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/* SCCS Id: @(#)options.c 3.0 89/11/15 /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */ /* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */ #include "hack.h" static boolean set_order; static void FDECL(nmcpy, (char *, const char *, int)); void FDECL(escapes,(const char *, char *)); void initoptions() { register char *opts; flags.time = flags.nonews = flags.notombstone = flags.end_own = flags.standout = flags.nonull = flags.ignintr = FALSE; flags.no_rest_on_space = flags.invlet_constant = TRUE; flags.end_top = 3; flags.end_around = 2; flags.female = FALSE; /* players are usually male */ flags.sortpack = TRUE; flags.soundok = TRUE; flags.verbose = TRUE; flags.confirm = TRUE; flags.safe_dog = TRUE; flags.silent = flags.pickup = TRUE; #ifdef TUTTI_FRUTTI nmcpy(pl_fruit, objects[SLIME_MOLD].oc_name, PL_FSIZ); #endif flags.num_pad = FALSE; #ifdef TEXTCOLOR flags.use_color = TRUE; #endif #ifdef MSDOS #ifdef DECRAINBOW flags.DECRainbow = FALSE; #endif #ifdef DGK flags.IBMBIOS = #ifdef TOS TRUE; /* BIOS might as well always be on for TOS */ #endif flags.rawio = FALSE; #endif read_config_file(); #endif /* MSDOS */ #ifdef MACOS flags.standout = TRUE; flags.end_around = 2; /* Mac display routines don't scroll */ flags.end_top = 4; read_config_file(); #endif if(opts = getenv("NETHACKOPTIONS")) parseoptions(opts,TRUE); #ifdef TUTTI_FRUTTI (void)fruitadd(pl_fruit); objects[SLIME_MOLD].oc_name = "\033"; /* Put something untypable in there */ /* We cannot just use NULL because that marks the end of objects */ #endif } static void nmcpy(dest, src, maxlen) char *dest; const char *src; int maxlen; { int count; for(count = 1; count < maxlen; count++) { if(*src == ',' || *src == '\0') break; /*exit on \0 terminator*/ *dest++ = *src++; } *dest = 0; } /* * escapes: escape expansion for showsyms. C-style escapes understood include * \n, \b, \t, \r, \xnnn (hex), \onnn (octal), \nnn (decimal). The ^-prefix * for control characters is also understood, and \[mM] followed by any of the * previous forms or by a character has the effect of 'meta'-ing the value (so * that the alternate character set will be enabled). */ void escapes(cp, tp) const char *cp; char *tp; { while (*cp) { int cval = 0, meta = 0; if (*cp == '\\' && index("mM", cp[1])) { meta = 1; cp += 2; } if (*cp == '\\' && index("0123456789xXoO", cp[1])) { const char *dp, *hex = "00112233445566778899aAbBcCdDeEfF"; int dcount = 0; cp++; if (*cp == 'x' || *cp == 'X') for (++cp; (dp = index(hex, *cp)) && (dcount++ < 2); cp++) cval = (cval * 16) + (dp - hex) / 2; else if (*cp == 'o' || *cp == 'O') for (++cp; (index("01234567",*cp)) && (dcount++ < 3); cp++) cval = (cval * 8) + (*cp - '0'); else for (; (index("0123456789",*cp)) && (dcount++ < 3); cp++) cval = (cval * 10) + (*cp - '0'); } else if (*cp == '\\') /* C-style character escapes */ { switch (*++cp) { case '\\': cval = '\\'; break; case 'n': cval = '\n'; break; case 't': cval = '\t'; break; case 'b': cval = '\b'; break; case 'r': cval = '\r'; break; default: cval = *cp; } cp++; } else if (*cp == '^') /* expand control-character syntax */ { cval = (*++cp & 0x1f); cp++; } else cval = *cp++; if (meta) cval |= 0x80; *tp++ = cval; } *tp = '\0'; } void assign_graphics(graph_ints,glth) register unsigned int *graph_ints; register int glth; { register int i; if (glth > MAXPCHARS) glth = MAXPCHARS; /* sanity check */ for (i = 0; i < glth; i++) showsyms[i] = graph_ints[i]; for (i = glth; i < MAXPCHARS; i++) showsyms[i] = defsyms[i]; } void parseoptions(opts, from_env) register char *opts; boolean from_env; { #ifndef MACOS register char *op; unsigned num; boolean negated; if(op = index(opts, ',')) { *op++ = 0; parseoptions(op, from_env); } if(!*opts) return; negated = FALSE; while((*opts == '!') || !strncmp(opts, "no", 2)) { if(*opts == '!') opts++; else opts += 2; negated = !negated; } #ifndef MSDOS if (!strncmp(opts, "stan", 4)) { flags.standout = !negated; return; } if (!strncmp(opts, "null", 4)) { flags.nonull = negated; return; } #endif if (!strncmp(opts, "ign", 3)) { flags.ignintr = !negated; return; } if (!strncmp(opts, "tomb", 4)) { flags.notombstone = negated; return; } #ifdef NEWS if (!strncmp(opts, "news", 4)) { flags.nonews = negated; return; } #endif if (!strncmp(opts, "conf", 4)) { flags.confirm = !negated; return; } if (!strncmp(opts, "safe", 4)) { flags.safe_dog = !negated; return; } if (!strncmp(opts, "sil", 3)) { flags.silent = !negated; return; } if (!strncmp(opts, "verb", 4)) { flags.verbose = !negated; return; } if (!strncmp(opts, "pick", 4)) { flags.pickup = !negated; return; } if (!strncmp(opts, "num", 3)) { flags.num_pad = !negated; return; } #ifdef TEXTCOLOR if (!strncmp(opts, "col", 3)) { flags.use_color = !negated; return; } #endif #ifdef DGK if (!strncmp(opts, "IBM", 3)) { flags.IBMBIOS = !negated; return; } if (!strncmp(opts, "raw", 3)) { if (from_env) flags.rawio = !negated; else pline("\"rawio\" settable only from %s.", configfile); return; } #ifdef DECRAINBOW if (!strncmp(opts, "DEC", 3)) { flags.DECRainbow = !negated; return; } #endif /* DECRAINBOW */ #endif if (!strncmp(opts, "sort", 4)) { flags.sortpack = !negated; return; } /* * the order to list the pack */ if (!strncmp(opts, "pack", 4)) { register char *sp, *tmp; int tmpend; op = index(opts,':'); if(!op) goto bad; op++; /* skip : */ /* Missing characters in new order are filled in at the end * from inv_order. */ for (sp = op; *sp; sp++) if (!index(inv_order, *sp)) goto bad; /* bad char in order */ else if (index(sp + 1, *sp)) goto bad; /* dup char in order */ tmp = (char *) alloc((unsigned)(strlen(inv_order)+1)); Strcpy(tmp, op); for (sp = inv_order, tmpend = strlen(tmp); *sp; sp++) if (!index(tmp, *sp)) { tmp[tmpend++] = *sp; tmp[tmpend] = 0; } Strcpy(inv_order, tmp); free((genericptr_t)tmp); set_order = TRUE; return; } if (!strncmp(opts, "time", 4)) { flags.time = !negated; flags.botl = 1; return; } if (!strncmp(opts, "rest", 4)) { flags.no_rest_on_space = negated; return; } if (!strncmp(opts, "fix", 3)) { flags.invlet_constant = !negated; if(!from_env && flags.invlet_constant) reassign (); return; } if (!strncmp(opts, "male", 4)) { if(!from_env && flags.female != negated) pline("That is not anatomically possible."); else flags.female = negated; return; } if (!strncmp(opts, "fem", 3)) { if(!from_env && flags.female == negated) pline("That is not anatomically possible."); else flags.female = !negated; return; } /* name:string */ if (!strncmp(opts, "name", 4)) { if(!from_env) { #ifdef MSDOS pline("\"name\" settable only from %s.", configfile); #else pline("The playername can be set only from NETHACKOPTIONS."); #endif return; } op = index(opts,':'); if(!op) goto bad; nmcpy(plname, op+1, sizeof(plname)-1); return; } /* graphics:string */ if (!strncmp(opts, "gr", 2)) { unsigned int translate[MAXPCHARS+1]; int i, lth; if(!from_env) { #ifdef MSDOS pline("\"graphics\" settable only from %s.", configfile); #else pline("The graphics string can be set only from NETHACKOPTIONS."); #endif return; } op = index(opts,':'); if(!op) goto bad; else opts = op + 1; escapes(opts, opts); lth = strlen(opts); if(lth > MAXPCHARS) lth = MAXPCHARS; /* match the form obtained from PC configuration files */ for(i = 0; i < lth; i++) translate[i] = opts[i]; assign_graphics(translate,lth); return; } /* endgame:5t[op] 5a[round] o[wn] */ if (!strncmp(opts, "end", 3)) { op = index(opts,':'); if(!op) goto bad; op++; while(*op) { num = 1; if(digit(*op)) { num = atoi(op); while(digit(*op)) op++; } else if(*op == '!') { negated = !negated; op++; } while(*op == ' ') op++; switch(*op) { case 't': flags.end_top = num; break; case 'a': flags.end_around = num; break; case 'o': flags.end_own = !negated; break; default: goto bad; } while(letter(*++op) || *op == ' ') ; if(*op == '/') op++; } return; } if (!strncmp(opts, "dog", 3)) { if(!from_env) { #ifdef MSDOS pline("\"dogname\" settable only from %s.", configfile); #else Your("dog's name can be set only from NETHACKOPTIONS."); #endif return; } op = index(opts, ':'); if (!op) goto bad; nmcpy(dogname, ++op, 62); return; } if (!strncmp(opts, "cat", 3)) { if(!from_env) { #ifdef MSDOS pline("\"catname\" settable only from %s.", configfile); #else Your("cat's name can be set only from NETHACKOPTIONS."); #endif return; } op = index(opts, ':'); if (!op) goto bad; nmcpy(catname, ++op, 62); return; } #ifdef TUTTI_FRUTTI if (!strncmp(opts, "fr", 2)) { op = index(opts, ':'); if (!op++) goto bad; if (!from_env) { struct fruit *f; int numfruits = 0; for(f=ffruit; f; f=f->nextf) { if (!strcmp(op, f->fname)) goto goodfruit; numfruits++; } if (numfruits >= 100) { pline("Doing that so many times isn't very fruitful."); return; } } goodfruit: nmcpy(pl_fruit, op, PL_FSIZ); if (!from_env) (void)fruitadd(pl_fruit); /* If from_env, then initoptions is allowed to do it instead * of here (initoptions always has to do it even if there's * no fruit option at all. Also, we don't want people * setting multiple fruits in their options.) */ return; } #endif bad: if(!from_env) { if(!strncmp(opts, "h", 1) || !strncmp(opts, "?", 1)) { option_help(); return; } pline("Unknown option: %s. Enter \"O?\" for help.", opts); return; } #ifdef MSDOS # ifdef AMIGA_WBENCH if(ami_wbench_badopt(opts)) # endif Printf("Bad syntax in OPTIONS in %s: %s.", configfile, opts); #else Printf("Bad syntax in NETHACKOPTIONS: %s.", opts); (void) puts("Use for example:"); (void) puts( "NETHACKOPTIONS=\"!rest_on_space,notombstone,endgame:own/5 topscorers/4 around me\"" ); #endif getret(); #endif /* MACOS */ } int doset() { #ifdef MACOS #define OPTIONS "Nethack prefs" #define OK_BUTTON 1 #define SAVE_BUTTON 2 #define CANCEL_BUTTON 3 #define MIN_CHECKBOX 4 #define EXPLORE_BOX 4 #define FEM_BOX 5 #define NEWS_BOX 6 #define FIXINV_BOX 7 #define TOMB_BOX 8 #define TIME_BOX 9 #define VERBOSE_BOX 10 #define SILENT_BOX 11 #define AUTOZOOM_BOX 12 #define INVERSE_BOX 13 #define SORT_BOX 14 #define COLOR_BOX 15 #define PICKUP_BOX 16 #define CONFIRM_BOX 17 #define SAFE_BOX 18 #define REST_SPACE_BOX 19 #define MAX_CHECKBOX 19 #define PLAYER_NAME 20 #define CAT_NAME 21 #define DOG_NAME 22 #define FRUIT_NAME 23 #define PACKORDER 24 #define END_TOP 26 #define END_AROUND 27 #define FRUIT_TEXT 35 #define PACK_TEXT 34 #define ITEMTEXT(item,text) {GetDItem(optionDlg,item,&type,&ItemHndl,&box); \ (void)CtoPstr(text); \ SetIText(ItemHndl,text);\ (void)PtoCstr(text);} #define HIDEITEM(item) {GetDItem(optionDlg,item,&type,&ItemHndl,&box); \ HideControl(ItemHndl);\ SetDItem(optionDlg,item,type+128,ItemHndl,&box);} #define HIDETEXT(item) {GetDItem(optionDlg,item,&type,&ItemHndl,&box);\ SetDItem(optionDlg,item,128+statText,ItemHndl,&box);\ SetIText(ItemHndl,"\0");} #define SHOWITEM(item) {GetDItem(optionDlg,item,&type,&ItemHndl,&box);\ SetDItem(optionDlg,item,type-128,ItemHndl,&box);\ ShowControl(ItemHndl);} #define GETTEXT(item,maxsize) {GetDItem(optionDlg,item,&type,&ItemHndl,&box);\ GetIText (ItemHndl, &tmp_name);\ tmp_name[tmp_name[0]+1] = 0;\ if (tmp_name[0] > maxsize)\ tmp_name[0] = maxsize;} static boolean *flag_ptrs[20] = {0, 0, 0, 0, &flags.explore, &flags.female, &flags.nonews,&flags.invlet_constant, &flags.notombstone, &flags.time, &flags.verbose, &flags.silent, 0, &flags.standout, &flags.sortpack, #ifdef TEXTCOLOR &flags.use_color, #else 0, #endif &flags.pickup, &flags.confirm, &flags.safe_dog, &flags.no_rest_on_space}; extern short macflags; short dlgItem, type; Rect box; extern WindowPtr HackWindow; Handle ItemHndl; unsigned num; char *op; char tmp_name[256]; char savename[PL_NSIZ]; char savedog[63]; char savecat[63]; char savefruit[PL_FSIZ]; char saveorder[20]; DialogRecord dlgR; DialogPtr optionDlg; DialogTHndl th, centreDlgBox(); boolean done = FALSE; short savemacflags = macflags; struct flag saveflags; register char *sp, *tmp; SetCursor(&ARROW_CURSOR); BlockMove(&flags, &saveflags, sizeof(struct flag)); th = centreDlgBox(130, FALSE); optionDlg = GetNewDialog(130, (Ptr)&dlgR, (WindowPtr)-1); /* set initial values of text items */ nmcpy(savename,plname,sizeof(plname)-1); ITEMTEXT(PLAYER_NAME,plname); if(*dogname){ nmcpy(savedog,dogname,62); ITEMTEXT(DOG_NAME,dogname); } if(*catname){ nmcpy(savecat,catname,62); ITEMTEXT(CAT_NAME,catname); } #ifdef TUTTI_FRUTTI if(*pl_fruit){ nmcpy(savefruit,pl_fruit,PL_FSIZ); ITEMTEXT(FRUIT_NAME,pl_fruit); } #else HIDETEXT(FRUIT_NAME); HIDETEXT(FRUIT_TEXT); #endif nmcpy(saveorder,inv_order,strlen(inv_order)+1); ITEMTEXT(PACKORDER,inv_order); /* set initial values of record items */ Sprintf(tmp_name,"%u",flags.end_top); ITEMTEXT(END_TOP,tmp_name); Sprintf(tmp_name,"%u",flags.end_around); ITEMTEXT(END_AROUND,tmp_name); /* set initial values of checkboxes */ for(dlgItem = MIN_CHECKBOX; dlgItem <= MAX_CHECKBOX; dlgItem++) { GetDItem(optionDlg, dlgItem, &type, &ItemHndl, &box); switch (dlgItem){ case NEWS_BOX: #ifndef NEWS HIDEITEM(NEWS_BOX); break; #endif case TOMB_BOX: case REST_SPACE_BOX: SetCtlValue(ItemHndl,!(*(flag_ptrs[dlgItem]))); break; case AUTOZOOM_BOX: SetCtlValue(ItemHndl,macflags & fZoomOnContextSwitch); break; #ifndef TEXTCOLOR case COLOR_BOX: HIDEITEM(COLOR_BOX); break; #endif default: SetCtlValue(ItemHndl,*(flag_ptrs[dlgItem])); } } SelIText(optionDlg, PLAYER_NAME, 0, 32767); ShowWindow(optionDlg); GetDItem(optionDlg, OK, &type, &ItemHndl, &box); SetPort (optionDlg); PenSize(3, 3); InsetRect (&box, -4, -4); FrameRoundRect (&box, 16, 16); while(!done) { ModalDialog((ProcPtr)0, &dlgItem); GetDItem(optionDlg, dlgItem, &type, &ItemHndl, &box); if (dlgItem >= MIN_CHECKBOX && dlgItem <= MAX_CHECKBOX) { SetCtlValue(ItemHndl, ! GetCtlValue (ItemHndl)); if (dlgItem != AUTOZOOM_BOX) *(flag_ptrs[dlgItem]) = !*(flag_ptrs[dlgItem]); else macflags ^= fZoomOnContextSwitch; } else switch(dlgItem){ case SAVE_BUTTON: GETTEXT(PLAYER_NAME,PL_NSIZ-1); strncpy(plname, tmp_name, tmp_name[0]+1); (void)PtoCstr (plname); GETTEXT(DOG_NAME,62); strncpy(dogname, tmp_name, tmp_name[0]+1); (void)PtoCstr (dogname); GETTEXT(CAT_NAME,62); strncpy(catname, tmp_name, tmp_name[0]+1); (void)PtoCstr (catname); #ifdef TUTTI_FRUTTI GETTEXT(FRUIT_NAME,PL_FSIZ-1); strncpy(pl_fruit, tmp_name, tmp_name[0]+1); (void)PtoCstr (pl_fruit); #endif GETTEXT(PACKORDER,19); op = tmp_name+1; /* Missing characters in new order are filled in at the end * from inv_order. */ for (sp = op; *sp; sp++) if ((!index(inv_order, *sp))||(index(sp+1, *sp))){ for(tmp = sp; *tmp;tmp++) tmp[0]=tmp[1]; sp--; } /* bad or duplicate char in order - remove it*/ tmp = (char *) alloc((unsigned)(strlen(inv_order)+1)); Strcpy(tmp, op); for (sp = inv_order, num = strlen(tmp); *sp; sp++) if (!index(tmp, *sp)) { tmp[num++] = *sp; tmp[num] = 0; } Strcpy(inv_order, tmp); free((genericptr_t)tmp); GETTEXT(END_TOP,5); op = tmp_name+1; while(*op) { num = 1; if(digit(*op)) { num = atoi(op); while(digit(*op)) op++; } else op++; } flags.end_top=num; GETTEXT(END_AROUND,5); op = tmp_name+1; while(*op) { num = 1; if(digit(*op)) { num = atoi(op); while(digit(*op)) op++; } else op++; } flags.end_around = num; write_opts(); nmcpy(dogname,savedog,62); nmcpy(catname,savecat,62); nmcpy(plname,savename,sizeof(plname)-1); #ifdef TUTTI_FRUTTI nmcpy(pl_fruit,savefruit,PL_FSIZ-1); #endif nmcpy(inv_order,saveorder,strlen(inv_order)+1); case CANCEL_BUTTON: flags = saveflags; macflags = savemacflags; done = TRUE; break; case OK_BUTTON: GETTEXT(END_TOP,5); op = tmp_name+1; while(*op) { num = 1; if(digit(*op)) { num = atoi(op); while(digit(*op)) op++; } else op++; } flags.end_top=num; GETTEXT(END_AROUND,5); op = tmp_name+1; while(*op) { num = 1; if(digit(*op)) { num = atoi(op); while(digit(*op)) op++; } else op++; } flags.end_around = num; #ifdef TUTTI_FRUTTI GETTEXT(FRUIT_NAME,PL_FSIZ-1); (void)PtoCstr (tmp_name); (void)fruitadd(tmp_name); nmcpy(pl_fruit,tmp_name,PL_FSIZ-1); #endif nmcpy(dogname,savedog,62); nmcpy(catname,savecat,62); nmcpy(plname,savename,sizeof(plname)-1); GETTEXT(PACKORDER,19); op = tmp_name+1; /* Missing characters in new order are filled in at the end * from inv_order. */ for (sp = op; *sp; sp++) if ((!index(inv_order, *sp))||(index(sp+1, *sp))){ for (tmp = sp; *tmp;tmp++) tmp[0]=tmp[1]; sp--; } /* bad or duplicate char in order - remove it*/ tmp = (char *) alloc((unsigned)(strlen(inv_order)+1)); Strcpy(tmp, op); for (sp = inv_order, num = strlen(tmp); *sp; sp++) if (!index(tmp, *sp)) { tmp[num++] = *sp; tmp[num] = 0; } Strcpy(inv_order, tmp); free((genericptr_t)tmp); flags.female = saveflags.female; flags.explore = saveflags.explore; done = TRUE; break; default:; } } HideWindow(optionDlg); DisposDialog (optionDlg); SetPort (HackWindow); return 0; #else char buf[BUFSZ]; pline("What options do you want to set? "); getlin(buf); if(!buf[0] || buf[0] == '\033') { #ifdef MSDOS Strcpy(buf,"OPTIONS="); #ifdef DGK if (flags.rawio) Strcat(buf,"rawio,"); if (flags.IBMBIOS) Strcat(buf,"IBM_BIOS,"); #endif /* DGK */ #ifdef DECRAINBOW if (flags.DECRainbow) Strcat(buf,"DEC_Rainbow,"); #endif /* DECRAINBOW */ #else /* MSDOS */ Strcpy(buf,"NETHACKOPTIONS="); if(flags.standout) Strcat(buf,"standout,"); if(flags.nonull) Strcat(buf,"nonull,"); #endif /* MSDOS */ if(flags.ignintr) Strcat(buf,"ignintr,"); if(flags.num_pad) Strcat(buf,"number_pad,"); #ifdef NEWS if(flags.nonews) Strcat(buf,"nonews,"); #endif if(flags.notombstone) Strcat(buf,"notombstone,"); Strcat(buf, flags.female ? "female," : "male,"); if(flags.no_rest_on_space) Strcat(buf,"!rest_on_space,"); if (flags.invlet_constant) Strcat(buf,"fixinv,"); if (flags.sortpack) Strcat(buf,"sortpack,"); if (set_order){ Strcat(buf, "packorder: "); Strcat(buf, inv_order); Strcat(buf, ","); } #ifdef TEXTCOLOR if (flags.use_color) Strcat(buf, "color,"); #endif if (flags.confirm) Strcat(buf,"confirm,"); if (flags.safe_dog) Strcat(buf,"safe_pet,"); if (flags.pickup) Strcat(buf,"pickup,"); if (flags.silent) Strcat(buf,"silent,"); if (flags.time) Strcat(buf,"time,"); if (flags.verbose) Strcat(buf,"verbose,"); #ifdef TUTTI_FRUTTI Sprintf(eos(buf), "fruit:%s,", pl_fruit); #endif if(flags.end_top != 3 || flags.end_around != 2 || flags.end_own){ Sprintf(eos(buf), "endgame: %u top scores/%u around me", flags.end_top, flags.end_around); if(flags.end_own) Strcat(buf, "/own scores"); } else { register char *eop = eos(buf); if(*--eop == ',') *eop = 0; } pline(buf); } else { clrlin(); parseoptions(buf, FALSE); } return 0; #endif /* MACOS */ } int dotogglepickup() { flags.pickup = !flags.pickup; pline("Pickup: %s.", flags.pickup ? "ON" : "OFF"); return 0; } #define Page_line(x) if(page_line(x)) goto quit #define Next_opt(x) if (next_opt(x)) goto quit void option_help() { char buf[BUFSZ]; set_pager(0); Sprintf(buf, " NetHack Options Help:"); if(page_line("") || page_line(buf) || page_line("")) goto quit; #ifdef MSDOS Sprintf(buf, "To set options use OPTIONS=<options> in %s;", configfile); Page_line(buf); #else Page_line("To set options use `NETHACKOPTIONS=\"<options>\"' in your environment;"); #endif Page_line("or press \"O\" while playing, and type your <options> at the prompt."); Page_line("In either case, <options> is a list of options separated by commas."); Page_line(""); Page_line("Boolean options (which can be negated by prefixing them with '!' or \"no\"):"); #ifdef MSDOS # ifdef DECRAINBOW Next_opt("DEC_Rainbow, "); # endif Next_opt("IBM_BIOS, "); #endif #ifdef TEXTCOLOR Next_opt("color, "); #endif Next_opt("confirm, "); Next_opt("(fe)male, "); Next_opt("fixinv, "); #ifdef UNIX Next_opt("ignintr, "); #endif #ifdef NEWS Next_opt("news, "); #endif #ifdef UNIX Next_opt("null, "); #endif Next_opt("number_pad, "); Next_opt("pickup, "); #ifdef MSDOS Next_opt("rawio, "); #endif Next_opt("rest_on_space, "); Next_opt("safe_pet, "); Next_opt("silent, "); Next_opt("sortpack, "); #ifdef UNIX Next_opt("standout, "); #endif Next_opt("time, "); Next_opt("tombstone, "); Next_opt("and verbose."); Next_opt(""); Page_line("Compound options:"); Page_line("`name' - your character's name (e.g., name:Merlin-W),"); Page_line("`dogname' - the name of your (first) dog (e.g., dogname:Fang),"); Page_line("`packorder' - the inventory order of the items in your pack"); Sprintf(buf, " (currently, packorder:%s ),", inv_order); Page_line(buf); #ifdef TUTTI_FRUTTI Page_line("`fruit' - the name of a fruit you enjoy eating,"); #endif Page_line("`endgame' - the parts of the score list you wish to see,"); Page_line("`graphics' - defines the symbols to use in drawing the dungeon map."); Page_line(""); Page_line("Some of the options can be set only before the game is started. You will"); Page_line("be so informed, if you attempt to set them while in the game."); set_pager(1); return; quit: (void) next_opt("\033"); set_pager(2); return; } /* * prints the next boolean option, on the same line if possible, on a new * line if not. End with next_opt(""). Note that next_opt("\033") may be * used to abort. */ int next_opt(str) const char *str; { static char buf[121]; static int i = 0; int r = 0; if (*str == '\033') { i = 0; buf[0] = 0; return 0; } i += strlen(str); if (i > min(CO - 2, 120) || !*str) { r = page_line(buf); buf[0] = 0; i = strlen(str); } if (*str) Strcat(buf, str); else (void) page_line(str); /* always returns 0 on "" */ return r; } #ifdef TUTTI_FRUTTI /* Returns the fid of the fruit type; if that type already exists, it * returns the fid of that one; if it does not exist, it adds a new fruit * type to the chain and returns the new one. */ int fruitadd(str) char *str; { register int i,j; register struct fruit *f; #ifdef __GNULINT__ struct fruit *lastf = 0; #else struct fruit *lastf; #endif int highest_fruit_id = 0; char buf[PL_FSIZ]; boolean user_specified = (str == pl_fruit); /* if not user-specified, then it's a fruit name for a fruit on * a bones level... */ /* Note: every fruit has an id (spe for fruit objects) of at least * 1; 0 is an error. */ if (user_specified) { /* disallow naming after other foods (since it'd be impossible * to tell the difference) */ boolean found = FALSE; for(i = bases[j=letindex(FOOD_SYM)]; i < bases[j+1]; i++) { if (!strcmp(objects[i].oc_name, pl_fruit)) { found = TRUE; break; } } if (found || (!strncmp(buf, "tin of ", 7) && name_to_mon(buf+7) > -1) || !strcmp(buf, "empty tin") || !strcmp(buf, "tin of spinach") || ((!strncmp(eos(buf)-6," corpse",7) || !strncmp(eos(buf)-3, " egg",4)) && name_to_mon(buf) > -1)) { Strcpy(buf, pl_fruit); Strcpy(pl_fruit, "candied "); nmcpy(pl_fruit+8, buf, PL_FSIZ-8); } } for(f=ffruit; f; f = f->nextf) { lastf = f; if(f->fid > highest_fruit_id) highest_fruit_id = f->fid; if(!strncmp(str, f->fname, PL_FSIZ)) goto nonew; } /* if adding another fruit would overflow spe, use a random fruit instead... we've got a lot to choose from. */ if (highest_fruit_id >= 127) return rnd(127); highest_fruit_id++; f = newfruit(); if (ffruit) lastf->nextf = f; else ffruit = f; Strcpy(f->fname, str); f->fid = highest_fruit_id; f->nextf = 0; nonew: if (user_specified) current_fruit = highest_fruit_id; return f->fid; } #endif
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