
This is spop.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#ifndef	SPOP
/* sbboards.c - MH style mailer to write to a ZOTnet BBoard */
#else	SPOP
/* spop.c - MH style mailer to write to a POP subscriber */
#endif	SPOP
#ifndef	lint
static char ident[] = "@(#)$Id: spop.c,v 1991/04/28 03:55:56 karl Exp $";
#endif	lint

#ifndef	SPOP

/* This program acts like the MMDF ch_bboards channel: it does local
   delivery to a ZOTnet BBoard and/or addition re-distribution to other
   recipients of the BBoard.  This program can function both as a SendMail
   mailer and an MH .mh_receive file, depending on whether SENDMTS or
   MHMTS is set.  Currently, the MHMTS version of this program does not do

   This program should be used ONLY if you have "bboards on" set in your
   MH configuration, and if you have "mts sendmail" or "mts mh" set as well.

#else	SPOP

/* This program acts like the MMDF-II ch_pop channel: it does local
   delivery for non-local users.  These users are known as POP subscribers
   and use the Post Office Protocol with a POP server in order to access
   their maildrop.

#endif	SPOP

#ifdef	SENDMTS
#ifndef	SPOP
#endif	not SPOP
#endif	SENDMTS

#include "../h/mh.h"
#ifndef	SPOP
#include "../h/addrsbr.h"
#endif	not SPOP
#include "../h/dropsbr.h"
#include "../zotnet/bboards.h"
#include "../zotnet/tws.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../zotnet/mts.h"
#include <pwd.h>
#ifndef	SYS5
#include <sysexits.h>
#else	SYS5
#define	EX_CANTCREAT	1
#define	EX_IOERR	1
#define	EX_NOINPUT	1
#define	EX_NOUSER	1
#define	EX_OK		0
#define	EX_OSERR	1
#define	EX_OSFILE	1
#define	EX_USAGE	1
#endif	SYS5
#include "../mts/sendmail/smail.h"

#define	NBB	100

#ifndef	SPOP
#define	ENTITY	"bboard"
#else	SPOP
#define	ENTITY	"subscriber"
#endif	SPOP

/*  */

static int  bb_fderr;

static int  bb_uid;
static int  bb_gid;

int    dst_rcpt ();

#ifndef	SPOP
static char bb_from[BUFSIZ];
static char bb_head[BUFSIZ];
static char bb_home[BUFSIZ];
static char bb_time[BUFSIZ];
static char bb_rept[BUFSIZ];
#else	SPOP
#define	bb_head	NULLCP
#endif	SPOP

static struct bboard  *bb[NBB];

long	lseek ();

#ifdef	SYS5
struct passwd  *getpwnam ();
#endif	SYS5

/* hack */
#define	adios	my_adios
static	localmail(), arginit();
static int	lose(), copyfile();
static void	adios();
/*  */


main (argc, argv, envp)
int     argc;
char  **argv,
    int     fd;
    char    tmpfil[BUFSIZ];

#ifdef	MHMTS
    if (argc != 5)
	adios (EX_USAGE, NULL, "you lose really big");
#endif	MHMTS
    arginit (argv);

    fflush (stdout);
    discard (stdout);		/* XXX: reference discard to help loader */

    fd = copyfile (fileno (stdin), tmpfil);
    (void) unlink (tmpfil);

    localmail (fd);
    distribute (fd);
    notify (fd);

    exit (EX_OK);

/*  */

static  localmail (fd)
int     fd;
    int     i,
    register struct bboard  *bp;

    for (i = 0; bp = bb[i]; i++)
	if (bp -> bb_file && *bp -> bb_file) {
	    (void) lseek (fd, 0L, 0);
#ifndef	SPOP
	    if ((md = mbx_open (bp -> bb_file, bb_uid, bb_gid, BBMODE))
#else	SPOP
	    if ((md = mbx_open (bp -> bb_file, bb_uid, bb_gid, POMODE))
#endif	SPOP
		    == NOTOK) {
		(void) lose ("unable to open %s", bp -> bb_file);
#ifndef	SPOP
	    if (mbx_init (bp) != NOTOK)
#endif	not SPOP
		(void) mbx_copy (bp -> bb_file, md, fd, 1, bb_head, 0);
	    (void) mbx_close (bp -> bb_file, md);

/*  */

#ifndef	SPOP
static int  mbx_init (bp)
register struct bboard  *bp;
    int	    fd,
    register struct bboard  *ip;
    register FILE *fp;

    if ((fd = mbx_Xopen (bp -> bb_info, bb_uid, bb_gid, BBMODE, &clear))
	    == NOTOK)
	return lose ("unable to lock and open %s", bp -> bb_info);
    if ((fp = fdopen (fd, "w")) == NULL) {
        (void) mbx_close (bp -> bb_info, fd);
	return lose ("unable to fdopen %s", bp -> bb_info);

    if ((ip = getbbnam (bp -> bb_name)) == NULL) {
	(void) lkfclose (fp, bp -> bb_info);
	return lose ("unable to get information on BBoard %s", bp -> bb_name);
    (void) strcpy (bb_time, dtimenow ());
    (void) sprintf (bb_head, "BBoard-ID: %d\nBB-Posted: %s\n",
	    bp -> bb_maxima = ++ip -> bb_maxima, bb_time);

    fprintf (fp, "%d\n%s\n", bp -> bb_maxima, bb_time);
    (void) lkfclose (fp, bp -> bb_info);

    return OK;
#endif	not SPOP

/*  */

static  distribute (fd)
int     fd;
    int     i;
    register struct bboard  *bp;

    for (i = 0; bp = bb[i]; i++)
	if (bp -> bb_dist && *bp -> bb_dist)
    if (bp == NULL)

    if (dst_init () == NOTOK) {
	dst_lose ();
    for (i = 0; bp = bb[i]; i++)
	if (bp -> bb_dist && *bp -> bb_dist)
	    if (dst_adrs (bp) == NOTOK) {
		dst_lose ();
    if (dst_text (fd) == NOTOK || dst_end () == NOTOK)
	dst_lose ();

/*  */

static int  dst_init ()
    int     retval;

    if (rp_isbad (retval = sm_init (NULLCP, NULLCP, 0, 0, 0))
	    || rp_isbad (retval = sm_winit (S_MAIL, bb_from)))
	return lose ("problem initializing SendMail; %s",
		rp_string (retval));

    return OK;

/*  */

static int  dst_adrs (bp)
register struct bboard  *bp;
    if (getbbdist (bp, dst_rcpt))
	return lose ("getbbdist failed: %s", getbberr ());

    return OK;

/*  */

static int  dst_rcpt (mbox, host)
register char   *mbox,
    int     retval;

    switch (retval = sm_wadr (mbox, host, NULLCP)) {
	case RP_OK:
	    return OK;

	case RP_NO:
	case RP_USER:
	    (void) lose ("%s@%s: loses; %s", mbox, host, rp_string (retval));
	    return OK;		/* fail-soft */

	    return lose ("%s@%s: unexpected response; %s",
		    mbox, host, rp_string (retval));

/*  */

static int  dst_text (fd)
int     fd;
    int     i,
    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];

    if (rp_isbad (retval = sm_waend ()))
	return lose ("problem ending addresses; %s", rp_string (retval));

    (void) lseek (fd, 0L, 0);
    while ((i = read (fd, buffer, sizeof buffer)) > 0)
	if (rp_isbad (retval = sm_wtxt (buffer, i)))
	    return lose ("problem writing text; %s", rp_string (retval));

    return (i != NOTOK ? OK : lose ("error reading from file"));

/*  */

static int  dst_end ()
    int     retval;

    switch (retval = sm_wtend ()) {
	case RP_OK:
	    (void) sm_end (OK);
	    return OK;

	case RP_NO:
	case RP_NDEL:
	    return lose ("posting failed; %s", rp_string (retval));

	    return lose ("unexpected response; %s", rp_string (retval));

/*  */

static  dst_lose ()
    (void) sm_end (NOTOK);

/*  */

/* VARARGS1 */

static int  lose (fmt, a, b, c, d)
char   *fmt,
    int     fd,
    char   *bp,

    if (bb_fderr == NOTOK) {
	if ((fd = open ("/dev/null", 0)) == NOTOK)
	    adios (EX_OSERR, "/dev/null", "unable to open");
	bb_fderr = copyfile (fd, bb_rept);

    (void) sprintf (bp = buffer, fmt, a, b, c, d);
    bp += strlen (bp);
    bp += strlen (strcpy(bp, "\n"));
    i = bp - buffer;
    if (write (bb_fderr, buffer, i) != i)
	adios (EX_IOERR, bb_rept, "error writing");

    return NOTOK;

/*  */

static  notify (fd)
int     fd;
    int     i;
    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];

    if (bb_fderr == NOTOK)

    if (rp_isbad (sm_init (NULLCP, NULLCP, 0, 0, 0))
	    || rp_isbad (sm_winit (S_MAIL, bb_from)))
	goto sm_err;

    switch (sm_wadr (bb_from, NULLCP, NULLCP)) {
	case RP_OK:
	    for (i = 0; bb[i]; i++) {
		(void) sprintf (buffer, "local-%s-request", bb[i] -> bb_name);
		(void) sm_wadr (buffer, LocalName (), NULLCP);

	    goto sm_err;

    if (rp_isbad (sm_waend ()))
	goto sm_err;

    (void) sprintf (buffer,
	    "Date: %s\nFrom: %s\nTo: %s\nSubject: BBoards Failure\n\n",
	    dtimenow (), bb_from, bb_from);
    if (rp_isbad (sm_wtxt (buffer, strlen (buffer))))
	goto sm_err;

    for (i = 0; bb[i]; i++) {
	(void) sprintf (buffer, "BBoard %s\n", bb[i] -> bb_name);
	if (rp_isbad (sm_wtxt (buffer, strlen (buffer))))
	    goto sm_err;

    (void) lseek (bb_fderr, 0L, 0);
    while ((i = read (bb_fderr, buffer, sizeof buffer)) > 0)
	if (rp_isbad (sm_wtxt (buffer, i)))
	    goto sm_err;

    (void) strcpy (buffer, "\n------- Forwarded Message\n\n");
    if (rp_isbad (sm_wtxt (buffer, strlen (buffer))) || encap (fd) == NOTOK)
	goto sm_err;
    (void) strcpy (buffer, "\n------- End of Forwarded Message\n\n");
    if (rp_isbad (sm_wtxt (buffer, strlen (buffer))))
	goto sm_err;

    switch (sm_wtend ()) {
	case RP_OK:
	    (void) unlink (bb_rept);
	    (void) sm_end (OK);

    sm_err: ;
		    "failed and unable to post advisory, see %s for details",

/*  */

/* very similar to sbr/cpydgst.c */

#define	S1	0
#define	S2	1

#define	output(c)	if (bp >= dp) flush (), *bp++ = c; else *bp++ = c
#define	flush()		if ((j = bp - outbuf) \
				&& rp_isbad (sm_wtxt (outbuf, j))) \
			    return NOTOK; \
			else \
			    bp = outbuf

static int  encap (fd)
register int    fd;
    register int    i,
    register char  *cp,
    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];
    register int    j;
    register char  *bp,
    char    outbuf[BUFSIZ];

    (void) lseek (fd, 0L, 0);

    dp = (bp = outbuf) + sizeof outbuf;
    for (state = S1; (i = read (fd, buffer, sizeof buffer)) > 0;)
	for (ep = (cp = buffer) + i; cp < ep; cp++) {
	    if (*cp == NULL)
	    switch (state) {
		case S1: 
		    if (*cp == '-') {
			output ('-');
			output (' ');
		    state = S2;	/* fall */

		case S2: 
		    output (*cp);
		    if (*cp == '\n')
			state = S1;

    if (i == NOTOK)
	return NOTOK;
    flush ();

    return OK;

/*  */

/* VARARGS1 */

static int  lose (fmt, a, b, c, d)
char   *fmt,
    adios (EX_UNAVAILABLE, NULLCP, fmt, a, b, c, d);/* NOTREACHED */
#endif	not DISTRIBUTE

/*  */

static  arginit (vec)
register char  **vec;
    register int    i;
#ifdef	MHMTS
    register char  *ap;
#endif	MHMTS
    char    addr[BUFSIZ];
    register struct bboard *bp;
    register struct passwd *pw;

    invo_name = r1bindex (*vec++, '/');
    m_foil (NULLCP);
    mts_init (invo_name);

#ifndef	SPOP
    if ((pw = getpwnam (BBOARDS)) == NULL)
	adios (EX_OSFILE, NULLCP, "no entry for ~%s", BBOARDS);
#else	SPOP
    if ((pw = getpwnam (POPUID)) == NULL || !setpwinfo (pw, POPDB, 1))
	adios (EX_OSFILE, NULLCP, "%s", pw ? getbberr () : "POP user-id unknown");
#endif	SPOP

    if (pw -> pw_uid != geteuid ())
#ifndef SPOP
    adios (EX_OSERR, NULLCP, "not running setuid to %s", BBOARDS);
#else	SPOP
    adios (EX_OSERR, NULLCP, "not running setuid to %s", POPUID);
#endif	SPOP

    bb_uid = pw -> pw_uid;
    bb_gid = pw -> pw_gid;
#ifndef	SPOP
    (void) strcpy (bb_from, adrsprintf (pw -> pw_name, LocalName ()));
    (void) strcpy (bb_home, pw -> pw_dir);
#endif	not SPOP

#ifdef	MHMTS
    vec += 3;
#endif	MHMTS
    if (*vec == NULL)
	adios (EX_USAGE, NULLCP, "usage: %s %s [%s ...]",
		invo_name, ENTITY, ENTITY);

    for (i = 0; *vec; vec++) {
#ifdef	MHMTS
	if (ap = index (*vec, '.'))
	    *vec = ++ap;
#endif	MHMTS
	make_lower (addr, *vec);

	if ((bp = getbbnam (addr)) == NULL
		&& (bp = getbbaka (addr)) == NULL)
	    adios (EX_NOUSER, NULLCP, "no such %s as %s", ENTITY, *vec);
	if ((bb[i++] = getbbcpy (bp)) == NULL)
	    adios (EX_UNAVAILABLE, NULLCP, "insufficient memory on %s", *vec);

	if (i >= NBB - 1)
	    adios (EX_USAGE, NULLCP, "too many %ss, starting with %s",
		    ENTITY, *vec);
    bb[i] = NULL;

    (void) umask (0022);

    bb_fderr = NOTOK;

/*  */

static int  copyfile (qd, tmpfil)
int     qd;
register char   *tmpfil;
    int     i,
    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];

    (void) strcpy (tmpfil, m_tmpfil (invo_name));
    if ((fd = creat (tmpfil, 0600)) == NOTOK)
	adios (EX_CANTCREAT, tmpfil, "unable to create");
    (void) close (fd);
    if ((fd = open (tmpfil, 2)) == NOTOK)
	adios (EX_NOINPUT, tmpfil, "unable to re-open");

    (void) lseek (qd, 0L, 0);
    while ((i = read (qd, buffer, sizeof buffer)) > 0)
	if (write (fd, buffer, i) != i)
	    adios (EX_IOERR, tmpfil, "error writing");
    if (i == NOTOK)
	adios (EX_IOERR, "input", "error reading");

    (void) lseek (fd, 0L, 0);

    return fd;

/*  */

/* VARARGS3 */

#ifdef	MHMTS
#endif	MHMTS

static  void adios (code, what, fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f)
int     code;
char   *what,
    advise (what, fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f);
#ifdef	SENDMTS
    done (code);
#endif	SENDMTS
#ifdef	MHMTS
    done (1);
#endif	MHMTS

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.