
[View flock.c] 
[View flock.h] 
[View pop_bull.c] 
[View pop_dele.c] 
[View pop_dropcopy.c] 
[View pop_get_command.c] 
[View pop_get_subcommand.c] 
[View pop_init.c] 
[View pop_last.c] 
[View pop_list.c] 
[View pop_log.c] 
[View pop_lower.c] 
[View pop_msg.c] 
[View pop_parse.c] 
[View pop_pass.c] 
[View pop_quit.c] 
[View pop_rset.c] 
[View pop_send.c] 
[View pop_stat.c] 
[View pop_uidl.c] 
[View pop_updt.c] 
[View pop_user.c] 
[View pop_xmit.c] 
[View pop_xtnd.c] 
[View popper.c] 
[View popper.h] 
[View version.h] 
[View xtnd_xlst.c] 


@(#)@(#)README	2.6   2.6 4/2/91

The Post Office Protocol Server:  Installation Guide


The Post Office Protocol server runs on a variety of Unix[1] computers
to manage electronic mail for Macintosh and MS-DOS computers.  The
server was developed at the University of California at Berkeley and
conforms fully to the specifications in RFC 1081[2] and RFC 1082[3].
The Berkeley server also has extensions to send electronic mail on
behalf of a client.

This guide explains how to install the POP server on your Unix
computer.  It assumes that you are not only familiar with Unix but also
capable of performing Unix system administration.

How to Obtain the Server

The POP server is available via anonymous ftp from ftp.CC.Berkeley.EDU
(,  It is in two files in the pub directory:
a compressed tar file popper-version.tar.Z and a Macintosh StuffIt archive
in BinHex format called MacPOP.sit.hqx.

Contents of the Distribution

The distribution contains the following:

+   All of the C source necessary to create the server program.

+   A visual representation of how the POP system works.

+   Reprints of RFC 1081 and RFC 1082.

+   A HyperCard stack POP client implementation using MacTCP.

+   A man page for the popper daemon.

+   This guide.


The Berkeley POP server has been successfully tested on the following
Unix operating systems:

+   Berkeley Systems Distribution 4.3

+   Sun Microsystems Operating System versions 3.5 and 4.0

+   Ultrix version 2.3

The following POP clients operate correctly with the Berkeley POP server:

+   The Berkeley HyperMail HyperCard stack for the Apple Macintosh 
    (distributed with the server).

+   The Stanford University Macintosh Internet Protocol MacMH program.

+   The Stanford University Personal Computer Internet Protocol MH 

+   The mh version 6.0 programs for Unix.


The Berkeley POP server is not officially supported and is without any
warranty, explicit or implied.  However, we are interested in your
experiences using the server.  Bugs, comments and suggestions should be
sent electronically to netinfo@garnet.Berkeley.EDU.

Operational Characteristics

The POP Transaction Cycle

The Berkeley POP server is a single program (called popper) that is
launched by inetd when it gets a service request on the POP TCP port.
(The official port number specified in RFC 1081 for POP version 3 is
port 110.  However, some POP3 clients attempt to contact the server at
port 109, the POP version 2 port.  Unless you are running both POP2 and
POP3 servers, you can simply define both ports for use by the POP3
server.  This is explained in the installation instructions later on.)
The popper program initializes and verifies that the peer IP address is
registered in the local domain, logging a warning message when a
connection is made to a client whose IP address does not have a
canonical name.  For systems using BSD 4.3 bind, it also checks to see
if a cannonical name lookup for the client returns the same peer IP
address, logging a warning message if it does not.  The the server
enters the authorization state, during which the client must correctly
identify itself by providing a valid Unix userid and password on the
server's host machine.  No other exchanges are allowed during this
state (other than a request to quit.)  If authentication fails, a
warning message is logged and the session ends.  Once the user is
identified, popper changes its user and group ids to match that of the
user and enters the transaction state.  The server makes a temporary
copy of the user's maildrop (ordinarily in /usr/spool/mail) which is
used for all subsequent transactions.  These include the bulk of POP
commands to retrieve mail, delete mail, undelete mail, and so forth.  A
Berkeley extension also allows the user to submit a mail parcel to the
server who mails it using the sendmail program (this extension is
supported in the HyperMail client distributed with the server).  When
the client quits, the server enters the final update state during which
the network connection is terminated and the user's maildrop is updated
with the (possibly) modified temporary maildrop.


The POP server uses syslog to keep a record of its activities.  On
systems with BSD 4.3 syslogging, the server logs (by default) to the
"local0" facility at priority "notice" for all messages except
debugging which is logged at priority "debug".  The default log file is
/usr/spool/mqueue/POPlog.  These can be changed, if desired.  On
systems with 4.2 syslogging all messages are logged to the local log
file, usually /usr/spool/mqueue/syslog.


If the filesystem which holds the /usr/spool/mail fills up users will 
experience difficulties.  The filesystem must have enough space to hold
(approximately) two copies of the largest mail box.  Popper (v1.81 and
above) is designed to be robust in the face of this problem, but you may
end up with a situation where some of the user's mail is in


and some of the mail is in


If this happens the System Administrator should clear enough disk space
so that the filesystem has at least as much free disk as both mailboxes
hold and probably a little more.  Then the user should initiate a POP
session, and do nothing but quit.  If the POP session ends without an
error the user can then use POP or another mail program to clean up his/her

Alternatively, the System Administrator can combine the two files (but
popper will do this for you if there is enough disk space).


The popper program will log debugging information when the -d parameter
is specified after its invocation in the inetd.conf file.  Care should
be exercised in using this option since it generates considerable
output in the syslog file.  Alternatively, the "-t <file-name>" option
will place debugging information into file "<file-name>" using fprintf
instead of syslog.  (To enable debugging, you must edit the Makefile
to add -DDEBUG to the compiler options.)

For SunOS version 3.5, the popper program is launched by inetd from
/etc/servers.  This file does not allow you to specify command line
arguments.  Therefore, if you want to enable debugging, you can specify
a shell script in /etc/servers to be launched instead of popper and in
this script call popper with the desired arguments.


1.  Examine this file for the latest information, warnings, etc.

2.  Check the Makefile for conformity with your system.

3.  Issue the make command in the directory containing the popper 

4.  Issue the make install command in the directory containing the 
    popper source to copy the program to /usr/etc.

5.  Enable syslogging:

    +   For systems with 4.3 syslogging:

        Add the following line to the /etc/syslog.conf file:

            local0.notice;local0.debug  /usr/spool/mqueue/POPlog

        Create the empty file /usr/spool/mqueue/POPlog.

        Kill and restart the syslogd daemon.

    +   For systems with 4.2 syslogging:

        Be sure that you are logging messages of priority 7 and higher.  
        For example:


6.  Update /etc/services:

    Add the following line to the /etc/services file:

        pop 110/tcp

    Note:  This is the official port number for version 3 of the
    Post Office Protocol as defined in RFC 1081.  However, some
    POP3 clients use port 109, the port number for the previous
    version (2) of POP.  Therefore you may also want to add the
    following line to the /etc/services file:

    pop2    109/tcp

    For Sun systems running yp, also do the following:

    +   Change to the /var/yp directory.

    +   Issue the make services command.

7.  Update the inetd daemon configuration.  Include the second line ONLY if you
    are running the server at both ports.

    +   On BSD 4.3 and SunOS 4.0 systems, add the following line to the 
        /etc/inetd.conf file:

        pop stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/popper popper
        pop2 stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/popper popper

    +   On Ultrix systems, add the following line to the 
        /etc/inetd.conf file:

        pop stream tcp nowait /usr/etc/popper popper
        pop2 stream tcp nowait /usr/etc/popper popper

    +   On SunOS 3.5 systems, add the following line to the 
        /etc/servers file:

        pop tcp /usr/etc/popper
        pop2 tcp /usr/etc/popper

        Kill and restart the inetd daemon.

You can confirm that the POP server is running on Unix by telneting to
port 110 (or 109 if you set it up that way).  For example:

%telnet myhost 110
Connected to myhost.berkeley.edu.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK UCB Pop server (version 1.6) at myhost starting.
Connection closed by foreign host.

Release Notes

	Unlinking temporary drop file (safely). (Steve Dorner, 12/12/91)

	Make sure user's shell is in /etc/shells. (Paul Pomes)
	Timeout added. (Steve Dorner, 12/5/91)

1.83    Make sure that everything we do as root is non-destructive.

1.82	Make the /usr/spool/mail/.userid.pop file owned by the user rather
	than owned by root.

1.81	There were two versions of 1.7 floating around, 1.7b4 and 1.7b5.
	The difference is that 1.7b5 attempted to save disk space on 
	/usr/spool/mail by deleting the users permanent maildrop after
	making the temporary copy.  Unfortunately, if compiled with 
	-DDEBUG, this version could easily wipe out a users' mail file.
	This is now fixed.

	This version also fixes a security hole for systems that have
	/usr/spool/mail writeable by all users.

	With this version we go to all new SCCS IDs for all files.  This
	is unfortunate, and we hope it is not too much of a problem.

	Thanks to Steve Dorner of UIUC for pointing out the major problem.

1.7     Extensive re-write of the maildrop processing code contributed by 
        Viktor Dukhovni <viktor@math.princeton.edu> that greatly reduces the
        possibility that the maildrop can be corrupted as the result of
        simultaneous access by two or more processes.

        Added "pop_dropcopy" module to create a temporary maildrop from
        the existing, standard maildrop as root before the setuid and 
        setgid for the user is done.  This allows the temporary maildrop
        to be created in a mail spool area that is not world read-writable.

        This version does *not* send the sendmail "From " delimiter line
        in response to a TOP or RETR command.

        Encased all debugging code in #ifdef DEBUG constructs.  This code can
        be included by specifying the DEGUG compiler flag.  Note:  You still
        need to use the -d or -t option to obtain debugging output.

1.6     Corrects a bug that causes the server to crash on SunOS
        4.0 systems.

        Uses varargs and vsprintf (if available) in pop_log and
        pop_msg.  This is enabled by the "HAVE_VSPRINTF"
        compiler flag.

        For systems with BSD 4.3 bind, performs a cannonical
        name lookup and searches the returned address(es) for
        the client's address, logging a warning message if it
        is not located.  This is enabled by the "BIND43"
        comiler flag.

        Removed all the includes from popper.h and distributed
        them throughout the porgrams files, as needed.

        Reformatted the source to convert tabs to spaces and
        shorten lines for display on 80-column terminals.

1.5     Creates the temporary maildrop with mode "600" and
        immediately unlinks it.

        Uses client's IP address in lieu of a canonical name if
        the latter cannot be obtained.

        Added "-t <file-name>" option.  The presence of this
        option causes debugging output to be placed in the file
        "file-name" using fprintf instead of the system log
        file using syslog.

        Corrected maildrop parsing problem.

1.4     Copies user's mail into a temporary maildrop on which
        all subsequent activity is performed.

        Added "pop_log" function and replaced "syslog" calls
        throughout the code with it.

1.3     Corrected updating of Status: header line.

        Added strncasecmp for systems that do not have one.
        Used strncasecmp in all appropriate places.  This is
        enabled by the STRNCASECMP compiler flag.

1.2     Support for version 4.2 syslogging added.  This is
        enabled by the SYSLOG42 compiler flag.

1.1     Several bugs fixed.

1.0     Original version.


+   The POP server copies the user's entire maildrop to /tmp and
    then operates on that copy.  If the maildrop is particularly
    large, or inadequate space is available in /tmp, then the
    server will refuse to continue and terminate the connection.

+   Simultaneous modification of a single maildrop can result in 
    confusing results.  For example, manipulating messages in a
    maildrop using the Unix /usr/ucb/mail command while a copy of
    it is being processed by the POP server can cause the changes
    made by one program to be lost when the other terminates.  This
    problem is being worked on and will be fixed in a later


The POP server was written by Edward Moy and Austin Shelton with
contributions from Robert Campbell (U.C. Berkeley) and Viktor Dukhovni
(Princeton University).  Edward Moy wrote the HyperMail stack and drew
the POP operation diagram.  This installation guide was written by
Austin Shelton.


[1] Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California.
    All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
    specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.  Unix is
    a registered trademark of AT&T corporation.  HyperCard and
    Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Corporation.

[2] M. Rose, Post Office Protocol - Version 3.  RFC  1081, NIC, 
    November 1988.

[3] M. Rose, Post Office Protocol - Version 3 Extended Service 
    Offerings.  RFC 1082, NIC, November 1988.


Release Notes:

popper-1.831beta is no longer beta	30 July 91
	Removed popper-1.7.tar.Z

popper-1.831beta.tar.Z	03 April 91
	Changed mkstemp to mktemp for Ultrix.  Sigh.

popper-1.83beta.tar.Z	02 April 91

	This version makes certain that while running as root we do nothing
	at all destructive.

popper-1.82beta.tar.Z	27 March 91

	This version fixes problems on Encore MultiMax and some Sun releases
	which wouldn't allow a user to ftruncate() a file from an open
	file descripter unless the user owns the file.  Now the user
	owns the /usr/spool/mail/.userid.pop file.  Thanks to Ben Levy
	of FTP Software and Henry Holtzman of Apple.

popper-1.81beta.tar.Z	20 March 91

	This version of popper is supposed to fix three problems reported
	with various versions of popper (all called 1.7 or 1.7something).

	1)  Dropped network connections meant lost mail files.  Some 1.7
	    versions also risked corrupting mail files.

	2)  Some versions of 1.7 created temporary drop files with world
	    read and write permissions.

	3)  Some versions of 1.7 were not careful about opening the temporary
	    drop file.

popper-1.7.tar.Z       09 September 90	(updated 20 March 91)

	This version will exhibit the first problem listed above if it is
	compiled with -DDEBUG and run without the "-d" (debug) flag.

	If it is compiled without -DDEBUG it will exhibit only the second
	and third bug listed above.

Cliff Frost	poptest@nettlesome.berkeley.edu
UC Berkeley


Post Office Protocol (POP) servers for NEXTSTEP        12-Aug-94

The makefile make.next has options set to compile this version of
popper on NEXTSTEP 3.2.  The compilation and the server have run on 
a NeXTstation running NS 3.2.

I had to modify pop_bull.c and pop_pass.c from the Qualcomm sources in
order to get the correct DIR stuct included.  See *.dist for originals
of modified files.  I also renamed and merged some of the README.* files.
The sources came from ftp://ftp.qualcomm.com/quest/unix/servers/popper/

To make the MAB executable

% make next

To install,
% make install.next installman

To change the compilation you should edit Makefile and/or make.next.

Other installation details:

As root you will need to add entry(s) to the services:

# (echo pop 110/tcp; echo pop2 109/tcp) | niload services .

And you will need to add the following line(s) to /private/etc/inetd.conf

pop            stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/popper popper
pop2           stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/popper popper

Be sure to get the paths right.  Then jog the inetd to read the new entries:

# kill -HUP `ps cx | fgrep inetd | awk '{print $1}'`

See the man page for debugging and logging options.

Hugh Secker-Walker   |   hugh@hodain.ci.net 
(NeXTmail ok)        |   hugh@ear.mit.edu


Popper mods contributed by John Norstad of Northwestern University


1. Properly clean up on abnormal termination and rewrite the mail drop
file. The QC3 mods to catch SIGHUP signals and time out reads were not
enough. You also have to catch SIGPIPE signals to avoid being killed
when the client connection is aborted while the server is writing
(e.g., if you cancel downloading a large message in Eudora, a common

2. Fixed some bad log messages.

3. Added a mod from Don Lewis <gdonl@gv.ssi1.com>. Under SunOS 4.1.3,
and possibly other systems, the check for null passwords doesn't work.
QC3 checked only for a null password pointer in the struct returned by
getpwnam. You also have to check for an empty string returned by

4. Added a -s command line option to generate statistics messages in
the log. One message is issued for each session:

Stats: username aaa bbb ccc ddd


aaa = number of messages deleted. 
bbb = number of bytes deleted. 
ccc = number of messages left on server. 
ddd = number of bytes left on server.

5. (The big one). Added a "POP bulletin" feature. This feature gives
system administrators a way to send important announcements to all POP
users without having to do sendmail mass mailings.

The feature is enabled via the -b command line option. This option is
followed by the path of the bulletin directory.

The bulletin directory contains one file per bulletin. Each file
contains a complete single mail message with header and body in
mailbox format. The first line of each such bulletin must be a "From "
line. The easiest way for sysadmins to create such bulletins is to
mail themselves a copy of the bulletin (using the account to which
they want replies to be sent), then use their mail program to save the
message to a file in the bulletin directory in mailbox format. The
bulletin directory must be world readable.

The name of each bulletin file begins with the bulletin number, and
may optionally continue with any other characters. E.g., the file name
of bulletin number 23 might be:


Popper creates a file named ".popbull" in the home directory of each
user. This file contains a single line recording the highest numbered
bulletin received by the user.

Bulletins are processed by popper in pop_dropcopy.c, immediately after
copying the mail drop to the temporary mail drop, but before building
the temporary mail drop index. All bulletins which this user has not
received previously are appended to the temporary mail drop file.

When bulletins are copied to the temporary mail drop file, all "To"
header lines are replaced by "To: username@myhost". Any "Status:"
header lines are deleted. Otherwise, the bulletins are copied as is.

When a new user checks for mail the first time, popper creates the
.popbull file in the user's home directory and seeds it with the
current maximum bulletin number. Thus new users do not get old

All errors are logged and cause the bulletins to not be copied. E.g.,
if the bulletin directory cannot be located, or the .popbull file
doesn't contain a number, or a bulletin does not begin with a "From "
line, or a bulletin name does not begin with a number, etc.

I use bulletin numbers instead of last mod date/times because I want
to make it possible for a sysadmin to, for example, fix a spelling
error in a bulletin without having to force all pop users to receive a
new copy of the bulletin.

6. Changed the default timeout from 30 to 300 seconds (5 minutes).
This value should be reasonably "safe" for even slow dialup

7. Included a mod from Steve Dorner to implement a new "XTND XLST"

8. Updated the manpage.

9. Changed the version number to just plain version 2.0.

Detailed mods by source code file 


Changed version number to 2.0.



Added a call to catch SIGPIPE signals in addition to SIGHUP signals.
Both signals are treated the same way: They set the "hangup" global to
"true". Popper gets a SIGPIPE signal if the client aborts the TCP
stream while recieving data (e.g., in the middle of downloading a
large message). Popper must rewrite the mailbox file in this case. In
QC3, popper was being killed and was not rewriting the mailbox file.

Rewrote the state loop to make it a bit more clear. Fixed an error in
the QC3 log messages. QC3 was writing "POP mailbox update failed"
messages when the POP mailbox update actually succeeded, rather than
when it failed.



Added a mod from Don Lewis <gdonl@gv.ssi1.com>. Under SunOS 4.1.3, and
possibly other systems, the check for null passwords doesn't work. QC3
checked only for a null password pointer in the struct returned by
getpwnam. You also have to check for an empty string returned by



Added stats logging code. If the -s switch is specified on the popper
command line, the following log message is generated:

Stats: username aaa bbb ccc ddd


aaa = number of messages deleted 
bbb = number of bytes deleted 
ccc = number of messages left on server 
ddd = number of bytes left on server



Add a new field named "stats" to the POP struct. This integer field is
non-zero if stats are requested.

Add a new field named "bulldir" to the POP struct. This field records
the bulletin directory path, or is NULL if the bulletin feature is not
enabled via the -b switch.

Add extern declaration for pop_xlst.

Changed default timeout from 30 seconds to 300 seconds. The default
should be a "safe" value. 30 seconds isn't long enough for dialup
connections, for example.



Process the new -s command line switch.

Process the new -b command line switch.



New source file for the bulletin system.



Add call to pop_bull.



New source file for Steve Dorner's "xlst" command.



Add table entry for Steve Dorner's "xlst" command.



Add pop_bull.c and xtnd_xlst.c to CSRCS and pop_bull.o and xtnd_xlst.o
to OBJS.



Updated the manpage to describe the changes.



	This version of the popper has been handled by a few sites.  It
    has had a few enhancments added to it as well as making a small
    departure from the popper RFC.  We honor deletes and read messages
    when the request occurs.  The RFC states that messages will not
    be deleted until the QUIT command is received.  We found this to be
    a problem for dialup users who have connections fail midway through
    a session.

	We go one step further with "leave mail on server" enabled by
    marking messages read when you start to read them.  This means
    that if a session terminates abnormally while reading a message it
    will be marked as read.  This has the advantage of allowing the
    user to bypass a problem message.  The down side is that the message
    is now unavailable to the user unless they disable "leave mail on

	Read all the other readme's for more information about who
    changed what.

	The latest version is 2.1.1
	Mark Erikson

	This version of the popper was modified by Steve Dorner and Paul
    Pomes at the UIUC.edu to fix a couple of bugs and add a timeout feature.

Version - 2Q1
	It was then modified by Keith Pilotti at Qualcomm.com to write
    out changes to the temporary pop log on an abort.  This diverts from
    the Popper RFC but it made our users life much easier.  The below
    feature is only useful with Eudora's "Leave mail on Server" switch
    set (or any other client that leaves mail on the server).  Basically,
    if a user has read 5 out of 10 messages and the session dies, the
    first 5 messages are marked as read.  If the 5th message is good but
    you only receive part of it then it will be skipped (bad).  But if
    the message was bad and caused the mail client to abort then you can
    continue to receive the rest of your mail (good).

Version - 2Q2
	This version of the popper was then modified by Mark Erikson to
    add HPUX file locking calls and a shorter timeout.  The timeout can
    be configured at the command line.
	The timer for any of these versions starts after a command or
    message has been delivered and the popper is expecing input from
    the client.  If the response takes longer than the timeout then the
    popper closes down the socket and cleans up the files.

Version - 2Q3
	This version fixes a bug in the cleanup code.  If an error occurs
    during the login phase then a core file is dumped.  Annoying but not
    serious since the .user.pop file is unlocked and the popper deals with
    this old file as a matter of course.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.