
This is read.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

*   $Id: read.c,v 1.6 1997/04/06 02:13:52 darren Exp $
*   Copyright (c) 1996-1997, Darren Hiebert
*   Conains low level source file read functions (line splicing and newline
*   conversion are performed at this level).

=   Include files
# include <config.h>

/*  To declare "struct stat" and stat().
#if __MWERKS__
# include <stat.h>	    /* there is no sys directory on the Mac */
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>

#include "ctags.h"

=   Portability defines
/*  Tells us how to open source files.
#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2) || defined(WIN32)
# endif

# define OPEN_MODE  "rb"    /* open in binary or fseek() on source misbehaves */
# define OPEN_MODE  "r"

/*  These may not be defined.
#ifndef S_ISREG
# if defined(S_IFREG) && !defined(AMIGA)
#  define S_ISREG(mode)	    ((mode) & S_IFREG)
# else
#  define S_ISREG(mode)	    TRUE	/* assume regular file */
# endif

#ifndef S_ISLNK
# ifdef S_IFLNK
#  define S_ISLNK(mode)	    (((mode) & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK)
# else
#  define S_ISLNK(mode)	    FALSE	/* assume no soft links */
# endif

=   Data definitions

sourceFile File = { NULL, NULL, 0, -1, FALSE, 0, FALSE, FALSE };

=   Function prototypes

static boolean isFileHeader __ARGS((const char *const name));
static void fileNewline __ARGS((void));

=   Function definitions

/*  Determines whether the specified file name is considered to be a header
 *  file for the purposes of determining whether enclosed tags are global or
 *  static.
static boolean isFileHeader( name )
    const char *const name;
    boolean header = FALSE;		    /* default unless match found */
    const char *extension;

    extension = strrchr(name, '.');	    /* find last '.' */
    if (extension != NULL)
	int i;

	++extension;			    /* skip to character after '.' */
	for (i = 0 ; Option.headerExt[i] != NULL ; ++i)
	    if (strcmp(Option.headerExt[i], extension) == 0)
		header = TRUE;		    /* found in list */
    return header;

/*  This function opens a file, and resets the line counter.  If it fails,
 *  it will display an error message and leave the File.fp set to NULL.
extern boolean fileOpen( name )
    const char *const name;
    boolean opened = FALSE;
    struct stat file_status;

    /*	If another file was already open, then close it.
    if (File.fp != NULL)
	fclose(File.fp);			/* close any open source file */
	File.fp = NULL;

    if (stat(name, &file_status) != 0)
    else if (S_ISLNK(file_status.st_mode) || S_ISREG(file_status.st_mode))
	File.fp = fopen(name, OPEN_MODE);
	if (File.fp == NULL)
	    opened = TRUE;
	    File.name	    = name;
	    File.lineNumber = 0L;
	    File.seek	    = 0L;
	    File.afterNL    = TRUE;
	    File.warned	    = FALSE;

	    if (strlen(name) > TagFile.max.file)
		TagFile.max.file = strlen(name);

	    /*	Determine whether this is a header File.
	    File.header = isFileHeader(name);
#ifdef DEBUG
    return opened;

extern void fileClose()
    if (File.fp != NULL)
	File.fp = NULL;

/*  Action to take for each encountered source newline.
static void fileNewline()
    File.afterNL = FALSE;
    File.seek	 = ftell(File.fp);
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (Option.breakLine == File.lineNumber) lineBreak();

/*  This function reads a single character from the stream. 
extern int fileGetc()
    boolean escaped = FALSE;
    int	c;

    /*	If there is an ungotten character, then return it.  Don't do any
     *	other processing on it, though, because we already did that the
     *	first time it was read.
    if (File.ungetch != '\0')
	c = File.ungetch;
	File.ungetch = '\0';
	return c;	    /* return here to avoid re-calling debugPutc() */

nextChar:	/* not structured, but faster for this critical path */

    /*	If previous character was a newline, then we're starting a line.
    if (File.afterNL)

    c = getc(File.fp);
    switch (c)
	if (escaped)
	    ungetc(c, File.fp);		/* return character after BACKSLASH */
	    c = BACKSLASH;

    case BACKSLASH:				/* test for line splicing */
	if (escaped)
	    ungetc(c, File.fp);			/* push back one just read */
	    escaped = TRUE;		/* defer test until next character */
	    goto nextChar;

    /*	The following cases turn line breaks into a canonical form. All
     *	those below are turned into a generic line break (newline).
    case CRETURN:
	    const int next = getc(File.fp);	/* is CR followed by LF? */

	    /*	If this is a carriage-return/line-feed pair, treat it as one
	     *	newline, throwing away the line-feed.
	    if (next != NEWLINE)
		ungetc(next, File.fp);
    case VTAB:
    case FORMFEED:
	c = NEWLINE;		    /* turn those above into generic newline */
    case NEWLINE:
	File.afterNL = TRUE;
	if (escaped)			    /* check for line splicing */
#ifdef DEBUG
	    debugPutc(BACKSLASH, DEBUG_VISUAL);	    /* print the characters */
	    debugPutc(c, DEBUG_VISUAL);		    /*   we are throwing away */
	    escaped = FALSE;		    /* BACKSLASH now fully processed */
	    goto nextChar;		    /* through away "\NEWLINE" */

#ifdef DEBUG
    debugPutc(c, DEBUG_VISUAL);
    return c;

extern void fileUngetc( c )
    int c;
    File.ungetch = c;

/*  Places into "line_buffer" the contents of the line referenced by "seek".
extern void getFileLine( seek, line_buffer, maxLength )
    const long seek;
    char *const line_buffer;
    const unsigned int maxLength;
    const long oldseek = ftell(File.fp);    /* remember original position */

    fseek(File.fp, seek, SEEK_SET);
    fgets(line_buffer, (int)maxLength, File.fp);	
    fseek(File.fp, oldseek, SEEK_SET);	    /* return to original position */

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