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/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % GGGG EEEEE M M SSSSS % % G E MM MM SS % % G GG EEE M M M SSS % % G G E M M SS % % GGGG EEEEE M M SSSSS % % % % % % Graphic Gems - Graphic Support Routines % % % % % % % % Software Design % % John Cristy % % August 1996 % % % % % % Copyright 1997 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company % % % % Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and % % its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, % % provided that the above Copyright notice appear in all copies and that % % both that Copyright notice and this permission notice appear in % % supporting documentation, and that the name of E. I. du Pont de Nemours % % and Company not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to % % distribution of the software without specific, written prior % % permission. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company makes no representations % % about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided % % "as is" without express or implied warranty. % % % % E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company disclaims all warranties with regard % % to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability % % and fitness, in no event shall E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company be % % liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any % % damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether % % in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising % % out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % */ /* Include declarations. */ #include "magick.h" /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % C o n s t r a s t % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function Contrast enhances the intensity differences between the lighter % and darker elements of the image. % % The format of the ContrastImage routine is: % % Contrast(sign,red,green,blue) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o sign: A positive value enhances the contrast otherwise it is reduced. % % o red, green, blue: A pointer to a pixel component of type Quantum. % % */ void Contrast(const int sign,Quantum *red,Quantum *green,Quantum *blue) { double brightness, hue, saturation, theta; /* Enhance contrast: dark color become darker, light color become lighter. */ assert(red != (Quantum *) NULL); assert(green != (Quantum *) NULL); assert(blue != (Quantum *) NULL); TransformHSL(*red,*green,*blue,&hue,&saturation,&brightness); theta=(brightness-0.5)*M_PI; brightness+=(((((sin(theta)+1.0))*0.5)-brightness)*sign)*0.5; if (brightness > 1.0) brightness=1.0; else if (brightness < 0) brightness=0.0; HSLTransform(hue,saturation,brightness,red,green,blue); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % G e n e r a t e N o i s e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function GenerateNoise adds noise to a pixel. % % The format of the GenerateNoise routine is: % % GenerateNoise(pixel,noise_type) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o pixel: A structure of type Quantum. % % o noise_type: The type of noise: gaussian, multiplicative gaussian, % impulse, laplacian, or poisson. % % */ Quantum GenerateNoise(Quantum pixel,NoiseType noise_type) { #define NoiseEpsilon 1.0e-5 #define NoiseMask 0x7fff #define SigmaUniform 4.0 #define SigmaGaussian 4.0 #define SigmaImpulse 0.10 #define SigmaLaplacian 10.0 #define SigmaMultiplicativeGaussian 0.5 #define SigmaPoisson 0.05 #define TauGaussian 20.0 double alpha, beta, sigma, value; alpha=(double) (rand() & NoiseMask)/NoiseMask; if (alpha == 0.0) alpha=1.0; switch (noise_type) { case UniformNoise: default: { value=(double) pixel+SigmaUniform*(alpha-0.5); break; } case GaussianNoise: { double tau; beta=(double) (rand() & NoiseMask)/NoiseMask; sigma=sqrt(-2.0*log(alpha))*cos(2.0*M_PI*beta); tau=sqrt(-2.0*log(alpha))*sin(2.0*M_PI*beta); value=(double) pixel+ (sqrt((double) pixel)*SigmaGaussian*sigma)+(TauGaussian*tau); break; } case MultiplicativeGaussianNoise: { if (alpha <= NoiseEpsilon) sigma=MaxRGB; else sigma=sqrt(-2.0*log(alpha)); beta=(rand() & NoiseMask)/NoiseMask; value=(double) pixel+ pixel*SigmaMultiplicativeGaussian*sigma*cos(2.0*M_PI*beta); break; } case ImpulseNoise: { if (alpha < (SigmaImpulse/2.0)) value=0; else if (alpha >= (1.0-(SigmaImpulse/2.0))) value=MaxRGB; else value=pixel; break; } case LaplacianNoise: { if (alpha <= 0.5) { if (alpha <= NoiseEpsilon) value=(double) pixel-MaxRGB; else value=(double) pixel+SigmaLaplacian*log(2.0*alpha); break; } beta=1.0-alpha; if (beta <= (0.5*NoiseEpsilon)) value=(double) pixel+MaxRGB; else value=(double) pixel-SigmaLaplacian*log(2.0*beta); break; } case PoissonNoise: { register int i; for (i=0; alpha > exp(-SigmaPoisson*pixel); i++) { beta=(double) (rand() & NoiseMask)/NoiseMask; alpha=alpha*beta; } value=i/SigmaPoisson; break; } } if (value < 0.0) return(0); if (value > MaxRGB) return(MaxRGB); return((Quantum) (value+0.5)); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % H S L T r a n s f o r m % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function HSLTransform converts a (hue, saturation, luminosity) to a % (red, green, blue) triple. % % The format of the HSLTransformImage routine is: % % HSLTransform(hue,saturation,luminosity,red,green,blue) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o hue, saturation, luminosity: A double value representing a % component of the HSL color space. % % o red, green, blue: A pointer to a pixel component of type Quantum. % % */ void HSLTransform(double hue,const double saturation, const double luminosity, Quantum *red,Quantum *green,Quantum *blue) { double b, g, r, v, x, y, z; /* Convert HSL to RGB colorspace. */ assert(red != (Quantum *) NULL); assert(green != (Quantum *) NULL); assert(blue != (Quantum *) NULL); v=(luminosity <= 0.5) ? (luminosity*(1.0+saturation)) : (luminosity+saturation-luminosity*saturation); if (v <= 0) { *red=0; *green=0; *blue=0; return; } if (hue == 1.0) hue=0.0; hue*=6.0; y=luminosity+luminosity-v; x=y+(v-y)*(hue-(int) hue); z=v-(v-y)*(hue-(int) hue); switch ((int) hue) { default: r=v; g=x; b=y; break; case 0: r=v; g=x; b=y; break; case 1: r=z; g=v; b=y; break; case 2: r=y; g=v; b=x; break; case 3: r=y; g=z; b=v; break; case 4: r=x; g=y; b=v; break; case 5: r=v; g=y; b=z; break; } *red=(Quantum) floor((r*(double) MaxRGB)+0.5); *green=(Quantum) floor((g*(double) MaxRGB)+0.5); *blue=(Quantum) floor((b*(double) MaxRGB)+0.5); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % H u l l % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function Hull implements the eight hull algorithm described in Applied % Optics, Vol. 24, No. 10, 15 May 1985, "Geometric filter for Speckle % Reduction", by Thomas R Crimmins. Each pixel in the image is replaced by % one of its eight of its surrounding pixels using a polarity and negative % hull function. % % The format of the Hull routine is: % % Hull(x_offset,y_offset,polarity,columns,rows,f,g) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o x_offset, y_offset: An integer value representing the offset of the % current pixel within the image. % % o polarity: An integer value declaring the polarity (+,-). % % o columns, rows: Specifies the number of rows and columns in the image. % % o f, g: A pointer to an image pixel and one of it's neighbor. % % */ void Hull(int x_offset,int y_offset,int polarity,unsigned int columns, unsigned int rows,Quantum *f,Quantum *g) { int y; register int x; register Quantum *p, *q, *r, *s; Quantum v; assert(f != (Quantum *) NULL); assert(g != (Quantum *) NULL); p=f+(columns+2); q=g+(columns+2); r=p+(y_offset*((int) columns+2)+x_offset); for (y=0; y < rows; y++) { p++; q++; r++; if (polarity > 0) for (x=0; x < columns; x++) { v=(*p); if (*r > v) v++; *q=v; p++; q++; r++; } else for (x=0; x < columns; x++) { v=(*p); if (v > (Quantum) (*r+1)) v--; *q=v; p++; q++; r++; } p++; q++; r++; } p=f+(columns+2); q=g+(columns+2); r=q+(y_offset*((int) columns+2)+x_offset); s=q-(y_offset*((int) columns+2)+x_offset); for (y=0; y < rows; y++) { p++; q++; r++; s++; if (polarity > 0) for (x=0; x < columns; x++) { v=(*q); if (((Quantum) (*s+1) > v) && (*r > v)) v++; *p=v; p++; q++; r++; s++; } else for (x=0; x < columns; x++) { v=(*q); if (((Quantum) (*s+1) < v) && (*r < v)) v--; *p=v; p++; q++; r++; s++; } p++; q++; r++; s++; } } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % I n s i d e P r i m i t i v e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function InsidePrimitive returns True if the (x,y) position is inside the % primitive as defined in primitive_info. Otherwise False is returned. % % The format of the InsidePrimitive routine is: % % status=InsidePrimitive(primitive_info,annotate_info,x,y,image) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o status: Function InsidePrimitive returns True if the (x,y) position % is inside the primitive as defined in primitive_info. Otherwise False % is returned. % % o primitive_info: Specifies a pointer to a PrimitiveInfo structure. % % o annotate_info: Specifies a pointer to a AnnotateInfo structure. % % o x,y: Integers representing the (x,y) location in the image. % % o image: The address of a structure of type Image. % % */ unsigned int InsidePrimitive(PrimitiveInfo *primitive_info, AnnotateInfo *annotate_info,int x,int y,Image *image) { float mid, slope, trix, triy; register int i; register PrimitiveInfo *p, *q; register unsigned int inside; assert(primitive_info != (PrimitiveInfo *) NULL); assert(annotate_info != (AnnotateInfo *) NULL); assert(image != (Image *) NULL); inside=False; mid=annotate_info->linewidth/2.0; p=primitive_info; while (p->primitive != UndefinedPrimitive) { q=p+p->coordinates-1; switch (p->primitive) { case PointPrimitive: default: { for ( ; (p < q) && !inside; p++) inside=(x == p->x) && (y == p->y); break; } case LinePrimitive: { for ( ; (p < q) && !inside; p++) { if (p->x == (p+1)->x) inside=(x >= (p->x-mid)) && (x < (p->x+mid)) && (y >= Min(p->y,(p+1)->y)) && (y <= Max(p->y,(p+1)->y)); else if (p->y == (p+1)->y) inside=(x >= Min(p->x,(p+1)->x)) && (x <= Max(p->x,(p+1)->x)) && (y >= (p->y-mid)) && (y < (p->y+mid)); else { slope=(float) (p->y-(p+1)->y)/(p->x-(p+1)->x); trix=(slope*p->x+x/slope+y-p->y)/(slope+1.0/slope); triy=slope*(trix-p->x)+p->y; inside=(((x-trix)*(x-trix)+(y-triy)*(y-triy)) <= (mid*mid)) && (trix >= Min(p->x,(p+1)->x)) && (trix <= Max(p->x,(p+1)->x)); } p++; } break; } case RectanglePrimitive: { for ( ; (p < q) && !inside; p++) { inside=(x >= Min(p->x-mid,(p+1)->x+mid)) && (x < Max(p->x-mid,(p+1)->x+mid)) && (y >= Min(p->y-mid,(p+1)->y+mid)) && (y < Max(p->y-mid,(p+1)->y+mid)); inside&=!((x >= Min(p->x+mid,(p+1)->x-mid)) && (x < Max(p->x+mid,(p+1)->x-mid)) && (y >= Min(p->y+mid,(p+1)->y-mid)) && (y < Max(p->y+mid,(p+1)->y-mid))); p++; } break; } case FillRectanglePrimitive: { for ( ; (p < q) && !inside; p++) { inside=(x >= Min(p->x,(p+1)->x)) && (x <= Max(p->x,(p+1)->x)) && (y >= Min(p->y,(p+1)->y)) && (y <= Max(p->y,(p+1)->y)); p++; } break; } case EllipsePrimitive: { for ( ; (p < q) && !inside; p++) { inside=(((p->y-y)*(p->y-y))+((p->x-x)*(p->x-x))) <= (((p->y-(p+1)->y-mid)*(p->y-(p+1)->y-mid))+ ((p->x-(p+1)->x-mid)*(p->x-(p+1)->x-mid))); inside&=!((((p->y-y)*(p->y-y))+((p->x-x)*(p->x-x))) <= (((p->y-(p+1)->y+mid)*(p->y-(p+1)->y+mid))+ ((p->x-(p+1)->x+mid)*(p->x-(p+1)->x+mid)))); p++; } break; } case FillEllipsePrimitive: { for ( ; (p < q) && !inside; p++) { inside=((p->y-y)*(p->y-y))+((p->x-x)*(p->x-x)) <= ((p->y-(p+1)->y)*(p->y-(p+1)->y))+((p->x-(p+1)->x)*(p->x-(p+1)->x)); p++; } break; } case PolygonPrimitive: { for ( ; (p < q) && !inside; p++) { if (p->x == (p+1)->x) { inside|=(x >= (p->x-mid)) && (x < (p->x+mid)) && (y >= Min(p->y,(p+1)->y)) && (y <= Max(p->y,(p+1)->y)); continue; } if (p->y == (p+1)->y) { inside|=(x >= Min(p->x,(p+1)->x)) && (x <= Max(p->x,(p+1)->x)) && (y >= (p->y-mid)) && (y < (p->y+mid)); continue; } slope=(float) (p->y-(p+1)->y)/(p->x-(p+1)->x); trix=(slope*p->x+x/slope+y-p->y)/(slope+1.0/slope); triy=slope*(trix-p->x)+p->y; inside|=(((x-trix)*(x-trix)+(y-triy)*(y-triy)) <= (mid*mid)) && (trix >= Min(p->x,(p+1)->x)) && (trix <= Max(p->x,(p+1)->x)); } while (p <= q) p++; if (inside) break; p--; q=primitive_info; if (p->x == q->x) inside=(x >= (p->x-mid)) && (x < (p->x+mid)) && (y >= Min(p->y,q->y)) && (y <= Max(p->y,q->y)); else if (p->y == q->y) inside=(x >= Min(p->x,q->x)) && (x <= Max(p->x,q->x)) && (y >= (p->y-mid)) && (y < (p->y+mid)); else { slope=(float) (p->y-q->y)/(p->x-q->x); trix=(slope*p->x+x/slope+y-p->y)/(slope+1.0/slope); triy=slope*(trix-p->x)+p->y; inside=(((x-trix)*(x-trix)+(y-triy)*(y-triy)) <= (mid*mid)) && (trix >= Min(p->x,q->x)) && (trix <= Max(p->x,q->x)); } p++; break; } case FillPolygonPrimitive: { int crossing, crossings; crossings=0; if ((q->y >= y) != (p->y >= y)) { crossing=q->x >= x; if (crossing != (p->x >= x)) crossings+=(q->x-(q->y-y)*(p->x-q->x)/(p->y-q->y)) >= x; else if (crossing) crossings++; } for (p++; p <= q; p++) { if ((p-1)->y >= y) { while ((p <= q) && (p->y >= y)) p++; if (p > q) break; crossing=(p-1)->x >= x; if (crossing != (p->x >= x)) crossings+= ((p-1)->x-((p-1)->y-y)*(p->x-(p-1)->x)/(p->y-(p-1)->y)) >= x; else if (crossing) crossings++; continue; } while ((p <= q) && (p->y < y)) p++; if (p > q) break; crossing=(p-1)->x >= x; if (crossing != (p->x >= x)) crossings+= ((p-1)->x-((p-1)->y-y)*(p->x-(p-1)->x)/(p->y-(p-1)->y)) >= x; else if (crossing) crossings++; } inside=crossings & 0x01; break; } case ColorPrimitive: { for ( ; (p <= q) && !inside; p++) switch (p->method) { case PointMethod: default: { if ((p->x != x) || (p->y != y)) break; inside=True; break; } case ReplaceMethod: { RunlengthPacket color; static RunlengthPacket target; if ((x == 0) && (y == 0)) target=image->pixels[p->y*image->columns+p->x]; color=image->pixels[y*image->columns+x]; inside=ColorMatch(color,target,0); break; } case FloodfillMethod: { ColorPacket color; XColor pen_color; if ((p->x != x) || (p->y != y)) break; (void) XQueryColorDatabase(annotate_info->pen,&pen_color);;;; ColorFloodfillImage(image,x,y,&color,0); break; } case ResetMethod: { inside=True; break; } } break; } case MattePrimitive: { if (!image->matte) { /* Initialize matte image. */ image->matte=True; for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++) image->pixels[i].index=Opaque; } for ( ; p <= q; p++) switch (p->method) { case PointMethod: default: { if ((p->x != x) || (p->y != y)) break; image->pixels[y*image->columns+x].index=Transparent; break; } case ReplaceMethod: { RunlengthPacket color; static RunlengthPacket target; if ((x == 0) && (y == 0)) target=image->pixels[p->y*image->columns+p->x]; color=image->pixels[y*image->columns+x]; if (ColorMatch(color,target,0)) image->pixels[y*image->columns+x].index=Transparent; break; } case FloodfillMethod: { if ((p->x != x) || (p->y != y)) break; MatteFloodfillImage(image,x,y,Transparent,0); break; } case ResetMethod: { image->pixels[y*image->columns+x].index=Transparent; break; } } break; } case TextPrimitive: case ImagePrimitive: { register char *r; for ( ; p <= q; p++) { if ((p->x != x) || (p->y != y)) continue; r=p->text; if (*r == '"') { p->text++; for (r++; (*r != '"') && (*r != '\0'); r++); } else if (*r == '\'') { p->text++; for (r++; (*r != '\'') && (*r != '\0'); r++); } else for (r++; (*r != ' ') && (*r != '\0'); r++); (void) strncpy(annotate_info->text,p->text,r-p->text); annotate_info->text[r-p->text]='\0'; if (p->primitive == TextPrimitive) { (void) sprintf(annotate_info->geometry,"%+d%+d",p->x,p->y); AnnotateImage(image,annotate_info); } else { Image *composite_image; ImageInfo composite_info; GetImageInfo(&composite_info); (void) strcpy(composite_info.filename,annotate_info->text); composite_image=ReadImage(&composite_info); if (composite_image != (Image *) NULL) { CompositeImage(image,ReplaceCompositeOp,composite_image, p->x,p->y); DestroyImage(composite_image); } } } break; } } if (inside) return(True); } return(inside); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % I n t e r p o l a t e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function Interpolate applies bi-linear interpolation between a pixel and % it's neighbors. % % The format of the Interpolate routine is: % % Interpolate(image,pixel,x,y) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: The address of a structure of type Image. % % o pixel: A pointer to a RunlengthPacket representing the current pixel. % % o x,y: A double representing the current (x,y) position of the pixel. % % */ RunlengthPacket Interpolate(Image *image,RunlengthPacket *pixel,double x, double y) { register RunlengthPacket *p, *q, *r, *s; RunlengthPacket interpolated_pixel; assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(pixel != (RunlengthPacket *) NULL); if ((x < 0) || (x >= image->columns) || (y < 0) || (y >= image->rows)) return(*pixel); if (!UncompressImage(image)) return(*pixel); p=image->pixels+(int) y*image->columns+(int) x; q=p+1; if (q > (image->pixels+image->packets-1)) q=p; r=p+image->columns; if (r > (image->pixels+image->packets-1)) r=p; s=q+image->columns; if (s > (image->pixels+image->packets-1)) s=q; x=fmod(x,1.0); y=fmod(y,1.0); ((1.0-y)*((1.0-x)*p->red+x*q->red)+y*((1.0-x)*r->red+x*s->red)); ((1.0-y)*((1.0-x)*p->green+x*q->green)+y*((1.0-x)*r->green+x*s->green)); ((1.0-y)*((1.0-x)*p->blue+x*q->blue)+y*((1.0-x)*r->blue+x*s->blue)); interpolated_pixel.index=(unsigned short) ((1.0-y)*((1.0-x)*p->index+x*q->index)+y*((1.0-x)*r->index+x*s->index)); interpolated_pixel.length=p->length; return(interpolated_pixel); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % M o d u l a t e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function Modulate modulates the hue, saturation, and brightness of an % image. % % The format of the ModulateImage routine is: % % Modulate(percent_hue,percent_saturation,percent_luminosity,red,green, % blue) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o percent_hue, percent_saturation, percent_luminosity: A double value % representing the percent change in a component of the HSL color space. % % o red, green, blue: A pointer to a pixel component of type Quantum. % % */ void Modulate(double percent_hue,double percent_saturation, double percent_brightness,Quantum *red,Quantum *green,Quantum *blue) { double brightness, hue, saturation; /* Increase or decrease color brightness, saturation, or hue. */ assert(red != (Quantum *) NULL); assert(green != (Quantum *) NULL); assert(blue != (Quantum *) NULL); TransformHSL(*red,*green,*blue,&hue,&saturation,&brightness); brightness+=percent_brightness/100.0; if (brightness < 0.0) brightness=0.0; else if (brightness > 1.0) brightness=1.0; saturation+=percent_saturation/100.0; if (saturation < 0.0) saturation=0.0; else if (saturation > 1.0) saturation=1.0; if (hue != -1.0) { hue+=percent_hue/100.0; if (hue < 0.0) hue+=1.0; else if (hue > 1.0) hue-=1.0; } HSLTransform(hue,saturation,brightness,red,green,blue); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % T r a n s f o r m H S L % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function TransformHSL converts a (red, green, blue) to a (hue, saturation, % luminosity) triple. % % The format of the TransformHSL routine is: % % TransformHSL(red,green,blue,hue,saturation,luminosity) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o red, green, blue: A Quantum value representing the red, green, and % blue component of a pixel.. % % o hue, saturation, luminosity: A pointer to a double value representing a % component of the HSL color space. % % */ void TransformHSL(const Quantum red,const Quantum green,const Quantum blue, double *hue,double *saturation,double *luminosity) { double b, g, max, min, r; /* Convert RGB to HSL colorspace. */ assert(hue != (double *) NULL); assert(saturation != (double *) NULL); assert(luminosity != (double *) NULL); *hue=1.0; *saturation=0.0; r=(double) red/(double) MaxRGB; g=(double) green/(double) MaxRGB; b=(double) blue/(double) MaxRGB; max=Max(r,Max(g,b)); min=Min(r,Min(g,b)); *luminosity=(min+max)/2.0; if (*luminosity <= 0.0) return; *saturation=max-min; if (*saturation <= 0.0) return; *saturation/=(*luminosity <= 0.5) ? (min+max) : (2.0-max-min) ; if (r == max) *hue=(g == min ? 5.0+(max-b)/(max-min) : 1.0-(max-g)/(max-min)); else if (g == max) *hue=(b == min ? 1.0+(max-r)/(max-min) : 3.0-(max-b)/(max-min)); else *hue=(r == min ? 3.0+(max-g)/(max-min) : 5.0-(max-r)/(max-min)); *hue/=6.0; } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % U p s a m p l e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function Upsample % % The format of the UpSample routine is: % % Upsample(width,height,scaled_width,pixels) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o width,height: Unsigned values representinf the width and height of % the image pixel array. % % o scaled_width: Specifies the final width of the upsampled pixel array. % % o pixels: An unsigned char containing the pixel data. On output the % upsampled pixels are returned here. % % */ void Upsample(unsigned int width,unsigned int height, unsigned int scaled_width,unsigned char *pixels) { register int x, y; register unsigned char *p, *q, *r; /* Create a new image that is a integral size greater than an existing one. */ assert(pixels != (unsigned char *) NULL); for (y=0; y < height; y++) { p=pixels+(height-1-y)*scaled_width+(width-1); q=pixels+((height-1-y) << 1)*scaled_width+((width-1) << 1); *q=(*p); *(q+1)=(*(p)); for (x=1; x < width; x++) { p--; q-=2; *q=(*p); *(q+1)=(((int) *p)+((int) *(p+1))+1) >> 1; } } for (y=0; y < (height-1); y++) { p=pixels+(y << 1)*scaled_width; q=p+scaled_width; r=q+scaled_width; for (x=0; x < (width-1); x++) { *q=(((int) *p)+((int) *r)+1) >> 1; *(q+1)=(((int) *p)+((int) *(p+2))+((int) *r)+((int) *(r+2))+2) >> 2; q+=2; p+=2; r+=2; } *q++=(((int) *p++)+((int) *r++)+1) >> 1; *q++=(((int) *p++)+((int) *r++)+1) >> 1; } p=pixels+(2*height-2)*scaled_width; q=pixels+(2*height-1)*scaled_width; for (x=0; x < width; x++) { *q++=(*p++); *q++=(*p++); } }
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