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/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % SSSSS EEEEE GGGG M M EEEEE N N TTTTT % % SS E G MM MM E NN N T % % SSS EEE G GGG M M M EEE N N N T % % SS E G G M M E N NN T % % SSSSS EEEEE GGGG M M EEEEE N N T % % % % % % Segment an Image with Thresholding and the Fuzzy c-Means Technique. % % % % % % % % Software Design % % John Cristy % % April 1993 % % % % % % Copyright 1997 E. I. Dupont de Nemours and Company % % % % Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and % % its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, % % provided that the above Copyright notice appear in all copies and that % % both that Copyright notice and this permission notice appear in % % supporting documentation, and that the name of E. I. Dupont de Nemours % % and Company not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to % % distribution of the software without specific, written prior % % permission. E. I. Dupont de Nemours and Company makes no representations % % about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided % % "as is" without express or implied warranty. % % % % E. I. Dupont de Nemours and Company disclaims all warranties with regard % % to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability % % and fitness, in no event shall E. I. Dupont de Nemours and Company be % % liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any % % damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether % % in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising % % out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Segment segments an image by analyzing the histograms of the color % components and identifying units that are homogeneous with the fuzzy % c-means technique. The scale-space filter analyzes the histograms of % the three color components of the image and identifies a set of classes. % The extents of each class is used to coarsely segment the image with % thresholding. The color associated with each class is determined by % the mean color of all pixels within the extents of a particular class. % Finally, any unclassified pixels are assigned to the closest class with % the fuzzy c-means technique. % % The fuzzy c-Means algorithm can be summarized as follows: % % o Build a histogram, one for each color component of the image. % % o For each histogram, successively apply the scale-space % filter and build an interval tree of zero crossings in % the second derivative at each scale. Analyze this % scale-space ``fingerprint'' to determine which peaks and % valleys in the histogram are most predominant. % % o The fingerprint defines intervals on the axis of the % histogram. Each interval contains either a minima or a % maxima in the original signal. If each color component % lies within the maxima interval, that pixel is considered % ``classified'' and is assigned an unique class number. % % o Any pixel that fails to be classified in the above % thresholding pass is classified using the fuzzy % c-Means technique. It is assigned to one of the classes % discovered in the histogram analysis phase. % % The fuzzy c-Means technique attempts to cluster a pixel by finding % the local minima of the generalized within group sum of squared error % objective function. A pixel is assigned to the closest class of which % the fuzzy membership has a maximum value. % % Segment is strongly based on software written by Andy Gallo, University % of Delaware. % % The following reference was used in creating this program: % % Young Won Lim, Sang Uk Lee, "On The Color Image Segmentation Algorithm % Based on the Thresholding and the Fuzzy c-Means Techniques", Pattern % Recognition, Volume 23, Number 9, pages 935-952, 1990. % % */ #include "magick.h" /* Define declarations. */ #define Blue 2 #define Dimension 3 #define Green 1 #define Red 0 #define SafeMargin 3 /* Typedef declarations. */ typedef struct _ExtentPacket { int index, left, right; long center; } ExtentPacket; typedef struct _IntervalTree { float tau; int left, right; float mean_stability, stability; struct _IntervalTree *sibling, *child; } IntervalTree; typedef struct _ZeroCrossing { float tau, histogram[MaxRGB+1]; short crossings[MaxRGB+1]; } ZeroCrossing; /* Function prototypes. */ static int DefineRegion(const short *,ExtentPacket *); static void ScaleSpace(const long *,const double,float *), ZeroCrossHistogram(float *,const double,short *); /* Global declarations. */ static int number_nodes; static IntervalTree *list[600]; /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % C l a s s i f y % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % Function Classify defines on ore more classes. Each pixel is thresholded % to determine which class it belongs to. If not class is identified it % is assigned to the closest class based on the fuzzy c-Means technique. % % The format of the Classify routine is: % % Classify(image,extrema,cluster_threshold,weighting_exponent,verbose) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o image: Specifies a pointer to an Image structure; returned from % ReadImage. % % o extrema: Specifies a pointer to an array of shortegers. They % represent the peaks and valleys of the histogram for each color % component. % % o cluster_threshold: This float represents the minimum number of pixels % contained in a hexahedra before it can be considered valid (expressed % as a percentage). % % o weighting_exponent: Specifies the membership weighting exponent. % % o verbose: A value greater than zero prints detailed information about % the identified classes. % % */ static void Classify(Image *image,short **extrema,double cluster_threshold, const double weighting_exponent,unsigned int verbose) { #define SegmentImageText " Segmenting image... " typedef struct _Cluster { short id; ExtentPacket red, green, blue; long count; struct _Cluster *next; } Cluster; Cluster *cluster, *head, *last_cluster, *next_cluster; double distance_squared, local_minima, numerator, ratio, sum; ExtentPacket blue, green, red; int distance, count; register int i, j, k; register RunlengthPacket *p, *q; register unsigned int *squares; unsigned int number_clusters; /* Form clusters. */ cluster=(Cluster *) NULL; head=(Cluster *) NULL; red.index=0; while (DefineRegion(extrema[Red],&red)) { green.index=0; while (DefineRegion(extrema[Green],&green)) { blue.index=0; while (DefineRegion(extrema[Blue],&blue)) { /* Allocate a new class. */ if (head != (Cluster *) NULL) { cluster->next=(Cluster *) malloc(sizeof(Cluster)); cluster=cluster->next; } else { cluster=(Cluster *) malloc(sizeof(Cluster)); head=cluster; } if (cluster == (Cluster *) NULL) Error("Unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL); /* Initialize a new class. */ cluster->count=0; cluster->red=red; cluster->green=green; cluster->blue=blue; cluster->next=(Cluster *) NULL; } } } if (head == (Cluster *) NULL) { /* No classes were identified-- create one. */ cluster=(Cluster *) malloc(sizeof(Cluster)); if (cluster == (Cluster *) NULL) Error("Unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL); /* Initialize a new class. */ cluster->count=0; cluster->red=red; cluster->green=green; cluster->blue=blue; cluster->next=(Cluster *) NULL; head=cluster; } /* Count the pixels for each cluster. */ count=0; p=image->pixels; for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++) { for (cluster=head; cluster != (Cluster *) NULL; cluster=cluster->next) if (((int) p->red >= (cluster->red.left-SafeMargin)) && ((int) p->red <= (cluster->red.right+SafeMargin)) && ((int) p->green >= (cluster->green.left-SafeMargin)) && ((int) p->green <= (cluster->green.right+SafeMargin)) && ((int) p->blue >= (cluster->blue.left-SafeMargin)) && ((int) p->blue <= (cluster->blue.right+SafeMargin))) { /* Count this pixel. */ count+=(p->length+1); cluster->count+=(p->length+1); cluster->>red*(p->length+1)); cluster->>green*(p->length+1)); cluster->>blue*(p->length+1)); break; } p++; if (QuantumTick(i,image)) ProgressMonitor(SegmentImageText,i,image->packets << 1); } /* Remove clusters that do not meet minimum cluster threshold. */ cluster_threshold*=(double) count*0.01; count=0; last_cluster=head; next_cluster=head; for (cluster=head; cluster != (Cluster *) NULL; cluster=next_cluster) { next_cluster=cluster->next; if ((double) cluster->count >= cluster_threshold) { /* Initialize cluster. */ cluster->id=count; cluster->>>count >> 1))/ cluster->count; cluster->>>count >> 1))/ cluster->count; cluster->>>count >> 1))/ cluster->count; count++; last_cluster=cluster; } else { /* Delete cluster. */ if (cluster == head) head=next_cluster; else last_cluster->next=next_cluster; free((char *) cluster); } } number_clusters=count; if (verbose) { /* Print cluster statistics. */ (void) fprintf(stderr,"Fuzzy c-Means Statistics\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr,"===================\n\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr,"\tTotal Number of Clusters = %u\n\n", number_clusters); /* Print the total number of points per cluster. */ (void) fprintf(stderr,"\n\nNumber of Vectors Per Cluster\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr,"=============================\n\n"); for (cluster=head; cluster != (Cluster *) NULL; cluster=cluster->next) (void) fprintf(stderr,"Cluster #%d = %ld\n",cluster->id,cluster->count); /* Print the cluster extents. */ (void) fprintf(stderr, "\n\n\nCluster Extents: (Vector Size: %d)\n",Dimension); (void) fprintf(stderr, "================"); for (cluster=head; cluster != (Cluster *) NULL; cluster=cluster->next) { (void) fprintf(stderr,"\n\nCluster #%d\n\n",cluster->id); (void) fprintf(stderr,"%d-%d %d-%d %d-%d\n", cluster->red.left,cluster->red.right, cluster->green.left,cluster->green.right, cluster->blue.left,cluster->blue.right); } /* Print the cluster center values. */ (void) fprintf(stderr, "\n\n\nCluster Center Values: (Vector Size: %d)\n",Dimension); (void) fprintf(stderr, "====================="); for (cluster=head; cluster != (Cluster *) NULL; cluster=cluster->next) { (void) fprintf(stderr,"\n\nCluster #%d\n\n",cluster->id); (void) fprintf(stderr,"%ld %ld %ld\n",cluster->, cluster->,cluster->; } (void) fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } /* Allocate image colormap. */ image->matte=False; image->class=PseudoClass; if (image->colormap != (ColorPacket *) NULL) free((char *) image->colormap); image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc((unsigned int) number_clusters*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) Error("Unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL); if (image->signature != (char *) NULL) free((char *) image->signature); image->signature=(char *) NULL; image->colors=number_clusters; i=0; for (cluster=head; cluster != (Cluster *) NULL; cluster=cluster->next) { image->colormap[i].red=(Quantum) cluster->; image->colormap[i].green=(Quantum) cluster->; image->colormap[i].blue=(Quantum) cluster->; i++; } /* Speed up distance calculations. */ squares=(unsigned int *) malloc((MaxRGB+MaxRGB+1)*sizeof(unsigned int)); if (squares == (unsigned int *) NULL) Error("Unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL); squares+=MaxRGB; for (i=(-MaxRGB); i <= MaxRGB; i++) squares[i]=i*i; /* Do course grain classification. */ q=image->pixels; for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++) { for (cluster=head; cluster != (Cluster *) NULL; cluster=cluster->next) if (((int) q->red >= (cluster->red.left-SafeMargin)) && ((int) q->red <= (cluster->red.right+SafeMargin)) && ((int) q->green >= (cluster->green.left-SafeMargin)) && ((int) q->green <= (cluster->green.right+SafeMargin)) && ((int) q->blue >= (cluster->blue.left-SafeMargin)) && ((int) q->blue <= (cluster->blue.right+SafeMargin))) { /* Classify this pixel. */ q->index=cluster->id; break; } if (cluster == (Cluster *) NULL) { /* Compute fuzzy membership. */ local_minima=0.0; for (j=0; j < image->colors; j++) { sum=0.0; distance=image->colormap[j].red-(int) q->red; distance_squared=squares[distance]; distance=image->colormap[j].green-(int) q->green; distance_squared+=squares[distance]; distance=image->colormap[j].blue-(int) q->blue; distance_squared+=squares[distance]; numerator=sqrt(distance_squared); for (k=0; k < image->colors; k++) { distance=image->colormap[k].red-(int) q->red; distance_squared=squares[distance]; distance=image->colormap[k].green-(int) q->green; distance_squared+=squares[distance]; distance=image->colormap[k].blue-(int) q->blue; distance_squared+=squares[distance]; ratio=numerator/sqrt(distance_squared); sum+=pow(ratio,(double) (2.0/(weighting_exponent-1.0))); } if ((1.0/sum) > local_minima) { /* Classify this pixel. */ local_minima=1.0/sum; q->index=j; } } } q++; if (QuantumTick(i,image)) ProgressMonitor(SegmentImageText,i+image->packets,image->packets << 1); } /* Free memory. */ for (cluster=head; cluster != (Cluster *) NULL; cluster=next_cluster) { next_cluster=cluster->next; free((char *) cluster); } squares-=MaxRGB; free((char *) squares); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % C o n s o l i d a t e C r o s s i n g s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % Function ConsolidateCrossings guarantees that an even number of zero % crossings always lie between two crossings. % % The format of the ConsolidateCrossings routine is: % % ConsolidateCrossings(zero_crossing,number_crossings) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o zero_crossing: Specifies an array of structures of type ZeroCrossing. % % o number_crossings: This unsigned int specifies the number of elements % in the zero_crossing array. % % */ static void ConsolidateCrossings(ZeroCrossing *zero_crossing, const unsigned int number_crossings) { int center, correct, count, left, right; register int i, j, k, l; /* Consolidate zero crossings. */ for (i=number_crossings-1; i >= 0; i--) for (j=0; j <= MaxRGB; j++) if (zero_crossing[i].crossings[j] != 0) { /* Find the entry that is closest to j and still preserves the property that there are an even number of crossings between intervals. */ for (k=j-1; k > 0; k--) if (zero_crossing[i+1].crossings[k] != 0) break; left=Max(k,0); center=j; for (k=j+1; k < MaxRGB; k++) if (zero_crossing[i+1].crossings[k] != 0) break; right=Min(k,MaxRGB); /* K is the zero crossing just left of j. */ for (k=j-1; k > 0; k--) if (zero_crossing[i].crossings[k] != 0) break; if (k < 0) k=0; /* Check center for an even number of crossings between k and j. */ correct=(-1); if (zero_crossing[i+1].crossings[j] != 0) { count=0; for (l=k+1; l < center; l++) if (zero_crossing[i+1].crossings[l] != 0) count++; if ((count % 2) == 0) if (center != k) correct=center; } /* Check left for an even number of crossings between k and j. */ if (correct == -1) { count=0; for (l=k+1; l < left; l++) if (zero_crossing[i+1].crossings[l] != 0) count++; if ((count % 2) == 0) if (left != k) correct=left; } /* Check right for an even number of crossings between k and j. */ if (correct == -1) { count=0; for (l=k+1; l < right; l++) if (zero_crossing[i+1].crossings[l] != 0) count++; if ((count % 2) == 0) if (right != k) correct=right; } l=zero_crossing[i].crossings[j]; zero_crossing[i].crossings[j]=0; if (correct != -1) zero_crossing[i].crossings[correct]=l; } } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % D e f i n e R e g i o n % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % Function DefineRegion defines the left and right boundaries of a peak % region. % % The format of the DefineRegion routine is: % % status=DefineRegion(extrema,extents) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o extrema: Specifies a pointer to an array of shortegers. They % represent the peaks and valleys of the histogram for each color % component. % % o extents: This pointer to an ExtentPacket represent the extends % of a particular peak or valley of a color component. % % */ static int DefineRegion(const short *extrema,ExtentPacket *extents) { /* Initialize to default values. */ extents->left=0; extents->center=0; extents->right=MaxRGB; /* Find the left side (maxima). */ for ( ; extents->index <= MaxRGB; extents->index++) if (extrema[extents->index] > 0) break; if (extents->index > MaxRGB) return(False); /* no left side - no region exists */ extents->left=extents->index; /* Find the right side (minima). */ for ( ; extents->index <= MaxRGB; extents->index++) if (extrema[extents->index] < 0) break; extents->right=extents->index-1; return(True); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % D e r i v a t i v e H i s t o g r a m % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % Function DerivativeHistogram determines the derivative of the histogram % using central differencing. % % The format of the DerivativeHistogram routine is: % % DerivativeHistogram(histogram,derivative) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o histogram: Specifies an array of floats representing the number of % pixels for each intensity of a paritcular color component. % % o derivative: This array of floats is initialized by DerivativeHistogram % to the derivative of the histogram using centeral differencing. % % */ static void DerivativeHistogram(const float *histogram,float *derivative) { register int i, n; /* Compute endpoints using second order polynomial interpolation. */ n=MaxRGB; derivative[0]=(-1.5*histogram[0]+2.0*histogram[1]-0.5*histogram[2]); derivative[n]=(0.5*histogram[n-2]-2.0*histogram[n-1]+1.5*histogram[n]); /* Compute derivative using central differencing. */ for (i=1; i < n; i++) derivative[i]=(histogram[i+1]-histogram[i-1])/2; return; } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % I n i t i a l i z e H i s t o g r a m % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function InitializeHistogram computes the histogram for an image. % % The format of the InitializeHistogram routine is: % % InitializeHistogram(image,histogram) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o image: Specifies a pointer to an Image structure; returned from % ReadImage. % % o histogram: Specifies an array of longegers representing the number % of pixels for each intensity of a paritcular color component. % % */ static void InitializeHistogram(Image *image,long **histogram) { register int i; register RunlengthPacket *p; /* Initialize histogram. */ for (i=0; i <= MaxRGB; i++) { histogram[Red][i]=0; histogram[Green][i]=0; histogram[Blue][i]=0; } p=image->pixels; for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++) { histogram[Red][p->red]+=(p->length+1); histogram[Green][p->green]+=(p->length+1); histogram[Blue][p->blue]+=(p->length+1); p++; } } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % I n i t i a l i z e I n t e r v a l T r e e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % Function InitializeIntervalTree initializes an interval tree from the % lists of zero crossings. % % The format of the InitializeIntervalTree routine is: % % InitializeIntervalTree(zero_crossing,number_crossings) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o zero_crossing: Specifies an array of structures of type ZeroCrossing. % % o number_crossings: This unsigned int specifies the number of elements % in the zero_crossing array. % % */ static void InitializeList(register IntervalTree *node) { if (node == (IntervalTree *) NULL) return; if (node->child == (IntervalTree *) NULL) list[number_nodes++]=node; InitializeList(node->sibling); InitializeList(node->child); } static void MeanStability(register IntervalTree *node) { register IntervalTree *child; if (node == (IntervalTree *) NULL) return; node->mean_stability=0.0; child=node->child; if (child != (IntervalTree *) NULL) { register double sum; register int count; sum=0.0; count=0; for ( ; child != (IntervalTree *) NULL; child=child->sibling) { sum+=child->stability; count++; } node->mean_stability=sum/(double) count; } MeanStability(node->sibling); MeanStability(node->child); } static void Stability(register IntervalTree *node) { if (node == (IntervalTree *) NULL) return; if (node->child == (IntervalTree *) NULL) node->stability=0.0; else node->stability=node->tau-(node->child)->tau; Stability(node->sibling); Stability(node->child); } static IntervalTree *InitializeIntervalTree(const ZeroCrossing *zero_crossing, const unsigned int number_crossings) { int left; IntervalTree *head, *node, *root; register int i, j, k; /* The root is the entire histogram. */ root=(IntervalTree *) malloc(sizeof(IntervalTree)); root->child=(IntervalTree *) NULL; root->sibling=(IntervalTree *) NULL; root->tau=0.0; root->left=0; root->right=MaxRGB; for (i=(-1); i < (int) number_crossings; i++) { /* Initialize list with all nodes with no children. */ for (j=0; j < 600; j++) list[j]=(IntervalTree *) NULL; number_nodes=0; InitializeList(root); /* Split list. */ for (j=0; j < number_nodes; j++) { head=list[j]; left=head->left; node=head; for (k=head->left+1; k < head->right; k++) { if (zero_crossing[i+1].crossings[k] != 0) { if (node == head) { node->child=(IntervalTree *) malloc(sizeof(IntervalTree)); node=node->child; } else { node->sibling=(IntervalTree *) malloc(sizeof(IntervalTree)); node=node->sibling; } node->tau=zero_crossing[i+1].tau; node->child=(IntervalTree *) NULL; node->sibling=(IntervalTree *) NULL; node->left=left; node->right=k; left=k; } } if (left != head->left) { node->sibling=(IntervalTree *) malloc(sizeof(IntervalTree)); node=node->sibling; node->tau=zero_crossing[i+1].tau; node->child=(IntervalTree *) NULL; node->sibling=(IntervalTree *) NULL; node->left=left; node->right=head->right; } } } /* Determine the stability: difference between a nodes tau and its child. */ Stability(root->child); MeanStability(root->child); return(root); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % O p t i m a l T a u % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % Function OptimalTau finds the optimal tau for each band of the histogram. % % The format of the OptimalTau routine is: % % OptimalTau(histogram,max_tau,min_tau,delta_tau,smoothing_threshold, % extrema) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o histogram: Specifies an array of longegers representing the number % of pixels for each intensity of a paritcular color component. % % o extrema: Specifies a pointer to an array of shortegers. They % represent the peaks and valleys of the histogram for each color % component. % % */ static void ActiveNodes(register IntervalTree *node) { if (node == (IntervalTree *) NULL) return; if (node->stability >= node->mean_stability) { list[number_nodes++]=node; ActiveNodes(node->sibling); } else { ActiveNodes(node->sibling); ActiveNodes(node->child); } } static void FreeNodes(const IntervalTree *node) { if (node == (IntervalTree *) NULL) return; FreeNodes(node->sibling); FreeNodes(node->child); free((char *) node); } static double OptimalTau(const long *histogram,const double max_tau, const double min_tau,const double delta_tau,const double smoothing_threshold, short *extrema) { float average_tau, derivative[MaxRGB+1], second_derivative[MaxRGB+1], tau, value; int index, peak, x; IntervalTree *node, *root; register int i, j, k; unsigned int count, number_crossings; ZeroCrossing *zero_crossing; /* Allocate zero crossing list. */ count=(unsigned int) ((max_tau-min_tau)/delta_tau)+2; zero_crossing=(ZeroCrossing *) malloc(count*sizeof(ZeroCrossing)); if (zero_crossing == (ZeroCrossing *) NULL) Error("Unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL); for (i=0; i < count; i++) zero_crossing[i].tau=(-1); /* Initialize zero crossing list. */ i=0; for (tau=max_tau; tau >= min_tau; tau-=delta_tau) { zero_crossing[i].tau=tau; ScaleSpace(histogram,tau,zero_crossing[i].histogram); DerivativeHistogram(zero_crossing[i].histogram,derivative); DerivativeHistogram(derivative,second_derivative); ZeroCrossHistogram(second_derivative,smoothing_threshold, zero_crossing[i].crossings); i++; } /* Add an entry for the original histogram. */ zero_crossing[i].tau=0.0; for (j=0; j <= MaxRGB; j++) zero_crossing[i].histogram[j]=(double) histogram[j]; DerivativeHistogram(zero_crossing[i].histogram,derivative); DerivativeHistogram(derivative,second_derivative); ZeroCrossHistogram(second_derivative,smoothing_threshold, zero_crossing[i].crossings); number_crossings=i; /* Ensure the scale-space fingerprints form lines in scale-space, not loops. */ ConsolidateCrossings(zero_crossing,number_crossings); /* Force endpoints to be included in the interval. */ for (i=0; i <= number_crossings; i++) { for (j=0; j < MaxRGB; j++) if (zero_crossing[i].crossings[j] != 0) break; zero_crossing[i].crossings[0]=(-zero_crossing[i].crossings[j]); for (j=MaxRGB; j > 0; j--) if (zero_crossing[i].crossings[j] != 0) break; zero_crossing[i].crossings[MaxRGB]=(-zero_crossing[i].crossings[j]); } /* Initialize interval tree. */ root=InitializeIntervalTree(zero_crossing,number_crossings); /* Find active nodes: stabilty is greater (or equal) to the mean stability of its children. */ for (i = 0; i < 600; i++) list[i]=(IntervalTree *) NULL; number_nodes=0; ActiveNodes(root->child); /* Initialize extrema. */ for (i=0; i <= MaxRGB; i++) extrema[i]=0; for (i=0; i < number_nodes; i++) { /* Find this tau in zero crossings list. */ k=0; node=list[i]; for (j=0; j <= number_crossings; j++) if (zero_crossing[j].tau == node->tau) k=j; /* Find the value of the peak. */ peak=zero_crossing[k].crossings[node->right] == -1; index=node->left; value=zero_crossing[k].histogram[index]; for (x=node->left; x <= node->right; x++) { if (peak) { if (zero_crossing[k].histogram[x] > value) { value=zero_crossing[k].histogram[x]; index=x; } } else if (zero_crossing[k].histogram[x] < value) { value=zero_crossing[k].histogram[x]; index=x; } } for (x=node->left; x <= node->right; x++) { if (index == 0) index=MaxRGB+1; if (peak) extrema[x]=index; else extrema[x]=(-index); } } /* Determine the average tau. */ average_tau=0.0; for (i=0; i < number_nodes; i++) average_tau+=list[i]->tau; average_tau/=(float) number_nodes; /* Free memory. */ FreeNodes(root); free((char *) zero_crossing); return(average_tau); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % S c a l e S p a c e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % Function ScaleSpace performs a scale-space filter on the 1D histogram. % % The format of the ScaleSpace routine is: % % ScaleSpace(histogram,tau,scaled_histogram) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o histogram: Specifies an array of floats representing the number of % pixels for each intensity of a paritcular color component. % % */ static void ScaleSpace(const long *histogram,const double tau, float *scaled_histogram) { float alpha, beta; double sum; register int u, x; alpha=1.0/(tau*sqrt((double) (2.0*M_PI))); beta=(-1.0/(2.0*tau*tau)); for (x=0; x <= MaxRGB; x++) { sum=0.0; for (u=0; u <= MaxRGB; u++) sum+=(double) histogram[u]*exp((double) (beta*(x-u)*(x-u))); scaled_histogram[x]=alpha*sum; } } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % Z e r o C r o s s H i s t o g r a m % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % Function ZeroCrossHistogram find the zero crossings in a histogram and % marks directions as: 1 is negative to positive; 0 is zero crossing; and % -1 is positive to negative. % % The format of the ZeroCrossHistogram routine is: % % ZeroCrossHistogram(second_derivative,smoothing_threshold,crossings) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o second_derivative: Specifies an array of floats representing the % second derivative of the histogram of a particular color component. % % o crossings: This array of shortegers is initialized with % -1, 0, or 1 representing the slope of the first derivative of the % of a particular color component. % % */ static void ZeroCrossHistogram(float *second_derivative, const double smoothing_threshold,short *crossings) { int parity; register int i; /* Merge low numbers to zero to help prevent noise. */ for (i=0; i <= MaxRGB; i++) if ((second_derivative[i] < smoothing_threshold) && (second_derivative[i] > -smoothing_threshold)) second_derivative[i]=0.0; /* Mark zero crossings. */ parity=0; for (i=0; i <= MaxRGB; i++) { crossings[i]=0; if (second_derivative[i] < 0.0) { if (parity > 0) crossings[i]=(-1); parity=1; } else if (second_derivative[i] > 0.0) { if (parity < 0) crossings[i]=1; parity=(-1); } } } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % S e g m e n t I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function SegmentImage analyzes the colors within a reference image and % % The format of the SegmentImage routine is: % % colors=SegmentImage(image,colorspace,verbose) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o colors: The SegmentImage function returns this integer % value. It is the actual number of colors allocated in the % colormap. % % o image: Specifies a pointer to an Image structure; returned from % ReadImage. % % o colorspace: An unsigned integer value that indicates the colorspace. % Empirical evidence suggests that distances in YUV or YIQ correspond to % perceptual color differences more closely than do distances in RGB % space. The image is then returned to RGB colorspace after color % reduction. % % o verbose: A value greater than zero prints detailed information about % the identified classes. % % */ void SegmentImage(Image *image,const unsigned int colorspace, const unsigned int verbose,const double cluster_threshold, const double smoothing_threshold) { #define DeltaTau 0.5 #define Tau 5.2 #define WeightingExponent 2.0 long *histogram[Dimension]; register int i; short *extrema[Dimension]; /* Allocate histogram and extrema. */ assert(image != (Image *) NULL); for (i=0; i < Dimension; i++) { histogram[i]=(long *) malloc((MaxRGB+1)*sizeof(long)); extrema[i]=(short *) malloc((MaxRGB+1)*sizeof(short)); if ((histogram[i] == (long *) NULL) || (extrema[i] == (short *) NULL)) Error("Unable to allocate memory",(char *) NULL); } if (colorspace != RGBColorspace) RGBTransformImage(image,colorspace); /* Initialize histogram. */ InitializeHistogram(image,histogram); (void) OptimalTau(histogram[Red],Tau,0.2,DeltaTau,smoothing_threshold, extrema[Red]); (void) OptimalTau(histogram[Green],Tau,0.2,DeltaTau,smoothing_threshold, extrema[Green]); (void) OptimalTau(histogram[Blue],Tau,0.2,DeltaTau,smoothing_threshold, extrema[Blue]); /* Classify using the fuzzy c-Means technique. */ Classify(image,extrema,cluster_threshold,WeightingExponent,verbose); if (colorspace != RGBColorspace) TransformRGBImage(image,colorspace); /* Free memory. */ for (i=0; i < Dimension; i++) { free((char *) extrema[i]); free((char *) histogram[i]); } }
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