
This is disc.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * disc.c
 * Copyright (C) 1989, 1991, Craig E. Kolb
 * All rights reserved.
 * This software may be freely copied, modified, and redistributed
 * provided that this copyright notice is preserved on all copies.
 * You may not distribute this software, in whole or in part, as part of
 * any commercial product without the express consent of the authors.
 * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software
 * for any purpose.  It is provided solely "as is".
 * $Id$
 * $Log$
#include "object.h"
#include "disc.h"

static Methods *iDiscMethods = NULL;
static char discName[] = "disc";

unsigned long DiscTests, DiscHits;

Disc *
DiscCreate(r, pos, norm)
Float r;
Vector *pos, *norm;
	Disc *disc;		/* Pointer to new disc. */

	if (r < EPSILON) {
		RLerror(RL_WARN, "Degenerate disc.\n");
	         * Don't create this primitive.
	        return (Disc *)NULL;

	if (VecNormalize(norm) == 0.) {
		RLerror(RL_WARN, "Degenerate disc normal.\n");
		return (Disc *)NULL;
	 * Allocate new Disc.
	disc = (Disc *)Malloc(sizeof(Disc));
	 * Initialize new disc.
	 * We store the square of the radius to save us a sqrt().
	disc->radius = r*r;
	disc->pos = *pos;
	disc->norm = *norm;
	 * Compute plane constant.
	disc->d = dotp(pos, norm);
	 * Allocate new primitive
	return disc;

Methods *
	if (iDiscMethods == (Methods *)NULL) {
		iDiscMethods = MethodsCreate();
		iDiscMethods->name = DiscName;
		iDiscMethods->create = (ObjCreateFunc *)DiscCreate;
		iDiscMethods->methods = DiscMethods;
		iDiscMethods->intersect = DiscIntersect;
		iDiscMethods->normal = DiscNormal;
		iDiscMethods->uv = DiscUV;
		iDiscMethods->bounds = DiscBounds;
		iDiscMethods->stats = DiscStats;
		iDiscMethods->checkbounds = FALSE;
		iDiscMethods->closed = FALSE;
	return iDiscMethods;

DiscIntersect(disc, ray, mindist, maxdist)
Disc *disc;
Ray *ray;
Float mindist, *maxdist;
	Vector hit;
	Float denom, dist;


	denom = dotp(&disc->norm, &ray->dir);
	if (fabs(denom) < EPSILON)
		/* Edge-on intersection */
		 return FALSE;

	dist = (disc->d - dotp(&disc->norm, &ray->pos)) / denom;
	if (dist < mindist || dist > *maxdist)
		/* Too close or too far */
		return FALSE;
	 *  Find difference between point of intersection and center of disc.
	VecAddScaled(ray->pos, dist, ray->dir, &hit);
	VecSub(hit, disc->pos, &hit);
	 * If hit point is <= disc->radius from center, we've hit the disc.
	if (dotp(&hit, &hit) <= disc->radius) {
		*maxdist = dist;
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

DiscNormal(disc, pos, nrm, gnrm)
Disc *disc;
Vector *pos, *nrm, *gnrm;
	*gnrm = *nrm = disc->norm;
	return FALSE;

DiscUV(disc, pos, norm, uv, dpdu, dpdv)
Disc *disc;
Vector *pos, *norm, *dpdu, *dpdv;
Vec2d *uv;
	Float dist, val;

	dist =	(pos->x - disc->pos.x) * (pos->x - disc->pos.x) +
		(pos->y - disc->pos.y) * (pos->y - disc->pos.y) +
		(pos->z - disc->pos.z) * (pos->z - disc->pos.z);

	if (dist < EPSILON) {
		uv->u = uv->v = 0.;

	dist = sqrt(dist);
	uv->v = dist / sqrt(disc->radius); /* should store r and r*r */

	val = pos->x / dist;

	if (fabs(val) > 1.)
		uv->u = 0.5;
	else {
		uv->u = acos(val) / TWOPI; 
		if (pos->y < 0.)
			uv->u = 1. - uv->u;

	if (dpdu) {
		VecSub(*pos, disc->pos, dpdv);
		/* dpdu = dpdv X norm */
		VecCross(dpdv, norm, dpdu);

DiscBounds(disc, bounds)
Disc *disc;
Float bounds[2][3];
	Float extent, rad;

	rad = sqrt(disc->radius);
	 * Project disc along each of X, Y and Z axes.
	extent = rad * sqrt(1. - disc->norm.x * disc->norm.x);
	bounds[LOW][X] = disc->pos.x - extent;
	bounds[HIGH][X] = disc->pos.x + extent;
	extent = rad * sqrt(1. - disc->norm.y * disc->norm.y);
	bounds[LOW][Y] = disc->pos.y - extent;
	bounds[HIGH][Y] = disc->pos.y + extent;
	extent = rad * sqrt(1. - disc->norm.z * disc->norm.z);
	bounds[LOW][Z] = disc->pos.z - extent;
	bounds[HIGH][Z] = disc->pos.z + extent;

char *
	return discName;

DiscStats(tests, hits)
unsigned long *tests, *hits;
	*tests = DiscTests;
	*hits = DiscHits;

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