
This is libppm5.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* libppm5.c - ppm utility library part 5
** This library module contains the ppmdraw routines.
** Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
** documentation.  This software is provided "as is" without express or
** implied warranty.

#include "ppm.h"
#include "ppmdraw.h"

#define DDA_SCALE 8192

#if __STDC__
ppmd_point_drawproc( pixel** pixels, int cols, int rows, pixval maxval, int x, int y, char* clientdata )
#else /*__STDC__*/
ppmd_point_drawproc( pixels, cols, rows, maxval, x, y, clientdata )
    pixel** pixels;
    int cols, rows, x, y;
    pixval maxval;
    char* clientdata;
#endif /*__STDC__*/
    if ( x >= 0 && x < cols && y >= 0 && y < rows )
	pixels[y][x] = *( (pixel*) clientdata );

/* Simple fill routine. */

#if __STDC__
ppmd_filledrectangle( pixel** pixels, int cols, int rows, pixval maxval, int x, int y, int width, int height, void (*drawprocP)(pixel**, int, int, pixval, int, int, char*), char* clientdata )
#else /*__STDC__*/
ppmd_filledrectangle( pixels, cols, rows, maxval, x, y, width, height, drawprocP, clientdata )
    pixel** pixels;
    int cols, rows, x, y, width, height;
    pixval maxval;
    void (*drawprocP)();
    char* clientdata;
#endif /*__STDC__*/
    register int cx, cy, cwidth, cheight, col, row;

    /* Clip. */
    cx = x;
    cy = y;
    cwidth = width;
    cheight = height;
    if ( cx < 0 )
	cx = 0;
	cwidth += x;
    if ( cy < 0 )
	cy = 0;
	cheight += y;
    if ( cx + cwidth > cols )
	cwidth = cols - cx;
    if ( cy + cheight > rows )
	cheight = rows - cy;

    /* Draw. */
    for ( row = cy; row < cy + cheight; ++row )
	for ( col = cx; col < cx + cwidth; ++col )
	    if ( drawprocP == PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC )
		pixels[row][col] = *( (pixel*) clientdata );
		    pixels, cols, rows, maxval, col, row, clientdata );

/* Outline drawing stuff. */

static int ppmd_linetype = PPMD_LINETYPE_NORMAL;

ppmd_setlinetype( type )
    int type;
    int old;

    old = ppmd_linetype;
    ppmd_linetype = type;
    return old;

static int ppmd_lineclip = 1;

ppmd_setlineclip( clip )
    int clip;
    int old;

    old = ppmd_lineclip;
    ppmd_lineclip = clip;
    return old;

#if __STDC__
ppmd_line( pixel** pixels, int cols, int rows, pixval maxval, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, void (*drawprocP)(pixel**, int, int, pixval, int, int, char*), char* clientdata )
#else /*__STDC__*/
ppmd_line( pixels, cols, rows, maxval, x0, y0, x1, y1, drawprocP, clientdata )
    pixel** pixels;
    int cols, rows, x0, y0, x1, y1;
    pixval maxval;
    void (*drawprocP)();
    char* clientdata;
#endif /*__STDC__*/
    register int cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1;

    /* Special case zero-length lines. */
    if ( x0 == x1 && y0 == y1 )
	if ( ( ! ppmd_lineclip ) ||
	     ( x0 >= 0 && x0 < cols && y0 >= 0 && y0 < rows ) )
	    if ( drawprocP == PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC )
		    pixels, cols, rows, maxval, x0, y0, clientdata );
		(*drawprocP)( pixels, cols, rows, maxval, x0, y0, clientdata );

    /* Clip. */
    cx0 = x0;
    cy0 = y0;
    cx1 = x1;
    cy1 = y1;
    if ( ppmd_lineclip )
	if ( cx0 < 0 )
	    if ( cx1 < 0 ) return;
	    cy0 = cy0 + ( cy1 - cy0 ) * ( -cx0 ) / ( cx1 - cx0 );
	    cx0 = 0;
	else if ( cx0 >= cols )
	    if ( cx1 >= cols ) return;
	    cy0 = cy0 + ( cy1 - cy0 ) * ( cols - 1 - cx0 ) / ( cx1 - cx0 );
	    cx0 = cols - 1;
	if ( cy0 < 0 )
	    if ( cy1 < 0 ) return;
	    cx0 = cx0 + ( cx1 - cx0 ) * ( -cy0 ) / ( cy1 - cy0 );
	    cy0 = 0;
	else if ( cy0 >= rows )
	    if ( cy1 >= rows ) return;
	    cx0 = cx0 + ( cx1 - cx0 ) * ( rows - 1 - cy0 ) / ( cy1 - cy0 );
	    cy0 = rows - 1;
	if ( cx1 < 0 )
	    cy1 = cy1 + ( cy0 - cy1 ) * ( -cx1 ) / ( cx0 - cx1 );
	    cx1 = 0;
	else if ( cx1 >= cols )
	    cy1 = cy1 + ( cy0 - cy1 ) * ( cols - 1 - cx1 ) / ( cx0 - cx1 );
	    cx1 = cols - 1;
	if ( cy1 < 0 )
	    cx1 = cx1 + ( cx0 - cx1 ) * ( -cy1 ) / ( cy0 - cy1 );
	    cy1 = 0;
	else if ( cy1 >= rows )
	    cx1 = cx1 + ( cx0 - cx1 ) * ( rows - 1 - cy1 ) / ( cy0 - cy1 );
	    cy1 = rows - 1;

	/* Check again for zero-length lines. */
	if ( cx0 == cx1 && cy0 == cy1 )
	    if ( drawprocP == PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC )
		    pixels, cols, rows, maxval, cx0, cy0, clientdata );
		    pixels, cols, rows, maxval, cx0, cy0, clientdata );

    /* Draw, using a simple DDA. */
    if ( abs( cx1 - cx0 ) > abs( cy1 - cy0 ) )
	{ /* Loop over X domain. */
	register long dy, srow;
	register int dx, col, row, prevrow;

	if ( cx1 > cx0 )
	    dx = 1;
	    dx = -1;
	dy = ( cy1 - cy0 ) * DDA_SCALE / abs( cx1 - cx0 );
	prevrow = row = cy0;
	srow = row * DDA_SCALE + DDA_SCALE / 2;
	col = cx0;
	for ( ; ; )
	    if ( ppmd_linetype == PPMD_LINETYPE_NODIAGS && row != prevrow )
		if ( drawprocP == PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC )
		    pixels[prevrow][col] = *( (pixel*) clientdata );
		        pixels, cols, rows, maxval, col, prevrow, clientdata );
		prevrow = row;
	    if ( drawprocP == PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC )
		pixels[row][col] = *( (pixel*) clientdata );
		    pixels, cols, rows, maxval, col, row, clientdata );
	    if ( col == cx1 )
	    srow += dy;
	    row = srow / DDA_SCALE;
	    col += dx;
	{ /* Loop over Y domain. */
	register long dx, scol;
	register int dy, col, row, prevcol;

	if ( cy1 > cy0 )
	    dy = 1;
	    dy = -1;
	dx = ( cx1 - cx0 ) * DDA_SCALE / abs( cy1 - cy0 );
	row = cy0;
	prevcol = col = cx0;
	scol = col * DDA_SCALE + DDA_SCALE / 2;
	for ( ; ; )
	    if ( ppmd_linetype == PPMD_LINETYPE_NODIAGS && col != prevcol )
		if ( drawprocP == PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC )
		    pixels[row][prevcol] = *( (pixel*) clientdata );
			pixels, cols, rows, maxval, prevcol, row, clientdata );
		prevcol = col;
	    if ( drawprocP == PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC )
		pixels[row][col] = *( (pixel*) clientdata );
		    pixels, cols, rows, maxval, col, row, clientdata );
	    if ( row == cy1 )
	    row += dy;
	    scol += dx;
	    col = scol / DDA_SCALE;

#if __STDC__
ppmd_spline3( pixel** pixels, int cols, int rows, pixval maxval, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, void (*drawprocP)(pixel**, int, int, pixval, int, int, char*), char* clientdata )
#else /*__STDC__*/
ppmd_spline3( pixels, cols, rows, maxval, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, drawprocP, clientdata )
    pixel** pixels;
    int cols, rows, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2;
    pixval maxval;
    void (*drawprocP)();
    char* clientdata;
#endif /*__STDC__*/
    register int xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc, xp, yp;

    xa = ( x0 + x1 ) / 2;
    ya = ( y0 + y1 ) / 2;
    xc = ( x1 + x2 ) / 2;
    yc = ( y1 + y2 ) / 2;
    xb = ( xa + xc ) / 2;
    yb = ( ya + yc ) / 2;

    xp = ( x0 + xb ) / 2;
    yp = ( y0 + yb ) / 2;
    if ( abs( xa - xp ) + abs( ya - yp ) > SPLINE_THRESH )
	    pixels, cols, rows, maxval, x0, y0, xa, ya, xb, yb, drawprocP,
	    clientdata );
	    pixels, cols, rows, maxval, x0, y0, xb, yb, drawprocP, clientdata );

    xp = ( x2 + xb ) / 2;
    yp = ( y2 + yb ) / 2;
    if ( abs( xc - xp ) + abs( yc - yp ) > SPLINE_THRESH )
	    pixels, cols, rows, maxval, xb, yb, xc, yc, x2, y2, drawprocP,
	    clientdata );
	    pixels, cols, rows, maxval, xb, yb, x2, y2, drawprocP, clientdata );

#if __STDC__
ppmd_polyspline( pixel** pixels, int cols, int rows, pixval maxval, int x0, int y0, int nc, int* xc, int* yc, int x1, int y1, void (*drawprocP)(pixel**, int, int, pixval, int, int, char*), char* clientdata )
#else /*__STDC__*/
ppmd_polyspline( pixels, cols, rows, maxval, x0, y0, nc, xc, yc, x1, y1, drawprocP, clientdata )
    pixel** pixels;
    int cols, rows, x0, y0, nc, x1, y1;
    int* xc;
    int* yc;
    pixval maxval;
    void (*drawprocP)();
    char* clientdata;
#endif /*__STDC__*/
    register int i, x, y, xn, yn;

    x = x0;
    y = y0;
    for ( i = 0; i < nc - 1; ++i )
	xn = ( xc[i] + xc[i + 1] ) / 2;
	yn = ( yc[i] + yc[i + 1] ) / 2;
	    pixels, cols, rows, maxval, x, y, xc[i], yc[i], xn, yn, drawprocP,
	    clientdata );
	x = xn;
	y = yn;
	pixels, cols, rows, maxval, x, y, xc[nc - 1], yc[nc - 1], x1, y1,
	drawprocP, clientdata );

#if __STDC__
ppmd_circle( pixel** pixels, int cols, int rows, pixval maxval, int cx, int cy, int radius, void (*drawprocP)(pixel**, int, int, pixval, int, int, char*), char* clientdata )
#else /*__STDC__*/
ppmd_circle( pixels, cols, rows, maxval, cx, cy, radius, drawprocP, clientdata )
    pixel** pixels;
    int cols, rows, cx, cy, radius;
    pixval maxval;
    void (*drawprocP)();
    char* clientdata;
#endif /*__STDC__*/
    register int x0, y0, x, y, prevx, prevy, nopointsyet;
    register long sx, sy, e;

    x0 = x = radius;
    y0 = y = 0;
    sx = x * DDA_SCALE + DDA_SCALE / 2;
    sy = y * DDA_SCALE + DDA_SCALE / 2;
    e = DDA_SCALE / radius;
    if ( drawprocP == PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC )
	pixels[y + cy][x + cx] = *( (pixel*) clientdata );
	(*drawprocP)( pixels, cols, rows, maxval, x + cx, y + cy, clientdata );
    nopointsyet = 1;
	prevx = x;
	prevy = y;
	sx += e * sy / DDA_SCALE;
	sy -= e * sx / DDA_SCALE;
	x = sx / DDA_SCALE;
	y = sy / DDA_SCALE;
	if ( x != prevx || y != prevy )
	    nopointsyet = 0;
	    if ( drawprocP == PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC )
		pixels[y + cy][x + cx] = *( (pixel*) clientdata );
		    pixels, cols, rows, maxval, x + cx, y + cy, clientdata );
    while ( nopointsyet || x != x0 || y != y0 );

/* Arbitrary fill stuff. */

typedef struct
    short x;
    short y;
    short edge;
    } coord;
typedef struct
    int n;
    int size;
    int curedge;
    int segstart;
    int ydir;
    int startydir;
    coord* coords;
    } fillobj;

#define SOME 1000

static int oldclip;

ppmd_fill_init( )
    fillobj* fh;

    fh = (fillobj*) malloc( sizeof(fillobj) );
    if ( fh == 0 )
	pm_error( "out of memory allocating a fillhandle" );
    fh->n = 0;
    fh->coords = (coord*) malloc( SOME * sizeof(coord) );
    if ( fh->coords == 0 )
	pm_error( "out of memory allocating a fillhandle" );
    fh->size = SOME;
    fh->curedge = 0;

    /* Turn off line clipping. */
    oldclip = ppmd_setlineclip( 0 );
    return (char*) fh;

#if __STDC__
ppmd_fill_drawproc( pixel** pixels, int cols, int rows, pixval maxval, int x, int y, char* clientdata )
#else /*__STDC__*/
ppmd_fill_drawproc( pixels, cols, rows, maxval, x, y, clientdata )
    pixel** pixels;
    int cols, rows, x, y;
    pixval maxval;
    char* clientdata;
#endif /*__STDC__*/
    register fillobj* fh;
    register coord* cp;
    register coord* ocp;

    fh = (fillobj*) clientdata;

    if ( fh->n > 0 )
	/* If these are the same coords we saved last time, don't bother. */
	ocp = &(fh->coords[fh->n - 1]);
	if ( x == ocp->x && y == ocp->y )

    /* Ok, these are new; check if there's room for two more coords. */
    if ( fh->n + 1 >= fh->size )
	fh->size += SOME;
	fh->coords = (coord*) realloc(
	    (char*) fh->coords, fh->size * sizeof(coord) );
	if ( fh->coords == 0 )
	    pm_error( "out of memory enlarging a fillhandle" );

    /* Check for extremum and set the edge number. */
    if ( fh->n == 0 )
	{ /* Start first segment. */
	fh->segstart = fh->n;
	fh->ydir = 0;
	fh->startydir = 0;
	register int dx, dy;

	dx = x - ocp->x;
	dy = y - ocp->y;
	if ( dx < -1 || dx > 1 || dy < -1 || dy > 1 )
	    { /* Segment break.  Close off old one. */
	    if ( fh->startydir != 0 && fh->ydir != 0 )
		if ( fh->startydir == fh->ydir )
		    { /* Oops, first edge and last edge are the same.
		      ** Renumber the first edge in the old segment. */
		    register coord* fcp;
		    int oldedge;

		    fcp = &(fh->coords[fh->segstart]);
		    oldedge = fcp->edge;
		    for ( ; fcp->edge == oldedge; ++fcp )
			fcp->edge = ocp->edge;
	    /* And start new segment. */
	    fh->segstart = fh->n;
	    fh->ydir = 0;
	    fh->startydir = 0;
	    { /* Segment continues. */
	    if ( dy != 0 )
		if ( fh->ydir != 0 && fh->ydir != dy )
		    { /* Direction changed.  Insert a fake coord, old
		      ** position but new edge number. */
		    cp = &(fh->coords[fh->n]);
		    cp->x = ocp->x;
		    cp->y = ocp->y;
		    cp->edge = fh->curedge;
		fh->ydir = dy;
		if ( fh->startydir == 0 )
		    fh->startydir = dy;

    /* Save this coord. */
    cp = &(fh->coords[fh->n]);
    cp->x = x;
    cp->y = y;
    cp->edge = fh->curedge;

static int yx_compare ARGS((coord* c1, coord* c2));
static int
yx_compare( c1, c2 )
    coord* c1;
    coord* c2;
    if ( c1->y > c2->y )
	return 1;
    if ( c1->y < c2->y )
	return -1;
    if ( c1->x > c2->x )
	return 1;
    if ( c1->x < c2->x )
	return -1;
    return 0;

#if __STDC__
ppmd_fill( pixel** pixels, int cols, int rows, pixval maxval, char* fillhandle, void (*drawprocP)(pixel**, int, int, pixval, int, int, char*), char* clientdata )
#else /*__STDC__*/
ppmd_fill( pixels, cols, rows, maxval, fillhandle, drawprocP, clientdata )
    pixel** pixels;
    int cols, rows;
    pixval maxval;
    char* fillhandle;
    void (*drawprocP)();
    char* clientdata;
#endif /*__STDC__*/
    register fillobj* fh;
    int pedge, eq;
    register int i, leftside, edge, lx, rx, py;
    register coord* cp;

    fh = (fillobj*) fillhandle;

    /* Close off final segment. */
    if ( fh->n > 0 && fh->startydir != 0 && fh->ydir != 0 )
	if ( fh->startydir == fh->ydir )
	    { /* Oops, first edge and last edge are the same. */
	    register coord* fcp;
	    int lastedge, oldedge;

	    lastedge = fh->coords[fh->n - 1].edge;
	    fcp = &(fh->coords[fh->segstart]);
	    oldedge = fcp->edge;
	    for ( ; fcp->edge == oldedge; ++fcp )
		fcp->edge = lastedge;

    /* Restore clipping now. */
    (void) ppmd_setlineclip( oldclip );

    /* Sort the coords by Y, secondarily by X. */
    qsort( (char*) fh->coords, fh->n, sizeof(coord), yx_compare );

    /* Find equal coords with different edge numbers, and swap if necessary. */
    edge = -1;
    for ( i = 0; i < fh->n; ++i )
	cp = &(fh->coords[i]);
	if ( i > 1 && eq && cp->edge != edge && cp->edge == pedge )
	    { /* Swap .-1 and .-2. */
	    coord t;

	    t = fh->coords[i-1];
	    fh->coords[i-1] = fh->coords[i-2];
	    fh->coords[i-2] = t;
	if ( i > 0 )
	    if ( cp->x == lx && cp->y == py )
		eq = 1;
		if ( cp->edge != edge && cp->edge == pedge )
		    { /* Swap . and .-1. */
		    coord t;

		    t = *cp;
		    *cp = fh->coords[i-1];
		    fh->coords[i-1] = t;
		eq = 0;
	lx = cp->x;
	py = cp->y;
	pedge = edge;
	edge = cp->edge;

    /* Ok, now run through the coords filling spans. */
    for ( i = 0; i < fh->n; ++i )
	cp = &(fh->coords[i]);
	if ( i == 0 )
	    lx = rx = cp->x;
	    py = cp->y;
	    edge = cp->edge;
	    leftside = 1;
	    if ( cp->y != py )
		{ /* Row changed.  Emit old span and start a new one. */
		    pixels, cols, rows, maxval, lx, py, rx - lx + 1, 1,
		    drawprocP, clientdata);
		lx = rx = cp->x;
		py = cp->y;
		edge = cp->edge;
		leftside = 1;
		if ( cp->edge == edge )
		    { /* Continuation of side. */
		    rx = cp->x;
		    { /* Edge changed.  Is it a span? */
		    if ( leftside )
			rx = cp->x;
			leftside = 0;
			{ /* Got a span to fill. */
			    pixels, cols, rows, maxval, lx, py, rx - lx + 1,
			    1, drawprocP, clientdata);
			lx = rx = cp->x;
			leftside = 1;
		    edge = cp->edge;

    /* All done.  Free up the fillhandle and leave. */
    free( fh->coords );
    free( fh );

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.