This is gettaac.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
#ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)gettaac.c 1.2 7/5/90 Copyright (c) 1989, 1990\ by Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas"; #endif /* Copyright (c) 1989, 1990 Southwest Research Institute All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed by Southwest Research Institute. The name of Southwest Research Institute may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ /* * Send bug fixes and improvements to: */ #include <stdio.h> #include <strings.h> #include <signal.h> #include <suntool/sunview.h> #include <suntool/panel.h> #include <suntool/canvas.h> #include <sunwindow/win_cursor.h> #include <sunwindow/notify.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/dir.h> #include <sys/file.h> #include <pwd.h> #include "rle.h" #include <sys/stat.h> #include <taac1/taio.h> #define MAX_FILE_NAME 1024 #define FONT "/usr/lib/fonts/fixedwidthfonts/serif.r.14" #define NCMAP 256 #define X_PIXELS 512 /* number of x pixels */ #define Y_PIXELS 480 /* number of y pixels */ static Frame base_frame; static Canvas canvas; static Pixwin *pw; static Cursor cursor; /* control panel */ static Panel panel; static void init_panel(); static Panel_item file_name; static Panel_item gamma_item; /* panel notify procs */ static void doexit(); static void read_file(); static void format_select(); static void make_new_name(); /* utilities */ static void init_color_map(); static void bw_init_colors(); static void init_canvas(); /* useful stuff */ static struct pixfont *pixfont; static unsigned int *scan_line_buffer; static short icon_image[] = { #include "gettaac.icon" }; DEFINE_ICON_FROM_IMAGE(gettaac_icon, icon_image); static unsigned char red[NCMAP]; static unsigned char green[NCMAP]; static unsigned char blue[NCMAP]; #define RGB 0 #define GRAY 1 static int display_mode = RGB; static void read_file_rgb(); static void read_file_gray(); static void read_file_bw(); /* taac stuff */ TA_HANDLE *tahandle; static int erase[X_PIXELS]; static Notify_value taac_interposer(); main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { register int i; struct pixrect *screen; pixfont = pf_open(FONT); if (pixfont == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open the font %s\n", FONT); exit(1); } /* open the taac */ if((tahandle = ta_open(0))==NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "ta_open failed.\n"); exit(1); } if (ta_init(tahandle) == TA_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "error initializing taac\n"); exit(1); } ta_set_video(tahandle,TA_VIDEO_MIXEDTAAC,TA_SYNC_EXTERNAL); base_frame = window_create(0, FRAME, FRAME_ICON, &gettaac_icon, FRAME_ARGC_PTR_ARGV, &argc, argv, 0); init_panel(base_frame); canvas = window_create(base_frame, CANVAS, WIN_WIDTH, X_PIXELS, WIN_HEIGHT, Y_PIXELS, CANVAS_AUTO_SHRINK, FALSE, 0); window_fit(base_frame); ta_taac_canvas(tahandle, base_frame, canvas); window_main_loop(base_frame); ta_close(tahandle); } static void init_panel(base_frame) Frame base_frame; { panel = window_create(base_frame, PANEL, WIN_ROWS, 2, PANEL_LABEL_BOLD, TRUE, 0); panel_create_item(panel, PANEL_BUTTON, PANEL_ITEM_X, ATTR_COL(1), PANEL_ITEM_Y, ATTR_ROW(0) + 4, PANEL_LABEL_IMAGE, panel_button_image(panel, "EXIT", 4, 0), PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, doexit, 0); panel_create_item(panel, PANEL_BUTTON, PANEL_ITEM_X, ATTR_COL(8), PANEL_ITEM_Y, ATTR_ROW(0) + 4, PANEL_LABEL_IMAGE, panel_button_image(panel, "LOAD", 4, 0), PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, read_file, 0); panel_create_item(panel, PANEL_CHOICE, PANEL_ITEM_X, ATTR_COL(15), PANEL_ITEM_Y, ATTR_ROW(0) + 4, PANEL_CHOICE_STRINGS, "RGB", "Gray", 0, PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, format_select, 0); gamma_item = panel_create_item(panel, PANEL_TEXT, PANEL_ITEM_X, ATTR_COL(30), PANEL_ITEM_Y, ATTR_ROW(0) + 8, PANEL_VALUE_DISPLAY_LENGTH, 4, PANEL_LABEL_STRING, "Gamma:", PANEL_VALUE, "1.6", 0); file_name = panel_create_item(panel, PANEL_TEXT, PANEL_ITEM_X, ATTR_COL(42), PANEL_ITEM_Y, ATTR_ROW(0) + 8, PANEL_LABEL_STRING, "File:", PANEL_VALUE_STORED_LENGTH, MAX_FILE_NAME, PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, make_new_name, PANEL_VALUE_STORED_LENGTH, MAX_FILE_NAME, PANEL_NOTIFY_STRING, "\033\t\r", PANEL_VALUE_DISPLAY_LENGTH, 14, 0); window_set(panel, PANEL_CARET_ITEM, file_name, 0); } /* utilites */ static void doexit() { /* close the taac */ ta_close(tahandle); exit(0); } static void read_file() { char *filename; char full_path[MAX_FILE_NAME]; FILE *fp; filename = (char *)panel_get_value(file_name); if (*filename == '\0') { fp = stdin; } else { get_full_path(filename, full_path); if ((fp = fopen(full_path, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file ->%s<-\n", full_path); return; } } rle_dflt_hdr.rle_file = fp; rle_get_setup( &rle_dflt_hdr ); if (display_mode == RGB) read_file_rgb(); else if (display_mode == GRAY) read_file_gray(); else read_file_rgb(); fclose (rle_dflt_hdr.rle_file); } static void read_file_rgb() { unsigned char *scan[3]; register unsigned char *r, *g, *b; register int x, y; unsigned char *rmap, *gmap, *bmap; rle_pixel **in_cmap; double gamma; int x_size, y_size; int i; RLE_CLR_BIT(rle_dflt_hdr, RLE_ALPHA); x_size = (rle_dflt_hdr.xmax - rle_dflt_hdr.xmin + 1); y_size = (rle_dflt_hdr.ymax - rle_dflt_hdr.ymin + 1); /* get memory for the scan line data */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) scan[i] = (unsigned char *) malloc(x_size); rle_dflt_hdr.xmax -= rle_dflt_hdr.xmin; rle_dflt_hdr.xmin = 0; if (sscanf((char *)panel_get_value(gamma_item), "%lf", &gamma) != 1) gamma = 1.0; in_cmap = buildmap( &rle_dflt_hdr, 3, 1.0 / gamma, 1.0 ); rmap = &(in_cmap[0][0]); gmap = &(in_cmap[1][0]); bmap = &(in_cmap[2][0]); /* get memory for the output buffer */ scan_line_buffer = (unsigned int *) malloc(x_size * sizeof(unsigned int)); for ( i = 0; i < Y_PIXELS; i++) ta_write2d(tahandle, erase, X_PIXELS, 1, 0, i); while ( (y = rle_getrow( &rle_dflt_hdr, scan )) <= rle_dflt_hdr.ymax ) { for(x = 0, r = scan[0], g = scan[1], b = scan[2]; x < x_size; x++, r++, g++, b++) { scan_line_buffer[x] = rmap[*r] + (gmap[*g] << 8) + (bmap[*b] << 16); } /* XXX min ? */ ta_write2d(tahandle, scan_line_buffer, min(x_size, 1024), 1, 0, y_size - y); } /* be neat and free memory */ free(scan_line_buffer); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) free(scan[i]); } static void read_file_gray() { unsigned char *scan[3]; register unsigned char *r, *g, *b; register int x, value; unsigned char *map; rle_pixel **in_cmap; double gamma; int x_size, y_size, y; int i; RLE_CLR_BIT(rle_dflt_hdr, RLE_ALPHA); x_size = (rle_dflt_hdr.xmax - rle_dflt_hdr.xmin + 1); y_size = (rle_dflt_hdr.ymax - rle_dflt_hdr.ymin + 1); /* get memory for the scan line data */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) scan[i] = (unsigned char *) malloc(x_size); rle_dflt_hdr.xmax -= rle_dflt_hdr.xmin; rle_dflt_hdr.xmin = 0; if (sscanf((char *)panel_get_value(gamma_item), "%lf", &gamma) != 1) gamma = 1.0; in_cmap = buildmap( &rle_dflt_hdr, 1, 1.0 / gamma, 1.0 ); map = &(in_cmap[0][0]); /* get memory for the output buffer */ scan_line_buffer = (unsigned int *) malloc(x_size * sizeof(unsigned int)); for ( i = 0; i < Y_PIXELS; i++) ta_write2d(tahandle, erase, X_PIXELS, 1, 0, i); while ( (y = rle_getrow( &rle_dflt_hdr, scan )) <= rle_dflt_hdr.ymax ) { for(x = 0, r = scan[0], g = scan[1], b = scan[2]; x < x_size; x++, r++, g++, b++) { value = (35*(*r)+55*(*g)+10*(*b)) / 100; value = map[value]; scan_line_buffer[x] = value + (value << 8) + (value << 16); } /* XXX min ? */ ta_write2d(tahandle, scan_line_buffer, min(x_size, 1024), 1, 0, y_size - y); } /* be neat and free memory */ free(scan_line_buffer); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) free(scan[i]); } static void format_select(item, value, event) Panel_item item; int value; Event *event; { if (value == 0) display_mode = RGB; else if (value == 1) display_mode = GRAY; else display_mode = RGB; } /* * the next three functions are from the sunview "touchup" editor * * I have made a few changes to make the code work with gettaac * please forward bugs to me. -ksp */ /************************************************************************** Touchup a bitmap graphics editor for the Sun Workstation running SunView Copyright (c) 1988 by Raymond Kreisel 1/22/88 @ Suny Stony Brook This program may be redistributed without fee as long as this copyright notice is intact. ==> PLEASE send comments and bug reports to one of the following addresses: Ray Kreisel CS Dept., SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook NY 11794 UUCP: {allegra, philabs, pyramid, research}!sbcs!rayk ARPA-Internet: CSnet: rayk@suny-sb (If nobody is home at any of the above addresses try: S72QKRE@TOWSONVX.BITNET ) "If I get home before daylight, I just might get some sleep tonight...." **************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************** /* * Let's do file completion on what we have in the file name prompt */ static void make_new_name(item, event) Panel_item item; Event *event; { static filename[MAX_FILE_NAME]; { strcpy(filename,(char*)panel_get_value(file_name)); if (complete(filename)) window_bell(panel); panel_set(file_name,PANEL_VALUE,filename,0); } } /* This function, written by Marc J Newberger, * will do both login name completion and file name completion, DAM fast. * That means as fast as the csh does it. */ int complete(template) char *template; { char dirName[255]; char *prefix; int pref_len; char *suffix; char *p, *q; char first; char nonUnique; char twiddleUserCompletion; extern int errno; struct direct *nameEntry; DIR *dirChan; struct passwd *pwdEntry; /* * First do a little parsing of the input. Separate the * prefix template from the directory if there is one. */ twiddleUserCompletion= 0; prefix= template+strlen(template); while (*(--prefix) != '/' && prefix >= template); /* * See if a directory was specified: */ if (prefix < template) { /* * No /'s, could be either a username completion or * a completion in the current directory. */ if (template[0] == '~') { prefix++; twiddleUserCompletion= 1; } else { strcpy(dirName, "."); } } else if (prefix == template) { /* * Special case !! The directory excluding the trailing * '/' is zero length. It's the root: */ strcpy(dirName, "/"); } else { /* * We're completing a file in a directory. * The directory may be lead by a ~<username> abbreviation. * If that's the case expand it. */ if (template[0] == '~') { /* * We need to do twiddle directory expansion. * See if it's our directory: */ if (template[1] == '/') { strcpy(dirName, getenv("HOME")); if ( &template[1] != prefix ) { p= dirName+strlen(dirName); q= &template[1]; while (q < prefix) { *p= *q; p++, q++; } *p= 0; } } else { /* * It's someone else's. Let our fingers * do the walking. (Why the fuck do they call it * the "yellow pages" anyway. They're white pages * dammit ! If they were YELLOW pages, we could * say ypmatch "Automobile, Dealers, Retail", and * things like that !). */ for (p= dirName, q= &template[1]; (*p= *q) != '/'; p++, q++); *p= 0; if (!(pwdEntry= getpwnam(dirName))) { return errno; } strcpy(dirName, pwdEntry->pw_dir); p= dirName+strlen(dirName); while (q < prefix) { *p= *q; p++, q++; } *p= 0; } } else { /* * It's a vanilla directory. Strip it out. */ strncpy(dirName, template, prefix-template); dirName[prefix-template]= 0; } } /* * Bump prefix past the '/'. */ prefix++; /* * Get the prefix length and a pointer to the end of the * prefix. */ pref_len= strlen(prefix); suffix= template + strlen(template); /* * See whether we're doing filename or username completion: */ if (!twiddleUserCompletion) { /* * It's filename completion. Read through the directory: */ if ((dirChan= opendir(dirName)) == 0) { return errno; } first= 1; nonUnique= 0; for (;;) { if (!(nameEntry= readdir(dirChan))) { break; } if (!strncmp(prefix, nameEntry->d_name, pref_len)) { /* * We have a file that matches the template. * If it's the first one, we fill the completion * suffix with it. Otherwise we scan and pare down * the suffix. */ if (first) { first= 0 ; strcpy(suffix, nameEntry->d_name+pref_len); } else { nonUnique= 1; p= suffix; q= nameEntry->d_name+pref_len; while (*p == *q) { ++p; ++q; } *p= 0; /* * A little optimization: If p == suffix, we * were unable to do any extension of the name. * We might as well quit here. */ if (p == suffix) { break; } } } } closedir(dirChan); } else { /* * Do ~Username completion. Start by resetting the passwd file. */ setpwent(); first= 1; nonUnique= 0; for (;;) { if (!(pwdEntry= getpwent())) { break; } if (!strncmp(prefix, pwdEntry->pw_name, pref_len)) { /* * We have a user that matches the template. * If it's the first one, we fill the completion * suffix with it. Otherwise we scan and pare down * the suffix. */ if (first) { first= 0 ; strcpy(suffix, pwdEntry->pw_name+pref_len); } else { p= suffix; q= pwdEntry->pw_name+pref_len; while (*p == *q) { ++p; ++q; } /* * Here there is a possibility of seeing the * same username twice. For this reason, we * only set nonUnique to 1 if we're shortening * the suffix. This means that the new name is * distinct from any name we've seen. */ if (*p) { nonUnique= 1; *p= 0; } /* * A little optimization: If p == suffix, we * were unable to do any extension of the name. * We might as well quit here. */ if (p == suffix) { break; } } } } } /* * If nothing matched, return a -1, if there was non-uniqueness * return -2. */ if (first) { return -1; } else if (nonUnique) { return -2; } else { return 0; } } /* * Take a filename with a ~ character at the begining and return * the full path name to that file */ get_full_path(template,full_path) char template[]; char full_path[]; { char *p, *q; struct passwd *pwdEntry; /* * We're completing a file in a directory. * The directory may be lead by a ~<username> abbreviation. * If that's the case expand it. */ if (template[0] == '~') { /* * We need to do twiddle directory expansion. * See if it's our directory: */ if (template[1] == '/') { strcpy(full_path, getenv("HOME")); strcat(full_path,&template[1]); } else { /* * It's someone else's. Let our fingers * do the walking. (Why the fuck do they call it * the "yellow pages" anyway. They're white pages * dammit ! If they were YELLOW pages, we could * say ypmatch "Automobile, Dealers, Retail", and * things like that !). */ for (p= full_path, q= &template[1]; (*p= *q) != '/'; p++, q++); *p= 0; if (!(pwdEntry= getpwnam(full_path))) { return errno; } strcpy(full_path, pwdEntry->pw_dir); strcat(full_path,q); } } else strcpy(full_path,template); } /* * end of code from touchup */
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