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San Diego Supercomputer Center I M A G E T O O L S Binary Release 2.0 October 1991 Readme -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This directory, and its subdirectories, contains the binaries and documentation for the San Diego Supercomputer Center's (SDSC's) release of its Image Tools. The following files will explain things and get you started: ./CHANGES Changes since the last release ./README This file ./INDEX An index of files in the release ./release/release2.0.n Nroff source for release notes ./release/release2.0.doc Post-nroff text for release notes ./release/ PostScript for release notes INDEX San Diego Supercomputer Center I M A G E T O O L S Binary Release 2.0 October 1991 File Index -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES - What's changed in this release INDEX - This file README - General info imtools/ - Command-line tools bin/ imconv* imcopy* imfile* imflip* imformats* imgray* immono* impaste* imscale* man/ IM.ptx Makefile cover.n imconv.1l imconv.n imcopy.1l imcopy.n imfile.1l imfile.n imflip.1l imflip.n imformats.1l imformats.n imgray.1l imgray.n immono.1l immono.n impaste.1l impaste.n imscale.1l imscale.n src/ Makefile imconv.c imcopy.c imfeedback.c imfile.c imflip.c imformats.c imgray.c immono.c impaste.c imregister.c imscale.c imtools.c imtools.h libim/ - Image Library lib/ libim.a man/ IM.ptx Makefile cover.n imcltalloc.3l imcltalloc.n imcltdup.3l imcltdup.n imcltfree.3l imcltfree.n imcltqncolors.3l imcltqncolors.n imcltqptr.3l imcltqptr.n imcltqred.3l imcltqred.n imeps.3l imeps.n imfileformatoptions.3l imfileformatoptions.n imfileqformat.3l imfileqformat.n imfileqnformat.3l imfileqnformat.n imfileread.3l imfileread.n imgif.3l imgif.n imhdf.3l imhdf.n imicon.3l imicon.n imiff.3l imiff.n imintro.3l imintro.n immpnt.3l immpnt.n impbm.3l impbm.n impcx.3l impcx.n imperror.3l imperror.n impgm.3l impgm.n impic.3l impic.n impict.3l impict.n impix.3l impix.n impnm.3l impnm.n imppm.3l imppm.n imps.3l imps.n imras.3l imras.n imrgb.3l imrgb.n imrla.3l imrla.n imrle.3l imrle.n imrpbm.3l imrpbm.n imrpgm.3l imrpgm.n imrpnm.3l imrpnm.n imrppm.3l imrppm.n imsynu.3l imsynu.n imtiff.3l imtiff.n imvfballoc.3l imvfballoc.n imvfbcopy.3l imvfbcopy.n imvfbdup.3l imvfbdup.n imvfbflip.3l imvfbflip.n imvfbfree.3l imvfbfree.n imvfbqclt.3l imvfbqclt.n imvfbqfields.3l imvfbqfields.n imvfbqnbytes.3l imvfbqnbytes.n imvfbqptr.3l imvfbqptr.n imvfbqred.3l imvfbqred.n imvfbresize.3l imvfbresize.n imvfbtoindex8.3l imvfbtoindex8.n imx.3l imx.n imxbm.3l imxbm.n imxwd.3l imxwd.n src/ im.h other/ - Other items sdsc_imagetyper.hqx.sit - Mac application: SDSC ImageTyper release/ - Release notes Makefile release2.0.doc release2.0.n
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