
This is globals.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* vi:ts=4:sw=4
 * VIM - Vi IMproved		by Bram Moolenaar
 * Read the file "credits.txt" for a list of people who contributed.
 * Read the file "uganda.txt" for copying and usage conditions.

 * definition of global variables
 * EXTERN is only defined in main.c (and in param.h)

#ifndef EXTERN
# define EXTERN extern
# define INIT(x)
# ifndef INIT
#  define INIT(x) x
# endif

 * Number of Rows and Columns in the screen.
 * Must be long to be able to use them as options in param.c.
EXTERN long		Rows;
EXTERN long		Columns;

 * Cmdline_row is the row where the command line starts, just below the
 * last window.
 * When the cmdline gets longer than the available space the screen gets
 * scrolled up. After a CTRL-D (show matches), after hitting ':' after
 * "hit return", and for the :global command, the command line is
 * temporaraly moved. The old position is restored with the next call to
 * updateScreen().
EXTERN int		cmdline_row;

EXTERN int		redraw_cmdline INIT(= FALSE);	/* cmdline must be redrawn */
EXTERN int		clear_cmdline INIT(= FALSE);	/* cmdline must be cleared */

 * used for completion on the command line
EXTERN int		expand_context INIT(= CONTEXT_UNKNOWN);
EXTERN char_u	*expand_pattern INIT(= NULL);
EXTERN int		expand_interactively INIT(= FALSE);
#endif /* WEBB_COMPLETE */

 * Functions for putting characters in the command line,
 * while keeping NextScreen updated.
EXTERN int		msg_col;
EXTERN int		msg_row;
EXTERN int		msg_scrolled; 
EXTERN char_u	*keep_msg;					/* message to be shown after redraw */
EXTERN int		msg_highlight INIT(= FALSE);/* message should be highlighted */
EXTERN char_u	*highlight INIT(= NULL);	/* string for start of highlighting */
EXTERN char_u	*unhighlight INIT(= NULL);	/* string for end of highlighting */
EXTERN int		scroll_region INIT(= FALSE);/* terminal supports scroll region */

 * All windows are linked in a list. firstwin points to the first entry, lastwin
 * to the last entry (can be the same as firstwin) and curwin to the currently
 * active window.
EXTERN WIN		*firstwin;		/* first window */
EXTERN WIN		*lastwin;		/* last window */
EXTERN WIN		*curwin;		/* currently active window */

 * All buffers are linked in a list. 'firstbuf' points to the first entry,
 * 'lastbuf' to the last entry and 'curbuf' to the currently active buffer.
EXTERN BUF		*firstbuf INIT(= NULL);	/* first buffer */
EXTERN BUF		*lastbuf INIT(= NULL);	/* last buffer */
EXTERN BUF		*curbuf INIT(= NULL);	/* currently active buffer */

 * list of files being edited (argument list)
EXTERN char_u	**arg_files;	/* list of files */
EXTERN int		arg_count;	 	/* number of files */
EXTERN int		arg_exp;		/* when TRUE arg_files must be freed */

EXTERN int		ru_col;			/* column for ruler */
EXTERN int		sc_col;			/* column for shown command */

 * When starting or exiting some things are done differently (e.g. screen
 * updating).
EXTERN int		starting INIT(= TRUE);
								/* set to FALSE when starting up finished */
EXTERN int		exiting INIT(= FALSE);
								/* set to TRUE when abandoning Vim */

EXTERN int		secure INIT(= FALSE);
								/* set to TRUE when only "safe" commands are 
								 * allowed, e.g. when sourcing .exrc or .vimrc
								 * in current directory */

EXTERN FPOS 	VIsual; 		/* start position of Visual
								 * (VIsual.lnum == 0 when not active) */
EXTERN int		Visual_block INIT(= FALSE);
								/* Visual is blockwise */

EXTERN FPOS 	Insstart;		/* This is where the latest insert/append
								 * mode started. */

 * This flag is used to make auto-indent work right on lines where only a
 * <RETURN> or <ESC> is typed. It is set when an auto-indent is done, and
 * reset when any other editting is done on the line. If an <ESC> or <RETURN>
 * is received, and did_ai is TRUE, the line is truncated.
EXTERN int			   did_ai INIT(= FALSE);

 * This flag is set when a smart indent has been performed. When the next typed
 * character is a '{' the inserted tab will be deleted again.
EXTERN int				did_si INIT(= FALSE);

 * This flag is set after an auto indent. If the next typed character is a '}'
 * one indent character will be removed.
EXTERN int				can_si INIT(= FALSE);

EXTERN int				old_indent INIT(= 0); /* for ^^D command in insert mode */

 * This flag is set after doing a reverse replace in column 0.
 * An extra space has been inserted in column 0.
EXTERN int				extraspace INIT(= FALSE);

EXTERN int		State INIT(= NORMAL);	/* This is the current state of the command
										 * interpreter. */

EXTERN int		Recording INIT(= FALSE);/* TRUE when recording into a register */
EXTERN int		Exec_reg INIT(= FALSE);	/* TRUE when executing a register */

EXTERN int		did_cd INIT(= FALSE);	/* TRUE when :cd dir used */
EXTERN int		no_abbr INIT(= TRUE);	/* TRUE when no abbreviations loaded */

EXTERN char_u 	*IObuff;				/* sprintf's are done in this buffer */
EXTERN char_u	*NameBuff;				/* file names are expanded in this buffer */

EXTERN int		RedrawingDisabled INIT(= FALSE);
										/* Set to TRUE if doing :g */

EXTERN int		readonlymode INIT(= FALSE); /* Set to TRUE for "view" */
EXTERN int		recoverymode INIT(= FALSE); /* Set to TRUE for "-r" option */

EXTERN int		KeyTyped;					/* TRUE if user typed the character */
EXTERN int		must_redraw INIT(= 0);		/* type of redraw necessary */
EXTERN int		skip_redraw INIT(= FALSE);	/* skip redraw once */

#define NSCRIPT 15
EXTERN FILE 	*scriptin[NSCRIPT];			/* streams to read script from */
EXTERN int		curscript INIT(= 0);		/* index in scriptin[] */
EXTERN FILE 	*scriptout	INIT(= NULL); 	/* stream to write script to */

EXTERN int		got_int INIT(= FALSE);		/* set to TRUE when interrupt
										   		signal occurred */
EXTERN int		term_console INIT(= FALSE);	/* set to TRUE when Amiga window used */
EXTERN int		termcap_active INIT(= FALSE);	/* set to TRUE by starttermcap() */
EXTERN int		bangredo INIT(= FALSE);		/* set to TRUE whith ! command */
EXTERN int		searchcmdlen;				/* length of previous search command */
EXTERN int 		reg_ic INIT(= 0); 			/* p_ic passed to to regexec() */

EXTERN int		did_outofmem_msg INIT(= FALSE);	/* set after out of memory msg */
EXTERN int		tag_busy INIT(= FALSE);		/* doing a search for tag command */
EXTERN int		global_busy INIT(= 0);		/* set when :global is executing */
EXTERN int		dont_sleep INIT(= FALSE);	/* set when sleep() in emsg() not wanted */
EXTERN int		did_msg;					/* set in msg_start, used for :global */
EXTERN int		no_wait_return INIT(= 0);	/* don't wait for return now */
EXTERN int		need_wait_return INIT(= 0);	/* need to wait for return later */
EXTERN char_u	*last_cmdline INIT(= NULL);	/* last command line (for ':' register) */
EXTERN char_u	*new_last_cmdline INIT(= NULL);	/* new value for last_cmdline */

EXTERN int		postponed_split INIT(= FALSE);	/* for CTRL-W CTRL-] command */
EXTERN int		keep_old_search_pattern INIT(= FALSE);	/* for myregcomp() */

#ifdef DEBUG

extern char_u *Version;			/* this is in version.c */
extern char_u *longVersion;		/* this is in version.c */

 * The error messages that can be shared are included here.
 * Excluded are very specific errors and debugging messages.
EXTERN char_u e_abbr[]		INIT(="No such abbreviation");
EXTERN char_u e_abort[]		INIT(="Command aborted");
EXTERN char_u e_ambmap[]	INIT(="Ambiguous mapping");
EXTERN char_u e_argreq[]	INIT(="Argument required");
EXTERN char_u e_backslash[]	INIT(="\\ should be followed by /, ? or &");
EXTERN char_u e_curdir[]	INIT(="Command not allowed from from .exrc/.vimrc in current dir");
EXTERN char_u e_errorf[]	INIT(="No errorfile name");
EXTERN char_u e_exists[]	INIT(="File exists (use ! to override)");
EXTERN char_u e_failed[] 	INIT(="Command failed");
EXTERN char_u e_internal[]	INIT(="Internal error");
EXTERN char_u e_interr[]	INIT(="Interrupted");
EXTERN char_u e_invaddr[]	INIT(="Invalid address");
EXTERN char_u e_invarg[]	INIT(="Invalid argument");
EXTERN char_u e_invrange[]	INIT(="Invalid range");
EXTERN char_u e_invcmd[]	INIT(="Invalid command");
EXTERN char_u e_invstring[]	INIT(="Invalid search string");
EXTERN char_u e_nesting[]	INIT(="Scripts nested too deep");
EXTERN char_u e_noalt[]		INIT(="No alternate file");
EXTERN char_u e_nolastcmd[]	INIT(="No previous command line");
EXTERN char_u e_nomap[]		INIT(="No such mapping");
EXTERN char_u e_nomatch[]	INIT(="No match");
EXTERN char_u e_nomore[]	INIT(="No more files to edit");
EXTERN char_u e_noname[]	INIT(="No file name");
EXTERN char_u e_nopresub[]	INIT(="No previous substitute");
EXTERN char_u e_noprev[]	INIT(="No previous command");
EXTERN char_u e_noprevre[]	INIT(="No previous regexp");
EXTERN char_u e_norange[] 	INIT(="No range allowed");
EXTERN char_u e_noroom[] 	INIT(="Not enough room");
EXTERN char_u e_notcreate[]	INIT(="Can't create file %s");
EXTERN char_u e_notmp[]		INIT(="Can't get temp file name");
EXTERN char_u e_notopen[]	INIT(="Can't open file %s");
EXTERN char_u e_notread[]	INIT(="Can't read file %s");
EXTERN char_u e_nowrtmsg[]	INIT(="No write since last change (use ! to override)");
EXTERN char_u e_null[]		INIT(="Null argument");
EXTERN char_u e_number[]	INIT(="Number expected");
EXTERN char_u e_openerrf[]	INIT(="Can't open errorfile %s");
EXTERN char_u e_outofmem[]	INIT(="Out of memory!");
EXTERN char_u e_patnotf[]	INIT(="Pattern not found");
EXTERN char_u e_positive[]	INIT(="Argument must be positive");
EXTERN char_u e_quickfix[]	INIT(="No errorfile; use :cf");
EXTERN char_u e_re_damg[]	INIT(="Damaged match string");
EXTERN char_u e_re_corr[]	INIT(="Corrupted regexp program");
EXTERN char_u e_readonly[]	INIT(="File is readonly");
EXTERN char_u e_readerrf[]	INIT(="Error while reading errorfile");
EXTERN char_u e_scroll[]	INIT(="Invalid scroll size");
EXTERN char_u e_toocompl[]	INIT(="Command too complex");
EXTERN char_u e_toombra[]	INIT(="Too many (");
EXTERN char_u e_toomket[]	INIT(="Too many )");
EXTERN char_u e_toomsbra[]	INIT(="Too many [");
EXTERN char_u e_toolong[]	INIT(="Command too long");
EXTERN char_u e_toomany[]	INIT(="Too many file names");
EXTERN char_u e_trailing[]	INIT(="Trailing characters");
EXTERN char_u e_umark[]		INIT(="Unknown mark");
EXTERN char_u e_unknown[]	INIT(="Unknown");
EXTERN char_u e_write[]		INIT(="Error while writing");
EXTERN char_u e_zerocount[]	INIT(="Zero count");

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.