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/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % SSSSS H H EEEEE AAA RRRR % % SS H H E A A R R % % SSS HHHHH EEE AAAAA RRRR % % SS H H E A A R R % % SSSSS H H EEEEE A A R R % % % % % % Shear or rotate a raster image by an arbitrary angle. % % % % % % % % Software Design % % John Cristy % % July 1992 % % % % % % Copyright 1997 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company % % % % Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and % % its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, % % provided that the above Copyright notice appear in all copies and that % % both that Copyright notice and this permission notice appear in % % supporting documentation, and that the name of E. I. du Pont de Nemours % % and Company not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to % % distribution of the software without specific, written prior % % permission. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company makes no representations % % about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided % % "as is" without express or implied warranty. % % % % E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company disclaims all warranties with regard % % to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability % % and fitness, in no event shall E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company be % % liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any % % damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether % % in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising % % out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function RotateImage, XShearImage, and YShearImage is based on the paper % "A Fast Algorithm for General Raster Rotatation" by Alan W. Paeth, % Graphics Interface '86 (Vancouver). RotateImage is adapted from a similiar % routine based on the Paeth paper written by Michael Halle of the Spatial % Imaging Group, MIT Media Lab. % % */ /* Include declarations. */ #include "magick.h" /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % C r o p S h e a r I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function CropShearImage crops the sheared image as determined by the % bounding box as defined by width and height and shearing angles. % % The format of the CropShearImage routine is: % % CropShearImage(image,x_shear,y_shear,width,height,crop) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o image: The address of a structure of type Image. % % o x_shear, y_shear, width, height: Defines a region of the image to crop. % % o crop: A value other than zero crops the corners of the rotated % image and retains the original image size. % % */ static void CropShearImage(Image **image,const double x_shear, const double y_shear,const unsigned int width,const unsigned int height, const unsigned int crop) { typedef struct Point { double x, y; } Point; char geometry[MaxTextExtent]; double x_max, x_min, y_max, y_min; Point corners[4]; RectangleInfo crop_info; register int i; /* Calculate the rotated image size. */ crop_info.width=width; crop_info.height=height; corners[0].x=(-((int) crop_info.width)/2.0); corners[0].y=(-((int) crop_info.height)/2.0); corners[1].x=((int) crop_info.width)/2.0; corners[1].y=(-((int) crop_info.height)/2.0); corners[2].x=(-((int) crop_info.width)/2.0); corners[2].y=((int) crop_info.height)/2.0; corners[3].x=((int) crop_info.width)/2.0; corners[3].y=((int) crop_info.height)/2.0; for (i=0; i < 4; i++) { corners[i].x+=x_shear*corners[i].y; corners[i].y+=y_shear*corners[i].x; corners[i].x+=x_shear*corners[i].y; corners[i].x+=((*image)->columns-1)/2.0; corners[i].y+=((*image)->rows-3)/2.0; } x_min=corners[0].x; y_min=corners[0].y; x_max=corners[0].x; y_max=corners[0].y; for (i=1; i < 4; i++) { if (x_min > corners[i].x) x_min=corners[i].x; if (y_min > corners[i].y) y_min=corners[i].y; if (x_max < corners[i].x) x_max=corners[i].x; if (y_max < corners[i].y) y_max=corners[i].y; } x_min=floor((double) x_min); x_max=ceil((double) x_max); y_min=floor((double) y_min); y_max=ceil((double) y_max); if (!crop) { /* Do not crop sheared image. */ crop_info.width=(unsigned int) (x_max-x_min)-1; crop_info.height=(unsigned int) (y_max-y_min)-1; } crop_info.x=(int) x_min+(((int) (x_max-x_min)-crop_info.width) >> 1)+1; crop_info.y=(int) y_min+(((int) (y_max-y_min)-crop_info.height) >> 1)+2; /* Crop image and return. */ (void) sprintf(geometry,"%ux%u%+d%+d",crop_info.width,crop_info.height, crop_info.x,crop_info.y); TransformImage(image,geometry,(char *) NULL); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % I n t e g r a l R o t a t e I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function IntegralRotateImage rotates the image an integral of 90 degrees. % It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns % a pointer to the rotated image. % % The format of the IntegralRotateImage routine is: % % rotated_image=IntegralRotateImage(image,rotations) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o rotated_image: Function IntegralRotateImage returns a pointer to the % rotated image. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage. % % o image: The address of a structure of type Image. % % o rotations: Specifies the number of 90 degree rotations. % % */ static Image *IntegralRotateImage(Image *image,unsigned int rotations) { #define RotateImageText " Rotating image... " Image *rotated_image; register RunlengthPacket *p, *q; register int x, y; /* Initialize rotated image attributes. */ rotations%=4; if ((rotations == 1) || (rotations == 3)) rotated_image=CloneImage(image,image->rows,image->columns,False); else rotated_image=CloneImage(image,image->columns,image->rows,False); if (rotated_image == (Image *) NULL) { Warning("Unable to rotate image","Memory allocation failed"); return((Image *) NULL); } /* Expand runlength packets into a rectangular array of pixels. */ p=image->pixels; image->runlength=p->length+1; switch (rotations) { case 0: { /* Rotate 0 degrees. */ q=rotated_image->pixels; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { if (image->runlength != 0) image->runlength--; else { p++; image->runlength=p->length; } *q=(*p); q->length=0; q++; } ProgressMonitor(RotateImageText,y,image->rows); } break; } case 1: { /* Rotate 90 degrees. */ for (x=0; x < rotated_image->columns; x++) { q=rotated_image->pixels+(rotated_image->columns-x)-1; for (y=0; y < rotated_image->rows; y++) { if (image->runlength != 0) image->runlength--; else { p++; image->runlength=p->length; } *q=(*p); q->length=0; q+=rotated_image->columns; } ProgressMonitor(RotateImageText,x,rotated_image->columns); } break; } case 2: { /* Rotate 180 degrees. */ q=rotated_image->pixels+(rotated_image->columns*rotated_image->rows)-1; for (y=image->rows-1; y >= 0; y--) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { if (image->runlength != 0) image->runlength--; else { p++; image->runlength=p->length; } *q=(*p); q->length=0; q--; } ProgressMonitor(RotateImageText,image->rows-y,image->rows); } break; } case 3: { /* Rotate 270 degrees. */ for (x=rotated_image->columns-1; x >= 0; x--) { q=rotated_image->pixels+(rotated_image->columns*rotated_image->rows)- x-1; for (y=0; y < rotated_image->rows; y++) { if (image->runlength != 0) image->runlength--; else { p++; image->runlength=p->length; } *q=(*p); q->length=0; q-=rotated_image->columns; } ProgressMonitor(RotateImageText,rotated_image->columns-x, rotated_image->columns); } break; } } return(rotated_image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % X S h e a r I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Procedure XShearImage shears the image in the X direction with a shear angle % of 'degrees'. Positive angles shear counter-clockwise (right-hand rule), % and negative angles shear clockwise. Angles are measured relative to a % vertical Y-axis. X shears will widen an image creating 'empty' triangles % on the left and right sides of the source image. % % The format of the XShearImage routine is: % % XShearImage(image,degrees,width,height,x_offset,y_offset,range_limit) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o image: The address of a structure of type Image. % % o degrees: A double representing the shearing angle along the X axis. % % o width, height, x_offset, y_offset: Defines a region of the image % to shear. % */ static void XShearImage(Image *image,const double degrees, const unsigned int width,const unsigned int height,const int x_offset, int y_offset,register Quantum *range_limit) { #define XShearImageText " X Shear image... " double displacement; enum {LEFT,RIGHT} direction; int step, y; long fractional_step; register RunlengthPacket *p, *q; register int blue, green, i, index, red; RunlengthPacket last_pixel; y_offset--; for (y=0; y < height; y++) { y_offset++; displacement=degrees*(((double) y)-(height-1)/2.0); if (displacement == 0.0) continue; if (displacement > 0.0) direction=RIGHT; else { displacement*=(-1.0); direction=LEFT; } step=(int) floor(displacement); fractional_step=UpShifted(displacement-(double) step); if (fractional_step == 0) { /* No fractional displacement-- just copy. */ switch (direction) { case LEFT: { /* Transfer pixels left-to-right. */ p=image->pixels+image->columns*y_offset+x_offset; q=p-step; for (i=0; i < width; i++) { *q=(*p); q++; p++; } /* Set old row to background color. */ for (i=0; i < step; i++) { q->red=image->; q->green=image->; q->blue=image->; q->index=image->background_color.index; q++; } break; } case RIGHT: { /* Transfer pixels right-to-left. */ p=image->pixels+image->columns*y_offset+x_offset+width; q=p+step; for (i=0; i < width; i++) { p--; q--; *q=(*p); } /* Set old row to background color. */ for (i=0; i < step; i++) { q--; q->red=image->; q->green=image->; q->blue=image->; q->index=image->background_color.index; } break; } } continue; } /* Fractional displacement. */ step++;>;>;>; last_pixel.index=image->background_color.index; switch (direction) { case LEFT: { /* Transfer pixels left-to-right. */ p=image->pixels+image->columns*y_offset+x_offset; q=p-step; for (i=0; i < width; i++) { red=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+p->red* fractional_step); green=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ p->green*fractional_step); blue=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+p->blue* fractional_step); index=DownShift(last_pixel.index*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ p->index*fractional_step); last_pixel=(*p); p++; q->red=range_limit[red]; q->green=range_limit[green]; q->blue=range_limit[blue]; if (index < 0) q->index=0; else if (index > MaxColormapSize) q->index=MaxColormapSize; else q->index=(unsigned short) index; q++; } /* Set old row to background color. */ red=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ image->*fractional_step); green=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ image->*fractional_step); blue=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ image->*fractional_step); index=DownShift(last_pixel.index*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ image->background_color.index*fractional_step); q->red=range_limit[red]; q->green=range_limit[green]; q->blue=range_limit[blue]; if (index < 0) q->index=0; else if (index > MaxColormapSize) q->index=MaxColormapSize; else q->index=(unsigned short) index; q++; for (i=0; i < step-1; i++) { q->red=image->; q->green=image->; q->blue=image->; q->index=image->background_color.index; q++; } break; } case RIGHT: { /* Transfer pixels right-to-left. */ p=image->pixels+image->columns*y_offset+x_offset+width; q=p+step; for (i=0; i < width; i++) { p--; red=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+p->red* fractional_step); green=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ p->green*fractional_step); blue=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+p->blue* fractional_step); index=DownShift(last_pixel.index*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ p->index*fractional_step); last_pixel=(*p); q--; q->red=range_limit[red]; q->green=range_limit[green]; q->blue=range_limit[blue]; if (index < 0) q->index=0; else if (index > MaxColormapSize) q->index=MaxColormapSize; else q->index=(unsigned short) index; } /* Set old row to background color. */ red=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ image->*fractional_step); green=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ image->*fractional_step); blue=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ image->*fractional_step); index=DownShift(last_pixel.index*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ image->background_color.index*fractional_step); q--; q->red=range_limit[red]; q->green=range_limit[green]; q->blue=range_limit[blue]; if (index < 0) q->index=0; else if (index > MaxColormapSize) q->index=MaxColormapSize; else q->index=(unsigned short) index; for (i=0; i < step-1; i++) { q--; q->red=image->; q->green=image->; q->blue=image->; q->index=image->background_color.index; } break; } } ProgressMonitor(XShearImageText,y,height); } } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % Y S h e a r I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Procedure YShearImage shears the image in the Y direction with a shear % angle of 'degrees'. Positive angles shear counter-clockwise (right-hand % rule), and negative angles shear clockwise. Angles are measured relative % to a horizontal X-axis. Y shears will increase the height of an image % creating 'empty' triangles on the top and bottom of the source image. % % The format of the YShearImage routine is: % % YShearImage(image,degrees,width,height,x_offset,y_offset,range_limit) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o image: The address of a structure of type Image. % % o degrees: A double representing the shearing angle along the Y axis. % % o width, height, x_offset, y_offset: Defines a region of the image % to shear. % % */ static void YShearImage(Image *image,const double degrees, const unsigned int width,const unsigned int height,int x_offset, const int y_offset,register Quantum *range_limit) { #define YShearImageText " Y Shear image... " double displacement; enum {UP,DOWN} direction; int step, y; long fractional_step; register RunlengthPacket *p, *q; register int blue, green, i, index, red; RunlengthPacket last_pixel; x_offset--; for (y=0; y < width; y++) { x_offset++; displacement=degrees*(((double) y)-(width-1)/2.0); if (displacement == 0.0) continue; if (displacement > 0.0) direction=DOWN; else { displacement*=(-1.0); direction=UP; } step=(int) floor(displacement); fractional_step=UpShifted(displacement-(double) step); if (fractional_step == 0) { /* No fractional displacement-- just copy the pixels. */ switch (direction) { case UP: { /* Transfer pixels top-to-bottom. */ p=image->pixels+image->columns*y_offset+x_offset; q=p-step*image->columns; for (i=0; i < height; i++) { *q=(*p); q+=image->columns; p+=image->columns; } /* Set old column to background color. */ for (i=0; i < step; i++) { q->red=image->; q->green=image->; q->blue=image->; q->index=image->background_color.index; q+=image->columns; } break; } case DOWN: { /* Transfer pixels bottom-to-top. */ p=image->pixels+image->columns*(y_offset+height)+x_offset; q=p+step*image->columns; for (i=0; i < height; i++) { q-=image->columns; p-=image->columns; *q=(*p); } /* Set old column to background color. */ for (i=0; i < step; i++) { q-=image->columns; q->red=image->; q->green=image->; q->blue=image->; q->index=image->background_color.index; } break; } } continue; } /* Fractional displacment. */ step++;>;>;>; last_pixel.index=image->background_color.index; switch (direction) { case UP: { /* Transfer pixels top-to-bottom. */ p=image->pixels+image->columns*y_offset+x_offset; q=p-step*image->columns; for (i=0; i < height; i++) { red=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+p->red* fractional_step); green=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ p->green*fractional_step); blue=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+p->blue* fractional_step); index=DownShift(last_pixel.index*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ p->index*fractional_step); last_pixel=(*p); p+=image->columns; q->red=range_limit[red]; q->green=range_limit[green]; q->blue=range_limit[blue]; if (index < 0) q->index=0; else if (index > MaxColormapSize) q->index=MaxColormapSize; else q->index=(unsigned short) index; q+=image->columns; } /* Set old column to background color. */ red=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ image->*fractional_step); green=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ image->*fractional_step); blue=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ image->*fractional_step); index=DownShift(last_pixel.index*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ image->background_color.index*fractional_step); q->red=range_limit[red]; q->green=range_limit[green]; q->blue=range_limit[blue]; if (index < 0) q->index=0; else if (index > MaxColormapSize) q->index=MaxColormapSize; else q->index=(unsigned short) index; q+=image->columns; for (i=0; i < step-1; i++) { q->red=image->; q->green=image->; q->blue=image->; q->index=image->background_color.index; q+=image->columns; } break; } case DOWN: { /* Transfer pixels bottom-to-top. */ p=image->pixels+image->columns*(y_offset+height)+x_offset; q=p+step*image->columns; for (i=0; i < height; i++) { p-=image->columns; red=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+p->red* fractional_step); green=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ p->green*fractional_step); blue=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+p->blue* fractional_step); index=DownShift(last_pixel.index*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ p->index*fractional_step); last_pixel=(*p); q-=image->columns; q->red=range_limit[red]; q->green=range_limit[green]; q->blue=range_limit[blue]; if (index < 0) q->index=0; else if (index > MaxColormapSize) q->index=MaxColormapSize; else q->index=(unsigned short) index; } /* Set old column to background color. */ red=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ image->*fractional_step); green=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ image->*fractional_step); blue=DownShift(*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ image->*fractional_step); index=DownShift(last_pixel.index*(UpShift(1)-fractional_step)+ image->background_color.index*fractional_step); q-=image->columns; q->red=range_limit[red]; q->green=range_limit[green]; q->blue=range_limit[blue]; if (index < 0) q->index=0; else if (index > MaxColormapSize) q->index=MaxColormapSize; else q->index=(unsigned short) index; for (i=0; i < step-1; i++) { q-=image->columns; q->red=image->; q->green=image->; q->blue=image->; q->index=image->background_color.index; } break; } } ProgressMonitor(YShearImageText,y,width); } } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R o t a t e I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function RotateImage creates a new image that is a rotated copy of an % existing one. Positive angles rotate counter-clockwise (right-hand rule), % while negative angles rotate clockwise. Rotated images are usually larger % than the originals and have 'empty' triangular corners. X axis. Empty % triangles left over from shearing the image are filled with the color % defined by the pixel at location (0,0). RotateImage allocates the memory % necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to the new % image. % % Function RotateImage is based on the paper "A Fast Algorithm for General % Raster Rotatation" by Alan W. Paeth. RotateImage is adapted from a similiar % routine based on the Paeth paper written by Michael Halle of the Spatial % Imaging Group, MIT Media Lab. % % The format of the RotateImage routine is: % % RotateImage(image,degrees,crop,sharpen) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o status: Function RotateImage returns a pointer to the image after % rotating. A null image is returned if there is a memory shortage. % % o image: The address of a structure of type Image; returned from % ReadImage. % % o degrees: Specifies the number of degrees to rotate the image. % % o crop: A value other than zero crops the corners of the rotated % image and retains the original image size. % % o sharpen: A value other than zero sharpens the image after it is % rotated. % % */ Export Image *RotateImage(Image *image,double degrees,const unsigned int crop, const unsigned int sharpen) { double x_shear, y_shear; Image *integral_image, *rotated_image, *sharpened_image; int x_offset, y_offset; Quantum *range_limit, *range_table; RectangleInfo border_info; register int i; unsigned int height, rotations, width, y_width; /* Adjust rotation angle. */ assert(image != (Image *) NULL); while (degrees < -45.0) degrees+=360.0; for (rotations=0; degrees > 45.0; rotations++) degrees-=90.0; rotations%=4; /* Calculate shear equations. */ x_shear=(-tan(DegreesToRadians(degrees)/2.0)); y_shear=sin(DegreesToRadians(degrees)); integral_image=IntegralRotateImage(image,rotations); if ((x_shear == 0.0) || (y_shear == 0.0)) return(integral_image); /* Initialize range table. */ range_table=(Quantum *) malloc(3*(MaxRGB+1)*sizeof(Quantum)); if (range_table == (Quantum *) NULL) { DestroyImage(integral_image); Warning("Unable to rotate image","Memory allocation failed"); return((Image *) NULL); } for (i=0; i <= MaxRGB; i++) { range_table[i]=0; range_table[i+(MaxRGB+1)]=(Quantum) i; range_table[i+(MaxRGB+1)*2]=MaxRGB; } range_limit=range_table+(MaxRGB+1); /* Compute image size. */ width=image->columns; height=image->rows; if ((rotations == 1) || (rotations == 3)) { width=image->rows; height=image->columns; } y_width=width+(int) ceil(fabs(x_shear)*(double) (height-1)); x_offset=(width+ ((int) ceil(fabs(x_shear)*(double) (height-1)) << 1)-width) >> 1; y_offset=(height+(int) ceil(fabs(y_shear)*(double) (y_width-1))-height) >> 1; /* Surround image with border of background color. */ border_info.width=x_offset; border_info.height=y_offset+1; rotated_image=BorderImage(integral_image,&border_info); DestroyImage(integral_image); if (rotated_image == (Image *) NULL) { Warning("Unable to rotate image","Memory allocation failed"); return((Image *) NULL); } rotated_image->class=DirectClass; /* Perform a fractional rotation. First, shear the image rows. */ XShearImage(rotated_image,x_shear,width,height,x_offset, ((int) (rotated_image->rows-height) >> 1),range_limit); /* Shear the image columns. */ YShearImage(rotated_image,y_shear,y_width,height, ((int) (rotated_image->columns-y_width) >> 1),y_offset+1,range_limit); /* Shear the image rows again. */ XShearImage(rotated_image,x_shear,y_width,rotated_image->rows-2, ((int) (rotated_image->columns-y_width) >> 1),1,range_limit); free((char *) range_table); /* Crop image. */ CropShearImage(&rotated_image,x_shear,y_shear,width,height,crop); if (sharpen) { /* Sharpen image. */ sharpened_image=SharpenImage(rotated_image,SharpenFactor); if (sharpened_image != (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImage(rotated_image); rotated_image=sharpened_image; } } return(rotated_image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % S h e a r I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ShearImage creates a new image that is a sheared copy of an % existing one. Shearing slides one edge of an image along the X or Y % axis, creating a parallelogram. An X direction shear slides an edge % along the X axis, while a Y direction shear slides an edge along the Y % axis. The amount of the shear is controlled by a shear angle. For X % direction shears, x_shear is measured relative to the Y axis, and % similarly, for Y direction shears y_shear is measured relative to the % X axis. Empty triangles left over from shearing the image are filled % with the color defined by the pixel at location (0,0). ShearImage % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns % a pointer to the new image. % % Function ShearImage is based on the paper "A Fast Algorithm for General % Raster Rotatation" by Alan W. Paeth. % % The format of the ShearImage routine is: % % ShearImage(image,x_shear,y_shear,crop) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o status: Function ShearImage returns a pointer to the image after % rotating. A null image is returned if there is a memory shortage. % % o image: The address of a structure of type Image; returned from % ReadImage. % % o x_shear, y_shear: Specifies the number of degrees to shear the image. % % o crop: A value other than zero crops the corners of the rotated % image and retains the original image size. % % */ Export Image *ShearImage(Image *image,double x_shear,double y_shear, const unsigned int crop) { Image *sharpened_image, *sheared_image; int x_offset, y_offset; Quantum *range_limit, *range_table; RectangleInfo border_info; register int i; unsigned int y_width; assert(image != (Image *) NULL); if ((x_shear == 180.0) || (y_shear == 180.0)) { Warning("Unable to shear image","angle is discontinuous"); return((Image *) NULL); } /* Initialize shear angle. */ x_shear=(-tan(DegreesToRadians(x_shear)/2.0)); y_shear=sin(DegreesToRadians(y_shear)); /* Initialize range table. */ range_table=(Quantum *) malloc(3*(MaxRGB+1)*sizeof(Quantum)); if (range_table == (Quantum *) NULL) { Warning("Unable to shear image","Memory allocation failed"); return((Image *) NULL); } for (i=0; i <= MaxRGB; i++) { range_table[i]=0; range_table[i+(MaxRGB+1)]=(Quantum) i; range_table[i+(MaxRGB+1)*2]=MaxRGB; } range_limit=range_table+(MaxRGB+1); /* Compute image size. */ y_width=image->columns+(int) ceil(fabs(x_shear)*(double) (image->rows-1)); x_offset=(image->columns+((int) ceil(fabs(x_shear)*(double) (image->rows-1)) << 1)-image->columns) >> 1; y_offset=(image->rows+(int) ceil(fabs(y_shear)*(double) (y_width-1))- image->rows) >> 1; /* Surround image with border of background color. */ border_info.width=x_offset; border_info.height=y_offset+1; sheared_image=BorderImage(image,&border_info); if (sheared_image == (Image *) NULL) { Warning("Unable to shear image","Memory allocation failed"); return((Image *) NULL); } sheared_image->class=DirectClass; /* Shear the image rows. */ XShearImage(sheared_image,x_shear,image->columns,image->rows,x_offset, ((int) (sheared_image->rows-image->rows) >> 1),range_limit); /* Shear the image columns. */ YShearImage(sheared_image,y_shear,y_width,image->rows, ((int) (sheared_image->columns-y_width) >> 1),y_offset+1,range_limit); free((char *) range_table); /* Crop image. */ CropShearImage(&sheared_image,x_shear,y_shear,image->columns,image->rows, crop); /* Sharpen image. */ sharpened_image=SharpenImage(sheared_image,SharpenFactor); if (sharpened_image != (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImage(sheared_image); sheared_image=sharpened_image; } return(sheared_image); }
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