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POP3D (8)              UNIX Programmer's Manual             POP3D (8)

	pop3d  --  remote maildrop access server


	Pop3d is a mailbox server based on the Internet RFC1225,
	Post Office Protocol Version 3. The program allows remote
	access to UNIX maildrops found in /private/spool/mail. The
	server requires user and password verification before a
	maildrop can be opened. The server can retrieve and delete
	messages from the maildrop on a per-message basis.

	Pop3d listens for TCP requests on port 110. Once connected
	it expects single line commands terminated by a <CR-LF>.

	Pop3d currently supports the following POP3 commands; the
	commands are case independent. In addition, the server
	supports one extension command, HOST, which allows access
	to BSMTP formatted maildrops in the directory /private/spool/pop.
	The syntax for the HOST command is:   HOST <hostname>
	Example:	HOST fennario.ucdavis.edu
	this will open the file at /private/spool/pop/fennario.ucdavis.edu

	Command			Description
	USER			specify user for maildrop access
	PASS			specify password for maildrop access
	STAT			give message count and size of maildrop
	LIST			list size of individual messages
	RETR			retrieve a message
	DELE			delete a message
	NOOP			do nothing, return a positive response
	LAST			give highest message number accessed
	RSET			unmark messages marked for deletion
	TOP			retrieve part of a message
	QUIT			terminate session

	The remaining optional command specified in RFC1225 (RPOP)
	is not implemented.

	/private/spool/mail/*	UNIX FromSPACE delimited maildrops
	/private/spool/pop/*	BSMTP formatted maildrops


	Katie Stevens, dkstevens@ucdavis.edu
	Information Technology -- Campus Access Point
	University of California, Davis

	The POP3 standard supersedes Post Office Protocol Version 2
	(POP2), described in RFC937.

			August 29, 1990

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