
This is atmosphere.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * atmosphere.c
 * Copyright (C) 1989, 1991, Craig E. Kolb
 * All rights reserved.
 * This software may be freely copied, modified, and redistributed
 * provided that this copyright notice is preserved on all copies.
 * You may not distribute this software, in whole or in part, as part of
 * any commercial product without the express consent of the authors.
 * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software
 * for any purpose.  It is provided solely "as is".
 * $Id$
 * $Log$
#include "atmosphere.h"

Atmosphere *
AtmosCreate(data, method)
char *data;
void (*method)();
	Atmosphere *ef;

	ef = (Atmosphere *)Malloc(sizeof(Atmosphere));
	ef->data = data;
	ef->method = method;
	ef->next = (Atmosphere *)0;
	return ef;

Atmosphere *
Atmosphere *atmos;
	Atmosphere *res;

	if (atmos == (Atmosphere *)NULL)
		return (Atmosphere *)NULL;
	res = AtmosCreate(atmos->data, atmos->method);
	res->next = AtmosphereCopy(atmos->next);
	return res;

Medium *
MediumPush(index, effects, media)
Float index;
Atmosphere *effects;
Medium *media;
	Medium *new;

	new = (Medium *)Malloc(sizeof(Medium));
	new->index = index;
	new->atmos = effects;
	new->next = media;

	return new;

Atmospherics(effects, ray, dist, pos, color)
Atmosphere *effects;
Ray *ray;
Float dist;
Vector *pos;
Color *color;
	Atmosphere *etmp;

	for (etmp = effects; etmp; etmp = etmp->next)
		(*etmp->method)(etmp->data, ray, pos, dist, color);

ExpAtten(dist, trans)
Float dist, trans;
	Float atten;

	if (trans < EPSILON)
		return 0.;
	atten = LNHALF * dist / trans;
	return (atten < -10. ? 0. : exp(atten));

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