
[View tunable.c] 


Congratulations!  You are now reading the installation information file
for UltraRogue Release 1.  I would appreciate it if you dropped me a
line saying who you got this from and what version you have (including
date).  Please don't tell the players of the game where you got this
from as I don't want to be beseiged by requests for things.  I would
appreciate forwarding bug reports so that we can fix them.  You may
distribute the binary version at your discretion.  This includes the
neccesary makefiles and source files to customize urogue.

Note carefully that Alpha versions are considered test versions with
probably tons of bugs and incomplete implementations of things.  Beta
versions are more reliable, but probably still contain major bugs.
Gamma and so on are later test versions with minor bugs (i hope).
Versions without an Alpha or Beta designation are considered
"production" and bugs reported may not be fixed until the next official
version is announced.

Modify the initialization constants in tunable.c before you run make.
Note that HOLIDAY is really a boolean and is currently set to allow
playing at any time provided load is low.  Setting HOLIDAY to 1 will
prevent playing between 9 and 5 during weekdays no matter what the load
is.  Uptime(1) is assumed for the command that prints load averages.
Everything else there should be self explanatory.  Urogue itself can
have an owner of anything as long as it's owner can write into the
score file and read the PASSCTL, NEWS, and PERMOK files used for
control.  If you have an older version of urogue, srogue, or arogue,
the .rog_defs and .rogue_save files are incompatible.  The external
variable ROGDEFS in tunable.c is used to provide a facility for keeping
multiple versions of urogue around that either have different formats
or different contents.

Review the makefile to verify that the specified uid's and other
such things exist or need modification for your environment.

After running make, run "control -i" (for initialize).  This will set
up the list of people allowed to bypass load control and also allows
you to specify the wizard's password.  The files PASSCTL, PERMOK, and
SCOREDIR are created or recreated as neccesary.  The NEWS and MOTD
files will be created if they do not exist, but they will be empty.
(Note: "make init" will remove existing versions of the above files and
create new empty ones.)  If they already exist, they will not be
touched.  When running "control" with the -i flag and SCOREDIR already
exists, it will prompt for a reset of SCOREDIR.  Replying with a 'y'
will empty SCOREDIR.  To initialize the SCOREDIR so that there is
something in it, play a game in regular (nonwizard) mode and kill at
least one monster before quitting.  When the SCOREDIR is empty, urogue
will fill it.  The other flags for "control" are:  c, check list of
authorized users; a, authorize another user; p, change wizard's
password; and d, remove authorization for a user.  The seed for the
password is 2 characters.

The NEWS file is to be filled in with things of lasting importance such
as a log of changes to urogue.  The MOTD file is for important
announcements that are short and fit on one screen that you want people
to see often.

If the NOPLAY file exists, urogue will print the contents of the file
and exit, even if the player is the wizard.  It is intended for
disabling urogue when you are doing system testing and such when a
person otherwise is able to play urogue.

For testing the game, the environment variable SEED can be set to
contain an integer seed.  This seed is used only if you start up urogue
with the wizard's password prompt by urogue "".

Restoring a saved game is done by "urogue -r" for the default save file
of ~/rogue.save.  Any other name is restored by "urogue saved-file".

There are 8 different treasures to be picked up in this version of rogue.
The first is on level 25 and is relatively easy to pick up.  The last is
on level 100 and is very difficult to get.  Carrying any one of the
unique treasures allows the rogue to go up the stairs, but one has to
be very careful.  To be a total winner, yu must pick up all 8 and
return to the surface again.

The environment variable UROGUE is used to set up the default things
for a player.  The options that can be set are:

terse:		short output messages
flush:		flush typeahead when fighting
jump:		show position only at the end of running
inven:		inventory style
askme:		ask about unidentified things
stopdoor:       stop running when next to something interesting
name:		the rogue's name (string)
fruit:		the funny fruit used by the rogue (string)
file:		default savefile name (string)
score:		default scorefile name (string)
class:		default player class (string)

Something like

setenv UROGUE "name=George of the Jungle,fruit=peach,noterse,jump"

does the obvious.  The "score" option is ignored unless you start
urogue in wizard mode.  The class option string can have the following
values: "fighter", "illus", "paladin", "ranger", "cleric", "magic",
"assasin", "druid", "ninja", and "thief" and is initialized only at
startup time.  The "inven" option can take the values "slow", "clear",
and "overwrite".

Here is my current address.  If this doesn't work, contact the person
who gave you this version.

Herbert A. Chong
H4-G58 Hawthorne
IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center
PO Box 218,
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
Ph: (914) 789-7292

I'm still user-friendly -- I don't byte, I nybble....

UUCP:  {allegra|cbosgd|cmcl2|decvax|ihnp4|seismo}!philabs!polaris!herbie
CSNET: herbie.yktvmh@ibm-sj.csnet
ARPA:  herbie.yktvmh.ibm-sj.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa, herbie%yktvmh.bitnet@wiscvm
DISCLAIMER:  what you just read was produced by pouring lukewarm
tea for 42 seconds onto 9 people chained to 6 Ouiji boards.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.