This is proto.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* * This file was automatically generated by cextract version 1.2. * Manual editing now recommended, since I've done a whole lot of it. * * Created: Thu May 14 15:44:40 1992 * * $Header: /home/tom/src/vile/RCS/proto.h,v 1.236 1997/02/26 11:58:09 tom Exp $ * */ extern int main (int argc, char **argv); extern char *strmalloc (const char *s); extern char *strend (const char *s); extern void tidy_exit (int code); extern int no_memory (const char *s); extern SIGT catchintr (int ACTUAL_SIG_ARGS); #ifndef interrupted extern int interrupted (void); #endif extern void not_interrupted (void); extern void do_repeats (int *cp, int *fp, int *np); extern int writeall (int f, int n, int promptuser, int leaving, int autowriting); extern int rdonly (void); extern void charinit (void); #if OPT_RAMSIZE extern char *reallocate (char *mp, unsigned nbytes); extern char *allocate (unsigned nbytes); extern void release (char *mp); #endif extern char *strncpy0 (char *t, const char *f, SIZE_T l); extern void setup_handler (int sig, void (*disp) (int ACTUAL_SIG_ARGS)); /* screen-drivers */ #if OPT_XTERM >= 3 extern int xterm_mouse_t (int f, int n); extern int xterm_mouse_T (int f, int n); #endif /* basic.c */ extern int firstchar (LINE *lp); extern int nextchar (LINE *lp, int off); extern int lastchar (LINE *lp); extern int getgoal (LINE *dlp); extern int next_column (int c, int col); extern int gonmmark (int c); extern int setmark (void); extern void swapmark (void); #if OPT_MOUSE extern int setwmark (int row, int col); extern int setcursor (int row, int col); #endif #if SMALLER /* cancel 'neproto.h' */ extern int gotobob (int f, int n); extern int gotoeob (int f, int n); #endif /* bind.c */ extern int no_such_function (const char *fname); extern int startup (const char *sfname); extern const char *flook (const char *fname, int hflag); extern char *kcod2pstr (int c, char *seq); extern int kcod2escape_seq (int c, char *ptr); extern int fnc2kcod (const CMDFUNC *); #if DISP_X11 extern char *fnc2pstr (const CMDFUNC *f); #endif extern const CMDFUNC *engl2fnc (const char *fname); extern const CMDFUNC *kcod2fnc (int c); #if OPT_EVAL extern const char *prc2engl (const char *skey); #endif extern char *kbd_engl (const char *prompt, char *buffer); extern void kbd_alarm (void); extern void kbd_putc (int c); extern void kbd_puts (const char *s); extern void kbd_erase (void); extern void kbd_init (void); extern void kbd_unquery (void); extern int kbd_complete (int case_insensitive, int c, char *buf, int *pos, const char *table, SIZE_T size_entry); extern int kbd_engl_stat (const char *prompt, char *buffer); extern void popdown_completions (void); /* buffer.c */ extern WINDOW *bp2any_wp (BUFFER *bp); extern void imply_alt (const char *fname, int copy, int lockfl); extern BUFFER *find_b_file (const char *fname); extern BUFFER *find_alt (void); extern BUFFER *find_bp (BUFFER *bp1); extern void make_current (BUFFER *nbp); extern int swbuffer (BUFFER *bp); extern int swbuffer_lfl (BUFFER *bp, int lockfl); extern void undispbuff (BUFFER *bp, WINDOW *wp); extern int tabstop_val (BUFFER *bp); extern int shiftwid_val (BUFFER *bp); extern int has_C_suffix (BUFFER *bp); extern int delink_bp (BUFFER *bp); extern int zotbuf (BUFFER *bp); extern int zotwp (BUFFER *bp); extern BUFFER *find_any_buffer (const char *name); extern int popupbuff (BUFFER *bp); extern void sortlistbuffers (void); #if OPT_UPBUFF void updatelistbuffers (void); void update_scratch (const char *name, int (*func)(BUFFER *)); #else #define updatelistbuffers() #define update_scratch(name, func) #endif extern int addline (BUFFER *bp, const char *text, int len); extern int add_line_at (BUFFER *bp, LINEPTR prevp, const char *text, int len); extern int any_changed_buf (BUFFER **bpp); extern int any_unread_buf (BUFFER **bpp); extern void set_bname (BUFFER *bp, const char *name); #if BEFORE extern char *get_bname (BUFFER *bp); #endif extern BUFFER *find_b_name (const char *name); extern BUFFER *bfind (const char *bname, int bflag); BUFFER *make_bp (const char *fname, int flags); extern int bclear (BUFFER *bp); extern int bsizes (BUFFER *bp); extern void chg_buff (BUFFER *bp, int flag); extern void unchg_buff (BUFFER *bp, int flag); extern BUFFER *getfile2bp (const char *fname, int ok_to_ask, int cmdline); /* crypt.c */ #if OPT_ENCRYPT extern int ue_makekey (char *key, ALLOC_T len); extern void ue_crypt (char *bptr, ALLOC_T len); #endif /* OPT_ENCRYPT */ /* csrch.c */ /* display.c */ extern int nu_width (WINDOW *wp); extern int col_limit (WINDOW *wp); extern int vtinit (void); extern int video_alloc (VIDEO **vpp); extern int update (int force); extern void upmode (void); extern int offs2col (WINDOW *wp, LINEPTR lp, C_NUM offset); #if OPT_MOUSE || defined(WMDLINEWRAP) extern int col2offs (WINDOW *wp, LINEPTR lp, C_NUM col); #endif #ifdef WMDLINEWRAP extern int line_height (WINDOW *wp, LINEPTR lp); #else #define line_height(wp,lp) 1 #endif #if defined(WMDLINEWRAP) || OPT_MOUSE extern WINDOW *row2window (int row); #endif extern void hilite (int row, int colfrom, int colto, int on); extern void movecursor (int row, int col); extern void bottomleft (void); extern void mlerase (void); extern void mlsavec (int c); extern void mlwrite (const char *fmt, ...); extern void mlforce (const char *fmt, ...); extern void mlprompt (const char *fmt, ...); extern void mlerror (const char *s); extern void mlwarn (const char *fmt, ...); extern void dbgwrite (const char *fmt, ...); extern char *lsprintf (char *buf, const char *fmt, ...); extern void bputc (int c); extern void bprintf (const char *fmt, ...); #if !DISP_X11 extern void getscreensize (int *widthp, int *heightp); #if defined(SIGWINCH) extern SIGT sizesignal (int ACTUAL_SIG_ARGS); #endif #endif extern void newscreensize (int h, int w); #if OPT_WORKING extern SIGT imworking (int ACTUAL_SIG_ARGS); #endif #if OPT_PSCREEN extern OUTC_DCL psc_putchar (OUTC_ARGS); extern void psc_flush (void); extern void psc_move (int row, int col); extern void psc_eeol (void); extern void psc_eeop (void); extern void psc_rev (int huh); #endif /* OPT_PSCREEN */ /* eval.c */ extern char *l_itoa (int i); extern int absol (int x); extern int is_truem (const char *val); extern int is_falsem (const char *val); #if OPT_EVAL || DISP_X11 extern int stol (const char *val); #endif #if OPT_EVAL extern const char *gtenv (const char *vname); #endif #if OPT_EVAL || !SMALLER extern char *mkupper (char *str); #endif extern char *mklower (char *str); extern char *mktrimmed (char *str); #if OPT_EVAL extern int set_variable (char *name); #endif #if OPT_EVAL || OPT_COLOR extern int set_palette (const char *value); #endif /* exec.c */ extern int end_named_cmd (void); extern int more_named_cmd (void); extern int dobuf (BUFFER *bp); extern int dofile (const char *fname); extern int execute (const CMDFUNC *execfunc, int f, int n); #if OPT_PROCEDURES extern int run_procedure (const char *name); #endif /* file.c */ extern time_t file_modified (const char *path); #ifdef MDCHK_MODTIME extern int ask_shouldchange (BUFFER *bp); extern int get_modtime (BUFFER *bp, time_t *the_time); extern void set_modtime (BUFFER *bp, const char *fn); extern int check_modtime (BUFFER *bp, const char *fn); extern int check_visible_modtimes (void); #endif extern void set_last_file_edited(const char *); extern int no_such_file (const char *fname); extern int same_fname (const char *fname, BUFFER *bp, int lengthen); extern int getfile (const char *fname, int lockfl); extern int readin (const char *fname, int lockfl, BUFFER *bp, int mflg); extern int bp2readin (BUFFER *bp, int lockfl); extern int slowreadf (BUFFER *bp, int *nlinep); extern void makename (char *bname, const char *fname); extern void unqname (char *name); extern int writeout (const char *fn, BUFFER *bp, int forced, int msgf); extern int writeregion (void); extern int kwrite (const char *fn, int msgf); extern int ifile (const char *fname, int belowthisline, FILE *haveffp); extern SIGT imdying (int ACTUAL_SIG_ARGS); extern void markWFMODE (BUFFER *bp); #if OPT_ENCRYPT extern int resetkey (BUFFER *bp, const char *fname); #endif #if SMALLER /* cancel neproto.h */ extern int filesave (int f, int n); #endif /* filec.c */ #if COMPLETE_FILES || COMPLETE_DIRS extern int path_completion (DONE_ARGS); extern void init_filec(const char *buffer_name); #endif extern int mlreply_file (const char *prompt, TBUFF **buf, int flag, char *result); extern int mlreply_dir (const char *prompt, TBUFF **buf, char *result); extern char *filec_expand (void); /* fileio.c */ extern int ffropen (const char *fn); extern int ffwopen (const char *fn, int forced); extern int ffaccess (const char *fn, int mode); extern int ffronly (const char *fn); extern off_t ffsize (void); extern int ffexists (const char *p); #if !(SYS_MSDOS || SYS_WIN31) extern int ffread (char *buf, long len); extern void ffseek (long n); extern void ffrewind (void); #endif extern int ffclose (void); extern int ffputline (const char *buf, int nbuf, const char *ending); extern int ffputc (int c); extern int ffhasdata (void); /* finderr.c */ #if OPT_FINDERR extern void set_febuff (const char *name); #endif /* glob.c */ #if !SYS_UNIX extern int glob_needed (char **list_of_items); #endif extern char ** glob_string (char *item); extern int glob_length (char **list_of_items); extern char ** glob_free (char **list_of_items); #if !SYS_UNIX extern void expand_wild_args (int *argcp, char ***argvp); #endif extern int doglob (char *path); /* globals.c */ /* history.c */ #if OPT_HISTORY extern void hst_init (int c); extern void hst_glue (int c); extern void hst_append (char *cmd, int glue); extern void hst_remove (const char *cmd); extern void hst_flush (void); extern int edithistory (char *buffer, int *position, int *given, int options, int (*func)(EOL_ARGS), int eolchar); #else #define hst_init(c) #define hst_glue(c) #define hst_append(p,c) #define hst_remove(p) #define hst_flush() #endif /* input.c */ extern int no_completion (DONE_ARGS); #if COMPLETE_FILES extern int shell_complete (DONE_ARGS); #else #define shell_complete no_completion #endif extern int mlyesno (const char *prompt); extern int mlquickask (const char *prompt, const char *respchars, int *cp); extern int mlreply (const char *prompt, char *buf, int bufn); extern int mlreply_reg (const char *prompt, char *cbuf, int *retp, int at_dft); extern int mlreply_reg_count (int state, int *retp, int *next); extern int mlreply_no_bs (const char *prompt, char *buf, int bufn); extern int mlreply_no_opts (const char *prompt, char *buf, int bufn); extern void incr_dot_kregnum (void); extern int mapped_keystroke (void); extern int keystroke (void); extern int keystroke8 (void); extern int keystroke_raw8 (void); extern int keystroke_avail (void); extern void unkeystroke (int c); extern int tgetc (int quoted); extern int tgetc_avail (void); extern int get_recorded_char (int eatit); extern int kbd_seq (void); extern int screen_string (char *buf, int bufn, CHARTYPE inclchartype); extern int end_string (void); extern void set_end_string (int c); extern int kbd_delimiter (void); extern int is_edit_char (int c); extern void kbd_kill_response (char *buf, int *position, int c); extern int kbd_show_response (char *dst, char *src, int bufn, int eolchar, int options); extern int kbd_is_pushed_back (void); extern void kbd_pushback (char *buffer, int skip); extern int kbd_string (const char *prompt, char *extbuf, int bufn, int eolchar, int options, int (*func)(DONE_ARGS)); extern int kbd_reply (const char *prompt, char *extbuf, int bufn, int (*efunc)(EOL_ARGS), int eolchar, int options, int (*cfunc)(DONE_ARGS)); extern int dotcmdbegin (void); extern int dotcmdfinish (void); extern void dotcmdstop (void); extern int kbd_replaying (int match); extern int kbm_started (int macnum, int force); extern int start_kbm (int n, int macnum, ITBUFF *ptr); /* insert.c */ extern int ins_mode (WINDOW *wp); extern int ins (void); extern int inschar (int c, int *backsp_limit_p); extern int previndent (int *bracefp); extern int indentlen (LINE *lp); #if OPT_EVAL extern const char *current_modename (void); #endif #if SMALLER /* cancel 'neproto.h' */ extern int newline (int f, int n); extern int wrapword (int f, int n); #endif /* isearch.c */ #if SMALLER /* cancel 'neproto.h' */ extern int forwhunt (int f, int n); extern int backhunt (int f, int n); #endif /* lckfiles.c */ #if OPT_LCKFILES extern int set_lock (const char *fname, char *who, int n); extern void release_lock (const char *fname); #endif /* line.c */ extern int do_report (L_NUM value); extern LINEPTR lalloc (int used, BUFFER *bp); extern void lfree (LINEPTR lp, BUFFER *bp); extern void ltextfree (LINE *lp, BUFFER *bp); extern void lremove (BUFFER *bp, LINEPTR lp); #if SMALLER /* cancel neproto.h */ extern int insspace (int f, int n); #endif extern int lstrinsert (const char *s, int len); extern int linsert (int n, int c); extern int lnewline (void); extern int ldelete (long n, int kflag); #if OPT_EVAL extern char * getctext (CHARTYPE type); extern int putctext (const char *iline); #endif extern void ksetup (void); extern void kdone (void); extern int kinsertlater (int c); extern int kinsert (int c); extern int index2reg (int c); extern int reg2index (int c); extern int index2ukb (int inx); extern void kregcirculate (int killing); /* map.c */ extern void addtosysmap (const char *seq, int seqlen, int code); extern int sysmapped_c (void); extern int sysmapped_c_avail (void); extern void mapungetc (int c); extern int mapped_c (int remap, int raw); extern int mapped_c_avail (void); extern void abbr_check (int *backsp_limit_p); /* msgs.c */ #if OPT_POPUP_MSGS void msg_putc (int c); void popup_msgs (void); void purge_msgs (void); #endif /* modes.c */ extern int string_to_number (const char *from, int *np); extern int adjvalueset (const char *cp, int setting, int global, VALARGS *args); extern const char *string_mode_val (VALARGS *args); extern REGEXVAL *new_regexval (const char *pattern, int magic); extern void copy_mvals (int maximum, struct VAL *dst, struct VAL *src); #if OPT_UPBUFF extern void save_vals (int maximum, struct VAL *gbl, struct VAL *dst, struct VAL *src); #endif extern void free_local_vals (const struct VALNAMES *names, struct VAL *gbl, struct VAL *val); extern int find_mode (const char *mode, int global, VALARGS *args); extern int mode_eol (EOL_ARGS); /* npopen.c */ #if SYS_UNIX || SYS_MSDOS || SYS_WIN31 || SYS_OS2 || SYS_WINNT extern FILE * npopen (const char *cmd, const char *type); extern void npclose (FILE *fp); extern int inout_popen (FILE **fr, FILE **fw, const char *cmd); extern int softfork (void); #endif #if SYS_UNIX || SYS_OS2 || SYS_WINNT extern int system_SHELL (const char *cmd); #endif #if SYS_MSDOS || SYS_WIN31 || (SYS_OS2 && CC_CSETPP) || TEST_DOS_PIPES extern void npflush (void); #endif /* oneliner.c */ extern int llineregion (void); extern int plineregion (void); extern int pplineregion (void); extern int substregion (void); extern int subst_again_region (void); /* opers.c */ extern int operator (int f, int n, OpsFunc fn, const char *str); /* path.c */ #if OPT_MSDOS_PATH extern char * is_msdos_drive (const char *path); #endif #if OPT_VMS_PATH extern int is_vms_pathname (const char *path, int option); extern char * vms_pathleaf (const char *path); extern char * unix_pathleaf (const char *path); #endif #if SYS_UNIX extern char * home_path (char *path); #endif extern char * pathleaf (const char *path); extern char * pathcat (char *dst, const char *path, const char *leaf); extern char * last_slash (const char *fn); extern char * shorten_path (char *path, int keep_cwd); extern char * lengthen_path (char *path); extern int is_pathname (const char *path); extern int maybe_pathname (const char *fn); extern char * is_appendname (const char *fn); extern int is_internalname (const char *fn); extern int is_scratchname (const char *fn); extern int is_directory (const char *path); #if (SYS_UNIX||SYS_VMS||OPT_MSDOS_PATH) && OPT_PATHLOOKUP extern const char *parse_pathlist (const char *list, char *result); #endif #if OPT_MSDOS_PATH extern char *sl_to_bsl (const char *p); extern void bsl_to_sl_inplace (char *p); #endif #if OPT_CASELESS && SYS_OS2 extern int is_case_preserving (const char *name); #endif /* random.c */ extern int line_report (L_NUM before); extern L_NUM line_count (BUFFER *the_buffer); extern L_NUM line_no (BUFFER *the_buffer, LINEPTR the_line); #if OPT_EVAL extern L_NUM getcline (void); #endif extern void set_rdonly (BUFFER *bp, const char *name, int mode); extern int liststuff (const char *name, int appendit, void (*)(LIST_ARGS), int iarg, void *vargp); extern int getccol (int bflg); extern int getcol (MARK mark, int actual); extern int getoff (C_NUM goal, C_NUM *rcolp); extern int gocol (int n); extern int is_user_fence (int ch, int *sdirp); extern int fmatchindent (int c); extern void catnap (int milli, int watchinput); extern const char * current_directory (int force); #if OPT_EVAL extern const char * previous_directory (void); #endif extern int set_directory (const char *dir); extern void ch_fname (BUFFER *bp, const char *fname); /* regexp.c */ extern regexp * regcomp (char *origexp, int magic); extern int regexec (regexp *prog, char *string, char *stringend, int startoff, int endoff); extern int lregexec (regexp *prog, LINE *lp, int startoff, int endoff); /* region.c */ extern int killregion (void); extern int killregionmaybesave (int save); extern int openregion (void); extern int stringrect (void); extern int shiftrregion (void); extern int shiftlregion (void); extern int detabline (void *flagp, int l, int r); extern int detab_region (void); extern int entabline (void *flagp, int l, int r); extern int entab_region (void); extern int trimline (void *flagp, int l, int r); extern int trim_region (void); extern int blank_region (void); extern int yankregion (void); extern int flipregion (void); extern int lowerregion (void); extern int upperregion (void); #if NEEDED extern int charprocreg (int (*)(int)); #endif extern int getregion (REGION *rp); extern int get_fl_region (REGION *rp); /* search.c */ #if OPT_HILITEMATCH void clobber_save_curbp(BUFFER *bp); #endif extern int fsearch (int f, int n, int marking, int fromscreen); extern int scanner (regexp *exp, int direct, int wrapok, int *wrappedp); extern void attrib_matches (void); extern void regerror (const char *s); #if OPT_EVAL || UNUSED extern int eq (int bc, int pc); #endif extern int readpattern (const char *prompt, char *apat, regexp **srchexpp, int c, int fromscreen); extern void scanboundry (int wrapok, MARK dot, int dir); extern int findpat (int f, int n, regexp *exp, int direc); /* spawn.c */ extern SIGT rtfrmshell (int ACTUAL_SIG_ARGS); extern void pressreturn (void); extern int filterregion (void); /* tags.c */ #if OPT_TAGS extern int cmdlinetag (const char *t); #endif /* OPT_TAGS */ /* termio.c */ extern void ttopen (void); extern void ttclose (void); extern void ttclean (int f); extern void ttunclean (void); extern OUTC_DCL ttputc (OUTC_ARGS); extern void ttflush (void); extern int ttgetc (void); extern int tttypahead (void); extern int open_terminal (TERM *termp); extern void null_t_setfor (int f); extern void null_t_setback (int b); extern void null_t_setpal (char *p); extern void null_t_scroll (int f, int t, int n); extern void null_t_pflush (void); extern void null_t_icursor (int c); extern void null_t_title (char *t); /* undo.c */ extern void toss_to_undo (LINEPTR lp); extern void copy_for_undo (LINEPTR lp); extern void tag_for_undo (LINEPTR lp); extern void nounmodifiable (BUFFER *bp); extern void freeundostacks (BUFFER *bp, int both); extern void mayneedundo (void); extern void dumpuline (LINEPTR lp); /* version.c */ extern void print_usage (void); extern const char * getversion (void); extern const char * non_filename (void); /* vmspipe.c */ #if SYS_VMS extern FILE *vms_rpipe (const char *cmd, int fd, const char *input_file); #endif /* window.c */ extern int set_curwp (WINDOW *wp); #if OPT_EVAL extern int getwpos (void); #endif extern int delwp (WINDOW *thewp); extern void copy_traits (W_TRAITS *dst, W_TRAITS *src); extern WINDOW * wpopup (void); extern void shrinkwrap (void); extern void winit (int screen); #if SMALLER /* cancel neproto.h */ extern int reposition (int f, int n); extern int resize (int f, int n); #endif /* word.c */ extern int joinregion (void); extern int formatregion (void); extern void setchartype (void); extern int isnewwordf (void); extern int isnewwordb (void); extern int isnewviwordf (void); extern int isnewviwordb (void); extern int isendwordf (void); extern int isendviwordf (void); extern int toktyp (const char *tokn); extern const char * tokval (const char *tokn); extern const char * token (const char *src, char *tok, int eolchar); extern int ffgetline (int *lenp); extern int macroize (TBUFF **p, const char *src, const char *ref); extern int macarg (char *tok); extern int macliteralarg (char *tok); extern void fmatch (int rch); /* tbuff.c */ TBUFF * tb_alloc (TBUFF **p, ALLOC_T n); TBUFF * tb_init (TBUFF **p, int c); void tb_free (TBUFF **p); void tb_stuff (TBUFF *p, int c); int tb_get (TBUFF *p, ALLOC_T n); void tb_unput (TBUFF *p); TBUFF * tb_append (TBUFF **p, int c); TBUFF * tb_copy (TBUFF **d, TBUFF *s); TBUFF * tb_bappend (TBUFF **p, const char *s, ALLOC_T len); TBUFF * tb_sappend (TBUFF **p, const char *s); TBUFF * tb_scopy (TBUFF **p, const char *s); void tb_first (TBUFF *p); int tb_more (TBUFF *p); int tb_next (TBUFF *p); void tb_unnext (TBUFF *p); int tb_peek (TBUFF *p); char * tb_values (TBUFF *p); ALLOC_T tb_length (TBUFF *p); /* itbuff.c */ ITBUFF * itb_alloc (ITBUFF **p, ALLOC_T n); ITBUFF * itb_init (ITBUFF **p, int c); void itb_free (ITBUFF **p); void itb_stuff (ITBUFF *p, int c); int itb_get (ITBUFF *p, ALLOC_T n); #if NEEDED void itb_unput (ITBUFF *p); #endif ITBUFF * itb_append (ITBUFF **p, int c); ITBUFF * itb_copy (ITBUFF **d, ITBUFF *s); ITBUFF * itb_bappend (ITBUFF **, const char *s, ALLOC_T len); ITBUFF * itb_sappend (ITBUFF **, const char *s); #if NEEDED void itb_delete (ITBUFF *p, ALLOC_T cnt); ITBUFF * itb_insert (ITBUFF **p, int c); #endif void itb_first (ITBUFF *p); int itb_more (ITBUFF *p); int itb_next (ITBUFF *p); int itb_last (ITBUFF *p); #if NEEDED void itb_unnext (ITBUFF *p); #endif int itb_peek (ITBUFF *p); ALLOC_T itb_length (ITBUFF *p); #if NO_LEAKS extern void bind_leaks (void); extern void onel_leaks (void); extern void path_leaks (void); extern void kbs_leaks (void); extern void map_leaks (void); extern void itb_leaks (void); extern void tb_leaks (void); extern void wp_leaks (void); extern void bp_leaks (void); extern void vt_leaks (void); extern void ev_leaks (void); #endif #if DISP_X11 #if XTOOLKIT extern void own_selection (void); extern void update_scrollbar (WINDOW *uwp); #else /* !XTOOLKIT */ extern void x_set_rv (void); extern void x_setname (char *name); extern void x_set_wm_title (char *name); extern void x_setforeground (char *colorname); extern void x_setbackground (char *colorname); extern void x_set_geometry (char *g); extern void x_set_dpy (char *dn); extern int x_key_events_ready (void); #endif /* !XTOOKIT */ extern int x_setfont (const char *fname); extern char * x_current_fontname (void); extern void x_preparse_args (int *pargc, char ***pargv); extern int x_typahead (int milli); extern void x_move_events (void); #if OPT_WORKING extern void x_working (void); #endif #if NO_LEAKS extern void x11_leaks (void); #endif extern void x_set_icon_name (char *name); extern char * x_get_icon_name (void); extern void x_set_window_name (char *name); extern char * x_get_window_name (void); extern void x_resize (int cols, int rows); #endif /* DISP_X11 */ #if SYS_MSDOS || SYS_OS2 || SYS_WINNT /* ibmpc.c */ extern void scwrite (int row, int col, int nchar, const char *outstr, VIDEO_ATTR *attrstr, int forg, int bacg); extern VIDEO *scread (VIDEO *vp, int row); /* random.c */ extern const char * curr_dir_on_drive (int drive); extern int curdrive (void); extern int setdrive (int d); extern void update_dos_drv_dir (const char * cwd); # if CC_WATCOM extern int dos_crit_handler (unsigned deverror, unsigned errcode, unsigned *devhdr); # else extern void dos_crit_handler (void); # endif # if OPT_MS_MOUSE extern int ms_exists (void); extern void ms_processing (void); # endif #endif #if SYS_UNIX #if MISSING_EXTERN__FILBUF extern int _filbuf (FILE *fp); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN__FLSBUF extern int _flsbuf (int n, FILE *fp); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_ACCESS extern int access (const char *path, int mode); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_ALARM extern UINT alarm (UINT secs); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_ATOI extern int atoi (const char *s); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_BZERO extern void bzero (char *b, int n); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_CHDIR extern int chdir (const char *path); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_CLOSE extern int close (int fd); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_DUP extern int dup (int fd); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_EXECLP extern int execlp (const char *path, ...); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_FCLOSE extern int fclose (FILE *fp); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_FCLOSE extern int fflush (FILE *fp); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_FGETC extern int fgetc (FILE *fp); #endif #if !defined(fileno) && MISSING_EXTERN_FILENO extern int fileno (FILE *fp); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_FORK extern int fork (void); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_FPRINTF extern int fprintf (FILE *fp, const char *fmt, ...); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_FPUTC extern int fputc (int c, FILE *fp); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_FPUTS extern int fputs (const char *s, FILE *fp); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_FREAD extern int fread (char *ptr, SIZE_T size, SIZE_T nmemb, FILE *fp); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_FREE extern void free (void *ptr); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_FSEEK extern int fseek (FILE *fp, long offset, int whence); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_FWRITE extern int fwrite (const char *ptr, SIZE_T size, SIZE_T nmemb, FILE *fp); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_GETENV extern char * getenv (const char *name); #endif #if HAVE_GETHOSTNAME && MISSING_EXTERN_GETHOSTNAME extern int gethostname (char *name, int len); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_GETPGRP extern int getpgrp (int pid); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_GETPID extern int getpid (void); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_GETUID extern int getuid (void); #endif #if HAVE_GETCWD && MISSING_EXTERN_GETCWD extern char * getcwd (char *buffer, int len); #endif #if HAVE_GETWD && MISSING_EXTERN_GETWD extern char * getwd (char *buffer); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_IOCTL extern int ioctl (int fd, ULONG mask, caddr_t ptr); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_ISATTY extern int isatty (int fd); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_KILL extern int kill (int pid, int sig); #endif #if HAVE_KILLPG && MISSING_EXTERN_KILLPG extern int killpg (int pgrp, int sig); #endif #if HAVE_LINK && MISSING_EXTERN_LINK extern int link (const char *, const char *); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_LONGJMP extern void longjmp (jmp_buf env, int val); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_LSTAT extern int lstat (const char *path, struct stat *sb); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_MEMSET extern void memset (char *dst, int ch, int n); #endif #if HAVE_MKDIR && MISSING_EXTERN_MKDIR extern int mkdir (const char *path, int mode); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_MKTEMP extern char * mktemp (const char *template); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_OPEN extern int open (char *path, int flags); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_PERROR extern void perror (const char *s); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_PIPE extern int pipe (int filedes[2]); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_PRINTF extern int printf (const char *fmt, ...); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_PUTS extern int puts (const char *s); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_QSORT #if ANSI_QSORT extern void qsort (void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *a, const void *b); #else extern void qsort (void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(char **a, char **b); #endif #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_READ extern int read (int fd, char *buffer, SIZE_T size); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_READLINK extern int readlink (const char *path, char *buffer, size_t size); #endif #if HAVE_SELECT && MISSING_EXTERN_SELECT extern int select (int numfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_SETBUF extern void setbuf (FILE *fp, char *buffer); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_SETBUFFER extern void setbuffer (FILE *fp, char *buffer, int size); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_SETITIMER extern int setitimer (int which, const struct itimerval *value, struct itimerval *ovalue); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_SETJMP && !defined(setjmp) extern int setjmp (jmp_buf env); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_SETPGRP #if SETPGRP_VOID extern pid_t setpgrp (void); #else extern int setpgrp (int pid, int pgid); #endif #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_SETSID extern pid_t setsid (void); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_SETVBUF #if SETVBUF_REVERSED extern int setvbuf (FILE *fp, int mode, char *buffer, size_t size); #else extern int setvbuf (FILE *fp, char *buffer, int mode, size_t size); #endif #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_SLEEP extern int sleep (UINT secs); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_SSCANF extern int sscanf (const char *src, const char *fmt, ...); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_STRTOL extern long strtol (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_SYSTEM extern int system (const char *cmd); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_TGETSTR extern char * tgetstr (const char *name, char **area); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_TGOTO extern char * tgoto (const char *cstring, int hpos, int vpos); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_TIGETSTR extern char * tigetstr (char *name); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_TIME extern time_t time (time_t *t); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_TPARM extern char * tparm (const char *fmt, ...); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_UNLINK extern int unlink (char *path); #endif #if HAVE_UTIME && MISSING_EXTERN_UTIME extern int utime (const char *path, const struct utimbuf *t); #endif #if HAVE_UTIMES && MISSING_EXTERN_UTIMES extern int utimes (const char *path, struct timeval *t); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_WAIT extern int wait (int *sb); #endif #if MISSING_EXTERN_WRITE extern int write (int fd, const char *buffer, int size); #endif #endif #if CC_DJGPP /* djhandl.c */ extern unsigned long was_ctrl_c_hit (void); extern void want_ctrl_c (int yes); extern void clear_hard_error (void); extern void hard_error_catch_setup (void); extern void hard_error_teardown (void); extern int did_hard_error_occur (void); #endif #if OPT_SELECTIONS /* select.c */ extern void free_attribs (BUFFER *bp); extern void free_attrib (BUFFER *bp, AREGION *ap); extern int assign_attr_id (void); extern void find_release_attr (BUFFER *bp, REGION *rp); extern int sel_begin (void); extern int sel_extend (int wiping, int include_dot); extern void sel_release (void); extern void sel_reassert_ownership (BUFFER *bp); #if (DISP_X11 && XTOOLKIT) || DISP_NTCONS extern int sel_yank (int reg); extern int sel_attached (void); extern BUFFER *sel_buffer (void); #endif extern int sel_setshape (REGIONSHAPE shape); extern int attributeregion (void); #endif /* OPT_SELECTIONS */ #if OPT_VMS_PATH /* vms2unix.c */ extern char * is_vms_dirtype (char *path); extern char * is_vms_rootdir (char *path); extern char * unix2vms_path (char *dst, const char *src); extern char * vms2unix_path (char *dst, const char *src); extern char * vms_path2dir (const char *src); extern void vms_dir2path (char *path); extern int vms_fix_umask (const char *filespec); #endif
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by