
This is the README for tiffres.NIHS.bs.tar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]

	TIFFRES -- Tiff Resolution Tag Utility
				(c) Peter Langston <psl@acm.org> 2/95
	Version 1.2 6/15/95

Tiffres is a utility to inspect and/or set the values of the X & Y resolution
tags in TIFF files.  I wrote it out of frustration with programs that
mis-encode specified resolutions (e.g. Icon, Pixelist ... oh, hi Keith). 

	Usage: tiffres [-r[=#.#]] [-v] [-x[=#.#]] [-y[=#.#]] tiff-file [...]
	-r      prints the current x & y resolutions.
	-r=400  sets both the x & y resolutions to 400 dpi.
	-v      verbose output.
	-x      prints the current x resolution.
	-y      prints the current y resolution.
	-x=12.3 sets the x resolution to 12.3 dpi.
	-y=300  sets the y resolution to 300 dpi.
	The exit status is a count of errors.

The file "tiffres.tar.gz" is a gzipped tar archive containing
the following:

  Name			Contents
  ------------		------------------------------------------------
  tiffres		stripped multi-architecture binary (i386 & m68k)
  tiffres.README	this file
  tiffres.README.FIRST	a brief revision history
  tiffres.c		the source code
  tiffres.1		man page for tiffres

******************** Legal Gobbledegook *************************************
**   This program is freeware - you are free to use it for your own personal,
** non-commercial enjoyment.  For any other use (including transfer to other
** users), you must obtain my explicit permission.  This program is entirely
** free of any warranty or guarantee as to its appropriateness for any use.
**   Notwithstanding any implications from its status as freeware, this
** program is still mine (MINE ALL MINE!) and I reserve all rights granted
** to me by my copyright on it.
**	Peter Langston <psl@acm.org> Seattle, WA  3 June, 1995
** I hereby explicitly grant permission to the following FTP archive sites to
** distribute my program tiffres without charge to any individuals wishing to
** use it following the guidelines set out in the paragraphs above.
**	ftp.cs.orst.edu
**	sonata.cc.purdue.edu
**	ftp.informatik.uni-muenchen.de
**		Peter Langston <psl@acm.org> Seattle, WA  3 June, 1995
******************** E-O-L-G ************************************************

The history of the tiffres versions:

1.1	The current version - submitted to orst early on 6/3/95
	Code improvements:
		better handling of fopen() errors
		the -v option does more (quieter without it)
	Documentation improvement:
		man page added

1.0	The original version - submitted to orst early on 6/2/95

Peter Langston

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