
This is the README for gnuplotAI.N.b.tar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]

Here are the modified files for gnuplot3.0 to incorporate support for Adobe Illustrator 3.0 output.  Basically, I have added the terminal type aifm that outputs the basic commands necessary for AI to be able to open the file.  Note that the code does _not_ output the appropriate Postscript prolog to allow printing of the file.  In order to print the file out to a PS printer, it is necessary to open the file with AI, then save it again.  If you want Postscript output, I suggest using the Postscript terminal type.

Also, since AI does not really support multiple pages, multiple graphs will be output directly on one another.  However, each graph will be grouped individually, making it easy to separate them inside AI (just pick them up and move them).

Here is an example session:


        G N U P L O T
        unix version 3.0 
        patchlevel 0, Sep 29 91
        last modified Sun Sep 29 16:56:36 1991
        Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1990, 1991  Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley

        Send bugs and comments to bug-gnuplot%pixar.uucp@sun.com

Terminal type set to 'x11'
gnuplot> set term aifm
Terminal type set to 'aifm'
Options are 'monochrome "Times-Roman" 14'
gnuplot> set out 'Test.ai'
gnuplot> plot sin(x),cos(x)
gnuplot> plot tan(x)
gnuplot> quit
augustus:/Users/ray/gnuplot3.0%open Test.ai

What you will see is the two plots superimposed.  Simply pick one up and move it aside.

If you wish to use Courier size 20, type:

set term aifm "Courier" 20

If you wish color output,

set term aifm color

I would appreciate any comments you may have.  This is really a crude first pass that I tossed together to see if it could be done.  Future enahncements include adding the AI prolog so that the files are directly printable on PS printers, and perhaps some more intelligence regarding multiple page plots.

Ray Ghanbari


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