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Pop3d installation

This installs pop3d on your NEXTSTEP system. This version of POP3 was taken from the Linux distribution. It runs fine after some small mods (/var -> /private).

Here's how:

1.	Unpack the archive.
2.	In the directory pop3d, run 
			make just-install
	as root. 
	All NEXTSTEP systems, even without developer have make.

3.	Add the following line to /etc/services (this is just to be sure, 3.a is more important):

pop3		110/tcp		postoffice

3.a	Startup NetinfoManager
	Select the services directory
	Select pop
	Choose duplicate (Cmd-d)
	Open (double click) Copy_of_pop
	Change the name value to pop3
	Change the port to 110

4.	Add the following line to /etc/inetd.conf

pop3	stream	tcp	nowait	root	/etc/pop3d	pop3d

5.	Restart the inetd daemon:
		First find out the process id (PID) of inetd:
			su@mr_ed 70) ps ax | grep inetd
			  132 ?  SW    0:00  (inetd)
			 4336 p1 S     0:00 grep inetd
		The first line is the commando you use in a shell (as root). This gives the processes that have 'inetd' in their name. The second is obviously the one that we used to look for it. The first is the real inetd program. We restart it by sending a HANGUP signal to it:
			su@mr_ed 72) kill -HUP 132

That is all there is to it. From now on, valid users on your NEXTSTEP system can empty their mailboxes in /private/spool/mail. Note: the POP3 server should be run on the system that holds the mail spooling area (normally mailhost) if you have more than one machine.

Note of warning: NeXTmail also empties the mailbox in /private/spool/mail. So, if your users use both NeXTmail and some POP mail client they are in for some hassle with their mail messages. There are several ways around this problem, but that you can find out for yourself or someone else can do an easy-install package.

Gerben (Gerben_Wierda@RnA.NL)

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.