
[View forward.pl] 
[View index_files.rtf] 


This package contains two things: partial documentation on the NeXT
Mail table_of_contents file format, and a perl script that you can use
to have your incoming mail automatically incorporated into various
mailboxes, depending on the headers of the incoming messages.

To set up the perl script you need to do two things, after making sure
you have perl installed. You should edit forward.pl and follow the
directions for setting some user-specific and site-specific variables.
Then you need to create a file called .forward in your home directory.
This will tell the mailing system to send incoming mail through the
perl script. Mine contains the single line:

"| /usr/cap/bin/forward.pl"

You can install forward.pl wherever you want. Make sure your .forward
file references the location where you actually installed forward.pl.
Finally, make sure forward.pl is executable. You can do this by typing

    chmod +x forward.pl

Send any questions or problems to Chris Paris (cap+@cmu.edu).

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.