


Post Office Protocol (POP) servers for NEXTSTEP        12-Aug-94

This package has two separate versions of a POP server compiled for
NEXTSTEP.  In the two subdirectories are found READMEs, stripped MAB
executables and man pages for two slightly different versions of the
popper package from Berkeley.  The executables were compiled from
sources which had to be tweaked slightly for NEXTSTEP compilation.
The sources appear in a separate package on the archives.


In popper-1.83beta you will find the 1.83beta release of the Berkeley
POP server.  The README file for this release states:
    popper-1.831beta is no longer beta  30 July 91
This version claims to conform fully to the specifications in RFC
1081[2] and RFC 1082[3].

In qpopper2.1.1 you will find a version of the server which has been
modified by Qualcomm from the Berkeley 1.83beta.  From the README

    It has had a few enhancments added to it as well as making a small
    departure from the popper RFC.  We honor deletes and read messages
    when the request occurs.  The RFC states that messages will not
    be deleted until the QUIT command is received.  We found this to be
    a problem for dialup users who have connections fail midway through
    a session.

        We go one step further with "leave mail on server" enabled by
    marking messages read when you start to read them.  This means
    that if a session terminates abnormally while reading a message it
    will be marked as read.  This has the advantage of allowing the
    user to bypass a problem message.  The down side is that the message
    is now unavailable to the user unless they disable "leave mail on

I have used both with no problems under NS 3.2 (moto), but have not
tried to exercise all the features, or even the features for which the
two differ.  The READMEs from each version are included.  You decide
which to use.


Look through the READMEs in the directories.

In both directories you will find an executable, popper, which is is
stripped MAB (i386, m68k) and should be installed in /usr/etc or

As root you will need to add entry(s) to the services:

# (echo pop 110/tcp; echo pop2 109/tcp) | niload services .

And you will need to add the following line(s) to /private/etc/inetd.conf

pop            stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/popper popper
pop2           stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/popper popper

Be sure to get the paths right.  Then jog the inetd to read the new entries:

# kill -HUP `ps cx | fgrep inetd | awk '{print $1}'`

Also, move the manual pages to the appropriate man and cat locations,
/usr/local/man/man0 and/or /usr/local/man/cat8.

See the man page for debugging and logging options.

That's about it.

Hugh Secker-Walker
Hugh Secker-Walker   |   hugh@hodain.ci.net 
(NeXTmail ok)        |   hugh@ear.mit.edu

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.