
This is unslice.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * unslice.c - Build a finished frame from a series of slices
 * Author:	John W. Peterson
 * 		Computer Science Dept.
 * 		University of Utah
 * Date:	Tue May 19 1987
 * Copyright (c) 1987, University of Utah
 * Lots of this code is swiped from comp.c

 * The "control file" is a text file with two numbers per line, each
 * line giving the starting and ending lines (inclusive) that are to
 * be taken from each input file to the output file.  This allows
 * potentially ragged portions of slices to be cropped away.
 * If no control file is given, then the extents given in the slices' headers
 * are used.  If two files overlap, the first lines from the second file
 * are thrown away.  The maximum y of the image must be specified this way.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rle.h>
#include <rle_raw.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#ifdef VOID_STAR
extern void *malloc();
extern char *malloc();
extern void free();

#endif /* USE_STDLIB_H */

void do_slice(), copy_scanline();

rle_hdr in_hdr, out_hdr;

 * Global raw data structures for copy_scanline.
rle_op ** out_raw;
int * out_nraw;

int max_y = 0;			/* Maximum Y value */
int num_skip = 0;		/* Counter for keeping track of raw lines */

int ctlflag = 0;		/* If true then we are using a ctl file */
int ctl_lines;			/* Number of lines in control file */
int *start_line,
    *stop_line;			/* Start and ending lines for the slices */

char default_ctl_file[] = "unslice.ctl";
char *progname;
char **gargv;

main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
    int nfiles, i;
    char **slicefiles;
    FILE *ctlfile;
    int y_flag, oflag = 0;

    char * ctlfilename = NULL, * out_fname = NULL;

    progname = cmd_name( argv );
    gargv = argv;

    if (! scanargs(argc, argv,
		   "% y%-ymax!d f%-ctlfile!s files!*s o%-outfile!s",
		   &y_flag, &max_y,
		   &ctlflag, &ctlfilename, &nfiles, &slicefiles,
                   &oflag, &out_fname ))

    /* Open the output file */
    out_hdr.rle_file = rle_open_f(progname, out_fname, "w");

    if (! (start_line = (int *) malloc( nfiles * sizeof(int) )))
    	fprintf(stderr, "%s: memory allocation failed.\n", progname);
    if (! (stop_line = (int *) malloc( nfiles * sizeof(int) )))
    	fprintf(stderr, "%s: memory allocation failed.\n", progname);

    if (ctlflag)		/* Read in and verify the control file */
	if (! ctlfilename)
	    ctlfilename = default_ctl_file;

	/* Read in the control file */

	ctlfile = rle_open_f( progname, ctlfilename, "r" );

	ctl_lines = 0;
	while (! feof( ctlfile ))
	    fscanf( ctlfile, "%d %d",
		   &(start_line[ctl_lines]), &(stop_line[ctl_lines]) );

	    if (start_line[ctl_lines] >= stop_line[ctl_lines])
		fprintf( stderr, "%s: ctl file garbled? (start %d, stop %d)\n",
			 start_line[ctl_lines], stop_line[ctl_lines] );

	if (ctl_lines > nfiles)
		    "%s: Warning: not enough slices for ctl file\n", progname);
	if (ctl_lines < nfiles)
		    "%s: Warning: too many slices for ctl file\n", progname);

	if (! max_y)
		    "%s: max y (-y ymax) must be given if no ctl file used\n",

    /* Process the slices */

    for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
	do_slice( i, slicefiles[i] );

    rle_puteof( &out_hdr );

    exit( 0 );

 * TAG( do_slice )
 * Read one slice from the given file and write it to the output.
 * Also generate the output header if it's the first file.
do_slice( num, filename )
int num;
char *filename;
    register int y;
    static int current_y = 0;

    in_hdr.rle_file = rle_open_f(progname, filename, "r");
     * Many sanity checks.  Code must be 3am-proof!

    rle_get_setup_ok( &in_hdr, progname, filename );
    if (ctlflag &&
       ((start_line[num] > in_hdr.ymax) ||
	(stop_line[num] < in_hdr.ymin)))
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s is out of slice range (%d %d)\n",
		progname, filename, start_line[num], stop_line[num]);

     * If this is the first slice, generate the output header.
    if (num == 0)
	FILE *f = out_hdr.rle_file;

	out_hdr = in_hdr;
	out_hdr.rle_file = f;
	rle_addhist( gargv, (rle_hdr *)0, &out_hdr );

	if (ctlflag)
	    out_hdr.ymin = start_line[0];
	    out_hdr.ymax = stop_line[ctl_lines-1];
	    out_hdr.ymin = in_hdr.ymin;
	    out_hdr.ymax = max_y;
	current_y = out_hdr.ymin;
	rle_put_setup( &out_hdr );

	if (rle_raw_alloc( &out_hdr, &out_raw, &out_nraw ))
	    fprintf(stderr,"%s: not enough heap\n", progname);

    if ((! ctlflag) && (in_hdr.ymax < current_y))
	       "%s: warning: slice %s completely ignored (wrong order?)\n",
		progname, filename);
 	fclose( in_hdr.rle_file );

     * Copy the file to the output.
    num_skip = 0;

    if (ctlflag)
	for (y = in_hdr.ymin; y <= in_hdr.ymax; y++ )
	    if ((y >= start_line[num]) && (y <= stop_line[num]))
		copy_scanline( y, 1 );
		copy_scanline( y, 0 ); /* Data out of range, just toss it. */
	for (y = in_hdr.ymin; y <= in_hdr.ymax; y++ )
	    if (y >= current_y)
		copy_scanline( y, 1 );
		copy_scanline( y, 0 );

	current_y = in_hdr.ymax + 1;

    fclose( in_hdr.rle_file );

 * The "skip counter" is stolen from comp.  It works like this:
 * if num_skip == 0, then we read the next line normally.  If it's
 * positive, then it tells us how many blank lines before the
 * next available real data.  If it's -1, then it means that the
 * output raw data should be used before calling rle_getraw again.

 * TAG( copy_scanline )
 * Copy the scanlines using the raw format, if the copy_flag is on.  If
 * copy_flag is false, scanlines are just eaten away from the input file.
copy_scanline( ypos, copy_flag )
int ypos;
int copy_flag;			/* If true, write the output */


    if (num_skip > 0)		/* Must skip blank rows */
	if (copy_flag)
	    rle_skiprow( &out_hdr, 1 );
	if (num_skip == 0)
	    num_skip = -1;	/* Flag raw data available */

    if (num_skip == 0)		/* ...Must read new data */
	num_skip = rle_getraw( &in_hdr, out_raw, out_nraw );
	num_skip = ypos;	/* num_skip < 0, data was already there */

    if (num_skip == 32768)	/* Hit the EOF */
	if (copy_flag)
	    rle_skiprow( &out_hdr, 1 );

    num_skip -= ypos;		/* Find how many blank lines left */

    if (num_skip > 0)
	goto SKIP_ROW;

    if (copy_flag)
	rle_putraw( out_raw, out_nraw, &out_hdr );
    rle_freeraw( &out_hdr, out_raw, out_nraw );

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