
This is mkdepend.sh in view mode; [Download] [Up]

# @(#)conf/lib/mkdepend.sh	1.3 02 Dec 1990 06:14:18
# build a list of dependencies and insert them at the end of the make file
# usage: makedepend -Idir ... makefile file.c ...
#    Copyright (C) 1987, 1988 Ronald S. Karr and Landon Curt Noll
# See the file COPYING, distributed with smail, for restriction
# and warranty information.

# gather together the -Idir arguments to be passed to cc
while expr "$1" : "-I.*" > /dev/null; do
    IDIRS="$IDIRS $1"

# get the name of the makefile from the first arg and drop it

# remove any previous attempts at building the new makefile
/bin/rm -f X$makefile

# remove everything in the makefile after the magic line
# and append the dependency information
( sed '/^# DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE/q' < $makefile;
  echo '# Miscellaneous dependencies'

  # build dependencies for all files in the arg list
  for i in "$@"; do
	# ignore empty arguments
	if [ ! "$i" ]; then

	# the following line grabs all of the included files
	cc -E -DDEPEND $IDIRS "$i" |
		# grab filenames from /lib/cpp line and filename information
		# this is of the form:
		#	# line-number "filename"
		# the compiler with the sun 3 produces extra garbage after
		# the quoted filename.
		sed -n 's/^#[ 	]*[0-9]*[ 	]*"\(.*\)"[ 0-9]*$/\1/p' |
		sed 's%^\./%%' |	# remove ./ prefixes
		# next remove 
		sort | uniq |
		# use awk to put a reasonable number of them on a line
		awk '
		    BEGIN {
			objfile=substr(srcfile, 1, length(srcfile)-2) ".o"
			line=objfile ": "
			n = 0
		    { if (length(line) + length($0) > 78 && n > 0) {
			 print line ""; line=objfile ": "; n = 0;
		      line=line " " $0; n++;
		    END { if (n > 0) { print line } }'
  done ) > X$makefile

# save a backup copy and replace the old makefile with the new one
mv -f $makefile .$makefile
mv X$makefile $makefile

# all done
exit 0

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