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/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % DDDD EEEEE CCCC OOO DDDD EEEEE % % D D E C O O D D E % % D D EEE C O O D D EEE % % D D E C O O D D E % % DDDD EEEEE CCCC OOO DDDD EEEEE % % % % % % Utility Routines to Read Image Formats % % % % % % Software Design % % John Cristy % % January 1992 % % % % % % Copyright 1997 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company % % % % Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and % % its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, % % provided that the above Copyright notice appear in all copies and that % % both that Copyright notice and this permission notice appear in % % supporting documentation, and that the name of E. I. du Pont de Nemours % % and Company not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to % % distribution of the software without specific, written prior % % permission. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company makes no representations % % about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided % % "as is" without express or implied warranty. % % % % E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company disclaims all warranties with regard % % to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability % % and fitness, in no event shall E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company be % % liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any % % damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether % % in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising % % out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Functions in this library convert to and from `alien' image formats to the % MIFF image format. % % */ /* Include declarations. */ #include "magick.h" #include "XWDFile.h" #include "plug-ins.h" /* Define declarations. */ #define LoadImageText " Loading image... " #define PrematureExit(message,image) \ { \ Warning(message,image->filename); \ DestroyImages(image); \ return((Image *) NULL); \ } /* Function prototypes. */ static Image *ReadMIFFImage(const ImageInfo *), *ReadPNMImage(const ImageInfo *), *ReadPSImage(const ImageInfo *), *ReadXCImage(const ImageInfo *); /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d A V S I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadAVSImage reads a AVS X image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadAVSImage routine is: % % image=ReadAVSImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadAVSImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or if % the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadAVSImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; Quantum blue, green, red; register int x, y; register RunlengthPacket *q; unsigned int packets; unsigned long height, width; unsigned short index; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Read AVS image. */ width=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); height=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); if ((width == (unsigned long) ~0) || (height == (unsigned long) ~0)) PrematureExit("Not a AVS image file",image); do { /* Initialize image structure. */ image->columns=width; image->rows=height; image->packets=0; packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+4) >> 3,1); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Convert AVS raster image to runlength-encoded packets. */ q=image->pixels; q->length=MaxRunlength; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { index=UpScale(fgetc(image->file)); image->matte|=index != Transparent; red=UpScale(fgetc(image->file)); green=UpScale(fgetc(image->file)); blue=UpScale(fgetc(image->file)); if ((red == q->red) && (green == q->green) && (blue == q->blue) && (index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->red=red; q->green=green; q->blue=blue; q->index=index; q->length=0; } } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); width=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); height=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); if ((width != (unsigned long) ~0) && (height != (unsigned long) ~0)) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } } while ((width != (unsigned long) ~0) && (height != (unsigned long) ~0)); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d B M P I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadBMPImage reads a Microsoft Windows bitmap image file and % returns it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure % and returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadBMPImage routine is: % % image=ReadBMPImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadBMPImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadBMPImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { typedef struct _BMPHeader { unsigned long file_size; unsigned short reserved[2]; unsigned long offset_bits, size, width, height; unsigned short planes, bit_count; unsigned long compression, image_size, x_pixels, y_pixels, number_colors, colors_important; } BMPHeader; BMPHeader bmp_header; Image *image; long start_position; register int bit, i, x, y; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char *bmp_data, *bmp_pixels, magick[12]; unsigned int bytes_per_line, image_size, status; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Determine if this is a BMP file. */ status=ReadData((char *) magick,1,2,image->file); do { /* Verify BMP identifier. */ start_position=ftell(image->file)-2; if ((status == False) || (strncmp((char *) magick,"BM",2) != 0)) PrematureExit("Not a BMP image file",image); bmp_header.file_size=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); bmp_header.reserved[0]=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); bmp_header.reserved[1]=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); bmp_header.offset_bits=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); bmp_header.size=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); if (bmp_header.size == 12) { /* OS/2 BMP image file. */ bmp_header.width=(unsigned long) LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); bmp_header.height=(unsigned long) LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); bmp_header.planes=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); bmp_header.bit_count=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); bmp_header.x_pixels=0; bmp_header.y_pixels=0; bmp_header.number_colors=0; bmp_header.compression=0; bmp_header.image_size=0; } else { /* Microsoft Windows BMP image file. */ bmp_header.width=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); bmp_header.height=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); bmp_header.planes=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); bmp_header.bit_count=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); bmp_header.compression=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); bmp_header.image_size=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); bmp_header.x_pixels=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); bmp_header.y_pixels=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); bmp_header.number_colors=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); bmp_header.colors_important=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); for (i=0; i < ((int) bmp_header.size-40); i++) (void) fgetc(image->file); } if (bmp_header.bit_count < 24) { unsigned char *bmp_colormap; unsigned int packet_size; /* Read BMP raster colormap. */ image->class=PseudoClass; image->colors=(unsigned int) bmp_header.number_colors; if (image->colors == 0) image->colors=1 << bmp_header.bit_count; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); bmp_colormap=(unsigned char *) malloc(4*image->colors*sizeof(unsigned char)); if ((image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) || (bmp_colormap == (unsigned char *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); packet_size=4; if (bmp_header.size == 12) packet_size=3; (void) ReadData((char *) bmp_colormap,packet_size,image->colors, image->file); p=bmp_colormap; for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].blue=UpScale(*p++); image->colormap[i].green=UpScale(*p++); image->colormap[i].red=UpScale(*p++); if (bmp_header.size != 12) p++; } free((char *) bmp_colormap); } /* Read image data. */ while (ftell(image->file) < (start_position+bmp_header.offset_bits)) (void) fgetc(image->file); image_size= ((bmp_header.width*bmp_header.bit_count+31)/32)*4*bmp_header.height; if ((bmp_header.image_size == 0) || (bmp_header.image_size > image_size)) bmp_header.image_size=image_size; bmp_data=(unsigned char *) malloc(bmp_header.image_size*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (bmp_data == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) ReadData((char *) bmp_data,1,(unsigned int) bmp_header.image_size, image->file); bmp_pixels=bmp_data; if (bmp_header.compression != 0) { unsigned int packets; /* Convert run-length encoded raster pixels. */ packets=(unsigned int) (((bmp_header.width*bmp_header.bit_count+31)/32)*4*bmp_header.height); if (bmp_header.compression == 2) packets<<=1; bmp_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(packets*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (bmp_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) BMPDecodeImage(bmp_data,bmp_pixels, (unsigned int) bmp_header.compression,(unsigned int) bmp_header.width, (unsigned int) bmp_header.height); if (bmp_header.compression == 2) bmp_header.bit_count<<=1; free((char *) bmp_data); } /* Initialize image structure. */ image->columns=(unsigned int) bmp_header.width; image->rows=(unsigned int) bmp_header.height; image->units=PixelsPerCentimeterResolution; image->x_resolution=bmp_header.x_pixels/100.0; image->y_resolution=bmp_header.y_pixels/100.0; image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Convert BMP raster image to runlength-encoded packets. */ bytes_per_line=((image->columns*bmp_header.bit_count+31)/32)*4; switch (bmp_header.bit_count) { case 1: { /* Convert bitmap scanline to runlength-encoded color packets. */ for (y=image->rows-1; y >= 0; y--) { p=bmp_pixels+(image->rows-y-1)*bytes_per_line; q=image->pixels+(y*image->columns); for (x=0; x < ((int) image->columns-7); x+=8) { for (bit=0; bit < 8; bit++) { q->index=((*p) & (0x80 >> bit) ? 0x01 : 0x00); q->length=0; q++; } p++; } if ((image->columns % 8) != 0) { for (bit=0; bit < (image->columns % 8); bit++) { q->index=((*p) & (0x80 >> bit) ? 0x01 : 0x00); q->length=0; q++; } p++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,image->rows-y-1,image->rows); } SyncImage(image); break; } case 4: { /* Convert PseudoColor scanline to runlength-encoded color packets. */ for (y=image->rows-1; y >= 0; y--) { p=bmp_pixels+(image->rows-y-1)*bytes_per_line; q=image->pixels+(y*image->columns); for (x=0; x < ((int) image->columns-1); x+=2) { q->index=(*p >> 4) & 0xf; q->length=0; q++; q->index=(*p) & 0xf; q->length=0; p++; q++; } if ((image->columns % 2) != 0) { q->index=(*p >> 4) & 0xf; q->length=0; q++; p++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,image->rows-y-1,image->rows); } SyncImage(image); break; } case 8: { /* Convert PseudoColor scanline to runlength-encoded color packets. */ if (bmp_header.compression == 1) bytes_per_line=image->columns; for (y=image->rows-1; y >= 0; y--) { p=bmp_pixels+(image->rows-y-1)*bytes_per_line; q=image->pixels+(y*image->columns); for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { q->index=(*p++); q->length=0; q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,image->rows-y-1,image->rows); } SyncImage(image); break; } case 24: { /* Convert DirectColor scanline to runlength-encoded color packets. */ for (y=image->rows-1; y >= 0; y--) { p=bmp_pixels+(image->rows-y-1)*bytes_per_line; q=image->pixels+(y*image->columns); for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { q->index=0; if (image->matte) q->index=UpScale(*p++); q->blue=UpScale(*p++); q->green=UpScale(*p++); q->red=UpScale(*p++); q->length=0; q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,image->rows-y-1,image->rows); } break; } default: PrematureExit("Not a BMP image file",image); } free((char *) bmp_pixels); CompressImage(image); /* Proceed to next image. */ status=ReadData((char *) magick,1,2,image->file); if ((status == True) && (strncmp((char *) magick,"BM",2) == 0)) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } } while ((status == True) && (strncmp((char *) magick,"BM",2) == 0)); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d C G M I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadCGMImage reads a Computer Graphic Meta image file % and returns it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image % structure and returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadCGMImage routine is: % % image=ReadCGMImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadCGMImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadCGMImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { char filename[MaxTextExtent]; Image *image, *next_image, *proxy_image; /* Allocate image structure. */ proxy_image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (proxy_image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,proxy_image,ReadBinaryType); if (proxy_image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",proxy_image); CloseImage(proxy_image); DestroyImage(proxy_image); /* Use ralcgm to convert Macintosh CGM image. */ (void) strcpy(filename,image_info->filename); (void) sprintf(image_info->filename,CGMCommand,filename); image=ReadPSImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) { Warning("CGM translation failed",image_info->filename); return((Image *) NULL); } /* Assign proper filename. */ do { (void) strcpy(image->filename,filename); next_image=image->next; if (next_image != (Image *) NULL) image=next_image; } while (next_image != (Image *) NULL); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d C M Y K I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadCMYKImage reads an image of raw cyan, magenta, yellow, and % black bytes and returns it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new % Image structure and returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadCMYKImage routine is: % % image=ReadCMYKImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadCMYKImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadCMYKImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; int count, x, x_offset, y, y_offset; register int i; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char *scanline; unsigned int black, cyan, height, magenta, packet_size, yellow, width; unsigned short value; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Determine width and height, e.g. 640x512. */ width=512; height=512; x_offset=0; y_offset=0; x=0; if (image_info->size != (char *) NULL) (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->size,&x,&y,&width,&height); if (image_info->interlace != PartitionInterlace) { /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); for (i=0; i < x; i++) (void) fgetc(image->file); } /* Allocate memory for a scanline. */ packet_size=4*(QuantumDepth >> 3); scanline=(unsigned char *) malloc(packet_size*width*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (scanline == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); if (image_info->subrange != 0) while (image->scene < image_info->subimage) { /* Skip to next image. */ image->scene++; for (y=0; y < height; y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); } do { /* Initialize image structure. */ image->columns=width; image->rows=height; if (image_info->subrange == 0) if (image_info->tile != (char *) NULL) (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->tile,&x_offset,&y_offset, &image->columns,&image->rows); image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Convert raster image to runlength-encoded packets. */ switch (image_info->interlace) { case NoneInterlace: default: { /* No interlacing: CMYKCMYKCMYKCMYKCMYK... */ for (y=0; y < y_offset; y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { if ((y > 0) || (image->previous == (Image *) NULL)) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->red,p); ReadQuantum(q->green,p); ReadQuantum(q->blue,p); ReadQuantum(q->index,p); q->length=0; q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } break; } case LineInterlace: { /* Line interlacing: CCC...MMM...YYY...KKK...CCC...MMM...YYY...KKK... */ packet_size=image->depth >> 3; for (y=0; y < y_offset; y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { if ((y > 0) || (image->previous == (Image *) NULL)) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; q=image->pixels+y*image->columns; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->red,p); q->length=0; q++; } (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; q=image->pixels+y*image->columns; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->green,p); q++; } (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; q=image->pixels+y*image->columns; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->blue,p); q++; } (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; q=image->pixels+y*image->columns; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->index,p); q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } break; } case PlaneInterlace: case PartitionInterlace: { /* Plane interlacing: CCCCCC...MMMMMM...YYYYYY...KKKKKK... */ if (image_info->interlace == PartitionInterlace) { AppendImageFormat("C",image->filename); OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); } packet_size=image->depth >> 3; for (y=0; y < y_offset; y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); i=0; q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { if ((y > 0) || (image->previous == (Image *) NULL)) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->red,p); q->length=0; q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,i++,image->rows << 2); } if (image_info->interlace == PartitionInterlace) { CloseImage(image); AppendImageFormat("M",image->filename); OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); } q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < (height-image->rows); y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->green,p); q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,i++,image->rows << 2); } if (image_info->interlace == PartitionInterlace) { CloseImage(image); AppendImageFormat("Y",image->filename); OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); } q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < (height-image->rows); y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->blue,p); q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,i++,image->rows << 2); } if (image_info->interlace == PartitionInterlace) { CloseImage(image); AppendImageFormat("K",image->filename); OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); } q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < (height-image->rows); y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->index,p); q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,i++,image->rows << 2); } if (image_info->interlace == PartitionInterlace) (void) strcpy(image->filename,image_info->filename); break; } } /* Transform image from CMYK to RGB. */ q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { cyan=q->red; magenta=q->green; yellow=q->blue; black=q->index; if ((cyan+black) > MaxRGB) q->red=0; else q->red=MaxRGB-(cyan+black); if ((magenta+black) > MaxRGB) q->green=0; else q->green=MaxRGB-(magenta+black); if ((yellow+black) > MaxRGB) q->blue=0; else q->blue=MaxRGB-(yellow+black); q->index=0; q->length=0; q++; } } CompressImage(image); if (image_info->subrange != 0) if (image->scene >= (image_info->subimage+image_info->subrange-1)) break; /* Proceed to next image. */ count=ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); if (count > 0) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } } while (count > 0); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; free((char *) scanline); CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d D P S I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadDPSImage reads a Adobe Postscript image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadDPSImage routine is: % % image=ReadDPSImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadDPSImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ #ifdef HasDPS static Image *ReadDPSImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Display *display; float pixels_per_point; Image *image; int sans, status, x, y; Pixmap pixmap; register int i; register RunlengthPacket *p; register unsigned long pixel; Screen *screen; XColor *colors; XImage *dps_image; XRectangle bounding_box, pixel_size; XResourceInfo resource_info; XrmDatabase resource_database; XStandardColormap *map_info; XVisualInfo *visual_info; /* Open X server connection. */ display=XOpenDisplay(image_info->server_name); if (display == (Display *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Set our forgiving error handler. */ XSetErrorHandler(XError); /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Get user defaults from X resource database. */ resource_database=XGetResourceDatabase(display,client_name); XGetResourceInfo(resource_database,client_name,&resource_info); /* Allocate standard colormap. */ map_info=XAllocStandardColormap(); if (map_info == (XStandardColormap *) NULL) Warning("Unable to create standard colormap","Memory allocation failed"); else { /* Initialize visual info. */ resource_info.visual_type="default"; visual_info=XBestVisualInfo(display,map_info,&resource_info); map_info->colormap=(Colormap) NULL; } if ((map_info == (XStandardColormap *) NULL) || (visual_info == (XVisualInfo *) NULL)) { DestroyImage(image); XFreeResources(display,visual_info,map_info,(XPixelInfo *) NULL, (XFontStruct *) NULL,&resource_info,(XWindowInfo *) NULL); return((Image *) NULL); } /* Create a pixmap the appropriate size for the image. */ screen=ScreenOfDisplay(display,visual_info->screen); pixels_per_point=XDPSPixelsPerPoint(screen); if (image_info->density != (char *) NULL) { float x_resolution, y_resolution; int count; x_resolution=72.0*XDPSPixelsPerPoint(screen); count=sscanf(image_info->density,"%fx%f",&x_resolution,&y_resolution); if (count != 2) y_resolution=x_resolution; pixels_per_point=Min(x_resolution,y_resolution)/72.0; } status=XDPSCreatePixmapForEPSF((DPSContext) NULL,screen,image->file, visual_info->depth,pixels_per_point,&pixmap,&pixel_size,&bounding_box); if ((status == dps_status_failure) || (status == dps_status_no_extension)) { DestroyImage(image); XFreeResources(display,visual_info,map_info,(XPixelInfo *) NULL, (XFontStruct *) NULL,&resource_info,(XWindowInfo *) NULL); return((Image *) NULL); } /* Rasterize the file into the pixmap. */ status=XDPSImageFileIntoDrawable((DPSContext) NULL,screen,pixmap,image->file, pixel_size.height,visual_info->depth,&bounding_box,-bounding_box.x, -bounding_box.y,pixels_per_point,True,False,True,&sans); if (status != dps_status_success) { DestroyImage(image); XFreeResources(display,visual_info,map_info,(XPixelInfo *) NULL, (XFontStruct *) NULL,&resource_info,(XWindowInfo *) NULL); return((Image *) NULL); } /* Initialize DPS X image. */ dps_image=XGetImage(display,pixmap,0,0,pixel_size.width,pixel_size.height, AllPlanes,ZPixmap); XFreePixmap(display,pixmap); if (dps_image == (XImage *) NULL) { DestroyImage(image); XFreeResources(display,visual_info,map_info,(XPixelInfo *) NULL, (XFontStruct *) NULL,&resource_info,(XWindowInfo *) NULL); return((Image *) NULL); } /* Get the colormap colors. */ colors=(XColor *) malloc(visual_info->colormap_size*sizeof(XColor)); if (colors == (XColor *) NULL) { DestroyImage(image); XDestroyImage(dps_image); XFreeResources(display,visual_info,map_info,(XPixelInfo *) NULL, (XFontStruct *) NULL,&resource_info,(XWindowInfo *) NULL); return((Image *) NULL); } if ((visual_info->class != DirectColor) && (visual_info->class != TrueColor)) for (i=0; i < visual_info->colormap_size; i++) { colors[i].pixel=i; colors[i].pad=0; } else { unsigned long blue, blue_bit, green, green_bit, red, red_bit; /* DirectColor or TrueColor visual. */ red=0; green=0; blue=0; red_bit=visual_info->red_mask & (~(visual_info->red_mask)+1); green_bit=visual_info->green_mask & (~(visual_info->green_mask)+1); blue_bit=visual_info->blue_mask & (~(visual_info->blue_mask)+1); for (i=0; i < visual_info->colormap_size; i++) { colors[i].pixel=red | green | blue; colors[i].pad=0; red+=red_bit; if (red > visual_info->red_mask) red=0; green+=green_bit; if (green > visual_info->green_mask) green=0; blue+=blue_bit; if (blue > visual_info->blue_mask) blue=0; } } XQueryColors(display,XDefaultColormap(display,visual_info->screen),colors, visual_info->colormap_size); /* Convert X image to MIFF format. */ if ((visual_info->class != TrueColor) && (visual_info->class != DirectColor)) image->class=PseudoClass; image->columns=dps_image->width; image->rows=dps_image->height; image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) { DestroyImage(image); free((char *) colors); XDestroyImage(dps_image); XFreeResources(display,visual_info,map_info,(XPixelInfo *) NULL, (XFontStruct *) NULL,&resource_info,(XWindowInfo *) NULL); return((Image *) NULL); } p=image->pixels; switch (image->class) { case DirectClass: default: { register unsigned long color, index; unsigned long blue_mask, blue_shift, green_mask, green_shift, red_mask, red_shift; /* Determine shift and mask for red, green, and blue. */ red_mask=visual_info->red_mask; red_shift=0; while ((red_mask & 0x01) == 0) { red_mask>>=1; red_shift++; } green_mask=visual_info->green_mask; green_shift=0; while ((green_mask & 0x01) == 0) { green_mask>>=1; green_shift++; } blue_mask=visual_info->blue_mask; blue_shift=0; while ((blue_mask & 0x01) == 0) { blue_mask>>=1; blue_shift++; } /* Convert X image to DirectClass packets. */ if ((visual_info->colormap_size > 0) && (visual_info->class == DirectColor)) for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { pixel=XGetPixel(dps_image,x,y); index=(pixel >> red_shift) & red_mask; p->red=XDownScale(colors[index].red); index=(pixel >> green_shift) & green_mask; p->green=XDownScale(colors[index].green); index=(pixel >> blue_shift) & blue_mask; p->blue=XDownScale(colors[index].blue); p->index=0; p->length=0; p++; } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } else for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { pixel=XGetPixel(dps_image,x,y); color=(pixel >> red_shift) & red_mask; p->red=XDownScale((color*65535L)/red_mask); color=(pixel >> green_shift) & green_mask; p->green=XDownScale((color*65535L)/green_mask); color=(pixel >> blue_shift) & blue_mask; p->blue=XDownScale((color*65535L)/blue_mask); p->index=0; p->length=0; p++; } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } break; } case PseudoClass: { /* Create colormap. */ image->colors=visual_info->colormap_size; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) { DestroyImage(image); free((char *) colors); XDestroyImage(dps_image); XFreeResources(display,visual_info,map_info,(XPixelInfo *) NULL, (XFontStruct *) NULL,&resource_info,(XWindowInfo *) NULL); return((Image *) NULL); } for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[colors[i].pixel].red=XDownScale(colors[i].red); image->colormap[colors[i].pixel].green=XDownScale(colors[i].green); image->colormap[colors[i].pixel].blue=XDownScale(colors[i].blue); } /* Convert X image to PseudoClass packets. */ for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { p->index=(unsigned short) XGetPixel(dps_image,x,y); p->length=0; p++; } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } SyncImage(image); break; } } if (image->class == PseudoClass) CompressColormap(image); free((char *) colors); XDestroyImage(dps_image); /* Rasterize matte image. */ status=XDPSCreatePixmapForEPSF((DPSContext) NULL,screen,image->file,1, pixels_per_point,&pixmap,&pixel_size,&bounding_box); if ((status != dps_status_failure) && (status != dps_status_no_extension)) { status=XDPSImageFileIntoDrawable((DPSContext) NULL,screen,pixmap, image->file,pixel_size.height,1,&bounding_box,-bounding_box.x, -bounding_box.y,pixels_per_point,True,True,True,&sans); if (status == dps_status_success) { XImage *matte_image; /* Initialize image matte. */ matte_image=XGetImage(display,pixmap,0,0,pixel_size.width, pixel_size.height,AllPlanes,ZPixmap); XFreePixmap(display,pixmap); if (matte_image != (XImage *) NULL) { image->class=DirectClass; image->matte=True; p=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { p->index=Opaque; if (!XGetPixel(matte_image,x,y)) p->index=Transparent; p++; } XDestroyImage(matte_image); } } } /* Free resources. */ XFreeResources(display,visual_info,map_info,(XPixelInfo *) NULL, (XFontStruct *) NULL,&resource_info,(XWindowInfo *) NULL); CompressImage(image); CloseImage(image); return(image); } #else static Image *ReadDPSImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Warning("Cannot read DPS images",image_info->filename); return((Image *) NULL); } #endif /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d F A X I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadFAXImage reads a Group 3 FAX image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadFAXImage routine is: % % image=ReadFAXImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadFAXImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadFAXImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; int x, y; unsigned int height, status, width; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Determine width and height, e.g. 640x512. */ width=2592; height=3508; if (image_info->size != (char *) NULL) (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->size,&x,&y,&width,&height); /* Initialize image structure. */ image->class=PseudoClass; image->columns=width; image->rows=height; image->packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+8) >> 4,1); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); image->colors=2; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if ((image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) || (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Monochrome colormap. */ image->colormap[0].red=MaxRGB; image->colormap[0].green=MaxRGB; image->colormap[0].blue=MaxRGB; image->colormap[1].red=0; image->colormap[1].green=0; image->colormap[1].blue=0; status=HuffmanDecodeImage(image); if (status == False) PrematureExit("Unable to read image data",image); CloseImage(image); TransformImage(&image,"0x0",(char *) NULL); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d F I T S I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadFITSImage reads a FITS image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadFITSImage routine is: % % image=ReadFITSImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadFITSImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or if % the image cannot be read. % % o filename: Specifies the name of the image to read. % % */ static Image *ReadFITSImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { typedef struct _FITSHeader { unsigned int simple; int bits_per_pixel; unsigned int number_of_axis, columns, rows, depth; double min_data, max_data, zero, scale; } FITSHeader; char long_quantum[8], keyword[MaxTextExtent], value[MaxTextExtent]; double pixel, scale, scaled_pixel; FITSHeader fits_header; Image *image; int j, packet_size, y; long count, quantum; register int c, i, x; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char *fits_pixels; unsigned int status, value_expected; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Initialize image header. */ fits_header.simple=False; fits_header.bits_per_pixel=8; fits_header.columns=1; fits_header.rows=1; fits_header.depth=1; fits_header.min_data=0.0; fits_header.max_data=0.0;; fits_header.scale=1.0; /* Decode image header. */ c=fgetc(image->file); count=1; if (c == EOF) { DestroyImage(image); return((Image *) NULL); } for ( ; ; ) { if (!isalnum(c)) { c=fgetc(image->file); count++; } else { register char *p; /* Determine a keyword and its value. */ p=keyword; do { if ((p-keyword) < (MaxTextExtent-1)) *p++=(char) c; c=fgetc(image->file); count++; } while (isalnum(c) || (c == '_')); *p='\0'; if (strcmp(keyword,"END") == 0) break; value_expected=False; while (isspace(c) || (c == '=')) { if (c == '=') value_expected=True; c=fgetc(image->file); count++; } if (value_expected == False) continue; p=value; while (isalnum(c) || (c == '-') || (c == '+') || (c == '.')) { if ((p-value) < (MaxTextExtent-1)) *p++=(char) c; c=fgetc(image->file); count++; } *p='\0'; /* Assign a value to the specified keyword. */ if (strcmp(keyword,"SIMPLE") == 0) fits_header.simple=(*value == 'T') || (*value == 't'); if (strcmp(keyword,"BITPIX") == 0) fits_header.bits_per_pixel=(unsigned int) atoi(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"NAXIS") == 0) fits_header.number_of_axis=(unsigned int) atoi(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"NAXIS1") == 0) fits_header.columns=(unsigned int) atoi(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"NAXIS2") == 0) fits_header.rows=(unsigned int) atoi(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"NAXIS3") == 0) fits_header.depth=(unsigned int) atoi(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"DATAMAX") == 0) fits_header.max_data=atof(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"DATAMIN") == 0) fits_header.min_data=atof(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"BZERO") == 0); if (strcmp(keyword,"BSCALE") == 0) fits_header.scale=atof(value); } while (isspace(c)) { c=fgetc(image->file); count++; } } while (count > 2880) count-=2880; for ( ; count < 2880; count++) (void) fgetc(image->file); /* Verify that required image information is defined. */ if ((!fits_header.simple) || (fits_header.number_of_axis < 1) || (fits_header.number_of_axis > 4) || (fits_header.columns*fits_header.rows) == 0) PrematureExit("image type not supported",image); /* Create linear colormap. */ image->columns=fits_header.columns; image->rows=fits_header.rows; image->class=PseudoClass; image->colors=MaxRGB+1; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=(Quantum) UpScale(i); image->colormap[i].green=(Quantum) UpScale(i); image->colormap[i].blue=(Quantum) UpScale(i); } /* Initialize image structure. */ image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); packet_size=fits_header.bits_per_pixel/8; if (packet_size < 0) packet_size=(-packet_size); fits_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(image->packets*packet_size*sizeof(unsigned char)); if ((image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) || (fits_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Convert FITS pixels to runlength-encoded packets. */ status=ReadData((char *) fits_pixels,(unsigned int) packet_size, image->packets,image->file); if (status == False) Warning("Insufficient image data in file",image->filename); if ((fits_header.min_data == 0.0) && (fits_header.max_data == 0.0)) { /* Determine minimum and maximum intensity. */ p=fits_pixels; long_quantum[0]=(*p); quantum=(*p++); for (j=0; j < (packet_size-1); j++) { long_quantum[j+1]=(*p); quantum=(quantum << 8) | (*p++); } pixel=(double) quantum; if (fits_header.bits_per_pixel == -32) pixel=(double) (*((float *) &quantum)); if (fits_header.bits_per_pixel == -64) pixel=(double) (*((double *) long_quantum)); fits_header.min_data=pixel*; fits_header.max_data=pixel*; for (i=1; i < image->packets; i++) { long_quantum[0]=(*p); quantum=(*p++); for (j=0; j < (packet_size-1); j++) { long_quantum[j+1]=(*p); quantum=(quantum << 8) | (*p++); } pixel=(double) quantum; if (fits_header.bits_per_pixel == -32) pixel=(double) (*((float *) &quantum)); if (fits_header.bits_per_pixel == -64) pixel=(double) (*((double *) long_quantum)); scaled_pixel=pixel*; if (scaled_pixel < fits_header.min_data) fits_header.min_data=scaled_pixel; if (scaled_pixel > fits_header.max_data) fits_header.max_data=scaled_pixel; } } /* Convert FITS pixels to runlength-encoded packets. */ scale=1.0; if (fits_header.min_data != fits_header.max_data) scale=(MaxRGB+1)/(fits_header.max_data-fits_header.min_data); p=fits_pixels; q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { long_quantum[0]=(*p); quantum=(*p++); for (j=0; j < (packet_size-1); j++) { long_quantum[j+1]=(*p); quantum=(quantum << 8) | (*p++); } pixel=(double) quantum; if (fits_header.bits_per_pixel == -32) pixel=(double) (*((float *) &quantum)); if (fits_header.bits_per_pixel == -64) pixel=(double) (*((double *) long_quantum)); scaled_pixel=scale* (pixel*; while (scaled_pixel < 0) scaled_pixel+=(MaxRGB+1); while (scaled_pixel > MaxRGB) scaled_pixel-=(MaxRGB+1); q->index=(unsigned short) scaled_pixel; q->length=0; q++; } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } free((char *) fits_pixels); SyncImage(image); CompressColormap(image); CompressImage(image); CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d G I F I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadGIFImage reads a Compuserve Graphics image file and returns it. % It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadGIFImage routine is: % % image=ReadGIFImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadGIFImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % an error occurs. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadGIFImage(ImageInfo *image_info) { #define BitSet(byte,bit) (((byte) & (bit)) == (bit)) #define LSBFirstOrder(x,y) (((y) << 8) | (x)) char geometry[MaxTextExtent]; Image *image; int status, x, y; RectangleInfo page_info; register int i; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; short int transparency_index; unsigned char background, c, flag, *global_colormap, header[MaxTextExtent], magick[12]; unsigned int delay, dispose, global_colors, image_count, iterations; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Determine if this is a GIF file. */ status=ReadData((char *) magick,1,6,image->file); if ((status == False) || ((strncmp((char *) magick,"GIF87",5) != 0) && (strncmp((char *) magick,"GIF89",5) != 0))) PrematureExit("Not a GIF image file",image); global_colors=0; global_colormap=(unsigned char *) NULL; page_info.width=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); page_info.height=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) &flag,1,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) &background,1,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) &c,1,1,image->file); /* reserved */ if (BitSet(flag,0x80)) { /* Read global colormap. */ global_colors=1 << ((flag & 0x07)+1); global_colormap=(unsigned char *) malloc(3*global_colors*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (global_colormap == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to read image colormap file",image); (void) ReadData((char *) global_colormap,3,global_colors,image->file); } delay=0; dispose=0; iterations=1; transparency_index=(-1); image_count=0; for ( ; ; ) { status=ReadData((char *) &c,1,1,image->file); if (status == False) break; if (c == ';') break; /* terminator */ if (c == '!') { /* GIF Extension block. */ status=ReadData((char *) &c,1,1,image->file); if (status == False) PrematureExit("Unable to read extention block",image); switch (c) { case 0xf9: { /* Read Graphics Control extension. */ while (ReadDataBlock((char *) header,image->file) > 0); dispose=header[0] >> 2; delay=(header[2] << 8) | header[1]; if ((header[0] & 0x01) == 1) transparency_index=header[3]; break; } case 0xfe: { int length; /* Read Comment extension. */ for ( ; ; ) { length=ReadDataBlock((char *) header,image->file); if (length <= 0) break; if (image->comments != (char *) NULL) image->comments=(char *) realloc((char *) image->comments, (Extent(image->comments)+length+1)*sizeof(char)); else { image->comments=(char *) malloc((length+1)*sizeof(char)); if (image->comments != (char *) NULL) *image->comments='\0'; } if (image->comments == (char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); header[length]='\0'; (void) strcat(image->comments,(char *) header); } break; } case 0xff: { /* Read Netscape Loop extension. */ while (ReadDataBlock((char *) header,image->file) > 0); iterations=(header[2] << 8) | header[1]; break; } default: { while (ReadDataBlock((char *) header,image->file) > 0); break; } } } if (c != ',') continue; if (image_count != 0) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } image_count++; /* Read image attributes. */ image->class=PseudoClass; page_info.x=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); page_info.y=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); image->columns=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); image->rows=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; if (image->packets == 0) PrematureExit("image size is 0",image); /* Allocate image. */ if (image->pixels != (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) free((char *) image->pixels); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) sprintf(geometry,"%ux%u%+d%+d",page_info.width,page_info.height, page_info.x,page_info.y); image->page=PostscriptGeometry(geometry); image->delay=delay; image->dispose=dispose; image->iterations=iterations; delay=0; dispose=0; iterations=1; /* Inititialize colormap. */ (void) ReadData((char *) &flag,1,1,image->file); image->interlace=BitSet(flag,0x40) ? PlaneInterlace : NoneInterlace; image->colors=!BitSet(flag,0x80) ? global_colors : 1 << ((flag & 0x07)+1); image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); if (!BitSet(flag,0x80)) { /* Use global colormap. */ p=global_colormap; for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=UpScale(*p++); image->colormap[i].green=UpScale(*p++); image->colormap[i].blue=UpScale(*p++); } image->background_color=image->colormap[background]; } else { unsigned char *colormap; /* Read local colormap. */ colormap=(unsigned char *) malloc(3*image->colors*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (colormap == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) ReadData((char *) colormap,3,image->colors,image->file); p=colormap; for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=UpScale(*p++); image->colormap[i].green=UpScale(*p++); image->colormap[i].blue=UpScale(*p++); } free((char *) colormap); } /* Decode image. */ status=GIFDecodeImage(image); if (image->interlace != NoneInterlace) { Image *interlaced_image; int pass; register RunlengthPacket *p; static int interlace_rate[4] = { 8, 8, 4, 2 }, interlace_start[4] = { 0, 4, 2, 1 }; /* Interlace image. */ image_info->interlace=LineInterlace; image->orphan=True; interlaced_image=CloneImage(image,image->columns,image->rows,True); image->orphan=False; if (interlaced_image == (Image *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); p=interlaced_image->pixels; q=image->pixels; for (pass=0; pass < 4; pass++) { y=interlace_start[pass]; while (y < image->rows) { q=image->pixels+(y*image->columns); for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { *q=(*p); p++; q++; } y+=interlace_rate[pass]; } } DestroyImage(interlaced_image); } if (transparency_index >= 0) { /* Create matte channel. */ q=image->pixels; for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++) { if (q->index != (unsigned short) transparency_index) q->index=Opaque; else q->index=Transparent; q++; } transparency_index=(-1); image->class=DirectClass; image->matte=True; } if (status == False) { Warning("Corrupt GIF image",image->filename); break; } CompressImage(image); if (image_info->subrange != 0) if ((image->scene+1) < image_info->subimage) { Image subimage; /* Destroy image. */ subimage=(*image); image->file=(FILE *) NULL; DestroyImage(image); image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); image->file=subimage.file; image->scene=subimage.scene+1; image_count=0; } else if ((image->scene+1) > (image_info->subimage+image_info->subrange-1)) break; } if (global_colormap != (unsigned char *) NULL) free((char *) global_colormap); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Corrupt GIF image or subimage not found",image); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d G R A D A T I O N I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadGRADATIONImage creates a gradation image and initializes it to % the X server color range as specified by the filename. It allocates the % memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to the % new image. % % The format of the ReadGRADATIONImage routine is: % % image=ReadGRADATIONImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadGRADATIONImage returns a pointer to the image after % creating it. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage % or if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadGRADATIONImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { char colorname[MaxTextExtent]; double brightness, brightness_step, hue, hue_step, saturation, saturation_step; Image *image; int x, y; register RunlengthPacket *q; unsigned int height, width; XColor color; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Determine width and height, e.g. 640x512. */ width=512; height=512; if (image_info->size != (char *) NULL) (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->size,&x,&y,&width,&height); /* Initialize Image structure. */ (void) strcpy(image->filename,image_info->filename); image->columns=width; image->rows=height; image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Determine (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) gradient. */ (void) strcpy(colorname,image_info->filename); (void) sscanf(image_info->filename,"%[^-]",colorname); (void) XQueryColorDatabase(colorname,&color); TransformHSL(XDownScale(,XDownScale(, XDownScale(,&hue,&saturation,&brightness); (void) strcpy(colorname,"white"); if (Intensity(color) > 32767) (void) strcpy(colorname,"black"); (void) sscanf(image_info->filename,"%*[^-]-%s",colorname); (void) XQueryColorDatabase(colorname,&color); TransformHSL(XDownScale(,XDownScale(, XDownScale(,&hue_step,&saturation_step,&brightness_step); hue_step=(hue_step-hue)/(double) image->packets; saturation_step=(saturation_step-saturation)/(double) image->packets; brightness_step=(brightness_step-brightness)/(double) image->packets; /* Initialize image pixels. */ q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { HSLTransform(hue,saturation,brightness,&q->red,&q->green,&q->blue); q->index=0; q->length=0; q++; hue+=hue_step; saturation+=saturation_step; brightness+=brightness_step; } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } CompressImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d G R A Y I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadGRAYImage reads an image of raw grayscale bytes and returns it. % It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadGRAYImage routine is: % % image=ReadGRAYImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadGRAYImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadGRAYImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; int count, x, x_offset, y, y_offset; register int i; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char *scanline; unsigned int height, packet_size, packets, width; unsigned short index, value; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Determine width and height, e.g. 640x512. */ width=512; height=512; x_offset=0; y_offset=0; if (image_info->size != (char *) NULL) { x=0; (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->size,&x,&y,&width,&height); for (i=0; i < x; i++) (void) fgetc(image->file); } /* Allocate memory for a scanline. */ packet_size=image->depth >> 3; scanline=(unsigned char *) malloc(packet_size*width*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (scanline == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); if (image_info->subrange != 0) while (image->scene < image_info->subimage) { /* Skip to next image. */ image->scene++; for (y=0; y < height; y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); } do { /* Initialize image structure. */ image->columns=width; image->rows=height; if (image_info->subrange == 0) if (image_info->tile != (char *) NULL) (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->tile,&x_offset,&y_offset, &image->columns,&image->rows); image->packets=0; packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+2) >> 2,1); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Create linear colormap. */ image->class=PseudoClass; image->colors=1 << image->depth; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=(Quantum) i; image->colormap[i].green=(Quantum) i; image->colormap[i].blue=(Quantum) i; } /* Convert raster image to runlength-encoded packets. */ for (y=0; y < y_offset; y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); q=image->pixels; q->length=MaxRunlength; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { if ((y > 0) || (image->previous == (Image *) NULL)) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(index,p); if ((index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) { free((char *) scanline); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->index=index; q->length=0; } } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); SyncImage(image); CompressColormap(image); if (image_info->subrange != 0) if (image->scene >= (image_info->subimage+image_info->subrange-1)) break; /* Proceed to next image. */ count=ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); if (count > 0) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } } while (count > 0); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; free((char *) scanline); CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d H D F I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadHDFImage reads a Hierarchical Data Format image file and % returns it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure % and returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadHDFImage routine is: % % image=ReadHDFImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadHDFImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ #ifdef HasHDF static Image *ReadHDFImage(ImageInfo *image_info) { #include "hdf.h" #undef BSD #undef LOCAL ClassType class; Image *image; int interlace, is_palette, status, y; int32 height, length, width; register int i, x; register unsigned char *p; register RunlengthPacket *q; uint16 reference; unsigned char *hdf_pixels; unsigned int packet_size; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); CloseImage(image); /* Read HDF image. */ class=DirectClass; status=DF24getdims(image->filename,&width,&height,&interlace); if (status == -1) { class=PseudoClass; status=DFR8getdims(image->filename,&width,&height,&is_palette); } if (status == -1) PrematureExit("Image file or does not contain any image data",image); do { /* Initialize image structure. */ image->class=class; image->columns=width; image->rows=height; image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; packet_size=1; if (image->class == DirectClass) packet_size=3; hdf_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(packet_size*image->packets*sizeof(unsigned char)); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if ((hdf_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) || (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); q=image->pixels; if (image->class == PseudoClass) { unsigned char *hdf_palette; /* Create colormap. */ hdf_palette=(unsigned char *) malloc(768*sizeof(unsigned char)); image->colors=256; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if ((hdf_palette == (unsigned char *) NULL) || (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) DFR8getimage(image->filename,hdf_pixels,(int) image->columns, (int) image->rows,hdf_palette); reference=DFR8lastref(); /* Convert HDF raster image to PseudoClass runlength-encoded packets. */ p=hdf_palette; if (is_palette) for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=UpScale(*p++); image->colormap[i].green=UpScale(*p++); image->colormap[i].blue=UpScale(*p++); } else for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=(Quantum) UpScale(i); image->colormap[i].green=(Quantum) UpScale(i); image->colormap[i].blue=(Quantum) UpScale(i); } free((char *) hdf_palette); p=hdf_pixels; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { q->index=(*p++); q->length=0; q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } SyncImage(image); } else { int y; /* Convert HDF raster image to DirectClass runlength-encoded packets. */ (void) DF24getimage(image->filename,(void *) hdf_pixels,image->columns, image->rows); reference=DF24lastref(); p=hdf_pixels; image->interlace=interlace ? PlaneInterlace : NoneInterlace; q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { q->red=UpScale(*p++); q->green=UpScale(*p++); q->blue=UpScale(*p++); q->index=0; q->length=0; q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } } length=DFANgetlablen(image->filename,DFTAG_RIG,reference); if (length > 0) { /* Read the image label. */ length+=MaxTextExtent; image->label=(char *) malloc(length*sizeof(char)); if (image->label != (char *) NULL) DFANgetlabel(image->filename,DFTAG_RIG,reference,image->label,length); } length=DFANgetdesclen(image->filename,DFTAG_RIG,reference); if (length > 0) { /* Read the image comments. */ length+=MaxTextExtent; image->comments=(char *) malloc(length*sizeof(char)); if (image->comments != (char *) NULL) DFANgetdesc(image->filename,DFTAG_RIG,reference,image->comments, length); } free((char *) hdf_pixels); CompressImage(image); class=DirectClass; status=DF24getdims(image->filename,&width,&height,&interlace); if (status == -1) { class=PseudoClass; status=DFR8getdims(image->filename,&width,&height,&is_palette); } if (status != -1) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } } while (status != -1); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; return(image); } #else static Image *ReadHDFImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Warning("HDF library is not available",image_info->filename); return(ReadMIFFImage(image_info)); } #endif /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d H I S T O G R A M I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadHISTOGRAMImage reads a HISTOGRAM image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadHISTOGRAMImage routine is: % % image=ReadHISTOGRAMImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadHISTOGRAMImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadHISTOGRAMImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; image=ReadMIFFImage(image_info); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d H T M L I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadHTMLImage reads a HTML image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadHTMLImage routine is: % % image=ReadHTMLImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadHTMLImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadHTMLImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; Warning("Cannot read HTML images",image_info->filename); image=ReadMIFFImage(image_info); return(image); } #ifdef HasJBIG /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d J B I G I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadJBIGImage reads a JBIG image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadJBIGImage routine is: % % image=ReadJBIGImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadJBIGImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadJBIGImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { #define MaxBufferSize 8192 Image *image; int status, x, y; long length; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; register unsigned short index; size_t count; struct jbg_dec_state jbig_info; unsigned char bit, buffer[MaxBufferSize]; unsigned int byte, height, packets, width; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Determine maximum width and height, e.g. 640x512. */ width=65535L; height=65535L; if (image_info->size != (char *) NULL) (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->size,&x,&y,&width,&height); /* Read JBIG file. */ jbg_dec_init(&jbig_info); jbg_dec_maxsize(&jbig_info,(unsigned long) width,(unsigned long) height); status=JBG_EAGAIN; do { length=(long) fread(buffer,1,MaxBufferSize,image->file); if (length == 0) break; p=buffer; count=0; while ((length > 0) && ((status == JBG_EAGAIN) || (status == JBG_EOK))) { status=jbg_dec_in(&jbig_info,p,length,&count); p+=count; length-=count; } } while ((status == JBG_EAGAIN) || (status == JBG_EOK)); /* Initialize image structure. */ image->columns=(unsigned int) jbg_dec_getwidth(&jbig_info); image->rows=(unsigned int) jbg_dec_getheight(&jbig_info); image->packets=0; packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+8) >> 4,1); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Create colormap. */ image->class=PseudoClass; image->colors=2; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); image->colormap[0].red=0; image->colormap[0].green=0; image->colormap[0].blue=0; image->colormap[1].red=MaxRGB; image->colormap[1].green=MaxRGB; image->colormap[1].blue=MaxRGB; image->x_resolution=300; image->y_resolution=300; /* Convert X bitmap image to runlength-encoded packets. */ byte=0; p=jbg_dec_getimage(&jbig_info,0); q=image->pixels; q->length=MaxRunlength; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { bit=0; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { if (bit == 0) byte=(*p++); index=(byte & 0x80) ? 0 : 1; if ((index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels, packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) { jbg_dec_free(&jbig_info); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->index=index; q->length=0; } bit++; byte<<=1; if (bit == 8) bit=0; } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } jbg_dec_free(&jbig_info); SyncImage(image); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); CloseImage(image); return(image); } #else static Image *ReadJBIGImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Warning("JBIG library is not available",image_info->filename); return(ReadMIFFImage(image_info)); } #endif #ifdef HasJPEG static Image *image; static jmp_buf error_recovery; /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d J P E G I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadJPEGImage reads a JPEG image file and returns it. It allocates % the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to % the new image. % % The format of the ReadJPEGImage routine is: % % image=ReadJPEGImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadJPEGImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o filename: Specifies the name of the jpeg image to read. % % */ static unsigned int GetCharacter(j_decompress_ptr jpeg_info) { struct jpeg_source_mgr *data; data=jpeg_info->src; if (data->bytes_in_buffer == 0) (*data->fill_input_buffer) (jpeg_info); data->bytes_in_buffer--; return(GETJOCTET(*data->next_input_byte++)); } static boolean CommentHandler(j_decompress_ptr jpeg_info) { long int length; register char *p; /* Determine length of comment. */ length=GetCharacter(jpeg_info) << 8; length+=GetCharacter(jpeg_info); length-=2; if (image->comments != (char *) NULL) image->comments=(char *) realloc((char *) image->comments, (unsigned int) (Extent(image->comments)+length+1)*sizeof(char)); else { image->comments=(char *) malloc((unsigned int) (length+1)*sizeof(char)); if (image->comments != (char *) NULL) *image->comments='\0'; } if (image->comments == (char *) NULL) { Warning("Memory allocation error",(char *) NULL); return(False); } /* Read comment. */ p=image->comments+Extent(image->comments); while (--length >= 0) *p++=GetCharacter(jpeg_info); *p='\0'; return(True); } static void EmitMessage(j_common_ptr jpeg_info,int level) { char message[JMSG_LENGTH_MAX]; struct jpeg_error_mgr *jpeg_error; jpeg_error=jpeg_info->err; (jpeg_error->format_message) (jpeg_info,message); if (level < 0) { if ((jpeg_error->num_warnings == 0) || (jpeg_error->trace_level >= 3)) Warning((char *) message,image->filename); jpeg_error->num_warnings++; } else if (jpeg_error->trace_level >= level) Warning((char *) message,image->filename); } static void ErrorExit(j_common_ptr jpeg_info) { EmitMessage(jpeg_info,0); longjmp(error_recovery,1); } static Image *ReadJPEGImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { int x, y; JSAMPLE *jpeg_pixels; JSAMPROW scanline[1]; Quantum blue, green, red; register int i; register JSAMPLE *p; register RunlengthPacket *q; struct jpeg_decompress_struct jpeg_info; struct jpeg_error_mgr jpeg_error; unsigned int packets; unsigned short index; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Initialize image structure. */ jpeg_info.err=jpeg_std_error(&jpeg_error); jpeg_info.err->emit_message=EmitMessage; jpeg_info.err->error_exit=ErrorExit; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) NULL; jpeg_pixels=(JSAMPLE *) NULL; if (setjmp(error_recovery)) { /* JPEG image is corrupt. */ if (jpeg_pixels != (JSAMPLE *) NULL) { free((char *) jpeg_pixels); jpeg_destroy_decompress(&jpeg_info); } DestroyImage(image); return((Image *) NULL); } jpeg_create_decompress(&jpeg_info); jpeg_set_marker_processor(&jpeg_info,JPEG_COM,CommentHandler); jpeg_stdio_src(&jpeg_info,image->file); (void) jpeg_read_header(&jpeg_info,True); if (jpeg_info.saw_JFIF_marker) { /* Set image resolution. */ image->x_resolution=jpeg_info.X_density; image->y_resolution=jpeg_info.Y_density; if (jpeg_info.density_unit == 1) image->units=PixelsPerInchResolution; if (jpeg_info.density_unit == 2) image->units=PixelsPerCentimeterResolution; } if (image_info->size != (char *) NULL) { unsigned int height, width; unsigned long scale_factor; /* Let the JPEG library subsample for us. */ jpeg_calc_output_dimensions(&jpeg_info); image->magick_columns=jpeg_info.output_width; image->magick_rows=jpeg_info.output_height; width=jpeg_info.output_width; height=jpeg_info.output_height; (void) ParseImageGeometry(image_info->size,&x,&y,&width,&height); if (width == 0) width=1; scale_factor=UpShift(jpeg_info.output_width)/width; if (height == 0) height=1; if (scale_factor > (UpShift(jpeg_info.output_height)/height)) scale_factor=UpShift(jpeg_info.output_height)/height; jpeg_info.scale_denom=DownShift(scale_factor); jpeg_calc_output_dimensions(&jpeg_info); } #if (JPEG_LIB_VERSION >= 61) jpeg_info.dct_method=JDCT_FLOAT; image->interlace=jpeg_info.progressive_mode ? PlaneInterlace : NoneInterlace; #endif jpeg_start_decompress(&jpeg_info); image->columns=jpeg_info.output_width; image->rows=jpeg_info.output_height; image->packets=0; packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+2) >> 2,1); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); jpeg_pixels=(JSAMPLE *) malloc(jpeg_info.output_components*image->columns*sizeof(JSAMPLE)); if ((image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) || (jpeg_pixels == (JSAMPLE *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); if (jpeg_info.out_color_space == JCS_GRAYSCALE) { /* Initialize grayscale colormap. */ image->class=PseudoClass; image->colors=256; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=UpScale(i); image->colormap[i].green=UpScale(i); image->colormap[i].blue=UpScale(i); } } /* Convert JPEG pixels to runlength-encoded packets. */ red=0; green=0; blue=0; index=0; scanline[0]=(JSAMPROW) jpeg_pixels; q=image->pixels; q->length=MaxRunlength; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { (void) jpeg_read_scanlines(&jpeg_info,scanline,1); p=jpeg_pixels; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { if (jpeg_info.data_precision > QuantumDepth) { if (jpeg_info.out_color_space == JCS_GRAYSCALE) index=GETJSAMPLE(*p++) >> 4; else { red=(Quantum) (GETJSAMPLE(*p++) >> 4); green=(Quantum) (GETJSAMPLE(*p++) >> 4); blue=(Quantum) (GETJSAMPLE(*p++) >> 4); if (jpeg_info.out_color_space == JCS_CMYK) index=(Quantum) (GETJSAMPLE(*p++) >> 4); } } else if (jpeg_info.out_color_space == JCS_GRAYSCALE) index=GETJSAMPLE(*p++); else { red=(Quantum) UpScale(GETJSAMPLE(*p++)); green=(Quantum) UpScale(GETJSAMPLE(*p++)); blue=(Quantum) UpScale(GETJSAMPLE(*p++)); if (jpeg_info.out_color_space == JCS_CMYK) index=(Quantum) UpScale(GETJSAMPLE(*p++)); } if (jpeg_info.out_color_space == JCS_CMYK) { index=MAXJSAMPLE-index; if ((int) (red-index) < 0) red=0; else red-=index; if ((int) (green-index) < 0) green=0; else green-=index; if ((int) (blue-index) < 0) blue=0; else blue-=index; index=0; } if ((red == q->red) && (green == q->green) && (blue == q->blue) && (index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) { free((char *) jpeg_pixels); jpeg_destroy_decompress(&jpeg_info); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->red=red; q->green=green; q->blue=blue; q->index=index; q->length=0; } } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->class == PseudoClass) { SyncImage(image); CompressColormap(image); } /* Free memory. */ free((char *) jpeg_pixels); (void) jpeg_finish_decompress(&jpeg_info); jpeg_destroy_decompress(&jpeg_info); CloseImage(image); return(image); } #else static Image *ReadJPEGImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Warning("JPEG library is not available",image_info->filename); return(ReadMIFFImage(image_info)); } #endif /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d L O G O I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadLOGOImage reads a LOGO image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadLOGOImage routine is: % % image=ReadLOGOImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadLOGOImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadLOGOImage(ImageInfo *image_info) { #include "logo.h" char *filename, logo_filename[MaxTextExtent]; FILE *file; Image *image; register int i; register unsigned char *p; unsigned int extent; /* Open temporary output file. */ TemporaryFilename(logo_filename); file=fopen(logo_filename,WriteBinaryType); if (file == (FILE *) NULL) { Warning("Unable to write file",logo_filename); return(ReadXCImage(image_info)); } p=LogoImage; extent=LogoImageExtent; if (strcmp(image_info->magick,"GRANITE") == 0) { p=GraniteImage; extent=GraniteImageExtent; } if (strcmp(image_info->magick,"NETSCAPE") == 0) { p=NetscapeImage; extent=NetscapeImageExtent; } for (i=0; i < extent; i++) { (void) fputc((char) *p,file); p++; } if (ferror(file)) { Warning("An error has occurred writing to file",logo_filename); (void) fclose(file); (void) remove(logo_filename); return(ReadXCImage(image_info)); } (void) fclose(file); filename=image_info->filename; image_info->filename=logo_filename; image=ReadGIFImage(image_info); image_info->filename=filename; if (image != (Image *) NULL) (void) strcpy(image->filename,image_info->filename); (void) remove(logo_filename); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d M A P I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadMAPImage reads an image of raw RGB colormap and colormap index % bytes and returns it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image % structure and returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadMAPImage routine is: % % image=ReadMAPImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadMAPImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadMAPImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; int colors; register int i; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char *colormap; unsigned int height, packet_size, status, width; unsigned short value; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Determine width, height, and number of colors, e.g. 640x512+256. */ width=512; height=512; colors=256; if (image_info->size != (char *) NULL) (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->size,&colors,&colors,&width,&height); /* Initialize image structure. */ image->class=PseudoClass; image->compression=NoCompression; image->columns=width; image->rows=height; image->colors=colors; image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; packet_size=3*(image->depth >> 3); colormap=(unsigned char *) malloc(packet_size*image->colors*sizeof(unsigned char)); image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); image->packed_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(image->packets*packet_size*(image->depth >> 3)); if ((colormap == (unsigned char *) NULL) || (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Read image colormap. */ (void) ReadData((char *) colormap,1,image->colors*packet_size,image->file); p=colormap; for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { ReadQuantum(image->colormap[i].red,p); ReadQuantum(image->colormap[i].green,p); ReadQuantum(image->colormap[i].blue,p); } free((char *) colormap); /* Convert raster image to runlength-encoded packets. */ packet_size=1; if (image->colors > 256) packet_size++; if (image->packed_pixels != (unsigned char *) NULL) free((char *) image->packed_pixels); image->packed_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(image->packets*packet_size); if (image->packed_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) ReadData((char *) image->packed_pixels,packet_size,image->packets, image->file); status=RunlengthDecodeImage(image); if (status == False) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } CompressImage(image); CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d M A T T E I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadMATTEImage reads an image of raw matte bytes and returns it. % It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadMATTEImage routine is: % % image=ReadMATTEImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadMATTEImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadMATTEImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; int x, x_offset, y, y_offset; register int i; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char *scanline; unsigned int height, packet_size, packets, width; unsigned short index, value; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Determine width and height, e.g. 640x512. */ width=512; height=512; x_offset=0; y_offset=0; if (image_info->size != (char *) NULL) { x=0; (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->size,&x,&y,&width,&height); for (i=0; i < x; i++) (void) fgetc(image->file); } /* Initialize image structure. */ image->matte=True; image->columns=width; image->rows=height; packet_size=image->depth >> 3; scanline=(unsigned char *) malloc(packet_size*image->columns*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (image_info->tile != (char *) NULL) (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->tile,&x_offset,&y_offset,&image->columns, &image->rows); image->packets=0; packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+2) >> 2,1); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if ((scanline == (unsigned char *) NULL) || (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Convert raster image to runlength-encoded packets. */ for (y=0; y < y_offset; y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); q=image->pixels; q->length=MaxRunlength; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(index,p); if ((index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels, packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) { free((char *) scanline); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->red=0; q->green=0; q->blue=0; q->index=index; q->length=0; } } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); free((char *) scanline); CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d M I F F I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadMIFFImage reads a MIFF image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadMIFFImage routine is: % % image=ReadMIFFImage(filename) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadMIFFImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadMIFFImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { char keyword[MaxTextExtent], value[MaxTextExtent]; Image *image; register int c, i; register unsigned char *p; unsigned int length, packet_size, status; unsigned long count, packets; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); image->depth=8; /* Decode image header; header terminates one character beyond a ':'. */ c=fgetc(image->file); if (c == EOF) { DestroyImage(image); return((Image *) NULL); } do { /* Decode image header; header terminates one character beyond a ':'. */ image->compression=NoCompression; while (isgraph(c) && (c != ':')) { register char *p; if (c == '{') { /* Read comment-- any text between { }. */ if (image->comments != (char *) NULL) { length=Extent(image->comments); p=image->comments+length; } else { length=MaxTextExtent; image->comments=(char *) malloc(length*sizeof(char)); p=image->comments; } for ( ; image->comments != (char *) NULL; p++) { c=fgetc(image->file); if ((c == EOF) || (c == '}')) break; if ((p-image->comments+1) >= length) { *p='\0'; length<<=1; image->comments=(char *) realloc((char *) image->comments,length*sizeof(char)); if (image->comments == (char *) NULL) break; p=image->comments+Extent(image->comments); } *p=(unsigned char) c; } if (image->comments == (char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); *p='\0'; c=fgetc(image->file); } else if (isalnum(c)) { /* Determine a keyword and its value. */ p=keyword; do { if ((p-keyword) < (MaxTextExtent-1)) *p++=(char) c; c=fgetc(image->file); } while (isalnum(c)); *p='\0'; while (isspace(c) || (c == '=')) c=fgetc(image->file); p=value; if (c != '"') while (!isspace(c) && (c != EOF)) { if ((p-value) < (MaxTextExtent-1)) *p++=(char) c; c=fgetc(image->file); } else { c=fgetc(image->file); while ((c != '"') && (c != EOF)) { if ((p-value) < (MaxTextExtent-1)) *p++=(char) c; c=fgetc(image->file); } } *p='\0'; /* Assign a value to the specified keyword. */ if (strcmp(keyword,"class") == 0) if (strcmp(value,"PseudoClass") == 0) image->class=PseudoClass; else if (strcmp(value,"DirectClass") == 0) image->class=DirectClass; else image->class=UndefinedClass; if (strcmp(keyword,"colors") == 0) image->colors=(unsigned int) atoi(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"compression") == 0) if ((strcmp(value,"Zip") == 0) || (strcmp(value,"Zlib") == 0)) image->compression=ZipCompression; else if (strcmp(value,"RunlengthEncoded") == 0) image->compression=RunlengthEncodedCompression; else image->compression=UndefinedCompression; if (strcmp(keyword,"columns") == 0) image->columns=(unsigned int) atoi(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"delay") == 0) image->delay=atoi(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"depth") == 0) image->depth=atoi(value) <= 8 ? 8 : 16; if (strcmp(keyword,"gamma") == 0) image->gamma=atof(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"id") == 0) if (strcmp(value,"ImageMagick") == 0) image->id=ImageMagickId; else image->id=UndefinedId; if (strcmp(keyword,"label") == 0) { image->label=(char *) malloc(Extent(value)+1*sizeof(char)); if (image->label == (char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) strcpy(image->label,value); } if ((strcmp(keyword,"matte") == 0) || (strcmp(keyword,"alpha") == 0)) if ((strcmp(value,"True") == 0) || (strcmp(value,"true") == 0)) image->matte=True; else image->matte=False; if (strcmp(keyword,"montage") == 0) { image->montage=(char *) malloc(Extent(value)+1*sizeof(char)); if (image->montage == (char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) strcpy(image->montage,value); } if (strcmp(keyword,"packets") == 0) image->packets=(unsigned int) atoi(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"rows") == 0) image->rows=(unsigned int) atoi(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"scene") == 0) image->scene=(unsigned int) atoi(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"signature") == 0) { image->signature=(char *) malloc((Extent(value)+1)*sizeof(char)); if (image->signature == (char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) strcpy(image->signature,value); } } else c=fgetc(image->file); while (isspace(c)) c=fgetc(image->file); } (void) fgetc(image->file); /* Verify that required image information is defined. */ if ((image->id == UndefinedId) || (image->class == UndefinedClass) || (image->compression == UndefinedCompression) || (image->columns == 0) || (image->rows == 0)) PrematureExit("Incorrect image header in file",image); if (image->montage != (char *) NULL) { register char *p; /* Image directory. */ image->directory=(char *) malloc(MaxTextExtent*sizeof(char)); if (image->directory == (char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to read image data",image); p=image->directory; do { *p='\0'; if (((Extent(image->directory)+1) % MaxTextExtent) == 0) { /* Allocate more memory for the image directory. */ image->directory=(char *) realloc((char *) image->directory, (Extent(image->directory)+MaxTextExtent+1)*sizeof(char)); if (image->directory == (char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to read image data",image); p=image->directory+Extent(image->directory); } c=fgetc(image->file); *p++=(unsigned char) c; } while (c != '\0'); } if (image->class == PseudoClass) { unsigned int colors; unsigned short value; /* PseudoClass image cannot have matte data. */ if (image->matte) PrematureExit("Matte images must be DirectClass",image); /* Create image colormap. */ colors=image->colors; if (colors == 0) colors=256; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); if (image->colors == 0) for (i=0; i < colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=(Quantum) UpScale(i); image->colormap[i].green=(Quantum) UpScale(i); image->colormap[i].blue=(Quantum) UpScale(i); image->colors++; } else { unsigned char *colormap; /* Read image colormap from file. */ packet_size=3*(image->depth >> 3); colormap=(unsigned char *) malloc(packet_size*image->colors*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (colormap == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) ReadData((char *) colormap,1,packet_size*image->colors, image->file); p=colormap; for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { ReadQuantum(image->colormap[i].red,p); ReadQuantum(image->colormap[i].green,p); ReadQuantum(image->colormap[i].blue,p); } free((char *) colormap); } } /* Determine packed packet size. */ if (image->class == PseudoClass) { image->packet_size=1; if (image->colors > 256) image->packet_size++; } else { image->packet_size=3*(image->depth >> 3); if (image->matte) image->packet_size++; } if (image->compression == RunlengthEncodedCompression) image->packet_size++; packet_size=image->packet_size; if (image->compression == ZipCompression) packet_size=1; /* Allocate image pixels. */ if (image->compression == NoCompression) image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; packets=image->packets; if (image->packets == 0) packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->packed_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc((unsigned int) packets*packet_size*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (image->packed_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Read image pixels from file. */ if ((image->compression != RunlengthEncodedCompression) || (image->packets != 0)) (void) ReadData((char *) image->packed_pixels,1,(unsigned int) packets*packet_size,image->file); else { /* Number of runlength packets is unspecified. */ count=0; p=image->packed_pixels; do { (void) ReadData((char *) p,1,packet_size,image->file); image->packets++; p+=(packet_size-1); count+=(*p+1); p++; } while (count < (image->columns*image->rows)); } if (image->compression == ZipCompression) { int status; unsigned char *compressed_pixels; /* Uncompress image pixels with Zip encoding. */ compressed_pixels=image->packed_pixels; packets=image->columns*image->rows*image->packet_size; image->packed_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc((packets+8)*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (image->packed_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); status=True; #ifdef HasPNG status=uncompress(image->packed_pixels,&packets,compressed_pixels, image->packets); #endif image->packets=(unsigned int) (packets/image->packet_size); free((char *) compressed_pixels); if (status) PrematureExit("Unable to Zip uncompress image",image); } /* Unpack the packed image pixels into runlength-encoded pixel packets. */ status=RunlengthDecodeImage(image); if (status == False) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } /* Proceed to next image. */ do { c=fgetc(image->file); } while (!isgraph(c) && (c != EOF)); if (c != EOF) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } } while (c != EOF); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d M O N O I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadMONOImage reads an image of raw bites in LSB order and returns % it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and % returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadMONOImage routine is: % % image=ReadMONOImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadMONOImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadMONOImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; int x, x_offset, y, y_offset; register int i; register RunlengthPacket *q; unsigned char bit, byte; unsigned int height, packets, width; unsigned short index; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Determine width and height, e.g. 640x512. */ width=512; height=512; x_offset=0; y_offset=0; if (image_info->size != (char *) NULL) { x=0; (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->size,&x,&y,&width,&height); for (i=0; i < x; i++) (void) fgetc(image->file); } /* Initialize image structure. */ image->columns=width; image->rows=height; if (image_info->tile != (char *) NULL) (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->tile,&x_offset,&y_offset,&image->columns, &image->rows); image->packets=0; packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+8) >> 4,1); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); image->class=PseudoClass; image->colors=2; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if ((image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) || (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); image->colormap[i].green=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); image->colormap[i].blue=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); } /* Convert bi-level image to runlength-encoded packets. */ for (y=0; y < ((y_offset*image->columns+7) >> 3); y++) (void) fgetc(image->file); byte=0; q=image->pixels; q->length=MaxRunlength; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { bit=0; for (x=0; y < ((x_offset+7) >> 3); x++) (void) fgetc(image->file); for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { if (bit == 0) byte=fgetc(image->file); index=(byte & 0x01) ? 0 : 1; if ((index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->index=index; q->length=0; } bit++; if (bit == 8) bit=0; byte>>=1; } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } SyncImage(image); CloseImage(image); return(image); } #ifdef HasMPEG /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d M P E G I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadMPEGImage reads a MPEG image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadMPEGImage routine is: % % image=ReadMPEGImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadMPEGImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or if % the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadMPEGImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; ImageDesc mpeg_info; int y; register int x; register unsigned char *p; register RunlengthPacket *q; unsigned char *mpeg_pixels; unsigned int status; unsigned long lsb_first; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Allocate MPEG pixels. */ (void) OpenMPEG(image->file,&mpeg_info); mpeg_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(mpeg_info.Size*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (mpeg_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Read MPEG image. */ status=GetMPEGFrame((char *) mpeg_pixels); if (image_info->subrange != 0) while (image->scene < image_info->subimage) { /* Skip to next image. */ image->scene++; status=GetMPEGFrame((char *) mpeg_pixels); if (status == False) break; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } for ( ; ; ) { /* Initialize image structure. */ image->columns=mpeg_info.Width; image->rows=mpeg_info.Height-8; image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Convert MPEG raster image to runlength-encoded packets. */ p=mpeg_pixels; q=image->pixels; lsb_first=1; if (*(char *) &lsb_first) for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { q->red=UpScale(*p++); q->green=UpScale(*p++); q->blue=UpScale(*p++); q->index=0; q->length=0; p++; q++; } } else for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { p++; q->blue=UpScale(*p++); q->green=UpScale(*p++); q->red=UpScale(*p++); q->index=0; q->length=0; q++; } } if (image_info->verbose) DescribeImage(image,stderr,False); CompressImage(image); if (image_info->subrange != 0) if (image->scene >= (image_info->subimage+image_info->subrange-1)) break; if (!status) break; /* Allocate next image structure. */ status=GetMPEGFrame((char *) mpeg_pixels); AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } free((char *) mpeg_pixels); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; CloseImage(image); return(image); } #else static Image *ReadMPEGImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Warning("MPEG library is not available",image_info->filename); return(ReadMIFFImage(image_info)); } #endif /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d M T V I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadMTVImage reads a MTV image file and returns it. It allocates % the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to % the new image. % % The format of the ReadMTVImage routine is: % % image=ReadMTVImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadMTVImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadMTVImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; int count, y; Quantum blue, green, red; register int x; register RunlengthPacket *q; unsigned int columns, packets, rows; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Read MTV image. */ count=fscanf(image->file,"%u %u\n",&columns,&rows); if (count == 0) PrematureExit("Not a MTV image file",image); do { /* Initialize image structure. */ image->columns=columns; image->rows=rows; image->packets=0; packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+4) >> 3,1); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Convert MTV raster image to runlength-encoded packets. */ q=image->pixels; q->length=MaxRunlength; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { red=UpScale(fgetc(image->file)); green=UpScale(fgetc(image->file)); blue=UpScale(fgetc(image->file)); if ((red == q->red) && (green == q->green) && (blue == q->blue) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->red=red; q->green=green; q->blue=blue; q->index=0; q->length=0; } } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); /* Proceed to next image. */ count=fscanf(image->file,"%u %u\n",&columns,&rows); if (count > 0) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } } while (count > 0); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d N U L L I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadNULLImage reads a NULL image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadNULLImage routine is: % % image=ReadNULLImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadNULLImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadNULLImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { return(ReadXCImage(image_info)); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d P C D I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadPCDImage reads a Photo CD image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. Much of the PCD decoder was derived from % the program hpcdtoppm(1) by Hadmut Danisch. % % The format of the ReadPCDImage routine is: % % image=ReadPCDImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadPCDImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *OverviewImage(const ImageInfo *image_info,Image *image) { char *commands[3], *resource_value; Display *display; Image *montage_image; ImageInfo local_info; XMontageInfo montage_info; XResourceInfo resource_info; XrmDatabase resource_database; /* Get user defaults from X resource database. */ XGetMontageInfo(&montage_info); display=XOpenDisplay(image_info->server_name); if (display != (Display *) NULL) XSetErrorHandler(XError); resource_database=XGetResourceDatabase(display,client_name); XGetResourceInfo(resource_database,client_name,&resource_info); resource_info.background_color=XGetResourceInstance(resource_database, client_name,"background",DefaultTileBackground); resource_info.foreground_color=XGetResourceInstance(resource_database, client_name,"foreground",DefaultTileForeground); montage_info.frame=XGetResourceClass(resource_database,client_name,"frame", (char *) NULL); resource_info.image_geometry=XGetResourceInstance(resource_database, client_name,"imageGeometry",DefaultTileGeometry); resource_info.matte_color=XGetResourceInstance(resource_database,client_name, "mattecolor",DefaultTileMatte); resource_value=XGetResourceClass(resource_database,client_name,"pointsize", DefaultPointSize); montage_info.pointsize=atoi(resource_value); resource_value= XGetResourceClass(resource_database,client_name,"shadow","True"); montage_info.shadow=IsTrue(resource_value); montage_info.texture=XGetResourceClass(resource_database,client_name, "texture","granite:"); montage_info.tile=XGetResourceClass(resource_database,client_name,"tile", montage_info.tile); if (display != (Display *) NULL) XCloseDisplay(display); /* Create image tiles. */ local_info=(*image_info); commands[0]=client_name; commands[1]="-label"; commands[2]=DefaultTileLabel; MogrifyImages(&local_info,3,commands,&image); /* Create the PCD Overview image. */ (void) strcpy(montage_info.filename,image_info->filename); montage_image=XMontageImages(&resource_info,&montage_info,image); if (montage_image == (Image *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); DestroyImage(image); CompressImage(montage_image); return(montage_image); } static Image *ReadPCDImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; long int offset; register int i; register RunlengthPacket *p; register unsigned char *c1, *c2, *y; unsigned char *chroma1, *chroma2, *header, *luma; unsigned int height, number_images, overview, rotate, status, subimage, width; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Determine if this is a PCD file. */ header=(unsigned char *) malloc(3*0x800*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (header == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); status=ReadData((char *) header,1,3*0x800,image->file); overview=strncmp((char *) header,"PCD_OPA",7) == 0; if ((status == False) || ((strncmp((char *) header+0x800,"PCD",3) != 0) && !overview)) PrematureExit("Not a PCD image file",image); rotate=header[0x0e02] & 0x03; number_images=(header[10] << 8) | header[11]; free((char *) header); subimage=3; if (image_info->subrange != 0) subimage=image_info->subimage; if (image_info->size != (char *) NULL) { int x, y; /* Determine which image size to extract. */ width=768; height=512; (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->size,&x,&y,&width,&height); for (subimage=1; subimage <= 6; subimage++) { if ((width <= 192) && (height <= 128)) break; width>>=1; height>>=1; } } if (overview) subimage=1; /* Initialize image structure. */ width=192; height=128; for (i=1; i < Min(subimage,3); i++) { width<<=1; height<<=1; } image->columns=width; image->rows=height; for ( ; i < subimage; i++) { image->columns<<=1; image->rows<<=1; } /* Allocate luma and chroma memory. */ image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; chroma1=(unsigned char *) malloc((image->packets+1)*sizeof(unsigned char)); chroma2=(unsigned char *) malloc((image->packets+1)*sizeof(unsigned char)); luma=(unsigned char *) malloc((image->packets+1)*sizeof(unsigned char)); if ((chroma1 == (unsigned char *) NULL) || (chroma2 == (unsigned char *) NULL) || (luma == (unsigned char *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Advance to image data. */ offset=93; if (overview) offset=2; else if (subimage == 2) offset=20; else if (subimage == 1) offset=1; for (i=0; i < (offset*0x800); i++) (void) fgetc(image->file); if (overview) { Image *overview_image; MonitorHandler handler; register int j; /* Read thumbnails from overview image. */ for (j=1; j <= number_images; j++) { handler=SetMonitorHandler((MonitorHandler) NULL); (void) sprintf(image->filename,"images/img%04d.pcd",j); (void) sprintf(image->magick_filename,"images/img%04d.pcd",j); image->scene=j; image->columns=width; image->rows=height; image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); y=luma; c1=chroma1; c2=chroma2; for (i=0; i < height; i+=2) { (void) ReadData((char *) y,1,width,image->file); y+=image->columns; (void) ReadData((char *) y,1,width,image->file); y+=image->columns; (void) ReadData((char *) c1,1,width >> 1,image->file); c1+=image->columns; (void) ReadData((char *) c2,1,width >> 1,image->file); c2+=image->columns; } Upsample(image->columns >> 1,image->rows >> 1,image->columns,chroma1); Upsample(image->columns >> 1,image->rows >> 1,image->columns,chroma2); /* Transfer luminance and chrominance channels. */ p=image->pixels; y=luma; c1=chroma1; c2=chroma2; for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++) { p->red=UpScale(*y++); p->green=UpScale(*c1++); p->blue=UpScale(*c2++); p->index=0; p->length=0; p++; } TransformRGBImage(image,YCCColorspace); CompressImage(image); if (j < number_images) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; } (void) SetMonitorHandler(handler); ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,j-1,number_images); } free(chroma2); free(chroma1); free(luma); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; overview_image=OverviewImage(image_info,image); return(overview_image); } /* Allocate image pixels. */ image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Read interleaved image. */ y=luma; c1=chroma1; c2=chroma2; for (i=0; i < height; i+=2) { (void) ReadData((char *) y,1,width,image->file); y+=image->columns; (void) ReadData((char *) y,1,width,image->file); y+=image->columns; (void) ReadData((char *) c1,1,width >> 1,image->file); c1+=image->columns; (void) ReadData((char *) c2,1,width >> 1,image->file); c2+=image->columns; } if (subimage >= 4) { /* Recover luminance deltas for 1536x1024 image. */ Upsample(768,512,image->columns,luma); Upsample(384,256,image->columns,chroma1); Upsample(384,256,image->columns,chroma2); image->rows=1024; for (i=0; i < (4*0x800); i++) (void) fgetc(image->file); status=PCDDecodeImage(image,luma,chroma1,chroma2); if ((subimage >= 5) && status) { /* Recover luminance deltas for 3072x2048 image. */ Upsample(1536,1024,image->columns,luma); Upsample(768,512,image->columns,chroma1); Upsample(768,512,image->columns,chroma2); image->rows=2048; offset=ftell(image->file)/0x800+12; (void) fseek(image->file,offset*0x800,SEEK_SET); status=PCDDecodeImage(image,luma,chroma1,chroma2); if ((subimage >= 6) && status) { /* Recover luminance deltas for 6144x4096 image (vaporware). */ Upsample(3072,2048,image->columns,luma); Upsample(1536,1024,image->columns,chroma1); Upsample(1536,1024,image->columns,chroma2); image->rows=4096; } } } Upsample(image->columns >> 1,image->rows >> 1,image->columns,chroma1); Upsample(image->columns >> 1,image->rows >> 1,image->columns,chroma2); /* Transfer luminance and chrominance channels. */ p=image->pixels; y=luma; c1=chroma1; c2=chroma2; for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++) { p->red=UpScale(*y++); p->green=UpScale(*c1++); p->blue=UpScale(*c2++); p->index=0; p->length=0; p++; if (QuantumTick(i,image)) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,i,image->packets); } free(chroma2); free(chroma1); free(luma); TransformRGBImage(image,YCCColorspace); if ((rotate == 1) || (rotate == 3)) { double degrees; Image *rotated_image; /* Rotate image. */ degrees=rotate == 1 ? -90.0 : 90.0; image->orphan=True; rotated_image=RotateImage(image,degrees,False,True); image->orphan=False; if (rotated_image != (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImage(image); image=rotated_image; } } CompressImage(image); CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d P C L I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadPCLImage reads a Page Control Language image file and returns % it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and % returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadPCLImage routine is: % % image=ReadPCLImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadPCLImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadPCLImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; Warning("Cannot read PCL images",image_info->filename); image=ReadMIFFImage(image_info); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d P C X I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadPCXImage reads a ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file and returns it. % It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns % a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadPCXImage routine is: % % image=ReadPCXImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadPCXImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadPCXImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { typedef struct _PCXHeader { unsigned char identifier, version, encoding, bits_per_pixel; short int left, top, right, bottom, horizontal_resolution, vertical_resolution; unsigned char reserved, planes; short int bytes_per_line, palette_info; unsigned char colormap_signature; } PCXHeader; PCXHeader pcx_header; Image *image; int bits, count, id, mask, packets, pcx_packets; Quantum blue, green, red; register int i, x, y; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p, *r; unsigned char packet, *pcx_colormap, *pcx_pixels, *scanline; unsigned int status; unsigned long *page_table; unsigned short index; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Determine if this is a PCX file. */ page_table=(unsigned long *) NULL; if (strcmp(image_info->magick,"DCX") == 0) { unsigned long magic; /* Read the DCX page table. */ magic=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); if (magic != 987654321) PrematureExit("Not a DCX image file",image); page_table=(unsigned long *) malloc(1024*sizeof(unsigned long)); if (page_table == (unsigned long *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); for (id=0; id < 1024; id++) { page_table[id]=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); if (page_table[id] == 0) break; } } if (page_table != (unsigned long *) NULL) (void) fseek(image->file,(long) page_table[0],SEEK_SET); status=ReadData((char *) &pcx_header.identifier,1,1,image->file); for (id=1; id < 1024; id++) { /* Verify PCX identifier. */ (void) ReadData((char *) &pcx_header.version,1,1,image->file); if ((status == False) || (pcx_header.identifier != 0x0a) || ((pcx_header.version != 2) && (pcx_header.version != 5))) PrematureExit("Not a PCX image file",image); (void) ReadData((char *) &pcx_header.encoding,1,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) &pcx_header.bits_per_pixel,1,1,image->file); pcx_header.left=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file);>file); pcx_header.right=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); pcx_header.bottom=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); pcx_header.horizontal_resolution=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); pcx_header.vertical_resolution=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); /* Read PCX raster colormap. */ image->columns=(pcx_header.right-pcx_header.left)+1; image->rows=(; image->units=PixelsPerInchResolution; image->x_resolution=pcx_header.horizontal_resolution; image->y_resolution=pcx_header.vertical_resolution; image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->colors=16; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(256*sizeof(ColorPacket)); pcx_colormap=(unsigned char *) malloc(3*256*sizeof(unsigned char)); if ((image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) || (pcx_colormap == (unsigned char *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) ReadData((char *) pcx_colormap,3,image->colors,image->file); p=pcx_colormap; for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=UpScale(*p++); image->colormap[i].green=UpScale(*p++); image->colormap[i].blue=UpScale(*p++); } (void) ReadData((char *) &pcx_header.reserved,1,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) &pcx_header.planes,1,1,image->file); if ((pcx_header.bits_per_pixel != 8) || (pcx_header.planes == 1)) image->class=PseudoClass; pcx_header.bytes_per_line=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); pcx_header.palette_info=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); for (i=0; i < 58; i++) (void) fgetc(image->file); /* Read image data. */ image->packets=0; packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+4) >> 3,1); if (pcx_header.bits_per_pixel == 1) packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+8) >> 4,1); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); pcx_packets=image->rows*pcx_header.bytes_per_line*pcx_header.planes; pcx_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(pcx_packets*sizeof(unsigned char)); scanline=(unsigned char *) malloc(image->columns*pcx_header.planes*sizeof(unsigned char)); if ((image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) || (pcx_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) || (scanline == (unsigned char *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Uncompress image data. */ p=pcx_pixels; while (pcx_packets > 0) { packet=fgetc(image->file); if ((packet & 0xc0) != 0xc0) { *p++=packet; pcx_packets--; continue; } count=packet & 0x3f; for (packet=fgetc(image->file); count > 0; count--) { *p++=packet; pcx_packets--; if (pcx_packets == 0) break; } } if (image->class == DirectClass) image->matte=pcx_header.planes > 3; else if (pcx_header.version == 5) { /* Initialize image colormap. */ image->colors=1 << (pcx_header.bits_per_pixel*pcx_header.planes); if (image->colors > 256) PrematureExit("PCX colormap exceeded 256 colors",image); if (image->colors > 16) { /* 256 color images have their color map at the end of the file. */ (void) ReadData((char *) &pcx_header.colormap_signature,1,1, image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) pcx_colormap,3,image->colors, image->file); p=pcx_colormap; for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=UpScale(*p++); image->colormap[i].green=UpScale(*p++); image->colormap[i].blue=UpScale(*p++); } } else if (Intensity(image->colormap[0]) == Intensity(image->colormap[1])) if (image->colors == 2) { /* Monochrome colormap. */ image->colormap[0].red=MaxRGB; image->colormap[0].green=MaxRGB; image->colormap[0].blue=MaxRGB; image->colormap[1].red=0; image->colormap[1].green=0; image->colormap[1].blue=0; } free((char *) pcx_colormap); } /* Convert PCX raster image to runlength-encoded packets. */ red=0; green=0; blue=0; index=0; q=image->pixels; q->length=MaxRunlength; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { p=pcx_pixels+(y*pcx_header.bytes_per_line*pcx_header.planes); r=scanline; if (image->class == DirectClass) for (i=0; i < (int) pcx_header.planes; i++) { r=scanline+i; for (x=0; x < pcx_header.bytes_per_line; x++) { switch (i) { case 0: { *r=UpScale(*p++); break; } case 1: { *r=UpScale(*p++); break; } case 2: { *r=UpScale(*p++); break; } case 3: default: { *r=UpScale(*p++); break; } } r+=pcx_header.planes; } } else if (pcx_header.planes > 1) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) *r++=0; for (i=0; i < (int) pcx_header.planes; i++) { r=scanline; for (x=0; x < pcx_header.bytes_per_line; x++) { bits=(*p++); for (mask=0x80; mask != 0; mask>>=1) { if (bits & mask) *r|=1 << i; r++; } } } } else switch (pcx_header.bits_per_pixel) { case 1: { register int bit; for (x=0; x < ((int) image->columns-7); x+=8) { for (bit=7; bit >= 0; bit--) *r++=((*p) & (0x01 << bit) ? 0x01 : 0x00); p++; } if ((image->columns % 8) != 0) { for (bit=7; bit >= (8-(image->columns % 8)); bit--) *r++=((*p) & (0x01 << bit) ? 0x01 : 0x00); p++; } break; } case 2: { for (x=0; x < ((int) image->columns-3); x+=4) { *r++=(*p >> 6) & 0x3; *r++=(*p >> 4) & 0x3; *r++=(*p >> 2) & 0x3; *r++=(*p) & 0x3; p++; } if ((image->columns % 4) != 0) { for (i=3; i >= (4-(image->columns % 4)); i--) *r++=(*p >> (i*2)) & 0x03; p++; } break; } case 4: { for (x=0; x < ((int) image->columns-1); x+=2) { *r++=(*p >> 4) & 0xf; *r++=(*p) & 0xf; p++; } if ((image->columns % 2) != 0) *r++=(*p++ >> 4) & 0xf; break; } case 8: { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) *r++=(*p++); break; } default: break; } /* Transfer image scanline. */ r=scanline; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { if (image->class == PseudoClass) index=(*r++); else { red=UpScale(*r++); green=UpScale(*r++); blue=UpScale(*r++); if (image->matte) index=UpScale(*r++); } if ((red == q->red) && (green == q->green) && (blue == q->blue) && (index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) { free((char *) scanline); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->red=red; q->green=green; q->blue=blue; q->index=index; q->length=0; } } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } if (image->class == PseudoClass) { SyncImage(image); CompressColormap(image); } free((char *) scanline); free((char *) pcx_pixels); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels, image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); /* Proceed to next image. */ if (page_table == (unsigned long *) NULL) break; if (page_table[id] == 0) break; (void) fseek(image->file,(long) page_table[id],SEEK_SET); status=ReadData((char *) &pcx_header.identifier,1,1,image->file); if ((status == True) && (pcx_header.identifier == 0x0a)) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } } if (page_table != (unsigned long *) NULL) free((char *) page_table); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d P D F I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadPDFImage reads a Portable Document Format image file and % returns it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure % and returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadPDFImage routine is: % % image=ReadPDFImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadPDFImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadPDFImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { #define MediaBox "/MediaBox [" char command[MaxTextExtent], density[MaxTextExtent], *device, filename[MaxTextExtent], options[MaxTextExtent], postscript_filename[MaxTextExtent]; FILE *file; float dx_resolution, dy_resolution, lower_x, lower_y, upper_x, upper_y, x_resolution, y_resolution; Image *image, *next_image; ImageInfo local_info; int count, status; long int filesize; RectangleInfo bounding_box; register char *p; register int c, i; unsigned int height, width; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Open temporary output file. */ TemporaryFilename(postscript_filename); file=fopen(postscript_filename,WriteBinaryType); if (file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to write file",image); /* Set the page geometry. */ bounding_box.width=0; bounding_box.height=0; lower_x=0; lower_y=0; dx_resolution=72.0; dy_resolution=72.0; x_resolution=72.0; (void) strcpy(density,PSDensityGeometry); count=sscanf(density,"%fx%f",&x_resolution,&y_resolution); if (image_info->density != (char *) NULL) count=sscanf(image_info->density,"%fx%f",&x_resolution,&y_resolution); if (count != 2) y_resolution=x_resolution; *options='\0'; if (image_info->page != (char *) NULL) { int x, y; /* Set page geometry. */ (void) XParseGeometry(PSPageGeometry,&x,&y,&width,&height); (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->page,&x,&y,&width,&height); (void) sprintf(options,"-g%ux%u", (unsigned int) (((width*x_resolution)/dx_resolution)+0.5), (unsigned int) (((height*y_resolution)/dy_resolution)+0.5)); } else for (p=command; ; ) { c=fgetc(image->file); if (c == EOF) break; (void) fputc(c,file); *p++=c; if ((c != '\n') && (c != '\r') && ((p-command) < (MaxTextExtent-1))) continue; *p='\0'; p=command; /* Continue unless this is a MediaBox statement. */ if (strncmp(MediaBox,command,Extent(MediaBox)) != 0) continue; count=sscanf(command,"/MediaBox [ %f %f %f %f",&lower_x,&lower_y, &upper_x,&upper_y); if (count != 4) continue; if ((lower_x > upper_x) || (lower_y > upper_y)) continue; /* Determine bounding box. */ dx_resolution=72.0; dy_resolution=72.0; x_resolution=72.0; (void) strcpy(density,PSDensityGeometry); count=sscanf(density,"%fx%f",&x_resolution,&y_resolution); if (image_info->density != (char *) NULL) count=sscanf(image_info->density,"%fx%f",&x_resolution,&y_resolution); if (count != 2) y_resolution=x_resolution; if (image_info->page != (char *) NULL) continue; /* Set Postscript render geometry. */ width=(unsigned int) (upper_x-lower_x+1); if ((float) ((int) upper_x) != upper_x) width++; height=(unsigned int) (upper_y-lower_y+1); if ((float) ((int) upper_y) != upper_y) height++; if ((width <= bounding_box.width) && (height <= bounding_box.height)) continue; (void) sprintf(options,"-g%ux%u", (unsigned int) (((width*x_resolution)/dx_resolution)+0.5), (unsigned int) (((height*y_resolution)/dy_resolution)+0.5)); bounding_box.width=width; bounding_box.height=height; } for ( ; ; ) { c=fgetc(image->file); if (c == EOF) break; (void) fputc(c,file); } if (ferror(file)) { Warning("An error has occurred writing to file",postscript_filename); (void) fclose(file); return((Image *) NULL); } (void) fclose(file); CloseImage(image); filesize=image->filesize; DestroyImage(image); /* Determine if the density options is specified. */ (void) strcat(options," -r"); if (image_info->density == (char *) NULL) (void) strcat(options,PSDensityGeometry); else (void) strcat(options,image_info->density); if (image_info->subrange != 0) { (void) sprintf(options,"%s -dFirstPage=%u",options, image_info->subimage+1); (void) sprintf(options,"%s -dLastPage=%u",options,image_info->subimage+ image_info->subrange); } /* Use Ghostscript to convert Postscript image. */ device=PostscriptColorDevice; if (image_info->monochrome) device=PostscriptMonoDevice; (void) strcpy(filename,image_info->filename); for (i=0; i < 50; i++) { /* Ghostscript eats % characters. */ TemporaryFilename(image_info->filename); if (strchr(image_info->filename,'%') == (char *) NULL) break; } (void) sprintf(command,PostscriptCommand,device,options,image_info->filename, postscript_filename); status=SystemCommand(command); if (status) { /* Pre GS 3.51 does not support the pnmraw device. */ (void) sprintf(command,PostscriptCommand,"ppmraw",options, image_info->filename,postscript_filename); status=SystemCommand(command); } if (status) { Warning("Portable Document translation failed",image_info->filename); (void) remove(postscript_filename); return((Image *) NULL); } local_info=(*image_info); image=ReadImage(&local_info); (void) remove(postscript_filename); (void) remove(image_info->filename); if (image == (Image *) NULL) { Warning("Portable Document translation failed",image_info->filename); return((Image *) NULL); } do { (void) strcpy(image->magick,"PDF"); (void) strcpy(image->filename,filename); image->filesize=filesize; next_image=image->next; if (next_image != (Image *) NULL) image=next_image; } while (next_image != (Image *) NULL); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d P I C T I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadPICTImage reads an Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT image file % and returns it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image % structure and returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadPICTImage routine is: % % image=ReadPICTImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadPICTImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadPICTImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { char filename[MaxTextExtent]; Image *image, *next_image, *proxy_image; /* Allocate image structure. */ proxy_image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (proxy_image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,proxy_image,ReadBinaryType); if (proxy_image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",proxy_image); CloseImage(proxy_image); DestroyImage(proxy_image); /* Use picttoppm to convert Macintosh PICT image. */ (void) strcpy(filename,image_info->filename); (void) sprintf(image_info->filename,PICTCommand,filename); image=ReadPNMImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) { Warning("PICT translation failed",image_info->filename); return((Image *) NULL); } /* Assign proper filename. */ do { (void) strcpy(image->filename,filename); next_image=image->next; if (next_image != (Image *) NULL) image=next_image; } while (next_image != (Image *) NULL); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d P L A S M A I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadPLASMAImage creates a plasma fractal image. The image is % initialized to to the X server color as specified by the filename. % % The format of the ReadPLASMAImage routine is: % % image=ReadPLASMAImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadPLASMAImage returns a pointer to the image after % creating it. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage % or if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadPLASMAImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { #define PlasmaImageText " Applying image plasma... " #define PlasmaPixel(x,y) \ { \ p=PixelOffset(x,y); \ p->red=(Quantum) (rand() % (MaxRGB+1)); \ p->green=(Quantum) (rand() % (MaxRGB+1)); \ p->blue=(Quantum) (rand() % (MaxRGB+1)); \ } Image *image; register int i; SegmentInfo segment_info; unsigned int depth, max_depth; /* Recursively apply plasma to the image. */ image=ReadGRADATIONImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return(image); if (!UncompressImage(image)) return(image); image->class=DirectClass; for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++) image->pixels[i].index=(Opaque-Transparent) >> 1; segment_info.x1=0; segment_info.y1=0; segment_info.x2=image->columns-1; segment_info.y2=image->rows-1; srand(time(0)); if (strcmp(image_info->filename,"fractal") == 0) { register RunlengthPacket *p; /* Seed pixels before recursion. */ PlasmaPixel(segment_info.x1,segment_info.y1); PlasmaPixel(segment_info.x1,(segment_info.y1+segment_info.y2)/2); PlasmaPixel(segment_info.x1,segment_info.y2); PlasmaPixel((segment_info.x1+segment_info.x2)/2,segment_info.y1); PlasmaPixel((segment_info.x1+segment_info.x2)/2, (segment_info.y1+segment_info.y2)/2); PlasmaPixel((segment_info.x1+segment_info.x2)/2,segment_info.y2); PlasmaPixel(segment_info.x2,segment_info.y1); PlasmaPixel(segment_info.x2,(segment_info.y1+segment_info.y2)/2); PlasmaPixel(segment_info.x2,segment_info.y2); } i=Max(image->columns,image->rows) >> 1; for (max_depth=0; i != 0; max_depth++) i>>=1; for (depth=1; ; depth++) { ProgressMonitor(PlasmaImageText,depth,max_depth); if (PlasmaImage(image,&segment_info,0,depth)) break; } return(image); } #ifdef HasPNG /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d P N G I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadPNGImage reads a Portable Network Graphics image file and % returns it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure % and returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadPNGImage routine is: % % image=ReadPNGImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadPNGImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static void PNGError(png_struct *ping,png_const_charp message) { Warning(message,(char *) NULL); longjmp(ping->jmpbuf,1); } static void PNGWarning(png_struct *ping,png_const_charp message) { Warning(message,(char *) NULL); } static Image *ReadPNGImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { #define PNGTextChunk(i,value) \ { \ length=ping_info->text[i].text_length; \ if (value != (char *) NULL) \ value=(char *) realloc((char *) value,strlen(value)+length+1); \ else \ { \ value=(char *) malloc(length+1); \ if (value != (char *) NULL) \ *value='\0'; \ } \ if (value == (char *) NULL) \ PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); \ (void) strncat(value,ping_info->text[i].text,length); \ value[length]='\0'; \ } ColorPacket transparent_color; Image *image; register int i, x, y; register unsigned char *p; register RunlengthPacket *q; png_info *end_info, *ping_info; png_struct *ping; unsigned char *png_pixels, **scanlines; unsigned int packets, status; unsigned long length; unsigned short index, value; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); if (strcmp(image_info->magick,"MNG") == 0) { char magic_number[MaxTextExtent]; /* Verify MNG signature. */ (void) ReadData(magic_number,1,8,image->file); if (strncmp(magic_number,"\212MNG\r\n\032\n",8) != 0) PrematureExit("Not a MNG image file",image); } do { if (strcmp(image_info->magick,"MNG") == 0) { char type[MaxTextExtent]; unsigned int crc; /* Read a new chunk. */ length=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); status=ReadData(type,1,4,image->file); if (status == False) { Warning("Corrupt MNG image",image->filename); break; } if (strncmp(type,"MEND",4) == 0) break; for (i=0; i < length; i++) (void) fgetc(image->file); crc=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); if (strncmp(type,"IHDR",4) != 0) continue; (void) fseek(image->file,-(length+12),SEEK_CUR); if (image->pixels != (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } } /* Allocate the PNG structures */ ping=png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,(void *) NULL,PNGError, PNGWarning); if (ping == (png_struct *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); ping_info=png_create_info_struct(ping); if (ping_info == (png_info *) NULL) { png_destroy_read_struct(&ping,(png_info **) NULL,(png_info **) NULL); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } end_info=png_create_info_struct(ping); if (end_info == (png_info *) NULL) { png_destroy_read_struct(&ping,&ping_info,(png_info **) NULL); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) NULL; png_pixels=(unsigned char *) NULL; scanlines=(unsigned char **) NULL; if (setjmp(ping->jmpbuf)) { /* PNG image is corrupt. */ png_destroy_read_struct(&ping,&ping_info,&end_info); if (scanlines != (unsigned char **) NULL) free((char *) scanlines); if (png_pixels != (unsigned char *) NULL) free((char *) png_pixels); CloseImage(image); if ((image->columns == 0) || (image->rows == 0)) { DestroyImage(image); return((Image *) NULL); } return(image); } /* Prepare PNG for reading. */ png_init_io(ping,image->file); if (strcmp(image_info->magick,"MNG") == 0) png_set_sig_bytes(ping,8); png_read_info(ping,ping_info); image->depth=ping_info->bit_depth; if (ping_info->bit_depth < 8) { if ((ping_info->color_type != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) && (ping_info->color_type != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY)) png_set_packing(ping); image->depth=8; } if (ping_info->valid & PNG_INFO_gAMA) image->gamma=ping_info->gamma; if (ping_info->valid & PNG_INFO_pHYs) { /* Set image resolution. */ image->x_resolution=ping_info->x_pixels_per_unit; image->y_resolution=ping_info->y_pixels_per_unit; if (ping_info->phys_unit_type == PNG_RESOLUTION_METER) { image->units=PixelsPerCentimeterResolution; image->x_resolution=ping_info->x_pixels_per_unit/100.0; image->y_resolution=ping_info->y_pixels_per_unit/100.0; } } if (ping_info->valid & PNG_INFO_bKGD) { /* Set image background color. */ image->>; image->>; image->>; if (ping_info->bit_depth > QuantumDepth) { image->>; image-> XDownScale(ping_info->; image->>; } } if (ping_info->valid & PNG_INFO_tRNS) { /* Image has a transparent background. */>;>;>; transparent_color.index=ping_info->trans_values.gray; if (ping_info->bit_depth > QuantumDepth) {>;>;>; transparent_color.index=XDownScale(ping_info->trans_values.gray); } } png_read_update_info(ping,ping_info); /* Initialize image structure. */ image->columns=(unsigned int) ping_info->width; image->rows=(unsigned int) ping_info->height; image->packets=0; packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+4) >> 3,1); if (ping_info->bit_depth == 1) packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+8) >> 4,1); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); png_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(ping_info->rowbytes*image->rows*sizeof(Quantum)); scanlines=(unsigned char **) malloc(image->rows*sizeof(unsigned char *)); if ((image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) || (png_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) || (scanlines == (unsigned char **) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); if ((ping_info->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) || (ping_info->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY)) { /* Initialize image colormap. */ image->class=PseudoClass; image->colors=1 << Min(ping_info->bit_depth,QuantumDepth); if (ping_info->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) image->colors=ping_info->num_palette; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=(MaxRGB*i)/Max(image->colors-1,1); image->colormap[i].green=(MaxRGB*i)/Max(image->colors-1,1); image->colormap[i].blue=(MaxRGB*i)/Max(image->colors-1,1); } if (ping_info->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=UpScale(ping_info->palette[i].red); image->colormap[i].green=UpScale(ping_info->palette[i].green); image->colormap[i].blue=UpScale(ping_info->palette[i].blue); } } /* Read image scanlines. */ for (i=0; i < image->rows; i++) scanlines[i]=png_pixels+(i*ping_info->rowbytes); png_read_image(ping,scanlines); png_read_end(ping,ping_info); /* Convert PNG pixels to runlength-encoded packets. */ q=image->pixels; q->length=MaxRunlength; if (image->class == DirectClass) { Quantum blue, green, red; /* Convert image to DirectClass runlength-encoded packets. */ if ((ping_info->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA) || (ping_info->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA) || (ping_info->valid & PNG_INFO_tRNS)) image->matte=True; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { p=scanlines[y]; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(red,p); green=red; blue=red; if (ping_info->color_type != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA) { ReadQuantum(green,p); ReadQuantum(blue,p); } index=Opaque; if ((ping_info->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA) || (ping_info->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA)) ReadQuantum(index,p); if (ping_info->valid & PNG_INFO_tRNS) if ((red == && (green == && (blue == index=Transparent; if ((red == q->red) && (green == q->green) && (blue == q->blue) && (index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) { free((char *) png_pixels); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->red=red; q->green=green; q->blue=blue; q->index=index; q->length=0; } } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } } else { Quantum *quantum_scanline; register Quantum *r; /* Convert image to PseudoClass runlength-encoded packets. */ quantum_scanline=(Quantum *) malloc(image->columns*sizeof(Quantum)); if (quantum_scanline == (Quantum *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { p=scanlines[y]; r=quantum_scanline; switch (ping_info->bit_depth) { case 1: { register int bit; for (x=0; x < ((int) image->columns-7); x+=8) { for (bit=7; bit >= 0; bit--) *r++=((*p) & (0x01 << bit) ? 0x01 : 0x00); p++; } if ((image->columns % 8) != 0) { for (bit=7; bit >= (8-(image->columns % 8)); bit--) *r++=((*p) & (0x01 << bit) ? 0x01 : 0x00); p++; } break; } case 2: { for (x=0; x < ((int) image->columns-3); x+=4) { *r++=(*p >> 6) & 0x3; *r++=(*p >> 4) & 0x3; *r++=(*p >> 2) & 0x3; *r++=(*p) & 0x3; p++; } if ((image->columns % 4) != 0) { for (i=3; i >= (4-(image->columns % 4)); i--) *r++=(*p >> (i*2)) & 0x03; p++; } break; } case 4: { for (x=0; x < ((int) image->columns-1); x+=2) { *r++=(*p >> 4) & 0xf; *r++=(*p) & 0xf; p++; } if ((image->columns % 2) != 0) *r++=(*p++ >> 4) & 0xf; break; } case 8: { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) *r++=(*p++); break; } case 16: { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(*r,p); r++; } break; } default: break; } /* Transfer image scanline. */ r=quantum_scanline; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { index=(*r++); if ((index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) { free((char *) quantum_scanline); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->index=index; q->length=0; } } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } if (image->class == PseudoClass) SyncImage(image); free((char *) quantum_scanline); if (ping_info->valid & PNG_INFO_tRNS) { /* Image has a transparent background. */ image->class=DirectClass; image->matte=True; q=image->pixels; for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++) { index=q->index; q->index=Opaque; if (ping_info->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) { if (index < ping_info->num_trans) q->index=UpScale(ping_info->trans[index]); } else if (index == transparent_color.index) q->index=Transparent; q++; } } } image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (ping_info->num_text > 0) for (i=0; i < ping_info->num_text; i++) { if (strcmp(ping_info->text[i].key,"Comment") == 0) PNGTextChunk(i,image->comments); if (strcmp(ping_info->text[i].key,"Delay") == 0) { char *delay; delay=(char *) NULL; PNGTextChunk(i,delay); image->delay=atoi(delay); free(delay); } if (strcmp(ping_info->text[i].key,"Description") == 0) PNGTextChunk(i,image->comments); if (strcmp(ping_info->text[i].key,"Directory") == 0) PNGTextChunk(i,image->directory); if (strcmp(ping_info->text[i].key,"Label") == 0) PNGTextChunk(i,image->label); if (strcmp(ping_info->text[i].key,"Montage") == 0) PNGTextChunk(i,image->montage); if (strcmp(ping_info->text[i].key,"Scene") == 0) { char *scene; scene=(char *) NULL; PNGTextChunk(i,scene); image->scene=atoi(scene); free(scene); } if (strcmp(ping_info->text[i].key,"Signature") == 0) PNGTextChunk(i,image->signature); if (strcmp(ping_info->text[i].key,"Title") == 0) PNGTextChunk(i,image->label); } /* Free memory. */ png_destroy_read_struct(&ping,&ping_info,&end_info); free((char *) png_pixels); (void) MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); } while (strcmp(image_info->magick,"MNG") == 0); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; CloseImage(image); return(image); } #else static Image *ReadPNGImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Warning("PNG library is not available",image_info->filename); return(ReadMIFFImage(image_info)); } #endif /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d P N M I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadPNMImage reads a Portable Anymap image file and returns it. % It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns % a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadPNMImage routine is: % % image=ReadPNMImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadPNMImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static unsigned int PNMInteger(Image *image,const unsigned int base) { int c; unsigned int value; /* Skip any leading whitespace. */ do { c=fgetc(image->file); if (c == EOF) return(0); if (c == '#') { register char *p; unsigned int length; /* Read comment. */ if (image->comments != (char *) NULL) { length=Extent(image->comments); p=image->comments+length; } else { length=MaxTextExtent; image->comments=(char *) malloc(length*sizeof(char)); p=image->comments; } for ( ; image->comments != (char *) NULL; p++) { if ((p-image->comments+2) >= length) { *p='\0'; length<<=1; image->comments=(char *) realloc((char *) image->comments,length*sizeof(char)); if (image->comments == (char *) NULL) break; p=image->comments+Extent(image->comments); } c=fgetc(image->file); if ((c == EOF) || (c == '\n')) break; *p=(unsigned char) c; } if (image->comments == (char *) NULL) { Warning("Memory allocation error",(char *) NULL); return(0); } *p++='\n'; *p='\0'; } } while (!isdigit(c)); if (base == 2) return(c-'0'); /* Evaluate number. */ value=0; do { value*=10; value+=c-'0'; c=fgetc(image->file); if (c == EOF) return(0); } while (isdigit(c)); return(value); } static Image *ReadPNMImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { #define MaxRawValue 255 char format; Image *image; int y; Quantum *scale; register int i, x; register RunlengthPacket *q; unsigned int max_value, packets, status; unsigned short blue, green, index, red; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,"r"); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Read PNM image. */ status=ReadData((char *) &format,1,1,image->file); do { /* Verify PNM identifier. */ if ((status == False) || (format != 'P')) PrematureExit("Not a PNM image file",image); /* Initialize image structure. */ format=fgetc(image->file); if (format == '7') (void) PNMInteger(image,10); image->columns=PNMInteger(image,10); image->rows=PNMInteger(image,10); if ((image->columns*image->rows) == 0) PrematureExit("Unable to read image: image dimensions are zero",image); image->packets=0; packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+4) >> 3,1); if ((format == '1') || (format == '4')) packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+8) >> 4,1); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); if ((format == '1') || (format == '4')) max_value=1; /* bitmap */ else max_value=PNMInteger(image,10); scale=(Quantum *) NULL; if ((format != '3') && (format != '6')) { /* Create colormap. */ image->class=PseudoClass; image->colors=Min(max_value,MaxRGB)+1; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); if (format != '7') for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=(Quantum) ((long) (MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1)); image->colormap[i].green=(Quantum) ((long) (MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1)); image->colormap[i].blue=(Quantum) ((long) (MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1)); } else { /* Initialize 332 colormap. */ i=0; for (red=0; red < 8; red++) for (green=0; green < 8; green++) for (blue=0; blue < 4; blue++) { image->colormap[i].red=(Quantum) ((long) (red*MaxRGB)/7); image->colormap[i].green=(Quantum) ((long) (green*MaxRGB)/7); image->colormap[i].blue=(Quantum) ((long) (blue*MaxRGB)/3); i++; } } } if (max_value != MaxRGB) { /* Compute pixel scaling table. */ scale=(Quantum *) malloc((max_value+1)*sizeof(Quantum)); if (scale == (Quantum *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); for (i=0; i <= max_value; i++) scale[i]=(Quantum) ((i*MaxRGB+(max_value >> 1))/max_value); } /* Convert PNM pixels to runlength-encoded MIFF packets. */ q=image->pixels; q->length=MaxRunlength; switch (format) { case '1': { /* Convert PBM image to runlength-encoded packets. */ for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { index=!PNMInteger(image,2); if ((index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->index=index; q->length=0; } } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } break; } case '2': { /* Convert PGM image to runlength-encoded packets. */ for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { index=PNMInteger(image,10); if (scale != (Quantum *) NULL) index=scale[index]; if ((index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->index=index; q->length=0; } } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } break; } case '3': { /* Convert PNM image to runlength-encoded packets. */ for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { red=PNMInteger(image,10); green=PNMInteger(image,10); blue=PNMInteger(image,10); if (scale != (Quantum *) NULL) { red=scale[red]; green=scale[green]; blue=scale[blue]; } if ((red == q->red) && (green == q->green) && (blue == q->blue) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->red=red; q->green=green; q->blue=blue; q->index=0; q->length=0; } } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } (void) IsPseudoClass(image); break; } case '4': { unsigned char bit, byte; unsigned int x, y; /* Convert PBM raw image to runlength-encoded packets. */ for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { bit=0; byte=0; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { if (bit == 0) byte=fgetc(image->file); index=(byte & 0x80) ? 0 : 1; if ((index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->index=index; q->length=0; } bit++; if (bit == 8) bit=0; byte<<=1; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } break; } case '5': case '7': { /* Convert PGM raw image to runlength-encoded packets. */ for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { if (max_value <= MaxRawValue) index=fgetc(image->file); else index=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); if ((index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->index=index; q->length=0; } } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } break; } case '6': { /* Convert PNM raster image to runlength-encoded packets. */ for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { if (max_value <= MaxRawValue) { red=fgetc(image->file); green=fgetc(image->file); blue=fgetc(image->file); } else { red=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); green=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); blue=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); } if (scale != (Quantum *) NULL) { red=scale[red]; green=scale[green]; blue=scale[blue]; } if ((red == q->red) && (green == q->green) && (blue == q->blue) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->red=red; q->green=green; q->blue=blue; q->index=0; q->length=0; } } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } (void) IsPseudoClass(image); break; } default: PrematureExit("Not a PNM image file",image); } if (scale != (Quantum *) NULL) free((char *) scale); if (image->class == PseudoClass) { SyncImage(image); CompressColormap(image); } image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); /* Proceed to next image. */ if ((format == '1') || (format == '2') || (format == '3')) do { /* Skip to end of line. */ status=ReadData(&format,1,1,image->file); if (status == False) break; } while (format != '\n'); status=ReadData((char *) &format,1,1,image->file); if ((status == True) && (format == 'P')) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } } while ((status == True) && (format == 'P')); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d P S I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadPSImage reads a Adobe Postscript image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadPSImage routine is: % % image=ReadPSImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadPSImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadPSImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { #define BoundingBox "%%BoundingBox:" #define DocumentMedia "%%DocumentMedia:" #define PageBoundingBox "%%PageBoundingBox:" char command[MaxTextExtent], density[MaxTextExtent], *device, filename[MaxTextExtent], options[MaxTextExtent], postscript_filename[MaxTextExtent], translate_geometry[MaxTextExtent]; FILE *file; float dx_resolution, dy_resolution, lower_x, lower_y, upper_x, upper_y, x_resolution, y_resolution; Image *image, *next_image; ImageInfo local_info; int c, count, status; long int filesize; RectangleInfo bounding_box; register char *p; register int i; unsigned int height, width; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Open temporary output file. */ TemporaryFilename(postscript_filename); file=fopen(postscript_filename,WriteBinaryType); if (file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to write file",image); (void) sprintf(translate_geometry,"%f %f translate\n ",0.0,0.0); (void) fputs(translate_geometry,file); /* Set the page geometry. */ bounding_box.width=0; bounding_box.height=0; lower_x=0; lower_y=0; dx_resolution=72.0; dy_resolution=72.0; x_resolution=72.0; (void) strcpy(density,PSDensityGeometry); count=sscanf(density,"%fx%f",&x_resolution,&y_resolution); if (image_info->density != (char *) NULL) count=sscanf(image_info->density,"%fx%f",&x_resolution,&y_resolution); if (count != 2) y_resolution=x_resolution; *options='\0'; if (image_info->page != (char *) NULL) { int x, y; /* Set page geometry. */ (void) XParseGeometry(PSPageGeometry,&x,&y,&width,&height); (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->page,&x,&y,&width,&height); (void) sprintf(options,"-g%ux%u", (unsigned int) (((width*x_resolution)/dx_resolution)+0.5), (unsigned int) (((height*y_resolution)/dy_resolution)+0.5)); } else for (p=command; ; ) { c=fgetc(image->file); if (c == EOF) break; (void) fputc(c,file); *p++=c; if ((c != '\n') && (c != '\r') && ((p-command) < (MaxTextExtent-1))) continue; *p='\0'; p=command; /* Parse a bounding box statement. */ count=0; if (strncmp(BoundingBox,command,Extent(BoundingBox)) == 0) count=sscanf(command,"%%%%BoundingBox: %f %f %f %f",&lower_x,&lower_y, &upper_x,&upper_y); if (strncmp(DocumentMedia,command,Extent(DocumentMedia)) == 0) count= sscanf(command,"%%%%DocumentMedia: %*s %f %f",&upper_x,&upper_y)+2; if (strncmp(PageBoundingBox,command,Extent(PageBoundingBox)) == 0) count=sscanf(command,"%%%%PageBoundingBox: %f %f %f %f", &lower_x,&lower_y,&upper_x,&upper_y); if (count != 4) continue; if ((lower_x > upper_x) || (lower_y > upper_y)) continue; /* Set Postscript render geometry. */ (void) sprintf(translate_geometry,"%f %f translate\n",-lower_x,-lower_y); width=(unsigned int) (upper_x-lower_x+1); if ((float) ((int) upper_x) != upper_x) width++; height=(unsigned int) (upper_y-lower_y+1); if ((float) ((int) upper_y) != upper_y) height++; if ((width <= bounding_box.width) && (height <= bounding_box.height)) continue; (void) sprintf(options,"-g%ux%u", (unsigned int) (((width*x_resolution)/dx_resolution)+0.5), (unsigned int) (((height*y_resolution)/dy_resolution)+0.5)); bounding_box.width=width; bounding_box.height=height; } for ( ; ; ) { c=fgetc(image->file); if (c == EOF) break; (void) fputc(c,file); } if (ferror(file)) { Warning("An error has occurred writing to file",postscript_filename); (void) fclose(file); return((Image *) NULL); } (void) fseek(file,0L,SEEK_SET); (void) fputs(translate_geometry,file); (void) fclose(file); CloseImage(image); filesize=image->filesize; DestroyImage(image); /* Determine if density options is specified. */ (void) strcat(options," -r"); if (image_info->density == (char *) NULL) (void) strcat(options,PSDensityGeometry); else (void) strcat(options,image_info->density); /* Use Ghostscript to convert Postscript image. */ device=PostscriptColorDevice; if (image_info->monochrome) device=PostscriptMonoDevice; (void) strcpy(filename,image_info->filename); for (i=0; i < 50; i++) { /* Ghostscript eats % characters. */ TemporaryFilename(image_info->filename); if (strchr(image_info->filename,'%') == (char *) NULL) break; } (void) sprintf(command,PostscriptCommand,device,options,image_info->filename, postscript_filename); status=SystemCommand(command); if (status) { /* Pre GS 3.51 does not support the pnmraw device. */ (void) sprintf(command,PostscriptCommand,"ppmraw",options, image_info->filename,postscript_filename); status=SystemCommand(command); } if (!IsAccessible(image_info->filename)) { /* Ghostscript requires a showpage operator. */ file=fopen(postscript_filename,"a"); if (file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to write file",image); (void) fputs("showpage\n",file); (void) fclose(file); status=SystemCommand(command); } if (!IsAccessible(image_info->filename)) { /* It's possible that the -g option caused a problem. */ (void) strcpy(options,"-r"); if (image_info->density == (char *) NULL) (void) strcat(options,PSDensityGeometry); else (void) strcat(options,image_info->density); (void) sprintf(command,PostscriptCommand,device,options, image_info->filename,postscript_filename); status=SystemCommand(command); } (void) remove(postscript_filename); if (status) { /* Ghostscript has failed-- try the Display Postscript Extension. */ (void) strcpy(image_info->filename,filename); image=ReadDPSImage(image_info); if (image != (Image *) NULL) return(image); Warning("Postscript translation failed",image_info->filename); return((Image *) NULL); } local_info=(*image_info); image=ReadImage(&local_info); (void) remove(image_info->filename); if (image == (Image *) NULL) { Warning("Postscript translation failed",image_info->filename); return((Image *) NULL); } do { (void) strcpy(image->magick,"PS"); (void) strcpy(image->filename,filename); image->filesize=filesize; next_image=image->next; if (next_image != (Image *) NULL) image=next_image; } while (next_image != (Image *) NULL); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d R A D I A N C E I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadRADIANCEImage reads a RADIANCE image file and returns it. % It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns % a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadRADIANCEImage routine is: % % image=ReadRADIANCEImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadRADIANCEImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadRADIANCEImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { char command[MaxTextExtent], filename[MaxTextExtent]; Image *image, *next_image; int status; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); CloseImage(image); /* Use ra_ppm to convert RADIANCE image. */ (void) strcpy(filename,image_info->filename); TemporaryFilename(image_info->filename); (void) sprintf(command,"ra_ppm -g 1.0 %s %s",filename,image_info->filename); status=SystemCommand(command); if (status) PrematureExit("RADIANCE translation failed",image); DestroyImage(image); image=ReadPNMImage(image_info); (void) remove(image_info->filename); if (image == (Image *) NULL) PrematureExit("RADIANCE translation failed",image); /* Assign proper filename. */ do { (void) strcpy(image->filename,filename); next_image=image->next; if (next_image != (Image *) NULL) image=next_image; } while (next_image != (Image *) NULL); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d R G B I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadRGBImage reads an image of raw red, green, and blue bytes and % returns it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure % and returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadRGBImage routine is: % % image=ReadRGBImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadRGBImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadRGBImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; int count, x, x_offset, y, y_offset; register int i; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char *scanline; unsigned int height, packet_size, width; unsigned short value; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Determine width and height, e.g. 640x512. */ width=512; height=512; x_offset=0; y_offset=0; x=0; if (image_info->size != (char *) NULL) (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->size,&x,&y,&width,&height); if (image_info->interlace != PartitionInterlace) { /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); for (i=0; i < x; i++) (void) fgetc(image->file); } /* Allocate memory for a scanline. */ packet_size=3*(image->depth >> 3); if (strcmp(image_info->magick,"RGBA") == 0) { image->matte=True; packet_size=4*(image->depth >> 3); } scanline=(unsigned char *) malloc(packet_size*width*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (scanline == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); if (image_info->subrange != 0) while (image->scene < image_info->subimage) { /* Skip to next image. */ image->scene++; for (y=0; y < height; y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); } do { /* Initialize image structure. */ image->columns=width; image->rows=height; if (image_info->subrange == 0) if (image_info->tile != (char *) NULL) (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->tile,&x_offset,&y_offset, &image->columns,&image->rows); image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Convert raster image to runlength-encoded packets. */ switch (image_info->interlace) { case NoneInterlace: default: { /* No interlacing: RGBRGBRGBRGBRGBRGB... */ for (y=0; y < y_offset; y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { if ((y > 0) || (image->previous == (Image *) NULL)) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->red,p); ReadQuantum(q->green,p); ReadQuantum(q->blue,p); q->index=0; if (image->matte) ReadQuantum(q->index,p); q->length=0; q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } break; } case LineInterlace: { /* Line interlacing: RRR...GGG...BBB...RRR...GGG...BBB... */ packet_size=image->depth >> 3; for (y=0; y < y_offset; y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { if ((y > 0) || (image->previous == (Image *) NULL)) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; q=image->pixels+y*image->columns; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->red,p); q->index=0; q->length=0; q++; } (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; q=image->pixels+y*image->columns; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->green,p); q++; } (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; q=image->pixels+y*image->columns; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->blue,p); q++; } if (image->matte) { (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; q=image->pixels+y*image->columns; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->index,p); q++; } } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } break; } case PlaneInterlace: case PartitionInterlace: { unsigned int span; /* Plane interlacing: RRRRRR...GGGGGG...BBBBBB... */ if (image_info->interlace == PartitionInterlace) { AppendImageFormat("R",image->filename); OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); } packet_size=image->depth >> 3; for (y=0; y < y_offset; y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); i=0; span=image->rows*(image->matte ? 4 : 3); q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { if ((y > 0) || (image->previous == (Image *) NULL)) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->red,p); q->index=0; q->length=0; q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,i++,span); } if (image_info->interlace == PartitionInterlace) { CloseImage(image); AppendImageFormat("G",image->filename); OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); } q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < (height-image->rows); y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->green,p); q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,i++,span); } if (image_info->interlace == PartitionInterlace) { CloseImage(image); AppendImageFormat("B",image->filename); OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); } q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < (height-image->rows); y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->blue,p); q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,i++,span); } if (image->matte) { /* Read matte channel. */ if (image_info->interlace == PartitionInterlace) { CloseImage(image); AppendImageFormat("A",image->filename); OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); } q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < (height-image->rows); y++) (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); p=scanline+packet_size*x_offset; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(q->index,p); q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,i++,span); } } if (image_info->interlace == PartitionInterlace) (void) strcpy(image->filename,image_info->filename); break; } } CompressImage(image); if (image_info->subrange != 0) if (image->scene >= (image_info->subimage+image_info->subrange-1)) break; /* Proceed to next image. */ count=ReadData((char *) scanline,packet_size,width,image->file); if (count > 0) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } } while (count > 0); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; free((char *) scanline); CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d R L A I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadRLAImage reads a run-length encoded Wavefront RLA image file % and returns it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image % structure and returns a pointer to the new image. % % Note: This module was contributed by Lester Vecsey ( % % The format of the ReadRLAImage routine is: % % image=ReadRLAImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadRLAImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadRLAImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { typedef struct _WindowFrame { short left, right, bottom, top; } WindowFrame; typedef struct _RLAHeader { WindowFrame window, active_window; short frame, storage_type, number_channels, number_matte_channels, number_auxillary_channels, revision; char gamma[16], red_primary[24], green_primary[24], blue_primary[24], white_point[24]; long job_number; char name[128], description[128], program[64], machine[32], user[32], date[20], aspect[24], aspect_ratio[8], chan[32]; short field; char time[12], filter[32]; short bits_per_channel, matte_type, matte_bits, auxillary_type, auxillary_bits; char auxillary[32], space[36]; long next; } RLAHeader; Image *image; int length, runlength, y; long *scanlines; register int i; register RunlengthPacket *q; RLAHeader rla_header; unsigned char byte; unsigned int channel; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); rla_header.window.left=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); rla_header.window.right=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); rla_header.window.bottom=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file);>file); rla_header.active_window.left=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); rla_header.active_window.right=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); rla_header.active_window.bottom=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file);>file); rla_header.frame=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); rla_header.storage_type=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); rla_header.number_channels=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); if (rla_header.number_channels == 0) rla_header.number_channels=3; rla_header.number_matte_channels=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); rla_header.number_auxillary_channels=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); rla_header.revision=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) rla_header.gamma,16,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) rla_header.red_primary,24,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) rla_header.green_primary,24,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) rla_header.blue_primary,24,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) rla_header.white_point,24,1,image->file); rla_header.job_number=(long) MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); (void) ReadData((char *),128,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) rla_header.description,128,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) rla_header.program,64,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) rla_header.machine,32,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) rla_header.user,32,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *),20,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) rla_header.aspect,24,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) rla_header.aspect_ratio,8,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) rla_header.chan,32,1,image->file); rla_header.field=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) rla_header.time,12,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) rla_header.filter,32,1,image->file); rla_header.bits_per_channel=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); rla_header.matte_type=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); rla_header.matte_bits=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); rla_header.auxillary_type=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); rla_header.auxillary_bits=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) rla_header.auxillary,32,1,image->file); (void) ReadData((char *),36,1,image->file); MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); /* Initialize image structure. */ image->columns=rla_header.active_window.right-rla_header.active_window.left; image->; image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->depth=QuantumDepth; image->matte=rla_header.number_channels > 3; scanlines=(long *) malloc(image->rows*sizeof(long)); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); if (*rla_header.description != '\0') { /* RLA image comment. */ image->comments=(char *) malloc((Extent(rla_header.description)+1)*sizeof(char)); if (image->comments == (char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image) (void) strcpy(image->comments,rla_header.description); } /* Read offsets to each scanline data. */ for (i=0; i < image->rows; i++) scanlines[i]=(long) MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); /* Read image data. */ q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { (void) fseek(image->file,scanlines[image->rows-y-1],SEEK_SET); for (channel=0; channel < rla_header.number_channels; channel++) { length=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); q=image->pixels+(y*image->columns); while (length > 0) { (void) ReadData((char *) &byte,1,1,image->file); runlength=byte; if (byte > 127) runlength=byte-256; length--; if (length == 0) break; if (runlength < 0) { while (runlength < 0) { (void) ReadData((char *) &byte,1,1,image->file); length--; switch (channel) { case 0: { q->red=UpScale(byte); q->index=0; q->length=0; break; } case 1: { q->green=UpScale(byte); break; } case 2: { q->blue=UpScale(byte); break; } case 3: default: { q->index=UpScale(byte); break; } } q++; runlength++; } continue; } (void) ReadData((char *) &byte,1,1,image->file); length--; runlength++; do { switch (channel) { case 0: { q->red=UpScale(byte); q->index=0; q->length=0; break; } case 1: { q->green=UpScale(byte); break; } case 2: { q->blue=UpScale(byte); break; } case 3: default: { q->index=UpScale(byte); break; } } q++; runlength--; } while (runlength > 0); } } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } CompressImage(image); CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d R L E I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadRLEImage reads a run-length encoded Utah Raster Toolkit % image file and returns it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new % Image structure and returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadRLEImage routine is: % % image=ReadRLEImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadRLEImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadRLEImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { #define SkipLinesOp 0x01 #define SetColorOp 0x02 #define SkipPixelsOp 0x03 #define ByteDataOp 0x05 #define RunDataOp 0x06 #define EOFOp 0x07 char magick[12]; Image *image; int opcode, operand, status, x, y; register int i, j; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char background_color[256], *colormap, pixel, plane, *rle_pixels; unsigned int bits_per_pixel, flags, map_length, number_colormaps, number_planes; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Determine if this is a RLE file. */ status=ReadData((char *) magick,1,2,image->file); if ((status == False) || (strncmp(magick,"\122\314",2) != 0)) PrematureExit("Not a RLE image file",image); do { /* Read image header. */ (void) LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); (void) LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); image->columns=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); image->rows=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; flags=fgetc(image->file); image->matte=flags & 0x04; number_planes=fgetc(image->file); bits_per_pixel=fgetc(image->file); number_colormaps=fgetc(image->file); map_length=1 << fgetc(image->file); if ((number_planes == 0) || (number_planes == 2) || (bits_per_pixel != 8) || (image->columns == 0)) PrematureExit("Unsupported RLE image file",image); if (flags & 0x02) { /* No background color-- initialize to black. */ for (i=0; i < number_planes; i++) background_color[i]=(unsigned char) 0; (void) fgetc(image->file); } else { /* Initialize background color. */ p=background_color; for (i=0; i < number_planes; i++) *p++=(unsigned char) fgetc(image->file); } if ((number_planes & 0x01) == 0) (void) fgetc(image->file); colormap=(unsigned char *) NULL; if (number_colormaps != 0) { /* Read image colormaps. */ colormap=(unsigned char *) malloc(number_colormaps*map_length*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (colormap == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); p=colormap; for (i=0; i < number_colormaps; i++) for (j=0; j < map_length; j++) *p++=XDownScale(LSBFirstReadShort(image->file)); } if (flags & 0x08) { unsigned int length; /* Read image comment. */ length=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); image->comments=(char *) malloc(length*sizeof(char)); if (image->comments == (char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) ReadData((char *) image->comments,1,length-1,image->file); image->comments[length-1]='\0'; if ((length & 0x01) == 0) (void) fgetc(image->file); } /* Allocate RLE pixels. */ if (image->matte) number_planes++; rle_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(image->packets*number_planes*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (rle_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); if ((flags & 0x01) && !(flags & 0x02)) { /* Set background color. */ p=rle_pixels; for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++) { if (!image->matte) for (j=0; j < number_planes; j++) *p++=background_color[j]; else { for (j=0; j < (number_planes-1); j++) *p++=background_color[j]; *p++=0; /* initialize matte channel */ } } } /* Read runlength-encoded image. */ plane=0; x=0; y=0; opcode=fgetc(image->file); do { switch (opcode & 0x3f) { case SkipLinesOp: { operand=fgetc(image->file); if (opcode & 0x40) operand=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); x=0; y+=operand; break; } case SetColorOp: { operand=fgetc(image->file); plane=operand; if (plane == 255) plane=number_planes-1; x=0; break; } case SkipPixelsOp: { operand=fgetc(image->file); if (opcode & 0x40) operand=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); x+=operand; break; } case ByteDataOp: { operand=fgetc(image->file); if (opcode & 0x40) operand=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); p=rle_pixels+((image->rows-y-1)*image->columns*number_planes)+ x*number_planes+plane; operand++; for (i=0; i < operand; i++) { pixel=fgetc(image->file); if ((y < image->rows) && ((x+i) < image->columns)) *p=pixel; p+=number_planes; } if (operand & 0x01) (void) fgetc(image->file); x+=operand; break; } case RunDataOp: { operand=fgetc(image->file); if (opcode & 0x40) operand=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); pixel=fgetc(image->file); (void) fgetc(image->file); operand++; p=rle_pixels+((image->rows-y-1)*image->columns*number_planes)+ x*number_planes+plane; for (i=0; i < operand; i++) { if ((y < image->rows) && ((x+i) < image->columns)) *p=pixel; p+=number_planes; } x+=operand; break; } default: break; } opcode=fgetc(image->file); } while (((opcode & 0x3f) != EOFOp) && (opcode != EOF)); if (number_colormaps != 0) { unsigned int mask; /* Apply colormap transformation to image. */ mask=(map_length-1); p=rle_pixels; if (number_colormaps == 1) for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++) { *p=(unsigned char) colormap[*p & mask]; p++; } else if ((number_planes >= 3) && (number_colormaps >= 3)) for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++) for (j=0; j < number_planes; j++) { *p=(unsigned char) colormap[j*map_length+(*p & mask)]; p++; } } /* Initialize image structure. */ image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); q=image->pixels; if (number_planes >= 3) { /* Convert raster image to DirectClass runlength-encoded packets. */ p=rle_pixels; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { q->red=UpScale(*p++); q->green=UpScale(*p++); q->blue=UpScale(*p++); q->index=0; if (image->matte) q->index=UpScale(*p++); q->length=0; q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } } else { /* Create colormap. */ image->class=PseudoClass; if (number_colormaps == 0) map_length=256; image->colors=map_length; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); p=colormap; if (number_colormaps == 0) for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { /* Grayscale. */ image->colormap[i].red=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); image->colormap[i].green=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); image->colormap[i].blue=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); } else if (number_colormaps == 1) for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { /* Pseudocolor. */ image->colormap[i].red=(Quantum) UpScale(i); image->colormap[i].green=(Quantum) UpScale(i); image->colormap[i].blue=(Quantum) UpScale(i); } else for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=UpScale(*p); image->colormap[i].green=UpScale(*(p+map_length)); image->colormap[i].blue=UpScale(*(p+map_length*2)); p++; } p=rle_pixels; if (!image->matte) { /* Convert raster image to PseudoClass runlength-encoded packets. */ for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { q->index=(unsigned short) (*p++); q->length=0; q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } SyncImage(image); } else { /* Image has a matte channel-- promote to DirectClass. */ for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { q->red=image->colormap[*p++].red; q->green=image->colormap[*p++].green; q->blue=image->colormap[*p++].blue; q->index=UpScale(*p++); q->length=0; q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } free(image->colormap); image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) NULL; image->class=DirectClass; image->colors=0; } } if (number_colormaps != 0) free((char *) colormap); free((char *) rle_pixels); CompressImage(image); /* Proceed to next image. */ (void) fgetc(image->file); status=ReadData((char *) magick,1,2,image->file); if ((status == True) && (strncmp(magick,"\122\314",2) == 0)) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } } while ((status == True) && (strncmp(magick,"\122\314",2) == 0)); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d S G I I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadSGIImage reads a SGI RGB image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadSGIImage routine is: % % image=ReadSGIImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadSGIImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static void SGIDecode(unsigned char *packets,unsigned char *pixels) { unsigned char count, pixel; for ( ; ;) { pixel=(*packets++); count=pixel & 0x7f; if (count == 0) break; if (pixel & 0x80) for ( ; count != 0; count--) { *pixels=(*packets++); pixels+=4; } else { pixel=(*packets++); for ( ; count != 0; count--) { *pixels=pixel; pixels+=4; } } } } static Image *ReadSGIImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { typedef struct _SGIHeader { unsigned short magic; unsigned char storage, bytes_per_pixel; unsigned short dimension, columns, rows, depth; unsigned long minimum_value, maximum_value; unsigned char filler[492]; } SGIHeader; Image *image; SGIHeader iris_header; register int i, x, y, z; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char *iris_pixels; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Read SGI raster header. */ iris_header.magic=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); do { /* Verify SGI identifier. */ if (iris_header.magic != 0x01DA) PrematureExit("Not a SGI RGB image",image);>file); iris_header.bytes_per_pixel=fgetc(image->file); if (iris_header.bytes_per_pixel != 1) PrematureExit("Image must have 1 byte per pixel channel",image); iris_header.dimension=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); iris_header.columns=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); iris_header.rows=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); iris_header.depth=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); iris_header.minimum_value=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); iris_header.maximum_value=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); (void) ReadData((char *) iris_header.filler,1, (unsigned int) sizeof(iris_header.filler),image->file); /* Allocate SGI pixels. */ iris_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(4*iris_header.columns*iris_header.rows*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (iris_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); if ( != 0x01) { unsigned char *scanline; /* Read standard image format. */ scanline=(unsigned char *) malloc(iris_header.columns*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (scanline == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); for (z=0; z < (int) iris_header.depth; z++) { p=iris_pixels+z; for (y=0; y < (int) iris_header.rows; y++) { (void) ReadData((char *) scanline,1,iris_header.columns, image->file); for (x=0; x < (int) iris_header.columns; x++) { *p=scanline[x]; p+=4; } } } free((char *) scanline); } else { unsigned char *packets; unsigned int data_order; unsigned long offset, *offsets, *runlength; /* Read runlength-encoded image format. */ offsets=(unsigned long *) malloc(iris_header.rows*iris_header.depth*sizeof(unsigned long)); packets=(unsigned char *) malloc(((iris_header.columns << 1)+10)*sizeof(unsigned char)); runlength=(unsigned long *) malloc(iris_header.rows*iris_header.depth*sizeof(unsigned long)); if ((offsets == (unsigned long *) NULL) || (packets == (unsigned char *) NULL) || (runlength == (unsigned long *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); for (i=0; i < (int) (iris_header.rows*iris_header.depth); i++) offsets[i]=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); for (i=0; i < (int) (iris_header.rows*iris_header.depth); i++) runlength[i]=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); /* Check data order. */ offset=0; data_order=0; for (y=0; ((y < (int) iris_header.rows) && !data_order); y++) for (z=0; ((z < (int) iris_header.depth) && !data_order); z++) { if (offsets[y+z*iris_header.rows] < offset) data_order=1; offset=offsets[y+z*iris_header.rows]; } offset=512+4*((iris_header.rows*iris_header.depth) << 1); if (data_order == 1) { for (z=0; z < (int) iris_header.depth; z++) { p=iris_pixels; for (y=0; y < (int) iris_header.rows; y++) { if (offset != offsets[y+z*iris_header.rows]) { offset=offsets[y+z*iris_header.rows]; (void) fseek(image->file,(long) offset,SEEK_SET); } (void) ReadData((char *) packets,1, (unsigned int) runlength[y+z*iris_header.rows],image->file); offset+=runlength[y+z*iris_header.rows]; SGIDecode(packets,p+z); p+=(iris_header.columns*4); } } } else { p=iris_pixels; for (y=0; y < (int) iris_header.rows; y++) { for (z=0; z < (int) iris_header.depth; z++) { if (offset != offsets[y+z*iris_header.rows]) { offset=offsets[y+z*iris_header.rows]; (void) fseek(image->file,(long) offset,SEEK_SET); } (void) ReadData((char *) packets,1, (unsigned int) runlength[y+z*iris_header.rows],image->file); offset+=runlength[y+z*iris_header.rows]; SGIDecode(packets,p+z); } p+=(iris_header.columns*4); } } free(runlength); free(packets); free(offsets); } /* Initialize image structure. */ image->matte=iris_header.depth == 4; image->columns=iris_header.columns; image->rows=iris_header.rows; image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Convert SGI raster image to runlength-encoded packets. */ q=image->pixels; if (iris_header.depth >= 3) { /* Convert SGI image to DirectClass runlength-encoded packets. */ for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { p=iris_pixels+((image->rows-1)-y)*(image->columns*4); for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { q->red=UpScale(*p); q->green=UpScale(*(p+1)); q->blue=UpScale(*(p+2)); q->index=UpScale(*(p+3)); q->length=0; p+=4; q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } } else { unsigned short index; /* Create grayscale map. */ image->class=PseudoClass; image->colors=256; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=(Quantum) UpScale(i); image->colormap[i].green=(Quantum) UpScale(i); image->colormap[i].blue=(Quantum) UpScale(i); } /* Convert SGI image to PseudoClass runlength-encoded packets. */ for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { p=iris_pixels+((image->rows-1)-y)*(image->columns*4); for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { index=(unsigned short) (*p); q->index=index; q->length=0; p+=4; q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } SyncImage(image); } free((char *) iris_pixels); CompressImage(image); /* Proceed to next image. */ iris_header.magic=MSBFirstReadShort(image->file); if (iris_header.magic == 0x01DA) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } } while (iris_header.magic == 0x01DA); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d S U N I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadSUNImage reads a SUN image file and returns it. It allocates % the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to % the new image. % % The format of the ReadSUNImage routine is: % % image=ReadSUNImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadSUNImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadSUNImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { #define RMT_EQUAL_RGB 1 #define RMT_NONE 0 #define RMT_RAW 2 #define RT_STANDARD 1 #define RT_ENCODED 2 #define RT_FORMAT_RGB 3 typedef struct _SUNHeader { unsigned long magic, width, height, depth, length, type, maptype, maplength; } SUNHeader; Image *image; register int bit, i, x, y; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; SUNHeader sun_header; unsigned char *sun_data, *sun_pixels; unsigned int bytes_per_line, status; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Read SUN raster header. */ sun_header.magic=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); do { /* Verify SUN identifier. */ if (sun_header.magic != 0x59a66a95) PrematureExit("Not a SUN raster image",image); sun_header.width=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); sun_header.height=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); sun_header.depth=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); sun_header.length=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); sun_header.type=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); sun_header.maptype=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); sun_header.maplength=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); switch (sun_header.maptype) { case RMT_NONE: { if (sun_header.depth < 24) { /* Create linear color ramp. */ image->colors=1 << sun_header.depth; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); image->colormap[i].green=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); image->colormap[i].blue=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); } } break; } case RMT_EQUAL_RGB: { unsigned char *sun_colormap; /* Read SUN raster colormap. */ image->colors=(unsigned int) sun_header.maplength/3; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); sun_colormap=(unsigned char *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(unsigned char)); if ((image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) || (sun_colormap == (unsigned char *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) ReadData((char *) sun_colormap,1,image->colors,image->file); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) image->colormap[i].red=UpScale(sun_colormap[i]); (void) ReadData((char *) sun_colormap,1,image->colors,image->file); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) image->colormap[i].green=UpScale(sun_colormap[i]); (void) ReadData((char *) sun_colormap,1,image->colors,image->file); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) image->colormap[i].blue=UpScale(sun_colormap[i]); free((char *) sun_colormap); break; } case RMT_RAW: { unsigned char *sun_colormap; /* Read SUN raster colormap. */ sun_colormap=(unsigned char *) malloc(sun_header.maplength*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (sun_colormap == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) ReadData((char *) sun_colormap,1,(unsigned int) sun_header.maplength,image->file); free((char *) sun_colormap); break; } default: PrematureExit("Colormap type is not supported",image); } sun_data=(unsigned char *) malloc(sun_header.length*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (sun_data == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); status=ReadData((char *) sun_data,1,(unsigned int) sun_header.length, image->file); if ((status == False) && (sun_header.type != RT_ENCODED)) PrematureExit("Unable to read image data",image); sun_pixels=sun_data; if (sun_header.type == RT_ENCODED) { unsigned int height; /* Read run-length encoded raster pixels. */ height=(unsigned int) sun_header.height; bytes_per_line=2*(sun_header.width*sun_header.depth+15)/16; sun_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(bytes_per_line*height*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (sun_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) SUNDecodeImage(sun_data,sun_pixels,bytes_per_line,height); free((char *) sun_data); } /* Initialize image structure. */ image->matte=(sun_header.depth == 32); image->class=(sun_header.depth < 24 ? PseudoClass : DirectClass); image->columns=(unsigned int) sun_header.width; image->rows=(unsigned int) sun_header.height; image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Convert SUN raster image to runlength-encoded packets. */ p=sun_pixels; q=image->pixels; if (sun_header.depth == 1) for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { /* Convert bitmap scanline to runlength-encoded color packets. */ for (x=0; x < (image->columns >> 3); x++) { for (bit=7; bit >= 0; bit--) { q->index=((*p) & (0x01 << bit) ? 0x00 : 0x01); q->length=0; q++; } p++; } if ((image->columns % 8) != 0) { for (bit=7; bit >= (8-(image->columns % 8)); bit--) { q->index=((*p) & (0x01 << bit) ? 0x00 : 0x01); q->length=0; q++; } p++; } if ((((image->columns/8)+(image->columns % 8 ? 1 : 0)) % 2) != 0) p++; if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } else if (image->class == PseudoClass) for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { /* Convert PseudoColor scanline to runlength-encoded color packets. */ for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { q->index=(*p++); q->length=0; q++; } if ((image->columns % 2) != 0) p++; if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } else for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { /* Convert DirectColor scanline to runlength-encoded color packets. */ for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { q->index=0; if (image->matte) q->index=UpScale(*p++); if (sun_header.type == RT_STANDARD) { q->blue=UpScale(*p++); q->green=UpScale(*p++); q->red=UpScale(*p++); } else { q->red=UpScale(*p++); q->green=UpScale(*p++); q->blue=UpScale(*p++); } if (image->colors != 0) { q->red=image->colormap[q->red].red; q->green=image->colormap[q->green].green; q->blue=image->colormap[q->blue].blue; } q->length=0; q++; } if (((image->columns % 2) != 0) && (image->matte == False)) p++; if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } free((char *) sun_pixels); if (image->class == PseudoClass) { SyncImage(image); CompressColormap(image); } CompressImage(image); /* Proceed to next image. */ sun_header.magic=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); if (sun_header.magic == 0x59a66a95) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } } while (sun_header.magic == 0x59a66a95); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d T G A I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadTGAImage reads a Truevision TGA image file and returns it. % It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns % a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadTGAImage routine is: % % image=ReadTGAImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadTGAImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadTGAImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { #define TGAColormap 1 #define TGARGB 2 #define TGAMonochrome 3 #define TGARLEColormap 9 #define TGARLERGB 10 #define TGARLEMonochrome 11 typedef struct _TGAHeader { unsigned char id_length, colormap_type, image_type; unsigned short colormap_index, colormap_length; unsigned char colormap_size; unsigned short x_origin, y_origin, width, height; unsigned char pixel_size, attributes; } TGAHeader; Image *image; Quantum blue, green, red; register int i, x, y; register RunlengthPacket *q; TGAHeader tga_header; unsigned char j, k, runlength; unsigned int base, flag, offset, real, skip, status; unsigned short index; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Read TGA header information. */ status=ReadData((char *) &tga_header.id_length,1,1,image->file); tga_header.colormap_type=fgetc(image->file); tga_header.image_type=fgetc(image->file); do { if ((status == False) || (tga_header.image_type == 0) || (tga_header.image_type > 11)) PrematureExit("Not a TGA image file",image); tga_header.colormap_index=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); tga_header.colormap_length=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); tga_header.colormap_size=fgetc(image->file); tga_header.x_origin=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); tga_header.y_origin=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); tga_header.width=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); tga_header.height=LSBFirstReadShort(image->file); tga_header.pixel_size=fgetc(image->file); tga_header.attributes=fgetc(image->file); /* Initialize image structure. */ image->matte=tga_header.pixel_size == 32; image->columns=tga_header.width; image->rows=tga_header.height; image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); if (tga_header.id_length != 0) { /* TGA image comment. */ image->comments=(char *) malloc((tga_header.id_length+1)*sizeof(char)); if (image->comments == (char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) ReadData(image->comments,1,tga_header.id_length,image->file); image->comments[tga_header.id_length]='\0'; } red=0; green=0; blue=0; if (tga_header.colormap_type != 0) { /* Read TGA raster colormap. */ if ((tga_header.image_type == TGARLEColormap) || (tga_header.image_type == TGARLERGB)) image->class=PseudoClass; image->colors=tga_header.colormap_length; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { switch (tga_header.colormap_size) { case 8: default: { /* Gray scale. */ red=UpScale(fgetc(image->file)); green=red; blue=red; break; } case 15: case 16: { /* 5 bits each of red green and blue. */ j=fgetc(image->file); k=fgetc(image->file); red=(Quantum) ((MaxRGB*((int) (k & 0x7c) >> 2))/31); green=(Quantum) ((MaxRGB*(((int) (k & 0x03) << 3)+((int) (j & 0xe0) >> 5)))/31); blue=(Quantum) ((MaxRGB*((int) (j & 0x1f)))/31); break; } case 32: case 24: { /* 8 bits each of blue, green and red. */ blue=UpScale(fgetc(image->file)); green=UpScale(fgetc(image->file)); red=UpScale(fgetc(image->file)); break; } } image->colormap[i].red=red; image->colormap[i].green=green; image->colormap[i].blue=blue; } } /* Convert TGA pixels to runlength-encoded packets. */ base=0; flag=0; index=0; skip=False; real=0; runlength=0; offset=0; q=image->pixels; for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++) { q->red=0; q->green=0; q->blue=0; q->index=0; q->length=0; q++; } for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { real=offset; if (((unsigned char) (tga_header.attributes & 0x20) >> 5) == 0) real=image->rows-real-1; q=image->pixels+(real*image->columns); for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { if ((tga_header.image_type == TGARLEColormap) || (tga_header.image_type == TGARLERGB) || (tga_header.image_type == TGARLEMonochrome)) if (runlength != 0) { runlength--; skip=flag != 0; } else { status=ReadData((char *) &runlength,1,1,image->file); if (status == False) PrematureExit("Unable to read image data",image); flag=runlength & 0x80; if (flag != 0) runlength-=128; skip=False; } if (!skip) switch (tga_header.pixel_size) { case 8: default: { /* Gray scale. */ index=fgetc(image->file); if (tga_header.colormap_type == 0) { red=(Quantum) UpScale(index); green=(Quantum) UpScale(index); blue=(Quantum) UpScale(index); } else { red=image->colormap[index].red; green=image->colormap[index].green; blue=image->colormap[index].blue; } break; } case 15: case 16: { /* 5 bits each of red green and blue. */ j=fgetc(image->file); k=fgetc(image->file); red=(Quantum) ((MaxRGB*((int) (k & 0x7c) >> 2))/31); green=(Quantum) ((MaxRGB*(((int) (k & 0x03) << 3)+((int) (j & 0xe0) >> 5)))/31); blue=(Quantum) ((MaxRGB*((int) (j & 0x1f)))/31); index=((unsigned short) k << 8)+j; break; } case 24: case 32: { /* 8 bits each of blue green and red. */ blue=UpScale(fgetc(image->file)); green=UpScale(fgetc(image->file)); red=UpScale(fgetc(image->file)); if (tga_header.pixel_size == 32) index=Opaque-UpScale(fgetc(image->file)); break; } } if (status == False) PrematureExit("Unable to read image data",image); q->red=red; q->green=green; q->blue=blue; q->index=index; q->length=0; q++; } if (((unsigned char) (tga_header.attributes & 0xc0) >> 6) == 4) offset+=4; else if (((unsigned char) (tga_header.attributes & 0xc0) >> 6) == 2) offset+=2; else offset++; if (offset >= image->rows) { base++; offset=base; } if (feof(image->file)) break; if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } (void) IsGrayImage(image); if (image->class == PseudoClass) SyncImage(image); CompressImage(image); /* Proceed to next image. */ status=ReadData((char *) &tga_header.id_length,1,1,image->file); tga_header.colormap_type=fgetc(image->file); tga_header.image_type=fgetc(image->file); status&=((tga_header.image_type != 0) && (tga_header.image_type <= 11)); if (status == True) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } } while (status == True); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d T E X T I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadTEXTImage reads a text file and returns it as an image. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadTEXTImage routine is: % % image=ReadTEXTImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadTEXTImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or if % the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadTEXTImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { AnnotateInfo annotate_info; char *background_color, *foreground_color, geometry[MaxTextExtent], text[MaxTextExtent], *text_status; Display *display; Image *image; int offset, x, y; MonitorHandler handler; register int i; register RunlengthPacket *p; RunlengthPacket background; unsigned int height, width; XColor color; XrmDatabase resource_database; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,"r"); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Initialize Image structure. */ (void) XParseGeometry(TextPageGeometry,&x,&y,&width,&height); if (image_info->size != (char *) NULL) (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->size,&x,&y,&width,&height); else { char density[MaxTextExtent]; float dx_resolution, dy_resolution, x_resolution, y_resolution; int count; /* Determine bounding box. */ dx_resolution=72.0; dy_resolution=72.0; x_resolution=72.0; (void) strcpy(density,PSDensityGeometry); count=sscanf(density,"%fx%f",&x_resolution,&y_resolution); if (image_info->density != (char *) NULL) count=sscanf(image_info->density,"%fx%f",&x_resolution,&y_resolution); if (count != 2) y_resolution=x_resolution; width=(unsigned int) (((width*x_resolution)/dx_resolution)+0.5); height=(unsigned int) (((height*y_resolution)/dy_resolution)+0.5); } image->columns=width; image->rows=height; image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Initialize text image to background color. */ display=XOpenDisplay(image_info->server_name); if (display != (Display *) NULL) XSetErrorHandler(XError); resource_database=XGetResourceDatabase(display,client_name); background_color=XGetResourceInstance(resource_database,client_name, "background",DefaultTextBackground); foreground_color=XGetResourceInstance(resource_database,client_name, "foreground",DefaultTextForeground); if (display != (Display *) NULL) XCloseDisplay(display); /* Initialize image annotation info. */ GetAnnotateInfo(&annotate_info); annotate_info.server_name=image_info->server_name; annotate_info.font=image_info->font; annotate_info.text=text; annotate_info.geometry=geometry; annotate_info.pen=foreground_color; /* Initialize text image to background color. */ (void) XQueryColorDatabase(background_color,&color);;;; background.index=0; p=image->pixels; for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++) *p++=background; if (image_info->texture != (char *) NULL) TextureImage(image,image_info->texture); /* Annotate the text image. */ offset=0; for ( ; ; ) { /* Annotate image with text. */ text_status=fgets(text,MaxTextExtent,image->file); if (text_status == (char *) NULL) break; handler=SetMonitorHandler((MonitorHandler) NULL); if (Extent(annotate_info.text) > 0) annotate_info.text[Extent(annotate_info.text)-1]='\0'; (void) sprintf(annotate_info.geometry,"%+d%+d",x,y+offset); AnnotateImage(image,&annotate_info); offset+=annotate_info.pointsize; (void) SetMonitorHandler(handler); if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y+offset,image->rows); if (((y << 1)+offset+annotate_info.pointsize) < image->rows) continue; /* Page is full-- allocate next image structure. */ handler=SetMonitorHandler((MonitorHandler) NULL); CompressImage(image); if (image_info->texture == (char *) NULL) { QuantizeInfo quantize_info; GetQuantizeInfo(&quantize_info); QuantizeImage(&quantize_info,image); } image->orphan=True; image->next=CloneImage(image,image->columns,image->rows,False); image->orphan=False; (void) SetMonitorHandler(handler); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { Warning("Unable to annotate image","Memory allocation error"); break; } (void) strcpy(image->next->filename,image_info->filename); image->next->file=image->file; image->next->filesize=image->filesize; image->next->scene=image->scene+1; image->next->previous=image; image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); /* Initialize text image to background color. */ p=image->pixels; for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++) *p++=background; if (image_info->texture != (char *) NULL) { handler=SetMonitorHandler((MonitorHandler) NULL); TextureImage(image,image_info->texture); (void) SetMonitorHandler(handler); } offset=0; } CompressImage(image); if (image_info->texture == (char *) NULL) { QuantizeInfo quantize_info; GetQuantizeInfo(&quantize_info); QuantizeImage(&quantize_info,image); } while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; CloseImage(image); return(image); } #ifdef HasTIFF /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d T I F F I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadTIFFImage reads a Tagged image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadTIFFImage routine is: % % image=ReadTIFFImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadTIFFImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static void TIFFWarningMessage(const char *module,const char *format, va_list warning) { char message[MaxTextExtent]; register char *p; p=message; if (module != (char *) NULL) { (void) sprintf(p,"%s: ",module); p+=Extent(message); } vsprintf(p,format,warning); (void) strcat(p,"."); Warning(message,(char *) NULL); } static Image *ReadTIFFImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { char *text; Image *image; int range; Quantum blue, green, red; register int i, x, y; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; TIFF *tiff; uint16 extra_samples, *sample_info; unsigned char *scanline; unsigned int height, method, packets, status, width; unsigned short bits_per_sample, index, interlace, max_sample_value, min_sample_value, pages, photometric, samples_per_pixel, units, value; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); if ((image->file == stdin) || image->pipe) { FILE *file; int c; /* Copy standard input or pipe to temporary file. */ TemporaryFilename(image_info->filename); file=fopen(image_info->filename,WriteBinaryType); if (file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to write file",image); c=fgetc(image->file); while (c != EOF) { (void) putc(c,file); c=fgetc(image->file); } (void) fclose(file); (void) strcpy(image->filename,image_info->filename); image->temporary=True; } CloseImage(image); TIFFSetErrorHandler(TIFFWarningMessage); TIFFSetWarningHandler(TIFFWarningMessage); tiff=TIFFOpen(image->filename,ReadBinaryType); if (tiff == (TIFF *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); if (image_info->subrange != 0) while (image->scene < image_info->subimage) { /* Skip to next image. */ image->scene++; status=TIFFReadDirectory(tiff); if (status == False) PrematureExit("Unable to read subimage",image); } do { if (image_info->verbose) TIFFPrintDirectory(tiff,stderr,False); TIFFGetField(tiff,TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH,&width); TIFFGetField(tiff,TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH,&height); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG,&interlace); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE,&bits_per_sample); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_MINSAMPLEVALUE,&min_sample_value); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_MAXSAMPLEVALUE,&max_sample_value); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC,&photometric); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL,&samples_per_pixel); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT,&units); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION,&image->x_resolution); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION,&image->y_resolution); /* Allocate memory for the image and pixel buffer. */ image->columns=width; image->rows=height; if (units == RESUNIT_INCH) image->units=PixelsPerInchResolution; if (units == RESUNIT_CENTIMETER) image->units=PixelsPerCentimeterResolution; image->depth=bits_per_sample; if (bits_per_sample < 8) image->depth=8; image->packets=0; packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+4) >> 3,1); if (bits_per_sample == 1) packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+8) >> 4,1); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) { TIFFClose(tiff); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_PAGENUMBER,&value,&pages); image->scene=value; text=(char *) NULL; TIFFGetField(tiff,TIFFTAG_PAGENAME,&text); if (text != (char *) NULL) { image->label=(char *) malloc((unsigned int) (Extent(text)+1)*sizeof(char)); if (image->label == (char *) NULL) { TIFFClose(tiff); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } (void) strcpy(image->label,text); } text=(char *) NULL; TIFFGetField(tiff,TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION,&text); if (text != (char *) NULL) { image->comments=(char *) malloc((unsigned int) (Extent(text)+1)*sizeof(char)); if (image->comments == (char *) NULL) { TIFFClose(tiff); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } (void) strcpy(image->comments,text); } range=max_sample_value-min_sample_value; if (range < 0) range=max_sample_value; q=image->pixels; q->length=MaxRunlength; method=0; if ((samples_per_pixel > 1) || TIFFIsTiled(tiff)) { method=2; if ((samples_per_pixel >= 3) && (photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_RGB) && (interlace == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG)) method=1; } switch (method) { case 0: { Quantum *quantum_scanline; register Quantum *r; /* Convert TIFF image to PseudoClass MIFF image. */ image->class=PseudoClass; image->colors=range+1; if (bits_per_sample > QuantumDepth) image->colors=MaxRGB+1; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); quantum_scanline=(Quantum *) malloc(width*sizeof(Quantum)); scanline=(unsigned char *) malloc(TIFFScanlineSize(tiff)+1); if ((image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) || (quantum_scanline == (Quantum *) NULL) || (scanline == (unsigned char *) NULL)) { TIFFClose(tiff); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } /* Create colormap. */ switch (photometric) { case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK: { for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); image->colormap[i].green=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); image->colormap[i].blue=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); } break; } case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE: { unsigned int colors; colors=image->colors; for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[colors-i-1].red=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); image->colormap[colors-i-1].green=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); image->colormap[colors-i-1].blue=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); } break; } case PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE: { long range; unsigned short *blue_colormap, *green_colormap, *red_colormap; TIFFGetField(tiff,TIFFTAG_COLORMAP,&red_colormap,&green_colormap, &blue_colormap); range=256L; /* might be old style 8-bit colormap */ for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) if ((red_colormap[i] >= 256) || (green_colormap[i] >= 256) || (blue_colormap[i] >= 256)) { range=65535L; break; } for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=(Quantum) ((long) (MaxRGB*red_colormap[i])/range); image->colormap[i].green=(Quantum) ((long) (MaxRGB*green_colormap[i])/range); image->colormap[i].blue=(Quantum) ((long) (MaxRGB*blue_colormap[i])/range); } break; } default: break; } /* Convert image to PseudoClass runlength-encoded packets. */ for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { TIFFReadScanline(tiff,(char *) scanline,y,0); p=scanline; r=quantum_scanline; switch (bits_per_sample) { case 1: { register int bit; for (x=0; x < ((int) width-7); x+=8) { for (bit=7; bit >= 0; bit--) *r++=((*p) & (0x01 << bit) ? 0x01 : 0x00); p++; } if ((width % 8) != 0) { for (bit=7; bit >= (8-(width % 8)); bit--) *r++=((*p) & (0x01 << bit) ? 0x01 : 0x00); p++; } break; } case 2: { for (x=0; x < ((int) width-3); x+=4) { *r++=(*p >> 6) & 0x3; *r++=(*p >> 4) & 0x3; *r++=(*p >> 2) & 0x3; *r++=(*p) & 0x3; p++; } if ((width % 4) != 0) { for (i=3; i >= (4-(width % 4)); i--) *r++=(*p >> (i*2)) & 0x03; p++; } break; } case 4: { for (x=0; x < ((int) width-1); x+=2) { *r++=(*p >> 4) & 0xf; *r++=(*p) & 0xf; p++; } if ((width % 2) != 0) *r++=(*p++ >> 4) & 0xf; break; } case 8: { for (x=0; x < width; x++) *r++=(*p++); break; } case 16: { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(*r,p); r++; } break; } default: break; } /* Transfer image scanline. */ r=quantum_scanline; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { index=(*r++); if ((index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) { free((char *) scanline); free((char *) quantum_scanline); TIFFClose(tiff); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->index=index; q->length=0; } } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } free((char *) scanline); free((char *) quantum_scanline); if (image->class == PseudoClass) { SyncImage(image); CompressColormap(image); } break; } case 1: { /* Convert TIFF image to DirectClass MIFF image. */ scanline=(unsigned char *) malloc((TIFFScanlineSize(tiff) << 1)+1); if (scanline == (unsigned char *) NULL) { TIFFClose(tiff); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES,&extra_samples, &sample_info); image->matte=(extra_samples == 1) && ((*sample_info == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA) || (*sample_info == EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA)); for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { TIFFReadScanline(tiff,(char *) scanline,y,0); if (bits_per_sample == 4) { register unsigned char *r; width=TIFFScanlineSize(tiff); p=scanline+width-1; r=scanline+(width << 1)-1; for (x=0; x < (int) width; x++) { *r--=((*p) & 0xf) << 4; *r--=((*p >> 4) & 0xf) << 4; p--; } } p=scanline; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { ReadQuantum(red,p); ReadQuantum(green,p); ReadQuantum(blue,p); index=0; if (samples_per_pixel == 4) ReadQuantum(index,p); if ((red == q->red) && (green == q->green) && (blue == q->blue) && (index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) { TIFFClose(tiff); free((char *) scanline); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->red=red; q->green=green; q->blue=blue; q->index=index; q->length=0; } } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } free((char *) scanline); break; } case 2: default: { register uint32 *p, *pixels; /* Convert TIFF image to DirectClass MIFF image. */ TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff,TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES,&extra_samples, &sample_info); image->matte= ((extra_samples == 1) && (sample_info[0] == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA)); pixels=(uint32 *) malloc((image->columns*image->rows+image->columns)*sizeof(uint32)); if (pixels == (uint32 *) NULL) { TIFFClose(tiff); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } status=TIFFReadRGBAImage(tiff,image->columns,image->rows,pixels,0); if (status == False) { free((char *) pixels); TIFFClose(tiff); PrematureExit("Unable to read image",image); } /* Convert image to DirectClass runlength-encoded packets. */ for (y=image->rows-1; y >= 0; y--) { p=pixels+y*image->columns; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { red=UpScale(TIFFGetR(*p)); green=UpScale(TIFFGetG(*p)); blue=UpScale(TIFFGetB(*p)); index=image->matte ? UpScale(TIFFGetA(*p)) : 0; if ((red == q->red) && (green == q->green) && (blue == q->blue) && (index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) { free((char *) pixels); TIFFClose(tiff); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->red=red; q->green=green; q->blue=blue; q->index=index; q->length=0; } p++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,image->rows-y-1,image->rows); } free((char *) pixels); (void) IsPseudoClass(image); break; } } image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); /* Proceed to next image. */ if (image_info->subrange != 0) if (image->scene >= (image_info->subimage+image_info->subrange-1)) break; status=TIFFReadDirectory(tiff); if (status == True) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,image->scene-1,image->scene); } } while (status == True); TIFFClose(tiff); if (image->temporary) (void) remove(image_info->filename); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; return(image); } #else static Image *ReadTIFFImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Warning("TIFF library is not available",image_info->filename); return(ReadMIFFImage(image_info)); } #endif /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d T I L E I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadTILEImage tiles a texture on an image. It allocates the % memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to the % new image. % % The format of the ReadTILEImage routine is: % % image=ReadTILEImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadTILEImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadTILEImage(ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image, *tiled_image; int x, y; unsigned int height, width; tiled_image=ReadImage(image_info); if (tiled_image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Determine width and height, e.g. 640x512. */ width=512; height=512; if (image_info->size != (char *) NULL) (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->size,&x,&y,&width,&height); /* Initialize Image structure. */ tiled_image->orphan=True; image=CloneImage(tiled_image,width,height,False); tiled_image->orphan=False; if (image == (Image *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",tiled_image); (void) strcpy(image->filename,image_info->filename); /* Tile texture onto image. */ for (y=0; y < image->rows; y+=tiled_image->rows) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x+=tiled_image->columns) CompositeImage(image,ReplaceCompositeOp,tiled_image,x,y); ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->columns); } DestroyImage(tiled_image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d U Y V Y I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadUYVYImage reads an image in the UYVY (16bit/pixel) format % and returns it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image % structure and returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadUYVYImage routine is: % % image=ReadUYVYImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadUYVYImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadUYVYImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; int x, y; register int i; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char *uyvy_pixels; unsigned int height, width; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ (void) strcpy(image->filename,image_info->filename); OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image) /* Determine width and height, e.g. 640x512. */ width=512; height=512; x=0; if (image_info->size != (char *) NULL) (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->size,&x,&y,&width,&height); for (i=0; i < x; i++) (void) fgetc(image->file); /* Read data. */ image->columns=width; image->rows=height; image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; uyvy_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc((2*width*height)*sizeof(unsigned char)); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if ((uyvy_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) || (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) ReadData((char *) uyvy_pixels,1,2*width*height,image->file); /* Accumulate UYVY, then unpack into two pixels. */ p=uyvy_pixels; q=image->pixels; for (i=0; i < (image->packets >> 1); i++) { q->red=UpScale(p[1]); q->green=UpScale(p[0]); q->blue=UpScale(p[2]); q->index=0; q->length=0; q++; q->red=UpScale(p[3]); q->green=UpScale(p[0]); q->blue=UpScale(p[2]); q->index=0; q->length=0; q++; p+=4; if (QuantumTick(i,image)) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,i,image->packets >> 1); } free((char *) uyvy_pixels); TransformRGBImage(image,YCbCrColorspace); CompressImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d V I C A R I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadVICARImage reads a VICAR image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadVICARImage routine is: % % image=ReadVICARImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadVICARImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or if % the image cannot be read. % % o filename: Specifies the name of the image to read. % % */ static Image *ReadVICARImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { char keyword[MaxTextExtent], value[MaxTextExtent]; Image *image; int c, y; long count; register int i, x; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char *vicar_pixels; unsigned int header_length, status, value_expected; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Decode image header. */ c=fgetc(image->file); count=1; if (c == EOF) { DestroyImage(image); return((Image *) NULL); } header_length=0; while (isgraph(c) && ((image->columns*image->rows) == 0)) { if (!isalnum(c)) { c=fgetc(image->file); count++; } else { register char *p; /* Determine a keyword and its value. */ p=keyword; do { if ((p-keyword) < (MaxTextExtent-1)) *p++=(char) c; c=fgetc(image->file); count++; } while (isalnum(c) || (c == '_')); *p='\0'; value_expected=False; while (isspace(c) || (c == '=')) { if (c == '=') value_expected=True; c=fgetc(image->file); count++; } if (value_expected == False) continue; p=value; while (isalnum(c)) { if ((p-value) < (MaxTextExtent-1)) *p++=(char) c; c=fgetc(image->file); count++; } *p='\0'; /* Assign a value to the specified keyword. */ if (strcmp(keyword,"LABEL_RECORDS") == 0) header_length=(unsigned int) atoi(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"LBLSIZE") == 0) header_length=(unsigned int) atoi(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"RECORD_BYTES") == 0) image->columns=(unsigned int) atoi(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"NS") == 0) image->columns=(unsigned int) atoi(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"LINES") == 0) image->rows=(unsigned int) atoi(value); if (strcmp(keyword,"NL") == 0) image->rows=(unsigned int) atoi(value); } while (isspace(c)) { c=fgetc(image->file); count++; } } /* Read the rest of the header. */ while (count < header_length) { c=fgetc(image->file); count++; } /* Verify that required image information is defined. */ if ((image->columns*image->rows) == 0) PrematureExit("image size is zero",image); /* Create linear colormap. */ image->class=PseudoClass; image->colors=256; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=(Quantum) UpScale(i); image->colormap[i].green=(Quantum) UpScale(i); image->colormap[i].blue=(Quantum) UpScale(i); } /* Initialize image structure. */ image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); vicar_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(unsigned char)); if ((image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) || (vicar_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to read image data",image); /* Convert VICAR pixels to runlength-encoded packets. */ status=ReadData((char *) vicar_pixels,1,image->packets,image->file); if (status == False) PrematureExit("Insufficient image data in file",image); /* Convert VICAR pixels to runlength-encoded packets. */ p=vicar_pixels; q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { q->index=(unsigned short) *p; q->length=0; p++; q++; } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } free((char *) vicar_pixels); SyncImage(image); CompressColormap(image); CompressImage(image); CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d V I D I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadVIDImage reads one of more images and creates a Visual Image % Directory file. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image % structure and returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadVIDImage routine is: % % image=ReadVIDImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadVIDImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadVIDImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { #define ClientName "montage" char *commands[5], **filelist, **list, *resource_value; Display *display; Image *image, *montage_image, *next_image; ImageInfo local_info; int number_files; MonitorHandler handler; register int i; XMontageInfo montage_info; XResourceInfo resource_info; XrmDatabase resource_database; /* Expand the filename. */ list=(char **) malloc(sizeof(char *)); if (list == (char **) NULL) { Warning("Memory allocation error",(char *) NULL); return((Image *) NULL); } list[0]=(char *) malloc(Extent(image_info->filename)+1); if (list[0] == (char *) NULL) { Warning("Memory allocation error",(char *) NULL); return((Image *) NULL); } (void) strcpy(list[0],image_info->filename); number_files=1; filelist=list; ExpandFilenames(&number_files,&filelist); if (number_files == 0) { Warning("VID translation failed",image_info->filename); return((Image *) NULL); } /* Get user defaults from X resource database. */ XGetMontageInfo(&montage_info); display=XOpenDisplay(image_info->server_name); if (display != (Display *) NULL) XSetErrorHandler(XError); resource_database=XGetResourceDatabase(display,client_name); XGetResourceInfo(resource_database,client_name,&resource_info); resource_info.background_color=XGetResourceInstance(resource_database, client_name,"background",DefaultTileBackground); resource_info.foreground_color=XGetResourceInstance(resource_database, client_name,"foreground",DefaultTileForeground); montage_info.frame= XGetResourceInstance(resource_database,client_name,"frame",(char *) NULL); resource_info.image_geometry=XGetResourceInstance(resource_database, client_name,"imageGeometry",DefaultTileGeometry); resource_info.matte_color=XGetResourceInstance(resource_database, client_name,"mattecolor",DefaultTileMatte); resource_value=XGetResourceClass(resource_database,client_name, "pointsize",DefaultPointSize); montage_info.pointsize=atoi(resource_value); resource_value= XGetResourceClass(resource_database,client_name,"shadow","True"); montage_info.shadow=IsTrue(resource_value); montage_info.texture=XGetResourceClass(resource_database,client_name, "texture","granite:"); montage_info.tile=XGetResourceClass(resource_database,client_name,"tile", montage_info.tile); if (display != (Display *) NULL) XCloseDisplay(display); /* Read each image and convert them to a tile. */ image=(Image *) NULL; local_info=(*image_info); commands[0]=client_name; commands[1]="-label"; commands[2]=DefaultTileLabel; for (i=0; i < number_files; i++) { handler=SetMonitorHandler((MonitorHandler) NULL); if (local_info.size == (char *) NULL) local_info.size=resource_info.image_geometry; local_info.filename=filelist[i]; *local_info.magick='\0'; next_image=ReadImage(&local_info); free((char *) filelist[i]); if (next_image != (Image *) NULL) { MogrifyImages(&local_info,3,commands,&next_image); if (image == (Image *) NULL) image=next_image; else { image->next=next_image; image->next->previous=image; image=image->next; } } (void) SetMonitorHandler(handler); ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,i,number_files); } free((char *) filelist); if (image == (Image *) NULL) { Warning("VID translation failed",image_info->filename); return((Image *) NULL); } while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; /* Create the visual image directory. */ (void) strcpy(montage_info.filename,image_info->filename); montage_image=XMontageImages(&resource_info,&montage_info,image); if (montage_image == (Image *) NULL) { Warning("VID translation failed",image_info->filename); return((Image *) NULL); } DestroyImages(image); free((char *) list[0]); free((char *) list); return(montage_image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d V I F F I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadVIFFImage reads a Khoros Visualization image file and returns % it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and % returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadVIFFImage routine is: % % image=ReadVIFFImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadVIFFImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or if % the image cannot be read. % % o filename: Specifies the name of the image to read. % % */ static Image *ReadVIFFImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { #define VFF_CM_genericRGB 15 #define VFF_CM_ntscRGB 1 #define VFF_CM_NONE 0 #define VFF_DEP_DECORDER 0x4 #define VFF_DEP_NSORDER 0x8 #define VFF_DES_RAW 0 #define VFF_LOC_IMPLICIT 1 #define VFF_MAPTYP_NONE 0 #define VFF_MAPTYP_1_BYTE 1 #define VFF_MS_NONE 0 #define VFF_MS_ONEPERBAND 1 #define VFF_MS_SHARED 3 #define VFF_TYP_BIT 0 #define VFF_TYP_1_BYTE 1 #define VFF_TYP_2_BYTE 2 #define VFF_TYP_4_BYTE 4 typedef struct _ViffHeader { unsigned char identifier, file_type, release, version, machine_dependency, reserve[3]; char comment[512]; unsigned long rows, columns, subrows; long x_offset, y_offset; float x_pixel_size, y_pixel_size; unsigned long location_type, location_dimension, number_of_images, number_data_bands, data_storage_type, data_encode_scheme, map_scheme, map_storage_type, map_rows, map_columns, map_subrows, map_enable, maps_per_cycle, color_space_model; } ViffHeader; Image *image; register int bit, i, x, y; register Quantum *p; register RunlengthPacket *q; unsigned char buffer[7], *viff_pixels; unsigned int bytes_per_pixel, status; unsigned long packets; ViffHeader viff_header; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Read VIFF header (1024 bytes). */ status=ReadData((char *) &viff_header.identifier,1,1,image->file); do { /* Verify VIFF identifier. */ if ((status == False) || ((unsigned char) viff_header.identifier != 0xab)) PrematureExit("Not a VIFF raster",image); /* Initialize VIFF image. */ (void) ReadData((char *) buffer,1,7,image->file); viff_header.file_type=buffer[0]; viff_header.release=buffer[1]; viff_header.version=buffer[2]; viff_header.machine_dependency=buffer[3]; (void) ReadData((char *) viff_header.comment,1,512,image->file); viff_header.comment[511]='\0'; if (Extent(viff_header.comment) > 4) { image->comments=(char *) malloc((unsigned int) (Extent(viff_header.comment)+1)*sizeof(char)); if (image->comments == (char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) strcpy(image->comments,viff_header.comment); } if ((viff_header.machine_dependency == VFF_DEP_DECORDER) || (viff_header.machine_dependency == VFF_DEP_NSORDER)) { viff_header.rows=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.columns=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.subrows=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.x_offset=(long) LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.y_offset=(long) LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.x_pixel_size=(float) LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.y_pixel_size=(float) LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.location_type=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.location_dimension=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.number_of_images=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.number_data_bands=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.data_storage_type=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.data_encode_scheme=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.map_scheme=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.map_storage_type=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.map_rows=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.map_columns=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.map_subrows=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.map_enable=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.maps_per_cycle=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.color_space_model=LSBFirstReadLong(image->file); } else { viff_header.rows=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.columns=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.subrows=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.x_offset=(long) MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.y_offset=(long) MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.x_pixel_size=(float) MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.y_pixel_size=(float) MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.location_type=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.location_dimension=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.number_of_images=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.number_data_bands=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.data_storage_type=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.data_encode_scheme=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.map_scheme=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.map_storage_type=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.map_rows=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.map_columns=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.map_subrows=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.map_enable=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.maps_per_cycle=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); viff_header.color_space_model=MSBFirstReadLong(image->file); } for (i=0; i < 420; i++) (void) fgetc(image->file); /* Verify that we can read this VIFF image. */ if ((viff_header.columns*viff_header.rows) == 0) PrematureExit("Image column or row size is not supported",image); if ((viff_header.data_storage_type != VFF_TYP_BIT) && (viff_header.data_storage_type != VFF_TYP_1_BYTE) && (viff_header.data_storage_type != VFF_TYP_2_BYTE) && (viff_header.data_storage_type != VFF_TYP_4_BYTE)) PrematureExit("Data storage type is not supported",image); if (viff_header.data_encode_scheme != VFF_DES_RAW) PrematureExit("Data encoding scheme is not supported",image); if ((viff_header.map_storage_type != VFF_MAPTYP_NONE) && (viff_header.map_storage_type != VFF_MAPTYP_1_BYTE)) PrematureExit("Map storage type is not supported",image); if ((viff_header.color_space_model != VFF_CM_NONE) && (viff_header.color_space_model != VFF_CM_ntscRGB) && (viff_header.color_space_model != VFF_CM_genericRGB)) PrematureExit("Colorspace model is not supported",image); if (viff_header.location_type != VFF_LOC_IMPLICIT) { Warning("Location type is not supported",image->filename); DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } if (viff_header.number_of_images != 1) PrematureExit("Number of images is not supported",image); switch (viff_header.map_scheme) { case VFF_MS_NONE: { if (viff_header.number_data_bands < 3) { /* Create linear color ramp. */ if (viff_header.data_storage_type == VFF_TYP_BIT) image->colors=2; else image->colors=1 << (viff_header.number_data_bands*QuantumDepth); image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); image->colormap[i].green=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); image->colormap[i].blue=(MaxRGB*i)/(image->colors-1); } } break; } case VFF_MS_ONEPERBAND: case VFF_MS_SHARED: { unsigned char *viff_colormap; /* Read VIFF raster colormap. */ image->colors=(unsigned int) viff_header.map_columns; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); viff_colormap=(unsigned char *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(unsigned char)); if ((image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) || (viff_colormap == (unsigned char *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) ReadData((char *) viff_colormap,1,image->colors,image->file); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=UpScale(viff_colormap[i]); image->colormap[i].green=UpScale(viff_colormap[i]); image->colormap[i].blue=UpScale(viff_colormap[i]); } if (viff_header.map_rows > 1) { (void) ReadData((char *) viff_colormap,1,image->colors,image->file); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) image->colormap[i].green=UpScale(viff_colormap[i]); } if (viff_header.map_rows > 2) { (void) ReadData((char *) viff_colormap,1,image->colors,image->file); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) image->colormap[i].blue=UpScale(viff_colormap[i]); } free((char *) viff_colormap); break; } default: PrematureExit("Colormap type is not supported",image); } /* Allocate VIFF pixels. */ bytes_per_pixel=1; if (viff_header.data_storage_type == VFF_TYP_2_BYTE) bytes_per_pixel=2; if (viff_header.data_storage_type == VFF_TYP_4_BYTE) bytes_per_pixel=4; if (viff_header.data_storage_type == VFF_TYP_BIT) packets=((viff_header.columns+7) >> 3)*viff_header.rows; else packets= viff_header.columns*viff_header.rows*viff_header.number_data_bands; viff_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(bytes_per_pixel*packets*sizeof(Quantum)); if (viff_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); (void) ReadData((char *) viff_pixels,bytes_per_pixel,(unsigned int) packets, image->file); switch (viff_header.data_storage_type) { int max_value, min_value, value; register Quantum *q; unsigned long scale_factor; case VFF_TYP_1_BYTE: { register unsigned char *p; if (QuantumDepth == 8) break; /* Scale integer pixels to [0..MaxRGB]. */ p=viff_pixels; q=(Quantum *) viff_pixels; p+=packets-1; q+=packets-1; for (i=0; i < packets; i++) { value=UpScale(*p); *q=(Quantum) value; p--; q--; } break; } case VFF_TYP_2_BYTE: { register short int *p; /* Ensure the header byte-order is most-significant byte first. */ if ((viff_header.machine_dependency == VFF_DEP_DECORDER) || (viff_header.machine_dependency == VFF_DEP_NSORDER)) MSBFirstOrderShort((char *) &viff_header, (unsigned int) (bytes_per_pixel*packets)); /* Determine scale factor. */ p=(short int *) viff_pixels; max_value=(*p); min_value=(*p); for (i=0; i < packets; i++) { if (*p > max_value) max_value=(*p); else if (*p < min_value) min_value=(*p); p++; } if ((min_value == 0) && (max_value == 0)) scale_factor=0; else if (min_value == max_value) { scale_factor=UpShift(MaxRGB)/min_value; min_value=0; } else scale_factor=UpShift(MaxRGB)/(max_value-min_value); /* Scale integer pixels to [0..MaxRGB]. */ p=(short int *) viff_pixels; q=(Quantum *) viff_pixels; for (i=0; i < packets; i++) { value=DownShift((*p-min_value)*scale_factor); if (value > MaxRGB) value=MaxRGB; else if (value < 0) value=0; *q=(Quantum) value; p++; q++; } break; } case VFF_TYP_4_BYTE: { register int *p; /* Ensure the header byte-order is most-significant byte first. */ if ((viff_header.machine_dependency == VFF_DEP_DECORDER) || (viff_header.machine_dependency == VFF_DEP_NSORDER)) MSBFirstOrderLong((char *) &viff_header, (unsigned int) (bytes_per_pixel*packets)); /* Determine scale factor. */ p=(int *) viff_pixels; max_value=(*p); min_value=(*p); for (i=0; i < packets; i++) { if (*p > max_value) max_value=(*p); else if (*p < min_value) min_value=(*p); p++; } if ((min_value == 0) && (max_value == 0)) scale_factor=0; else if (min_value == max_value) { scale_factor=UpShift(MaxRGB)/min_value; min_value=0; } else scale_factor=UpShift(MaxRGB)/(max_value-min_value); /* Scale integer pixels to [0..MaxRGB]. */ p=(int *) viff_pixels; q=(Quantum *) viff_pixels; for (i=0; i < packets; i++) { value=DownShift((*p-min_value)*scale_factor); if (value > MaxRGB) value=MaxRGB; else if (value < 0) value=0; *q=(unsigned char) value; p++; q++; } break; } } /* Initialize image structure. */ image->matte=(viff_header.number_data_bands == 4); image->class= (viff_header.number_data_bands < 3 ? PseudoClass : DirectClass); image->columns=(unsigned int) viff_header.rows; image->rows=(unsigned int) viff_header.columns; image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Convert VIFF raster image to runlength-encoded packets. */ p=(Quantum *) viff_pixels; q=image->pixels; if (viff_header.data_storage_type == VFF_TYP_BIT) { unsigned int polarity; /* Convert bitmap scanline to runlength-encoded color packets. */ polarity=(viff_header.machine_dependency == VFF_DEP_DECORDER) || (viff_header.machine_dependency == VFF_DEP_NSORDER); for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { /* Convert bitmap scanline to runlength-encoded color packets. */ for (x=0; x < (image->columns >> 3); x++) { for (bit=0; bit < 8; bit++) { q->index= ((*p) & (0x01 << bit) ? (int) polarity : (int) !polarity); q->length=0; q++; } p++; } if ((image->columns % 8) != 0) { for (bit=0; bit < (image->columns % 8); bit++) { q->index= ((*p) & (0x01 << bit) ? (int) polarity : (int) !polarity); q->length=0; q++; } p++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } } else if (image->class == PseudoClass) for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { /* Convert PseudoColor scanline to runlength-encoded color packets. */ for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { q->index=(*p++); q->length=0; q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } else { unsigned long offset; /* Convert DirectColor scanline to runlength-encoded color packets. */ offset=image->columns*image->rows; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { q->red=(*p); q->green=(*(p+offset)); q->blue=(*(p+offset*2)); if (image->colors != 0) { q->red=image->colormap[q->red].red; q->green=image->colormap[q->green].green; q->blue=image->colormap[q->blue].blue; } q->index=(unsigned short) (image->matte ? (*(p+offset*3)) : 0); q->length=0; p++; q++; } if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } } free((char *) viff_pixels); if (image->class == PseudoClass) { SyncImage(image); CompressColormap(image); } CompressImage(image); /* Proceed to next image. */ status=ReadData((char *) &viff_header.identifier,1,1,image->file); if ((status == True) && (viff_header.identifier == 0xab)) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AllocateNextImage(image_info,image); if (image->next == (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImages(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=image->next; ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,(unsigned int) ftell(image->file), (unsigned int) image->filesize); } } while ((status == True) && (viff_header.identifier == 0xab)); while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d X I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Procedure ReadXImage reads an image from an X window. % % The format of the ReadXImage routine is: % % image=ReadXImage(image_info,frame,borders,screen,descend) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % o frame: Specifies whether to include the window manager frame with the % image. % % o borders: Specifies whether borders pixels are to be saved with % the image. % % o screen: Specifies whether the GetImage request used to obtain the image % should be done on the root window, rather than directly on the specified % window. % % o descend: If this option is zero, check to see if the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS % property is set or if XListInstalledColormaps returns more than one % colormap. If so, the image is obtained by descending the window % hierarchy and reading each subwindow and its colormap. % % */ Export Image *ReadXImage(ImageInfo *image_info,const unsigned int frame, const unsigned int borders,const unsigned int screen,unsigned int descend) { Colormap *colormaps; Display *display; Image *image; int status, x; RectangleInfo crop_info; Window *children, client, prior_target, root, target; XTextProperty window_name; /* Open X server connection. */ display=XOpenDisplay(image_info->server_name); if (display == (Display *) NULL) { Warning("Unable to connect to X server", XDisplayName(image_info->server_name)); return((Image *) NULL); } /* Set our forgiving error handler. */ XSetErrorHandler(XError); /* Select target window. */ crop_info.x=0; crop_info.y=0; crop_info.width=0; crop_info.height=0; root=XRootWindow(display,XDefaultScreen(display)); target=(Window) NULL; if ((image_info->filename != (char *) NULL) && (*image_info->filename != '\0')) if (Latin1Compare(image_info->filename,"root") == 0) target=root; else { /* Select window by ID or name. */ if (isdigit(*image_info->filename)) target=XWindowByID(display,root,(Window) strtol(image_info->filename, (char **) NULL,0)); if (target == (Window) NULL) target=XWindowByName(display,root,image_info->filename); if (target == (Window) NULL) Warning("No window with specified id exists",image_info->filename); } /* If target window is not defined, interactively select one. */ prior_target=target; if (target == (Window) NULL) target=XSelectWindow(display,&crop_info); client=target; /* obsolete */ if (target != root) { unsigned int d; status=XGetGeometry(display,target,&root,&x,&x,&d,&d,&d,&d); if (status != 0) { for ( ; ; ) { Window parent; /* Find window manager frame. */ status=XQueryTree(display,target,&root,&parent,&children,&d); if (status && (children != (Window *) NULL)) XFree((char *) children); if (!status || (parent == (Window) NULL) || (parent == root)) break; target=parent; } /* Get client window. */ client=XClientWindow(display,target); if (!frame) target=client; if (!frame && prior_target) target=prior_target; XRaiseWindow(display,target); XDelay(display,SuspendTime << 4); } } if (screen) { int y; Window child; XWindowAttributes window_attributes; /* Obtain window image directly from screen. */ status=XGetWindowAttributes(display,target,&window_attributes); if (status == False) { Warning("Unable to read X window attributes",image_info->filename); XCloseDisplay(display); return((Image *) NULL); } XTranslateCoordinates(display,target,root,0,0,&x,&y,&child); crop_info.x=x; crop_info.y=y; crop_info.width=window_attributes.width; crop_info.height=window_attributes.height; if (borders) { /* Include border in image. */ crop_info.x-=window_attributes.border_width; crop_info.y-=window_attributes.border_width; crop_info.width+=window_attributes.border_width << 1; crop_info.height+=window_attributes.border_width << 1; } target=root; } if (descend) { int number_colormaps, number_windows; /* If WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property is set or multiple colormaps, descend. */ descend=False; number_windows=0; status=XGetWMColormapWindows(display,target,&children,&number_windows); if ((status == True) && (number_windows > 0)) { descend=True; XFree ((char *) children); } colormaps=XListInstalledColormaps(display,target,&number_colormaps); if (number_colormaps > 0) { if (number_colormaps > 1) descend=True; XFree((char *) colormaps); } } /* Alert the user not to alter the screen. */ XBell(display,0); /* Get image by window id. */ XGrabServer(display); image=XGetWindowImage(display,target,borders,descend); XUngrabServer(display); if (image == (Image *) NULL) Warning("Unable to read X window image",image_info->filename); else { (void) strcpy(image->filename,image_info->filename); if ((crop_info.width != 0) && (crop_info.height != 0)) { Image *cropped_image; /* Crop image as defined by the cropping rectangle. */ cropped_image=CropImage(image,&crop_info); if (cropped_image != (Image *) NULL) { DestroyImage(image); image=cropped_image; } } status=XGetWMName(display,target,&window_name); if (status == True) { if ((image_info->filename != (char *) NULL) && (*image_info->filename == '\0')) { /* Initialize image filename. */ (void) strncpy(image->filename,(char *) window_name.value, (int) window_name.nitems); image->filename[window_name.nitems]='\0'; } XFree((void *) window_name.value); } } /* Alert the user we're done. */ XBell(display,0); XBell(display,0); CompressImage(image); XCloseDisplay(display); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d X B M I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadXBMImage reads an X11 bitmap image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadXBMImage routine is: % % image=ReadXBMImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadXBMImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static int XBMInteger(FILE *file,short int *hex_digits) { int c, flag, value; value=0; flag=0; for ( ; ; ) { c=fgetc(file); if (c == EOF) { value=(-1); break; } c&=0xff; if (isxdigit(c)) { value=(value << 4)+hex_digits[c]; flag++; continue; } if ((hex_digits[c]) < 0 && flag) break; } return(value); } static Image *ReadXBMImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { char buffer[MaxTextExtent], name[MaxTextExtent]; Image *image; register int x, y; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; short int hex_digits[256]; unsigned char bit, *data; unsigned int byte, bytes_per_line, packets, padding, value, version; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Read X bitmap header. */ while (fgets(buffer,MaxTextExtent,image->file) != (char *) NULL) if (sscanf(buffer,"#define %s %u",name,&image->columns) == 2) if ((strlen(name) >= 6) && (strcmp(name+strlen(name)-6,"_width") == 0)) break; while (fgets(buffer,MaxTextExtent,image->file) != (char *) NULL) if (sscanf(buffer,"#define %s %u",name,&image->rows) == 2) if ((strlen(name) >= 7) && (strcmp(name+strlen(name)-7,"_height") == 0)) break; /* Scan until hex digits. */ version=11; while (fgets(buffer,MaxTextExtent,image->file) != (char *) NULL) { if (sscanf(buffer,"static short %s = {",name) == 1) version=10; else if (sscanf(buffer,"static unsigned char %s = {",name) == 1) version=11; else if (sscanf(buffer,"static char %s = {",name) == 1) version=11; else continue; p=(unsigned char *) strrchr(name,'_'); if (p == (unsigned char *) NULL) p=(unsigned char *) name; else p++; if (strcmp("bits[]",(char *) p) == 0) break; } if ((image->columns == 0) || (image->rows == 0) || feof(image->file)) PrematureExit("XBM file is not in the correct format",image); /* Initialize image structure. */ image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->class=PseudoClass; image->colors=2; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); padding=0; if ((image->columns % 16) && ((image->columns % 16) < 9) && (version == 10)) padding=1; bytes_per_line=(image->columns+7)/8+padding; packets=bytes_per_line*image->rows; data=(unsigned char *) malloc(packets*sizeof(unsigned char *)); if ((image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) || (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) || (data == (unsigned char *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Initialize colormap. */ image->colormap[0].red=0; image->colormap[0].green=0; image->colormap[0].blue=0; image->colormap[1].red=MaxRGB; image->colormap[1].green=MaxRGB; image->colormap[1].blue=MaxRGB; /* Initialize hex values. */ hex_digits['0']=0; hex_digits['1']=1; hex_digits['2']=2; hex_digits['3']=3; hex_digits['4']=4; hex_digits['5']=5; hex_digits['6']=6; hex_digits['7']=7; hex_digits['8']=8; hex_digits['9']=9; hex_digits['A']=10; hex_digits['B']=11; hex_digits['C']=12; hex_digits['D']=13; hex_digits['E']=14; hex_digits['F']=15; hex_digits['a']=10; hex_digits['b']=11; hex_digits['c']=12; hex_digits['d']=13; hex_digits['e']=14; hex_digits['f']=15; hex_digits['x']=0; hex_digits[' ']=(-1); hex_digits[',']=(-1); hex_digits['}']=(-1); hex_digits['\n']=(-1); hex_digits['\t']=(-1); /* Read hex image data. */ p=data; if (version == 10) for (x=0; x < packets; (x+=2)) { value=XBMInteger(image->file,hex_digits); *p++=value; if (!padding || ((x+2) % bytes_per_line)) *p++=value >> 8; } else for (x=0; x < packets; x++) { value=XBMInteger(image->file,hex_digits); *p++=value; } /* Convert X bitmap image to runlength-encoded packets. */ byte=0; p=data; q=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { bit=0; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { if (bit == 0) byte=(*p++); q->index=byte & 0x01 ? 0 : 1; q->length=0; q++; bit++; byte>>=1; if (bit == 8) bit=0; } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } SyncImage(image); CompressImage(image); CloseImage(image); free((char *) data); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d X C I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadXCImage creates a constant image and initializes it to the % X server color as specified by the filename. It allocates the memory % necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to the new % image. % % The format of the ReadXCImage routine is: % % image=ReadXCImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadXCImage returns a pointer to the image after % creating it. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage % or if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadXCImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; int x, y; register int i; register RunlengthPacket *q; unsigned int height, width; XColor color; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Determine width and height, e.g. 640x512. */ width=512; height=512; if (image_info->size != (char *) NULL) (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->size,&x,&y,&width,&height); /* Initialize Image structure. */ (void) strcpy(image->filename,image_info->filename); image->columns=width; image->rows=height; image->packets=((Max(image->columns*image->rows,1)-1)/(MaxRunlength+1))+1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); image->class=PseudoClass; image->colors=1; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if ((image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) || (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Initialize colormap. */ (void) XQueryColorDatabase(image_info->filename,&color); image->colormap[0].red=XDownScale(; image->colormap[0].green=XDownScale(; image->colormap[0].blue=XDownScale(; q=image->pixels; for (i=0; i < image->packets; i++) { q->index=0; q->length=MaxRunlength; q++; if (QuantumTick(i,image)) ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,i,image->packets); } q--; q->length=image->columns*image->rows-(MaxRunlength+1)*(image->packets-1)-1; SyncImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d X P M I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadXPMImage reads an X11 pixmap image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadXPMImage routine is: % % image=ReadXPMImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadXPMImage returns a pointer to the image after % creating it. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage % or if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static char *ParseColor(char *data) { #define NumberTargets 6 static char *targets[NumberTargets] = { "c ", "g ", "g4 ", "m ", "b ", "s " }; register char *p, *q, *r; register int i; for (i=0; i < NumberTargets; i++) { r=data; for (q=targets[i]; *r != '\0'; r++) { if (*r != *q) continue; if (!isspace(*(r-1))) continue; p=r; for ( ; ; ) { if (*q == '\0') return(r); if (*p++ != *q++) break; } q=targets[i]; } } return((char *) NULL); } static Image *ReadXPMImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { char key[MaxTextExtent], target[MaxTextExtent], **textlist, *xpm_buffer; Image *image; int count, length, x, y; register char *p, *q; register int i, j; register RunlengthPacket *r; unsigned int width; XColor color; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,"r"); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Read XPM file. */ length=MaxTextExtent; xpm_buffer=(char *) malloc(length*sizeof(char)); p=xpm_buffer; if (xpm_buffer != (char *) NULL) while (fgets(p,MaxTextExtent,image->file) != (char *) NULL) { if (*p == '#') if ((p == xpm_buffer) || (*(p-1) == '\n')) continue; if ((*p == '}') && (*(p+1) == ';')) break; p+=Extent(p); if ((p-xpm_buffer+MaxTextExtent+1) < length) continue; length<<=1; xpm_buffer=(char *) realloc((char *) xpm_buffer,length*sizeof(char)); if (xpm_buffer == (char *) NULL) break; p=xpm_buffer+Extent(xpm_buffer); } if (xpm_buffer == (char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Remove comments. */ for (p=xpm_buffer; *p != '\0'; p++) { if ((*p != '/') || (*(p+1) != '*')) continue; for (q=p+2; *q != '\0'; q++) if ((*q == '*') && (*(q+1) == '/')) break; (void) strcpy(p,q+2); } /* Remove unquoted characters. */ i=0; for (p=xpm_buffer; *p != '\0'; p++) { if (*p != '"') continue; for (q=p+1; *q != '\0'; q++) if (*q == '"') break; (void) strncpy(xpm_buffer+i,p+1,q-p-1); i+=q-p-1; xpm_buffer[i++]='\n'; p=q+1; } xpm_buffer[i]='\0'; textlist=StringToList(xpm_buffer); free(xpm_buffer); if (textlist == (char **) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); /* Read hints. */ count=sscanf(textlist[0],"%u %u %u %u",&image->columns,&image->rows, &image->colors,&width); if ((count != 4) || (width > 2) || ((image->columns*image->rows*image->colors) == 0)) { for (i=0; textlist[i] != (char *) NULL; i++) free((char *) textlist[i]); free((char *) textlist); PrematureExit("Not a XPM image file",image); } /* Initialize image structure. */ image->class=PseudoClass; image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); image->packets=image->columns*image->rows; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if ((image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) || (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL)) { for (i=0; textlist[i] != (char *) NULL; i++) free((char *) textlist[i]); free((char *) textlist); PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); } /* Read image colormap. */ i=1; for (j=0; j < image->colors; j++) { p=textlist[i++]; if (p == (char *) NULL) break; image->colormap[j].key[width]='\0'; (void) strncpy(image->colormap[j].key,p,width); /* Parse color. */ (void) strcpy(target,"gray"); q=ParseColor(p+width); if (q != (char *) NULL) { while (!isspace(*q) && (*q != '\0')) q++; (void) strcpy(target,q); q=ParseColor(target); if (q != (char *) NULL) *q='\0'; } Strip(target); image->colormap[j].flags=Latin1Compare(target,"none") == 0; if (image->colormap[j].flags) { image->class=DirectClass; image->matte=True; (void) strcpy(target,"gray"); } (void) XQueryColorDatabase(target,&color); image->colormap[j].red=XDownScale(; image->colormap[j].green=XDownScale(; image->colormap[j].blue=XDownScale(; } if (j < image->colors) { for (i=0; textlist[i] != (char *) NULL; i++) free((char *) textlist[i]); free((char *) textlist); PrematureExit("Corrupt XPM image file",image); } /* Read image pixels. */ j=0; key[width]='\0'; r=image->pixels; for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { p=textlist[i++]; if (p == (char *) NULL) break; for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { (void) strncpy(key,p,width); if (strcmp(key,image->colormap[j].key) != 0) for (j=0; j < (image->colors-1); j++) if (strcmp(key,image->colormap[j].key) == 0) break; r->red=image->colormap[j].red; r->green=image->colormap[j].green; r->blue=image->colormap[j].blue; if (image->class == PseudoClass) r->index=j; else if (image->colormap[j].flags) r->index=Transparent; else r->index=Opaque; r->length=0; r++; p+=width; } } if (y < image->rows) { for (i=0; textlist[i] != (char *) NULL; i++) free((char *) textlist[i]); free((char *) textlist); PrematureExit("Corrupt XPM image file",image); } /* Free resources. */ for (i=0; textlist[i] != (char *) NULL; i++) free((char *) textlist[i]); free((char *) textlist); CompressImage(image); CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d X W D I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadXWDImage reads an X Window System window dump image file and % returns it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure % and returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadXWDImage routine is: % % image=ReadXWDImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadXWDImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadXWDImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { Image *image; int status, x, y; register int i; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned long pixel; unsigned long lsb_first; unsigned int packets; unsigned short index; XColor *colors; XImage *ximage; XWDFileHeader header; /* Allocate image structure. */ image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,image,ReadBinaryType); if (image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",image); /* Read in header information. */ status=ReadData((char *) &header,sz_XWDheader,1,image->file); if (status == False) PrematureExit("Unable to read dump file header",image); /* Ensure the header byte-order is most-significant byte first. */ lsb_first=1; if (*(char *) &lsb_first) MSBFirstOrderLong((char *) &header,sz_XWDheader); /* Check to see if the dump file is in the proper format. */ if (header.file_version != XWD_FILE_VERSION) PrematureExit("XWD file format version mismatch",image); if (header.header_size < sz_XWDheader) PrematureExit("XWD header size is too small",image); packets=(header.header_size-sz_XWDheader); image->comments=(char *) malloc((packets+1)*sizeof(char)); if (image->comments == (char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); status=ReadData((char *) image->comments,1,packets,image->file); image->comments[packets]='\0'; if (status == False) PrematureExit("Unable to read window name from dump file",image); /* Initialize the X image. */ ximage=(XImage *) malloc(sizeof(XImage)); if (ximage == (XImage *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); ximage->depth=header.pixmap_depth; ximage->format=header.pixmap_format; ximage->xoffset=header.xoffset; ximage->data=(char *) NULL; ximage->width=header.pixmap_width; ximage->height=header.pixmap_height; ximage->bitmap_pad=header.bitmap_pad; ximage->bytes_per_line=header.bytes_per_line; ximage->byte_order=header.byte_order; ximage->bitmap_unit=header.bitmap_unit; ximage->bitmap_bit_order=header.bitmap_bit_order; ximage->bits_per_pixel=header.bits_per_pixel; ximage->red_mask=header.red_mask; ximage->green_mask=header.green_mask; ximage->blue_mask=header.blue_mask; status=XInitImage(ximage); if (status == False) PrematureExit("Invalid XWD header",image); /* Read colormap. */ colors=(XColor *) NULL; if (header.ncolors != 0) { XWDColor color; colors=(XColor *) malloc((unsigned int) header.ncolors*sizeof(XColor)); if (colors == (XColor *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); for (i=0; i < header.ncolors; i++) { status=ReadData((char *) &color,sz_XWDColor,1,image->file); if (status == False) PrematureExit("Unable to read color map from dump file",image); colors[i].pixel=color.pixel; colors[i]; colors[i]; colors[i]; colors[i].flags=color.flags; } /* Ensure the header byte-order is most-significant byte first. */ lsb_first=1; if (*(char *) &lsb_first) for (i=0; i < header.ncolors; i++) { MSBFirstOrderLong((char *) &colors[i].pixel,sizeof(unsigned long)); MSBFirstOrderShort((char *) &colors[i].red,3*sizeof(unsigned short)); } } /* Allocate the pixel buffer. */ if (ximage->format == ZPixmap) packets=ximage->bytes_per_line*ximage->height; else packets=ximage->bytes_per_line*ximage->height*ximage->depth; ximage->data=(char *) malloc(packets*sizeof(unsigned char)); if (ximage->data == (char *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); status=ReadData(ximage->data,1,packets,image->file); if (status == False) PrematureExit("Unable to read dump pixmap",image); /* Convert image to MIFF format. */ image->columns=ximage->width; image->rows=ximage->height; if ((colors == (XColor *) NULL) || (ximage->red_mask != 0) || (ximage->green_mask != 0) || (ximage->blue_mask != 0)) image->class=DirectClass; else image->class=PseudoClass; image->colors=header.ncolors; image->packets=0; packets=Max((image->columns*image->rows+4) >> 3,1); image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); q=image->pixels; q->length=MaxRunlength; switch (image->class) { case DirectClass: default: { register unsigned long color; unsigned int blue, green, red; unsigned long blue_mask, blue_shift, green_mask, green_shift, red_mask, red_shift; /* Determine shift and mask for red, green, and blue. */ red_mask=ximage->red_mask; red_shift=0; while ((red_mask & 0x01) == 0) { red_mask>>=1; red_shift++; } green_mask=ximage->green_mask; green_shift=0; while ((green_mask & 0x01) == 0) { green_mask>>=1; green_shift++; } blue_mask=ximage->blue_mask; blue_shift=0; while ((blue_mask & 0x01) == 0) { blue_mask>>=1; blue_shift++; } /* Convert X image to DirectClass packets. */ if (image->colors != 0) for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { pixel=XGetPixel(ximage,x,y); index=(unsigned short) ((pixel >> red_shift) & red_mask); red=XDownScale(colors[index].red); index=(unsigned short) ((pixel >> green_shift) & green_mask); green=XDownScale(colors[index].green); index=(unsigned short) ((pixel >> blue_shift) & blue_mask); blue=XDownScale(colors[index].blue); if ((red == q->red) && (green == q->green) && (blue == q->blue) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->red=red; q->green=green; q->blue=blue; q->index=0; q->length=0; } } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } else for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { pixel=XGetPixel(ximage,x,y); color=(pixel >> red_shift) & red_mask; red=XDownScale((color*65535L)/red_mask); color=(pixel >> green_shift) & green_mask; green=XDownScale((color*65535L)/green_mask); color=(pixel >> blue_shift) & blue_mask; blue=XDownScale((color*65535L)/blue_mask); if ((red == q->red) && (green == q->green) && (blue == q->blue) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->red=red; q->green=green; q->blue=blue; q->index=0; q->length=0; } } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } break; } case PseudoClass: { /* Convert X image to PseudoClass packets. */ image->colormap=(ColorPacket *) malloc(image->colors*sizeof(ColorPacket)); if (image->colormap == (ColorPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); for (i=0; i < image->colors; i++) { image->colormap[i].red=XDownScale(colors[i].red); image->colormap[i].green=XDownScale(colors[i].green); image->colormap[i].blue=XDownScale(colors[i].blue); } for (y=0; y < image->rows; y++) { for (x=0; x < image->columns; x++) { pixel=XGetPixel(ximage,x,y); index=(unsigned short) pixel; if ((index == q->index) && ((int) q->length < MaxRunlength)) q->length++; else { if (image->packets != 0) q++; image->packets++; if (image->packets == packets) { packets<<=1; image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if (image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); q=image->pixels+image->packets-1; } q->index=index; q->length=0; } } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,y,image->rows); } SyncImage(image); CompressColormap(image); break; } } image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) realloc((char *) image->pixels,image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); /* Free image and colormap. */ if (header.ncolors != 0) free((char *) colors); free(ximage->data); free(ximage); CloseImage(image); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d Y U V I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadYUVImage reads an image with digital YUV (CCIR 601 4:1:1) bytes % and returns it. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image % structure and returns a pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadYUVImage routine is: % % image=ReadYUVImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadYUVImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ static Image *ReadYUVImage(const ImageInfo *image_info) { char filename[MaxTextExtent]; Image *image, *zoomed_image; int x, y; register int i; register RunlengthPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char *uv_pixels, *y_pixels; unsigned int height, width; /* Allocate image structure. */ zoomed_image=AllocateImage(image_info); if (zoomed_image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); /* Determine width and height, e.g. 640x512. */ width=512; height=512; x=0; if (image_info->size != (char *) NULL) (void) XParseGeometry(image_info->size,&x,&y,&width,&height); if (image_info->interlace != PartitionInterlace) { /* Open image file. */ OpenImage(image_info,zoomed_image,ReadBinaryType); if (zoomed_image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",zoomed_image) for (i=0; i < x; i++) (void) fgetc(zoomed_image->file); } /* Read Y channel. */ if (image_info->interlace == PartitionInterlace) { AppendImageFormat("Y",zoomed_image->filename); OpenImage(image_info,zoomed_image,ReadBinaryType); if (zoomed_image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",zoomed_image); } zoomed_image->columns=width >> 1; zoomed_image->rows=height >> 1; zoomed_image->packets=zoomed_image->columns*zoomed_image->rows; uv_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(zoomed_image->packets*sizeof(unsigned char)); y_pixels=(unsigned char *) malloc(4*zoomed_image->packets*sizeof(unsigned char)); zoomed_image->pixels=(RunlengthPacket *) malloc(zoomed_image->packets*sizeof(RunlengthPacket)); if ((uv_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) || (y_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) || (zoomed_image->pixels == (RunlengthPacket *) NULL)) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",zoomed_image); (void) ReadData((char *) y_pixels,4,zoomed_image->packets,zoomed_image->file); /* Read U channel. */ if (image_info->interlace == PartitionInterlace) { CloseImage(zoomed_image); AppendImageFormat("U",zoomed_image->filename); OpenImage(image_info,zoomed_image,ReadBinaryType); if (zoomed_image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",zoomed_image); } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,100,400); (void) ReadData((char *) uv_pixels,1,zoomed_image->packets, zoomed_image->file); p=uv_pixels; q=zoomed_image->pixels; for (i=0; i < zoomed_image->packets; i++) { q->green=UpScale(*p); q->index=0; q->length=0; p++; q++; } /* Read V channel. */ if (image_info->interlace == PartitionInterlace) { CloseImage(zoomed_image); AppendImageFormat("V",zoomed_image->filename); OpenImage(image_info,zoomed_image,ReadBinaryType); if (zoomed_image->file == (FILE *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to open file",zoomed_image); } ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,200,400); (void) ReadData((char *) uv_pixels,1,zoomed_image->packets, zoomed_image->file); p=uv_pixels; q=zoomed_image->pixels; for (i=0; i < zoomed_image->packets; i++) { q->blue=UpScale(*p); p++; q++; } CloseImage(zoomed_image); free((char *) uv_pixels); /* Scale image. */ ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,300,400); zoomed_image->orphan=True; image=MagnifyImage(zoomed_image); zoomed_image->orphan=False; DestroyImage(zoomed_image); if (image == (Image *) NULL) PrematureExit("Unable to allocate memory",image); p=y_pixels; q=image->pixels; for (i=0; i < (image->columns*image->rows); i++) { q->red=UpScale(*p); p++; q++; } free((char *) y_pixels); TransformRGBImage(image,YCbCrColorspace); (void) strcpy(image->filename,filename); CompressImage(image); if (image_info->interlace == PartitionInterlace) (void) strcpy(image->filename,image_info->filename); ProgressMonitor(LoadImageText,400,400); return(image); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Function ReadImage reads an image and returns it. It allocates % the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to % the new image. By default, the image format is determined by its magic % number. To specify a particular image format, precede the filename with an % explicit image format name and a colon (i.e. ps:image) or as the filename % suffix (i.e. % % The format of the ReadImage routine is: % % image=ReadImage(image_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: Function ReadImage returns a pointer to the image after % reading. A null image is returned if there is a a memory shortage or % if the image cannot be read. % % o image_info: Specifies a pointer to an ImageInfo structure. % % */ Export Image *ReadImage(ImageInfo *image_info) { char magic_number[MaxTextExtent]; Image decode_image, *image; ImageInfo decode_info; register char *p; register int i; assert(image_info != (ImageInfo *) NULL); assert(image_info->filename != (char *) NULL); SetImageInfo(image_info,False); decode_info=(*image_info); decode_image.temporary=strcmp(decode_info.magick,"TMP") == 0; decode_image.orphan=False; if ((strncmp(decode_info.magick,"FILE",4) == 0) || (strncmp(decode_info.magick,"FTP",3) == 0) || (strncmp(decode_info.magick,"GOPHER",6) == 0) || (strncmp(decode_info.magick,"HTTP",4) == 0)) { char command[MaxTextExtent], filename[MaxTextExtent]; /* Retrieve image as specified with a WWW uniform resource locator. */ decode_image.temporary=True; TemporaryFilename(filename); (void) sprintf(command,WWWCommand,decode_info.magick,decode_info.filename, filename); (void) SystemCommand(command); SetImageInfo(&decode_info,False); (void) strcpy(decode_info.filename,filename); } if (!decode_info.affirm || (strncmp(decode_info.magick,"SGI",3) == 0) || (strncmp(decode_info.magick,"PCD",3) == 0)) { /* Determine type from image magic number. */ for (i=0 ; i < sizeof(magic_number); i++) magic_number[i]='\0'; (void) strcpy(decode_image.filename,decode_info.filename); OpenImage(image_info,&decode_image,ReadBinaryType); if (decode_image.file != (FILE *) NULL) if ((decode_image.file == stdin) || decode_image.pipe) { FILE *file; int c; /* Copy standard input or pipe to temporary file. */ decode_image.temporary=True; TemporaryFilename(decode_image.filename); decode_info.filename=decode_image.filename; file=fopen(decode_image.filename,WriteBinaryType); if (file == (FILE *) NULL) { Warning("Unable to write file",decode_info.filename); return((Image *) NULL); } c=fgetc(decode_image.file); while (c != EOF) { (void) putc(c,file); c=fgetc(decode_image.file); } (void) fclose(file); CloseImage(&decode_image); OpenImage(image_info,&decode_image,ReadBinaryType); } if (decode_image.file != (FILE *) NULL) { /* Read magic number. */ (void) ReadData(magic_number,(unsigned int) sizeof(char), (unsigned int) sizeof(magic_number),decode_image.file); if (((unsigned char) magic_number[0] == 0xff) && ((unsigned char) magic_number[1] == 0xff)) { register int i; /* For PCD image type, skip to byte 2048. */ for (i=0; i < (int) (0x800-sizeof(magic_number)); i++) (void) fgetc(decode_image.file); (void) ReadData(magic_number,(unsigned int) sizeof(char), (unsigned int) sizeof(magic_number),decode_image.file); } CloseImage(&decode_image); } /* Determine the image format. */ magic_number[MaxTextExtent-1]='\0'; if (strncmp(magic_number,"BM",2) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"BMP"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"IT0",3) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"FITS"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"\261\150\336\72",4) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"DCX"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"SIMPLE",6) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"FITS"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"GIF8",4) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"GIF"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"\016\003\023\001",4) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"HDF"); if ((strncmp(magic_number,"<HTML",5) == 0) || (strncmp(magic_number,"<html",5) == 0)) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"HTML"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"\001\332",2) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"SGI"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"\377\330\377",3) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"JPEG"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"id=ImageMagick",14) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"MIFF"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"\212MNG\r\n\032\n",8) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"MNG"); if ((magic_number[0] == 0x00) && (magic_number[1] == 0x00)) if ((magic_number[2] == 0x01) && (magic_number[3] == (char) 0xb3)) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"MPEG"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"PCD_",4) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"PCD"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"\12\2",2) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"PCX"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"\12\5",2) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"PCX"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"%!PDF",5) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"PDF"); if ((*magic_number == 'P') && isdigit(magic_number[1])) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"PNM"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"\211PNG\r\n\032\n",8) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"PNG"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"%!",2) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"PS"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"#?RADIANCE",10) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"RAD"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"\122\314",2) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"RLE"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"\131\246\152\225",4) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"SUN"); if ((strncmp(magic_number,"\115\115\000\052",4) == 0) || (strncmp(magic_number,"\111\111\052\000",4) == 0)) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"TIFF"); if ((strncmp(magic_number,"LBLSIZE",7) == 0) || (strncmp(magic_number,"NJPL1I",6) == 0)) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"VICAR"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"\253\1",2) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"VIFF"); p=strchr(magic_number,'#'); if (p != (char *) NULL) if (strncmp(p,"#define",7) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"XBM"); if (strncmp(magic_number,"/* XPM */",9) == 0) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"XPM"); if ((magic_number[1] == 0x00) && (magic_number[2] == 0x00)) if ((magic_number[5] == 0x00) && (magic_number[6] == 0x00)) if ((magic_number[4] == 0x07) || (magic_number[7] == 0x07)) (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"XWD"); } /* Call appropriate image reader based on image type. */ switch (*decode_info.magick) { case 'A': { if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"AVS") == 0) { image=ReadAVSImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'B': { if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"BIE") == 0) { image=ReadJBIGImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"BMP") == 0) { image=ReadBMPImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'C': { if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"CGM") == 0) { image=ReadCGMImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"CMYK") == 0) { image=ReadCMYKImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'D': { if (strncmp(decode_info.magick,"DCX",3) == 0) { image=ReadPCXImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"DIB") == 0) { image=ReadBMPImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'E': { if (strncmp(decode_info.magick,"EPS",3) == 0) { image=ReadPSImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'F': { if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"FAX") == 0) { image=ReadFAXImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"FITS") == 0) { image=ReadFITSImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'G': { if (strncmp(decode_info.magick,"GIF",3) == 0) { image=ReadGIFImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"GRADATION") == 0) { image=ReadGRADATIONImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"GRANITE") == 0) { image=ReadLOGOImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"GRAY") == 0) { image=ReadGRAYImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strncmp(decode_info.magick,"G3",2) == 0) { image=ReadFAXImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'H': { if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"H") == 0) { image=ReadLOGOImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"HDF") == 0) { image=ReadHDFImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strncmp(decode_info.magick,"HISTOGRAM",4) == 0) { image=ReadHISTOGRAMImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"HTML") == 0) { image=ReadHTMLImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'J': { if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"JBIG") == 0) { image=ReadJBIGImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"JPEG") == 0) { image=ReadJPEGImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'L': { if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"LOGO") == 0) { image=ReadLOGOImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'M': { if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"MAP") == 0) { image=ReadMAPImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"MATTE") == 0) { image=ReadMATTEImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"MNG") == 0) { image=ReadPNGImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"MONO") == 0) { image=ReadMONOImage(&decode_info); break; } if ((strcmp(decode_info.magick,"MPEG") == 0) || (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"MPG") == 0)) { image=ReadMPEGImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"MTV") == 0) { image=ReadMTVImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'N': { if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"NETSCAPE") == 0) { image=ReadLOGOImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"NULL") == 0) { image=ReadNULLImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'P': { if ((strcmp(decode_info.magick,"P7") == 0) || (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"PBM") == 0) || (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"PGM") == 0) || (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"PNM") == 0) || (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"PPM") == 0)) { image=ReadPNMImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"PCD") == 0) { image=ReadPCDImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"PCL") == 0) { image=ReadPCLImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"PCX") == 0) { image=ReadPCXImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"PDF") == 0) { image=ReadPDFImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"PICT") == 0) { image=ReadPICTImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"PCD") == 0) { image=ReadPCDImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"PLASMA") == 0) { image=ReadPLASMAImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"PM") == 0) { image=ReadXPMImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"PNG") == 0) { image=ReadPNGImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strncmp(decode_info.magick,"PS",2) == 0) { image=ReadPSImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'R': { if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"RAD") == 0) { image=ReadRADIANCEImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"RAS") == 0) { image=ReadSUNImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strncmp(decode_info.magick,"RGB",3) == 0) { image=ReadRGBImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"RLA") == 0) { image=ReadRLAImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"RLE") == 0) { image=ReadRLEImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'S': { if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"SGI") == 0) { image=ReadSGIImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"SHTML") == 0) { image=ReadHTMLImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"SUN") == 0) { image=ReadSUNImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'T': { if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"TEXT") == 0) { image=ReadTEXTImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"TGA") == 0) { image=ReadTGAImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strncmp(decode_info.magick,"TIF",3) == 0) { image=ReadTIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"TILE") == 0) { image=ReadTILEImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"TXT") == 0) { image=ReadTEXTImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'U': { if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"UYVY") == 0) { image=ReadUYVYImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'V': { if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"VICAR") == 0) { image=ReadVICARImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"VID") == 0) { if (decode_info.affirm) image=ReadVIDImage(&decode_info); else image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"VIFF") == 0) { image=ReadVIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'X': { if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"X") == 0) { image=ReadXImage(&decode_info,False,False,False,False); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"XC") == 0) { image=ReadXCImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"XBM") == 0) { image=ReadXBMImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"XPM") == 0) { image=ReadXPMImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"XV") == 0) { image=ReadVIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"XWD") == 0) { image=ReadXWDImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } case 'Y': { if (strcmp(decode_info.magick,"YUV") == 0) { image=ReadYUVImage(&decode_info); break; } image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); break; } default: { (void) strcpy(decode_info.magick,"MIFF"); image=ReadMIFFImage(&decode_info); } } if (decode_image.temporary) (void) remove(decode_info.filename); if (image != (Image *) NULL) if ((image->next != (Image *) NULL) && (image_info->tile != (char *) NULL)) { int count, offset, retain; /* User specified subimages (e.g. image.miff[1,3,4]). */ for ( ; ; ) { retain=False; image_info->subimage=atoi(image_info->tile); for (p=image_info->tile; *p != '\0'; p+=Max(offset,1)) { offset=0; count=sscanf(p,"%u%n-%u%n",&image_info->subimage,&offset, &image_info->subrange,&offset); if (count == 1) image_info->subrange=image_info->subimage; retain|=((image->scene >= image_info->subimage) && (image->scene <= image_info->subrange)); } if (image->next != (Image *) NULL) { image=image->next; if (!retain) DestroyImage(image->previous); continue; } if (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) { image=image->previous; if (!retain) DestroyImage(image->next); break; } if (!retain) { DestroyImage(image); image=(Image *) NULL; } break; } if (image == (Image *) NULL) { Warning("Subimage specification returns no images", image_info->filename); return((Image *) NULL); } while (image->previous != (Image *) NULL) image=image->previous; } if (image != (Image *) NULL) { if (image->status) Warning("An error has occurred reading from file",image->filename); if (decode_image.temporary) (void) strcpy(image->filename,image_info->filename); (void) strcpy(image->magick_filename,image_info->filename); if (image->comments == (char *) NULL) CommentImage(image," Imported from %m image: %f"); if (image->magick_columns == 0) image->magick_columns=image->columns; if (image->magick_rows == 0) image->magick_rows=image->rows; image_info->interlace=decode_info.interlace; if (image->class == PseudoClass) if (IsMonochromeImage(image)) { image->; image->; image->; } } return(image); }
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by