

#include "def.h"

#define EQ(n, s)	(*(n)->n_name == *(s) && strcmp((n)->n_name, (s)) == 0)

/* imports */
extern link *addlink();
extern node *newnode(), **newtable();
extern char *strsave();
extern int Iflag, Tflag, Vflag;
extern long Ncount, Tabsize;
extern char **Argv;
extern void atrace(), die();

/* exports */
node *addnode(), *addprivate();
void alias(), hashanalyze(), fixprivate(), penalize();

#ifdef M_I286

 * for the '286 we create a static "huge" table.
 * this avoids the CPU overhead of hmalloc() [huge malloc].
#ifndef TABSIZE
# define TABSIZE    21499L      /* chosen from Primes[] array below */
node* huge Table[TABSIZE];              /* hash table ^ priority queue */
long Tabsize;                           /* size of Table */

#else   /* !M_I286 */

node **Table;                           /* hash table ^ priority queue */
long Tabsize;                           /* size of Table */

#endif  /* !M_I286 */

/* privates */
STATIC void crcinit(), rehash(), lowercase();
STATIC long fold();
STATIC long hash();
STATIC node *isprivate();
static node *Private;	/* list of private nodes in current input file */
 * these numbers are chosen because:
 *	-> they are prime,
 *	-> they are monotonic increasing,
 *	-> each is a tad smaller than a multiple of 1024,
 *	-> they form a fibonacci sequence (almost).
 * the first point yields good hash functions, the second is used for the
 * standard re-hashing implementation of open addressing, the third
 * optimizes for quirks in some mallocs i have seen, and the fourth simply
 * appeals to me.
#ifndef M_I286
static long Primes[] = {
	1021, 2039, 3067, 5113, 8179, 13309, 21499, 34807, 56311, 0
#endif  /* !M_I286 */

static int	Tabindex;
static long	Tab128;		/* Tabsize * 128 */

node	*
	register char *name;
{	register long i;
	register node *n;

	if (Iflag)

	/* is it a private host? */
	n = isprivate(name);
	if (n)
		return n;

	i = hash(name, 0);
	if (Table[i]) 
		return Table[i];

	n = newnode();
	n->n_name = strsave(name);
	Table[i] = n;
	n->n_tloc = i;	/* essentially a back link to the table */

	return n;

alias(n1, n2)
	node *n1, *n2;
	link	*l;

	if (ISADOMAIN(n1) && ISADOMAIN(n2)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: domain alias %s = %s is illegal\n", Argv[0], n1->n_name, n2->n_name);
	l = addlink(n1, n2, (Cost) 0, DEFNET, DEFDIR);
	l->l_flag |= LALIAS;
	l = addlink(n2, n1, (Cost) 0, DEFNET, DEFDIR);
	l->l_flag |= LALIAS;
	if (Tflag)
		atrace(n1, n2);

 * fold a string into a long int.  31 bit crc (from andrew appel).
 * the crc table is computed at run time by crcinit() -- we could
 * precompute, but it takes 1 clock tick on a 750.
 * This fast table calculation works only if POLY is a prime polynomial
 * in the field of integers modulo 2.  Since the coefficients of a
 * 32-bit polynomail won't fit in a 32-bit word, the high-order bit is
 * implicit.  IT MUST ALSO BE THE CASE that the coefficients of orders
 * 31 down to 25 are zero.  Happily, we have candidates, from
 * E. J.  Watson, "Primitive Polynomials (Mod 2)", Math. Comp. 16 (1962):
 *	x^32 + x^7 + x^5 + x^3 + x^2 + x^1 + x^0
 *	x^31 + x^3 + x^0
 * We reverse the bits to get:
 *	111101010000000000000000000000001 but drop the last 1
 *         f   5   0   0   0   0   0   0
 *	010010000000000000000000000000001 ditto, for 31-bit crc
 *	   4   8   0   0   0   0   0   0

#define POLY32 0xf5000000L      /* 32-bit polynomial */
#define POLY31 0x48000000L      /* 31-bit polynomial */
#define POLY POLY31	/* use 31-bit to avoid sign problems */

static long CrcTable[128];

{	register int i,j;
	register long sum;

	for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
		sum = 0;
		for (j = 7-1; j >= 0; --j)
			if (i & (1 << j))
				sum ^= POLY >> j;
		CrcTable[i] = sum;

	register char *s;
{	register long sum = 0;
	register int c, i;

	while (c = *s++) {
		i = (c ^ (int) sum) & 0x7F;
		sum = (sum >> 7) ^ CrcTable[i];
	return sum;

#define HASH1(n) ((n) % Tabsize);
#define HASH2(n) (Tabsize - 2 - ((n) % (Tabsize-2)))	/* sedgewick */

 * when alpha is 0.79, there should be 2 probes per access (gonnet).
 * use long constant to force promotion.  Tab128 biases HIGHWATER by
 * 128/100 for reduction in strength in isfull().
 * note that for the '286, Table[] is static, so underestimating its
 * capacity is not useful.
#ifdef M_I286
#define HIGHWATER       99L
#define HIGHWATER	79L
#define isfull(n)	((n) * 128 >= Tab128)
hash(name, unique)
	char *name;
{	register long probe;
	register long hash2;
	register node *n;

	if (isfull(Ncount)) {
		if (Tabsize == 0) {		/* first time */
			Tabindex = 0;
#ifdef  M_I286
			Tabsize = TABSIZE;
			Tabsize = Primes[0];
			Table = newtable(Tabsize);
			Tab128 = (HIGHWATER * Tabsize * 128L)/100L;
		} else
			rehash();		/* more, more! */

	probe = fold(name);
	hash2 = HASH2(probe);
	probe = HASH1(probe);

	 * probe the hash table.
	 * if unique is set, we require a fresh slot.
	 * otherwise, use double hashing to find either
	 *  (1) an empty slot, or
	 *  (2) a non-private copy of this host name
	 * this is an "inner loop."
	while ((n = Table[probe]) != 0) {
		if (EQ(n, name) && !(n->n_flag & ISPRIVATE) && !unique)
			return probe;	/* this is it! */

		probe -= hash2;		/* double hashing */
		if (probe < 0)
			probe += Tabsize;
	return probe;					/* brand new */

#ifdef M_I286
	die("Too many hosts!  Increase TABSIZE and recompile");
#else   /* !M_I286 */
	register node **otable, **optr;
	register long probe;
	long osize;

#ifdef DEBUG
	optr = Table + Tabsize - 1;	/* ptr to last */
	otable = Table;
	osize = Tabsize;
	Tabsize = Primes[++Tabindex];
	if (Tabsize == 0)
		die("too many hosts");	/* need more prime numbers */
	vprintf(stderr, "rehash into %d\n", Tabsize);
	Table = newtable(Tabsize);
	Tab128 = (HIGHWATER * Tabsize * 128L)/100L;

	do {
		if (*optr == 0)
			continue;	/* empty slot in old table */
		probe = hash((*optr)->n_name, (int) ((*optr)->n_flag & ISPRIVATE));
		if (Table[probe] != 0)
			die("rehash error");
		Table[probe] = *optr;
		(*optr)->n_tloc = probe;
	} while (optr-- > otable);
	freetable(otable, osize);
#endif  /* !M_I286 */

#if 0
{ 	long	probe, hash2;
	int	count, i, collision[8];
	int	longest = 0, total = 0, slots = 0, longprobe = 0;
	int	nslots = sizeof(collision)/sizeof(collision[0]);

	if (!Vflag)

	strclear((char *) collision, sizeof(collision));
	for (i = 0; i < Tabsize; i++) {
		if (Table[i] == 0)
		/* private hosts too hard to account for ... */
		if (Table[i]->n_flag & ISPRIVATE)
		count = 1;
		probe = fold(Table[i]->n_name);
		/* don't change the order of the next two lines */
		hash2 = HASH2(probe);
		probe = HASH1(probe);
		/* thank you! */
		while (Table[probe] != 0
		    && strcmp(Table[probe]->n_name, Table[i]->n_name) != 0) {
			probe -= hash2;
			if (probe < 0)
				probe += Tabsize;
		if (Table[probe] == 0)
			die("impossible hash error");
		total += count;
		if (count > longest) {
			longest = count;
			longprobe = i;
		if (count >= nslots)
			count = 0;
	for (i = 1; i < nslots; i++)
		if (collision[i])
			fprintf(stderr, "%d chains: %d (%ld%%)\n",
				i, collision[i], (collision[i] * 100L)/ slots);
		if (collision[0])
			fprintf(stderr, "> %d chains: %d (%ld%%)\n",
				nslots - 1, collision[0],
				(collision[0] * 100L)/ slots);
	fprintf(stderr, "%2.2f probes per access, longest chain: %d, %s\n",
		(double) total / slots, longest, Table[longprobe]->n_name);
	if (Vflag < 2)
	probe = fold(Table[longprobe]->n_name);
	hash2 = HASH2(probe);
	probe = HASH1(probe);
	while (Table[probe] != 0
	    && strcmp(Table[probe]->n_name, Table[longprobe]->n_name) != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%5d %s\n", probe, Table[probe]->n_name);
		probe -= hash2;
		if (probe < 0)
			probe += Tabsize;
	fprintf(stderr, "%5d %s\n", probe, Table[probe]->n_name);
	/* the hash algorithms are perfect -- leave them alone */

/* convert to lower case in place */
	register char *s;
	do {
		if (isupper(*s))
			*s -= 'A' - 'a';	/* ASCII */
	} while (*s++);

 * this might need change if privates catch on
STATIC node *
	register char *name;
{	register node *n;

	for (n = Private; n != 0; n = n->n_private)
		if (strcmp(name, n->n_name) == 0)
			return n;
	return 0;

{	register node *n, *next;
	register long i;

	for (n = Private; n != 0; n = next) {
		n->n_flag |= ISPRIVATE;		/* overkill, but safe */
		i = hash(n->n_name, 1);
		if (Table[i] != 0)
			die("impossible private node error");
		Table[i] = n;
		n->n_tloc = i;	/* essentially a back link to the table */
		next = n->n_private;
		n->n_private = 0;	/* clear for later use */
	Private = 0;

node *
	register char *name;
{	register node *n;

	if (Iflag)
	if ((n = isprivate(name)) != 0)
		return n;

	n = newnode();
	n->n_name = strsave(name);
	n->n_private = Private;
	Private = n;
	return n;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.