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/* SCCS Id: @(#)mac.c 3.0 88/08/05 /* Copyright (c) Johnny Lee 1989 */ /* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */ /* Source file for character I/O and miscellaneous */ /* user interface routines for the macintosh */ #include "hack.h" /* Global variables */ WindowPtr HackWindow; /* points to Hack's window */ extern char *keys[8]; extern short macflags; short cursorPos=0; short repDelay; long lastMD; struct line { struct line *next_line; char *line_text; } *mactexthead; short maclinect, macmaxlen; int tgetch() { char ch; EventRecord theEvent; Rect cursorRect,box,windowRect; long message,cursorTime,start; MenuHandle theMenu; register short keyCode; short temp; term_info *t; boolean noControlKey; GrafPtr oldPort,oldPort1; static char nextCommand; short aboutBox(); char mButtonDown(); Point mouseLoc; WindowPtr theWindow; void doUpdate(); #define noEscapeKey noControlKey #define clearKey 0x47 #define ESCAPEkey 0x1B t = (term_info *)GetWRefCon(HackWindow); mouseLoc.h = (macflags & fMoveWRTMouse) ? t->tcur_x : (u.ux-1); mouseLoc.v = (macflags & fMoveWRTMouse) ? t->tcur_y : (; cursorRect.left = t->tcur_x * t->charWidth + Screen_Border; cursorRect.right = cursorRect.left + t->charWidth - 1; = t->height * t->tcur_y + Screen_Border; cursorRect.bottom = + t->height; cursorTime = GetCaretTime(); noControlKey = (t->system.keyBoardType <= envMacPlusKbd) ? TRUE : FALSE; box.left = mouseLoc.h * t->charWidth + Screen_Border; box.right = box.left + t->charWidth; = mouseLoc.v * t->height + Screen_Border + t->height/2 - (t->charWidth/2); box.bottom = + t->charWidth; /* permit use of cursor keys and numeric keypad */ /* does the same translation as in msdos.c but includes cursor keys */ ch = '\0'; /* handle extended command from menu */ if (nextCommand && (macflags & (fExtCmdSeq1 | fExtCmdSeq2 | fExtCmdSeq3))) { if (macflags & fExtCmdSeq1) { ch = '#'; macflags = macflags ^ (fExtCmdSeq1 | fExtCmdSeq2); } else if (macflags & fExtCmdSeq2) { ch = nextCommand; macflags = macflags ^ (fExtCmdSeq2 | fExtCmdSeq3); if (!(macflags & fExtCmdSeq3)) nextCommand = '\0'; } else if (macflags & fExtCmdSeq3) { ch = '\r'; macflags &= ~fExtCmdSeq3; } } GetPort(&oldPort); SetPort(HackWindow); if (!(macflags & fDoNonKeyEvt)) { cursorPos = -1; SetCursor(&ARROW_CURSOR); } /* do cursor blinking */ message = TickCount() + cursorTime; if (!EventAvail(keyDownMask|mDownMask|autoKeyMask,&theEvent)) { keyCode = true; InvertRect(&cursorRect); } else keyCode = 0; while (!ch) { (void)WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &theEvent, 0L, 0L); if (theEvent.what == keyDown || theEvent.what == autoKey) { ch = 0; ObscureCursor(); /* use raw key codes */ temp = keyCode; keyCode = (LoWord(theEvent.message) & keyCodeMask)>>8; if (keyCode == clearKey) { macflags = macflags ^ fToggleNumPad; SetWTitle(HackWindow, (macflags & fToggleNumPad) ? "\016NetHack [MOVE]" : "\015NetHack [NUM]"); keyCode = temp; ch = 0; continue; } if (temp) InvertRect(&cursorRect); if ((macflags & fToggleNumPad) && (keyCode>0x40 &&keyCode < 0x5D) || (keyCode > 0x7A && keyCode<0x7F)) { ch = t->keyMap[keyCode-65]; if ((theEvent.modifiers & shiftKey) && (ch)) { ch = (ch == '.') ? ':' : (char)toupper(ch); } if (ch) break; } if (keyCode == 50 && noEscapeKey) { ch = (char)ESCAPEkey; /* ESC */ break; } /* make the command key = control key on old Mac keyboards */ if ((theEvent.modifiers & cmdKey) && noControlKey) { ch = (char)(theEvent.message & 0x1F); break; } if (theEvent.modifiers & optionKey) { for(start = 43; start < 56; start++) { if (t->keyMap[start] == (char)(theEvent.message & 0xFFL)) { ch = t->keyMap[start - 13]; break; } } } /* not a cursor key or from the numeric keypad */ if (!ch) { ch = (char)(theEvent.message & 0xFF); } } else { /* what other events to handle */ switch (theEvent.what) { case nullEvent: GetPort(&oldPort1); SetPort((GrafPtr)HackWindow); /* wait until something occurs */ if (TickCount() > message) { message = TickCount() + cursorTime; if (!(macflags & fMoveWRTMouse) || (macflags & fMoveWRTMouse && !keyCode)) { InvertRect(&cursorRect); keyCode = !keyCode; } } if (FrontWindow() == HackWindow && (macflags & fDoNonKeyEvt)) { if ((FindWindow(theEvent.where,&theWindow) == inContent) && (macflags & fDoUpdate) && (HackWindow == theWindow)) { GetMouse(&mouseLoc); if (PtInRect(mouseLoc,&box)) { CursHandle theCurs; theCurs = GetCursor(3); cursorPos = 8; SetCursor(*theCurs); } else { PtToAngle(&box,mouseLoc,&temp); if (temp >336 || temp < 23) { temp = 0; } else { temp = (temp + 23)/45; } if (temp >=0 && temp <8 && cursorPos != temp) { SetCursor(*t->cursor[temp]); cursorPos = temp; #ifdef THINK_C repDelay = KeyThresh*2; #else repDelay = 42; #endif lastMD = theEvent.when; } } } else if (cursorPos>=0) { cursorPos = -1; SetCursor(&ARROW_CURSOR); } } if (StillDown() && cursorPos>=0 && cursorPos < 8 && TickCount() > lastMD+repDelay) { ch = mButtonDown(theEvent, t, &nextCommand); if (repDelay) { #ifdef THINK_C repDelay = KeyRepThresh*2; #else repDelay /= 3; #endif } lastMD = TickCount(); /*return ch;*/ } SetPort(oldPort1); break; case app4Evt: #define kSuspendResumeMessage 1 /* high byte of suspend/resume event message */ #define kMouseMovedMessage 0xFA /* high byte of mouse-moved event message */ #define SuspResIsResume(evtMessage) ((evtMessage) & 0x00000001) switch (theEvent.message >> 24) { case kSuspendResumeMessage: if (!SuspResIsResume(theEvent.message)) { /* ---------- SUSPEND EVENT ------------ */ if (macflags & fZoomOnContextSwitch && !EmptyRect(&(**(HackWindow)->visRgn).rgnBBox)) { InvalRect(&HackWindow->portRect); SizeWindow(HackWindow,60,60,FALSE); } } else { /* ---------- RESUME EVENT ------------- */ if (macflags & fZoomOnContextSwitch) { SizeWindow(HackWindow, (t->maxCol * t->charWidth) + 2 * Screen_Border, (t->maxRow * t->height) + 2 * Screen_Border, TRUE); SetPort(HackWindow); InvalRect(&HackWindow->portRect); if ((int) (theMenu = GetMHandle(editMenu)) && FrontWindow() == HackWindow) { SetMenuBar(t->fullMBarHandle); for (temp = fileMenu;temp <= extendMenu;temp++) { if (temp != editMenu) EnableItem(GetMHandle(temp), 0); } EnableItem(GetMHandle(appleMenu), 1); DisableItem(theMenu, 0); DrawMenuBar(); } } } break; } break; case updateEvt: if (HackWindow == (WindowPtr)theEvent.message) { doUpdate(t); } break; case activateEvt: if (HackWindow == (WindowPtr)theEvent.message) { if (theMenu = GetMHandle(editMenu)) { if (theEvent.modifiers & activeFlag) { if (macflags & fDoUpdate) { SetMenuBar(t->fullMBarHandle); for (temp = fileMenu;temp <= extendMenu;temp++) { if (temp != editMenu) EnableItem(GetMHandle(temp), 0); } EnableItem(GetMHandle(appleMenu), 1); } DisableItem(theMenu, 0); } else { EnableItem(theMenu, 0); if (macflags & fDoUpdate) { SetMenuBar(t->shortMBarHandle); for (temp = fileMenu;temp <= extendMenu;temp++) { if (temp != editMenu) DisableItem(GetMHandle(temp), 0); } DisableItem(GetMHandle(appleMenu), 1); } } DrawMenuBar(); } } break; case mouseDown: ch = mButtonDown(theEvent, t, &nextCommand); break; } } } if (keyCode && ch && (theEvent.what != keyDown && theEvent.what != autoKey)) InvertRect(&cursorRect); SetPort(oldPort); return ((ch == '\r') ? '\n' : ch); } void doUpdate(t) term_info *t; { short temp; GrafPtr oldPort; #ifdef TEXTCOLOR if (t->system.hasColorQD) { Rect r; GDHandle gd; r = (**(*(WindowPeek)HackWindow).contRgn).rgnBBox; LocalToGlobal(&; LocalToGlobal(&r.bottom); gd = GetMaxDevice(&r); HLock((Handle)gd); t->inColor = (**(**gd).gdPMap).pixelSize > 1; HUnlock((Handle)gd); } #endif GetPort(&oldPort); SetPort((GrafPtr)HackWindow); BeginUpdate(HackWindow); if (t->inColor && (macflags & fDoUpdate) && !(macflags & 0x2000)) { char *tmp; short x,y; tmp = calloc(2*t->maxCol, sizeof(char)); BlockMove(t->screen[0], tmp, t->maxCol); BlockMove(t->screen[1], &tmp[t->maxCol], t->maxCol); x = t->tcur_x; y = t->tcur_y; temp = flags.toplin; flags.toplin = 0; docrt(); flags.toplin = temp; BlockMove(tmp, t->screen[0], t->maxCol); BlockMove(&tmp[t->maxCol], t->screen[1], t->maxCol); free(tmp); t->tcur_y = y; t->tcur_x = x; } if (macflags & fDoUpdate) { for (temp = 0; temp < ((t->inColor && !(macflags & fFullScrKluge)) ? 2 : t->maxRow); temp++) { if ((macflags & fScreenKluges) == fScreenKluges && temp == t->maxRow-1){ if(flags.standout) standoutbeg(); } MoveTo(Screen_Border, t->ascent + (temp * t->height) + Screen_Border); DrawText(&t->screen[temp][0], 0, t->maxCol); if ((macflags & fScreenKluges) == fScreenKluges && temp == t->maxRow-1){ if(flags.standout) standoutend(); } } if (macflags & fDisplayKluge) { register struct line *tl; int curline, lth; if(flags.toplin == 1) more(); /* ab@unido */ remember_topl(); lth = CO - macmaxlen - 2; /* Use full screen width */ if (maclinect < LI && lth >= 10) { /* in a corner */ home (); cl_end (); flags.toplin = 0; curline = 1; for (tl = mactexthead; tl; tl = tl->next_line) { curs (lth, curline); if(curline > 1) cl_end (); xputs(tl->line_text); curx = curx + strlen(tl->line_text); curline++; } curs (lth, curline); } } } EndUpdate(HackWindow); SetPort(oldPort); } char mButtonDown(theEvent, t, nextCommand) EventRecord theEvent; term_info *t; char *nextCommand; { Rect boundsRect; WindowPtr theWindow; long message; char deskacc[256]; MenuHandle theMenu; char ch; short menuBar; GrafPtr oldPort; ch = '\0'; if (macflags & fDoNonKeyEvt) { switch (FindWindow(theEvent.where,&theWindow)) { case inMenuBar: SetCursor(&ARROW_CURSOR); message = MenuSelect(theEvent.where); if (!HiWord(message)) break; switch (HiWord(message)) { case editMenu: (void)SystemEdit((short)message - 1); break; case appleMenu: if (LoWord(message) > 1) { GetItem(GetMHandle(HiWord(message)),LoWord(message), deskacc); SetMenuBar(t->shortMBarHandle); DrawMenuBar(); (void)OpenDeskAcc(deskacc); if (theMenu = GetMHandle(editMenu)) EnableItem(theMenu, 0); } else if (aboutBox(1)) ch = '?'; break; case fileMenu: case inventMenu: case prepMenu: case actionMenu: case moveMenu: *nextCommand = keys[HiWord(message)-appleMenu][LoWord(message)-1]; ch = (!(*nextCommand)) ? '\0' : (char)ESCAPEkey; macflags |= (fExtCmdSeq2 | fExtCmdSeq3); #ifdef TEXTCOLOR #define MAC_BLACK 0 #define MAC_WHITE 7 if(HiWord(message) == fileMenu && LoWord(message) == 3) { theMenu = GetMHandle(HiWord(message)); macflags = macflags ^ fInvertedScreen; CheckItem(theMenu, 3, (boolean)(macflags & fInvertedScreen)); /* switch black & white */ message = t->color[BLACK]; t->color[MAC_BLACK] = t->color[MAC_WHITE]; t->color[MAC_WHITE] = message; /* switch light blue & dark blue */ message = t->color[BLUE]; t->color[BLUE] = t->color[CYAN]; t->color[CYAN] = message; ForeColor(t->color[MAC_BLACK]); BackColor(t->color[MAC_WHITE]); /* refresh screen without prompting 'More' */ message = flags.toplin; flags.toplin = 0; docrt(); flags.toplin = message; } #endif break; case extendMenu: ch = (char)ESCAPEkey; *nextCommand = keys[HiWord(message) - appleMenu][LoWord(message) - 1]; macflags |= fExtCmdSeq1; break; } HiliteMenu(0); break; case inSysWindow: SystemClick(&theEvent, theWindow); break; case inDrag: if (!(theEvent.modifiers & cmdKey)) { if (theWindow != FrontWindow()) { SelectWindow(theWindow); break; } } menuBar = (ROM85 == -1) ? 20 : GetMBarHeight(); { RgnHandle fooRgn = GetGrayRgn(); boundsRect = (*fooRgn)->rgnBBox; } SetCursor(&ARROW_CURSOR); DragWindow(theWindow, theEvent.where, &boundsRect); break; case inContent: if (theWindow != FrontWindow()) { SelectWindow(theWindow); } else if (theWindow == HackWindow) { Point mouseLoc; Rect box; short temp; if(flags.wantspace) { ch = 0x20; } else { box.left = (u.ux-1) * t->charWidth + Screen_Border + (t->charWidth/2); box.right = box.left + 1; = ( * t->height + Screen_Border + t->height/2; box.bottom = + 1; GetMouse(&mouseLoc); PtToAngle(&box,mouseLoc,&temp); if (temp >337 || temp < 23) { temp = 0; } else { temp = (temp + 23)/45; } switch(cursorPos) { case 0: ch = 'k'; break; case 1: ch = 'u'; break; case 2: ch = 'l'; break; case 3: ch = 'n'; break; case 4: ch = 'j'; break; case 5: ch = 'b'; break; case 6: ch = 'h'; break; case 7: ch ='y'; break; case 8: ch = '.'; break; } if ((theEvent.modifiers & shiftKey) && (ch)) { ch = (ch == '.') ? ':' : (char)toupper(ch); } } } break; } } else { if(flags.wantspace) ch = 0x20; } return ch; } void gethdate(name) char *name; { /*end gethdate*/} int uptodate(fd) { return(1); } #ifndef THINKC4 char * getenv(s) char *s; { return((char *)NULL); } int memcmp(x,y,n) char *x,*y; int n; { int i; i = 0; while (i++< n && (*x++) == (*y++)) { /*x++; y++; i++*/ ; } if (i != n) return ((*x > *y) ? -1 : 1); else return (0); } #else int kbhit() { EventRecord theEvent; SystemTask(); return (EventAvail(keyDownMask | mDownMask, &theEvent)); } #endif #ifdef AZTEC sleep(x) int x; { long t; Delay((long)x, &t); } #endif int mcurs(col,row) short col,row; { term_info *t; t = (term_info *)GetWRefCon(HackWindow); t->tcur_y = row; t->tcur_x = col; return 1; } static void checkScroll(t) term_info *t; { if (t->tcur_y >= t->maxRow-1) { short temp; char *s; BlockMove((Ptr)t->screen[1], (Ptr)t->screen[0], (Size)((t->maxRow - 1) * t->maxCol)); for (temp = 0, s = t->screen[t->maxRow - 1]; temp < t->maxCol; temp++, s++) { *s = ' '; } { Pattern p, o; Rect window; if (macflags & fInvertedScreen) { BlockMove((Ptr)&((GrafPtr)HackWindow)->bkPat, (Ptr)&o, sizeof(Pattern)); GetIndPattern(&p, sysPatListID,1); BackPat(p); } window = HackWindow->portRect; InsetRect(&window, 4,4); += t->height; ScrollRect(&window, 0, -t->height, ((WindowPeek)HackWindow)->updateRgn); ValidRect(&window); if (macflags & fInvertedScreen) { BackPat(o); } } t->tcur_y = t->maxRow - 1; } } void mput(s) char *s; { unsigned short sLen,temp; GrafPtr prevPort; register term_info *t; Point cur; register short x,y; Rect eraseRect; register char *stmp,*c,*c1; char savech; t = (term_info *)GetWRefCon(HackWindow); sLen = strlen(s); x = t->tcur_x; y = t->tcur_y; if (y >= t->maxRow) panic("mput - incorrect cursor position\n"); cur.h = (x * t->charWidth) + Screen_Border; cur.v = t->ascent + (y * t->height) + Screen_Border; GetPort(&prevPort); SetPort((GrafPtr)HackWindow); TextFont(t->fontNum); TextSize(t->fontSize); TextMode(srcCopy); /* a termcap-type escape string */ if (!strncmp(s, "\033[", 2)) { switch(*(s + 2)) { case 'c': /* color kluge */ if (t->inColor) { temp = (short)(*(s + 3) - 'a'); if (temp >= BLACK && temp < MAXCOLORS && (temp % (MAXCOLORS / 2) != GRAY)) /* set colour */ ForeColor(t->color[temp % (MAXCOLORS / 2)]); if (temp == GRAY) ForeColor(t->color[0]); /* yellow fgnd hard to see on white bgnd */ /* so change to green background */ if (temp == YELLOW || temp == BROWN) BackColor(t->color[GREEN]); if (temp == BLUE) BackColor(t->color[CYAN]); if (temp == CYAN) BackColor(t->color[BLUE]); } break; case '0': /* normal video begin */ if (*(s + 3) == 'm') { ForeColor(t->color[0]); BackColor(t->color[7]); } break; case '1': /* inverse video begin */ if (*(s + 3) == 'm') { ForeColor(t->color[7]); BackColor(t->color[0]); } break; case 'A': /* cursor up */ if (y > 0) { t->tcur_y--; cur.v -= t->height; } break; case 'B': /* cursor down */ if (y < t->maxRow) { t->tcur_y++; cur.v += t->height; } break; case 'C': /* cursor right */ if (x < t->maxCol) { t->tcur_x++; cur.h += t->charWidth; } break; case 'D': /* cursor left */ if (x > 0) { t->tcur_x--; cur.h -= t->charWidth; } break; case 'H': /* home cursor */ t->tcur_x = t->tcur_y = 0; cur.h = Screen_Border; cur.v = t->ascent + Screen_Border; break; case 'K': /* clear to end of line */ = cur.v - (t->ascent); eraseRect.left = cur.h; eraseRect.bottom = + t->height; eraseRect.right = (t->maxCol*t->charWidth) + Screen_Border; EraseRect(&eraseRect); for (temp = x, c = &(t->screen[y][x]); temp < t->maxCol; temp++) *c++ = ' '; break; case '2': if (*(s+3) == 'J') { /* clear screen */ x = y = t->tcur_x = t->tcur_y = 0; = eraseRect.left = Screen_Border; eraseRect.bottom = t->maxRow*t->height + Screen_Border; eraseRect.right = t->charWidth*t->maxCol + Screen_Border; EraseRect(&eraseRect); for (y = 0, c = t->screen[0]; y < t->maxCol * t->maxRow; y++) { *c++ = ' '; } cur.h = Screen_Border; cur.v = t->ascent + Screen_Border; } break; } MoveTo(cur.h, cur.v); } else { short charleft = sLen; MoveTo(cur.h, cur.v); stmp = s; if (sLen) { while (stmp < (s + sLen)) { temp = (x + charleft - 1 < t->maxCol - 1) ? charleft : t->maxCol - x; savech = '\0'; c1 = stmp + temp; /* point to the char after the end */ c = index(stmp, '\n'); if (c && c < c1) { c1 = c; savech = '\n'; temp = (short)(c - stmp); /* don't want to include '\n' in print */ } c = index(stmp, '\r'); if (c && c < c1) { c1 = c; savech = '\r'; temp = (short)(c - stmp); /* don't want to include '\r' in print */ } DrawText((Ptr)stmp, 0, temp); BlockMove((Ptr)stmp, (Ptr)&(t->screen[y][x]), (long)temp); stmp += temp + 1; charleft -= temp + 1; if (!savech) { t->tcur_x += temp; } if (t->tcur_x >= t->maxCol-1 || savech) { if (savech != '\r') { if (t->tcur_y >= t->maxRow-1) { checkScroll(t); } else { y = (++t->tcur_y); } } x = t->tcur_x = 0; cur.h = Screen_Border; cur.v = y * t->height + t->ascent + Screen_Border; MoveTo(cur.h,cur.v); } } } } if (t->tcur_x >= t->maxCol-1) { t->tcur_x = t->tcur_x % t->maxCol; t->tcur_y++; checkScroll(t); } SetPort(prevPort); } int mputc(c) char c; { GrafPtr prevPort; register term_info *t; Point cur; register short x,y; Rect eraseRect; char savech; PenState pnState; t = (term_info *)GetWRefCon(HackWindow); x = t->tcur_x; y = t->tcur_y; cur.h = (x * t->charWidth) + Screen_Border; cur.v = t->ascent + (y * t->height) + Screen_Border; GetPort(&prevPort); SetPort((GrafPtr)HackWindow); TextFont(t->fontNum); TextSize(t->fontSize); TextMode(srcCopy); MoveTo(cur.h, cur.v); savech = '\0'; if (c == '\b') { if (x > 0) { c = ' '; x = (--t->tcur_x); cur.h = (x * t->charWidth) + Screen_Border; Move(-t->charWidth,0); savech = '\b'; } else if (y > 0) { c = ' '; x = t->tcur_x = (t->maxCol - 1); y = (--t->tcur_y); cur.h = (x * t->charWidth) + Screen_Border; cur.v -= t->height; MoveTo(cur.h, cur.v); savech = '\b'; } } if (c == '\007') { SysBeep(1); } else if ((c == '\n') || (c == '\r')) { t->tcur_x = 0; if (t->tcur_y >= t->maxRow && c == '\r') { t->tcur_y = t->maxRow - 1; } else if (c == '\n') { if (t->tcur_y >= t->maxRow-1) { checkScroll(t); } else { t->tcur_y++; } } } else { t->screen[y][x] = c; DrawText(&c, 0, 1); if (!savech) { t->tcur_x++; if (t->tcur_x >= t->maxCol) { t->tcur_x = 0; t->tcur_y++; checkScroll(t); } } } cur.h = (t->tcur_x * t->charWidth) + Screen_Border; cur.v = t->ascent + (t->tcur_y * t->height) + Screen_Border; MoveTo(cur.h,cur.v); SetPort(prevPort); return 1; } int mputs(s) char *s; { mput(s); return 1; } int mprintf(fstr) char *fstr; { #define Bufsz 14 char numAsStr[Bufsz]; short numsz; char *ps; unsigned long num; boolean convchar; boolean islong; char c; char *s; char prBuffer[128]; register char *pb; prBuffer[0] = '\0'; pb = &prBuffer[0]; ps = (char *)&fstr; /* convert to pointer to params */ ps += sizeof(char *); /* skip over format string ptr */ while (*fstr) { s = index(fstr, '%'); if (s) { num = (short)(s - fstr); strncpy(pb, fstr, (short)num); pb += num; fstr = s; } else { Strcpy(pb, fstr); fstr += strlen(fstr)-1; } switch (*fstr) { case '%': fstr++; convchar = FALSE; islong = FALSE; do { switch (*fstr) { case 'l': /* long */ islong = TRUE; fstr++; break; case 'u': /* unsigned decimal */ case 'd': /* signed decimal */ num = (islong) ? *(unsigned long *)ps : *(unsigned short *)ps; numsz = (islong) ? sizeof(long) : sizeof(short); ps += numsz; s = (islong) ? fstr - 2 : fstr - 1; c = *(fstr + 1); *(fstr + 1) = '\0'; if (islong) sprintf(numAsStr, s, num); else sprintf(numAsStr, s, (short)num); *(fstr + 1) = c; Strcpy(pb, numAsStr); pb = (char *)(pb + strlen(numAsStr)); convchar = TRUE; break; case 's': s = *(char **)ps; Strcpy(pb, s); pb = (char *)(pb + strlen(s)); ps += sizeof(char *); convchar = TRUE; break; case 'c': c = *(unsigned short *)ps; numsz = sizeof(short); (*pb++) = (char)c; (*pb) = '\0'; convchar = TRUE; ps += numsz; break; default: convchar = TRUE; } } while (!convchar); break; default: break; } fstr++; } if (prBuffer[0]) mput(&prBuffer[0]); return 1; } DialogTHndl centreDlgBox(resNum, clip) short resNum; Boolean clip; { DialogTHndl th = (DialogTHndl) GetResource('DLOG', resNum); Rect rect; short dv, dh; /* centre dialog box on screen */ if (th) { rect = SCREEN_BITS.bounds; HLock((Handle)th); dv = ((**th).boundsRect.bottom - (**th); dv -= (clip) ? 20 : 0; dh = ((**th).boundsRect.right - (**th).boundsRect.left)/2; (**th).boundsRect.bottom = (rect.bottom + + MBarHeight)/2 + dv; (**th) = (rect.bottom + + MBarHeight)/2 - dv; (**th).boundsRect.right = (rect.right + rect.left)/2 + dh; (**th).boundsRect.left = (rect.right + rect.left)/2 - dh; HUnlock((Handle)th); } else panic("Couldn't load dialog resource"); return th; } short aboutBox(prompt) short prompt; { #define OK_BUTTON 1 #define MORE_INFO_BUTTON 2 DialogPtr theDialog; DialogRecord space; Rect rect; Handle theControl; short type,itemHit; GrafPtr oldPort; EventRecord theEvent; term_info *t; DialogTHndl th; /* if about box on startup, centre about box on screen */ if (!prompt) { th = centreDlgBox(129, TRUE); } GetPort(&oldPort); theDialog = GetNewDialog(129, &space,(WindowPtr)-1); if (!prompt) { HideDItem(theDialog, OK_BUTTON); HideDItem(theDialog, MORE_INFO_BUTTON); } else MoveWindow((WindowPtr)theDialog, LEFT_OFFSET, TOP_OFFSET, TRUE); ShowWindow((WindowPtr)theDialog); SetPort(theDialog); TextFont(1); /* 9 pt. Geneva */ TextSize(9); DrawDialog(theDialog); itemHit = 0; if (prompt) { /* BOLD the OK button */ GetDItem(theDialog, OK_BUTTON, &type, &theControl, &rect); PenSize(3,3); InsetRect(&rect,-4,-4); FrameRoundRect(&rect,16,16); PenSize(1,1); while ((itemHit != OK_BUTTON) && (itemHit != MORE_INFO_BUTTON)) { ModalDialog(NULL, &itemHit); } } else { while (!itemHit) { SystemTask(); if (GetNextEvent(everyEvent,&theEvent)) if (theEvent.what == mouseDown || theEvent.what == keyDown || theEvent.what == autoKey) itemHit = OK_BUTTON; } } DisposDialog(theDialog); ReleaseResource((Handle)th); SetPort(oldPort); return (itemHit == MORE_INFO_BUTTON); }
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