
This is xcharts.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

** Astrolog (Version 4.10) File: xcharts.c
** IMPORTANT NOTICE: the graphics database and chart display routines
** used in this program are Copyright (C) 1991-1994 by Walter D. Pullen
** (cruiser1@stein.u.washington.edu). Permission is granted to freely
** use and distribute these routines provided one doesn't sell,
** restrict, or profit from them in any way. Modification is allowed
** provided these notices remain with any altered or edited versions of
** the program.
** The main planetary calculation routines used in this program have
** been Copyrighted and the core of this program is basically a
** conversion to C of the routines created by James Neely as listed in
** Michael Erlewine's 'Manual of Computer Programming for Astrologers',
** available from Matrix Software. The copyright gives us permission to
** use the routines for personal use but not to sell them or profit from
** them in any way.
** The PostScript code within the core graphics routines are programmed
** and Copyright (C) 1992-1993 by Brian D. Willoughby
** (brianw@sounds.wa.com). Conditions are identical to those above.
** The extended accurate ephemeris databases and formulas are from the
** calculation routines in the program "Placalc" and are programmed and
** Copyright (C) 1989,1991,1993 by Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl
** (alois@azur.ch). The use of that source code is subject to
** regulations made by Astrodienst Zurich, and the code is not in the
** public domain. This copyright notice must not be changed or removed
** by any user of this program.
** Initial programming 8/28,30, 9/10,13,16,20,23, 10/3,6,7, 11/7,10,21/1991.
** X Window graphics initially programmed 10/23-29/1991.
** PostScript graphics initially programmed 11/29-30/1992.
** Last code change made 3/19/1994.

#include "astrolog.h"

#ifdef GRAPH

** Single Chart Graphics Subprograms.

/* Given a string, draw it on the screen using the given color. The       */
/* position of the text is based the saved positions of where we drew the */
/* text the last time the routine was called, being either directly below */
/* in the same column or in the same row just to the right. This is used  */
/* by the sidebar drawing routine to print a list of text on the chart.   */

int DrawPrint(string, m, n)
char *string;
int m, n;
  static int x0, x, y;

  if (string == NULL) {    /* Null string means just initialize position. */
    x0 = x = m; y = n;
    return y;
  if (y >= charty)    /* Don't draw if we've scrolled off the chart bottom. */
    return y;
  DrawText(string, x, y, -1);

  /* If the second parameter is TRUE, we stay on the same line, otherwise */
  /* when FALSE we go to the next line at the original column setting.    */

  if (n)
    x += StringLen(string)*FONTX*scalet;
  else {
    x = x0;
    n = y;
    y += FONTY*scalet;
  return y;

/* Print text showing the chart information and house and planet positions */
/* of a chart in a "sidebar" to the right of the chart in question. This   */
/* is always done for the -v and -w graphic wheel charts unless the -v0    */
/* switch flag is also set, in which case none of the stuff here is done.  */

void DrawInfo()
  char string[STRING];
  int elemode[4][3], elem[4], mo[3], tot, pos, abo, lef, lea, i, y, a, s;

  /* Hack: Just for fun, if interpretation is active (which normally has  */
  /* no effect whatsoever on graphics) we'll decorate the chart a little. */

  if (interpret) {
    if (screenwidth & 1) {
      /* If screenwidth value is odd, draw a moire pattern in each corner. */
      abo = charty/(screenwidth/10);
      lef = chartx/(screenwidth/10);
      for (y = 0; y <= 1; y++)
        for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
          for (s = 0; s <= 1; s++)
            for (a = 1; a < (s ? lef : abo)*2; a++) {
              DrawColor(a & 1 ? gray : off);
              DrawLine(i ? chartx-1-lef : lef, y ? charty-1-abo : abo,
                s ? (i ? chartx-1-a : a) : i*(chartx-1),
                s ? y*(charty-1) : (y ? charty-1-a : a));
    } else {
      /* If screenwidth is even, draw spider web lines in each corner. */
      tot = screenwidth*3/20;
      abo = charty/4;
      lef = chartx/4;
      for (y = 0; y <= 1; y++)
        for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
          for (a = 1; a < tot; a++)
            DrawLine(i*(chartx-1), y ? (charty-1-a*abo/tot) : a*abo/tot,
              i ? chartx-1-lef+a*lef/tot : lef-a*lef/tot, y*(charty-1));
  if (!xtext || (exdisplay & DASHv0) > 0)    /* Don't draw sidebar if */
    return;                                  /* -v0 flag is set.      */

  a = ansi;
  ansi = FALSE;
  seconds = -seconds;
  if (xborder)
    DrawLine(chartx-1, 0, chartx-1, charty-1);
  chartx += SIDET;
  DrawPrint(NULL, chartx-SIDET+FONTX*scalet, FONTY*7/5*scalet);

  /* Print chart header and setting information. */
  sprintf(string, "%s %s", appname, VERSION);
  DrawPrint(string, on, FALSE);
  if (Mon == -1)
    sprintf(string, "No time or space.");
  else if (relation == DASHrc)
    sprintf(string, "Composite chart.");
  else {
    sprintf(string, "%c%c%c %s", DAYNAM(DayOfWeek(Mon, Day, Yea)),
      CharDate(Mon, Day, Yea, TRUE));
    DrawPrint(string, hilite, FALSE);
      (int)(FRACT(dabs(Tim))*100.0+ROUND/60.0)), hilite, TRUE);
    sprintf(string, " (%s GMT)", CharZone(Zon));
  DrawPrint(string, hilite, FALSE);
  DrawPrint(CharLocation(Lon, Lat, 100.0), hilite, FALSE);
  sprintf(string, "%s houses.", systemname[housesystem]);
  DrawPrint(string, hilite, FALSE);
  sprintf(string, "%s zodiac.", operation & DASHs ? "Siderial" : "Tropical");
  DrawPrint(string, hilite, FALSE);
  sprintf(string, "Julian Day = %10.3f", JulianDayFromTime(T));
  DrawPrint(string, hilite, FALSE);

  /* Print house cusp positions. */
  DrawPrint("", hilite, FALSE);
  for (i = 1; i <= SIGNS; i++) {
    sprintf(string, "%2d%s house: ", i, post[i]);
    y = DrawPrint(string, signcolor(i), TRUE);
    if (!seconds && (scale == 100 || !xfont || !xfile) && y < charty) {
      s = scale;
      scale = 100*scalet;
      DrawSign(i, chartx-12*scalet, y-(FONTY/2-1)*scalet);
      scale = s;
    DrawPrint(CharZodiac(house[i]), signcolor(ZTOS(house[i])), FALSE);

  /* Print planet positions. */
  DrawPrint("", hilite, FALSE);
  for (i = 1; i <= BASE; i++) if (!ignore[i] && !IsCusp(i)) {
    sprintf(string, seconds ? "%3.3s: " : "%4.4s: ", objectname[i]);
    DrawPrint(string, objectcolor[i], TRUE);
    y = DrawPrint(CharZodiac(planet[i]), signcolor(ZTOS(planet[i])), TRUE);
    if (!seconds && i < S_LO &&
      (scale == 100 || !xfont || !xfile) && y < charty) {
      s = scale;
      scale = 100*scalet;
      DrawObject(i, chartx-12*scalet, y-(FONTY/2-1)*scalet);
      scale = s;
    sprintf(string, "%c ", ret[i] < 0.0 ? 'R' : ' ');
    s = IsThing(i);
    DrawPrint(string, on, s);
    if (s)
      DrawPrint(CharAltitude(planetalt[i]), hilite, FALSE);

  /* Print star positions. */
  for (i = S_LO; i <= S_HI; i++) if (!ignore[i]) {
    s = BASE+starname[i-BASE];
    sprintf(string, seconds ? "%3.3s: " : "%4.4s: ", objectname[s]);
    DrawPrint(string, objectcolor[s], TRUE);
    DrawPrint(CharZodiac(planet[s]), signcolor(ZTOS(planet[s])), TRUE);
    DrawPrint("  ", on, TRUE);
    DrawPrint(CharAltitude(planetalt[s]), hilite, FALSE);

  /* Print element table information. */
  DrawPrint("", hilite, FALSE);
  CreateElemTable(elemode, elem, mo, &tot, &pos, &abo, &lef, &lea);
  sprintf(string, "Fire: %d, Earth: %d,", elem[_FIR], elem[_EAR]);
  DrawPrint(string, hilite, FALSE);
  sprintf(string, "Air : %d, Water: %d", elem[_AIR], elem[_WAT]);
  DrawPrint(string, hilite, FALSE);
  sprintf(string, "Car: %d, Fix: %d, Mut: %d", mo[0], mo[1], mo[2]);
  DrawPrint(string, hilite, FALSE);
  sprintf(string, "Yang: %d, Yin: %d", pos, tot-pos);
  DrawPrint(string, hilite, FALSE);
  sprintf(string, "N: %d, S: %d, W: %d, E: %d", abo, tot-abo, tot-lef, lef); 
  DrawPrint(string, hilite, FALSE);
  seconds = -seconds;
  ansi = a;

/* Draw a wheel chart, in which the 12 signs and houses are delineated, and  */
/* the planets are inserted in their proper places. This is the default      */
/* graphics chart to generate, as is done when the -v or -w (or no) switches */
/* are included with -X. Draw the aspects in the middle of chart, too.       */

void XChartWheel()
  real xsign[SIGNS+1], xhouse[SIGNS+1], xplanet[TOTAL+1], symbol[TOTAL+1];
  int cx, cy, i, j;
  real asc, unitx, unity, px, py, temp;

  /* Set up variables and temporarily automatically decrease the horizontal */
  /* chart size to leave room for the sidebar if that mode is in effect.    */

  if (xtext && !(exdisplay & DASHv0))
    chartx -= SIDET;
  cx = chartx/2 - 1; cy = charty/2 - 1;
  unitx = (real)cx; unity = (real)cy;
  asc = xeast ? planet[abs(xeast)]+90*(xeast < 0) : house[1];

  /* Fill out arrays with the angular degree on the circle of where to    */
  /* place each object, cusp, and sign glyph based on how the chart mode. */

  if (modex == MODEv) {
    for (i = 1; i <= SIGNS; i++)
      xhouse[i] = PZ(house[i]);
  } else {
    asc -= house[1];
    for (i = 1; i <= SIGNS; i++)
      xhouse[i] = PZ(STOZ(i));
  for (i = 1; i <= SIGNS; i++)
    xsign[i] = PZ(XHousePlaceIn(STOZ(i)));
  for (i = 1; i <= total; i++)
    xplanet[i] = PZ(XHousePlaceIn(planet[i]));

  /* Draw Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Nadir lines across whole chart. */

  DrawDash(cx+POINT(unitx, 0.99, PX(xhouse[1])),
           cy+POINT(unity, 0.99, PY(xhouse[1])),
           cx+POINT(unitx, 0.99, PX(xhouse[7])),
           cy+POINT(unity, 0.99, PY(xhouse[7])), !xcolor);
  DrawDash(cx+POINT(unitx, 0.99, PX(xhouse[10])),
           cy+POINT(unity, 0.99, PY(xhouse[10])),
           cx+POINT(unitx, 0.99, PX(xhouse[4])),
           cy+POINT(unity, 0.99, PY(xhouse[4])), !xcolor);

  /* Draw small five or one degree increments around the zodiac sign ring. */

  for (i = 0; i < DEGD; i += 5-(xcolor || psfile || metafile)*4) {
    temp = PZ(XHousePlaceIn((real)i));
    px = PX(temp); py = PY(temp);
    DrawColor(i%5 ? gray : on);
    DrawDash(cx+POINT(unitx, 0.75, px), cy+POINT(unity, 0.75, py),
      cx+POINT(unitx, 0.80, px), cy+POINT(unity, 0.80, py),
      ((psfile || metafile) && i%5)*2);

  /* Draw circles for the zodiac sign and house rings. */

  DrawCircle(cx, cy, (int)(unitx*0.95+ROUND), (int)(unity*0.95+ROUND));
  DrawCircle(cx, cy, (int)(unitx*0.80+ROUND), (int)(unity*0.80+ROUND));
  DrawCircle(cx, cy, (int)(unitx*0.75+ROUND), (int)(unity*0.75+ROUND));
  DrawCircle(cx, cy, (int)(unitx*0.65+ROUND), (int)(unity*0.65+ROUND));

  /* Draw the glyphs for the signs and houses themselves. */

  for (i = 1; i <= SIGNS; i++) {
    temp = xsign[i];
    DrawLine(cx+POINT(unitx, 0.95, PX(temp)),      /* Draw lines separating */
      cy+POINT(unity, 0.95, PY(temp)),             /* each sign and house   */
      cx+POINT(unitx, 0.80, PX(temp)),             /* from each other.      */
      cy+POINT(unity, 0.80, PY(temp)));
    DrawLine(cx+POINT(unitx, 0.75, PX(xhouse[i])),
      cy+POINT(unity, 0.75, PY(xhouse[i])),
      cx+POINT(unitx, 0.65, PX(xhouse[i])),
      cy+POINT(unity, 0.65, PY(xhouse[i])));
    if (xcolor && i%3 != 1) {                                 /* Lines from */
      DrawColor(gray);                                        /* each house */
      DrawDash(cx, cy, cx+POINT(unitx, 0.65, PX(xhouse[i])),  /* to center  */
        cy+POINT(unity, 0.65, PY(xhouse[i])), 1);             /* of wheel.  */
    temp = Midpoint(temp, xsign[Mod12(i+1)]);
    DrawSign(i, cx+POINT(unitx, 0.875, PX(temp)),
      cy+POINT(unity, 0.875, PY(temp)));
    temp = Midpoint(xhouse[i], xhouse[Mod12(i+1)]);
    DrawHouse(i, cx+POINT(unitx, 0.70, PX(temp)),
      cy+POINT(unity, 0.70, PY(temp)));
  for (i = 1; i <= total; i++)    /* Figure out where to put planet glyphs. */
    symbol[i] = xplanet[i];

  /* For each planet, draw a small dot indicating where it is, and then */
  /* a line from that point to the planet's glyph.                      */

  for (i = total; i >= 1; i--) if (Proper(i)) {
    if (xlabel) {
      temp = symbol[i];
      DrawColor(ret[i] < 0.0 ? gray : on);
      DrawDash(cx+POINT(unitx, 0.52, PX(xplanet[i])),
        cy+POINT(unity, 0.52, PY(xplanet[i])),
        cx+POINT(unitx, 0.56, PX(temp)),
        cy+POINT(unity, 0.56, PY(temp)),
        (ret[i] < 0.0 ? 1 : 0) - xcolor);
      DrawObject(i, cx+POINT(unitx, 0.60, PX(temp)),
        cy+POINT(unity, 0.60, PY(temp)));
    } else
    DrawPoint(cx+POINT(unitx, 0.50, PX(xplanet[i])),
      cy+POINT(unity, 0.50, PY(xplanet[i])));

  /* Draw lines connecting planets which have aspects between them. */

  if (!xbonus) {          /* Don't draw aspects in bonus mode. */
    for (j = total; j >= 2; j--)
      for (i = j-1; i >= 1; i--)
        if (grid->n[i][j] && Proper(i) && Proper(j)) {
          DrawDash(cx+POINT(unitx, 0.48, PX(xplanet[i])),
            cy+POINT(unity, 0.48, PY(xplanet[i])),
            cx+POINT(unitx, 0.48, PX(xplanet[j])),
            cy+POINT(unity, 0.48, PY(xplanet[j])),

  /* Go draw sidebar with chart information and positions if need be. */


/* Draw an astro-graph chart on a map of the world, i.e. the draw the     */
/* Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and Nadir lines corresponding to the */
/* time in the chart. This chart is done when the -L switch is combined   */
/* with the -X switch.                                                    */

void XChartAstroGraph()
  real planet1[TOTAL+1], planet2[TOTAL+1],
    end1[TOTAL*2+1], end2[TOTAL*2+1],
    symbol1[TOTAL*2+1], symbol2[TOTAL*2+1],
    lon = Lon, longm, x, y, z, ad, oa, am, od, dm, lat;
  int unit = SCALE, stroke, lat1 = -60, lat2 = 75, y1, y2, xold1, xold2,
    i, j, k, l;

  /* Erase top and bottom parts of map. We don't draw the astro-graph lines */
  /* above certain latitudes, and this gives us room for glyph labels, too. */

  y1 = (91-lat1)*SCALE;
  y2 = (91-lat2)*SCALE;
  DrawBlock(1, 1, chartx-2, y2-1);
  DrawBlock(1, charty-2, chartx-2, y1+1);
  DrawDash(0, charty/2, chartx-2, charty/2, 4);    /* Draw equator. */
  DrawLine(1, y2, chartx-2, y2);
  DrawLine(1, y1, chartx-2, y1);
  for (i = 1; i <= total*2; i++)
    end1[i] = end2[i] = -LARGE;

  /* Draw small hatches every 5 degrees along edges of world map. */

  for (i = lat1; i <= lat2; i += 5) {
    j = (91-i)*SCALE;
    k = (2+(i%10 == 0)+2*(i%30 == 0))*scalet;
    DrawLine(1, j, k, j);
    DrawLine(chartx-2, j, chartx-1-k, j);
  for (i = -180; i < 180; i += 5) {
    j = (180-i)*SCALE;
    k = (2+(i%10 == 0)+2*(i%30 == 0)+(i%90 == 0))*scalet;
    DrawLine(j, y2+1, j, y2+k);
    DrawLine(j, y1-1, j, y1-k);

#ifdef MATRIX
  /* Calculate zenith locations of each planet. */

  for (i = 1; i <= total; i++) {
    planet1[i] = DTOR(planet[i]);
    planet2[i] = DTOR(planetalt[i]);
    EclToEqu(&planet1[i], &planet2[i]);

  /* Draw the Midheaven lines and zenith location markings. */

  if (lon < 0.0)
    lon += DEGREES;
  for (i = 1; i <= total; i++) if (Proper(i)) {
    x = DTOR(MC)-planet1[i];
    if (x < 0.0)
      x += 2.0*PI;
    if (x > PI)
      x -= 2.0*PI;
    z = lon+RTOD(x);
    if (z > DEGHALF)
      z -= DEGREES;
    j = (int) (Mod(DEGHALF-z+degree)*(real)SCALE);
    DrawLine(j, y1+unit*4, j, y2-unit*1);
    end2[i*2-1] = (real) j;
    y = RTOD(planet2[i]);
    k = (int) ((91.0-y)*(real)SCALE);
    DrawBlock(j-1, k-1, j+1, k+1);
    DrawBlock(j, k, j, k);

    /* Draw Nadir lines assuming we aren't in bonus chart mode. */

    if (!xbonus) {
      j += 180*SCALE;
      if (j > chartx-2)
        j -= (chartx-2);
      end1[i*2-1] = (real) j;
      DrawLine(j, y1+unit*2, j, y2-unit*2);

  /* Now, normally, unless we are in bonus chart mode, we will go on to draw */
  /* the Ascendant and Descendant lines here.                                */

  longm = DTOR(Mod(MC+lon));
  if (!xbonus) for (i = 1; i <= total; i++) if (Proper(i)) {
    xold1 = xold2 = -1000;

    /* Hack: Normally we draw the Ascendant and Descendant line segments  */
    /* simultaneously. However, for the PostScript and metafile stroke    */
    /* graphics, this will case the file to get inordinately large due to */
    /* the constant thrashing between the Asc and Desc colors. Hence for  */
    /* these charts only, we'll do two passes for Asc and Desc.           */
    stroke = psfile || metafile;
    for (l = 0; l <= stroke; l++)

    for (lat = (real)lat1; lat <= (real)lat2;
      lat += 1.0/(real)(SCALE/scalet)) {

      /* First compute and draw the current segment of Ascendant line. */

      j = (int) ((91.0-lat)*(real)SCALE);
      ad = tan(planet2[i])*tan(DTOR(lat));
      if (ad*ad > 1.0)
        ad = LARGE;
      else {
        ad = ASIN(ad);
        oa = planet1[i]-ad;
        if (oa < 0.0)
          oa += 2.0*PI;
        am = oa-PI/2.0;
        if (am < 0.0)
          am += 2.0*PI;
        z = longm-am;
        if (z < 0.0)
          z += 2.0*PI;
        if (z > PI)
          z -= 2.0*PI;
        z = RTOD(z);
        k = (int) (Mod(DEGHALF-z+degree)*(real)SCALE);
        if (!stroke || !l) {
          DrawWrap(xold1, j+scalet, k, j, 1, chartx-2);
          if (lat == (real) lat1) {                        /* Line segment */
            DrawLine(k, y1, k, y1+unit*4);                 /* pointing to  */
            end2[i*2] = (real) k;                          /* Ascendant.   */
        } else if (lat == (real) lat1)
          end2[i*2] = (real) k;
        xold1 = k;

      /* The curving Ascendant and Descendant lines actually touch each at  */
      /* low latitudes. Sometimes when we start out, a particular planet's  */
      /* lines haven't appeared yet, i.e. we are scanning at a latitude     */
      /* where our planet's lines don't exist. If this is the case, then    */
      /* when they finally do start, draw a thin horizontal line connecting */
      /* the Ascendant and Descendant lines so they don't just start in     */
      /* space. Note that these connected lines aren't labeled with glyphs. */

      if (ad == LARGE) {
        if (xold1 >= 0) {
          if (!stroke || !l) {
            DrawWrap(xold1, j+1, xold2, j+1, 1, chartx-2);
          lat = DEGQUAD;
      } else {

      /* Then compute and draw corresponding segment of Descendant line. */

        od = planet1[i]+ad;
        dm = od+PI/2.0;
        z = longm-dm;
        if (z < 0.0)
          z += 2.0*PI;
        if (z > PI)
          z -= 2.0*PI;
        z = RTOD(z);
        k = (int) (Mod(DEGHALF-z+degree)*(real)SCALE);
        if (xold2 < 0 && lat > (real)lat1 && (!stroke || l)) {
          DrawWrap(xold1, j, k, j, 1, chartx-2);
        if (!stroke || l) {
          DrawWrap(xold2, j+scalet, k, j, 1, chartx-2);
          if (lat == (real)lat1)                           /* Line segment */
            DrawLine(k, y1, k, y1+unit*2);                 /* pointing to  */
        }                                                  /* Descendant.  */
        xold2 = k;
#endif /* MATRIX */

    /* Draw segments pointing to top of Ascendant and Descendant lines. */

    if (ad != LARGE) {
      DrawLine(xold1, y2, xold1, y2-unit*1);
      DrawLine(k, y2, k, y2-unit*2);
      end1[i*2] = (real) k;

  /* Determine where to draw the planet glyphs. We have four sets of each    */
  /* planet - each planet's glyph appearing in the chart up to four times -  */
  /* one for each type of line. The Midheaven and Ascendant lines are always */
  /* labeled at the bottom of the chart, while the Nadir and Midheaven lines */
  /* at the top. Therefore we need to place two sets of glyphs, twice.       */

  for (i = 1; i <= total*2; i++) {
    symbol1[i] = end1[i];
    symbol2[i] = end2[i];

  /* Now actually draw the planet glyphs. */

  for (i = 1; i <= total*2; i++) {
    j = (i+1)/2;
    if (Proper(j)) {
      if ((turtlex = (int) symbol1[i]) > 0 && xlabel) {
        DrawColor(ret[j] < 0.0 ? gray : on);
        DrawDash((int) end1[i], y2-unit*2, (int) symbol1[i], y2-unit*4,
          (ret[i] < 0.0 ? 1 : 0) - xcolor);
        DrawObject(j, turtlex, y2-unit*10);
      if ((turtlex = (int) symbol2[i]) > 0) {
        DrawColor(ret[j] < 0.0 ? gray : on);
        DrawDash((int) end2[i], y1+unit*4, (int) symbol2[i], y1+unit*8,
          (ret[i] < 0.0 ? 1 : 0) - xcolor);
        DrawObject(j, turtlex, y1+unit*14);
        DrawTurtle(objectdraw[i & 1 ? _MC : _ASC], (int) symbol2[i],

/* Draw an aspect and midpoint grid in the window, with planets labeled down */
/* the diagonal. This chart is done when the -g switch is combined with the  */
/* -X switch. The chart always has a certain number of cells; hence based    */
/* how the restrictions are set up, there may be blank columns and rows,     */
/* or else only the first number of unrestricted objects will be included.   */

void XChartGrid()
  char string[STRING];
  int unit, siz, x, y, i, j, k;
  colpal c;

  unit = CELLSIZE*SCALE; siz = gridobjects*unit;

  /* Loop through each cell in each row and column of grid. */

  for (y = 1, j = 0; y <= gridobjects; y++) {
    do {
    } while (ignore[j] && j <= total);
    DrawDash(0, y*unit, siz, y*unit, !xcolor);
    DrawDash(y*unit, 0, y*unit, siz, !xcolor);
    if (j <= total) for (x = 1, i = 0; x <= gridobjects; x++) {
      do {
      } while (ignore[i] && i <= total);
      if (i <= total) {
        turtlex = x*unit-unit/2;
        turtley = y*unit-unit/2 - (SCALE/scalet > 2 ? 5*scalet : 0);

        /* If this is an aspect cell, draw glyph of aspect in effect. */

        if (xbonus ? x > y : x < y) {
          DrawColor(c = aspectcolor[grid->n[i][j]]);
          DrawAspect(grid->n[i][j], turtlex, turtley);

        /* If this is a midpoint cell, draw glyph of sign of midpoint. */

        } else if (xbonus ? x < y : x > y) {
          DrawColor(c = signcolor(grid->n[i][j]));
          DrawSign(grid->n[i][j], turtlex, turtley);

        /* For cells on main diagonal, draw glyph of planet. */

        } else {
          DrawEdge((y-1)*unit, (y-1)*unit, y*unit, y*unit);
          DrawObject(i, turtlex, turtley);

        /* When the scale size is 300+, we can print text in each cell: */

        if (SCALE/scalet > 2 && xlabel) {
          k = abs(grid->v[i][j]);

          /* For the aspect portion, print the orb in degrees and minutes. */

          if (xbonus ? x > y : x < y) {
            if (grid->n[i][j])
              sprintf(string, "%c%d %02d'", k != grid->v[i][j] ? '-' : '+',
                k/60, k%60);
              sprintf(string, "");

          /* For the midpoint portion, print the degrees and minutes. */

          } else if (xbonus ? x < y : x > y)
            sprintf(string, "%2d %02d'", k/60, k%60);

          /* For the main diagonal, print degree and sign of each planet. */

          else {
            c = signcolor(grid->n[i][j]);
            sprintf(string, "%c%c%c %02d", SIGNAM(grid->n[i][j]), k);
          DrawText(string, x*unit-unit/2, y*unit-3*scalet, TRUE);

/* Draw the local horizon, and draw in the planets where they are at the */
/* time in question, as done when the -Z is combined with the -X switch. */

void XChartHorizon()
  real lon, lat, lonz[TOTAL+1], latz[TOTAL+1], azi[TOTAL+1], alt[TOTAL+1];
  int x[TOTAL+1], y[TOTAL+1], m[TOTAL+1], n[TOTAL+1],
    cx, cy, unit, x1, y1, x2, y2, xs, ys, i, j, k, l;
  char string[2];

  unit = MAX(12, 6*SCALE);
  x1 = unit; y1 = unit; x2 = chartx-1-unit; y2 = charty-1-unit;
  unit = 12*SCALE;
  xs = x2-x1; ys = y2-y1; cx = (x1+x2)/2; cy = (y1+y2)/2;

  /* Make a slightly smaller rectangle within the window to draw the planets */
  /* in. Make segments on all four edges marking 5 degree increments.        */

  for (i = 0; i <= 180; i += 5) {
    j = y1+(int)((real)i*(real)ys/DEGHALF);
    k = (2+(i%10 == 0)+2*(i%30 == 0))*scalet;
    DrawLine(x1+1, j, x1+1+k, j);
    DrawLine(x2-1, j, x2-1-k, j);
  string[1] = '\0';
  for (i = 0; i <= DEGD; i += 5) {
    j = x1+(int)((real)i*(real)xs/DEGREES);
    k = (2+(i%10 == 0)+2*(i%30 == 0))*scalet;
    DrawLine(j, y1+1, j, y1+1+k);
    DrawLine(j, y2-1, j, y2-1-k);
    if (i % 90 == 0) {
      *string = *dirname[i/90 & 3];
      DrawText(string, j, y1-2*scalet, TRUE);

  /* Draw vertical lines dividing our rectangle into four areas. In our     */
  /* local space chart, the middle line represents due south, the left line */
  /* due east, the right line due west, and the edges due north. A fourth   */
  /* horizontal line divides that which is above and below the horizon.     */

  DrawDash(cx, y1, cx, y2, 1);
  DrawDash((cx+x1)/2, y1, (cx+x1)/2, y2, 1);
  DrawDash((cx+x2)/2, y1, (cx+x2)/2, y2, 1);
  DrawEdge(x1, y1, x2, y2);
  DrawDash(x1, cy, x2, cy, 1);

  /* Calculate the local horizon coordinates of each planet. First convert */
  /* zodiac position and declination to zenith longitude and latitude.     */

  lon = DTOR(Mod(Lon)); lat = DTOR(Lat);
  for (i = 1; i <= total; i++) {
    lonz[i] = DTOR(planet[i]); latz[i] = DTOR(planetalt[i]);
    EclToEqu(&lonz[i], &latz[i]);
  for (i = 1; i <= total; i++) if (Proper(i)) {
    lonz[i] = DTOR(Mod(RTOD(lonz[_MC]-lonz[i]+PI/2.0)));
    EquToLocal(&lonz[i], &latz[i], PI/2.0-lat);
    azi[i] = DEGREES-RTOD(lonz[i]); alt[i] = RTOD(latz[i]);
    x[i] = x1+(int)((real)xs*(Mod(DEGQUAD-azi[i]))/DEGREES+ROUND);
    y[i] = y1+(int)((real)ys*(DEGQUAD-alt[i])/DEGHALF+ROUND);
    m[i] = x[i]; n[i] = y[i]+unit/2;

  /* As in the DrawGlobe() routine, we now determine where to draw the   */
  /* glyphs in relation to the actual points, so that the glyphs aren't  */
  /* drawn on top of each other if possible. Again, we assume that we'll */
  /* put the glyph right under the point, unless there would be some     */
  /* overlap and the above position is better off.                       */

  for (i = 1; i <= total; i++) if (Proper(i)) {
    k = l = chartx+charty;
    for (j = 1; j < i; j++) if (Proper(j)) {
      k = MIN(k, abs(m[i]-m[j])+abs(n[i]-n[j]));
      l = MIN(l, abs(m[i]-m[j])+abs(n[i]-unit-n[j]));
    if (k < unit || l < unit)
      if (k < l)
        n[i] -= unit;
  for (i = total; i >= 1; i--) if (Proper(i))    /* Draw planet's glyph. */
    DrawObject(i, m[i], n[i]);
  for (i = total; i >= 1; i--) if (Proper(i)) {
    if (!xbonus || i > BASE)
      DrawPoint(x[i], y[i]);    /* Draw small or large dot */
    else                        /* near glyph indicating   */
      DrawSpot(x[i], y[i]);     /* exact local location.   */

/* Draw the local horizon, and draw in the planets where they are at the  */
/* time in question. This chart is done when the -Z0 is combined with the */
/* -X switch. This is an identical function to XChartHorizon(); however,  */
/* that routine's chart is entered on the horizon and meridian. Here we   */
/* center the chart around the center of the sky straight up from the     */
/* local horizon, with the horizon itself being an encompassing circle.   */

void XChartHorizonSky()
  real lat, rx, ry, s, a, sqr2,
    lonz[TOTAL+1], latz[TOTAL+1], azi[TOTAL+1], alt[TOTAL+1];
  int x[TOTAL+1], y[TOTAL+1], m[TOTAL+1], n[TOTAL+1],
    cx, cy, unit, x1, y1, x2, y2, xs, ys, i, j, k, l;

  unit = MAX(12, 6*SCALE);
  x1 = unit; y1 = unit; x2 = chartx-1-unit; y2 = charty-1-unit;
  unit = 12*SCALE;
  xs = x2-x1; ys = y2-y1; cx = (x1+x2)/2; cy = (y1+y2)/2;

  /* Draw a circle in window to indicate horizon line, lines dividing   */
  /* the window into quadrants to indicate n/s and w/e meridians, and   */
  /* segments on these lines and the edges marking 5 degree increments. */

  sqr2 = sqrt(2.0);
  DrawDash(cx, y1, cx, y2, 1);
  DrawDash(x1, cy, x2, cy, 1);
  for (i = -125; i <= 125; i += 5) {
    k = (2+(i/10*10 == i ? 1 : 0)+(i/30*30 == i ? 2 : 0))*scalet;
    s = 1.0/(DEGQUAD*sqr2);
    j = cy+(int)(s*ys/2*i);
    DrawLine(cx-k, j, cx+k, j);
    j = cx+(int)(s*xs/2*i);
    DrawLine(j, cy-k, j, cy+k);
  for (i = 5; i < 55; i += 5) {
    k = (2+(i/10*10 == i ? 1 : 0)+(i/30*30 == i ? 2 : 0))*scalet;
    s = 1.0/(DEGHALF-DEGQUAD*sqr2);
    j = (int)(s*ys/2*i);
    DrawLine(x1, y1+j, x1+k, y1+j);
    DrawLine(x1, y2-j, x1+k, y2-j);
    DrawLine(x2, y1+j, x2-k, y1+j);
    DrawLine(x2, y2-j, x2-k, y2-j);
    j = (int)(s*xs/2*i);
    DrawLine(x1+j, y1, x1+j, y1+k);
    DrawLine(x2-j, y1, x2-j, y1+k);
    DrawLine(x1+j, y2, x1+j, y2-k);
    DrawLine(x2-j, y2, x2-j, y2-k);
  DrawText("N", cx, y1-2*scalet, TRUE);
  DrawText("E", x1/2, cy+2*scalet, FALSE);
  DrawText("W", (chartx+x2)/2, cy+2*scalet, FALSE);
  if (!xtext)
    DrawText("S", cx, charty-3*scalet, TRUE);
  rx = xs/2/sqr2; ry = ys/2/sqr2;
  DrawEdge(x1, y1, x2, y2);
  DrawCircle(cx, cy, (int)rx, (int)ry);
  for (i = 0; i < DEGD; i += 5) {
    k = (2+(i/10*10 == i ? 1 : 0)+(i/30*30 == i ? 2 : 0))*scalet;
    DrawLine(cx+(int)((rx-k)*circ->x[i]), cy+(int)((ry-k)*circ->y[i]),
      cx+(int)((rx+k)*circ->x[i]), cy+(int)((ry+k)*circ->y[i]));

  /* Calculate the local horizon coordinates of each planet. First convert */
  /* zodiac position and declination to zenith longitude and latitude.     */

  lat = DTOR(Lat);
  for (i = 1; i <= total; i++) {
    lonz[i] = DTOR(planet[i]); latz[i] = DTOR(planetalt[i]);
    EclToEqu(&lonz[i], &latz[i]);
  for (i = 1; i <= total; i++) if (Proper(i)) {
    lonz[i] = DTOR(Mod(RTOD(lonz[_MC]-lonz[i]+PI/2.0)));
    EquToLocal(&lonz[i], &latz[i], PI/2.0-lat);
    azi[i] = a = DEGREES-RTOD(lonz[i]); alt[i] = DEGQUAD-RTOD(latz[i]);
    s = alt[i]/DEGQUAD;
    x[i] = cx+(int)(rx*s*COSD(DEGHALF+azi[i])+ROUND);
    y[i] = cy+(int)(ry*s*SIND(DEGHALF+azi[i])+ROUND);
    if (!ISCHART(x[i], y[i]))
      x[i] = -1000;
    m[i] = x[i]; n[i] = y[i]+unit/2;

  /* As in the DrawGlobe() routine, we now determine where to draw the   */
  /* glyphs in relation to the actual points, so that the glyphs aren't  */
  /* drawn on top of each other if possible. Again, we assume that we'll */
  /* put the glyph right under the point, unless there would be some     */
  /* overlap and the above position is better off.                       */

  for (i = 1; i <= total; i++) if (Proper(i)) {
    k = l = chartx+charty;
    for (j = 1; j < i; j++) if (Proper(j)) {
      k = MIN(k, abs(m[i]-m[j])+abs(n[i]-n[j]));
      l = MIN(l, abs(m[i]-m[j])+abs(n[i]-unit-n[j]));
    if (k < unit || l < unit)
      if (k < l)
        n[i] -= unit;
  for (i = total; i >= 1; i--) if (m[i] >= x1 && Proper(i))  /* Draw glyph. */
    DrawObject(i, m[i], n[i]);
  for (i = total; i >= 1; i--) if (x[i] >= y1 && Proper(i)) {
    if (!xbonus || i > BASE)
      DrawPoint(x[i], y[i]);    /* Draw small or large dot */
    else                        /* near glyph indicating   */
      DrawSpot(x[i], y[i]);     /* exact local location.   */

/* Draw a chart depicting an aerial view of the solar system in space, with */
/* all the planets drawn around the Sun, and the specified central planet   */
/* in the middle, as done when the -S is combined with the -X switch.       */

void XChartSpace()
  int x[TOTAL+1], y[TOTAL+1], m[TOTAL+1], n[TOTAL+1],
    cx = chartx / 2, cy = charty / 2, unit, x1, y1, x2, y2, i, j, k, l;
  real sx, sy, sz = 30.0, xp, yp, a;

  unit = MAX(xtext*12, 6*SCALE);
  x1 = unit; y1 = unit; x2 = chartx-1-unit; y2 = charty-1-unit;
  unit = 12*SCALE;

  /* Determine the scale of the chart. For a scale size of 400+, make the */
  /* graphic 1 AU in radius (just out to Earth's orbit). For 300, make    */
  /* the chart 6 AU in radius (enough for inner planets out to asteroid   */
  /* belt). For a scale of 200, make window 30 AU in radius (enough for   */
  /* planets out to Neptune). For scale of 100, make it 90 AU in radius   */
  /* (enough for all planets including the orbits of the uranians.)       */

  if (SCALE < 2)
    sz = 90.0;
  else if (SCALE == 3)
    sz = 6.0;
  else if (SCALE > 3)
    sz = 1.0;
  sx = (real)(cx-x1)/sz; sy = (real)(cy-y1)/sz;
  for (i = 0; i <= BASE; i++) if (Proper(i)) {

    /* Determine what glyph corresponds to our current planet. Normally the */
    /* array indices are the same, however we have to do some swapping for  */
    /* non-geocentric based charts where a planet gets replaced with Earth. */

    if (centerplanet == 0)
      j = i < _MOO ? 1-i : i;
    else if (centerplanet == 1)
      j = i;
      j = i == 0 ? centerplanet : (i == centerplanet ? 0 : i);
    xp = spacex[j]; yp = spacey[j];
    x[i] = cx-(int)(xp*sx); y[i] = cy+(int)(yp*sy);
    m[i] = x[i]; n[i] = y[i]+unit/2;

  /* As in the DrawGlobe() routine, we now determine where to draw the   */
  /* glyphs in relation to the actual points, so that the glyphs aren't  */
  /* drawn on top of each other if possible. Again, we assume that we'll */
  /* put the glyph right under the point, unless there would be some     */
  /* overlap and the above position is better off.                       */

  for (i = 0; i <= BASE; i++) if (Proper(i)) {
    k = l = chartx+charty;
    for (j = 0; j < i; j++) if (Proper(j)) {
      k = MIN(k, abs(m[i]-m[j])+abs(n[i]-n[j]));
      l = MIN(l, abs(m[i]-m[j])+abs(n[i]-unit-n[j]));
    if (k < unit || l < unit)
      if (k < l)
        n[i] -= unit;

  /* Draw the 12 sign boundaries from the center body to edges of screen. */

  a = Mod(RTOD(Angle(spacex[_JUP], spacey[_JUP]))-planet[_JUP]);
  for (i = 0; i < SIGNS; i++) {
    k = cx+2*(int)((real)cx*COSD((real)i*30.0+a));
    l = cy+2*(int)((real)cy*SIND((real)i*30.0+a));
    DrawClip(cx, cy, k, l, x1, y1, x2, y2, 1);
  DrawEdge(x1, y1, x2, y2);
  for (i = BASE; i >= 0; i--)
    if (Proper(i) && ISLEGAL(m[i], n[i], x1, y1, x2, y2))
      DrawObject(i, m[i], n[i]);
  for (i = BASE; i >= 0; i--)
    if (Proper(i) && ISLEGAL(x[i], y[i], x1, y1, x2, y2)) {
      if (!xbonus || i > BASE)
        DrawPoint(x[i], y[i]);    /* Draw small or large dot */
      else                        /* near glyph indicating   */
        DrawSpot(x[i], y[i]);     /* exact local location.   */

/* Draw a chart showing a graphical ephemeris for the given month (or year */
/* if -Ey in effect), with the date on the vertical access and the zodiac  */
/* on the horizontal, as done when the -E is combined with the -X switch.  */

void XChartEphemeris()
  real symbol[TOTAL*2+1];
  char string[4];
  int yea, unit = 6*SCALE, daytot, d = 1, day, mon, monsiz,
    x1, y1, x2, y2, xs, ys, m, n, u, v, i, j;

  yea = (exdisplay & DASHEy) > 0;    /* Is this -Ey -X or just -E -X? */
  if (yea) {
    daytot = DayInYear(Yea);
    day = 1; mon = 1; monsiz = 31;
  } else
    daytot = DayInMonth(Mon, Yea);
  x1 = yea ? 30 : 24; y1 = unit*2; x2 = chartx - x1; y2 = charty - y1;
  xs = x2 - x1; ys = y2 - y1;

  /* Display glyphs of the zodiac along the bottom axis. */
  for (i = 1; i <= SIGNS+1; i++) {
    m = x1 + xs * (i-1) / 12;
    j = i > SIGNS ? 1 : i;
    DrawSign(j, m, y2 + unit);
    DrawDash(m, y1, m, y2, 2);

  /* Loop and display planet movements for one day segment. */
  while (d <= daytot + 1) {
    n = v;
    v = y1 + MULTDIV(ys, d-1, daytot);
    if (!yea || day == 1) {
      DrawDash(x1, v, x2, v, 1);    /* Marker line for day or month. */
    if (d > 1)
      for (i = 1; i <= total; i++)
        planet1[i] = planet[i];
    if (yea) {
      MM = mon; DD = day;
    } else {
      MM = Mon; DD = d;
    YY = Yea; TT = 0.0; ZZ = defzone; OO = deflong; AA = deflat;

    /* Draw planet glyphs along top of chart. */
    if (d < 2) {
      for (i = 1; i <= total; i++) {
        symbol[i*2-1] = -LARGE;
        if (!Proper(i) || (i == _MOO && xbonus))
          symbol[i*2] = -LARGE;
          symbol[i*2] = planet[i];
      for (i = total; i >= 1; i--)
        if (symbol[i*2] >= 0.0)
          DrawObject(i, x1 + (int)((real)xs * symbol[i*2] / DEGREES), unit);

    /* Draw a line segment for each object during this time section. */
    } else
      for (i = total; i >= 1; i--) {
        if (!Proper(i) || (i == _MOO && xbonus))
        m = x1 + (int)((real)xs * planet1[i] / DEGREES);
        u = x1 + (int)((real)xs * planet[i]  / DEGREES);
        DrawWrap(m, n, u, v, x1, x2);

    /* Label months or days in the month along the left and right edges. */
    if (d <= daytot && (!yea || day == 1)) {
      if (yea) {
        sprintf(string, "%c%c%c", MONNAM(mon));
        i = (mon == Mon);
      } else {
        sprintf(string, "%2d", d);
        i = (d == Day);
      DrawColor(i ? on : hilite);
      DrawText(string,     FONTX   *scalet, v + (FONTY-2)*scalet, -1);
      DrawText(string, x2+(FONTX-1)*scalet, v + (FONTY-2)*scalet, -1);

    /* Now increment the day counter. For a month we always go up by one. */
    /* For a year we go up by four or until the end of the month reached. */
    if (yea) {
      day += 4;
      if (day > monsiz) {
        d += 4-(day-monsiz-1);
        if (d <= daytot + 1) {
          monsiz = DayInMonth(mon, Yea);
          day = 1;
      } else
        d += 4;
    } else
  DrawEdge(x1, y1, x2, y2);

  MM = Mon; DD = Day; TT = Tim;    /* Recast original chart. */
#endif /* GRAPH */

/* xcharts.c */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.