
This is events.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Definitions for the new event model;
   created 16-jul-91 by Jamie Zawinski
   Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of XEmacs.

XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.

XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */

/* Synched up with: Not in FSF. */


#include "systime.h"

/* There is one object, called an event_stream.  This object contains 
   callback functions for doing the window-system dependent operations that
   emacs requires.

   If emacs is compiled with support for X11 and the X Toolkit, then this
   event_stream structure will contain functions that can cope with input
   on emacs windows on multiple displays, as well as input from dumb tty

   If it is desired to have emacs able to open frames on the displays of
   multiple heterogeneous machines, X11 and SunView, or X11 and NeXT, for
   example, then it will be necessary to construct an event_stream structure
   that can cope with the given types.  Currently, the only implemented
   event_streams are for dumb-ttys, and for X11 plus dumb-ttys.
   To implement this for one window system is relatively clean and simple.  
   To implement this for multiple window systems is hard and hairy, so we 
   are punting for now.

  The slots of the event_stream structure:

 next_event_cb		A function which fills in an emacs_event struture
			with the next event available.  If there is no event
			available, then this should block.

			IMPORTANT: timer events and especially process
			events *must not* be returned if there are
			events of other types available; otherwise you
			can end up with an infinite loop in Fdiscard_input().

 event_pending_cb	A function which says whether there are events to be
			read.  If called with an argument of 0, then this
			should say whether calling the next_event_cb will
			block.  If called with an argument of 1, then this
			should say whether there are user-generated events
			pending (that is, keypresses or mouse-clicks).  This
			is used for redisplay optimization, among other 
			things.  On dumb ttys, these two results are the 
			same, but under a window system, they are not.

			If this function is not sure whether there are events
			to be read, it *must* return 0.  Otherwise various
			undesirable effects will occur, such as redisplay
			not occurring until the next event occurs.

 handle_magic_event_cb	Emacs calls this with an event structure which
  			contains window-system dependent information that
			emacs doesn't need to know about, but which must
			happen in order.  If the next_event_cb never returns
			an event of type "magic", this will never be used.

 add_timeout_cb		Called with an EMACS_TIME, the absolute time at
			which a wakeup event should be generated; and a
			void *, which is an arbitrary value that will be
			returned in the timeout event.  The timeouts
			generated by this function should be one-shots:
			they fire once and then disappear.  This callback
			should return an int id-number which uniquely
			identifies this wakeup.  If an implementation
			doesn't have microseconds or millisecond
			granularity, it should round up to the closest
			value it can deal with.

 remove_timeout_cb	Called with an int, the id number of a wakeup to 
 			discard.  This id number must have been returned by
			the add_timeout_cb.  If the given wakeup has
			already expired, this should do nothing.

 select_process_cb	These callbacks tell the underlying implementation to
 unselect_process_cb	add or remove a file descriptor from the list of fds
  			which are polled for inferior-process input.  When
			input becomes available on the given process
			connection, an event of type "process" should be

 select_device_cb	These callbacks tell the underlying implementation 
 unselect_device_cb	to add or remove a device from the list of devices
                        which are polled for user-input.

 quitp_cb		A handler function called from the `QUIT' macro which
			should check whether the quit character has been
			typed.  On systems with SIGIO, this will not be called
			unless the `sigio_happened' flag is true (it is set
			from the SIGIO handler).

 Emacs has its own event structures, which are distinct from the event
 structures used by X or any other window system.  It is the job of the
 event_stream layer to translate to this format.

 NOTE: All timestamps are measured as milliseconds since Emacs started.

    event_channel	A token representing which keyboard generated it.
			For this kind of event, this is a frame object.
    timestamp		When it happened
    key			What keysym this is; an integer or a symbol.
			If this is an integer, it will be in the printing
			ASCII range: >32 and <127.
    modifiers		Bucky-bits on that key: control, meta, etc.
			For most keys, Shift is not a bit; that is implicit
			in the keyboard layout.

    event_channel	A token representing which mouse generated it.
			For this kind of event, this is a frame object.
    timestamp		When it happened
    button		What button went down or up.
    modifiers		Bucky-bits on that button: shift, control, meta, etc.
    x, y		Where it was at the button-state-change (in pixels).

    event_channel	A token representing which mouse generated it.
			For this kind of event, this is a frame object.
    timestamp		When it happened
    x, y		Where it was after it moved (in pixels).
    modifiers		Bucky-bits down when the motion was detected.
			(Possibly not all window systems will provide this?)

    timestamp		When it happened
    process		the emacs "process" object in question

    timestamp		Now (really, when the timeout was signalled)
    interval_id		The ID returned when the associated call to
			add_timeout_cb() was made
	------ the rest of the fields are filled in by Emacs -----
    id_number		The Emacs timeout ID for this timeout (more
			than one timeout event can have the same value
			here, since Emacs timeouts, as opposed to
			add_timeout_cb() timeouts, can resignal
    function		An elisp function to call when this timeout is
    object		The object passed to that function.

    timestamp		When it happened
    function		An elisp function to call with this event object.
    object		Anything.
			This kind of event is used internally; sometimes the
			window system interface would like to inform emacs of
			some user action (such as focusing on another frame)
			but needs that to happen synchronously with the other
			user input, like keypresses.  This is useful when
			events are reported through callbacks rather
			than in the standard event stream.

    timestamp		When it happened
    function		An elisp function to call with this event object.
    object		Anything.
			This is similar to an eval_event, except that it is
			generated by user actions: selections in the
			menubar or scrollbar actions.  It is a "command"
			event, like key and mouse presses (and unlike mouse
			motion, process output, and enter and leave window
			hooks).  In many ways, eval_events are not the same
			as keypresses or misc_user_events.

			No user-serviceable parts within.  This is for things
			like KeymapNotify and ExposeRegion events and so on
			that emacs itself doesn't care about, but which it
			must do something with for proper interaction with
			the window system.

			Magic_events are handled somewhat asynchronously, just
			like subprocess filters.  However, occasionally a 
			magic_event needs to be handled synchronously; in that
			case, the asynchronous handling of the magic_event will
			push an eval_event back onto the queue, which will be 
			handled synchronously later.  This is one of the
			reasons why eval_events exist; I'm not entirely happy
			with this aspect of this event model.

struct Lisp_Event;
struct Lisp_Process;

struct event_stream
  int  (*event_pending_p)	(int);
  void (*next_event_cb)		(struct Lisp_Event *);
  void (*handle_magic_event_cb)	(struct Lisp_Event *);
  int  (*add_timeout_cb)	(EMACS_TIME);
  void (*remove_timeout_cb)	(int);
  void (*select_device_cb)	(struct device *);
  void (*unselect_device_cb)	(struct device *);
  void (*select_process_cb)	(struct Lisp_Process *);
  void (*unselect_process_cb)	(struct Lisp_Process *);
  void (*quit_p_cb)		(void);

extern struct event_stream *event_stream;

typedef enum emacs_event_type
} emacs_event_type;

#define first_event_type empty_event
#define last_event_type dead_event

struct key_data
  Lisp_Object       keysym;
  unsigned char     modifiers;

struct button_data
  int               button;
  unsigned char     modifiers;
  int               x, y;

struct motion_data
  int               x, y;
  unsigned char     modifiers;

struct process_data
  Lisp_Object       process;

struct timeout_data
  int		    interval_id;
  int		    id_number;
  Lisp_Object	    function, object;

struct eval_data
  Lisp_Object       function;
  Lisp_Object	    object;

#if defined (HAVE_X_WINDOWS) && defined(emacs)
# include <X11/Xlib.h>

#if defined (HAVE_NEXTSTEP) && defined(emacs)
# import <appkit/appkit.h>

union magic_data
  char             underlying_tty_event;
  XEvent           underlying_x_event;
  NXEvent          underlying_ns_event;

struct Lisp_Event
  /* header->next (aka event_next ()) is used as follows:
     - For dead events, this is the next dead one.
     - For events on the command_event_queue, the next one on the queue.
     - Otherwise it's 0.
  struct lrecord_header lheader;
  struct Lisp_Event	*next;
  emacs_event_type	event_type;
  Lisp_Object		channel;
  Lisp_Object		device;
  unsigned int		timestamp;
      struct key_data     key;
      struct button_data  button;
      struct motion_data  motion;
      struct process_data process;
      struct timeout_data timeout;
      struct eval_data    eval;		/* misc_user_event uses this too */
      union magic_data    magic;
    } event;

DECLARE_LRECORD (event, struct Lisp_Event);
#define XEVENT(x) XRECORD (x, event, struct Lisp_Event)
#define XSETEVENT(x, p) XSETRECORD (x, p, event)
#define EVENTP(x) RECORDP (x, event)
#define CHECK_EVENT(x, i) CHECK_RECORD (x, event)

#define EVENT_DEVICE(a) ((a)->device)
#define EVENT_TYPE(a) ((a)->event_type)
#define event_next(a) ((a)->next)
#define set_event_next(a, n) do { ((a)->next = (n)); } while (0)

#define EVENT_LIVE_P(a) (EVENT_TYPE (a) != dead_event)

#define CHECK_LIVE_EVENT(x, i)						\
  do { CHECK_EVENT (x, i);						\
       if (! EVENTP (x)							\
	   || ! EVENT_LIVE_P (XEVENT (x)))				\
         x = wrong_type_argument (Qevent_live_p, (x)); } while (0)

extern Lisp_Object Qevent_live_p;

/* The modifiers emacs knows about; these appear in key and button events.
#define MOD_CONTROL	(1<<0)
#define MOD_META	(1<<1)
#define MOD_SUPER	(1<<2)
#define MOD_HYPER	(1<<3)
#define MOD_ALT		(1<<4)
#define MOD_SHIFT	(1<<5)  /* not used for dual-case characters */

/* Note: under X Windows, MOD_ALT is generated by the Alt key if there are
   both Alt and Meta keys.  If there are no Meta keys, then Alt generates
   MOD_META instead.

#ifdef emacs
/* Maybe this should be trickier */
#define KEYSYM(x) (intern (x))

extern void format_event_object (char *buf, struct Lisp_Event *e, int brief);
extern void character_to_event (Emchar c, struct Lisp_Event *event,
				struct device *d);

/* True is this is a non-internal event
   (keyboard press, menu, scrollbar, mouse button) */
extern int command_event_p (struct Lisp_Event *event);

extern int event_stream_event_pending_p (int user);
extern void event_stream_next_event (struct Lisp_Event *event);
extern void event_stream_handle_magic_event (struct Lisp_Event *event);
extern void event_stream_select_device (struct device *d);
extern void event_stream_unselect_device (struct device *d);
extern void event_stream_select_process (struct Lisp_Process *proc);
extern void event_stream_unselect_process (struct Lisp_Process *proc);
extern void event_stream_quit_p (void);

struct low_level_timeout
  int id;
  EMACS_TIME time;
  struct low_level_timeout *next;

extern int add_low_level_timeout (struct low_level_timeout **timeout_list,
				  EMACS_TIME time);
extern void remove_low_level_timeout (struct low_level_timeout **timeout_list,
				      int id);
extern int get_low_level_timeout_interval (struct low_level_timeout *
					   timeout_list, EMACS_TIME *interval);
extern int pop_low_level_timeout (struct low_level_timeout **timeout_list,
				  EMACS_TIME *time_out);

extern int event_stream_generate_wakeup (unsigned int milliseconds,
					 unsigned int vanilliseconds,
					 Lisp_Object function,
					 Lisp_Object object,
					 int async_p);
extern void event_stream_deal_with_async_timeout (int interval_id);

/* from signal.c */
extern int event_stream_add_async_timeout (EMACS_TIME time);
extern void event_stream_remove_async_timeout (int id);

/* Ceci n'est pas un pipe. */
extern int signal_event_pipe[];

extern void signal_fake_event (void);
extern void drain_signal_event_pipe (void);

extern int emacs_is_blocking;

extern Lisp_Object Vcontrolling_terminal;

extern volatile int sigint_happened;

/* Define this if you want the tty event stream to be used when the
   first device is tty, even if HAVE_X_WINDOWS is defined */

#endif /* emacs */

#endif /* _XEMACS_EVENTS_H_ */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.