
This is tag.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* vi:set ts=4 sw=4:
 * VIM - Vi IMproved		by Bram Moolenaar
 * Do ":help uganda"  in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
 * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.

 * Code to handle tags and the tag stack

#include "vim.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "proto.h"
#include "option.h"

static int get_tagfname __ARGS((int, char_u	*));

static int parse_tag_line __ARGS((char_u *, int,
					  char_u **, char_u **, char_u **, char_u **, char_u **));
static int jumpto_tag __ARGS((char_u *, int, char_u *, char_u *, int));
static int parse_tag_line __ARGS((char_u *,
					  char_u **, char_u **, char_u **, char_u **, char_u **));
static int jumpto_tag __ARGS((char_u *, char_u *, int));
static int test_for_static __ARGS((char_u **, char_u *, char_u *, char_u *));
static char_u *expand_rel_name __ARGS((char_u *fname, char_u *tag_fname));
static int test_for_current __ARGS((int, char_u *, char_u *, char_u *));
static int test_for_current __ARGS((char_u *, char_u *, char_u *));

static char_u *bottommsg = (char_u *)"at bottom of tag stack";
static char_u *topmsg = (char_u *)"at top of tag stack";

 * Jump to tag; handling of tag stack
 * *tag != NUL (:tag): jump to new tag, add to tag stack
 * type == 1 (:pop) || type == 2 (CTRL-T): jump to old position
 * type == 0 (:tag): jump to old tag
do_tag(tag, type, count, forceit)
	char_u	*tag;
	int		type;
	int		count;
	int		forceit;		/* :ta with ! */
	int 			i;
	struct taggy	*tagstack = curwin->w_tagstack;
	int				tagstackidx = curwin->w_tagstackidx;
	int				tagstacklen = curwin->w_tagstacklen;
	int				oldtagstackidx = tagstackidx;

	if (*tag != NUL)						/* new pattern, add to the stack */
		 * if last used entry is not at the top, delete all tag stack entries
		 * above it.
		while (tagstackidx < tagstacklen)

				/* if tagstack is full: remove oldest entry */
		if (++tagstacklen > TAGSTACKSIZE)
			tagstacklen = TAGSTACKSIZE;
			for (i = 1; i < tagstacklen; ++i)
				tagstack[i - 1] = tagstack[i];

		 * put the tag name in the tag stack
		 * the position is added below
		tagstack[tagstackidx].tagname = vim_strsave(tag);
	else if (tagstacklen == 0)					/* empty stack */
		EMSG("tag stack empty");
		goto end_do_tag;
	else if (type)								/* go to older position */
		if ((tagstackidx -= count) < 0)
			if (tagstackidx + count == 0)
				/* We did ^T (or <num>^T) from the bottom of the stack */
				tagstackidx = 0;
				goto end_do_tag;
			/* We weren't at the bottom of the stack, so jump all the way to
			 * the bottom.
			tagstackidx = 0;
		else if (tagstackidx >= tagstacklen)	/* must have been count == 0 */
			goto end_do_tag;
		if (tagstack[tagstackidx].fmark.fnum != curbuf->b_fnum)
			 * Jump to other file. If this fails (e.g. because the file was
			 * changed) keep original position in tag stack.
			if (buflist_getfile(tagstack[tagstackidx].fmark.fnum,
					GETF_SETMARK, forceit) == FAIL)
				tagstackidx = oldtagstackidx;	/* back to old position */
				goto end_do_tag;
			curwin->w_cursor.lnum = tagstack[tagstackidx].fmark.mark.lnum;
		curwin->w_cursor.col = tagstack[tagstackidx].fmark.mark.col;
		curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
		goto end_do_tag;
	else									/* go to newer pattern */
		if ((tagstackidx += count - 1) >= tagstacklen)
			 * beyond the last one, just give an error message and go to the
			 * last one
			tagstackidx = tagstacklen - 1;
		else if (tagstackidx < 0)			/* must have been count == 0 */
			tagstackidx = 0;
			goto end_do_tag;
	 * For :tag [arg], remember position before the jump
	if (type == 0)
		tagstack[tagstackidx].fmark.mark = curwin->w_cursor;
		tagstack[tagstackidx].fmark.fnum = curbuf->b_fnum;
	/* curwin will change in the call to find_tags() if ^W^] was used -- webb */
	curwin->w_tagstackidx = tagstackidx;
	curwin->w_tagstacklen = tagstacklen;
	if (find_tags(tagstack[tagstackidx].tagname, NULL, NULL, NULL,
														  FALSE, forceit) > 0)

	curwin->w_tagstackidx = tagstackidx;
	curwin->w_tagstacklen = tagstacklen;

 * Print the tag stack
	int				i;
	char_u			*name;
	struct taggy	*tagstack = curwin->w_tagstack;
	int				tagstackidx = curwin->w_tagstackidx;
	int				tagstacklen = curwin->w_tagstacklen;

	/* Highlight title */
	MSG_PUTS_TITLE("\n  # TO tag      FROM line in file");
	for (i = 0; i < tagstacklen; ++i)
		if (tagstack[i].tagname != NULL)
			name = fm_getname(&(tagstack[i].fmark));
			if (name == NULL)		/* file name not available */

			sprintf((char *)IObuff, "%c%2d %-15s %4ld  %s",
				i == tagstackidx ? '>' : ' ',
				i + 1,
		flushbuf();					/* show one line at a time */
	if (tagstackidx == tagstacklen)		/* idx at top of stack */

 * find_tags() - goto tag or search for tags in tags files
 * If "tag" is not NULL, search for a single tag and jump to it.
 *   return FAIL for failure, OK for success
 * If "tag" is NULL, find all tags matching the regexp given with 'prog'.
 *   return FAIL if search completely failed, OK otherwise.
 * There is a priority in which type of tag is recognized. It is computed
 * from the PRI_ defines below.
 *  6.  A static or global tag with a full matching tag for the current file.
 *  5.  A global tag with a full matching tag for another file.
 *  4.  A static tag with a full matching tag for another file.
 *  2.  A static or global tag with an ignore-case matching tag for the
 *  	current file.
 *  1.  A global tag with an ignore-case matching tag for another file.
 *  0.  A static tag with an ignore-case matching tag for another file.
 *  Tags in an emacs-style tags file are always global.
#define PRI_GLOBAL			1		/* global or emacs tag */
#define PRI_CURRENT			2		/* tag for current file */
#define PRI_FULL_MATCH		4		/* case of tag matches */

find_tags(tag, prog, num_file, file, help_only, forceit)
	char_u		*tag;				/* NULL or tag to search for */
	vim_regexp	*prog;				/* regexp program or NULL */
	int			*num_file;			/* return value: number of matches found */
	char_u		***file;			/* return value: array of matches found */
	int			help_only;			/* if TRUE: only tags for help files */
	int			forceit;			/* :ta with ! */
	FILE	   *fp;
	char_u	   *lbuf;					/* line buffer */
	char_u	   *tag_fname;				/* name of tag file */
	int			first_file;				/* trying first tag file */
	char_u	   *tagname, *tagname_end;	/* name of tag in current line */
	char_u	   *fname, *fname_end;		/* fname in current line */
	int			did_open = FALSE;		/* did open a tag file */
	int			stop_searching = FALSE;	/* stop when match found or error */
	int			retval = FAIL;			/* return value */
	int			is_static;				/* current tag line is static */
	int			is_current;				/* file name matches */
	char_u		*p;
	char_u	   *ebuf;					/* aditional buffer for etag fname */
	int			is_etag;				/* current file is emaces style */

 * Variables used only when "tag" != NULL
	int			taglen = 0;				/* init for GCC */
	int			cmplen;
	int			full_match;
	int			icase_match;
	int			priority;				/* priority of current line */

	char_u		*bestmatch_line = NULL;	/* saved line for best match found so
											far */
	char_u		*bestmatch_tag_fname = NULL;
										/* copy of tag_fname for best match */
	int			bestmatch_priority = 0; /* best match priority */

	 * Stack for included emacs-tags file.
	 * It has a fixed size, to truncate cyclic includes. jw
# define INCSTACK_SIZE 42
	    FILE	*fp;
		char_u	*tag_fname;
	} incstack[INCSTACK_SIZE];

	int			incstack_idx = 0;			/* index in incstack */
	char_u	   *bestmatch_ebuf = NULL;		/* copy of ebuf for best match */
	int			bestmatch_is_etag = FALSE;	/* copy of is_etag for best match */

 * Variables used when "tag" == NULL
	char_u	**matches = NULL;			/* array of matches found */
	char_u	**new_matches;
	int		match_limit = 100;			/* max. number of matches stored */
	int		match_count = 0;			/* number of matches found */
	int		i;
	int		help_save;

	help_save = curbuf->b_help;
 * Allocate memory for the buffers that are used
	lbuf = alloc(LSIZE);
	ebuf = alloc(LSIZE);
	tag_fname = alloc(LSIZE + 1);
									/* check for out of memory situation */
	if ((tag == NULL && prog == NULL) || lbuf == NULL || tag_fname == NULL
														 || ebuf == NULL
		goto findtag_end;
	if (tag == NULL)
		matches = (char_u **)alloc((unsigned)(match_limit * sizeof(char_u *)));
		if (matches == NULL)
			goto findtag_end;

 * Initialize a few variables
	if (tag != NULL)
		taglen = STRLEN(tag);
		if (p_tl != 0 && taglen > p_tl)		/* adjust for 'taglength' */
			taglen = p_tl;
	else if (help_only)				/* want tags from help file */
		curbuf->b_help = TRUE;

 * Try tag file names from tags option one by one.
	for (first_file = TRUE; get_tagfname(first_file, tag_fname) == OK;
															first_file = FALSE)
		 * A file that doesn't exist is silently ignored.
		if ((fp = fopen((char *)tag_fname, "r")) == NULL)
		did_open = TRUE;	/* remember that we found at least one file */

		is_etag = 0;		/* default is: not emacs style */
		 * Read and parse the lines in the file one by one
		while (!got_int)

			if (vim_fgets(lbuf, LSIZE, fp))
				if (incstack_idx)		/* this was an included file */
					fclose(fp);			/* end of this file ... */
					fp = incstack[incstack_idx].fp;
					STRCPY(tag_fname, incstack[incstack_idx].tag_fname);
					is_etag = 1;		/* (only etags can include) */
					continue;			/* ... continue with parent file */
					break;							/* end of file */

			 * Emacs tags line with CTRL-L: New file name on next line.
			 * The file name is followed by a ','.
			if (*lbuf == Ctrl('L'))		/* remember etag filename in ebuf */
				is_etag = 1;
				if (!vim_fgets(ebuf, LSIZE, fp))
					for (p = ebuf; *p && *p != ','; p++)
					*p = NUL;

					 * atoi(p+1) is the number of bytes before the next ^L
					 * unless it is an include statement.
					if (STRNCMP(p + 1, "include", 7) == 0 &&
												 incstack_idx < INCSTACK_SIZE)
						if ((incstack[incstack_idx].tag_fname =
											  vim_strsave(tag_fname)) != NULL)
							incstack[incstack_idx].fp = fp;
							if ((fp = fopen((char *)ebuf, "r")) == NULL)
								fp = incstack[incstack_idx].fp;
								STRCPY(tag_fname, ebuf);
							is_etag = 0;	/* we can include anything */

			 * Figure out where the different strings are in this line.
			 * For "normal" tags: Do a quick check if the tag matches.
			 * This speeds up tag searching a lot!
			if (tag != NULL
							&& !is_etag
				tagname = lbuf;
				fname = NULL;
				for (tagname_end = lbuf; *tagname_end &&
									!vim_iswhite(*tagname_end); ++tagname_end)
					if (*tagname_end == ':')
						if (fname == NULL)
							fname = skipwhite(skiptowhite(tagname_end));
						if (fnamencmp(lbuf, fname, tagname_end - lbuf) == 0 &&
									   vim_iswhite(fname[tagname_end - lbuf]))
							tagname = tagname_end + 1;

				 * Skip this line if the length of the tag is different.
				cmplen = tagname_end - tagname;
				if (p_tl != 0 && cmplen > p_tl)		/* adjust for 'taglength' */
					cmplen = p_tl;
				if (taglen != cmplen)

				 * Skip this line if the tag does not match (ignoring case).
				if (STRNICMP(tagname, tag, cmplen))

				 * This is a useful tag, isolate the filename.
				if (fname == NULL)
					fname = skipwhite(skiptowhite(tagname_end));
				fname_end = skiptowhite(fname);
				if (*fname_end == NUL)
					i = FAIL;
					i = OK;
				i = parse_tag_line(lbuf,
							&tagname, &tagname_end, &fname, &fname_end, NULL);
			if (i == FAIL)
				EMSG2("Format error in tags file \"%s\"", tag_fname);
				stop_searching = TRUE;

			is_static = FALSE;
			if (!is_etag)		/* emacs tags are never static */
				is_static = test_for_static(&tagname, tagname_end,
															fname, fname_end);
			if (is_etag)
				fname = ebuf;
			 * "tag" == NULL: find tags matching regexp "prog"
			if (tag == NULL)
				*tagname_end = NUL;
				if (vim_regexec(prog, tagname, TRUE))
					is_current = test_for_current(
									 fname, fname_end, tag_fname);
					if (!is_static || is_current)
						 * Found a match, add it to matches[].
						 * May need to make matches[] larger.
						if (match_count == match_limit)
							match_limit += 100;
							new_matches = (char_u **)alloc(
									(unsigned)(match_limit * sizeof(char_u *)));
							if (new_matches == NULL)
								/* Out of memory! Just forget about the rest
								 * of the matches. */
								retval = OK;
								stop_searching = TRUE;
							for (i = 0; i < match_count; i++)
								new_matches[i] = matches[i];
							matches = new_matches;
						if (help_only)
							int		len;

							 * Append the help-heuristic number after the
							 * tagname, for sorting it later.
							len = STRLEN(tagname);
							p = alloc(len + 10);
							if (p != NULL)
								STRCPY(p, tagname);
								sprintf((char *)p + len + 1, "%06d",
										   (int)(prog->startp[0] - tagname)));
							matches[match_count++] = p;
							matches[match_count++] = vim_strsave(tagname);
			 * "tag" != NULL: find tag and jump to it
				 * If tag length does not match, skip the rest
				cmplen = tagname_end - tagname;
				if (p_tl != 0 && cmplen > p_tl)		/* adjust for 'taglength' */
					cmplen = p_tl;
				if (taglen == cmplen)
					 * Check for match (ignoring case).
					icase_match = (STRNICMP(tagname, tag, cmplen) == 0);
					if (icase_match)	/* Tag matches somehow */
						 * If it's a full match for the current file, jump to
						 * it now.
						full_match = (STRNCMP(tagname, tag, cmplen) == 0);
						is_current = test_for_current(
										 fname, fname_end, tag_fname);
						if (full_match && is_current)
							retval = jumpto_tag(lbuf,
													is_etag, ebuf,
														  tag_fname, forceit);
							stop_searching = TRUE;

						 * If the priority of the current line is higher than
						 * the best match so far, store it as the best match
						if (full_match)
							priority = PRI_FULL_MATCH;
							priority = 0;
						if (is_current)
							priority += PRI_CURRENT;
						if (!is_static)
							priority += PRI_GLOBAL;

						if (priority > bestmatch_priority)
							bestmatch_line = vim_strsave(lbuf);
							bestmatch_tag_fname = vim_strsave(tag_fname);
							bestmatch_priority = priority;
							bestmatch_is_etag = is_etag;
							if (is_etag)
								bestmatch_ebuf = vim_strsave(ebuf);
		while (incstack_idx)
		if (stop_searching)

		 * Stop searching if a tag was found in the current tags file and
		 * we got a global match with matching case or 'ignorecase' is set.
		if (tag != NULL && bestmatch_line != NULL &&
			   bestmatch_priority >= (p_ic ? 0 : PRI_FULL_MATCH) + PRI_GLOBAL)

	if (!stop_searching)
		if (!did_open)						/* never opened any tags file */
			EMSG("No tags file");
		else if (tag == NULL)
			retval = OK;		/* It's OK even when no tag found */
			 * If we didn't find a static full match, use the best match found.
			if (bestmatch_line != NULL)
				if (bestmatch_priority < PRI_FULL_MATCH)
					MSG("Only found tag with different case!");
					if (!msg_scrolled)
						ui_delay(1000L, TRUE);
				retval = jumpto_tag(bestmatch_line,
						bestmatch_is_etag, bestmatch_ebuf,
						bestmatch_tag_fname, forceit);
				EMSG("tag not found");


	if (tag == NULL)
		if (retval == FAIL)			/* free all matches found */
			while (match_count > 0)
		if (match_count == 0)		/* nothing found, free matches[] */
			matches = NULL;
		*file = matches;
		*num_file = match_count;
	curbuf->b_help = help_save;

	return retval;

 * Get the next name of a tag file from the tag file list.
 * For help files, use "tags" file only.
 * Return FAIL if no more tag file names, OK otherwise.
	static int
get_tagfname(first, buf)
	int		first;			/* TRUE when first file name is wanted */
	char_u	*buf;			/* pointer to buffer of LSIZE chars */
	static char_u	*np = NULL;
	char_u			*fname;
	size_t			path_len, fname_len;
	 * A list is kept of the files that have been visited.
	struct visited
		struct visited	*v_next;
#if defined(UNIX)
		struct stat		v_st;
		char_u			v_fname[1];		/* actually longer */
	static struct visited	*first_visited = NULL;
	struct visited			*vp;
#ifdef UNIX
	struct stat				st;
	char_u					*expand_buf;

	if (first)
		np = p_tags;
		while (first_visited != NULL)
			vp = first_visited->v_next;
			first_visited = vp;

	if (np == NULL)			/* tried allready (or bogus call) */
		return FAIL;

	 * For a help window only try the file 'tags' in the same
	 * directory as 'helpfile'.
	if (curbuf->b_help)
		path_len = gettail(p_hf) - p_hf;
		if (path_len + 9 >= LSIZE)
			return FAIL;
		vim_memmove(buf, p_hf, path_len);
		STRCPY(buf + path_len, "tags");

		np = NULL;				/* try only once */

#ifndef UNIX
		expand_buf = alloc(MAXPATHL);
		if (expand_buf == NULL)
			return FAIL;

		 * Loop until we have found a file name that can be used.
		for (;;)
			if (*np == NUL)			/* tried all possibilities */
#ifndef UNIX
				return FAIL;

			 * Copy next file name into buf.
			(void)copy_option_part(&np, buf, LSIZE, " ,");

			 * Tag file name starting with "./": Replace '.' with path of
			 * current file.
			 * Only do this when 't' flag not included in 'cpo'.
			if (buf[0] == '.' && ispathsep(buf[1]) &&
										vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_DOTTAG) == NULL)
				if (curbuf->b_fname == NULL)	/* skip if no filename */

				path_len = gettail(curbuf->b_fname) - curbuf->b_fname;
				fname = buf + 1;
				while (ispathsep(*fname))		/* skip '/' and the like */
				fname_len = STRLEN(fname);
				if (fname_len + path_len + 1 > LSIZE)
				vim_memmove(buf + path_len, fname, fname_len + 1);
				vim_memmove(buf, curbuf->b_fname, path_len);

			 * Check if this tags file has been used already.
			 * If file doesn't exist, skip it.
#if defined(UNIX)
			if (stat((char *)buf, &st) < 0)
			if (mch_FullName(buf, expand_buf, MAXPATHL, TRUE) == FAIL)

			for (vp = first_visited; vp != NULL; vp = vp->v_next)
#if defined(UNIX)
				if (vp->v_st.st_dev == st.st_dev &&
												 vp->v_st.st_ino == st.st_ino)
				if (fnamecmp(vp->v_fname, expand_buf) == 0)

			if (vp != NULL)			/* already visited, skip it */

			 * Found the next name.  Add it to the list of visited files.
#ifdef UNIX
			vp = (struct visited *)alloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct visited));
			vp = (struct visited *)alloc((unsigned)(sizeof(struct visited) +
			if (vp != NULL)
#ifdef UNIX
				vp->v_st = st;
				STRCPY(vp->v_fname, expand_buf);
				vp->v_next = first_visited;
				first_visited = vp;
#ifndef UNIX
	return OK;

 * Parse one line from the tags file. Find start/end of tag name, start/end of
 * file name and start of search pattern.
 * If is_etag is TRUE, fname and fname_end are not set.
 * If command == NULL it is not set.
 * Return FAIL if there is a format error in this line, OK otherwise.
	static int
							  tagname, tagname_end, fname, fname_end, command)
	char_u		*lbuf;
	int			is_etag;
	char_u		**tagname;
	char_u		**tagname_end;
	char_u		**fname;
	char_u		**fname_end;
	char_u		**command;
	char_u		*p;

	char_u		*p_7f;

	if (is_etag)
		 * There are two formats for an emacs tag line:
		 * 1:  struct EnvBase ^?EnvBase^A139,4627
		 * 2: #define	ARPB_WILD_WORLD ^?153,5194
		p_7f = vim_strchr(lbuf, 0x7f);
		if (p_7f == NULL)
			return FAIL;

		/* Find ^A.  If not found the line number is after the 0x7f */
		p = vim_strchr(p_7f, Ctrl('A'));
		if (p == NULL)
			p = p_7f + 1;

		if (!isdigit(*p))				/* check for start of line number */
			return FAIL;
		if (command != NULL)
			*command = p;

								/* first format: explicit tagname given */
		if (p[-1] == Ctrl('A'))
			*tagname = p_7f + 1;
			*tagname_end = p - 1;
								/* second format: isolate tagname */
			/* find end of tagname */
			for (p = p_7f - 1; !iswordchar(*p); --p)
				if (p == lbuf)
					return FAIL;
			*tagname_end = p + 1;
			while (p >= lbuf && iswordchar(*p))
			*tagname = p + 1;
			/* Isolate the tagname, from lbuf up to the first white */
		*tagname = lbuf;
		p = skiptowhite(lbuf);
		if (*p == NUL)
			return FAIL;
		*tagname_end = p;

			/* Isolate file name, from first to second white space */
		p = skipwhite(p);
		*fname = p;
		p = skiptowhite(p);
		if (*p == NUL)
			return FAIL;
		*fname_end = p;

			/* find start of search command, after second white space */
		if (command != NULL)
			p = skipwhite(p);
			if (*p == NUL)
				return FAIL;
			*command = p;

	return OK;

 * Check if tagname is a static tag
 * Static tags produced by the ctags program have the
 * format: 'file:tag  file  /pattern'.
 * This is only recognized when both occurences of 'file'
 * are the same, to avoid recognizing "string::string" or
 * ":exit".
 * Return TRUE if it is a static tag and adjust *tagname to the real tag.
 * Return FALSE if it is not a static tag.
	static int
test_for_static(tagname, tagname_end, fname, fname_end)
	char_u		**tagname;
	char_u		*tagname_end;
	char_u		*fname;
	char_u		*fname_end;
	char_u		*p;

	p = *tagname + (fname_end - fname);
	if (p < tagname_end && *p == ':' &&
							fnamencmp(*tagname, fname, fname_end - fname) == 0)
		*tagname = p + 1;
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

 * Jump to a tag that has been found in one of the tag files
	static int
				is_etag, etag_fname,
									tag_fname, forceit)
	char_u		*lbuf;			/* line from the tags file for this tag */
	int			is_etag;		/* TRUE if it's from an emacs tags file */
	char_u		*etag_fname;	/* file name for tag if is_etag is TRUE */
	char_u		*tag_fname;		/* file name of the tags file itself */
	int			forceit;		/* :ta with ! */
	int			save_secure;
	int			save_magic;
	int			save_p_ws, save_p_scs, save_p_ic;
	char_u		*str;
	char_u		*pbuf;					/* search pattern buffer */
	char_u		*pbuf_end;
	char_u		*expanded_fname = NULL;
	char_u		*tofree_fname = NULL;
	char_u		*tagname, *tagname_end;
	char_u		*fname, *fname_end;
	char_u		*orig_fname;
	int			retval = FAIL;
	int			getfile_result;
	int			search_options;

	pbuf = alloc(LSIZE);

	if (pbuf == NULL
					|| (is_etag && etag_fname == NULL)
														|| tag_fname == NULL)
		goto erret;

	 * find the search pattern (caller should check it is there)
	if (parse_tag_line(lbuf,
					&tagname, &tagname_end, &fname, &fname_end, &str) == FAIL)
		goto erret;
	orig_fname = fname;		/* remember for test_for_static() below */

	if (is_etag)
		fname = etag_fname;
		*fname_end = NUL;

	/* copy the command to pbuf[], remove trailing CR/NL */
	for (pbuf_end = pbuf; *str && *str != '\n' && *str != '\r'; )
		if (is_etag && *str == ',')		/* stop at ',' after line number */
		*pbuf_end++ = *str++;
	*pbuf_end = NUL;

	 * expand filename (for environment variables)
	expanded_fname = ExpandOne((char_u *)fname, NULL, WILD_LIST_NOTFOUND,
	if (expanded_fname != NULL)
		fname = expanded_fname;

	 * if 'tagrelative' option set, may change file name
	fname = expand_rel_name(fname, tag_fname);
	if (fname == NULL)
		goto erret;
	tofree_fname = fname;		/* free() it later */

	 * check if file for tag exists before abandoning current file
	if (getperm(fname) < 0)
		EMSG2("File \"%s\" does not exist", fname);
		goto erret;

	 * if it was a CTRL-W CTRL-] command split window now
	if (postponed_split)
		win_split(0, FALSE);
	 * A :ta from a help file will keep the b_help flag set.
	keep_help_flag = curbuf->b_help;
	getfile_result = getfile(0, fname, NULL, TRUE, (linenr_t)0, forceit);

	if (getfile_result <= 0)			/* got to the right file */
		curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
		postponed_split = FALSE;

		save_secure = secure;
		secure = 1;
		save_magic = p_magic;
		p_magic = FALSE;		/* always execute with 'nomagic' */
		tag_modified = FALSE;

		 * If 'cpoptions' contains 't', store the search pattern for the "n"
		 * command.  If 'cpoptions' does not contain 't', the search pattern
		 * is not stored.
		if (vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_TAGPAT) != NULL)
			search_options = 0;
			search_options = SEARCH_KEEP;

		 * If the command is a search, try here.
		 * Rather than starting at line one, just turn wrap-scan
		 * on temporarily, this ensures that tags on line 1 will
		 * be found, and makes sure our guess searches search the
		 * whole file when repeated -- webb.
		 * Also reset 'smartcase' for the search, since the search
		 * pattern was not typed by the user.
		 * Only use do_search() when there is a full search command, without
		 * anything following.
		str = pbuf;
		if (pbuf[0] == '/' || pbuf[0] == '?')
			str = skip_regexp(pbuf + 1, pbuf[0], FALSE);
		if (str >= pbuf_end - 1)	/* search command with nothing following */
			save_p_ws = p_ws;
			save_p_ic = p_ic;
			save_p_scs = p_scs;
			p_ws = TRUE;	/* Switch wrap-scan on temporarily */
			p_ic = FALSE;	/* don't ignore case now */
			p_scs = FALSE;
			add_to_history(1, pbuf + 1);	/* put pattern in search history */

			if (do_search(NULL, pbuf[0], pbuf + 1, (long)1, search_options))
				retval = OK;
				int		found = 1;

				 * try again, ignore case now
				p_ic = TRUE;
				if (!do_search(NULL, pbuf[0], pbuf + 1, (long)1,
					 * Failed to find pattern, take a guess: "^func  ("
					found = 2;
					(void)test_for_static(&tagname, tagname_end,
														orig_fname, fname_end);
					*tagname_end = NUL;
					sprintf((char *)pbuf, "^%s\\[ \t]\\*(", tagname);
					if (!do_search(NULL, '/', pbuf, (long)1, search_options))
						/* Guess again: "^char * func  (" */
						sprintf((char *)pbuf,
								 "^\\[#a-zA-Z_]\\.\\*%s\\[ \t]\\*(", tagname);
						if (!do_search(NULL, '/', pbuf, (long)1,
							found = 0;
				if (found == 0)
					EMSG("Can't find tag pattern");
					 * Only give a message when really guessed, not when 'ic'
					 * is set and match found while ignoring case.
					if (found == 2 || !save_p_ic)
						MSG("Couldn't find tag, just guessing!");
						if (!msg_scrolled)
							ui_delay(1000L, TRUE);
					retval = OK;
			p_ws = save_p_ws;
			p_ic = save_p_ic;
			p_scs = save_p_scs;

			/* A search command may have positioned the cursor beyond the end
			 * of the line.  May need to correct that here. */
		{							/* start command in line 1 */
			curwin->w_cursor.lnum = 1;
			retval = OK;

		 * When the command has set the b_changed flag, give a warning to the
		 * user about this.
		if (tag_modified)
			secure = 2;
			EMSG("WARNING: tag command changed a buffer!!!");
		if (secure == 2)			/* done something that is not allowed */
		secure = save_secure;
		p_magic = save_magic;

		 * Print the file message after redraw if jumped to another file.
		 * Don't do this for help files (avoid a hit-return message).
		if (getfile_result == -1)
			if (!curbuf->b_help)
				need_fileinfo = TRUE;
			retval = OK;			/* always return OK if jumped to another
									   file (at least we found the file!) */

		 * For a help buffer: Put the cursor line at the top of the window,
		 * the help subject will be below it.
		if (curbuf->b_help)
			set_topline(curwin, curwin->w_cursor.lnum);
			update_topline();			/* correct for 'so' */
		if (postponed_split)			/* close the window */
			close_window(curwin, FALSE);
			postponed_split = FALSE;


	return retval;

 * If 'tagrelative' option set, change fname (name of file containing tag)
 * according to tag_fname (name of tag file containing fname).
 * Returns a pointer to allocated memory (or NULL when out of memory).
	static char_u *
expand_rel_name(fname, tag_fname)
	char_u		*fname;
	char_u		*tag_fname;
	char_u		*p;
	char_u		*retval;

	if ((p_tr || curbuf->b_help) && !mch_isFullName(fname) &&
									   (p = gettail(tag_fname)) != tag_fname)
		retval = alloc(MAXPATHL);
		if (retval == NULL)
			return NULL;

		STRCPY(retval, tag_fname);
		STRNCPY(retval + (p - tag_fname), fname, MAXPATHL - (p - tag_fname));
		 * Translate names like "src/a/../b/file.c" into "src/b/file.c".
		retval = vim_strsave(fname);

	return retval;

 * Moves the tail part of the path (including the terminating NUL) pointed to
 * by "tail" to the new location pointed to by "here". This should accomodate
 * an overlapping move.
#define movetail(here, tail)  vim_memmove(here, tail, STRLEN(tail) + (size_t)1)

 * For MS-DOS we should check for backslash too, but that is complicated.
#define DIR_SEP		'/'			/* the directory separator character */

 * Converts a filename into a canonical form. It simplifies a filename into
 * its simplest form by stripping out unneeded components, if any.  The
 * resulting filename is simplified in place and will either be the same
 * length as that supplied, or shorter.
	char_u *filename;
	int		absolute = FALSE;
	int		components = 0;
	char_u	*p, *tail;

	p = filename;
	if (*p == DIR_SEP)
		absolute = TRUE;
		/*  Always leave "p" pointing to character following next "/". */
		if (*p == DIR_SEP)
			movetail(p, p+1);				/* strip duplicate "/" */
		else if (STRNCMP(p, "./", 2) == 0)
			movetail(p, p+2);				/* strip "./" */
		else if (STRNCMP(p, "../", 3) == 0)
			if (components > 0)				/* strip any prev. component */
				*(p - 1) = 0;				/* delete "/" before  "../" */
				tail  = p + 2;				/* skip to "/" of "../" */
				p = vim_strrchr(filename, DIR_SEP);	 /* find preceding sep. */
				if (p != NULL)				/* none found */
					++p;					/* skip to char after "/" */
					++tail;					/* strip leading "/" from tail*/
					p = filename;			/* go back to beginning */
					if (absolute)			/* skip over any leading "/" */
				movetail(p, tail);			/* strip previous component */
			else if (absolute)				/* no parent to root... */
				movetail(p, p+3);			/*   so strip "../" */
			else							/* leading series of "../" */
				p = vim_strchr(p, DIR_SEP);	/* skip to next "/" */
				if (p != NULL)
					++p;					/* skip to char after "/" */
			++components;					/* simple path component */
			p = vim_strchr(p, DIR_SEP);			/* skip to next "/" */
			if (p != NULL)
				++p;						/* skip to char after "/" */
	} while (p != NULL && *p != NUL);

 * Check if we have a tag for the current file.
 * This is a bit slow, because of the full path compare in fullpathcmp().
 * Return TRUE if tag for file "fname" if tag file "tag_fname" is for current
 * file.
	static int
test_for_current(is_etag, fname, fname_end, tag_fname)
	int		is_etag;
test_for_current(fname, fname_end, tag_fname)
	char_u	*fname;
	char_u	*fname_end;
	char_u	*tag_fname;
	int		c;
	int		retval = FALSE;
	char_u	*relname;

	if (curbuf->b_ffname != NULL)		/* if the current buffer has a name */
		if (is_etag)
			c = 0;			/* to shut up GCC */
			c = *fname_end;
			*fname_end = NUL;
		relname = expand_rel_name(fname, tag_fname);
		if (relname != NULL)
			retval = (fullpathcmp(relname, curbuf->b_fname) == FPC_SAME);
		if (!is_etag)
			*fname_end = c;

	return retval;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.