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 **     $Header: /import/dev-vis/image/imtools/v2.0/imtools/src/RCS/imflip.c,v 1.2 91/10/03 13:21:25 nadeau Exp $
 **     Copyright (c) 1989, 1990  San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
 **             San Diego, California, USA
 **     Users and possessors of this source code are hereby granted a
 **     nonexclusive, royalty-free copyright and design patent license to
 **     use this code in individual software.  License is not granted for
 **     commercial resale, in whole or in part, without prior written
 **     permission from SDSC.  This source is provided "AS IS" without express
 **     or implied warranty of any kind.
 **     For further information contact:
 **             E-Mail:         info@sds.sdsc.edu
 **             Surface Mail:   Information Center
 **                             San Diego Supercomputer Center
 **                             P.O. Box 85608
 **                             San Diego, CA  92138-5608
 **                             (619) 534-5000

#define HEADER  "    $Header: /import/dev-vis/image/imtools/v2.0/imtools/src/RCS/imflip.c,v 1.2 91/10/03 13:21:25 nadeau Exp $"

 **  FILE
 **	imflip.c	-  Flip an image about a speicified axis
 **	IM		-  Image Manipulation Tools
 **	imflip flips an image(s) horizontally, vertically, or both and
 **	stores the resulting image(s) into a new file. 
 **			d =defined constant
 **			f =function
 **			m =defined macro
 **			t =typedef/struct/union
 **			v =variable
 **			? =other
 **	main		f  main program
 **	toolCommand	v  tool-specific tool info
 **	toolHelp	v  tool-specific help
 **	toolFullHelp	v  tool-specific help
 **	toolOptions	v  tool-specific options
 **	toolEquivs	v  tool-specific equivalent keywords
 **	toolInFilename	v  the name of the input file (could be 'stdin')
 **	toolOutFilename	v  the name of the output file (could be 'stdout')
 **	toolInFormat	v  the name of the input file's format (could be '\0')
 **	toolOutFormat	v  the name of the output file's format (could be '\0')
 **	toolInTable	v  a table for the storage of data read in
 **	toolFlagsTable	v  a table for the storage of read/write flags
 **	toolFlip	v  Flip direction 
 **	toolFlipMessage	v  Flip diagnostic message 
 **	toolInit	f  initialize things for the tool
 **	$Log:	imflip.c,v $
 **	Revision 1.2  91/10/03  13:21:25  nadeau
 **	Changed to allow no flip options if the user so desires.
 **	Revision 1.1  91/09/18  17:31:13  mcleodj
 **	Initial revision

#include "imtools.h"

extern void toolInit( );		/* Initialize things		*/

 *	toolCommand		-  tool-specific tool info
 *	toolHelp		-  tool-specific help
 *	toolOptions		-  tool-specific options
 *	toolEquivs		-  tool-specific equivalent keywords
 *	toolCommand describes the command to the arg package.
 *	toolHelp is the tool-specific help for the tool.  It will be
 *	concatenated with the generic image tools help message and
 *	added to the toolCommand structure as the help string to be
 *	printed after the option listing.
 *	toolOptions is the tool-specific option list.  It will be merged
 *	with the generic image tools options, and the list of image file
 *	format names supported by the library.  This larger option list
 *	is then used as the list of options supported by the tool.
 *	toolEquivs is the tool-specific option equivalent keyword list.
 *	It will be merged with the generic image tools equivs.  This large
 *	equivs list is then used as the list of equivs supported by the tool.

private ArgCommand toolCommand =
	/* command name */		"imflip",

	/* major version # */		IMTOOLSMAJOR,
	/* minor version # */		IMTOOLSMINOR,
	/* subminor version # */	IMTOOLSSUBMINOR,

	/* -help pre-option list information				*/
"%command flips an input image vertically, horizontally, or both and stores\n\
the results in the specified output file.  Input and output files may have\n\
different image file formats.\n\
	/* -help post-option list information				*/
	NULL,				/* filled in later on		*/

	/* -fullhelp pre-option list information			*/
	NULL,				/* Use same message as for -help*/
	/* -fullhelp post-option list information			*/
	NULL,				/* filled in later on		*/

	ARGFNONE,			/* No special flags		*/
	"[options...] infilename outfilename",
	"[options...] infilename outfilename",
	"SDSC Image Tools, October 1991.",
	"Copyright (c) 1989-1991  San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), CA, USA",
	NULL,				/* filled in later on		*/
	NULL,				/* filled in later on		*/

private char *toolHelp = "\n\
Typical Invocations:\n\
    Flip a Pixar PIC image horizontally and save result as a Sun rasterfile:\n\
        %command infile.pic -xflip outfile.ras\n\
    Flip a SGI RGB image vertically and save result as a Wavefront RLA file:\n\
        %command infile.rgb -yflip outfile.rla\n\
    Flip an Alias PIX image about both axes and save as a Pixar PIC file:\n\
        %command infile.pix -xflip -yflip outfile.pic\n\

private char *toolFullHelp = "\n\
    -infile selects the file whose images are to be flipped.  -outfile\n\
    selects the file into which to write the resulting flipped images.  The\n\
    input file is unaltered.\n\
    -xflip flips the image left-to-right.  -yflip flipts it top-to-bottom.\n\
    One, both, or neither may be given.\n\

private char *toolNote = "\n\
Additional Help:\n\
    This is an abbreviated help listing.  For a full listing of options,\n\
    including a list of image file formats supported, type:\n\
        %command -fullhelp\n\

private ArgOption toolOptions[TOOLNOPTIONS] =
	{ "infile", "image_filename", "Specify an input image file name",

	{ "outfile", "image_filename", "Specify an output image file name",

	{ "xflip", NULL, "Specify horizontal flip",

	{ "yflip", NULL, "Specify vertical flip",

	{ "verbose", NULL, "Be verbose",

private ArgEquiv *toolEquivs;
private ArgEquiv toolEquivs[TOOLNEQUIVS] =

 *	toolInFilename	-  the name of the input file (could be 'stdin')
 *	toolOutFilename	-  the name of the output file (could be 'stdout')
 *	toolInFormat	-  the name of the input file's format (could be NULL)
 *	toolOutFormat	-  the name of the output file's format (could be NULL)
 *	toolInTable	-  a table for the storage of data read in
 *	toolFlagsTable	-  a table for the storage of read/write flags
 *	toolFlip	-  Flip direction
 *	toolFlipMessage	-  Flip diagnostic message 
 *	Data held by these variables is used throughout the tool.

private char      toolInFilename[1024];	/* Input file name		*/
private char      toolInFormat[1024];	/* Input file's format name	*/

private char      toolOutFilename[1024];/* Output file name		*/
private char      toolOutFormat[1024];	/* Output file's format name	*/

private TagTable *toolInTable;		/* Data tag table		*/
private TagTable *toolFlagsTable;	/* Flags tag table		*/

private int	  toolFlip;		/* Flip direction		*/
private char	  toolFlipMessage[10];	/* Flip diagnostic message	*/

 *	main	-  main program
 *	Control things:
 *		-  Initialize things (parse arguments and set up tables).
 *		-  Read in the input file (put data into data table).
 *		-  Flip each image.
 *		-  Replace the data table images with their smaller copy pieces.
 *		-  Write out the output file (get data from data table).
 *	That's about it.
 *	This 'main' is pretty much the same for each of the image tools.
 *	Differences between tools include:
 *		-  the number of input files read in
 *		-  the number of output files written out
 *		-  the actions taken on the data between read and write

main( argc, argv )
	int argc;			/* Argument count		*/
	char *argv[];			/* Argument vector		*/
	int         nInVfb;		/* Number of images in file	*/
	int         i;			/* Counter			*/

	TagEntry   *dataEntry;		/* Entry from data table	*/

	ImVfb      *sourceVfb;		/* Source image			*/

	 *  Initialize things:
	 *	-  Prepare the arg parsing data, then parse the command-line.
	 *	-  Prepare the flags table based upon command-line args.
	 *	-  Determine the file formats for input and output files.
	toolInit( argc, argv );

	 *  Read in the input file.
	 *	-  Open the file (or stdin) and read data into the data table.
	ImToolsFileRead( toolInFilename, toolInFormat, toolFlagsTable,
		toolInTable );

	 *  Check for errors
	 *	-  no input images
	nInVfb = TagTableQNEntry( toolInTable, "image vfb" );
	if ( nInVfb == 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "%s: Input file contains no images!\n",
			ImToolsProgram );
		exit( 1 );

	 *  Flip!
	 *	-  Walk the data table looking for images.  For each one found,
	 *	   get the VFB and flip the VFB data about specified direction.
	for ( i = 0; i < nInVfb; i++ )
		 *  Get the next image out of the data table.
		dataEntry = TagTableQDirect( toolInTable, "image vfb", i );
		TagEntryQValue( dataEntry, &sourceVfb );

		 *  Flip the image in place.
		if ( ImToolsVerbose )
			if ( toolFlip )
				fprintf( stderr, "%s: Flipping image %d of %d in %s direction\n",
					ImToolsProgram, i + 1, nInVfb, toolFlipMessage);
				fprintf( stderr, "%s: Copying image %d of %d since no flip direction specified\n",
					ImToolsProgram, i + 1, nInVfb );

		 * Since we can assume that ImVfbFlip will correctly
		 * flip an image whether we write the flipped version
		 * over the original Vfb or not, the sourceVfb will
		 * get overwritten to save an allocation of a new Vfb
		 * (which would be handled by ImVfbFlip any way )
		if ( toolFlip )
			ImVfbFlip( 	sourceVfb,	/* Use this VFB	     */
					toolFlip,	/* Flip direction    */
					sourceVfb );	/* Write back to VFB */

		if ( sourceVfb == IMVFBNULL )
			ImPError( ImToolsProgram );
			fprintf( stderr, "%s: Couldn't flip image %d of %d.\n",
				ImToolsProgram, i + 1, nInVfb );
			fprintf( stderr, "%s: Unflipped image copied to output file.\n",
				ImToolsProgram );

	 *  Write out the output file.
	 *	-  Open the file (or stdout) and write the data in the data
	 *	   table.  Upon failure, remove the bad output file.
	ImToolsFileWrite( toolOutFilename, toolOutFormat, toolFlagsTable,
		toolInTable );

	exit( 0 );

 *	toolInit	-  initialize things for the tool
 *	The tool's argument parsing data structures are set up to include:
 *		- the full help message (generic help + tool-specific help)
 *		- the full option list (generic options + tool-specific options)
 *		- the full equivs list (generic equivs + tool-specific equivs)
 *	Command-line arguments are then parsed.  The results are used to
 *	set up the flags table (the generic -out* options).
 *	Input and output file's names and formats are determined from the
 *	command-line arguments.
 *	This function is included in most of the image tools and differs
 *	only in slight ways.  Typical differences include:
 *		-  the number of input and output file names found
 *		-  the number of input and output file formats found
 *		-  the number of command-line arg flags checked for

private void				/* Returns nothing		*/
toolInit( argc, argv )
	int argc;			/* Argument count		*/
	char *argv[ ];			/* Argument vector		*/
	int	    i;			/* Counter			*/
	int	    noccur;		/* Number of option occurrences	*/
	int         nOpt;		/* Number of options		*/
	int         nEquiv;		/* Number of equivalences	*/
	ArgOption  *options1;		/* Argument options		*/
	ArgOption  *options;		/* Argument options		*/
	ArgEquiv   *equivs1;		/* Argument equivalent keywords	*/
	ArgEquiv   *equivs;		/* Argument equivalent keywords	*/

	char       *tmp;		/* Temporary string holder	*/
	char       *tmpFormat;		/* Tmp format name		*/

	 *  Save the name of the program, as invoked.
	ImToolsProgram = argv[0];

	 *  Make a data table to hold the incomming data.
	if ( (toolInTable = TagTableAlloc( )) == TAGTABLENULL )
		TagPError( ImToolsProgram );
		exit( 1 );

	 *  Use the standard Image Tools user registration and feedback forms.
	toolCommand.arg_register = ImToolsRegister;
	toolCommand.arg_feedback = ImToolsFeedback;

	 *  Allocate space for the total help string for the tool.  Copy the
	 *  tool-specific help in, then concatenate on the generic help text
	 *  used by most of the image tools.
	if ( (tmp = (char *)malloc( sizeof( char ) * (strlen( toolNote ) +
		strlen( toolHelp ) + 1) )) == NULL )
		perror( ImToolsProgram );
		exit( 1 );
	strcpy( tmp, toolHelp );
	strcat( tmp, toolNote );
	toolCommand.arg_help2 = tmp;

	if ( (tmp = (char *)malloc( sizeof( char ) * (strlen( ImToolsBaseHelp) +
		strlen( toolHelp ) + strlen( toolFullHelp ) + 1) )) == NULL )
		perror( ImToolsProgram );
		exit( 1 );
	strcpy( tmp, toolHelp );
	strcat( tmp, toolFullHelp );
	strcat( tmp, ImToolsBaseHelp );
	toolCommand.arg_fullhelp2 = tmp;

	 *  Build up an option list by merging the tool-specific options,
	 *  the standard (base) tool options, and those for the various
	 *  image file formats.
	nOpt = ImToolsMergeOptions( TOOLNOPTIONS, toolOptions,
		IMTOOLSNBASEOPTIONS, ImToolsBaseOptions, &options1 );
	if ( (nOpt = ImFileFormatOptions( nOpt, options1, &options )) == -1)
		ImPError( ImToolsProgram );
		exit( 1 );

	 *  Build up an equivalent keyword list by merging the tool-specific
	 *  equivalences, the standard (base) tool equivalences, and those
	 *  for the various image file formats.
	nEquiv = ImToolsMergeEquivs( TOOLNEQUIVS, toolEquivs,
		 IMTOOLSNBASEEQUIVS, ImToolsBaseEquivs, &equivs1 );
	if ( (nEquiv = ImFileFormatEquivs( nEquiv, equivs1, &equivs )) == -1)
		ImPError( ImToolsProgram );
		exit( 1 );

	 *  Parse the command line!
	nOpt = ArgParse( argc, argv, &toolCommand, nOpt, options,
		nEquiv, equivs );
	if ( ArgQNOccur( "verbose" ) != 0 )
		ImToolsVerbose = TRUE;

	 *  Get the flip direction(s).
	toolFlip = 0;		/* No flipping				*/
	strcpy( toolFlipMessage, "none" );
	if ( ArgQNOccur( "xflip" ) != 0 )
		toolFlip = IMVFBXFLIP;
		strcpy( toolFlipMessage, "x.");

	if ( ArgQNOccur( "yflip" ) != 0 )
		toolFlip = IMVFBYFLIP;
		strcpy( toolFlipMessage, "y.");

	if ( ( ArgQNOccur( "xflip" ) != 0 ) && ( ArgQNOccur( "yflip" ) != 0 ) )
		toolFlip = IMVFBXYFLIP;
		strcpy( toolFlipMessage, "x and y.");

	 *  Set up the flags table based upon command-line arguments.
	 *  This is primarily derived from the -out* directives part of the
	 *  standard image tool option set (see ImToolsBaseOptions above).
	 *  Also included are flags to direct error messages to stderr and
	 *  a flag giving the program's name for later use in error messages.
	toolFlagsTable = ImToolsBuildFlagsTable( );

	 *  Get the input file's name (-infile), and search backwards in the
	 *  command-line option list to find the last format selection (if
	 *  any).  Stop the search on the beginning of the command-line, or
	 *  on -outfile.
	strcpy( toolInFilename, ArgQValue( "infile", 0, 0 )->arg_s );
	tmpFormat = NULL;
	for ( i = ArgQOccurOpt( "infile", 0 ) - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
		tmp = ArgQOpt( i, &noccur );

		 *  Stop looking backward when we reach any other file name
		 *  argument.
		if ( strcmp( tmp, "outfile" ) == 0 )

		 *  Skip it if it isn't the name of a file format.
		if ( !ImToolsIsFormat( tmp ) )

		if ( tmpFormat != NULL )
			fprintf( stderr, "%s:  Only 1 file format selection may precede -infile.\n",
				ImToolsProgram );
			exit( 1 );
		tmpFormat = tmp;
	if ( tmpFormat == NULL )
		*toolInFormat = '\0';
		strcpy( toolInFormat, tmpFormat );

	 *  Get the output file's name (-outfile), and search backwards in the
	 *  command-line option list to find the last format selection (if
	 *  any).  Stop the search on the beginning of the command-line, or
	 *  on -infile.
	strcpy( toolOutFilename, ArgQValue( "outfile", 0, 0 )->arg_s );
	tmpFormat = NULL;
	for ( i = ArgQOccurOpt( "outfile", 0 ) - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
		tmp = ArgQOpt( i, &noccur );

		 *  Stop looking backward when we reach any other file name
		 *  argument.
		if ( strcmp( tmp, "infile" ) == 0 )

		 *  Skip it if it isn't the name of a file format.
		if ( !ImToolsIsFormat( tmp ) )

		if ( tmpFormat != NULL )
			fprintf( stderr, "%s:  Only 1 file format selection may precede -outfile.\n",
				ImToolsProgram );
			exit( 1 );
		tmpFormat = tmp;
	if ( tmpFormat == NULL )
		*toolOutFormat = '\0';
		strcpy( toolOutFormat, tmpFormat );

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