N E T P B M Release 7 December 1993 Netpbm is a toolkit for conversion of images between a variety of different formats, as well as to allow a few basic image operations. The package is intended to be portable to many platforms. It has been tested under UNIX (BSD and SYSV, e.g. SGI, Sun4, Sun386i, DEC and Apollo DN 3500), VMS and Amiga OS. There are also compiler directives in it for MS-DOS. You'll find the latest release of Netpbm at the following sites: * wuarchive.wustl.edu (, directory /graphics/graphics/packages/NetPBM * ikaros.fysik4.kth.se (, directory /pub/netpbm. * ftp.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de ( This site also carries binaries for the Amiga. * peipa.essex.ac.uk (, directory ipa/src/manip * ftp.rahul.net (, directory /pub/davidsen/source * ftp.cs.ubc.ca, directory /ftp/archive/netpbm You'll also find a mirror site at the BBS: * sixhub.tmr.com, phone +1 518 3468033, in the "source" area. Netpbm is based on the widely spread Pbmplus package (release: 10 Dec 91). On top of that, a lot of improvements and additions have been made. After the latest release of Pbmplus, a lot of additional filters have been circulating on the net. The aim of Netpbm was, to collect these and to turn them into a package. This work has been performed by a group of program- mers all over the world. If *you* have some code to add, please contact us, and we will incorporate it. There is a mailing list for discussions about Netpbm. You post a message to the list by writing to "netpbm@fysik4.kth.se". If you want to be on the list, send a mail with the message "subscribe netpbm" to "majordomo@fysik4.kth.se". If you want to report a bug, please send your report to netpbm@fysik4.kth.se, and to the author of Pbmplus, jef@netcom.com. Please note, that this is not an official Pbmplus release. The code in this release is merely a collection of code from various sources around the world. Not all of the new code parts follow the high standard of programming of Pbmplus. We have tried to make the code portable to as many systems as possible, but we haven't cleaned up all routines. We hope that this release will help the many users of Pbmplus to upgrade their code all in one piece, instead of having to hunt down different code fragments at different sites around the world. We also hope, that our effort will help the author of Pbmplus, Jef Poskanzer, to make a new official release soon. The file Netpbm lists all new featues and functions in netpbm. Below this line follows the original README file from Pbmplus. *************************************************************** Extended Portable Bitmap Toolkit Distribution of 10dec91 Previous distribution 30oct91 PBMPLUS is a toolkit for converting various image formats to and from portable formats, and therefore to and from each other. The idea is, if you want to convert among N image formats, you only need 2*N conversion filters, instead of the N^2 you would need if you wrote each one separately. In addition to the converters, the package includes some simple tools for manipulating the portable formats. The package is broken up into four parts. First is PBM, for bitmaps (1 bit per pixel). Then there is PGM, for grayscale images. Next is PPM, for full-color images. Last, there is PNM, which does content-independent manipulations on any of the three internal formats, and also handles external formats that have multiple types. The parts are upwards compatible: PGM reads both PGM and PBM files and writes PGM; PPM reads all three and writes PPM; and PNM reads all three and writes, usually, the same type as it read. Whenever PNM makes an exception and "promotes" a file to a higher format, it lets you know. INSTALLATION Unpack the files. If you have the TIFF library (./libtiff) and are going to use it, copy the appropriate Makefile into place, read the comments in libtiff/README, and edit libtiff/tiffconf.h or the Makefile to reflect your compiler and options. Decide whether you want to use Imakefiles or Makefiles. If you want to use Makefiles: Edit the top-level Makefile, find each line with the string "CONFIGURE", and follow the directions for setting configuration options. Likewise edit pbmplus.h. If you are using gnu make, you have to edit *all* the Makefiles and remove all the imake stuff at the ends, otherwise gnu make will overwrite the Makefiles. Make. When you're happy that things compiled ok, make install. If you want to use Imakefiles: Edit Pbmplus.tmpl, find each line with the string "CONFIGURE", and follow the directions for setting configuration options. Likewise edit pbmplus.h. Save the original Makefiles, in case you later want to switch back to using them. The usual X11 sequence of xmkmf, make Makefiles, make depend, then make should work. If you have the TIFF libraries, the second step should be "make SUBDIRS='./pbm ./pgm ./ppm ./pnm' Makefiles". When you're happy that things compiled ok, make install and make install.man. After installing the manual pages, you may want to create the "whatis" file by doing a catman -w -M <directory>, or whatever the equivalent is on your system. SUPPORT I've tested this stuff under SysV and BSD, on Sun 3's 4's and 386's and Sequents and Vaxen and HPs, with cc and gcc. Nevertheless, I'm sure bugs remain, and portability to systems like Amigas and IBM compatibles is an interesting question. Feedback is welcome; send bug reports, enhancements, etc. to this address: jef@well.sf.ca.us apple!well!jef When sending bug reports, always include the output from running any PBMPLUS program with the -version flag. Also include the type of system you are on, what compiler you used, and whether you are using Makefiles or Imakefiles. I try to respond to bug reports and enhancements promptly; say, within a week. Also, if there is a new format or feature you would like to have added to the package, feel free to drop me a line. If it's a format, include whatever documentation you have, and if possible a uuencoded sample. My response time will depend on how busy I am, and how easy the job looks. If you need it right away, or it's a complicated job, you might consider paying me; lately, that's how a lot of work on the package has gotten done. Finally, if you have access to Usenet, there's a newsgroup called alt.graphics.pixutils which is specifically for discussion of image conversion and editing packages such as PBMPLUS. Posting stuff there is even better than mailing it to me, since it lets other people help out with the answers. HOW TO FIND THE RIGHT CONVERTER Some people get confused by all the different names. If you want to convert a pbm file to a Sun raster file, is it pbmtorast, pgmtorast, ppmtorast, or pnmtorast? In this case some of the confusion might be because previous versions of the package did in fact have both pbmtorast and ppmtorast. But mostly it's just too many different things to hold in your short term memory. Fine, so don't even try to remember what's what. That's what computers are for. Unix, at least BSD Unix, has this great indexing feature on the "man" program. You say "man -k <keyword>" and it gives you all the one-line descriptions with that keyword in them. All the PBMPLUS man pages have nice useful one-line descriptions, that mention all the relevant keywords. Try it, you'll like it. COPYRIGHTS All the software in this package, whether by me or by a contributer, has a copyright similar to this one: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Many people get confused by this legalese, especially the part about "without fee". Does this mean you can't charge for any product that uses PBMPLUS? No. All it means is that you don't have to pay me. You can do what you want with this software. Build it into your package, steal code from it, whatever. Just be sure to let people know where it came from. CONTENTS Files in pbmplus.shar: README this CHANGES list of changes between the various versions of PBM TODO list of things still to be done FORMATS list of the formats supported OTHER.SYSTEMS list of other free image-processing software Makefile guess Imakefile for X11-type installations Imakefile.tiff for X11-type installations Pbmplus.tmpl for X11-type installations pbmplus.h header file for PBM, PGM, PPM, and PNM compat.csh csh script for compatibility with old versions compat.ksh ksh script for compatibility with old versions magic additions for /etc/magic to recognize some image formats Files in pbm.shar?: Makefile guess Imakefile for X11-type installations atktopbm.c convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to portable bitmap brushtopbm.c convert Xerox doodle brushes to portable bitmap cmuwmtopbm.c convert CMU window manager format to portable bitmap g3topbm.c convert Group 3 FAX to portable bitmap icontopbm.c convert Sun icon to portable bitmap gemtopbm.c convert GEM .img format to portable bitmap macptopbm.c convert MacPaint to portable bitmap mgrtopbm.c convert MGR format to portable bitmap pi3topbm.c convert Atari Degas .pi3 to portable bitmap xbmtopbm.c convert X10 or X11 bitmap to portable bitmap ybmtopbm.c convert Bennet Yee "face" file into portable bitmap pbmto10x.c convert portable bitmap to Gemini 10x printer graphics pbmtoascii.c convert portable bitmap to ASCII graphic form pbmtoatk.c convert portable bitmap to Andrew Toolkit raster object pbmtobbnbg.c convert portable bitmap to BBN BitGraph graphics pbmtocmuwm.c convert portable bitmap to CMU window manager format pbmtoepson.c convert portable bitmap to Epson printer graphics pbmtog3.c convert portable bitmap to Group 3 FAX pbmtogem.c convert portable bitmap into GEM .img file pbmtogo.c convert portable bitmap to GraphOn graphics pbmtoicon.c convert portable bitmap to Sun icon pbmtolj.c convert portable bitmap to HP LaserJet graphics pbmtomacp.c convert portable bitmap to MacPaint pbmtomgr.c convert portable bitmap to MGR format pbmtopi3.c convert portable bitmap to Atari Degas .pi3 pbmtoplot.c convert portable bitmap into Unix plot(5) file pbmtoptx.c convert portable bitmap to Printronix graphics pbmtoxbm.c convert portable bitmap to X11 bitmap pbmtox10bm.c convert portable bitmap to X10 bitmap pbmtoybm.c convert portable bitmap into Bennet Yee "face" file pbmtozinc.c convert portable bitmap to Zinc Interface Library icon pbmlife.c apply Conway's rules of Life to a portable bitmap pbmmake.c create a blank bitmap of a specified size pbmmask.c create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap pbmreduce.c reduce a portable bitmap N times, using Floyd-Steinberg pbmtext.c render text into a bitmap pbmupc.c create a Universal Product Code bitmap libpbm[1-5].c a few utility routines pbmmerge.c merge wrapper routine pbm.h header file for libpbm pbmfont.h header file for font routines in libpbm libpbm.h internal header file for libpbm g3.h definitions for Group 3 FAX macp.h definitions for MacPaint files bitreverse.h useful include file *.1 manual entries for all of the tools pbm.5 manual entry for the pbm format libpbm.3 manual entry for the pbm library Files in pgm.shar?: Makefile guess Imakefile for X11-type installations fitstopgm.c convert FITS format to portable graymap fstopgm.c convert Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format to portable graymap hipstopgm.c convert HIPS format to portable graymap lispmtopgm.c convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file into pgm format psidtopgm.c convert PostScript "image" data to portable graymap rawtopgm.c convert raw grayscale bytes to portable graymap pgmtofits.c convert portable graymap to FITS format pgmtofs.c convert portable graymap to Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format pgmtolispm.c convert a portable graymap into Lisp Machine format pgmtopbm.c convert portable graymap to portable bitmap pgmbentley.c Bentleyize a portable graymap pgmcrater.c create cratered terrain by fractal forgery pgmedge.c edge-detect a portable graymap pgmenhance.c edge-enhance a portable graymap pgmhist.c print a histogram of the values in a portable graymap pgmnorm.c normalize contrast in a portable graymap pgmoil.c turn a portable graymap into an oil painting pgmramp.c generate a grayscale ramp pgmtexture.c calculate textural features on a portable graymap libpgm[1-3].c a few utility routines pgmmerge.c merge wrapper routine pgm.h header file for libpgm libpgm.h internal header file for libpgm dithers.h useful include file *.1 manual entries for all of the tools pgm.5 manual entry for the pgm format libpgm.3 manual entry for the pgm library Files in ppm.shar?: Makefile guess Imakefile for X11-type installations giftoppm.c convert GIF to portable pixmap gouldtoppm.c convert Gould scanner file to portable pixmap ilbmtoppm.c convert IFF ILBM to portable pixmap imgtoppm.c convert Img-whatnot to portable pixmap mtvtoppm.c convert MTV ray-tracer output to portable pixmap pcxtoppm.c convert PC Paintbrush format to portable pixmap pgmtoppm.c colorize a portable graymap into a portable pixmap pi1toppm.c convert Atari Degas .pi1 to portable pixmap picttoppm.c convert Macintosh PICT to portable pixmap pjtoppm.c convert HP PaintJet file to portable pixmap qrttoppm.c convert QRT ray-tracer output to portable pixmap rawtoppm.c convert raw RGB bytes to portable pixmap rgb3toppm.c combine three portable graymaps into one portable pixmap sldtoppm.c convert an AutoCAD slide file into a portable pixmap spctoppm.c convert Atari compressed Spectrum to portable pixmap sputoppm.c convert Atari uncompressed Spectrum to portable pixmap tgatoppm.c convert TrueVision Targa file to portable pixmap ximtoppm.c convert Xim to portable pixmap xpmtoppm.c convert XPM format to portable pixmap yuvtoppm.c convert Abekas YUV format to portable pixmap ppmtoacad.c convert portable pixmap to AutoCAD database or slide ppmtogif.c convert portable pixmap to GIF ppmtoicr.c convert portable pixmap to NCSA ICR graphics ppmtoilbm.c convert portable pixmap to IFF ILBM ppmtopcx.c convert portable pixmap to PC Paintbrush format ppmtopgm.c convert portable pixmap to portable graymap ppmtopi1.c convert portable pixmap to Atari Degas .pi1 ppmtopict.c convert portable pixmap to Macintosh PICT ppmtopj.c convert portable pixmap to HP PaintJet file ppmtopuzz.c convert portable pixmap to X11 "puzzle" file ppmtorgb3.c separate a portable pixmap into three portable graymaps ppmtosixel.c convert portable pixmap to DEC sixel format ppmtotga.c convert portable pixmap to TrueVision Targa file ppmtouil.c convert portable pixmap to Motif UIL icon file ppmtoxpm.c convert portable pixmap to XPM format ppmtoyuv.c convert portable pixmap to Abekas YUV format ppmdither.c ordered dither for color images ppmforge.c fractal forgeries of clouds, planets, and starry skies ppmhist.c print a histogram of a portable pixmap ppmmake.c create a pixmap of a specified size and color ppmpat.c create a pretty pixmap ppmquant.c quantize colors down to a specified number ppmquantall script to run ppmquant on a set of pixmaps ppmrelief.c run a Laplacian Relief filter on a portable pixmap libppm[1-5].c a few utility routines ppmmerge.c merge wrapper routine ppm.h header file for libppm ppmcmap.h header file for colormap routines in libppm ppmdraw.h header file for simple drawing routines in libppm libppm.h internal header file for libppm autocad.h definitions for AutoCAD files tga.h definitions for TrueVision Targa files xim.h definitions for Xim files *.1 manual entries for all of the tools ppm.5 manual entry for the ppm format libppm.3 manual entry for the ppm library Files in pnm.shar?: Makefile guess Imakefile for X11-type installations anytopnm script to attempt to convert any format to P?M rasttopnm.c convert Sun raster file to portable anymap tifftopnm.c convert TIFF file to portable anymap xwdtopnm.c convert X10 or X11 window dump to portable anymap pnmtops.c convert portable anymap to PostScript pnmtorast.c convert portable anymap to Sun raster file pnmtotiff.c convert portable anymap to TIFF file pnmtoxwd.c convert portable anymap to X11 window dump pnmarith.c perform arithmetic on two portable anymaps pnmcat.c concatenate portable anymaps pnmconvol.c general MxN convolution on a portable anymap pnmcrop.c crop all like-colored borders off a portable anymap pnmcut.c select a rectangular region from a portable anymap pnmdepth.c change the maxval in a portable anymap pnmenlarge.c enlarge a portable anymap N times pnmfile.c describe a portable anymap pnmflip.c perform one or more flip operations on a portable anymap pnmgamma.c perform gamma correction on a portable anymap pnmindex script to build a visual index of a bunch of anymaps pnminvert.c invert a portable anymap pnmmargin script to add a margin to a portable anymap pnmnoraw.c force a portable anymap into ASCII format pnmpaste.c paste a rectangle into a portable anymap pnmrotate.c rotate a portable anymap pnmscale.c scale a portable anymap pnmshear.c shear a portable anymap pnmsmooth script that uses pnmconvol to smooth a anymap pnmtile.c replicate a portable anymap into a specified size libpnm[1-4].c a few utility routines pnmmerge.c merge wrapper routine pnm.h header file for libpnm rast.h definitions for Sun raster files x10wd.h definitions for X10 window dumps x11wd.h definitions for X11 window dumps *.1 manual entries for all of the tools pnm.5 manual entry for the pnm format libpnm.3 manual entry for the pnm library
Additions to the PbmPlus package. This enhanced version of the PbmPlus package supports reading of files from three different confocal scanners, the Molecular Dynamics (Sarastro), the Biorad and the Zeiss. The package can convert from any of these images to the pbm format, from which it can produce gif, tiff, x11 dumps, mac paint, etc. In order to convert from a confocal image format, use the following commands: * Molecular Dynamics (Sarastro) and Leica: rawtopgm -tb [file] > outfile.pgm For more information, give the command "man rawtopgm" * Biorad bioradtopgm [-image#] [file] > outfile.pgm For more information, give the command "man bioradtopgm" * Zeiss (old format) zeisstopnm [-pgm|-ppm] [file] > outfile.pnm For more information, give the command "man zeisstopnm" * Zeiss (new format) tifftopnm [file] > outfile.pnm I have tested the programs on one Zeiss file (old format) and on one Biorad file. There probably remain some bugs to be fixed. Please report them to me when you encounter them (email:oliver@fysik4.kth.se). I have compiled and installed the PbmPlus package on the following machines: * Silicon graphics (Personal Iris) with gcc 2.4.0 * Sun386i with gcc 2.4.0 BUGS The libtiff part can be tricky to compile. On an sgi I managed to use gcc. On a sun386i, I had to compile tif_dir.c, tif_error.c and tif_warning.c with cc instead. The rest of the files could be compiled with gcc. On the sun386i, the pgmtexture.c file would not compile with gcc -O. It worked fine without the optimization flag. Probably a bug in gcc. From the README file: COPYRIGHTS All the software in this package, whether by me or by a contributer, has a copyright similar to this one: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Many people get confused by this legalese, especially the part about "without fee". Does this mean you can't charge for any product that uses PBMPLUS? No. All it means is that you don't have to pay me. You can do what you want with this software. Build it into your package, steal code from it, whatever. Just be sure to let people know where it came from.
NETPBM for NeXTSTEP February 9, 1995 Enclosed is the original README for the NetPBM package. NetPBM compiles without difficulty under NeXTSTEP. This is almost THE definitive collection of image conversion software [plus a bunch of other manipulation goodies]. I say almost because it does NOT include JPEG-- but that is easily obtained from the site listed below and compiles just fine under NeXTSTEP. Someone really should wrap these filters into a filter service-- it certainly seems that using small executables, such as these, as filters is significantly faster than using a filter service that has the conversion built in (but I have yet to do any empirical testing). IF YOU DOWNLOADED THE SOURCE: The installation target directories are /LocalDeveloper/netpbm/bin and /LocalDeveloper/netpbm/man/man{1,3,5}. CFLAGS include "-arch i386 -arch m68k -O2". If you need to change these attributes (or anything else about the make process), see Makefile and libtiff/Makefile (which used to be libtiff/Makefile.next). I would strongly recommend not installing the netpbm binaries into an existing bin directory -- there are *175* executables associated with this package; unmerging all of these executables from an existing bin directory would be tedious. IF YOU DOWNLOADED THE BINARIES: The archive is rooted on the directory "netpbm"; underneath that directory, you will find bin, this readme, and man. Copy to wherever you see fit. For completeness, you should probably obtain the Indpendent JPEG groups JPEG compression/decompression/manipulation package from: ftp://ftp.uu.net/ftp://ftp.uu.net/graphics/jpeg If you want binaries, bug me and I'll compile and submit something similar to this to the archives. b.bum * <bbum@friday.com> ---------------- original README follows ------------------------ N E T P B M Release 7 December 1993 Netpbm is a toolkit for conversion of images between a variety of different formats, as well as to allow a few basic image operations. The package is intended to be portable to many platforms. It has been tested under UNIX (BSD and SYSV, e.g. SGI, Sun4, Sun386i, DEC and Apollo DN 3500), VMS and Amiga OS. There are also compiler directives in it for MS-DOS. You'll find the latest release of Netpbm at the following sites: * wuarchive.wustl.edu (, directory /graphics/graphics/packages/NetPBM * ikaros.fysik4.kth.se (, directory /pub/netpbm. * ftp.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de ( This site also carries binaries for the Amiga. * peipa.essex.ac.uk (, directory ipa/src/manip * ftp.rahul.net (, directory /pub/davidsen/source * ftp.cs.ubc.ca, directory /ftp/archive/netpbm You'll also find a mirror site at the BBS: * sixhub.tmr.com, phone +1 518 3468033, in the "source" area. Netpbm is based on the widely spread Pbmplus package (release: 10 Dec 91). On top of that, a lot of improvements and additions have been made. After the latest release of Pbmplus, a lot of additional filters have been circulating on the net. The aim of Netpbm was, to collect these and to turn them into a package. This work has been performed by a group of program- mers all over the world. If *you* have some code to add, please contact us, and we will incorporate it. There is a mailing list for discussions about Netpbm. You post a message to the list by writing to "netpbm@fysik4.kth.se". If you want to be on the list, send a mail with the message "subscribe netpbm" to "majordomo@fysik4.kth.se". If you want to report a bug, please send your report to netpbm@fysik4.kth.se, and to the author of Pbmplus, jef@netcom.com. Please note, that this is not an official Pbmplus release. The code in this release is merely a collection of code from various sources around the world. Not all of the new code parts follow the high standard of programming of Pbmplus. We have tried to make the code portable to as many systems as possible, but we haven't cleaned up all routines. We hope that this release will help the many users of Pbmplus to upgrade their code all in one piece, instead of having to hunt down different code fragments at different sites around the world. We also hope, that our effort will help the author of Pbmplus, Jef Poskanzer, to make a new official release soon. The file Netpbm lists all new featues and functions in netpbm. Below this line follows the original README file from Pbmplus. *************************************************************** Extended Portable Bitmap Toolkit Distribution of 10dec91 Previous distribution 30oct91 PBMPLUS is a toolkit for converting various image formats to and from portable formats, and therefore to and from each other. The idea is, if you want to convert among N image formats, you only need 2*N conversion filters, instead of the N^2 you would need if you wrote each one separately. In addition to the converters, the package includes some simple tools for manipulating the portable formats. The package is broken up into four parts. First is PBM, for bitmaps (1 bit per pixel). Then there is PGM, for grayscale images. Next is PPM, for full-color images. Last, there is PNM, which does content-independent manipulations on any of the three internal formats, and also handles external formats that have multiple types. The parts are upwards compatible: PGM reads both PGM and PBM files and writes PGM; PPM reads all three and writes PPM; and PNM reads all three and writes, usually, the same type as it read. Whenever PNM makes an exception and "promotes" a file to a higher format, it lets you know. INSTALLATION Unpack the files. If you have the TIFF library (./libtiff) and are going to use it, copy the appropriate Makefile into place, read the comments in libtiff/README, and edit libtiff/tiffconf.h or the Makefile to reflect your compiler and options. Decide whether you want to use Imakefiles or Makefiles. If you want to use Makefiles: Edit the top-level Makefile, find each line with the string "CONFIGURE", and follow the directions for setting configuration options. Likewise edit pbmplus.h. If you are using gnu make, you have to edit *all* the Makefiles and remove all the imake stuff at the ends, otherwise gnu make will overwrite the Makefiles. Make. When you're happy that things compiled ok, make install. If you want to use Imakefiles: Edit Pbmplus.tmpl, find each line with the string "CONFIGURE", and follow the directions for setting configuration options. Likewise edit pbmplus.h. Save the original Makefiles, in case you later want to switch back to using them. The usual X11 sequence of xmkmf, make Makefiles, make depend, then make should work. If you have the TIFF libraries, the second step should be "make SUBDIRS='./pbm ./pgm ./ppm ./pnm' Makefiles". When you're happy that things compiled ok, make install and make install.man. After installing the manual pages, you may want to create the "whatis" file by doing a catman -w -M <directory>, or whatever the equivalent is on your system. SUPPORT I've tested this stuff under SysV and BSD, on Sun 3's 4's and 386's and Sequents and Vaxen and HPs, with cc and gcc. Nevertheless, I'm sure bugs remain, and portability to systems like Amigas and IBM compatibles is an interesting question. Feedback is welcome; send bug reports, enhancements, etc. to this address: jef@well.sf.ca.us apple!well!jef When sending bug reports, always include the output from running any PBMPLUS program with the -version flag. Also include the type of system you are on, what compiler you used, and whether you are using Makefiles or Imakefiles. I try to respond to bug reports and enhancements promptly; say, within a week. Also, if there is a new format or feature you would like to have added to the package, feel free to drop me a line. If it's a format, include whatever documentation you have, and if possible a uuencoded sample. My response time will depend on how busy I am, and how easy the job looks. If you need it right away, or it's a complicated job, you might consider paying me; lately, that's how a lot of work on the package has gotten done. Finally, if you have access to Usenet, there's a newsgroup called alt.graphics.pixutils which is specifically for discussion of image conversion and editing packages such as PBMPLUS. Posting stuff there is even better than mailing it to me, since it lets other people help out with the answers. HOW TO FIND THE RIGHT CONVERTER Some people get confused by all the different names. If you want to convert a pbm file to a Sun raster file, is it pbmtorast, pgmtorast, ppmtorast, or pnmtorast? In this case some of the confusion might be because previous versions of the package did in fact have both pbmtorast and ppmtorast. But mostly it's just too many different things to hold in your short term memory. Fine, so don't even try to remember what's what. That's what computers are for. Unix, at least BSD Unix, has this great indexing feature on the "man" program. You say "man -k <keyword>" and it gives you all the one-line descriptions with that keyword in them. All the PBMPLUS man pages have nice useful one-line descriptions, that mention all the relevant keywords. Try it, you'll like it. COPYRIGHTS All the software in this package, whether by me or by a contributer, has a copyright similar to this one: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Many people get confused by this legalese, especially the part about "without fee". Does this mean you can't charge for any product that uses PBMPLUS? No. All it means is that you don't have to pay me. You can do what you want with this software. Build it into your package, steal code from it, whatever. Just be sure to let people know where it came from. CONTENTS Files in pbmplus.shar: README this CHANGES list of changes between the various versions of PBM TODO list of things still to be done FORMATS list of the formats supported OTHER.SYSTEMS list of other free image-processing software Makefile guess Imakefile for X11-type installations Imakefile.tiff for X11-type installations Pbmplus.tmpl for X11-type installations pbmplus.h header file for PBM, PGM, PPM, and PNM compat.csh csh script for compatibility with old versions compat.ksh ksh script for compatibility with old versions magic additions for /etc/magic to recognize some image formats Files in pbm.shar?: Makefile guess Imakefile for X11-type installations atktopbm.c convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to portable bitmap brushtopbm.c convert Xerox doodle brushes to portable bitmap cmuwmtopbm.c convert CMU window manager format to portable bitmap g3topbm.c convert Group 3 FAX to portable bitmap icontopbm.c convert Sun icon to portable bitmap gemtopbm.c convert GEM .img format to portable bitmap macptopbm.c convert MacPaint to portable bitmap mgrtopbm.c convert MGR format to portable bitmap pi3topbm.c convert Atari Degas .pi3 to portable bitmap xbmtopbm.c convert X10 or X11 bitmap to portable bitmap ybmtopbm.c convert Bennet Yee "face" file into portable bitmap pbmto10x.c convert portable bitmap to Gemini 10x printer graphics pbmtoascii.c convert portable bitmap to ASCII graphic form pbmtoatk.c convert portable bitmap to Andrew Toolkit raster object pbmtobbnbg.c convert portable bitmap to BBN BitGraph graphics pbmtocmuwm.c convert portable bitmap to CMU window manager format pbmtoepson.c convert portable bitmap to Epson printer graphics pbmtog3.c convert portable bitmap to Group 3 FAX pbmtogem.c convert portable bitmap into GEM .img file pbmtogo.c convert portable bitmap to GraphOn graphics pbmtoicon.c convert portable bitmap to Sun icon pbmtolj.c convert portable bitmap to HP LaserJet graphics pbmtomacp.c convert portable bitmap to MacPaint pbmtomgr.c convert portable bitmap to MGR format pbmtopi3.c convert portable bitmap to Atari Degas .pi3 pbmtoplot.c convert portable bitmap into Unix plot(5) file pbmtoptx.c convert portable bitmap to Printronix graphics pbmtoxbm.c convert portable bitmap to X11 bitmap pbmtox10bm.c convert portable bitmap to X10 bitmap pbmtoybm.c convert portable bitmap into Bennet Yee "face" file pbmtozinc.c convert portable bitmap to Zinc Interface Library icon pbmlife.c apply Conway's rules of Life to a portable bitmap pbmmake.c create a blank bitmap of a specified size pbmmask.c create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap pbmreduce.c reduce a portable bitmap N times, using Floyd-Steinberg pbmtext.c render text into a bitmap pbmupc.c create a Universal Product Code bitmap libpbm[1-5].c a few utility routines pbmmerge.c merge wrapper routine pbm.h header file for libpbm pbmfont.h header file for font routines in libpbm libpbm.h internal header file for libpbm g3.h definitions for Group 3 FAX macp.h definitions for MacPaint files bitreverse.h useful include file *.1 manual entries for all of the tools pbm.5 manual entry for the pbm format libpbm.3 manual entry for the pbm library Files in pgm.shar?: Makefile guess Imakefile for X11-type installations fitstopgm.c convert FITS format to portable graymap fstopgm.c convert Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format to portable graymap hipstopgm.c convert HIPS format to portable graymap lispmtopgm.c convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file into pgm format psidtopgm.c convert PostScript "image" data to portable graymap rawtopgm.c convert raw grayscale bytes to portable graymap pgmtofits.c convert portable graymap to FITS format pgmtofs.c convert portable graymap to Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format pgmtolispm.c convert a portable graymap into Lisp Machine format pgmtopbm.c convert portable graymap to portable bitmap pgmbentley.c Bentleyize a portable graymap pgmcrater.c create cratered terrain by fractal forgery pgmedge.c edge-detect a portable graymap pgmenhance.c edge-enhance a portable graymap pgmhist.c print a histogram of the values in a portable graymap pgmnorm.c normalize contrast in a portable graymap pgmoil.c turn a portable graymap into an oil painting pgmramp.c generate a grayscale ramp pgmtexture.c calculate textural features on a portable graymap libpgm[1-3].c a few utility routines pgmmerge.c merge wrapper routine pgm.h header file for libpgm libpgm.h internal header file for libpgm dithers.h useful include file *.1 manual entries for all of the tools pgm.5 manual entry for the pgm format libpgm.3 manual entry for the pgm library Files in ppm.shar?: Makefile guess Imakefile for X11-type installations giftoppm.c convert GIF to portable pixmap gouldtoppm.c convert Gould scanner file to portable pixmap ilbmtoppm.c convert IFF ILBM to portable pixmap imgtoppm.c convert Img-whatnot to portable pixmap mtvtoppm.c convert MTV ray-tracer output to portable pixmap pcxtoppm.c convert PC Paintbrush format to portable pixmap pgmtoppm.c colorize a portable graymap into a portable pixmap pi1toppm.c convert Atari Degas .pi1 to portable pixmap picttoppm.c convert Macintosh PICT to portable pixmap pjtoppm.c convert HP PaintJet file to portable pixmap qrttoppm.c convert QRT ray-tracer output to portable pixmap rawtoppm.c convert raw RGB bytes to portable pixmap rgb3toppm.c combine three portable graymaps into one portable pixmap sldtoppm.c convert an AutoCAD slide file into a portable pixmap spctoppm.c convert Atari compressed Spectrum to portable pixmap sputoppm.c convert Atari uncompressed Spectrum to portable pixmap tgatoppm.c convert TrueVision Targa file to portable pixmap ximtoppm.c convert Xim to portable pixmap xpmtoppm.c convert XPM format to portable pixmap yuvtoppm.c convert Abekas YUV format to portable pixmap ppmtoacad.c convert portable pixmap to AutoCAD database or slide ppmtogif.c convert portable pixmap to GIF ppmtoicr.c convert portable pixmap to NCSA ICR graphics ppmtoilbm.c convert portable pixmap to IFF ILBM ppmtopcx.c convert portable pixmap to PC Paintbrush format ppmtopgm.c convert portable pixmap to portable graymap ppmtopi1.c convert portable pixmap to Atari Degas .pi1 ppmtopict.c convert portable pixmap to Macintosh PICT ppmtopj.c convert portable pixmap to HP PaintJet file ppmtopuzz.c convert portable pixmap to X11 "puzzle" file ppmtorgb3.c separate a portable pixmap into three portable graymaps ppmtosixel.c convert portable pixmap to DEC sixel format ppmtotga.c convert portable pixmap to TrueVision Targa file ppmtouil.c convert portable pixmap to Motif UIL icon file ppmtoxpm.c convert portable pixmap to XPM format ppmtoyuv.c convert portable pixmap to Abekas YUV format ppmdither.c ordered dither for color images ppmforge.c fractal forgeries of clouds, planets, and starry skies ppmhist.c print a histogram of a portable pixmap ppmmake.c create a pixmap of a specified size and color ppmpat.c create a pretty pixmap ppmquant.c quantize colors down to a specified number ppmquantall script to run ppmquant on a set of pixmaps ppmrelief.c run a Laplacian Relief filter on a portable pixmap libppm[1-5].c a few utility routines ppmmerge.c merge wrapper routine ppm.h header file for libppm ppmcmap.h header file for colormap routines in libppm ppmdraw.h header file for simple drawing routines in libppm libppm.h internal header file for libppm autocad.h definitions for AutoCAD files tga.h definitions for TrueVision Targa files xim.h definitions for Xim files *.1 manual entries for all of the tools ppm.5 manual entry for the ppm format libppm.3 manual entry for the ppm library Files in pnm.shar?: Makefile guess Imakefile for X11-type installations anytopnm script to attempt to convert any format to P?M rasttopnm.c convert Sun raster file to portable anymap tifftopnm.c convert TIFF file to portable anymap xwdtopnm.c convert X10 or X11 window dump to portable anymap pnmtops.c convert portable anymap to PostScript pnmtorast.c convert portable anymap to Sun raster file pnmtotiff.c convert portable anymap to TIFF file pnmtoxwd.c convert portable anymap to X11 window dump pnmarith.c perform arithmetic on two portable anymaps pnmcat.c concatenate portable anymaps pnmconvol.c general MxN convolution on a portable anymap pnmcrop.c crop all like-colored borders off a portable anymap pnmcut.c select a rectangular region from a portable anymap pnmdepth.c change the maxval in a portable anymap pnmenlarge.c enlarge a portable anymap N times pnmfile.c describe a portable anymap pnmflip.c perform one or more flip operations on a portable anymap pnmgamma.c perform gamma correction on a portable anymap pnmindex script to build a visual index of a bunch of anymaps pnminvert.c invert a portable anymap pnmmargin script to add a margin to a portable anymap pnmnoraw.c force a portable anymap into ASCII format pnmpaste.c paste a rectangle into a portable anymap pnmrotate.c rotate a portable anymap pnmscale.c scale a portable anymap pnmshear.c shear a portable anymap pnmsmooth script that uses pnmconvol to smooth a anymap pnmtile.c replicate a portable anymap into a specified size libpnm[1-4].c a few utility routines pnmmerge.c merge wrapper routine pnm.h header file for libpnm rast.h definitions for Sun raster files x10wd.h definitions for X10 window dumps x11wd.h definitions for X11 window dumps *.1 manual entries for all of the tools pnm.5 manual entry for the pnm format libpnm.3 manual entry for the pnm library
25-FEB-1994 Hi VAX/VMS and future PBMplus users!!! This version of Jef Poskanzer's PBMplus package is ready-made to support the DEC VAX/VMS C environment. In an attempt to make it run like the Unix environment, the programs have been modified to look like they use the "piping" and "redirection" features of Unix and MSDOS. In this way, the documentation and other people's comments (i.e., USENET alt.graphics.pixutils discussions, etc.) will be the same for all platforms. This VMS implementation borrows heavily from the previous PBMplus/VMS release by Rick Dyson for 10dec91 which in turn builds on the work Terry Poot (tp@mccall.com) did for the 05feb91 general release of PBMplus. Many thanks and credits go his direction. The "piping/redirection" is attributed to Mark Pizzolato (mark@infopiz.uucp). The creation of the shareable library is due to work done by Dave Jones (JONESD@kcgl1.eng.ohio-state.edu). Well, since you are reading this, I guess you have the PBMplus kit and have broken it out into it's respective directories. At this point you just have to start the build operation. In this release of the PBMplus package the process is much easier than in the past. There is no patching of the source code necessary and so there is no extra "patch-build kit". This contains everything you need to build the PBMplus package. There is only one step to the preparation process and that is to copy all the files from the [.VMS] sub-directory up one level into the root [PBMplus] directory. "MAKEFILE.MMS" ------------- There are two methods of building the executables. The first (and prefered) method uses DECs "makefile" utility, MMS, which uses the "MAKEFILE.MMS" files. If you don't have MMS, skip to the section labeled "MAKE_PBMPLUS.COM" below. If you are still with me, just type "MMS /Description = Makefile.MMS" and follow the directions outlined on the screen. Your most probable sequence will be the something like the following: $ MMS /Description = Makefile.MMS ALL $ MMS /Description = Makefile.MMS INSTALL ! creates & loads [.Exe] $ MMS /Description = Makefile.MMS HELP ! make PBMPLUS.HLB $ MMS /Description = Makefile.MMS MANUAL ! will need LaTeX and tr2TeX... $ MMS /Description = Makefile.MMS INSTALLMANUAL ! creates & loads [.TeX] $ MMS /Description = Makefile.MMS CLEAN ! clean up all recoverable files The available choices will be displayed if you don't say anything, i.e. $ MMS /Description = Makefile.MMS "MAKE_PBMPLUS.COM" ------------------ The other method of building the package is to execute the "MAKE_PBMPLUS.COM" command procedure. This was mostly created by the "MMS BUILD_PROC" command. It is not as flexible as MMS, but should get the job done. Look through the procedure and edit it as you see fit. It builds and installs just about everything, so it might be in your best interest to look through it and use your veto powers to comment out the unneeded (or unavailable) parts. Be sure to look and check what you have before executing the procedure. "SETUP.COM" ----------- I have provided two setup files with this distribution to facilitate the day-to-day use of PBMplus. All you need to do is execute the SETUP.COM command procedure and it will make all the logical name and foreign symbol definitions. You should look through SETUP.COM and read the comments about the rooted logical names used. After all that, look through the TeX documentation or the on-line help files to get an idea of how to start using PBMplus. NOTE: An error in MMS will occur if you have used SETUP.COM before using MMS. A logical name conflict or something. Either logout and login to clear things out or Deassign PBMplus_Root and PBMplus_Dir before using MMS. Manifest -------- The following files are included with this VMS port of PBMplus. The bare essential ones needed to complete the build are marked with an astreisk (*): [.VMS]MAKEFILE.MMS -- VMS MMS description file (i.e., "makefile") for all of PBMplus *[.VMS]MAKE_PBMPLUS.COM -- VMS command procedure produced by MMS to build the PBMplus package for users without MMS *[.VMS]MAKE_PBMPLUSSHR.COM -- VMS command procedure to build Shareable link library of the four main PBMplus object libraries; LIBPBM, LIBPGM, LIBPPM, & LIBPNM [.VMS]SETUP.COM -- An initialization/definition command proc for "everyday use" of PBMplus once it's built [.VMS]ADD_LIST.COM -- Generic command procedure to add another library to any VMS librarian list, (i.e., Hlp$Library_nn or Lnk$Library_nn) [.VMS]PBMPLUS.HLP -- VMS Help library file for all of PBMplus [.PBM]MAKEFILE.MMS -- VMS MMS description file for PBM routines [.PGM]MAKEFILE.MMS -- VMS MMS description file for PGM routines [.PPM]MAKEFILE.MMS -- VMS MMS description file for PPM routines [.PNM]MAKEFILE.MMS -- VMS MMS description file for PNM routines [.LIBTIFF]MAKEFILE.MMS -- VMS MMS description file for LIBTIFF routines When it's all over and done, the PBMplus directory tree should resemble the following: PBMPLUS ---+ EXE <-- the binaries | + LIBTIFF <-- TIFF library | + PBM <-- Portable BitMaps | + PGM <-- Portable Grayscale Maps | + PNM <-- Portable aNy Maps | + PPM <-- Portable Picture Maps | + VMS <-- VMS specific files Rick Dyson -- Richard L. Dyson INTERNET: Dyson@IowaSP.Physics.UIowa.EDU _ _ _____ Senior Programmer Analyst O: 319/335--1879 | | | | |_ _| Department of Physics & Astronomy H: 319/338--6117 | | | | of | | Van Allen Hall NSI/DECnet: IOWASP::DYSON | \_/ | _| |_ University of Iowa or : 7231::DYSON \___/ |_____| Iowa City, IA 52242-1479
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.