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 FAULT (liability-wise) AND I MAY NOT KNOW HOW TO FIX IT.\
 It's sendmail, be careful.  If you aren't sure what you're doing, should you\
 be doing it?  Only if you backed up everything first.\
 Remember: your computer, your responsibility"\

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(thanks to TjL for suggesting the above wording).\
Make sure you have read and understand the above.  Make sure that you have backed up your working sendmail system and know how to revert to it if this installation fails.  This package is distributed free of charge, without support.\
This sendmail package is radically different from the "stock" version that comes with NS3.3 or OS 4.2, since is is much more recent. The binaries have been compiled with MaxMimeHeaderLength.  The installer package installs all necessary binaries, man pages, and configuration file libraries, but does VERY MINIMAL backing up of existing files.  Once the sendmail.8.9.3.pkg is installed, there are three things you must do to generate a sendmail.cf; files and instructions are provided.  This requires a utility called m4 (version 1.4 or greater).  You can get this (m4 version 1.4) from:\
Note that this version of m4 must be installed in /usr/local/bin for the installation scripts to work.  You should probably move the m4 utility in /usr/bin to m4.old to ensure that only the new version is used.\
	A.  Log in as root.\
	B.  Back up whatever you need to restore your current sendmail if you don't like the new one.\
	C.  Make sure that you have m4 version 1.4 or later, installed in /usr/local/bin.\
	D.  Locate the "sendmail.8.9.3.pkg" distribution.\
	E.  Double-click the "sendmail.8.9.3.pkg" icon and complete the package installation.\
	F.  The three things that you'll have to do after successfully installing  sendmail.8.9.3.pkg installation are: \
		1.  Make some modifications to netinfo\
		2.  Configure a few files (provided) for use with an m4 script to generate a new sendmail.cf file.\
		3.  kill the current sendmail process and restart (can be done by rebooting).\
To accomplish these three steps, go to ONE of the following folders, and see the file README***.rtfd in that folder for the details required to complete three steps described above:\
STANDALONE: If your machine is the sole netinfo domain (ie, you do not rely on another machine for netinfo information), you are probably a standalone machine.  Typical standalone machines connect to an isp or university system for an internet connection, but don't need the network for anything other than an internet connection. Use one of the following folders to configure sendmail:\
NETWORK:  A sysadmin administering a network with a master netinfo server, a machine which  acts as the network mailhost, and client machines which forward mail to the hub (mailhost) machine should use the following two folders to set up the mailhost machine and client machines:\
--The /etc/sendmail/Standalone is highly recommended for standalone machines. \
--The /etc/sendmail/RelayAndGenerics is a less-preferred alternate configuration for standalone machines, which relays all out-of-host mail to an ISP's mailhost for further delivery.  Most standalones which connect to a university system seem to use this, although the Standalone folder is probably still a better solution.\
--The /etc/sendmail/NetworkMailhost and /etc/sendmail/Client are POSSIBLE solutions for a "LAN" type setup; these two are suggestions, it is really up to the network SYSADMIN to determine if these fit into the network solution or not.\
IV.  If you have previously installed sendmail 8.9.x, the Netinfo portion of these instructions may already be in place, but be sure. On standalone systems, the /etc/service.switch file installed should preclude a need for a defined mailhost, if this was done for a previous sendmail 8.9.x installation.\
V.  File placement.  The package installs files where an install of sendmail8.9.3 would:\
/usr/etc:  mailstats, makemap, praliases\
/usr/lib:  mail.local, sendmail, sendmail.hf, smrsh\
man pages for the above are installed to /NextLibrary/Documentation/ManPages/cat(1,5,8) and\
Any existing /etc/sendmail folder is moved to /etc/sendmail.pre893, and  any existing /etc/service.switch is moved to /etc/service.switch.pre893, and new versions of these installed.\
Any existing /usr/lib/sendmail, /usr/lib/sendmail.hf, /NextLibrary/Documentation/ManPages/cat8/sendmail.8, and /NextLibrary/Documentation/ManPages/man8/sendmail.8 are moved to the same folder with a ".pre893" extension.\
VI.  MAX_MIME_HEADER_LENGTH has been compiled into the sendmail binary, and the /etc/sendmail.cf is configured for MaxMimeHeaderLength if the instructions above are followed.  A discussion of MaxMimeHeaderLength can be found at ftp://ftp.sendmail.org/pub/sendmail/sendmail.8.9.1a.patch.README.\
VII.  The following measures are automatically built into your sendmail.cf:  rbl (an anti-spam measure) and the Privacy Flags noexpn and authwarnings.  The smrsh binary is installed (in /usr/lib) but sendmail.cf is NOT configured to use smrsh by default.  SMRSH CAN CAUSE MAIL TO BOUNCE, PARTICULARLY IN THE CASE OF COMPLICATED .forward FILES; YOU SHOULD NOT ENABLE THIS FEATURE UNLESS YOU CAN TROUBLESHOOT/FIX ANY PROBLEMS THAT ARISE. To enable smrsh, place the following line in mydomain.m4 as one of the  FEATURES:\
and creating the folder /usr/adm/sm.bin...see the smrsh man page for details and other info about using smrsh.\
VIII.  If you have any suggestions or comments please forward them to:\
NeXTMail preferred/MIME welcome\


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.