
This is bstring.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 *			B S T R I N G . C
 *  Interface Berkeley bzero() and bcopy() to SystemV routines,
 *  when not on a Berkeley system.
 *  Author -
 *	Michael John Muuss
 *  Source -
 *	SECAD/VLD Computing Consortium, Bldg 394
 *	The U. S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory
 *	Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland  21005-5066
 *  Distribution Status -
 *	Public Domain, Distribution Unlimitied.
#ifndef lint
static char RCSid[] = "@(#)$Id: bstring.c,v 3.0 90/08/03 15:20:02 spencer Exp $ (BRL)";

#ifndef BSD

 *			B Z E R O
char	*str;
int	n;
	memset( str, '\0', n );

 *			B C O P Y
char	*from;
char	*to;
int	count;
	memcpy( to, from, count );


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