
This is driver.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

** Astrolog (Version 4.10) File: driver.c
** IMPORTANT NOTICE: the graphics database and chart display routines
** used in this program are Copyright (C) 1991-1994 by Walter D. Pullen
** (cruiser1@stein.u.washington.edu). Permission is granted to freely
** use and distribute these routines provided one doesn't sell,
** restrict, or profit from them in any way. Modification is allowed
** provided these notices remain with any altered or edited versions of
** the program.
** The main planetary calculation routines used in this program have
** been Copyrighted and the core of this program is basically a
** conversion to C of the routines created by James Neely as listed in
** Michael Erlewine's 'Manual of Computer Programming for Astrologers',
** available from Matrix Software. The copyright gives us permission to
** use the routines for personal use but not to sell them or profit from
** them in any way.
** The PostScript code within the core graphics routines are programmed
** and Copyright (C) 1992-1993 by Brian D. Willoughby
** (brianw@sounds.wa.com). Conditions are identical to those above.
** The extended accurate ephemeris databases and formulas are from the
** calculation routines in the program "Placalc" and are programmed and
** Copyright (C) 1989,1991,1993 by Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl
** (alois@azur.ch). The use of that source code is subject to
** regulations made by Astrodienst Zurich, and the code is not in the
** public domain. This copyright notice must not be changed or removed
** by any user of this program.
** Initial programming 8/28,30, 9/10,13,16,20,23, 10/3,6,7, 11/7,10,21/1991.
** X Window graphics initially programmed 10/23-29/1991.
** PostScript graphics initially programmed 11/29-30/1992.
** Last code change made 3/19/1994.

#include "astrolog.h"

char *filenamescreen = NULL, *filenameout, **extralines;
int prog = FALSE, extracount = 0;

** Table Display Routines.

/* A subprocedure of the credit displayed below, this prints out one line */
/* of credit information on the screen. Given a string, it's displayed    */
/* centered with left and right borders around it, in the given color.    */

#define CREDITWIDTH 74

void PrintW(string, col)
char *string;
int col;
  int i;

  if (!string) {

    /* Null string means print the top, bottom, or a separator row. */

    if (col < 0)
    printc(col ? (col > 0 ? BOXSW : BOXNW) : BOXJE);
    printc(col ? (col > 0 ? BOXSE : BOXNE) : BOXJW);
  } else {
    i = StringLen(string);
    PrintTab(' ', (CREDITWIDTH-i)/2 + (i&1));
    fprintf(S, "%s", string);
    PrintTab(' ', (CREDITWIDTH-i)/2);

/* Display a list of credits showing those who helped create the various  */
/* parts of Astrolog, as well as important copyright and version info, as */
/* displayed with the -Hc switch.                                         */

void DisplayCredits()
  char string[STRING];

  PrintW(NULL, -1);
  sprintf(string, "%s version %s", appname, VERSION);
  PrintW(string, WHITE);
  sprintf(string, "As of %s.", DATE);
  PrintW(string, LTGRAY);
  PrintW("By Walter D. Pullen (cruiser1@stein.u.washington.edu)", CYAN);
  PrintW(NULL, 0);
  PrintW("Main planetary calculation formulas were converted from", GREEN);
    "routines by James Neely, as listed in 'Manual of Computer Programming",
    "for Astrologers' by Michael Erlewine, available from Matrix Software.",
  PrintW("PostScript graphics routines by Brian D. Willoughby", YELLOW);
    "Extended ephemeris calculation and formulas are by Alois Treindl,",
    "as in the package 'Placalc', available from Astrodienst AG.", MAGENTA);
    "IMPORTANT: Astrolog is 'freeware', but is copyrighted and not in public",
    "domain. Permission is granted to freely use and distribute these",
    "routines provided one does not sell, restrict, or profit from the",
    "program or its output in any way. Modification is allowed provided",
    "these exact notices remain with any altered or edited versions of the",
    "program. These conditions are true of both the program in whole and of",
    "all parts by any individual author. Violators are subject to copyright",
    "law penalties, and negative karmic debts to aforementioned contributors.",
  PrintW(NULL, 0);
    "Special thanks to all those unmentioned, seen and unseen, who have",
    "pointed out problems, suggested featues, and sent many positive vibes!",
  PrintW(NULL, 1);

/* Print out a command switch or keypress info line to the screen, as done  */
/* with the -H switch or 'H' key in a graphic window. This is just printing */
/* out the string, except in Ansi mode we set the proper colors: Red for    */
/* header lines, Green for individual switches or keys, and White for the   */
/* rest of the line telling what it does. We also prefix each switch with   */
/* either Unix's '-' or PC's '/', whichever is appropriate for the system.  */

void Prints(string)
char *string;
  int dash;
  char c;

  dash = string[1];
  if (*string != ' ')
  else if (dash != ' ')
    AnsiColor(dash == 'P' || string[3] == ' ' || string[3] == ':' ?
  while ((c = *string) && c != ':' &&
    (dash != 'P' || (c != ' ' || *(string+1) != 't'))) {
    if (c != '_')
  if (*string)
  while (c = *string) {
    if (c != '_')

/* Print a list of every command switch that can be passed to the program, */
/* and a description of what it does. This is what the -H switch prints.   */

void DisplaySwitches()
  char string[STRING];

  sprintf(string, "%s (version %s) command switches:", appname, VERSION);
  Prints(" _H: Display this help list.");
  Prints(" _Hc: Display program credits and copyrights.");
  Prints(" _H0: Display names of zodiac signs and houses.");
  Prints(" _O: Display available planets and other celestial objects.");
  Prints(" _O0: Like _O but ignore object restrictions.");
  Prints(" _A: Display available aspects, their angles, and present orbs.");
  Prints(" _I0: Display meanings of signs, houses, planets, and aspects.");
  Prints(" _Q: Prompt for more command switches after display finished.");
  Prints(" _Q0: Like _Q but prompt for additional switches on startup.");
  Prints("\nSwitches which determine the type of chart to display:");
  Prints(" _v: Display list of object positions (chosen by default).");
  Prints(" _v0: Like _v but express velocities relative to average speed.");
  Prints(" _w [<rows>]: Display chart in a graphic house wheel format.");
  Prints(" _w0 [..]: Like _w but reverse order of objects in houses 4..9.");
  Prints(" _g: Display aspect and midpoint grid among planets.");
  Prints(" _g0: Like _g but flag aspect configurations (e.g. Yod's) too.");
  Prints(" _g0: For comparison charts, show midpoints instead of aspects.");
  Prints(" _ga: Like _g but indicate applying instead of difference orbs.");
  Prints(" _m: Display all object midpoints in sorted zodiac order.");
  Prints(" _m0: Like _m but list aspects ordered by influence instead.");
  Prints(" _m[0]a: Like _m0 but indicate applying and separating orbs.");
  Prints(" _Z: Display planet locations with respect to the local horizon.");
#ifdef GRAPH
  Prints(" _Z0: Like _Z but express coordinates relative to polar center.");
  Prints(" _Zd: Search day for object local rising and setting times.");
  Prints(" _S: Display x,y,z coordinate positions of planets in space.");
  Prints(" _j: Display astrological influences of each object in chart.");
  Prints(" _j0: Like _j but include influences of each zodiac sign as well.");
  Prints(" _L [<step>]: Display astro-graph locations of planetary angles.");
  Prints(" _L0 [..]: Like _L but display list of latitude crossings too.");
  Prints(" _K: Display a calendar for given month.");
  Prints(" _Ky: Like _K but display a calendar for the entire year.");
  Prints(" _d [<step>]: Print all aspects and changes occurring in a day.");
  Prints(" _dm: Like _d but print all aspects for the entire month.");
  Prints(" _dy: Like _d but print all aspects for the entire year.");
  Prints(" _dp <month> <year>: Print aspects within progressed chart.");
  Prints(" _dpy <year>: Like _dp but search for aspects within entire year.");
  Prints(" _dp[y]n: Search for progressed aspects in current month/year.");
  Prints(" _D: Like _d but display aspects by influence instead of time.");
  Prints(" _E: Display planetary ephemeris for given month.");
  Prints(" _Ey: Display planetary ephemeris for the entire year.");
  Prints(" _e: Print all charts together (i.e. _v_w_g0_m_Z_S_j0_L0_K_d_D_E).");
    " _t <month> <year>: Compute all transits to natal planets in month.");
    " _tp <month> <year>: Compute progressions in month for chart.");
  Prints(" _t[p]y: <year>: Compute transits/progressions for entire year.");
  Prints(" _t[p]Y: <year> <years>: Compute transits for a number of years.");
#ifdef TIME
  Prints(" _t[py]n: Compute transits to natal planets for current time now.");
  Prints(" _T <month> <day> <year>: Display transits ordered by influence.");
  Prints(" _Tp <month> <day> <year>: Print progressions instead of transits.");
#ifdef TIME
  Prints(" _T[p]n: Display transits ordered by influence for current date.");
  Prints(" _I [<columns>]: Print interpretation of selected charts.");
  Prints("\nSwitches which affect how the chart parameters are obtained:");
#ifdef TIME
  Prints(" _n: Compute chart for this exact moment using current time.");
  Prints(" _n[d,m,y]: Compute chart for start of current day, month, year.");
  Prints(" _z: Assume Daylight time (change default zone appropriately).");
  Prints(" _z <zone>: Change the default time zone (for _d_E_t_q options).");
  Prints(" _l <long> <lat>: Change the default longitude & latitude.");
  Prints(" _q <month> <date> <year> <time>: Compute chart with defaults.");
  Prints(" _qd <month> <date> <year>: Compute chart for noon on date.");
  Prints(" _qm <month> <year>: Compute chart for first of month.");
  Prints(" _qy <year>: Compute chart for first day of year.");
  Prints(" _qa <month> <date> <year> <time> <zone> <long> <lat>:");
  Prints("     Compute chart automatically given specified data.");
  Prints(" _qj <day>: Compute chart for time of specified Julian day.");
  Prints(" _i <file>: Compute chart based on info in file.");
  Prints(" _o <file> [..]: Write parameters of current chart to file.");
  Prints(" _o0 <file> [..]: Like _o but output planet/house positions.");
  Prints(" _os <file>: Redirect output of text charts to file.");
  Prints("\nSwitches which affect what information is used in a chart:");
  Prints(" _R [<obj1> [<obj2> ..]]: Restrict specific bodies from displays.");
  Prints(" _R0 [<obj1> ..]: Like _R but restrict everything first.");
  Prints(" _R1 [<obj1> ..]: Like _R0 but unrestrict and show all objects.");
  Prints(" _R[C,u,U]: Restrict all minor cusps, all uranians, or stars.");
  Prints(" _RT[0,1,C,u,U] [..]: Restrict transiting planets in _t lists.");
  Prints(" _C: Include non-angular house cusps in charts.");
  Prints(" _u: Include transneptunian/uranian bodies in charts.");
  Prints(" _U: Include locations of fixed background stars in charts.");
  Prints(" _U[z,l,n,b]: Order by azimuth, altitude, name, or brightness.");
  Prints(" _A <0-18>: Specify the number of aspects to use in charts.");
  Prints(" _Ao <aspect> <orb>: Specify maximum orb for an aspect.");
  Prints(" _Am <planet> <orb>: Specify maximum orb allowed to a planet.");
  Prints(" _Ad <planet> <orb>: Specify orb addition given to a planet.");
  Prints(" _Aa <aspect> <angle>: Change the actual angle of an aspect.");
  Prints("\nSwitches which affect how a chart is computed:");
#ifdef PLACALC
  Prints(" _b: Use ephemeris files for more accurate location computations.");
  Prints(" _b0: Like _b but display locations to the nearest second too.");
  Prints(" _c <value>: Select a different default system of houses.");
  Prints("     (0 = Placidus, 1 = Koch, 2 = Equal, 3 = Campanus,");
  Prints("     4 = Meridian, 5 = Regiomontanus, 6 = Porphyry, 7 = Morinus,");
    "     8 = Topocentric, 9 = Equal (MC), 10 = Neo-Porphyry, 11 = None.)");
  Prints(" _s [..]: Compute a sidereal instead of the normal tropical chart.");
  Prints(" _s0: Display locations as right ascension instead of degrees.");
  Prints(" _h [<objnum>]: Compute positions centered on specified object.");
  Prints(" _p <month> <day> <year>: Cast 2ndary progressed chart for date.");
  Prints(" _p0 <month> <day> <year>: Cast solar arc chart for date.");
#ifdef TIME
  Prints(" _p[0]n: Cast progressed chart based on current date now.");
  Prints(" _pd <days>: Set no. of days to progress / day (default 365.25).");
  Prints(" _x <1-360>: Cast harmonic chart based on specified factor.");
  Prints(" _1 [<objnum>]: Cast chart with specified object on Ascendant.");
  Prints(" _2 [<objnum>]: Cast chart with specified object on Midheaven.");
  Prints(" _3: Display objects in their zodiac decan positions.");
  Prints(" _f: Display houses as sign positions (flip them).");
  Prints(" _G: Compute houses based on geographic location only.");
  Prints(" _F <objnum> <sign> <deg>: Force object's position to be value.");
  Prints(" _+ [<days>]: Cast chart for specified no. of days in the future.");
  Prints(" _- [<days>]: Cast chart for specified no. of days in the past.");
  Prints(" _+[m,y] [<value>]: Cast chart for no. of months/years in future.");
  Prints("\nSwitches for relationship and comparison charts:");
  Prints(" _r <file1> <file2>: Compute a relationship synastry chart.");
  Prints(" _rc <file1> <file2>: Compute a composite chart.");
  Prints(" _rm <file1> <file2>: Compute a time space midpoint chart.");
  Prints(" _r[c,m]0 <file1> <file2> <ratio1> <ratio2>: Weighted chart.");
  Prints(" _rd <file1> <file2>: Print time span between files' dates.");
  Prints(" _rb <file1> <file2>: Display biorhythm for file1 at time file2.");
  Prints(" _r0 <file1> <file2>: Keep the charts separate in comparison.");
  Prints(" _rp <file1> <file2>: Like _r0 but do file1 with progr. to file2.");
#ifdef TIME
  Prints(" _y <file>: Display current house transits for particular chart.");
  Prints(" _y[b,d,p] <file>: Print biorhythm/datediff for current time now.");
#endif /* TIME */
  Prints("\nSwitches to access graphics options:");
  Prints(" _k: Display text charts using Ansi characters and color.");
#ifdef MSG
  Prints(" _V: <25,43,50>: Start up with text mode set to number of rows.");

  /* If graphics features are compiled in, call an additional procedure to */
  /* display the command switches offered dealing with the graphics stuff. */

#ifdef GRAPH

/* Print out a list of the various objects - planets, asteroids, house     */
/* cusps, stars - recognized by the program, and their index values. This  */
/* is displayed when the -O switch is invoked. For some objects, display   */
/* additional information, e.g. ruling signs for planets, brightnesses and */
/* positions in the sky for fixed stars, etc.                              */

void PrintObjects(all)
int all;
  int i, j;
  real Off;

  if (!(operation & DASHC))
    for (i = C_LO; i <= C_HI; i++)    /* Set up restrictions properly: Minor */
      ignore[i] = TRUE;               /* cusps and uranians included only if */
  if (!(operation & DASHu))           /* -C and -u switches are in effect.   */
    for (i = U_LO; i <= U_HI; i++)
      ignore[i] = TRUE;
  fprintf(S, "%s planets and objects:\n", appname);
  fprintf(S, "No. Name       Rule Co-Rule Fall Co-Fall Exalt Debilitate\n\n");
  for (i = 1; i <= BASE; i++) if (all || !ignore[i]) {
    fprintf(S, "%2d %-12s", i, objectname[i]);
    if (i <= OBJECTS) {                      /* Print rulerships, etc */
      if (ruler1[i]) {                       /* for the planets.      */
        j = ruler2[i];
        fprintf(S, "%c%c%c  %c%c%c     ", SIGNAM(ruler1[i]),
          j ? signname[j][0] : ' ', j ? signname[j][1] : ' ',
          j ? signname[j][2] : ' ');
        fprintf(S, "%c%c%c  %c%c%c     ", SIGNAM(Mod12(ruler1[i]+6)),
          j ? signname[Mod12(j+6)][0] : ' ',
          j ? signname[Mod12(j+6)][1] : ' ',
          j ? signname[Mod12(j+6)][2] : ' ');
        fprintf(S, "%c%c%c   %c%c%c", SIGNAM(exalt[i]),
    } else {
      if (ruler1[i]) {
        fprintf(S, "%c%c%c          %c%c%c", SIGNAM(ruler1[i]),
        fprintf(S, "          %c%c%c   %c%c%c", SIGNAM(exalt[i]),
      if (i <= C_HI)
        fprintf(S, "  Minor House Cusp #%d", i-OBJECTS);
        fprintf(S, "  Uranian #%d", i-U_LO+1);

  /* Now, if -U in effect, read in and display stars in specified order. */

  if (all || universe) {
    Off = ProcessInput(TRUE);
    ComputeStars(operation & DASHs ? 0.0 : -Off);
    for (i = S_LO; i <= S_HI; i++) if (all | !ignore[i]) {
      j = BASE+starname[i-BASE];
      fprintf(S, "%2d %-12s", i, objectname[j]);
      fprintf(S, "Star #%2d   ", i-BASE);
      fprintf(S, "    ");
      fprintf(S, " %5.2f\n", starbright[j-BASE]);

/* Print out a list of all the aspects recognized by the program, and info  */
/* about them: their names, index numbers, degree angles, present orbs, and */
/* the description of their glyph. This gets displayed when the -A switch   */
/* is invoked (without any argument).                                       */

void PrintAspects()
  int i;

  fprintf(S, "%s aspects:\nNo. Name         Abbrev. Angle    Orb", appname);
  fprintf(S, "          Description of glyph\n\n");
  for (i = 1; i <= ASPECTS; i++) {
    fprintf(S, "%2d %-15s(%s) %6.2f +/- %1.0f degrees - %s\n",
      i, aspectname[i], aspectabbrev[i],
      aspectangle[i], aspectorb[i], aspectglyph[i]);

/* Print out a list of the 12 signs and houses of the zodiac, and their    */
/* standard and traditional names, as done when the -H0 switch is invoked. */

void PrintSigns()
  int i;

  fprintf(S, "%s signs and houses:\n", appname);
  fprintf(S, "Sign        English name      House Traditional name\n\n");
  for (i = 1; i <= SIGNS; i++) {
    fprintf(S, "%-12sthe %-14s%2d%s  House of %s\n",
      signname[i], signenglish[i], i, post[i], housetradition[i]);

** File IO Routines.

/* Print an error message signifying that a particular option in the        */
/* defaults file is invalid. This is a subprocedure of InputDefaults below. */

void BadDef(option)
char *option;
  char string[STRING];

  sprintf(string, "Bad default %s in %s.", option, DEFAULT_INFOFILE);

/* Read in a set of default program values used in the program, such as */
/* present location, time zone, the system of houses to use, the number */
/* of aspects and what orbs to use, and so on. These values are always  */
/* read in at the beginning of program execution.                       */

/* The NEXTDEFAULT macro means to skip all comments in the file until we   */
/* reach the beginning of the next set of data, delimited with a '=' sign. */

#define NEXTDEFAULT while(getc(data) != '=');

bool InputDefaults()
  FILE *data;
  char name[STRING];
  int i, j;

  filename = DEFAULT_INFOFILE;
  data = OpenFile(filename, 0);  /* First lets open the info file. */
  if (data == NULL)              /* If file not found anywhere, then forget */
    return FALSE;                /* it and use the compile time defaults.   */

  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%s", name);
  if (StringCmp(name, VERSION) != 0) {
    sprintf(name, "%s: Bad information in default parameter file '%s'.",
      appname, filename);
      "Delete this file or obtain one compatible with current version.");
    return FALSE;
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%lf", &defzone);        /* Time zone     */
  if (!IsValidZon(defzone))
    BadDef("Time Zone");
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%lf", &deflong);        /* Longitude     */
  if (!IsValidLon(deflong))
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%lf", &deflat);         /* Latitude      */
  if (!IsValidLat(deflat))
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d",  &i);              /* Zodiac system */
  if (i)
    operation |= DASHs;
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%lf", &addfactor);      /* Zodiac offset */
  if (!IsValidLon(addfactor))
    BadDef("Add Factor");
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d",  &aspects);        /* # of aspects  */
  if (!IsValidAspect(aspects))
    BadDef("Aspect Number");
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d",  &housesystem);    /* House system   */
  if (!IsValidSystem(housesystem))
    BadDef("House System");
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d",  &ansi);           /* Ansi text?     */
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d",  &divisions);      /* For -d and -T  */
  if (!IsValidDivision(divisions))
    BadDef("Searching Divisions");
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d",  &placalc);        /* Use ephemeris  */
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d",  &seconds);        /* Zodiac seconds */
  seconds = seconds != 0;
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d",  &wheelrows);      /* For -w charts  */
  if (!IsValidWheel(wheelrows))
    BadDef("Wheel Rows");
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d",  &screenwidth);    /* For -I charts  */
  if (!IsValidScreen(screenwidth))
    BadDef("Screen Width");
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d",  &eurodate);       /* D/M/Y vs. M/D/Y?     */
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d",  &eurotime);       /* 24hr vs. 12hr clock? */
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d",  &smartcusp);      /* Logical -C displays? */
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d",  &column80);       /* Clip text at col 80? */

  for (i = 1; i <= BASE; i++) {            /* Object restrictions         */
    fscanf(data, "%d", &j);
    ignore[i] = j > 0;
  for (i = 1; i <= BASE; i++) {            /* Transit object restrictions */
    fscanf(data, "%d", &j);
    ignore2[i] = j > 0;
  fscanf(data, "%d", &j); ignore[0]  = j > 0;    /* Restrict sign changes */
  fscanf(data, "%d", &j); ignore2[0] = j > 0;    /* Restrict dir. changes */
  for (i = 1; i <= ASPECTS; i++)           /* Orbs for aspects  */
    fscanf(data, "%lf", &aspectorb[i]);
  for (i = 1; i <= BASE; i++)              /* Orbs for planets  */
    fscanf(data, "%lf", &planetorb[i]);
  for (i = 1; i <= BASE; i++)              /* Extra planet orbs */
    fscanf(data, "%lf", &planetadd[i]);
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%lf", &objectinf[BASE+1]);     /* Rules sign  */
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%lf", &objectinf[BASE+2]);     /* Exalts in   */
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%lf",  &houseinf[SIGNS+1]);    /* Rules house */
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%lf",  &houseinf[SIGNS+2]);    /* Exalts in   */
  for (i = 1; i <= BASE; i++)
    fscanf(data, "%lf", &objectinf[i]);    /* Influence of each object */
  for (i = 1; i <= SIGNS; i++)
    fscanf(data, "%lf", &houseinf[i]);     /* Influence of each house  */
  for (i = 1; i <= ASPECTS; i++)
    fscanf(data, "%lf", &aspectinf[i]);    /* Influence of each aspect */
  for (i = 1; i <= BASE; i++)
    fscanf(data, "%lf", &transitinf[i]);   /* Each object when transiting */

  /* Graphics defaults begin here. These are only read in with certain     */
  /* compile options. They need to be read in last for file compatibility. */

#ifdef GRAPH
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d", &chartx);       /* Horizontal graph size */
  if (!IsValidGraphx(chartx))
    BadDef("Horizontal Bitmap Size");
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d", &charty);       /* Vertical graph size   */
  if (!IsValidGraphx(chartx))
    BadDef("Vertical Bitmap Size");

  /* Setting value to select alternate graphic glyphs for certain objects. */
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d", &i);
  if (i%10 == 1)
    signdraw[_CAP] = "BH4RFR2ER3G3D2GDFR2EU2HL3G2DG";
  if (i%100/10 == 1)
    objectdraw[_URA] = "BD2D0BU6NG2NF2D4LGD2FR2EU2HL";
  if (i%1000/100 == 1)
    objectdraw[_PLU] = "BL3R5EU2HL5D8R5";

  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d", &gridobjects);  /* Aspect grid cells     */
  if (!IsValidGrid(gridobjects))
    BadDef("Aspect Grid Cells");
  do {
    bitmapmode = getc(data);
  } while (bitmapmode <= ' ');
  if (!IsValidBmpmode(bitmapmode))                /* Bitmap file mode        */
    BadDef("Bitmap File Mode");
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d", &xfont);        /* Font simulation flag    */
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d", &psinchz);      /* PostScript orientation  */
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%lf", &psinchx);     /* PS horizon. paper size  */
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%lf", &psinchy);     /* PS vertical paper size  */

#ifdef MSG
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d", &hiresmode);    /* Normal graphics mode    */
  if (!IsValidResmode(hiresmode))
    BadDef("High Resolution Size");
  NEXTDEFAULT; fscanf(data, "%d", &loresmode);    /* Animation graphics mode */
  if (!IsValidResmode(loresmode))
    BadDef("Low Resolution Size");
#endif /* GRAPH */
  return TRUE;

/* Take the current chart information, and write it out to the file   */
/* as indicated by the -o switch. This is only executed at the end of */
/* program execution if the -o switch is in effect.                   */

bool OutputData()
  char string[STRING];
  FILE *data;
  int i, j;
  real k;

  data = fopen(filenameout, "w");    /* Create and open the file for output. */
  if (data == NULL) {
    sprintf(string, "File %s can not be created.", filenameout);
    return FALSE;
  if (!(operation & DASHo0)) {

    /* Write the chart information to the file. */

    if (Mon < 1) {
      PrintError("Can't output chart with no time/space to file.");
      return FALSE;
    fprintf(data, "%d\n%d\n%d\n%.2f\n%.2f\n%.2f\n%.2f\n",
      Mon, Day, Yea, Tim, Zon, Lon, Lat);
  } else {

    /* However, if the -o0 switch is in effect, then write the actual */
    /* positions of the planets and houses to the file instead.       */

    for (i = 1; i <= BASE; i++) {
      j = (int) planet[i];
      fprintf(data, "%c%c%c: %2d %2d %10.7f\n", OBJNAM(i),
        j%30, j/30+1, FRACT(planet[i])*60.0);                /* Position */
      k = planetalt[i];
      fprintf(data, "[%c]: %3d %12.8f\n",                    /* Altitude */
        ret[i] >= 0.0 ? 'D' : 'R', (int)(Sgn(k)*
        floor(dabs(k))), (k-(real)(int)k)*60.0);          /* Retrograde? */
      if (i == OBJECTS) {
        if (operation & DASHu)    /* Skip minor cusps to write uranians  */
          i = C_HI;
          i = total;
    for (i = 1; i <= SIGNS/2; i++) {   /* Write first six cusp positions */ 
      j = (int) house[i];
      fprintf(data, "H_%c: %2d %2d %10.7f\n",
        'a'+i-1, j%30, j/30+1, FRACT(house[i])*60.0);

  /* Now write any extra strings that were on the command line after the -o */
  /* specification but before the next switch, to the file as comments.     */

  for (i = 1; i < extracount; i++) {
    fprintf(data, "%s\n", extralines[1]);
  return TRUE;

** Program Dispatch Procedures.

/* Initialize an Ansi color array with the color to print each object in. */

void InitColors()
  int i;

  objectansi[0] = elemansi[_EAR];
  for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
    objectansi[i] = signansi(ruler1[i]);
  for (i = 11; i <= 15; i++)
    objectansi[i] = MAGENTA;
  for (i = 16; i <= 20; i++)
    objectansi[i] = DKCYAN;
  objectansi[_MC] = elemansi[_EAR]; objectansi[_ASC] = elemansi[_FIR];
  objectansi[21] = elemansi[_AIR]; objectansi[22] = elemansi[_WAT];
  objectansi[23] = elemansi[_EAR]; objectansi[24] = elemansi[_AIR];
  for (i = U_LO; i <= U_HI; i++)
    objectansi[i] = PURPLE;
  for (i = S_LO; i <= S_HI; i++)
    objectansi[i] = starbright[i-BASE] < 1.0 ? ORANGE : MAROON;

/* This is the dispatch procedure for all the generic table information      */
/* routines, such as those displaying the -H switch list, the list of signs, */
/* objects, default interpretations, and so on not requiring a date or time. */

int PrintTables()
  if (andisplay < 2)
    return FALSE;
  if (andisplay & DASHHc) {
    if (andisplay - (andisplay & DASHHc*2-1))
  if (andisplay & DASHH) {
    if (andisplay - (andisplay & DASHH*2-1))
  if (andisplay & DASHH0) {
    if (andisplay - (andisplay & DASHH0*2-1))
  if (andisplay & DASHO) {
    PrintObjects((andisplay & DASHO0) > 0);
    if (andisplay - (andisplay & DASHO*2-1))
  if (andisplay & DASHA) {
    if (andisplay - (andisplay & DASHA*2-1))
  if (andisplay & DASHI0) {

  /* If we also already have enough information to generate a chart,    */
  /* then go on and do so, else exit. (So things like "-O -i file" will */
  /* work, but things like just "-H" will print and exit right away.)   */

  if (autom)
  return !autom;

/* This is the dispatch procedure for the entire program. After all the   */
/* command switches have been processed, this routine is called to        */
/* actually call the various routines to generate and display the charts. */

void Action()
  char string[STRING];
  int i;


  /* First let's adjust the restriction status of the minor cusps, uranians, */
  /* and fixed stars based on whether -C, -u, and -U switches are in effect. */

  if (!(operation & DASHC))
    for (i = C_LO; i <= C_HI; i++)
      ignore[i] = ignore2[i] = TRUE;
  if (!(operation & DASHu))
    for (i = U_LO; i <= U_HI; i++)
      ignore[i] = ignore2[i] = TRUE;
  if (!universe)
    for (i = S_LO; i <= S_HI; i++)
      ignore[i] = ignore2[i] = TRUE;

  /* If the -os switch is in effect, open a file and set a global to */
  /* internally 'redirect' all screen output to.                     */

  if (filenamescreen) {
    S = fopen(filenamescreen, "w");
    if (S == NULL) {
      sprintf(string, "File %s can not be created.", filenamescreen);
      S = stdout;
  } else
    S = stdout;

  if (PrintTables())    /* Print out any generic tables specified.        */
    return;             /* If nothing else to do, we can exit right away. */

  /* If -+ or -- switches in effect, then add the specified delta value to */
  /* the date and use that as a new date before proceeding to make chart.  */

  if (Delta != 0) {
    JD = (real)MdyToJulian(MM, DD+Delta, YY);
    JulianToMdy(JD, &MM, &DD, &YY);

  /* Here we either do a normal chart or some kind of relationship chart. */

  if (!relation) {
    if (!autom && !InputData("tty"))  /* If chart info not in mem yet, then */
      return;                         /* prompt the user for the time, etc. */
    SetMain(MM, DD, YY, TT, ZZ, OO, AA);
  } else
  SetSave(Mon, Day, Yea, Tim, Zon, Lon, Lat);

#ifdef GRAPH
  if (operation & DASHX)    /* If any of the X window switches in effect, */
    XAction();              /* then go make a graphics chart...           */
    PrintChart(prog);       /* Otherwise print chart on text screen.      */

  if (operation & DASHo)    /* If -o switch in effect, then write */
    OutputData();           /* the chart information to a file.   */

  if (S != stdout)    /* If we were internally directing chart display to a */
    fclose(S);        /* file as with the -os switch, close it here.        */

/* Reset a few variables to their default values they have upon startup of */
/* the program. We don't reset all variables, just the most volatile ones. */
/* This is called when in the -Q loop to reset things like which charts to */
/* display, but leave setups such as object restrictions and orbs alone.   */

void InitVariables()
  filenamescreen = NULL;
  relation = Delta = 0;
  todisplay = exdisplay = andisplay = operation = 0x0;
  interpret = progress = autom = FALSE;

/* This routine is called by the main program to actually prompt the user    */
/* for command switches and parameters, entered in the same format as they   */
/* would be on a Unix command line. This is only executed for certain non-   */
/* Unix systems which don't allow passing of a command line to the program,  */
/* or when -Q is in effect. The result of this routine is passed back to the */
/* main program which then processes it just like in a Unix system.          */

#define MAXSWITCHES 32

int InputSwitches(line, argv)
char *line, *argv[MAXSWITCHES];
  FILE *data;
  int argc = 1, i = 0, j = 1;
  char *c = line;

  data = S; S = stdout;
  fprintf(S, "** %s version %s ", appname, VERSION);
  fprintf(S, "(See '%cHc' switch for copyrights and credits.) **\n", DASH);
  fprintf(S, "Enter all parameter options below. ");
  fprintf(S, "(Enter '%cH' for help. Enter '.' to exit.)\n", DASH);
  S = data;
  InputString("Input command line", line);
  argv[0] = APPNAME;

  /* Split the entered line up into its individual switch strings. */
  while (*c) {
    if (*c == ' ') {
      if (j)
        ;           /* Skip over the current run of spaces between strings. */
      else {
        *c = 0;     /* First space after a string, end it here. */
        j = TRUE;
    } else {
      if (j) {
        argv[argc++] = c;    /* First char after spaces, begin it here. */
        j = FALSE;
      } else
        ;                    /* Skip over the current string. */
  argv[argc] = NULL;    /* Set last string in switch array to Null. */
  return argc;

** Main Program.

/* Process a command line switch passed to the program. Read each entry in */
/* the argument list and set all the program modes and charts to display.  */

bool ProcessSwitches(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
  int pos, i, j;
  real k;
  char string[STRING], cpos, *c;

  argc--; argv++;
  while (argc) {
    pos  = 1 + (argv[0][0] == '-' || argv[0][0] == '/');  /* Leading dash? */
    cpos = argv[0][pos];
    switch (argv[0][pos-1]) {

    case 'H':
      if (cpos == 'c')
        andisplay ^= DASHHc;
      else if (cpos == '0')
        andisplay ^= DASHH0;
        andisplay ^= DASHH;

    case 'O':
      if (cpos == '0')
        andisplay ^= DASHO0;
      andisplay ^= DASHO;

    case 'Q':
      if (cpos == '0')
        operation ^= DASHQ0;
      operation ^= DASHQ;

    /* Switches which determine the type of chart to display: */

    case 'v':
      if (cpos == '0')
        exdisplay ^= DASHv0;
      todisplay ^= DASHv;

    case 'w':
      if (cpos == '0')
        exdisplay ^= DASHw0;
      if (argc > 1 && (i = atoi(argv[1]))) {
        argc--; argv++;
        if (!IsValidWheel(i)) {
          BadVal("w", i);
          return FALSE;
        wheelrows = i;
      todisplay ^= DASHw;

    case 'g':
      if (cpos == '0')
        exdisplay ^= DASHg0;
      else if (cpos == 'a') {
        exdisplay ^= DASHga;
        if (argv[0][pos+1] == '0')
          exdisplay ^= DASHg0;
#ifdef X11
      else if (cpos == 'e') {
        if (argc <= 1) {
          return FALSE;
        chartx = atoi(argv[1]);
        if (argc > 2 && (charty = atoi(argv[2]))) {
          argc--; argv++;
        } else
          charty = chartx;
        if (!IsValidGraphx(chartx)) {
          BadVal("geometry", chartx);
          return FALSE;
        if (!IsValidGraphy(charty)) {
          BadVal("geometry", charty);
          return FALSE;
        argc--; argv++;
      todisplay ^= DASHg;

    case 'm':
      if (cpos == '0') {
        exdisplay ^= DASHm0;
        if (argv[0][pos+1] == 'a')
          exdisplay ^= DASHga;
      } else if (cpos == 'a')
        exdisplay ^= DASHm0 | DASHga;
      todisplay ^= DASHm;

    case 'Z':
      if (cpos == '0')
        exdisplay ^= DASHZ0;
      else if (cpos == 'd')
        exdisplay ^= DASHZd;
      todisplay ^= DASHZ;

    case 'S':
      todisplay ^= DASHS;

    case 'j':
      if (cpos == '0')
        exdisplay ^= DASHj0;
      todisplay ^= DASHj;

    case 'L':
      if (cpos == '0')
        exdisplay ^= DASHL0;
      if (argc > 1 && (i = atoi(argv[1]))) {
        argc--; argv++;
        if (i < 1 || 160%i > 0) {
          BadVal("L", i);
          return FALSE;
        graphstep = i;
      todisplay ^= DASHL;

    case 'K':
      if (cpos == 'y')
        exdisplay ^= DASHKy;
      todisplay ^= DASHK;

    case 'd':
      if (cpos == 'p') {
        i = (argv[0][pos+1] == 'y');
        j = (argv[0][pos+i+1] == 'n');
        if (!j && argc <= 2-i) {
          return FALSE;
        prog = TRUE;
        exdisplay |= DASHdm;
        Zon2 = defzone; Lon2 = deflong; Lat2 = deflat;
        if (j)
          GetTimeNow(&Mon2, &Day2, &Yea2, &Tim2, Zon2);
        if (i) {
          Mon2 = 0;
          if (!j)
            Yea2 = atoi(argv[1]);
        } else {
          if (!j) {
            Mon2 = atoi(argv[1]);
            Yea2 = atoi(argv[2]);
            if (!IsValidMon(Mon2)) {
              BadVal("dp", Mon2);
              return FALSE;
        if (!IsValidYea(Yea2)) {
          BadVal("dp", Yea2);
          return FALSE;
        if (!j) {
          argc -= 2-i; argv += 2-i;
      } else if (cpos == 'm' || cpos == 'y') {
        Mon2 = (cpos == 'm');
        exdisplay ^= DASHdm;
#ifdef X11
      else if (cpos == 'i') {    /* -display switch for X */
        if (argc <= 1) {
          return FALSE;
        dispname = argv[1];
        argc--; argv++;
      else if (argc > 1 && (i = atoi(argv[1]))) {
        if (!IsValidDivision(i)) {
          BadVal("d", i);
          return FALSE;
        divisions = i;
        argc--; argv++;
      todisplay ^= DASHd;

    case 'D':
      todisplay ^= DASHD;

    case 'E':
      if (cpos == 'y')
        exdisplay ^= DASHEy;
      todisplay ^= DASHE;

    case 'e':
      todisplay ^= DASHe;
      exdisplay ^= DASHg0 | DASHj0 | DASHL0;

    case 't':
      todisplay ^= DASHt;
      Zon2 = defzone; Lon2 = deflong; Lat2 = deflat;
      if (cpos == 'p') {
        prog = TRUE;
        cpos = argv[0][++pos];
      if (i = (cpos == 'y') + 2*(cpos == 'Y'))
        cpos = argv[0][++pos];
#ifdef TIME
      if (cpos == 'n') {
        GetTimeNow(&Mon2, &Day2, &Yea2, &Tim2, Zon2);
        if (i == 1)
          Mon2 = 0;
        else if (i > 1) {
          Mon2 = -1; Day2 = atoi(argv[1]);
      if (argc <= 2 - (i & 1)) {
        return FALSE;
      if (i) {
        if (i == 1)
          Mon2 = 0;
        else {
          Mon2 = -1; Day2 = atoi(argv[2]);
      } else {
        Mon2 = atoi(argv[1]);
        if (!IsValidMon(Mon2)) {
          BadVal("t", Mon2);
          return FALSE;
      Yea2 = atoi(argv[2 - (i > 0)]);
      argc -= 2 - (i & 1); argv += 2 - (i & 1);

    case 'T':
      todisplay ^= DASHT;
      Zon2 = defzone; Lon2 = deflong; Lat2 = deflat;
      if (cpos == 'p') {
        prog = TRUE;
        cpos = argv[0][++pos];
#ifdef TIME
      if (cpos == 'n') {
        GetTimeNow(&Mon2, &Day2, &Yea2, &Tim2, Zon2);
      if (argc <= 3) {
        return FALSE;
      Mon2 = atoi(argv[1]);
      Day2 = atoi(argv[2]);
      Yea2 = atoi(argv[3]);
      if (!IsValidMon(Mon2)) {
        BadVal("T", Mon2);
        return FALSE;
      } else if (!IsValidDay(Day2, Mon2, Yea2)) {
        BadVal("T", Day2);
        return FALSE;
      } else if (!IsValidYea(Yea2)) {
        BadVal("T", Yea2);
        return FALSE;
      argc -= 3; argv += 3;

    case 'I':
      if (argc > 1 && (i = atoi(argv[1]))) {
        argc--; argv++;
        if (!IsValidScreen(i)) {
          BadVal("I", i);
          return FALSE;
        screenwidth = i;
      if (cpos == '0') {
        andisplay ^= DASHI0;
      interpret = !interpret;

    /* Switches which affect how the chart parameters are obtained: */

#ifdef TIME
    case 'n':
      if (cpos == 'd')
        TT = 0.0;
      else if (cpos == 'm') {
        DD = 1; TT = 0.0;
      } else if (cpos == 'y') {
        MM = DD = 1; TT = 0.0;

    case 'z':
      if (argc <= 1 || (atoi(argv[1]) == 0 && argv[1][0] != '0'))
        defzone -= 1.0;
      else {
        defzone = atof(argv[1]);
        if (!IsValidZon(defzone)) {
          BadVal2("z", defzone);
          return FALSE;
        argc--; argv++;

    case 'l':
      if (argc <= 2) {
        return FALSE;
      deflong = atof(argv[1]);
      deflat  = atof(argv[2]);
      if (!IsValidLon(deflong)) {
        BadVal2("l", deflong);
        return FALSE;
      } else if (!IsValidLat(deflat)) {
        BadVal2("l", deflat);
        return FALSE;
      argc -= 2; argv += 2;

    case 'q':
      i = (cpos == 'y' || cpos == 'j') + 2*(cpos == 'm') + 3*(cpos == 'd') +
        4*(cpos == '\0') + 7*(cpos == 'a');
      if (argc <= i) {
        return FALSE;
      autom = TRUE;
      if (cpos == 'j') {
        JD = atof(argv[1])+ROUND;
        TT = FRACT(JD);
        JulianToMdy(JD-TT, &MM, &DD, &YY);
        TT = DegToDec(TT * 24.0);
        ZZ = 0.0; OO = deflong; AA = deflat;
      } else {
        MM = i > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 1;
        DD = i > 2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 1;
        YY = atoi(argv[3-(i<3)-(i<2)]);
        TT = i > 3 ? atof(argv[4]) : (i < 3 ? 0.0 : 12.0);
        ZZ = i > 6 ? atof(argv[5]) : defzone;
        OO = i > 6 ? atof(argv[6]) : deflong;
        AA = i > 6 ? atof(argv[7]) : deflat;
        if (!IsValidMon(MM)) {
          BadVal("q", MM);
          return FALSE;
        } else if (!IsValidDay(DD, MM, YY)) {
          BadVal("q", DD);
          return FALSE;
        } else if (!IsValidYea(YY)) {
          BadVal("q", YY);
          return FALSE;
        } else if (!IsValidTim(TT)) {
          BadVal2("q", TT);
          return FALSE;
        } else if (!IsValidZon(ZZ)) {
          BadVal2("a", ZZ);
          return FALSE;
        } else if (!IsValidLon(OO)) {
          BadVal2("a", OO);
          return FALSE;
        } else if (!IsValidLat(AA)) {
          BadVal2("a", AA);
          return FALSE;
      argc -= i; argv += i;

    case 'i':
      if (argc <= 1) {
        return FALSE;
      if (!InputData(argv[1]))
        return FALSE;
      argc--; argv++;

    case 'o':
      if (argc <= 1) {
        return FALSE;
      if (cpos == 's') {
        filenamescreen = argv[1];
        argc--; argv++;
      } else if (cpos == '0')
        operation ^= DASHo0;
      operation ^= DASHo;
      filenameout = argv[1];
      extralines = argv;
      do {
        argc--; argv++;
      } while (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] != '-' && argv[1][0] != '/');

    /* Switches which affect what information is used in a chart: */

    case 'R':
      if (cpos == 'T') {
        c = (char *)ignore2;
        cpos = argv[0][++pos];
      } else
        c = (char *)ignore;
      if (cpos == '0')
        for (i = 0; i <= total; i++)
          c[i] = TRUE;
      else if (cpos == '1') {
        for (i = 0; i <= total; i++)
          c[i] = FALSE;
        operation |= DASHC | DASHu;
        universe = TRUE;
      } else if (cpos == 'C')
        for (i = C_LO; i <= C_HI; i++)
          c[i] = !c[i];
      else if (cpos == 'u')
        for (i = U_LO; i <= U_HI; i++)
          c[i] = !c[i];
      else if (cpos == 'U')
        for (i = S_LO; i <= S_HI; i++)
          c[i] = !c[i];
      else if (argc <= 1 || (!atoi(argv[1]))) {
        for (i = 11; i <= 15; i++)
          c[i] = !c[i];
        c[_FOR] = !c[_FOR]; c[_VTX] = !c[_VTX];
      while (argc > 1 && (i = atoi(argv[1])))
        if (!IsItem(i)) {
          BadVal("R", i);
          return FALSE;
        } else {
          c[i] = !c[i];
          argc--; argv++;

    case 'C':
      operation ^= DASHC;

    case 'u':
      operation ^= DASHu;

    case 'U':
      if (cpos == 'n' || cpos == 'b' || cpos == 'z' || cpos == 'l')
        universe = cpos;
        universe = !universe;

    case 'A':
      if (argc <= 1 || atoi(argv[1]) == 0) {
        andisplay ^= DASHA;
      if (cpos != 'o' && cpos != 'm' && cpos != 'd' && cpos != 'a') {
        i = atoi(argv[1]);
        if (!IsValidAspect(i)) {
          BadVal("A", i);
          return FALSE;
        aspects = i;
        argc--; argv++;
      } else {
        if (argc <= 2) {
          return FALSE;
        i = atoi(argv[1]);
        if (i < 1 || i > (cpos == 'o' || cpos == 'a' ? ASPECTS : BASE)) {
          BadVal("A", i);
          return FALSE;
        k = atof(argv[2]);
        if (k < -DEGREES || k > DEGREES) {
          BadVal2("A", k);
          return FALSE;
        if (cpos == 'o')
          aspectorb[i] = k;
        else if (cpos == 'm')
          planetorb[i] = k;
        else if (cpos == 'd')
          planetadd[i] = k;
          aspectangle[i] = k;
        argc -= 2; argv += 2;

    /* Switches which affect how a chart is computed: */

    case 'b':
      if (cpos == '0')
        seconds = !seconds;
      placalc = !placalc;

    case 'c':
      if (argc <= 1) {
        return FALSE;
      i = atoi(argv[1]);
      if (!IsValidSystem(i)) {
        BadVal("c", i);
        return FALSE;
      housesystem = i;
      argc--; argv++;

    case 's':
      if (argc > 1 && (k = atof(argv[1])) != 0.0) {
        argc--; argv++;
        addfactor = k;
      if (cpos != '0')
        operation ^= DASHs;
        operation ^= DASHs0;

    case 'h':
      if (argc > 1 && (i = atoi(argv[1]))) {
        argc--; argv++;
      } else
        i = 1;
      if (i < 0 || i == _MOO || !IsObject(i) || i > U_HI) {
        BadVal("h", i);
        return FALSE;
      centerplanet = i;
      c = objectname[0];
      objectname[0] = objectname[centerplanet];
      objectname[centerplanet] = c;
      if (centerplanet < _MOO)
        centerplanet = 1-centerplanet;

    case 'p':
      if (cpos == '0') {
        operation |= DASHp0;
        cpos = (argv[0][++pos]);
      progress = TRUE;
#ifdef TIME
      if (cpos == 'n') {
        GetTimeNow(&Mon, &Day, &Yea, &Tim, defzone);
        Jdp = (real)MdyToJulian(Mon, Day, Yea) + Tim / 24.0;
      if (cpos == 'd') {
        if (argc <= 1) {
          return FALSE;
        progday = atof(argv[1]);
        if (progday == 0.0) {
          BadVal2("pd", progday);
          return FALSE;
        argc--; argv++;
      if (argc <= 3) {
        return FALSE;
      Mon = atoi(argv[1]);
      Day = atoi(argv[2]);
      Yea = atoi(argv[3]);
      if (!IsValidMon(Mon)) {
        BadVal("p", Mon);
        return FALSE;
      } else if (!IsValidDay(Day, Mon, Yea)) {
        BadVal("p", Day);
        return FALSE;
      } else if (!IsValidYea(Yea)) {
        BadVal("p", Yea);
        return FALSE;
      Jdp = (real)MdyToJulian(Mon, Day, Yea) + defzone / 24.0;
      argc -= 3; argv += 3;

    case 'x':
      if (argc <= 1) {
        return FALSE;
      i = atoi(argv[1]);
      if (i < 1 || i > DEGREES) {
        BadVal("x", i);
        return FALSE;
      multiplyfactor = i;
      argc--; argv++;

    case '1':
      if (argc > 1 && (i = atoi(argv[1]))) {
        argc--; argv++;
      } else
        i = _SUN;
      if (!IsItem(i)) {
        BadVal("1", i);
        return FALSE;
      onasc = i;

    case '2':
      if (argc > 1 && (i = atoi(argv[1]))) {
        argc--; argv++;
      } else
        i = _SUN;
      if (!IsItem(i)) {
        BadVal("2", i);
        return FALSE;
      onasc = -i;

    case '3':
      operation ^= DASH3;

    case 'f':
      operation ^= DASHf;

    case 'G':
      operation ^= DASHG;

    case 'F':
      if (argc <= 3) {
        return FALSE;
      i = atoi(argv[1]);
      if (!IsItem(i)) {
        BadVal("F", i);
        return FALSE;
      force[i] = (atof(argv[2])-1.0)*30.0+DecToDeg(atof(argv[3]));
      if (force[i] < 0.0 || force[i] >= DEGREES) {
        BadVal2("F", force[i]);
        return FALSE;
      } else
        force[i] += DEGREES;
      argc -= 3; argv += 3;

    case '+':
      if (argc > 1 && (i = atoi(argv[1])) != 0) {
        argc--; argv++;
      } else
        i = 1;
      Delta += i * (cpos == 'y' ? 365 : (cpos == 'm' ? 30 : 1));

    case '-': case '\0':
      if (argc > 1 && (i = atoi(argv[1])) != 0) {
        argc--; argv++;
      } else
        i = 1;
      Delta -= i * (cpos == 'y' ? 365 : (cpos == 'm' ? 30 : 1));

    /* Switches for relationship and comparison charts: */

    case 'r':
      i = 2 + 2*(cpos >= 'a' && argv[0][pos+1] == '0');
      if (argc <= i) {
        return FALSE;
      if (cpos == 'c')
        relation = DASHrc;
      else if (cpos == 'm')
        relation = DASHrm;
      else if (cpos == 'd')
        relation = DASHrd;
      else if (cpos == 'b')
        relation = DASHrb;
      else if (cpos == '0')
        relation = DASHr0;
      else if (cpos == 'p')
        relation = DASHrp;
        relation = DASHr;
      filename = argv[1]; filename2 = argv[2];
      if (i > 2) {
        ratio1 = atoi(argv[3]);
        ratio2 = atoi(argv[4]);
        if (ratio1 == ratio2)
          ratio1 = ratio2 = 1;
      argc -= i; argv += i;

#ifdef TIME
    case 'y':
      if (argc <= 1) {
        return FALSE;
      if (cpos == 'd')
        relation = DASHrd;
      else if (cpos == 'b')
        relation = DASHrb;
      else if (cpos == 'p')
        relation = DASHrp;
        relation = DASHr0;
      filename = argv[1]; filename2 = "now";
      argc--; argv++;

    /* Switches to access graphics options: */

    case 'k':
      ansi = !ansi;

#ifdef MSG
    case 'V':
      if (argc <= 1) {
        return FALSE;
      i = atoi(argv[1]);
      if (!IsValidTextrows(i)) {
        BadVal("V", i);
        return FALSE;
      textrows = i;
      argc--; argv++;

#ifdef GRAPH
    case 'X':
      i = XProcessSwitches(argc, argv, pos);
      if (i < 0)
        return FALSE;
      operation |= DASHX;
      argc -= i; argv += i;

    case '.':               /* "-." is usually used to exit the -Q loop. */

    case 'B':          /* For no useful reason, -B will sound a beep. */

      sprintf(string, "Unknown switch '%s'.", argv[0]);
      return FALSE;
    argc--; argv++;
  return TRUE;

#ifndef NOMAIN
/* The main program, the starting point for Astrolog, follows. This routine */
/* basically consists of a loop, inside which we read a command line, and   */
/* go process it, before actually calling a routine to do the neat stuff.   */

void main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
void main()
  int argc;
  char **argv;
  char commandline[256];
  char *pointers[MAXSWITCHES];

  InputDefaults();    /* Read in info from the astrolog.dat file. */
#ifdef MSG
  if (textrows > 0) {
    textrows = -textrows;
  if (noswitches) {                                 /* Go prompt for    */
    argc = InputSwitches(commandline, pointers);    /* switches if we   */
    argv = pointers;                                /* don't have them. */
  progname = argv[0];
  if (ProcessSwitches(argc, argv)) {
    if (!noswitches && (operation & DASHQ0)) {
      noswitches = TRUE;
      goto Begin;
#ifdef MSG
    if (textrows > 0) {
      textrows = -textrows;
  if (operation & DASHQ) {    /* If -Q in effect, loop back and get switch */
    printl2();                /* information for another chart to display. */
    operation |= DASHQ;
    noswitches = TRUE;
    goto Begin;
  Terminate(_OK);    /* The only standard place to exit Astrolog is here. */
#endif /* NOMAIN */

/* driver.c */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.