
This is torus.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * torus.c
 * Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, Mark Podlipec, Craig E. Kolb
 * All rights reserved.
 * This software may be freely copied, modified, and redistributed
 * provided that this copyright notice is preserved on all copies.
 * You may not distribute this software, in whole or in part, as part of
 * any commercial product without the express consent of the authors.
 * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software
 * for any purpose.  It is provided solely "as is".
 * $Id$
 * $Log$
#include "object.h"
#include "torus.h"

static Methods *iTorusMethods = NULL;
static char torusName[] = "torus";
unsigned long TorusTests, TorusHits;

 * Create & return reference to a torus.
Torus *
TorusCreate(a, b, pos, norm)
Float a, b;
Vector *pos, *norm;
	Torus  *torus;
	Vector tmpnrm;

	if ((a < EPSILON) || (b < EPSILON)) {
		RLerror(RL_WARN, "Degenerate torus.\n");
		return (Torus *)NULL;

	tmpnrm = *norm;
	if (VecNormalize(&tmpnrm) == 0.) {
		RLerror(RL_WARN, "Degenerate torus normal.\n");
		return (Torus *)NULL;

	torus = (Torus *)Malloc(sizeof(Torus));

	 * torus->aa holds the square of the swept radius.
	 * torus->bb holds the square of the tube radius.
	torus->a = a;
	torus->b = b;
	torus->aa = a*a;
	torus->bb = b*b;
	torus->trans = CoordSysTransform(pos, &tmpnrm, 1., 1.);

	return torus;

 * Ray/torus intersection test.
TorusIntersect(torus, inray, mindist, maxdist)
Torus *torus;
Ray *inray;
Float mindist, *maxdist;
	Vector pos,ray;
	double c[5],s[4], dist, nmin;
	Float distfactor;
	register int num,i;


	/* Transform ray into toroid space */
		Ray tmpray;
		tmpray = *inray;
		distfactor = RayTransform(&tmpray, &torus->trans->itrans);
		ray = tmpray.dir;
		pos = tmpray.pos;
		nmin = mindist * distfactor;

 * Original Equations for Toroid with position of (0,0,0) and axis (0,0,1)
 * Equation for two circles of radius b centered at (-a,0,0) and (a,0,0) 
 *      ((R-a)^2 + z*2 - b*b) * ((R+a)^2 + z*z - b*b) = 0 
 *       a         is swept radius
 *       b         is tube  radius
 * subsitute R*R = x*x + y*y  to rotate about z-axis
 * and substitute the parametric ray equations:
 *       x = x0 + t * x1;
 *       y = y0 + t * y1;
 *       z = z0 + t * z1;
 * to get a Quartic in t.
 *       c4*t^4 + c3*t^3 + c2*t^2 + c1*t + c0 = 0
 * where the coefficients are:
 *       c4 =   (x1s + y1s + z1s) * (x1s + y1s + z1s); 
 *       c3 =   4.0 * (tx + ty + tz) * (x1s + y1s + z1s);
 *       c2 =   2.0 * (x1s + y1s + z1s) * (x0s + y0s + z0s - as - bs)
 *            + 4.0 * (tx + ty + tz)    * (tx + ty + tz)
 *            + 4.0 * as * z1s;
 *       c1 =   4.0 * (tx + ty + tz) * (x0s + y0s + z0s - as - bs)
 *            + 8.0 * as * tz;
 *       c0 =   (x0s + y0s + z0s - as - bs) * (x0s + y0s + z0s - as - bs)
 *            + 4.0 * as * (z0s - bs);
 *       as        is swept radius squared
 *       bs        is tube  radius squared
 *      (x0,y0,z0) is origin of ray to be tested
 *      (x1,y1,z1) is direction vector of ray to be tested
 *       tx        is x0 * x1
 *       ty        is y0 * y1
 *       tz        is z0 * z1
 *   Since the direction vector (x1,y1,z1) is normalized:
 *              (x1s + y1s + z1s) = 1.0
 *   Also let     g2s = (x1 * x0) + (y1 * y0) + (z1 * z0)
 *    and let     g0s = (x0 * x0) * (y0 * y0) + (z0 * z0) - as - bs 
 *    since these terms are used fairly often
		register Float g0s,g2s;
		register Float as,bs;
		register Float z0s,z1s,tz;

		as  = torus->aa;
		bs  = torus->bb;
		z0s = pos.z * pos.z;
		z1s = ray.z * ray.z;
		tz  = pos.z * ray.z;
		g0s = pos.x * pos.x  +  pos.y * pos.y  +  z0s  -  as  -  bs;
		g2s = pos.x * ray.x  +  pos.y * ray.y  +  tz;

		c[4] =   1.0;
		c[3] =   4.0 * g2s;
		c[2] =   2.0 * (g0s  +  2.0 * g2s * g2s  +  2.0 * as * z1s);
		c[1] =   4.0 * (g2s*g0s  +  2.0*as*tz);
		c[0] =   g0s * g0s  +  4.0 * as * (z0s - bs);

	/* use GraphGem's Solve Quartic to find roots */
	num = SolveQuartic(c,s);

	/* no roots - return 0. */
	if (num==0) return FALSE;

	/* of roots return the smallest root > EPSILON */
	dist = 0.0;
		/* if root is in front of ray origin */
		if (s[i] > nmin) {
			/* first valid root */
			if (dist == 0.0) dist = s[i];
			/* else update only if it's closer to ray origin */
			else if (s[i] < dist) dist = s[i];
	dist /= distfactor;
	if (dist > mindist && dist < *maxdist) {
		*maxdist = dist;
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

 * Compute the normal to a torus at a given location on its surface
TorusNormal(torus, rawpos, nrm, gnrm)
Torus *torus;
Vector *rawpos, *nrm, *gnrm;
	Vector pos;
	register Float dist,posx,posy,xm,ym;

	/* Transform intersection point to torus space. */
	pos = *rawpos;
	PointTransform(&pos, &torus->trans->itrans);

 *  The code for the toroid is simpified by always having the axis
 *  be the z-axis and then transforming information to and from
 *  toroid space.
 *  Flatten toroid by ignoring z. Now imagine a knife cutting from
 *  center of toroid to the ray intersection point(x,y). The point
 *  on the tube axis(a circle about the origin with radius 'a') 
 *  where the knife cuts is (xm,ym,zm=0). Unflattening the toroid,
 *  the normal at the point [x,y,z] is (x-xm,y-ym,z). Of course, we
 *  must transform the normal back into world coordinates.
 *  Instead of messing with tan-1,sin and cos, we can find (xm,ym)
 *  by using the proportions:
 *     xm     x           ym     y
 *    ---- = ----   and  ---- = ----
 *     a     dist         a     dist
 *       a         is the swept radius
 *    [x,y,z]      is the point on the toroids surface
 *      dist       is the distance from the z-axis (x*x + y*y).
 *    [xm,ym,zm=0] is the point on the tube's axis 

	/* find distance from axis */
	posx = pos.x;
	posy = pos.y;
	dist = sqrt(posx * posx + posy * posy);

	if (dist > EPSILON)
		xm = torus->a * posx / dist;
		ym = torus->a * posy / dist;
	else /* ERROR - dist should not be < EPSILON (should never happen)*/
		xm = 0.0;
		ym = 0.0;

	/* normal is vector from [xm,ym,zm] to [x,y,z] */
	nrm->x = posx - xm;
	nrm->y = posy - ym;
	nrm->z = pos.z;   /* note by default zm is 0 */

	/* Transform normal back to world space. */
	NormalTransform(nrm, &torus->trans->itrans);
	*gnrm = *nrm;
	return FALSE;

TorusUV(torus, pos, norm, uv, dpdu, dpdv)
Torus *torus;
Vector *pos, *norm, *dpdu, *dpdv;
Vec2d *uv;
	Vector npos;
	Float costheta, sintheta, rad, cosphi;

	npos = *pos;
	PointTransform(&npos, &torus->trans->itrans);
	 * u = theta / 2PI
	rad = sqrt(npos.x*npos.x + npos.y*npos.y);
	costheta = npos.x / rad;
	sintheta = npos.y / rad;
	if (costheta > 1.)	/* roundoff */
		uv->u = 0.;
	else if (costheta < -1.)
		uv->u = 0.5;
		uv->u = acos(costheta) / TWOPI;
	if (sintheta < 0.)
		uv->u = 1. - uv->u;
	if (dpdu) {
		dpdu->x = -npos.y;
		dpdu->y = npos.x;
		dpdu->z = 0.;
		VecTransform(dpdu, &torus->trans->trans);
	 * sinphi = npos.z / tor->b;
	 * cosphi = rad - tor->a;
	 * cosphi is negated in order to make texture 'seam'
	 * occur on the interior of the torus.
	cosphi = -(rad - torus->a) / torus->b;
	if (cosphi > 1.)
		uv->v = 0.;
	else if (cosphi < -1.)
		uv->v = 0.5;
		uv->v = acos(cosphi) / TWOPI;
	if (npos.z > 0.)	/* if sinphi > 0... */
		uv->v = 1. - uv->v;
	 * dpdv = norm X dpdu
	if (dpdv) {
		VecCross(norm, dpdu, dpdv);
		VecTransform(dpdv, &torus->trans->trans);

 * Return the extent of a torus.
TorusBounds(torus, bounds)
Torus *torus;
Float bounds[2][3];
	bounds[LOW][X]  = bounds[LOW][Y]  = -(torus->a+torus->b);
	bounds[HIGH][X] = bounds[HIGH][Y] =  torus->a+torus->b;
	bounds[LOW][Z]  = -torus->b;
	bounds[HIGH][Z] =  torus->b;
         * Transform bounding box to world space.
	BoundsTransform(&torus->trans->trans, bounds);

char *
	return torusName;

TorusStats(tests, hits)
unsigned long *tests, *hits;
	*tests = TorusTests;
	*hits = TorusHits;

Methods *
	if (iTorusMethods == NULL) {
		iTorusMethods = MethodsCreate();
		iTorusMethods->create = (ObjCreateFunc *)TorusCreate;
		iTorusMethods->methods  = TorusMethods;
		iTorusMethods->name = TorusName;
		iTorusMethods->intersect = TorusIntersect;
		iTorusMethods->bounds = TorusBounds;
		iTorusMethods->normal = TorusNormal;
		iTorusMethods->uv = TorusUV;
		iTorusMethods->stats = TorusStats;
		iTorusMethods->checkbounds = TRUE;
		iTorusMethods->closed = TRUE;
	return iTorusMethods;

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