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 **	$Header: /import/dev-vis/image/imtools/v2.0/libim/src/include/RCS/im.h,v 1.28 91/10/03 12:56:07 nadeau Exp $
 **	Copyright (c) 1989, 1990  San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
 **		San Diego, California, USA
 **	Users and possessors of this source code are hereby granted a
 **	nonexclusive, royalty-free copyright and design patent license to
 **	use this code in individual software.  License is not granted for
 **	commercial resale, in whole or in part, without prior written
 **	permission from SDSC.  This source is provided "AS IS" without express
 **	or implied warranty of any kind.
 **	For further information contact:
 **		E-Mail:		info@sds.sdsc.edu
 **		Surface Mail:	Information Center
 **				San Diego Supercomputer Center
 **				P.O. Box 85608
 **				San Diego, CA  92138-5608
 **				(619) 534-5000

 **  FILE
 **	im.h		-  Image library include file
 **	libim		-  SDSC image manipulation library
 **	im.h contains the structs, typedefs, externs, defines, and macros
 **	needed to use the VFB, CLT, and File subpackages of the image
 **	library.
 **			d =defined constant
 **			f =function
 **			m =defined macro
 **			t =typedef/struct/union
 **			v =variable
 **			? =other
 **	__IMH__		d  file inclusion flag
 **	ImErrNo		v  error number
 **	ImNErr		v  number of error messages
 **	ImErrList	v  error messages
 **	IME...		d  error codes
 **	IMVFBNEW	d  Indicate a new VFB is to be allocated
 **	IMCLTNEW	d  Indicate a new CLT is to be allocated
 **	ImCltPtr	t  pointer to CLT entry
 **	ImClt		t  color lookup table
 **	ImVfbPtr	t  pointer to VFB pixel
 **	ImVfb		t  virtual frame buffer
 **	IMVFB...	d  fields mask values
 **	ImVfb...	m  set and query VFB attributes
 **	ImClt...	m Set and query CLT attributes
 **	IMVFB...	d  raster operations and inout values
 **	IMVFB...	d  flip directions
 **	IMVFB...	d  resolution change algorithms
 **	ImFileFormatReadMap	t  map of how a format handles reads
 **	ImFileFormatWriteMap	t  map of how a format handles writes
 **	IMDEP*		d  Depth options
 **	IMCOMP*		d  Compression options
 **	IMINTER*	d  Interlace options
 **	IMCLT*		d  CLT options
 **	IMALPHA*	d  Alpha plane options
 **	ImFileFormat	t  file format info
 **	ImFileFormats	v  list of format info
 **	Im...		f  Generic function declarations
 **	ImVfb...	f  VFB function declarations
 **	ImClt...	f  CLT function declarations
 **	ImFile...	f  File I/O function declarations
 **	IMFILE...	d  Image file format-specific options
 **	IMERRORFATAL	d  fatal error
 **	IMERRORWARNING	d  warning error
 **	IMERRORINFO	d  information error
 **	IMMAXNAME	d  maximum name size
 **	none
 **	$Log:	im.h,v $
 **	Revision 1.28  91/10/03  12:56:07  nadeau
 **	Removed out-of-date PBM and FPS flags.
 **	Revision 1.27  91/10/03  12:54:09  nadeau
 **	Cosmetic changes.  Added read and write map support.
 **	Revision 1.26  91/01/23  12:50:34  doeringd
 **	Added prefix "IMFPS" to FPS enum list items.
 **	Revision 1.25  91/01/23  12:04:19  doeringd
 **	Removed unneeded enum name "aperture" to prevent conflict with
 **	int aperture.
 **	Revision 1.24  91/01/23  11:06:08  nadeau
 **	Removed redundant aperture declaration.
 **	Revision 1.23  91/01/23  10:44:00  doeringd
 **	Add fps enum definitions for apertures.
 **	Revision 1.22  91/01/23  10:27:08  nadeau
 **	Added multiVFB flag to ImFileFormats struct.
 **	Revision 1.21  91/01/20  07:43:55  doeringd
 **	Included imfps.h aperture enum values.
 **	Revision 1.20  91/01/16  10:30:04  doeringd
 **	Add PBM defines
 **	Revision 1.19  91/01/16  10:13:27  nadeau
 **	Added declarations for ImVfbIsMono() and ImVfbTo8Mono().
 **	Revision 1.18  90/09/04  14:03:44  ferrerj
 **	added ImVfbCopyArea to function list
 **	Revision 1.17  90/09/04  13:57:10  ferrerj
 **	added ImVfbCopyArea() to function list
 **	Revision 1.17  90/09/04  02:00:00  ferrerj
 **	added ImVfbCopyArea()  to function list
 **	Revision 1.16  90/07/26  11:45:09  mcleodj
 **	Added Pixar PIC format flag values
 **	Revision 1.15  90/07/25  16:25:14  nadeau
 **	Changed RAS file format flag values and their names.
 **	Revision 1.14  90/07/25  13:34:05  todd
 **	added several new IME* errors.
 **	added IMTIFF flag values
 **	Revision 1.13  90/07/23  13:51:14  nadeau
 **	Fixed Index16 macros to use vfb_i32off instead of vfb_ioff.  Added HDF
 **	write flags.  Removed PIX write flag.
 **	Revision 1.12  90/07/15  09:30:28  mjb
 **	added ImVfbCut() and ImvfbLightness() to function list
 **	Revision 1.11  90/07/02  15:48:25  mercurio
 **	Error messages added
 **	Revision 1.10  90/06/28  20:14:29  mercurio
 **	Added IMENOIMAGE and IMEUNSUPPORTED error codes
 **	Revision 1.9  90/06/28  15:16:00  nadeau
 **	Removed tag table types and function declarations.  Added #defines to
 **	map from the old tag table function names to the new ones.  Added
 **	declarations and #defines for the error handling code.
 **	Revision 1.8  90/05/15  13:57:56  todd
 **	Move IMFILEFD & FP PIPE and FILE macros to new iminternal.h file
 **	Revision 1.7  90/05/11  14:26:34  nadeau
 **	Removed old IMFILE format defines.
 **	Revision 1.6  90/05/11  10:02:47  nadeau
 **	Added ImFileFormat struct for file format information.  Left old way
 **	in still.
 **	Revision 1.5  90/05/02  11:13:25  mjb
 **	More of the above
 **	Revision 1.4  90/05/02  07:56:57  mjb
 **	moreof the above
 **	Revision 1.3  90/05/02  07:51:53  mjb
 **	Changed ImVfb and ImClt typedefs to be structures, not pointers
 **	This will require declarations of the form:
 **		ImVfb *srcVfb;
 **		ImClt *srcClt;
 **	Revision 1.2  90/04/30  10:28:54  nadeau
 **	Changed tag list stuff to tag table stuff.  Added error codes and
 **	renumbered the ones already there.  Updated the function declarations
 **	and fixed various comments.  Added file format flag defines.
 **	Revision 1.1  90/03/28  11:17:57  nadeau
 **	Initial revision

#ifndef __IMH__
#define __IMH__

#ifndef __SDSCH__
#include "sdsc.h"
#endif __SDSCH__

 *	ImErrNo		-  error number
 *	ImNErr		-  number of error messages
 *	ImErrList	-  error messages
 *	On an error, the image library routines return -1, or NULL, and set
 *	ImErrNo to an error code.  The programmer may call ImPError
 *	to print the associated error message to stderr, or may do the
 *	message lookup in ImErrList directly.

extern int   ImErrNo;			/* Current error number		*/
extern int   ImNErr;			/* Number of error messages	*/
extern char *ImErrList[];		/* List of error messages	*/

 *	IME...		-  error codes
 *	ImErrNo may be set to these error codes as a result of an error in
 *	calling one of the image library routines.

#define IMESYS		0		/* System error			*/
#define IMEMALLOC	1		/* Cannot allocate		*/

#define IMENOCONTENTS	2		/* Bad fields mask		*/
#define IMENOFPDATA	3		/* Bad float data		*/
#define IMEBADINOUT	4		/* Bad inout arg		*/
#define IMEBADFBTYPE	5		/* Bad frame buffer type	*/
#define IMEFORMAT	6		/* Bad format			*/
#define IMENOFILE	7		/* No file?			*/
#define IMENOTINFO	8		/* Not enough info in VFB	*/
#define IMEBADFLIP	9		/* Bad flip selection		*/
#define IMEBADALGORITHM	10		/* Bad res change algorithm	*/

#define IMENOREAD	11		/* Read not supported on format	*/
#define IMENOWRITE	12		/* Write not supported on format*/
#define IMENOVFB	13		/* No VFB given for image write	*/
#define IMEMANYVFB	14		/* Too many VFB's for image write*/
#define IMENOTRGB	15		/* VFB isn't an RGB image	*/
#define IMEMAGIC	16		/* Bad magic number on image file*/
#define IMEIMAGETYPE	17		/* Unknown image type		*/
#define IMECLTTYPE	18		/* Unknown CLT type		*/
#define IMEDEPTH	19		/* Unknown image depth		*/
#define IMECLTLENGTH	20		/* Bad CLT length		*/
#define IMENOCLT	21		/* No CLT given for image	*/
#define IMEMANYCLT	22		/* Too many CLT's for image	*/
#define IMENOTGRAY	23		/* VFB isn't a GRAY image	*/

#define IMENULLTAGTABLE	24		/* NULL tag table given		*/
#define IMESYNTAX	25		/* Syntax error			*/
#define IMENOIMAGE	26		/* No images in input file	*/
#define IMEUNSUPPORTED	27		/* Unsupported VFB type		*/
#define IMEDIFFSIZE	28		/* VFB's have different sizes	*/
#define IMEVERSION	29		/* Bad version number in header */
#define IMEPLANES	30		/* Unknown image plane config	*/
#define IMEOUTOFRANGE	31		/* Header value out of legal range */
#define IMEORIENTATION	32		/* Unsupported image orientation*/
#define IMEWIDTH	33		/* Zero or negative image width */
#define IMEHEIGHT	34		/* Zero or negative image height*/
#define IMECONFLICT	35		/* Conflicting info in im header*/
#define IMENOTINDEX8	36		/* Not an Index 8 image		*/
#define IMENOTINDEX16	37		/* Not an Index 16 image	*/
#define IMENOTMONO	38		/* Not a monochrome image	*/
#define IMEFIELD	39		/* Bad field mask		*/
#define IMENOTPOSSIBLE	40		/* Conversion/Output not possible*/
#define IMEDECODING	41		/* Error while decoding image	*/
#define IMEENCODING	42		/* Error while encoding image	*/
		/*	43-2^32		   Reserved			*/

 *	IMVFBNEW	-  Indicate a new VFB is to be allocated
 *	IMCLTNEW	-  Indicate a new CLT is to be allocated
 *	These values are each used when a NULL (empty) VFB, or CLT is to be
 *	indicated.  These values may be passed as the destination arguments
 *	to VFB, and CLT, and may be returned as error condition values from
 *	functions that normally return VFB's, or CLT's.

#define IMVFBNULL	((ImVfb *)0)
#define IMCLTNULL	((ImClt *)0)

 *	ImCltPtr	-  pointer to CLT entry
 *	ImClt		-  color lookup table
 *	The ImClt struct contains a color lookup table.  Such a CLT may,
 *	or may not, be referenced by a VFB.
 *	clt_ncolors is the number of entries in the CLT.  Each entry
 *	consists of 3 consecutive 8-bit bytes for red, green, and blue.
 *	clt_clt is a pointer to the first byte of the first entry in the
 *	CLT.

typedef uchar *ImCltPtr;	/* Color pointer			*/

typedef struct ImClt
	int    clt_ncolors;	/* # colors in CLT storage		*/
	ImCltPtr clt_clt;	/* points to actual CLT storage		*/
} ImClt;

 *	ImVfbPtr	-  pointer to VFB pixel
 *	ImVfb		-  virtual frame buffer
 *	The ImVfb struct contains a virtual frame buffer (an image and its
 *	associated per-pixel data).
 *	vfb_width and vfb_height give the width and height of the VFB.
 *	vfb_fields is a mask that indicates what types of values are
 *	associated with each pixel in the VFB.
 *	vfb_nbytes is the number of bytes per pixel.
 *	vfb_clt is an optional CLT associated with the VFB.  vfb_clt will
 *	be IMCLTNULL if there is no CLT.
 *	vfb_roff, vfb_goff, and vfb_boff are byte offsets to reach the
 *	red, green, and blue planes (if any) of the VFB.
 *	vfb_aoff is a byte offset to the alpha plane (if any) of the VFB.
 *	vfb_i8off, and vfb_i16off are byte offsets to the 8-bit or 16-bit
 *	color index planes (if any) of the VFB.
 *	vfb_wpoff is a byte offset to the write protect plane (if any) of the
 *	VFB.
 *	vfb_zoff is a byte offset to the Z-buffer plane (if any) of the VFB.
 *	vfb_fpoff and vfb_ioff are a byte offsets to the floating point and
 *	integer data planes (if any) of the VFB.
 *	vfb_pfirst and vfb_plast point to the first and last pixels in the
 *	VFB.

typedef uchar *ImVfbPtr;	/* Pixel pointer			*/

typedef struct ImVfb
	int    vfb_width;	/* # cols				*/
	int    vfb_height;	/* # rows				*/
	int    vfb_fields;	/* mask specifying what is in each pixel*/
	int    vfb_nbytes;	/* # bytes per pixel 			*/
	ImClt  *vfb_clt;	/* points to attached CLT, if any	*/
	int    vfb_roff;	/* offset (in bytes) to reach red 	*/
	int    vfb_goff;	/* green				*/
	int    vfb_boff;	/* blue					*/
	int    vfb_aoff;	/* alpha-value				*/
	int    vfb_i8off;	/* color index				*/
	int    vfb_wpoff;	/* write protect offset			*/
	int    vfb_i16off;	/* color index				*/
	int    vfb_zoff;	/* z-value				*/
	int    vfb_moff;	/* mono					*/
	int    vfb_fpoff;	/* floating point			*/
	int    vfb_ioff;	/* integer				*/
	ImVfbPtr vfb_pfirst;	/* points to first pixel 		*/
	ImVfbPtr vfb_plast;	/* points to last pixel 		*/
} ImVfb;

 *	IMVFB...	-  fields mask values
 *	The fields mask of a VFB is the bitwise OR of one or more of
 *	these mask values.  Each value indicates that data of that type
 *	is to be stored in the VFB at each pixel location.

#define IMVFBALL		( ~0 )		/* Everything		*/

#define IMVFBIMAGEMASK		( 0xFF )	/* Image items		*/
#define IMVFBMONO		( 1 <<  0 )
#define IMVFBINDEX8		( 1 <<  1 )
#define IMVFBINDEX16		( 1 <<  2 )
#define IMVFBRGB		( 1 <<  3 )
			/*		4-8	   Reserved		*/

#define IMVFBOTHERMASK		( ~0xFF )	/* Non-image items	*/
#define IMVFBALPHA		( 1 <<  9 )
#define IMVFBWPROT		( 1 <<  10 )
#define IMVFBZ			( 1 <<  11 )
#define IMVFBFDATA		( 1 <<  12 )
#define IMVFBIDATA		( 1 <<  13 )
			/*		14-32	   Reserved		*/

 *	ImVfb...	-  set and query VFB attributes
 *	These macros, masquerading as subroutines, take a VFB pointer and
 *	set or query information from it.

/* CLT and Characteristics.						*/
#define ImVfbQWidth( v )	((v)->vfb_width)
#define ImVfbQHeight( v )	((v)->vfb_height)
#define ImVfbQFields( v )	((v)->vfb_fields)
#define ImVfbQNBytes( v )	((v)->vfb_nbytes)
#define ImVfbQClt( v )		((v)->vfb_clt)

#define ImVfbSClt( v, c )	((v)->vfb_clt = (c))

/* Pixel values.							*/
#define ImVfbQMono( v, p )	( *( (p)+(v)->vfb_moff ) )
#define ImVfbQIndex8( v, p )	( *( (p)+(v)->vfb_i8off ) )
#define ImVfbQGrey( v, p )	ImVfbQIndex8(v,p)
#define ImVfbQGray( v, p )	ImVfbQIndex8(v,p)
#define ImVfbQIndex16( v, p )	( *((int *)((p)+(v)->vfb_i16off ) ) )
#define ImVfbQIndex( v, p )	\
	( ( ImVfbQFields(v)&IMVFBINDEX8 ) ? ImVfbQIndex8(v,p) :\
	 				    ImVfbQIndex16(v,p) )
#define ImVfbQRed( v, p )	( *( (p)+(v)->vfb_roff ) )
#define ImVfbQGreen( v, p )	( *( (p)+(v)->vfb_goff ) )
#define ImVfbQBlue( v, p )	( *( (p)+(v)->vfb_boff ) )

#define ImVfbQAlpha( v, p )	( *( (p)+(v)->vfb_aoff ) )
#define ImVfbQWProt( v, p )	( *( (p)+(v)->vfb_wpoff) )
#define ImVfbQZ( v, p )		( *((int *)((p)+(v)->vfb_zoff ) ) )
#define ImVfbQFData( v, p )	( *((float *)( (p)+(v)->vfb_fpoff ) ) )
#define ImVfbQIData( v, p )	( *((int *)( (p)+(v)->vfb_ioff ) ) )

#define ImVfbSMono( v, p, m )	( *( (p)+(v)->vfb_moff ) = (uchar)(m) )
#define ImVfbSGray( v, p, g )	ImVfbSIndex8(v,p,g)
#define ImVfbSGrey( v, p, g )	ImVfbSIndex8(v,p,g)
#define ImVfbSIndex8( v, p, i )	( *( (p)+(v)->vfb_i8off ) = (uchar)(i) )
#define ImVfbSIndex16( v, p, i ) ( *((int *)((p)+(v)->vfb_i16off) ) = (int)(i) )
#define ImVfbSIndex( v, p, i )	\
	( ( ImVfbQFields(v)&IMVFBINDEX8 ) ? ImVfbSIndex8(v,p,i) :\
	 				    ImVfbSIndex16(v,p,i) )
#define ImVfbSRed( v, p, r )	( *( (p)+(v)->vfb_roff ) = (uchar)(r) )
#define ImVfbSGreen( v, p, g )	( *( (p)+(v)->vfb_goff ) = (uchar)(g) )
#define ImVfbSBlue( v, p, b )	( *( (p)+(v)->vfb_boff ) = (uchar)(b) )

#define ImVfbSAlpha( v, p, a )	( *( (p)+(v)->vfb_aoff ) = (uchar)(a) )
#define ImVfbSWProt( v, p, wp )	( *( (p)+(v)->vfb_wpoff) = (uchar)(wp))
#define ImVfbSZ( v, p, z )	( *((int *)((p)+(v)->vfb_zoff) ) = (int)(z) )
#define ImVfbSFData( v, p, fp )	( *((float *)((p)+(v)->vfb_fpoff) )=(float)(fp))
#define ImVfbSIData( v, p, i )	( *((int *)((p)+(v)->vfb_ioff) ) = (int)(i))

/* Pixel addressing.							*/
#define ImVfbQFirst( v )	( (v)->vfb_pfirst )
#define ImVfbQLast( v )		( (v)->vfb_plast )
#define ImVfbQPtr( v, x, y )	( ImVfbQFirst(v) + \
				  ImVfbQNBytes(v)*( (y)*ImVfbQWidth(v) + \
				  (x) ) )
#define ImVfbQNext( v, p )	( (p) + ImVfbQNBytes(v) )
#define ImVfbQPrev( v, p )	( (p) - ImVfbQNBytes(v) )
#define ImVfbQLeft( v, p )	ImVfbQPrev(v,p)
#define ImVfbQRight( v, p )	ImVfbQNext(v,p)
#define ImVfbQUp( v, p )	( (p) - ImVfbQWidth(v)*ImVfbQNBytes(v) )
#define ImVfbQDown( v, p )	( (p) + ImVfbQWidth(v)*ImVfbQNBytes(v) )

#define ImVfbSInc( v, p )	( (p) += ImVfbQNBytes(v) )
#define ImVfbSDec( v, p )	( (p) -= ImVfbQNBytes(v) )
#define ImVfbSLeft( v, p )	ImVfbSDec( v, p )
#define ImVfbSRight( v, p )	ImVfbSInc( v, p )
#define ImVfbSPrev( v, p )	ImVfbSDec( v, p )
#define ImVfbSNext( v, p )	ImVfbSInc( v, p )
#define ImVfbSUp( v, p )	( (p) -= ImVfbQWidth(v)*ImVfbQNBytes(v) )
#define ImVfbSDown( v, p )	( (p) += ImVfbQWidth(v)*ImVfbQNBytes(v) )

 *	ImClt...	-  Set and query CLT attributes
 *	These macros, masquerading as subroutines, take a CLT pointer and
 *	set or retrieve information from it.

/* Characteristics.							*/
#define ImCltQNColors(c)	( (c)->clt_ncolors )

/* Entry values.							*/
#define ImCltQRed( p )		( *((p)+0) )
#define ImCltQGreen( p )	( *((p)+1) )
#define ImCltQBlue( p )		( *((p)+2) )

#define ImCltSRed( p, r )	( *((p)+0) = (r) )
#define ImCltSGreen( p, g )	( *((p)+1) = (g) )
#define ImCltSBlue( p, b )	( *((p)+2) = (b) )

/* Entry addressing.							*/
#define ImCltQFirst( c )	( (c)->clt_clt )
#define ImCltQPtr( c, i )	( ImCltQFirst(c) + (3 * (i)) )
#define ImCltQLast( c )		( ImCltQFirst(c) + \
				( 3*( ImCltQNColors(c) - 1 ) ) )
#define ImCltQNext( c, p )	( (p) + 3 )
#define ImCltQPrev( c, p )	( (p) - 3 )

#define ImCltSInc( c, p )	( (p) += 3 )
#define ImCltSDec( c, p )	( (p) -= 3 )

 *	ImFileFormatReadMap	-  map of how a format handles reads
 *	ImFileFormatWriteMap	-  map of how a format handles writes
 *	These two tables are essentially mirror images of each other.  The
 *	read map tells what depths of imagery can be read from a format and
 *	how it maps to VFB's.  The write map tells how different VFB's map
 *	to file depths.
 *	map_inType and map_outType select whether the image is represented
 *	as a CLT index per pixel (pseudo-color) or with the full RGB color
 *	per pixel (true-color).
 *	map_inNChannels and map_outNChannels give the number of channels per
 *	pixel (usually 1 or 3).
 *	map_inChannelDepth and map_outChannelDepth give the size of the
 *	channels, in bits.  Usually 1-bit (mono) through 8-bit.
 *	map_inAttributes and map_outAttributes select the attributes of
 *	an incomming or outgoing file image, such as whether it has a CLT,
 *	alpha planes, or is compressed somehow.  For read, the _outAttributes
 *	may not contain any compression indications.  Likewise for write, the
 *	_inAttributes may not contain compression stuff.
 *	map_inField and map_outField select the type of VFB (as a VFB
 *	field mask) that is created by the read or taken by the write.  Only
 *	image depth type field values should be included (ie., don't add
 *	IMVFBALPHA, etc).
 *	map_write is a function pointer to the write function to handle
 *	this specific output mapping.  There is no equivalent read for the
 *	read map.

typedef struct ImFileFormatReadMap
	int    map_inType;		/* In image type (index | rgb)	*/
	int    map_inNChannels;		/* In # of channels		*/
	int    map_inChannelDepth;	/* In channel size (in bits)	*/
	int    map_inAttributes;	/* In image attributes		*/

	int    map_outField;		/* Out VFB field		*/
	int    map_outAttributes;	/* Out VFB attributes		*/
} ImFileFormatReadMap;

typedef struct ImFileFormatWriteMap
	int    map_inField;		/* In VFB field			*/
	int    map_inAttributes;	/* In VFB attributes		*/

	int    map_outType;		/* Out image type (index | rgb)	*/
	int    map_outNChannels;	/* Out # of channels		*/
	int    map_outChannelDepth;	/* Out channel size (in bits)	*/
	int    map_outAttributes;	/* Out image attributes		*/

	int  (*map_write)( );		/* Out write function		*/
} ImFileFormatWriteMap;

 *	IMTYPEINDEX	-  Indexed image type
 *	IMTYPERGB	-  RGB image type
 *	IMTYPE2D	-  2D primitives
 *	IMCOMP*		-  Compression options
 *	IMINTER*	-  Interlace options
 *	IMCLT*		-  CLT options
 *	IMALPHA*	-  Alpha plane options
 *	All of these are values used in initializing fields of the read
 *	and write mapping structures for the various formats.  They may also
 *	be used as user request values for flagsTable flags:
 *	"image type request",		int type      = IMTYPEINDEX or IMTYPERGB
 *	"image channel number request",	int nchannels = 1 or 3 usually
 *	"image channel depth request",	int depth     = 1-32
 *	"image compression request",	int comp      = IMCOMP*
 *	"image interleave request",	int inter     = IMINTER*
 *	"image clt request",		int clt       = IMCLT*
 *	"image alpha request",		int alpha     = IMALPHA*

#define IMTYPEINDEX	(0)		/* CLT index per pixel		*/
#define IMTYPERGB	(1)		/* RGB color per pixel		*/
#define IMTYPE2D	(2)		/* 2D primitives		*/

#define IMCOMPNO	(0<<0)		/* No compression		*/
#define IMCOMPNONE	(0<<0)		/* No compression		*/
#define IMCOMPRLE	(1<<0)		/* Run-Length Encoded compression*/
#define IMCOMPLZW	(2<<0)		/* Limpel-Ziv Welsh compression	*/
#define IMCOMPPACKBITS	(3<<0)		/* Packbits compression		*/
#define IMCOMPPB	(3<<0)		/* Packbits compression		*/
#define IMCOMPMAC	(3<<0)		/* Packbits compression		*/
#define IMCOMPDCT	(4<<0)		/* Descrete Cosine Transform comp*/
		/*	(5<<0) - (255<<0)   Reserved			*/

#define IMINTERMASK	0xF00
#define IMINTERNO	(0<<8)		/* Non-interleave		*/
#define IMINTERNONE	(0<<8)		/* Non-interleave		*/
#define IMINTERLINE	(1<<8)		/* Scanline interleave		*/
#define IMINTERPLANE	(2<<8)		/* Plane interleave		*/
		/*	(3<<8) - (15<<8) Reserved			*/

#define IMCLTMASK	0xF000
#define IMCLTNO		(0<<12)		/* No CLT included		*/
#define IMCLTNONE	(0<<12)		/* No CLT included		*/
#define IMCLTNODUMP	(0<<12)		/* No CLT included		*/
#define IMCLTYES	(1<<12)		/* CLT included			*/
#define IMCLTDUMP	(2<<12)		/* CLT included			*/
		/*	(3<<12) - (15<<12) Reserved			*/

#define IMALPHAMASK	0xF0000
#define IMALPHANO	(0<<16)		/* No Alpha planes included	*/
#define IMALPHANONE	(0<<16)		/* No Alpha planes included	*/
#define IMALPHANODUMP	(0<<16)		/* No Alpha planes included	*/
#define IMALPHAYES	(1<<16)		/* Alpha planes included	*/
#define IMALPHADUMP	(1<<16)		/* Alpha planes included	*/
		/*	(2<<16) - (15<<16) Reserved			*/

		/*	(1<<20) - (1<<31)  Reserved			*/

 *	ImFileFormat	-  file format info
 *	ImFileFormats	-  list of format info
 *	The imFileFormat struct describes everything we know generically
 *	about the set of file formats supported by the image library.
 *	format_names is a list of the names we know the format by.  The
 *	first name in the list is its "primary" name (the name we like most).
 *	The rest are "equivalent" names.  Names are used as command-line
 *	options in image tools, and as possible file extensions.  The list
 *	is terminated with a NULL.  Since all name checking is case-insensitive,
 *	only list things in lower case.
 *	format_help is a help string that explains what the format is, in
 *	40 characters or less.  For instance, "ras" would have "Sun rasterfile"
 *	as its help string.  "pix" would have "Alias picture file" as its
 *	help string.  Image library tools will use this as the help string
 *	for the option keyword in their argument parsing code.
 *	format_creator is a string indicating who created and/or supports
 *	this format.  "rgb" would read "Silicon Graphics".  "ras" would read
 *	"Sun Microsystems, Inc.".
 *	format_readSupport and format_writeSupport are one-or-more line strings
 *	describing the variants of the format that we support.  The real
 *	detail specifics are left to the read and write maps (later), but these
 *	strings say the same thing in more human terms.  The strings are used
 *	by image tools to list what can be supported.
 *	format_magicLocation, _magicLength, and _magicNumber give information
 *	about the format's magic number, if any.  The location is the # of
 *	bytes from the start of the file at which the magic number is found.
 *	This is almost always 0.  The length is the # of bytes that constitute
 *	the magic number, and is usually 4.  If this value is 0, there is no
 *	magic number for this format.  The magic number itself is a string of
 *	bytes that must match the number in the file.  Image library tools
 *	will typicaly check this against the file in both MBF and LBF order.
 *	format_readMultiVfb and format_writeMultiVfb are booleans indicating
 *	if the format can read in, and write out multiple images for the same
 *	file.
 *	format_readPipe and format_writePipe are booleans indicating if
 *	the format can handle a pipe.  If they can't, the generic code will
 *	make a temp file for the format code.
 *	format_read is a function pointer to the top level read routine for
 *	the format.  All format read requests enter here.
 *	format_readMap describes in detail the different file variants that
 *	can be handled and what kind of VFB they map to.
 *	format_writeMap describes in detail the different file variants that
 *	can be written and what kind of VFB they accept.  The map also has
 *	function pointers to specific format write routines to handle those
 *	variants.

typedef struct ImFileFormat
	char  **format_names;		/* Format name string		*/
	char  *format_help;		/* Long form of name		*/
	char  *format_creator;		/* Creator/source of format	*/
	char  *format_readSupport;	/* Message on read handling	*/
	char  *format_writeSupport;	/* Message on write handling	*/

	int    format_magicLocation;	/* Location of magic #		*/
	int    format_magicLength;	/* # bytes in magic #		*/
	uchar *format_magicNumber;	/* Magic #			*/

	boolean format_readMultiVfb;	/* Can read generate multiple VFBs?*/
	boolean format_readPipe;	/* Can read handle a pipe?	*/
	boolean format_writeMultiVfb;	/* Can write take multiple VFBs?*/
	boolean format_writePipe;	/* Can write handle a pipe?	*/

	int  (*format_read)( );		/* Read format			*/
	ImFileFormatReadMap *format_readMap;/* Read support mapping	*/
	ImFileFormatWriteMap *format_writeMap;/* Write support mapping	*/
} ImFileFormat;

extern ImFileFormat ImFileFormats[ ];

 *	IMVFB...	-  raster operations and inout values
 *	The first set of constants define various different raster operations
 *	used by ImVfbFill() et al.
 *	IMVFBINSIDE and IMVFBOUTSIDE indicate how filling is to take place	
 *	in ImVfbFill().

#define IMVFBCLEAR	0
#define IMVFBSET	15


#define IMVFBAND	1
#define IMVFBNAND	14

#define IMVFBOR		7
#define IMVFBXOR	6
#define IMVFBNOR	8
#define IMVFBNXOR	9


 *	IMVFB...	-  flip directions
 *	These constants are used to select flip directions in ImVfbFlip().

#define IMVFBXFLIP	0x1		/* X direction			*/
#define IMVFBYFLIP	0x2		/* Y direction			*/
		/*	0x4-0xFFFFFFFF	Reserved			*/

 *	IMVFB...	-  resolution change algorithms
 *	These constants select the algorithm to use when changing the
 *	resolution of an image using ImVfbResize().

#define IMVFBPIXELREP	0	/* Pixel replecation			*/
#define IMVFBBILINEAR	1	/* Bilinear interpolation		*/

 *	Im...		-  function pseudonims
 *	These macros are defiend to support various names for the same
 *	function, such as 'gray' vs. 'grey'.

#define ImVfbToGrey	ImVfbToGray

 *	IMERRORFATAL	-  fatal error
 *	IMERRORWARNING	-  warning error
 *	IMERRORINFO	-  information error
 *	These three values flag the type of error causing the invocation of
 *	an error handler (nominated via the flagsTable).

		/*	3-2^32		   Reserved			*/

 *	IMMAXNAME	-  maximum format name size
 *	IMDEFMONOTHRESH	-  default monochrome threshold

#define IMMAXNAME	100

 *	Im...		-  Generic functions
 *	ImClt...	-  CLT functions
 *	ImVfb...	-  VFB functions
 *	ImFile...	-  File I/O functions
extern void		 ImPError( );
extern char		*ImQError( );

extern ImClt		*ImCltAlloc( );
extern ImClt		*ImCltDup( );
extern void		 ImCltFree( );
extern ImClt		*ImCltGamma( );
extern ImClt		*ImCltGrayRamp( );
extern ImClt		*ImCltRoll( );
extern ImClt		*ImCltToGray( );

extern ImVfb		*ImVfbAlloc( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbBoolean( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbClip( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbClear( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbConvolve( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbCopy( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbDup( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbExtract( );
extern void		 ImVfbFree( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbGamma( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbLightness( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbNewSize( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbReflect( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbResize( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbRotate( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbScale( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbToIndex8( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbToIndex16( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbToMono( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbToRgb( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbToGray( );
extern ImVfb		*ImVfbTrans( );

extern int		 ImFileRead( );
extern int		 ImFileFRead( );
extern int		 ImFileWrite( );
extern int		 ImFileFWrite( );
extern char		*ImFileQFormat( );
extern char		*ImFileQFFormat( );
extern int		 ImFileQNFormat( );
extern int		 ImFileFormatOptions( );
extern int		 ImFileFormatEquivs( );

#endif /* __IMH__ */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.