
This is vim.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* vi:ts=4:sw=4
 * VIM - Vi IMproved		by Bram Moolenaar
 * Read the file "credits.txt" for a list of people who contributed.
 * Read the file "uganda.txt" for copying and usage conditions.

#if defined(SYSV_UNIX) || defined(BSD_UNIX)
# ifndef UNIX
#  define UNIX
# endif

 * Shorhand for unsinged variables. Many systems, but not all, have u_char
 * already defined, so we use char_u to avoid trouble.
typedef unsigned char	char_u;
typedef unsigned short	short_u;
typedef unsigned int	int_u;
typedef unsigned long	long_u;

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#if !defined(DOMAIN) && !defined(NOLIMITS)
# include <limits.h>		/* For INT_MAX, remove this if it does not exist */

#ifdef BSD_UNIX
# ifndef apollo
#  include <strings.h>
# endif
# ifdef __STDC__
#  include <string.h>
# endif
# include <string.h>

#include "ascii.h"
#include "keymap.h"
#include "term.h"
#include "macros.h"

#ifdef LATTICE
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# ifdef _DCC
#  include <sys/stat.h>
# else
#  ifdef MSDOS 
#   include <sys\stat.h>
#  else
#   ifdef UNIX
#	 ifndef linux
#	  define volatile		/* needed for gcc */
#	  define signed			/* needed for gcc */
#    endif
#    include <sys/types.h>
#    include <sys/stat.h>
#   else
#     include <stat.h>
#   endif
#  endif
# endif

#if !defined(DOMAIN) && !defined(NOSTDLIB)
# include <stdlib.h>

#ifdef AMIGA
 * arpbase.h must be included before functions.h
# include <libraries/arpbase.h>

 * This won't be needed if you have a version of Lattice 4.01 without broken
 * break signal handling.
# include <signal.h>

#ifndef AMIGA
 * For the Amiga we use a version of getenv that does local variables under 2.0
# define vimgetenv(x) (char_u *)getenv((char *)x)

#ifdef AZTEC_C
# include <functions.h>
# define __ARGS(x)	x
# define __PARMS(x)	x

#ifdef SASC
# include <clib/exec_protos.h>
# define __ARGS(x)	x
# define __PARMS(x)	x

#ifdef _DCC
# include <functions.h>
# define __ARGS(x)	x
# define __PARMS(x)	x

#ifdef __TURBOC__
# define __ARGS(x) x

#if defined(MSDOS) && !defined(NT)
# include <dos.h>
# include <dir.h>

#ifdef SOLARIS
# include <stdlib.h>

#ifdef UNIX
# include <unistd.h>		/* any unix that doesn't have it? */
# ifdef SCO
#  undef M_XENIX
#  include <sys/ndir.h>		/* for MAXNAMLEN */
# else
#  if defined(SOLARIS) || defined(AIX) || defined(ARCHIE)
#   include <dirent.h>		/* for MAXNAMLEN */
#  else
#   include <sys/dir.h>		/* for MAXNAMLEN */
#  endif
# endif
# ifdef USL
# endif
# if defined(UFS_MAXNAMLEN) && !defined(MAXNAMLEN)
#  define MAXNAMLEN UFS_MAXNAMLEN		/* for dynix/ptx */
# endif
# if defined(NAME_MAX) && !defined(MAXNAMLEN)
#  define MAXNAMLEN NAME_MAX			/* for Linux before .99p3 */
# endif
# if !defined(MAXNAMLEN)
#  define MAXNAMLEN 512                 /* for all other Unix */
# endif

#ifdef UNICOS		/* would make sense for other systems too */
# include <errno.h>

#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__GNUC__)
# ifndef __ARGS
#  define __ARGS(x) x
# endif /* __ARGS */
# if defined(_SEQUENT_)
#  include "ptx_stdlib.h"
# endif
# if defined(sun) && !defined(SOLARIS)
#  include "sun_stdlib.h"
# endif
#else /*__STDC__*/
# if defined(_SEQUENT_) && !defined(_STDLIB_H_)
  extern char *getenv();
  extern void *malloc();
# endif
#endif /* __STDC__ */

#ifndef __ARGS
#define __ARGS(x)	()
#ifndef __PARMS
#define __PARMS(x)	()

 * for systems that do not allow free(NULL)
# define free(x)	nofreeNULL(x)
  extern void nofreeNULL __ARGS((void *));

 * fnamecmp() is used to compare filenames.
 * On some systems case in a filename does not matter, on others it does.
 * (this does not account for maximum name lengths, thus it is not 100% accurate!)
#if defined(AMIGA) || defined(MSDOS)
# define fnamecmp(x, y) stricmp((char *)(x), (char *)(y))
# define fnamecmp(x, y) strcmp((char *)(x), (char *)(y))

 * flags for updateScreen()
 * The higher the value, the higher the priority
#define VALID					10	/* buffer not changed */
#define INVERTED				20	/* redisplay inverted part */
#define VALID_TO_CURSCHAR		30	/* buffer at/below cursor changed */
#define NOT_VALID				40	/* buffer changed */
#define CURSUPD					50	/* buffer changed, update cursor first */
#define CLEAR					60	/* screen messed up, clear it */

/* values for State */
 * The lowest three bits are used to distinguish normal/cmdline/insert+replace
 * mode. This is used for mapping.
#define NORMAL					0x01
#define NORMAL_BUSY				0x11	/* busy interpreting a command */
#define CMDLINE 				0x02
#define INSERT					0x04
#define REPLACE 				0x24	/* replace mode */
#define HELP					0x30	/* displaying help */
#define NOMAPPING 				0x40	/* no :mapping mode for vgetc() */
#define ONLYKEY 				0x70	/* like NOMAPPING, but keys allowed */
#define HITRETURN				0x51	/* waiting for a return */
#define SETWSIZE				0x60	/* window size has changed */
#define ABBREV					0x80	/* abbreviation instead of mapping */

/* directions */
#define FORWARD 				 1
#define BACKWARD				 -1

/* return values for functions */
#define OK						1
#define FAIL					0

/* for GetChars */
#define T_PEEK					1	/* do not wait at all */
#define T_WAIT					2	/* wait for a short time */
#define T_BLOCK					3	/* wait forever */

#define VISUALLINE			MAXCOL	/* Visual is linewise */

 * values for command line completion
#define CONTEXT_UNKNOWN			-2
#define EXPAND_NOTHING			0
#define EXPAND_FILES			2
#define EXPAND_TAGS				6
#endif /* WEBB_COMPLETE */
 * Boolean constants
#ifndef TRUE
#define FALSE	(0)			/* note: this is an int, not a long! */
#define TRUE	(1)

 * Maximum and minimum screen size (height is unlimited)
#ifdef UNIX
# define MAX_COLUMNS 	1024L
# define MAX_COLUMNS 	255L
#define MIN_COLUMNS		5
#define MIN_ROWS		1
#define STATUS_HEIGHT	1		/* height of a status line under a window */

 * Buffer sizes
#ifdef UNIX		/* Unix has plenty of memory */
# define CMDBUFFSIZE	1024	/* size of the command processing buffer */
# define CMDBUFFSIZE	256		/* size of the command processing buffer */

#define LSIZE		512			/* max. size of a line in the tags file */

#define IOSIZE	   (1024+1) 	/* file i/o and sprintf buffer size */

#define	TERMBUFSIZE	1024

#ifdef linux
# define TBUFSZ 2048			/* buffer size for termcap entry */
# define TBUFSZ 1024			/* buffer size for termcap entry */

 * maximum length of a file name path
#ifdef UNIX
# define MAXPATHL	1024		/* Unix has long paths and plenty of memory */
# define MAXPATHL	128			/* not too long to put name on stack */

#ifdef MSDOS
# define WRITEBIN	"wb"		/* no CR-LF translation */
# define READBIN	"rb"
# define APPENDBIN	"ab"
# define WRITEBIN	"w"
# define READBIN	"r"
# define APPENDBIN	"a"

#define CHANGED   		set_Changed()
#define UNCHANGED(buf)	unset_Changed(buf)

 * defines to avoid typecasts from (char_u *) to (char *) and back
#define STRCHR(s, c)		(char_u *)strchr((char *)(s), c)
#define STRRCHR(s, c)		(char_u *)strrchr((char *)(s), c)
#define STRLEN(s)			strlen((char *)(s))
#define STRCPY(d, s)		strcpy((char *)(d), (char *)(s))
#define STRNCPY(d, s, n)	strncpy((char *)(d), (char *)(s), n)
#define STRCMP(d, s)		strcmp((char *)(d), (char *)(s))
#define STRNCMP(d, s, n)	strncmp((char *)(d), (char *)(s), n)
#define STRCAT(d, s)		strcat((char *)(d), (char *)(s))

#define MSG(s)				msg((char_u *)(s))
#define EMSG(s)				emsg((char_u *)(s))
#define EMSG2(s, p)			emsg2((char_u *)(s), (char_u *)(p))
#define OUTSTR(s)			outstr((char_u *)(s))
#define OUTSTRN(s)			outstrn((char_u *)(s))

typedef long			linenr_t;	/* line number type */
typedef unsigned		colnr_t;	/* column number type */

#define MAXLNUM (0x7fffffff)		/* maximum (invalid) line number */
#ifdef INT_MAX
# define MAXCOL	INT_MAX				/* maximum column number */
# define MAXCOL	32767				/* maximum column number, 15 bits */

 * Some versions of isspace() handle Meta characters like a space!
 * This define fixes that.
# ifdef isspace
#  undef isspace
# endif /* isspace */
# define isspace(x)  (((x) >= 9 && (x) <= 13) || ((x) == 32))
#endif /* VIM_ISSPACE */

 * iswhite() is used for "^" and the like
#define iswhite(x)	((x) == ' ' || (x) == '\t')

#include "structs.h"		/* file that defines many structures */

#ifdef AMIGA
# include "amiga.h"

#ifdef ARCHIE
# include "archie.h"

#ifdef MSDOS
# include "msdos.h"

#ifdef UNIX
# include "unix.h"

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.