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From: krishna@stdavids.picker.com (Krishna Gadepalli) 
Subject: highlighting spelling errors

I write most of my documents using vi (i.e. vim) so I wrote the followin
macro/script to highlight errors in my documents.

I have the following map in my .vimrc

" F8    - spell file & hilite spelling mistakes
noremap <F8> :so `vimspell %`<CR>:!vimspell % -r<CR><CR>

Then, I have this "vimspell" script in my path...
Then I just hit F8 whenver I want my document spell-checked...

The script is way too simplistic & could be improved ...
Especially I dont know how it will handle any special characters
that vim interprets, like /, $, ... etc.

Better spell checkers than spell ?

I am not much of a perl programmer, but I bet a better, more robust, simpler
version can be written in perl.


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