
This is m_gmsg.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* m_gmsg.c - read a folder */

#include "../h/mh.h"
#include "../h/local.h"
#include <stdio.h>

#define	NINFO	(MAXFOLDER / 5)	/* PLEASE be non-trivial... */
struct info {
    int     msgno;
    short   stats;
    char    pad[sizeof (int) - sizeof (short)];

static int  len=0;
static struct info *head;

static		m_getatr();
static int	m_setatr();
/*  */

struct msgs *m_gmsg (name)
register char   *name;
#ifdef	COMPAT
    register int    cur,
#endif	COMPAT
    register int    i,
    register struct info *rover,
#ifdef	COMPAT
    register char  *cp;
    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];
#endif	COMPAT
    register struct msgs   *mp;
#ifdef SYS5DIR
    register struct dirent *dp;
		DIR * dd;
#else  SYS5DIR
    register struct direct *dp;
    register    DIR * dd;
#endif SYS5DIR
    struct stat st;

    if ((dd = opendir (name = m_mailpath (name))) == NULL) {
	free (name);
	return NULL;
    (void) fstat (dd -> dd_fd, &st);

    mp = (struct msgs  *) malloc (MSIZE (mp, 0, 0));
    if (mp == NULL)
	adios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate folder storage");
    mp -> lowmsg = mp -> hghmsg = mp -> nummsg = 0;
    mp -> curmsg = 0;
    mp -> lowsel = mp -> hghsel = mp -> numsel = 0;
    mp -> foldpath = name;
    mp -> msgflags = NULL;
    if (st.st_uid != getuid () || access (name, 02) == NOTOK)
	mp -> msgflags |= READONLY;
#ifdef	COMPAT
    cur = 0;
#endif	COMPAT
    j = strlen (SBACKUP);
    if (head == NULL)
	if ((head = (struct info *)
		malloc ((unsigned) ((len = NINFO) * sizeof *head))) == NULL)
	    adios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate info storage");
    tail = (rover = head) + len;

    while (dp = readdir (dd))
	if (i = m_atoi (dp -> d_name)) {
	    if (rover >= tail) {
		register int curlen = tail - head;

		if ((tail = (struct info *) realloc ((char *) head,
			     (unsigned) ((len += NINFO) * sizeof *head)))
			== NULL)
		    adios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate info storage");
		    rover = tail + curlen, head = tail, tail += len;
	    if (i > mp -> hghmsg)
		mp -> hghmsg = i;
	    mp -> nummsg++;
	    if (mp -> lowmsg == 0 || i < mp -> lowmsg)
		mp -> lowmsg = i;
	    rover -> msgno = i;
	    rover -> stats = EXISTS;
#ifdef	notdef
	    rover -> stats &= ~DELETED;
#endif	notdef
	    switch (dp -> d_name[0]) {
		case '.': 

		case ',': 
#ifdef	notdef
		    if ((i = m_atoi (dp -> d_name + 1)) {
			register struct info *l;

			for (l = head; l < rover; l++)
			    if (l -> msgno == i) {
				if (!(l -> stats & EXISTS))
				    l -> stats |= DELETED;
#endif	notdef

#ifdef	MHE
		case '+': 
#endif	MHE

#ifdef	UCI
		case '_': 
		case '#': 
#endif	UCI

#ifdef	COMPAT
		    if (strcmp (dp -> d_name, current) == 0) {
#endif	COMPAT
		    if (strcmp (dp -> d_name, LINK) == 0
			    || strncmp (dp -> d_name, SBACKUP, j) == 0)
		    mp -> msgflags |= OTHERS;

    closedir (dd);

/*  */

#ifdef	COMPAT
    (void) sprintf (buffer, "%s-%s", current, name);
    if (cp = m_find (buffer)) {
	i = m_atoi (cp);
	(void) m_delete(buffer);
	if (i > 0)
	    mp -> curmsg = i;
    if (mp -> curmsg == 0 && cur && (fd = open (current, 0)) != NOTOK) {
	    if ((i = read (fd, buffer, sizeof buffer)) > 0) {
		if (cp = index (buffer, '\n'))
		    *cp = NULL;
		if ((i = m_atoi (buffer)) > 0)
		    mp -> curmsg = i;
	    (void) close (fd);
    if (cur && !(mp -> msgflags & READONLY)){	/* sneaky... */
	(void) sprintf (buffer, "%s/%s", name, current);
	(void) unlink (buffer);
#endif	COMPAT

#ifndef	MTR
    mp -> lowoff = 1;
#else	MTR
    mp -> lowoff = mp -> lowmsg;
#endif	MTR
    mp -> hghoff = mp -> hghmsg + 1;/* for "new" in m_convert */

    mp = (struct msgs  *)
		realloc ((char *) mp, MSIZE (mp, mp -> lowoff, mp -> hghoff));
    if (mp == NULL)
	adios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate folder storage");
#ifndef	MTR
    for (i = mp -> lowmsg; i <= mp -> hghmsg; i++)
	mp -> msgstats[i] = 0;
#else	MTR
    mp -> msgstats = (short *)
		calloc ((unsigned) 1, MSIZEX (mp, mp -> lowmsg, mp -> hghmsg));
    if (mp -> msgstats == NULL)
	adios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate messages storage");
    mp -> msgstats = (mp -> msgbase = mp -> msgstats) - mp -> lowoff;
    if (mp -> msgstats < (short *)0)	/* non portable */
	adios (NULLCP, "m_gmsg() botch -- you lose big");
#endif	MTR
    for (tail = head; tail < rover; tail++)
	mp -> msgstats[tail -> msgno] = tail -> stats;
    m_getatr (mp);

    return mp;

/*  */

static m_getatr (mp)
register struct msgs *mp;
    int     alen,
    register char  *cp;
    char    name[NAMESZ],
            field[BUFSIZ * 2];
    register struct node   *np;
    register    FILE * fp;

    bits = FFATTRSLOT;

    mp -> msgattrs[i = 0] = getcpy (current);
    mp -> msgattrs[++i] = NULL;
    mp -> attrstats = 0;	/* initially, all public */

    m_getdefs ();
    if (mh_seq == NULL || *mh_seq == NULL)
	goto private_only;

    (void) sprintf (field, "%s/%s", mp -> foldpath, mh_seq);
    if (fp = fopen (field, "r")) {
	for (state = FLD;;) {
	    switch (state = m_getfld (state, name, field, sizeof field, fp)) {
		case FLD: 
		case FLDEOF: 
		    (void) m_setatr (mp, getcpy (name), trimcpy (field));
		    if (state == FLDEOF)

		case BODY: 
		case BODYEOF: 
		    adios (NULLCP,
			    "no blank lines are permitted in %s/%s",
			    mp -> foldpath, mh_seq);/* fall */

		case FILEEOF:

		    adios (NULLCP, "%s/%s is poorly formatted",
			    mp -> foldpath, mh_seq);
	(void) fclose (fp);

private_only: ;
    alen = strlen ("atr-");
    plen = strlen (mp -> foldpath) + 1;

    for (np = m_defs; np; np = np -> n_next)
	if (ssequal ("atr-", np -> n_name)
		&& (j = strlen (np -> n_name) - plen) > alen
		&& *(np -> n_name + j) == '-'
		&& strcmp (mp -> foldpath, np -> n_name + j + 1) == 0) {
	    cp = getcpy (np -> n_name + alen);
	    *(cp + j - alen) = NULL;
	    if ((i = m_setatr (mp, cp, getcpy (np -> n_field))) != NOTOK)
		mp -> attrstats |= 1 << (bits + i);/* private */

/*  */

static int  m_setatr (mp, name, field)
register struct msgs *mp;
register char   *name,
    int     bits,
    register int    i,
    register char  *cp,

    bits = FFATTRSLOT;
    hack = strcmp (current, name) == 0;/* hack... */

    for (i = 0; mp -> msgattrs[i]; i++)
	if (strcmp (mp -> msgattrs[i], name) == 0) {
	    for (j = mp -> lowmsg; j <= mp -> hghmsg; j++)
		mp -> msgstats[j] &= ~(1 << (bits + i));
    if (i >= NATTRS) {
	free (name);
	free (field);
	return NOTOK;

    if (mp -> msgattrs[i] == NULL) {
	mp -> msgattrs[i] = name;
	mp -> msgattrs[i + 1] = NULL;
	free (name);

    for (ap = brkstring (field, " ", "\n");
	    ap++) {
	if (cp = index (*ap, '-'))
	    *cp++ = NULL;
	if ((j = m_atoi (*ap)) > 0) {
#ifdef	notdef
	    if (hack && j >= mp -> lowmsg && j <= mp -> hghmsg
		    && (mp -> msgstats[j] & EXISTS))
		mp -> curmsg = j;
#else	not notdef
	    if (hack)
		mp -> curmsg = j;
#endif	not notdef
	    for (k = cp ? m_atoi (cp) : j; j <= k; j++)
		if (j >= mp -> lowmsg && j <= mp -> hghmsg
			&& (mp -> msgstats[j] & EXISTS))
		    mp -> msgstats[j] |= 1 << (bits + i);
    free (field);

    return i;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.