
This is popser.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* popser.c - the POP service */
#ifndef	lint
static char ident[]="@(#)$Id: popser.c,v 1991/04/28 03:53:18 karl Exp $";

#include "../h/mh.h"
#include "../h/dropsbr.h"
#include "../zotnet/bboards.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../zotnet/mts.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "syslog.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef	SYS5
#include <fcntl.h>
#endif	SYS5
#ifdef	SHADOW
#include <shadow.h>
#endif	SHADOW

#define	TRUE	1
#define	FALSE	0

#define	NVEC	4

#define	POPSERVICE	"pop"

/*  */

extern int  errno;

extern int  debug;
extern char myhost[];
extern char *myname;

static enum state {
    auth1, auth2, trans, update, halt, error
} mystate;

static int     user (), pass ();
#ifdef	BPOP
static		isguest(), getbbmax();
static	int	xtnd1(), xtnd2();
#endif	BPOP
#ifdef	RPOP
static int	rpop ();
#endif	RPOP
static int     status (), list (), retrieve (), delete (), reset ();
static int	top (), last ();
#ifdef	BPOP
int	xtnd ();
#endif	BPOP
static int     quit ();

static struct vector {
    char   *v_cmd;
    int     v_min, v_max;
    int     (*v_vec) ();
    enum state v_valid;
    enum state v_win, v_lose;
}               vectors[] = {
    "user", 1, 1, user, auth1, auth2, auth1,
    "pass", 1, 1, pass, auth2, trans, auth1,
#ifdef	RPOP
    "rpop", 1, 1, rpop, auth2, trans, auth1,
#endif	RPOP
    "quit", 0, 0, NULL, auth1, halt, halt,
    "quit", 0, 0, NULL, auth2, halt, halt,

    "stat", 0, 0, status, trans, trans, trans,
    "list", 0, 1, list, trans, trans, trans,
    "retr", 1, 1, retrieve, trans, trans, trans,
    "dele", 1, 1, delete, trans, trans, trans,
    "noop", 0, 0, NULL, trans, trans, trans,
    "rset", 0, 0, reset, trans, trans, trans,

    "top",  2, 2, top,  trans, trans, trans,
    "last", 0, 0, last, trans, trans, trans,
#ifdef	BPOP
    "xtnd", 1, 2, xtnd, trans, trans, trans,
#endif	BPOP

    "quit", 0, 0, quit, trans, halt, halt,


static struct vector  *getvector ();

/*  */

#ifdef	DPOP
static int pop_uid;
static int pop_gid;
#endif	DPOP

static int  rproto;
static char *hostname;
static char server[BUFSIZ];

static char username[BUFSIZ];

static char maildrop[BUFSIZ];
static int  mode;
static time_t mtime;
static FILE *dp;

static long lastseen;
static int  rmsgs;

#ifdef	BPOP
static int xtnded;

static int guest_uid;
static int guest_gid;

static struct bboard *BBhead = NULL;
static struct bboard *BBtail = NULL;

static long BBtime = 0L;

struct bboard *getbbaux ();
#endif	BPOP

struct Msg {			/* Msgs[0] contains info for entire maildrop */
    struct drop m_drop;
#define	m_id	m_drop.d_id
#define	m_size	m_drop.d_size
#define	m_last	m_drop.d_start	/* Msgs[i = 0] */
#define	m_start	m_drop.d_start	/* Msgs[i > 0] */
#define	m_stop	m_drop.d_stop

    unsigned    m_flags;
#define	MNULL	0x00
#define	MDELE	0x01
#define	MREAD	0x02

static int nMsgs = 0;
static struct Msg *Msgs = NULL;

static int  nmsgs;
static int  dmsgs;

#define	TRM	"."
#define	TRMLEN	(sizeof TRM - 1)
#define	IAC	255

static int    pipeser ();

FILE   *input;
FILE   *output;

void	padvise (), padios ();
long	lseek ();
char   *crypt ();

static	int	pmbx_read ();
static	char   *p_copy(), *p_copyin(), *p_nextword();
static		p_cmatch(), p_isdate(), p_ishead(), p_parse(), any();

static int	setup(), setupaux(), read_map(), read_file(), pmbx_size();
static int	quitaux(), quitfile(), respond(), getline();
static	m_gMsgs(), multiline(), multiend(), putline();
/*  */

popinit () {
#ifdef	BPOP
    padvise (NULLCP, LOG_INFO, "initialize list of BBoards");

    BBhead = BBtail = NULL;
    while (getbbaux (NULLCP))
#endif	BPOP

popassert () {
#ifdef	BPOP
    register char **p;
    register struct bboard *bb,

    if (BBtime == getbbtime ())

    padvise (NULLCP, LOG_INFO, "list of BBoards has changed");

    for (bb = BBhead; bb; bb = bp) {
	bp = bb -> bb_next;

	if (bb -> bb_name)
	    free (bb -> bb_name);
	if (bb -> bb_file)
	    free (bb -> bb_file);
	if (bb -> bb_archive)
	    free (bb -> bb_archive);
	if (bb -> bb_info)
	    free (bb -> bb_info);
	if (bb -> bb_map)
	    free (bb -> bb_map);
	if (bb -> bb_passwd)
	    free (bb -> bb_passwd);
	if (bb -> bb_date)
	    free (bb -> bb_date);
	if (bb -> bb_addr)
	    free (bb -> bb_addr);
	if (bb -> bb_request)
	    free (bb -> bb_request);
	if (bb -> bb_relay)
	    free (bb -> bb_relay);

	for (p = bb -> bb_aka; *p; p++)
	    free (*p);
	free ((char *) bb -> bb_aka);

	for (p = bb -> bb_leader; *p; p++)
	    free (*p);
	free ((char *) bb -> bb_leader);

	for (p = bb -> bb_dist; *p; p++)
	    free (*p);
	free ((char *) bb -> bb_dist);

	free ((char *) bb);

    BBhead = BBtail = NULL;
    while (getbbaux (NULLCP))
#endif	BPOP

/*  */

pop (in, out, priv, rhost)
int	in,
char   *rhost;
    char    buffer[BUFSIZ],
           *vec[NVEC + 1];
#if	defined (DPOP) || defined (BPOP)
    register struct passwd *pw;
#endif	defined (DPOP) || defined (BPOP)
    register struct vector *v;

    m_foil (NULLCP);
    mts_init (myname);

    rproto = priv;
    hostname = rhost;
    (void) sprintf (server, "%s %s server", myhost, priv ? "RPOP" : "POP");

    if ((input = fdopen (in, "r")) == NULL
	    || (output = fdopen (out, "w")) == NULL) {/* you lose big */
	(void) respond (NOTOK, "%s loses on initialization", server);
    (void) signal (SIGPIPE, pipeser);

#ifdef	DPOP
    if ((pw = getpwnam (POPUID)) == NULL || !setpwinfo (pw, POPDB, 1)) {
	(void) respond (NOTOK, "%s loses on DB initialization -- %s",
		    server, pw ? getbberr () : "POP user-id unknown");
    pop_uid = pw -> pw_uid;
    pop_gid = pw -> pw_gid;
#endif	DPOP
#ifdef	BPOP
    if ((pw = getpwnam (popbbuser)) && pw -> pw_uid) {
	guest_uid = pw -> pw_uid;
	guest_gid = pw -> pw_gid;
	guest_uid = guest_gid = 0;
#endif	BPOP

    (void) respond (OK, "%s ready (Comments to: PostMaster@%s)",
	    server, myhost);

    for (mystate = auth1; mystate != halt && mystate != error;)
	switch (getline (buffer, sizeof buffer, input)) {
	    case OK: 
		if ((v = getvector (buffer, vec)) == NULL)
		mystate = (v -> v_vec ? (v -> v_vec) (vec)
			: respond (OK, NULLCP)) == OK
		    ? v -> v_win
		    : v -> v_lose;

	    case NOTOK: 
	    case DONE: 
		mystate = error;
		(void) respond (NOTOK, "%s signing off", server);

/*  */

static int  user (vec)
register char  **vec;
    make_lower (username, vec[1]);

    return respond (OK, "password required for %s", username);

/*  */

static int  pass (vec)
register char  **vec;
    int	guest = 0;
#ifndef	DPOP
    register struct passwd *pw;
#ifdef	SHADOW
    register struct spwd *shpw;
#endif	SHADOW
#else	DPOP
    register struct bboard *pw;
#endif	DPOP

#ifndef	DPOP
#ifdef	BPOP
    if (isguest ()) {
#ifdef	TRUSTED
	static passwd gw;

	gw.pw_name = popbbuser;
	gw.pw_uid = guest_uid;
	pw = &gw;
#endif	TRUSTED
	guest = 1;
	goto anonymous;
#endif	BPOP
    if ((pw = getpwnam (username)) == NULL
#ifndef	SHADOW
	    || *pw -> pw_passwd == NULL
	    || strcmp (crypt (vec[1], pw -> pw_passwd), pw -> pw_passwd)) {
#else	SHADOW
	    || (shpw = getspnam (username)) == NULL
	    || *shpw -> sp_pwdp == NULL
	    || strcmp (crypt (vec[1], shpw -> sp_pwdp), shpw -> sp_pwdp)) {
#endif	SHADOW
#ifdef	TRUSTED
	trusted (0, hostname, NULLCP, 0, pw ? pw -> pw_name : username,
	    pw && pw -> pw_uid == 0, POPSERVICE, "tcp", NULL);
#endif	TRUSTED
	return respond (NOTOK, "login incorrect");
#else	DPOP
#ifdef	BPOP
    if (isguest ()) {
	static struct bboard gw;

	gw.bb_name = popbbuser;
	pw = &gw;
	guest = 1;
	goto anonymous;
#endif	BPOP
    if (((pw = getbbnam (username)) == NULL
		&& (pw = getbbaka (username)) == NULL)
	    || *pw -> bb_passwd == NULL
	    || strcmp (crypt (vec[1], pw -> bb_passwd), pw -> bb_passwd)) {
#ifdef	TRUSTED
	trusted (0, hostname, NULLCP, 0, pw ? pw -> bb_name : username,
	    0, POPSERVICE, "tcp", NULL);
#endif	TRUSTED
	return respond (NOTOK, "login incorrect");
#endif	DPOP

#ifdef	BPOP
anonymous: ;
#endif	BPOP
#ifdef	TRUSTED
    if (trusted (1, hostname, NULLCP, 0, myhost,
#ifndef	DPOP
		pw -> pw_name, pw -> pw_uid == 0,
#else	DPOP
		pw -> bb_name, 0,
#endif	DPOP
	    == 0)
	return respond (NOTOK, "permission denied");
#endif	TRUSTED
    return setup (pw, guest);

/*  */

#ifdef	BPOP
static  isguest () {
    int	    i;
    register char  *cp;
    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];
    register FILE  *fp;

    if (strcmp (username, popbbuser) || !guest_uid)
	return FALSE;
    if (popbblist == NULL || (fp = fopen (popbblist, "r")) == NULL)
	return TRUE;

    i = FALSE;
    if (hostname)
	while (fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, fp)) {
	    if (cp = index (buffer, '\n'))
		*cp = NULL;
	    if (strcmp (buffer, hostname) == 0) {
		i = TRUE;

    (void) fclose (fp);

    return i;
#endif	BPOP

/*  */

#ifdef	RPOP
static int rpop (vec)
register char  **vec;
#ifndef	DPOP
    register struct passwd *pw;
#else	DPOP
    register int hostok = 0;
    register char  *bp,
    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];
    register struct bboard *pw;
#endif	DPOP

#ifndef	DPOP
    if (!rproto || (pw = getpwnam (username)) == NULL) {
#ifdef	TRUSTED
	trusted (0, hostname, vec[1], 0, username, 0, "rpop", "tcp",
#endif	TRUSTED
	return respond (NOTOK, "login incorrect");
    if (chdir (pw -> pw_dir) == NOTOK && chdir ("/") == NOTOK)
	return respond (NOTOK, "no remote directory");
    if (ruserok (hostname, pw -> pw_uid == 0, vec[1], username) == NOTOK) {
#ifdef	TRUSTED
	trusted (0, hostname, vec[1], 0, pw -> pw_name,
	   pw -> pw_uid == 0, "rpop", "tcp", NULL);
#endif	TRUSTED
	return respond (NOTOK, "permission denied");
#else	DPOP
    if (!rproto
	    || ((pw = getbbnam (username)) == NULL
		&& (pw = getbbaka (username)) == NULL)) {
#ifdef	TRUSTED
	trusted (0, hostname, vec[1], 0, username, 0, "rpop", "tcp",
#endif	TRUSTED
	return respond (NOTOK, "login incorrect");
 * hacked by Dave Cohrs Tue Feb  4 14:12:15 CST 1986
 *   to allow the hostname to be a list: user@host1,user@host2
 *   NOTE: the separator must be a comma -- no spaces are allowed
    (void) sprintf (buffer, "%s@%s", vec[1], hostname);
    for (bp = pw -> bb_addr; bp; bp = cp) {
	if ((cp = index (bp, ',')))
	    *cp = NULL;
	hostok = uleq (bp, buffer);
	if (cp)
	    *cp++ = ',';
	if (hostok)
    if (!hostok) {
#ifdef	TRUSTED
	trusted (0, hostname, vec[1], 0, pw -> bb_name, 0, "rpop",
	    "tcp", NULL);
#endif	TRUSTED
	return respond (NOTOK, "permission denied");
#endif	DPOP

#ifdef	TRUSTED
    if (trusted (1, hostname, vec[1], 0, username,
#ifndef	DPOP
		pw -> pw_uid == 0,
#else	DPOP
#endif	DPOP
		"rpop", "tcp", NULL)
	    == 0)
	return respond (NOTOK, "permission denied");
#endif	TRUSTED
    return setup (pw, FALSE);
#endif	RPOP

/*  */

static int setup (pw, guest)
#ifndef	DPOP
register struct passwd *pw;
#else	DPOP
register struct bboard *pw;
#endif	DPOP
int	guest;
#ifdef	BPOP
    if (guest) {
	(void) setgid (guest_gid);
#ifndef	SYS5
	(void) initgroups (popbbuser, guest_gid);
#endif	SYS5
	(void) setuid (guest_uid);
    else {
#endif	BPOP
#ifndef	DPOP
	(void) setgid (pw -> pw_gid);
#ifndef	SYS5
	(void) initgroups (pw -> pw_name, pw -> pw_gid);
#endif	SYS5
	(void) setuid (pw -> pw_uid);
#else	DPOP
	(void) setgid (pop_gid);
#ifndef	SYS5
	(void) initgroups (POPUID, pop_gid);
#endif	SYS5
	(void) setuid (pop_uid);
#endif	DPOP
#ifdef	BPOP
#endif	BPOP

#ifndef	DPOP
    (void) sprintf (maildrop, "%s/%s",
	    mmdfldir && *mmdfldir ? mmdfldir : pw -> pw_dir,
	    mmdflfil && *mmdflfil ? mmdflfil : pw -> pw_name);
#else	DPOP
    (void) strcpy (maildrop, pw -> bb_file);
#endif	DPOP

    if (setupaux (guest) == NOTOK)
	return NOTOK;

    return respond (OK,
	    nmsgs ? "maildrop has %d message%s (%d octets)" : "maildrop empty",
	    nmsgs, nmsgs != 1 ? "s" : NULL, Msgs[0].m_size);

/*  */

static int  setupaux (readonly)
int	readonly;
    register int    i,
    struct stat st;

#ifdef	BPOP
    xtnded = 0;
#endif	BPOP
    if ((dp = readonly ? fopen (maildrop, "r") : lkfopen (maildrop, "r"))
	    == NULL)
	switch (errno) {
	    case ENOENT: 
		m_gMsgs (msgp = 0);
		goto no_mail;

		nmsgs = dmsgs = 0;
		return respond (NOTOK, "unable to %s maildrop: \"%s\"",
			readonly ? "read" : "lock", maildrop);

    if (fstat (fileno (dp), &st) != NOTOK) {
	mode = (int) (st.st_mode & 0777), mtime = st.st_mtime;
	msgp = read_map (maildrop, (long) st.st_size);
    else {
	mode = 0600, mtime = 0;
	msgp = 0;

    if ((msgp = read_file (msgp ? Msgs[msgp].m_stop : 0L, msgp + 1)) < 1)
	m_gMsgs (0);

no_mail: ;
    lastseen = Msgs[0].m_last;
if(debug)padvise(NULLCP,LOG_DEBUG,"XXX: lastseen=%d",lastseen);
    dmsgs = rmsgs = 0;
    nmsgs = msgp;

    Msgs[0].m_flags = readonly ? MREAD : MNULL;
    Msgs[0].m_size = 0;
    for (i = 1; i <= nmsgs; i++) {
	if (Msgs[i].m_size == 0)
	    Msgs[i].m_size = pmbx_size (i);
	Msgs[0].m_size += Msgs[i].m_size;
	Msgs[i].m_flags = MNULL;

    return OK;

/*  */

static int  read_map (file, pos)
char   *file;
long	pos;
    register int    i,
    register struct drop   *pp,
    struct drop *rp;

    if (debug)
	padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "read_map (%s, %ld)", file, pos);

    if ((i = map_read (file, pos, &rp, debug)) == 0)
	return 0;

    m_gMsgs (i);

    Msgs[0].m_last = rp -> d_start;

    msgp = 1;
    for (pp = rp + 1; i-- > 0; msgp++, pp++) {
	mp = &Msgs[msgp].m_drop;
	mp -> d_id = pp -> d_id;
	mp -> d_size = pp -> d_size;
	mp -> d_start = pp -> d_start;
	mp -> d_stop = pp -> d_stop;
    free ((char *) rp);

    if (Msgs[0].m_last > msgp) {
	if (debug)
	    padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "lastseen adjusted from %d to %d",
		Msgs[0].m_last, msgp);
	Msgs[0].m_last = msgp;

    return (msgp - 1);

/*  */

static int  read_file (pos, msgp)
register long	pos;
register int	msgp;
    register int    i;
    register struct drop   *pp,
    struct drop *rp;

    if (debug)
	padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "read_file (%ld, %d)",
		pos, msgp);

    if ((i = pmbx_read (dp, pos, &rp, debug)) <= 0)
	return (msgp - 1);

    m_gMsgs ((msgp - 1) + i);

    for (pp = rp; i-- > 0; msgp++, pp++) {
	mp = &Msgs[msgp].m_drop;
	mp -> d_id = 0;
	mp -> d_size = pp -> d_size;
	mp -> d_start = pp -> d_start;
	mp -> d_stop = pp -> d_stop;
    free ((char *) rp);

    return (msgp - 1);

/*  */

static m_gMsgs (n)
int	n;
    if (debug)
	padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "m_gMsgs (%d) 0x%x %d",
		n, Msgs, nMsgs);

    if (Msgs == NULL) {
	nMsgs = n + MAXFOLDER / 2;
	Msgs = (struct Msg *) calloc ((unsigned) (nMsgs + 2), sizeof *Msgs);
	if (Msgs == NULL)
	    padios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate Msgs structure");

    if (nMsgs >= n)

    nMsgs = n + MAXFOLDER / 2;
    Msgs = (struct Msg *) realloc ((char *) Msgs,
				(unsigned) (nMsgs + 2) * sizeof *Msgs);
    if (Msgs == NULL)
	padios (NULLCP, "unable to reallocate Msgs structure");

/*  */

static int  pmbx_size (m)
register int     m;
    register int    i;
    register long   pos;

    (void) fseek (dp, Msgs[m].m_start, 0);
    for (i = 0, pos = Msgs[m].m_stop - Msgs[m].m_start; pos > 0; i++, pos--)
	if (fgetc (dp) == '\n')

    return i;

/*  */


static int  status (vec)
char  **vec;
    return respond (OK, "%d %d", nmsgs - dmsgs, Msgs[0].m_size);

static int  list (vec)
register char  **vec;
    register int    i;

    if (vec[1]) {
	if ((i = atoi (vec[1])) <= 0 || i > nmsgs)
	    return respond (NOTOK, "no such message: \"%s\"", vec[1]);
	if (Msgs[i].m_flags & MDELE)
	    return respond (NOTOK, "message %d is deleted", i);

#ifndef	BPOP
	return respond (OK, "%d %d", i, Msgs[i].m_size);
#else	BPOP
	return respond (OK, xtnded ? "%d %d %d" : "%d %d",
		i, Msgs[i].m_size, Msgs[i].m_id);
#endif	BPOP

    (void) respond (OK, "%d message%s (%d octets)",
	    nmsgs - dmsgs, nmsgs - dmsgs != 1 ? "s" : NULL,
    for (i = 1; i <= nmsgs; i++)
	if (!(Msgs[i].m_flags & MDELE))
#ifndef BPOP
	    multiline ("%d %d", i, Msgs[i].m_size);
#else	BPOP
	    multiline (xtnded ? "%d %d %d" : "%d %d",
		    i, Msgs[i].m_size, Msgs[i].m_id);
#endif	BPOP
    multiend ();

    return OK;

/*  */

static int  retrieve (vec)
register char  **vec;
    register int    i;
    register long   pos;
    register char  *cp;
    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];

    if ((i = atoi (vec[1])) <= 0 || i > nmsgs)
	return respond (NOTOK, "no such message: \"%s\"", vec[1]);
    if (Msgs[i].m_flags & MDELE)
	return respond (NOTOK, "message %d is deleted", i);

    (void) respond (OK, "%d octets", Msgs[i].m_size);

    for ((void) fseek (dp, pos = Msgs[i].m_start, 0);
	    fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, dp) != NULL && pos < Msgs[i].m_stop;
	    pos += (long) (cp - buffer + 1)) {
	if (*(cp = buffer + strlen (buffer) - 1) == '\n')
	    *cp = NULL;
	multiline ("%s", buffer);
    multiend ();

    if (i > Msgs[0].m_last) {
	Msgs[0].m_last = i; 

    return OK;

/*  */

static int  delete (vec)
register char   **vec;
    register int    i;

    if (Msgs[0].m_flags & MREAD)
	return respond (NOTOK, "maildrop is read-only");

    if ((i = atoi (vec[1])) <= 0 || i > nmsgs)
	return respond (NOTOK, "no such message: \"%s\"", vec[1]);
    if (Msgs[i].m_flags & MDELE)
	return respond (NOTOK, "message %d is deleted", i);

    Msgs[i].m_flags |= MDELE;
    Msgs[0].m_size -= Msgs[i].m_size;

    if (i > Msgs[0].m_last)
	Msgs[0].m_last = i;

    return respond (OK, "message %d deleted (%d octets)", i, Msgs[i].m_size);

static int  reset (vec)
char   **vec;
    register int    i;

    for (i = 1; i <= nmsgs; i++)
	if (Msgs[i].m_flags & MDELE) {
	    Msgs[i].m_flags &= ~MDELE;
	    Msgs[0].m_size += Msgs[i].m_size;

    Msgs[0].m_last = lastseen;

    return status (vec);

/*  */

static int  top (vec)
register char  **vec;
    register int    i,
    register long   pos;
    register char  *cp;
    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];

    if ((i = atoi (vec[1])) <= 0 || i > nmsgs)
	return respond (NOTOK, "no such message: \"%s\"", vec[1]);
    if (Msgs[i].m_flags & MDELE)
	return respond (NOTOK, "message %d is deleted", i);
    if ((j = atoi (vec[2])) <= 0)
	return respond (NOTOK, "bad number: \"%s\"", vec[2]);

    (void) respond (OK, vec[0]);

    body = lines = 0;
    for ((void) fseek (dp, pos = Msgs[i].m_start, 0);
	    fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, dp) != NULL && pos < Msgs[i].m_stop;
	    pos += (long) (cp - buffer + 1)) {
	if (*(cp = buffer + strlen (buffer) - 1) == '\n')
	    *cp = NULL;
	if (body) {
	    if (lines++ >= j)
	    if (*buffer == NULL)
	multiline ("%s", buffer);
    multiend ();

    return OK;

/*  */

static int  last (vec)  
char  **vec;
    return respond (OK, "%d is the last msg seen", Msgs[0].m_last);

/*  */

#ifdef	BPOP
static int  xtnd (vec)
register char    **vec;
    make_lower (vec[1], vec[1]);

    if (strcmp (vec[1], "bboards") == 0 || strcmp (vec[1], "archive") == 0)
	return xtnd1 (vec);
    if (strcmp (vec[1], "x-bboards") == 0)
	return xtnd2 (vec);

    return respond (NOTOK, "unknown XTND command: \"%s\"", vec[1]);

static int  xtnd1 (vec)
register char    **vec;
    register struct bboard *bb;

    if (vec[2]) {
	make_lower (vec[2], vec[2]);
	if ((bb = getbbaux (vec[2])) == NULL)
	    return respond (NOTOK, "unknown BBoard: \"%s\"", vec[2]);

	if (quitaux (NULLVP) == NOTOK)
	    return NOTOK;
	(void) strcpy (maildrop,
		strcmp (vec[1], "bboards") ? bb -> bb_archive : bb -> bb_file);
	if (setupaux (TRUE) == NOTOK)
	    return NOTOK;
	(void) respond (OK, "%s", vec[1]);
	multiline ("%s %d", bb -> bb_name, bb -> bb_maxima);
    else {
	if (strcmp (vec[1], "bboards"))
	    return respond (NOTOK, "too few arguments to XTND \"%s\"", vec[1]);

	(void) respond (OK, "%s", vec[1]);
	for (bb = BBhead; bb; bb = bb -> bb_next) {
	    getbbmax (bb);
	    if (!(bb -> bb_flags & BB_INVIS))
		multiline ("%s %d", bb -> bb_name, bb -> bb_maxima);
	while (bb = getbbaux (NULLCP))
	    if (!(bb -> bb_flags & BB_INVIS))
		multiline ("%s %d", bb -> bb_name, bb -> bb_maxima);
    multiend ();

    return OK;

/*  */

static int  xtnd2 (vec)
register char     **vec;
    register char  *cp,
    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];
    register struct bboard *bb;

    if (vec[2] == NULL)
	return respond (NOTOK, "too few arguments to XTND \"%s\"", vec[1]);

    make_lower (vec[2], vec[2]);
    if ((bb = getbbaux (vec[2])) == NULL)
	return respond (NOTOK, "unknown BBoard: \"%s\"", vec[2]);

    (void) respond (OK, "%s", vec[1]);
    multiline ("%s", bb -> bb_name);

    cp = buffer;
    for (ap = bb -> bb_aka; *ap; ap++) {
	(void) sprintf (cp, cp != buffer ? " %s" : "%s", *ap);
	cp += strlen (cp);
    multiline ("%s", buffer);

    multiline ("%s", bb -> bb_file);
    multiline ("%s", bb -> bb_archive);
    multiline ("%s", bb -> bb_info);
    multiline ("%s", bb -> bb_map);
    multiline ("%s", bb -> bb_passwd);

    cp = buffer;
    for (ap = bb -> bb_leader; *ap; ap++) {
	(void) sprintf (cp, cp != buffer ? " %s" : "%s", *ap);
	cp += strlen (cp);
    multiline ("%s", buffer);

    multiline ("%s", bb -> bb_addr);
    multiline ("%s", bb -> bb_request);
    multiline ("%s", bb -> bb_relay);

    cp = buffer;
    for (ap = bb -> bb_dist; *ap; ap++) {
	(void) sprintf (cp, cp != buffer ? " %s" : "%s", *ap);
	cp += strlen (cp);
    multiline ("%s", buffer);

    getbbmax (bb);
    multiline ("0%o %d", bb -> bb_flags, bb -> bb_maxima);
    multiline ("%s", bb -> bb_date);

    multiend ();

    return OK;

/*  */

static struct bboard *getbbaux (s)
register char   *s;
    register struct bboard *bb;
    struct stat st;

    if (BBhead == NULL)
	if (setbbinfo (BBOARDS, BBDB, 1))
	    BBtime = getbbtime ();
	    return NULL;

    if (s != NULLCP)
	for (bb = BBhead; bb; bb = bb -> bb_next)
	    if (strcmp (bb -> bb_name, s) == 0) {
		if (debug)
		    padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "getbbaux: \"%s\" from cache",
			    bb -> bb_name);
		getbbmax (bb);
		return bb;

    while (bb = getbbent ()) {
	if ((bb = getbbcpy (bb)) == NULL)
	    return NULL;

	if (access (bb -> bb_file, 04) == NOTOK && errno == EACCES)
	    bb -> bb_flags |= BB_INVIS;
	bb -> bb_mtime = stat (bb -> bb_info, &st) != NOTOK ? st.st_mtime : 0L;

	if (BBtail != NULL)
	    BBtail -> bb_next = bb;
	if (BBhead == NULL)
	    BBhead = bb;
	BBtail = bb;

	if (s == NULL || strcmp (bb -> bb_name, s) == 0) {
	    if (s && debug)
		padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "getbbaux: \"%s\" from scratch",
			bb -> bb_name);
	    return bb;

    return NULL;

/*  */

static  getbbmax (bb)
register struct bboard *bb;
    int     i;
    register char  *cp;
    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];
    struct stat st;
    register    FILE * fp;

    if (debug)
	padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "getbbmax: \"%s\", 0%o, %d, %s",
		bb -> bb_name, bb -> bb_flags, bb -> bb_maxima, bb -> bb_date);

    if (!(bb -> bb_flags & BB_INVIS)
	    && access (bb -> bb_file, 04) == NOTOK && errno == EACCES)
	bb -> bb_flags |= BB_INVIS;

    if (stat (bb -> bb_info, &st) == NOTOK
	    || bb -> bb_mtime == st.st_mtime
	    || (fp = fopen (bb -> bb_info, "r")) == NULL)
    bb -> bb_mtime = st.st_mtime;

    if (fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, fp) && (i = atoi (buffer)) > 0)
	bb -> bb_maxima = i;
    if (!feof (fp) && fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, fp)) {
	if (bb -> bb_date)
	    free (bb -> bb_date);
	if (cp = index (buffer, '\n'))
	    *cp = NULL;
	bb -> bb_date = getcpy (buffer);

    (void) fclose (fp);

    if (debug)
	padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "updated: \"%s\", 0%o, %d, %s",
		bb -> bb_name, bb -> bb_flags, bb -> bb_maxima, bb -> bb_date);
#endif	BPOP

/*  */

static int  quit (vec)
char   **vec;
    int     d,

    d = dmsgs, n = nmsgs;

    if (quitaux (vec) == NOTOK)
	return NOTOK;

#ifdef	BPOP
    if (xtnded)
	return respond (OK, "%s signing off", server);
#endif	BPOP

    if (n == d)
	return respond (OK, "%s signing off (maildrop empty)", server);

    return respond (OK,
	    n ? "%s signing off (%d message%s, %d octets left)"
	    : "%s signing off (maildrop empty)",
	    server, n - d, n - d != 1 ? "s" : NULL, Msgs[0].m_size);

static int  quitaux (vec)
char   **vec;
    int     i;

    if (dp == NULL)
	return OK;

    i = quitfile (vec);

    nmsgs = dmsgs = rmsgs = 0;
    (void) lkfclose (dp, maildrop);
    dp = NULL;

    return i;

/*  */


static int  quitfile (vec)
char   **vec;
    register int    i,
    char    tmpfil[BUFSIZ],
    struct stat st;

    if ((dmsgs == 0 && rmsgs == 0) || (Msgs[0].m_flags & MREAD))
	return OK;

if(debug)padvise(NULLCP,LOG_DEBUG,"XXX: rmsgs=%d",rmsgs);
    if (fstat (fileno (dp), &st) == NOTOK)
	return respond (NOTOK, "unable to stat file");
    if (mtime != st.st_mtime)
	return respond (NOTOK, "new messages have arrived, no update");
    mode = (int) (st.st_mode & 0777);

    if (nmsgs == dmsgs) {
#ifndef	SYS5
	i = truncate (maildrop, 0);
#else	SYS5
	i = open (maildrop, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC);
	if (i != NOTOK) (void) close (i);
#endif	SYS5
	(void) unlink (map_name (maildrop));/* XXX */
	if (i == NOTOK)
	    return respond (NOTOK, "unable to zero %s", maildrop);
	return OK;

    (void) strcpy (tmpfil, m_backup (maildrop));
    if ((md = mbx_open (tmpfil, st.st_uid, st.st_gid, mode)) == NOTOK)
	  { char msgbuf0[256];
	    sprintf(msgbuf0,"unable to create temporary file (%s)",tmpfil);
	    return respond (NOTOK, msgbuf0);

    j = 0, tmpDR = Msgs[0].m_last;
if(debug)padvise(NULLCP,LOG_DEBUG,"XXX: last=%d",Msgs[0].m_last);
    for (i = 1; i <= nmsgs; i++) {
	if (!(Msgs[i].m_flags & MDELE))
	if (i == tmpDR)
	    Msgs[0].m_last = j;
if(debug)padvise(NULLCP,LOG_DEBUG,"XXX: last=%d",Msgs[0].m_last);

    for (i = 1; i <= nmsgs; i++)
	if (!(Msgs[i].m_flags & MDELE)
	    &&  mbx_write (tmpfil, md, dp, Msgs[i].m_id, Msgs[0].m_last,
			Msgs[i].m_start, Msgs[i].m_stop, TRUE, debug)
				== NOTOK) {
	    (void) mbx_close (tmpfil, md);
	    (void) unlink (tmpfil);
	    return respond (NOTOK, "error writing temporary file");
    (void) mbx_close (tmpfil, md);

    if ((i = rename (tmpfil, maildrop)) == OK) {
	(void) strcpy (map1, map_name (tmpfil));
	(void) strcpy (map2, map_name (maildrop));
	if (rename (map1, map2) == NOTOK) {
	    (void) unlink (map1);
	    (void) unlink (map2);

    if (i == NOTOK)
	return respond (NOTOK, "unable to rename maildrop");

    return OK;

/*  */

static struct vector   *getvector (bp, vec)
register char   *bp,
    register int    i;
    register struct vector *v;

    for (i = 0; i < NVEC; i++) {
	while (isspace (*bp))
	    *bp++ = NULL;
	if (*bp == NULL) {
	    vec[i] = NULL;
	vec[i] = bp;
	while (!isspace (*bp))
    vec[NVEC] = NULL;

    if (*bp != NULL) {
	(void) respond (NOTOK, "too many arguments");
	return NULL;
    if (*vec[0] == NULL) {
	(void) respond (NOTOK, "null command");
	return NULL;
    make_lower (vec[0], vec[0]);

    for (v = vectors; v -> v_cmd; v++)
	if (strcmp (v -> v_cmd, vec[0]) == 0 && v -> v_valid == mystate) {
	    if (i < v -> v_min || v -> v_max < i) {
		(void) respond (NOTOK, "too %s arguments to \"%s\"",
			i < v -> v_min ? "few" : "many", vec[0]);
		return NULL;
		return v;

    (void) respond (NOTOK, "unknown command: \"%s\"", vec[0]);
    return NULL;

/*  */

/* VARARGS2 */

static int  respond (code, fmt, a, b, c, d)
char   *fmt,
int     code;
    register char  *bp;
    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];

    bp = buffer;
    bp += strlen (sprintf (bp, "%s%s", code == OK ? "+OK" : "-ERR",
		fmt ? " " : NULL));
    if (fmt)
	bp += strlen (sprintf (bp, fmt, a, b, c, d));
    putline (buffer, output);

    return code;

/* VARARGS1 */

static  multiline (fmt, a, b, c, d)
char   *fmt,
    register char  *cp;
    char    buffer[BUFSIZ + TRMLEN];

    (void) strcpy (buffer, TRM);
    (void) sprintf (cp = (buffer + TRMLEN), fmt, a, b, c, d);
    if (strncmp (cp, TRM, TRMLEN) == 0)
	cp = buffer;

    putline (cp, output);

static  multiend () {
    putline (TRM, output);

/*  */

static int  getline (s, n, iop)
register char  *s;
register int	n;
register FILE  *iop;
    register int    c;
    register char  *p;

    p = s;
    while (--n > 0 && (c = fgetc (iop)) != EOF) {
	while (c == IAC) {
	    (void) fgetc (iop);
	    c = fgetc (iop);
	if ((*p++ = c) == '\n')
    if (ferror (iop))
	return NOTOK;
    if (c == EOF && p == s)
	return DONE;
    *p++ = NULL;
    if (debug)
	padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "<--- %s", s);

    return OK;

static  putline (s, iop)
register char   *s;
register FILE   *iop;
    (void) fprintf (iop, "%s\r\n", s);
    if (debug)
	padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "---> %s", s);

    (void) fflush (iop);


static int pipeser (sig, code, sc)
int	sig;
long    code;
struct sigcontext *sc;
    padvise (NULLCP, LOG_WARNING, "lost connection");

    _exit (NOTOK);

/*  */

/* Some people don't want to use the POP delivery agent with Sendmail
 * if they're going to run POP.  Sendmail writes maildrops in the old
 * UUCP format, and popd doesn't know how to read them.  These people
 * really should do what the MH manual says -- run the pop delivery
 * agent and be done with it.  Some things never die.
 * A real fix would be to make uip/dropsbr.c should use the same methods
 * as sbr/m_getfld.c to determine the format of maildrops and read &
 * write them.  Unfortunately, it'll take a lot of work to bring it into
 * the fold.  20Mar90/JLR
 * I really really hate to add this, but this lets stuff popd read
 * UUCP style maildrops as well as MMDF (ctrl/A) style maildrops.  It was
 * contributed by Steve Dempsey <steved@longs.LANCE.ColoState.Edu>.
 * Here's what he says:
 * Ideally, one should be able to do it with the mmdelim strings, but
 * the MH parser is not intelligent enough to do this.  You have at
 * least a couple of choices:
 *   - use aliases to deliver mail to POP users (user: user@pop) and
 *     install the POP delivery agent - should work well with sendmail.
 *   - fix the POP server!
 * We have all mail sent to one machine and users are given two options:
 *   - MH on any machine.
 *   - any user agent on the postoffice machine.
 * Most of our workstations run xmh and users find that to be sufficient.
 * New users are only taught to use MH, and a very few old timers stay
 * with BSD mail.  In any case, several agents are available at the cost
 * of a telnet/rlogin if a user does not like MH.
 * I have made the changes to the POP server (MH-6.6/support/pop/popser.c)
 * to look for the `\n\nFrom ' delimiter instead of the ^A's, using some
 * code from the BSD agent.  Context diff is included below.  When this
 * is installed, you just go back to the normal localmail and get rid of
 * slocal completely.
 * I have not tried this modification with anything but the MH client,
 * but it should work.  Nothing in the POP protocol changes; the server
 * just has different criteria for delimiting messages in the mailbox.
 * If you decide to use this, I'd like to know what happens.
 *         Steve Dempsey,  Center for Computer Assisted Engineering
 *   Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO  80523    +1 303 491 0630
 * INET: steved@longs.LANCE.ColoState.Edu, dempsey@handel.CS.ColoState.Edu
 * boulder!ccncsu!longs.LANCE.ColoState.Edu!steved, ...!ncar!handel!dempsey

/*  */
/* from dropsbr.c - read from a mailbox - pop server version */

/* ALMOST IDENTICAL to mbx_read */

static	int	pmbx_read (fp, pos, drops, noisy)
register FILE  *fp;
register long	pos;
struct drop **drops;
int	noisy;
    register int    len,
    long    ld1,
    register char  *bp;
    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];
    register struct drop   *cp,

    /* get drop storage */
    pp = (struct drop  *) calloc ((unsigned) (len = MAXFOLDER), sizeof *dp);

    if (debug)
	padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "pmbx_read (%d, %ld, %d, %d)",
		fp, pos,drops,noisy);

    if (pp == NULL) {
	if (noisy)
	    admonish (NULLCP, "unable to allocate drop storage");
	return NOTOK;

    /* get sizes of msg delimiters */
    ld1 = (long) strlen (mmdlm1);
    ld2 = (long) strlen (mmdlm2);

    /* rewind drop file */
    (void) fseek (fp, pos, 0);

    if (debug)
	padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "rewind maildrop");

    /* read a buffer */
    for (ep = (dp = pp) + len - 1; fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, fp);) {
	size = 0;

	/* if beginning of msg then mark it */

	if (p_ishead(buffer)) /*(strcmp (buffer, mmdlm1) == 0)*/ {
	    /* (don't) inc pos to msg start, mark it */
	    /*pos += ld1;*/
	    dp -> d_start = pos;
	    pos += strlen(buffer);  /* inc pos after marking head */
	else {
	    /* didn't find it; mark it anyway */
	    dp -> d_start = pos, pos += (long) strlen (buffer);

	    /* count newlines and inc size if any found */
	    for (bp = buffer; *bp; bp++, size++)
		if (*bp == '\n')

	/* read more lines... */
	while (fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, fp) != NULL)

	    /* found end? */
	    if (p_ishead(buffer)) /*(strcmp (buffer, mmdlm2) == 0)*/ {

		/* out of loop */
	        (void) fseek (fp, pos, 0);

	    else {
		/* add buffer size to pos */
		pos += (long) strlen (buffer);

		/* count newlines.... */
		for (bp = buffer; *bp; bp++, size++)
		    if (*bp == '\n')

	if (dp -> d_start != pos) {
	    /* do this if pos was actually incremented; got some text */
	    dp -> d_id = 0;
	    dp -> d_size = size;  /* save the stuff we got */
	    dp -> d_stop = pos;

	/* (don't) advance pos */
	/* pos += ld2; */

	/* need more storage.... */
	if (dp >= ep) {
	    register int    curlen = dp - pp;

	    cp = (struct drop  *) realloc ((char *) pp,
		                    (unsigned) (len += MAXFOLDER) * sizeof *pp);
	    if (cp == NULL) {
		if (noisy)
		    admonish (NULLCP, "unable to allocate drop storage");
		free ((char *) pp);
		return 0;
	    dp = cp + curlen, ep = (pp = cp) + len - 1;

    /* return unused stuff */
    if (dp == pp)
	free ((char *) pp);
	*drops = pp;
    return (dp - pp);

 * The remainder of this file adapted from:
 *	head.c	5.2 (Berkeley) 6/21/85

struct p_hdline {
	char	*l_from;	/* The name of the sender */
	char	*l_tty;		/* His tty string (if any) */
	char	*l_date;	/* The entire date string */

 * See if position in a file is a mail header.
 * Return true if yes.  Note the extreme pains to
 * accomodate all funny formats.

#define	NOSTR		((char *) 0)	/* Null string pointer */
static	char *p_copyin();
static	char *p_copy();

static	p_ishead(buffer)
char buffer[];
register char *cp;
struct p_hdline hl;
char linebuf[BUFSIZ];
char parbuf[BUFSIZ];

	cp = linebuf;

	if (linebuf[0]=='F')
		  padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "ishead: '%s'",linebuf);

	if (strncmp("From ", cp, 5) != 0)

	padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "Fromline...");

	/* get full header */
	p_parse(cp, &hl, parbuf);

	if (hl.l_from == NOSTR || hl.l_date ==  NOSTR) {
		  padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "Fromline...NODATE");

	if (!p_isdate(hl.l_date)) {
		  padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "Fromline...BADDATE %s",

	/* I guess we got it! */
	padvise (NULLCP, LOG_DEBUG, "got a head.. ");


 * Split a headline into its useful components.
 * Copy the line into dynamic string space, then set
 * pointers into the copied line in the passed headline
 * structure.  Actually, it scans.

static	p_parse(line, hl, pbuf)
	char line[], pbuf[];
	struct p_hdline *hl;
	register char *cp, *dp;
	char *sp;
	char word[BUFSIZ];
	char * p_nextword();

	hl->l_from = NOSTR;
	hl->l_tty = NOSTR;
	hl->l_date = NOSTR;
	cp = line;
	sp = pbuf;

	 * Skip the first "word" of the line, which should be "From"
	 * anyway.
	cp = p_nextword(cp, word);
	dp = p_nextword(cp, word);
	if (!(strcmp(word, "")==0))
		hl->l_from = p_copyin(word, &sp);

	if (strncmp(dp, "tty", 3) == 0) {
		cp = p_nextword(dp, word);
		hl->l_tty = p_copyin(word, &sp);
		if (cp != NOSTR)
			hl->l_date = p_copyin(cp, &sp);

	/* USUAL */
		if (dp != NOSTR)
			hl->l_date = p_copyin(dp, &sp);

 * Copy the string on the left into the string on the right
 * and bump the right (reference) string pointer by the length.
 * Thus, dynamically allocate space in the right string, copying
 * the left string into it.

static	char *
p_copyin(src, space)
	char src[];
	char **space;
	register char *cp, *top;
	register int s;

	s = strlen(src);
	cp = *space;
	top = cp;
	strcpy(cp, src);
	cp += s + 1;
	*space = cp;

 * Collect a liberal (space, tab delimited) word into the word buffer
 * passed.  Also, return a pointer to the next word following that,
 * or (empty) if none follow.

static	char *
p_nextword(wp, wbuf)
	char wp[], wbuf[];
	register char *cp, *cp2;

	if ((cp = wp) == NOSTR) {
		p_copy("", wbuf);
	cp2 = wbuf;
	while (!any(*cp, " \t") && *cp != '\0')
		if (*cp == '"') {
 			*cp2++ = *cp++;
 			while (*cp != '\0' && *cp != '"')
 				*cp2++ = *cp++;
 			if (*cp == '"')
 				*cp2++ = *cp++;
 		} else
 			*cp2++ = *cp++;
	*cp2 = '\0';
	while (any(*cp, " \t"))
	if (*cp == '\0')

 * Copy str1 to str2, return pointer to null in str2.

static	char *
p_copy(str1, str2)
	char *str1, *str2;
	register char *s1, *s2;

	s1 = str1;
	s2 = str2;
	while (*s1)
		*s2++ = *s1++;
	*s2 = 0;

#define	L	1		/* A lower case char */
#define	S	2		/* A space */
#define	D	3		/* A digit */
#define	O	4		/* An optional digit or space */
#define	C	5		/* A colon */
#define	N	6		/* A new line */
#define U	7		/* An upper case char */

static	char p_ctypes[] = 
/*       T h u   S e p   2 9   1 5 : 2 0 : 1 9   1 9 8 8 */

static	char p_tmztyp[] = 
/*       T h u   S e p   2 9   1 5 : 2 0 : 1 9   M S T   1 9 8 8 */

static	p_isdate(date)
	char date[];
	register char *cp;

	cp = date;
	if (p_cmatch(cp, p_ctypes))

	return(p_cmatch(cp, p_tmztyp));

 * Match the given string against the given template.
 * Return 1 if they match, 0 if they don't

static	p_cmatch(str, temp)
	char str[], temp[];
	register char *cp, *tp;
	register int c;

	cp = str;
	tp = temp;
	while (*cp != '\0' && *tp != 0) {
		c = *cp++;
		switch (*tp++) {
		case L:
			if (c < 'a' || c > 'z')

		case U:
			if (c < 'A' || c > 'Z')

		case S:
			if (c != ' ')

		case D:
			if (!isdigit(c))

		case O:
			if (c != ' ' && !isdigit(c))

		case C:
			if (c != ':')

		case N:
			if (c != '\n')
	if ((*cp != '\0' && *cp != '\n') || *tp != 0)

static	any(ch, str)
	char *str;
	register char *f;
	register c;

	f = str;
	c = ch;
	while (*f)
		if (c == *f++)

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.