
This is hf.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * hf.h
 * Copyright (C) 1989, 1991, Craig E. Kolb
 * All rights reserved.
 * This software may be freely copied, modified, and redistributed
 * provided that this copyright notice is preserved on all copies.
 * You may not distribute this software, in whole or in part, as part of
 * any commercial product without the express consent of the authors.
 * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software
 * for any purpose.  It is provided solely "as is".
 * $Id$
 * $Log$
#ifndef HF_H
#define HF_H

#define ObjHfCreate(f) ObjCreate((ObjRef)HfCreate(f), HfMethods())

 * Any height values <= Hf_UNSET is not considered to be part of the
 * height field. Any trianges containing such a vertex will not be
 * rendered.  This allows one to render non-square height fields.
#define HF_UNSET		(-1000.)
 * Number of datapoints in a single cell.  If you've got loads of memory,
 * decrease this number.  The 'optimal' number is quite system-dependent,
 * but something around 20 seems to work well. For systems without much
 * memory, this constant should be greater than or equal to the largest
 * height field which will be rendered, thus making the algorithm
 * non-hierarchical.
#define BESTSIZE		16
 * Size of triangle cache.
#define CACHESIZE		6
 * Used to differentiate between the two triangles used to represent a cell:
 *	a------d
 *      |\     |
 *      | \TRI2|	TRI2 == c-->d-->a-->c
 *      |  \   |
 *      |   \  |
 *	|    \ |
 *      |TRI1 \|	TRI1 == c-->a-->b-->c
 *      b------c
#define TRI1			1
#define TRI2			2

typedef struct hfTri {
	Vector v1, v2, v3, norm;
	Float d;
	char type;
	struct hfTri *next, *prev;
} hfTri;

typedef struct {
	int len;
	hfTri *head, *tail;
} TriQueue;

typedef struct {
	float **data;		/* Altitude points */
	float minz, maxz;
	int size, *lsize;	/* # of points/side */
	int BestSize; 		/* "best" division size */
	float iBestSize;	/* inverse of above (for faster computation) */
	int levels;		/* log base BestSize of size */
	float ***boundsmax;	/* high data values at various resolutions. */
	float ***boundsmin;
	float *spacing;
	hfTri hittri, **q;	/* hit triangle and triangle cache */
	int qtail, qsize;	/* end and length of cache */
	Float boundbox[2][3];	/* bounding box of Hf */
} Hf;

extern Hf	*HfCreate();
extern int	HfIntersect(), HfEnter(), HfNormal();
extern void	HfBounds(), HfUV(), HfStats();
extern char	*HfName();
extern Methods	*HfMethods();

#endif /* HF_H */

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