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About GnuTerm

GnuTerm is the most advanced Object-Oriented gnuplot output filter currently available
for NeXTstep computers.  The full-featured user interface and underlying Distributed Objects
Framework provide an intuitive and powerful, easy-to-use system with capabilities, functionality, 
and integration.


Eventually I hope this will become part of the standard gnuplot distribution.  For now, you
are free to use, copy, and distribute GnuTerm to anybody who'll take it.  Of course
I assume no liability for any damage you incur on yourself or others through the use
of this software for any reason.


Motorola now
Intel now 

Please send your comments and suggestions to robert@amo.mit.edu

Feature List:

Button Selection of "ACTIVE" window (the one addressed by command-line gnuplot instances).

Choice of Landscape or Portrait printing as well as overall print scaling via the 
Page Layout panel.

Customizable Titles for the GnuTerm output windows via the Windows->Title
menu option.

Flexable location of GnuTerm.app:  ~/Apps, /LocalApps, or via the
GNUTERMPATH environment variable.

Multiple windows with menu access and auto-arrange.

Modifications for Version 1.1:

Eliminated the dumb and slow "Print Preview" window.

Applied workaround for NeXT Bug # 21973 (D.O. failure to free held memory).

Much more robust management of connection between apps.   You can now suspend your gnuplot
session without hanging GnuTerm.  Also, logout without quitting GnuTerm properly clears reference
in D.O.  Firing up GnuTerm now checks the Workspace ApplicationPaths dwrite, as it should.

next.trm modified to conform to the new gnuplot 3.6 terminal standard.


This distribution contains the full source for GnuTerm.app and the necessary .trm files for gnuplot.
In addition, I've included double-fat, m68k and i386 executables. 
The gnuplot executable is built from gnuplot version 3.5 patchlevel beta 212.

The terminal works via the NeXT distributed objects system.  GnuTerm 
itself is a "free-running" application that notifies the operating system
of it's willingness to handle requests from the gnuplot program.  As such,
this distribution contains two parts, the new gnuplot, and the GnuTerm application.

If you would like to rebuild from the source code, check out README.rtf in the source
subdirectory of the distribution.

To install the precompiled versions:

Move the new gnuplot executable to /usr/local/bin or ~/bin, or wherever you currently have gnuplot

Move GnuTerm.app to either /LocalApps or ~/Apps.  

A couple of notes:

Note 1:
If you wish to put the GnuTerm.app somewhere other than ~/Apps or /LocalApps, 
you can "setenv GNUTERMPATH  /newpath" to tell gnuplot where to find it.
Example (wherein GnuTerm.app is in /LocalApps/Data):

host%  setenv GNUTERMPATH "/LocalApps/Data"

Note 2:
The old next filter is still available as onext.

gnuplot>  set term onext

Note 3:
Because GnuTerm uses distributed objects, it probably won't work at all on pre-3.0 systems.

Note 4:
There is no on-line help yet.  I think that if you browse the
menus for a few minutes, you'll find all of the features.

If you have any suggestions for additional features or bug reports please E-mail me.


Robert Lutwak                          robert@amo.mit.edu
MIT Atomic Resonance and Spectroscopy Laboratory
        ---> NeXTmail always welcome <---

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.