
This is quickfix.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* vi:set ts=4 sw=4:
 * VIM - Vi IMproved		by Bram Moolenaar
 * Do ":help uganda"  in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
 * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.

 * quickfix.c: functions for quickfix mode, using a file with error messages

#include "vim.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "proto.h"
#include "option.h"

static void qf_free __ARGS((void));
static char_u *qf_types __ARGS((int, int));

 * for each error the next struct is allocated and linked in a list
struct qf_line
	struct qf_line	*qf_next;	/* pointer to next error in the list */
	struct qf_line	*qf_prev;	/* pointer to previous error in the list */
	linenr_t		 qf_lnum;	/* line number where the error occurred */
	int				 qf_fnum;	/* file number for the line */
	int				 qf_col;	/* column where the error occurred */
	int				 qf_nr;		/* error number */
	char_u			*qf_text;	/* description of the error */
	char_u			 qf_cleared;/* set to TRUE if line has been deleted */
	char_u			 qf_type;	/* type of the error (mostly 'E') */
	char_u			 qf_valid;	/* valid error message detected */

static struct qf_line *qf_start;		/* pointer to the first error */
static struct qf_line *qf_ptr;			/* pointer to the current error */

static int	qf_count = 0;		/* number of errors (0 means no error list) */
static int	qf_index;			/* current index in the error list */
static int	qf_nonevalid;		/* set to TRUE if not a single valid entry found */

#define MAX_ADDR	7			/* maximum number of % recognized, also adjust
									sscanf() below */

 * Structure used to hold the info of one part of 'errorformat'
struct eformat
	char_u			*fmtstr;		/* pre-formatted part of 'errorformat' */
#ifdef UTS2
	char_u			*(adr[MAX_ADDR]);	/* addresses used */
	void			*(adr[MAX_ADDR]);
	int				adr_cnt;		/* number of addresses used */
	struct eformat	*next;			/* pointer to next (NULL if last) */

 * Read the errorfile into memory, line by line, building the error list.
 * Return FAIL for error, OK for success.
	char_u 			*namebuf;
	char_u			*errmsg;
	int				col;
	int				type;
	int				valid;
	long			lnum;
	int				enr;
	FILE			*fd;
	struct qf_line	*qfp = NULL;
	struct qf_line	*qfprev = NULL;		/* init to make SASC shut up */
	char_u			*efmp;
	struct eformat	*fmt_first = NULL;
	struct eformat	*fmt_last = NULL;
	struct eformat	*fmt_ptr;
	char_u			*efm;
	int				maxlen;
	int				len;
	int				i, j;
	int				retval = FAIL;

	if (*p_ef == NUL)
		return FAIL;

	namebuf = alloc(CMDBUFFSIZE + 1);
	errmsg = alloc(CMDBUFFSIZE + 1);
	if (namebuf == NULL || errmsg == NULL)
		goto qf_init_end;

	if ((fd = fopen((char *)p_ef, "r")) == NULL)
		emsg2(e_openerrf, p_ef);
		goto qf_init_end;
	qf_index = 0;

 * Each part of the format string is copied and modified from p_efm to fmtstr.
 * Only a few % characters are allowed.
	efm = p_efm;
	while (efm[0])
		 * Allocate a new eformat structure and put it at the end of the list
		fmt_ptr = (struct eformat *)alloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct eformat));
		if (fmt_ptr == NULL)
			goto error2;
		if (fmt_first == NULL)		/* first one */
			fmt_first = fmt_ptr;
			fmt_last->next = fmt_ptr;
		fmt_last = fmt_ptr;
		fmt_ptr->next = NULL;
		fmt_ptr->adr_cnt = 0;

		 * Isolate one part in the 'errorformat' option
		for (len = 0; efm[len] != NUL && efm[len] != ','; ++len)
			if (efm[len] == '\\' && efm[len + 1] != NUL)

		 * Get some space to modify the format string into.
		 * Must be able to do the largest expansion (x3) MAX_ADDR times.
		maxlen = len + MAX_ADDR * 3 + 4;
		if ((fmt_ptr->fmtstr = alloc(maxlen)) == NULL)
			goto error2;

		for (i = 0; i < MAX_ADDR; ++i)
			fmt_ptr->adr[i] = NULL;

		for (efmp = efm, i = 0; efmp < efm + len; ++efmp, ++i)
			if (efmp[0] != '%')				/* copy normal character */
				if (efmp[0] == '\\' && efmp + 1 < efm + len)
				fmt_ptr->fmtstr[i] = efmp[0];
				fmt_ptr->fmtstr[i++] = '%';
				switch (efmp[1])
				case 'f':		/* filename */
						fmt_ptr->adr[fmt_ptr->adr_cnt++] = namebuf;
						/* FALLTHROUGH */

				case 'm':		/* message */
						if (efmp[1] == 'm')
							fmt_ptr->adr[fmt_ptr->adr_cnt++] = errmsg;
						fmt_ptr->fmtstr[i++] = '[';
						fmt_ptr->fmtstr[i++] = '^';
#ifdef __EMX__
						/* don't allow spaces in filename. This fixes
						 * the broken sscanf() where an empty message
						 * is accepted as a valid conversion.
						if (efmp[1] == 'f')
							fmt_ptr->fmtstr[i++] = ' ';
						if (efmp[2] == '\\')		/* could be "%m\," */
							j = 3;
							j = 2;
						if (efmp + j < efm + len)
							fmt_ptr->fmtstr[i++] = efmp[j];
							 * The %f or %m is the last one in the format,
							 * stop at the CR of NL at the end of the line.
#ifdef USE_CRNL
							fmt_ptr->fmtstr[i++] = '\r';
							fmt_ptr->fmtstr[i++] = '\n';
						fmt_ptr->fmtstr[i] = ']';
				case 'c':		/* column */
						fmt_ptr->adr[fmt_ptr->adr_cnt++] = &col;
						fmt_ptr->fmtstr[i] = 'd';
				case 'l':		/* line */
						fmt_ptr->adr[fmt_ptr->adr_cnt++] = &lnum;
						fmt_ptr->fmtstr[i++] = 'l';
						fmt_ptr->fmtstr[i] = 'd';
				case 'n':		/* error number */
						fmt_ptr->adr[fmt_ptr->adr_cnt++] = &enr;
						fmt_ptr->fmtstr[i] = 'd';
				case 't':		/* error type */
						fmt_ptr->adr[fmt_ptr->adr_cnt++] = &type;
						fmt_ptr->fmtstr[i] = 'c';
				case '%':		/* %% */
				case '*':		/* %*: no assignment */
						fmt_ptr->fmtstr[i] = efmp[1];
						EMSG("invalid % in format string");
						goto error2;
				if (fmt_ptr->adr_cnt == MAX_ADDR)
					EMSG("too many % in format string");
					goto error2;
			if (i >= maxlen - 6)
				EMSG("invalid format string");
				goto error2;
		fmt_ptr->fmtstr[i] = NUL;

		 * Advance to next part
		efm = skip_to_option_part(efm + len);	/* skip comma and spaces */
	if (fmt_first == NULL)		/* nothing found */
		EMSG("'errorformat' contains no pattern");
		goto error2;

	 * Read the lines in the error file one by one.
	 * Try to recognize one of the error formats in each line.
	while (fgets((char *)IObuff, CMDBUFFSIZE, fd) != NULL && !got_int)
		if ((qfp = (struct qf_line *)alloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct qf_line)))
																	  == NULL)
			goto error2;

		IObuff[CMDBUFFSIZE] = NUL;	/* for very long lines */

		 * Try to match each part of 'errorformat' until we find a complete
		 * match or none matches.
		valid = TRUE;
		for (fmt_ptr = fmt_first; fmt_ptr != NULL; fmt_ptr = fmt_ptr->next)
			namebuf[0] = NUL;
			errmsg[0] = NUL;
			lnum = 0;
			col = 0;
			enr = -1;
			type = 0;

			 * If first char of the format and message don't match, there is
			 * no need to try sscanf() on it... Somehow I believe there are
			 * very slow implementations of sscanf().
			 * -- Paul Slootman
			if (fmt_ptr->fmtstr[0] != '%' && fmt_ptr->fmtstr[0] != IObuff[0])

			if (sscanf((char *)IObuff, (char *)fmt_ptr->fmtstr,
						fmt_ptr->adr[0], fmt_ptr->adr[1], fmt_ptr->adr[2],
						fmt_ptr->adr[3], fmt_ptr->adr[4], fmt_ptr->adr[5],
						fmt_ptr->adr[6]) == fmt_ptr->adr_cnt)
		if (fmt_ptr == NULL)
			namebuf[0] = NUL;			/* no match found, remove file name */
			lnum = 0;					/* don't jump to this line */
			valid = FALSE;
			STRCPY(errmsg, IObuff);		/* copy whole line to error message */
			if ((efmp = vim_strrchr(errmsg, '\n')) != NULL)
				*efmp = NUL;
#ifdef USE_CRNL
			if ((efmp = vim_strrchr(errmsg, '\r')) != NULL)
				*efmp = NUL;

		if (namebuf[0] == NUL)			/* no file name */
			qfp->qf_fnum = 0;
			qfp->qf_fnum = buflist_add(namebuf);
		if ((qfp->qf_text = vim_strsave(errmsg)) == NULL)
			goto error1;
		qfp->qf_lnum = lnum;
		qfp->qf_col = col;
		qfp->qf_nr = enr;
		qfp->qf_type = type;
		qfp->qf_valid = valid;

		if (qf_count == 0)		/* first element in the list */
			qf_start = qfp;
			qfp->qf_prev = qfp;	/* first element points to itself */
			qfp->qf_prev = qfprev;
			qfprev->qf_next = qfp;
		qfp->qf_next = qfp;		/* last element points to itself */
		qfp->qf_cleared = FALSE;
		qfprev = qfp;
		if (qf_index == 0 && qfp->qf_valid)		/* first valid entry */
			qf_index = qf_count;
			qf_ptr = qfp;
	if (!ferror(fd))
		if (qf_index == 0)		/* no valid entry found */
			qf_ptr = qf_start;
			qf_index = 1;
			qf_nonevalid = TRUE;
			qf_nonevalid = FALSE;
		retval = OK;
		goto qf_init_ok;
	for (fmt_ptr = fmt_first; fmt_ptr != NULL; fmt_ptr = fmt_first)
		fmt_first = fmt_ptr->next;
	return retval;

 * jump to a quickfix line
 * if dir == FORWARD go "errornr" valid entries forward
 * if dir == BACKWARD go "errornr" valid entries backward
 * else if "errornr" is zero, redisplay the same line
 * else go to entry "errornr"
qf_jump(dir, errornr, forceit)
	int		dir;
	int		errornr;
	int		forceit;
	struct qf_line	*old_qf_ptr;
	int				old_qf_index;
	static char_u	*e_no_more_errors = (char_u *)"No more errors";
	char_u			*err = e_no_more_errors;
	linenr_t		i;
	BUF				*old_curbuf;

	if (qf_count == 0)

	old_qf_ptr = qf_ptr;
	old_qf_index = qf_index;
	if (dir == FORWARD)		/* next valid entry */
		while (errornr--)
			old_qf_ptr = qf_ptr;
			old_qf_index = qf_index;
				if (qf_index == qf_count || qf_ptr->qf_next == NULL)
					qf_ptr = old_qf_ptr;
					qf_index = old_qf_index;
					if (err != NULL)
					errornr = 0;
				qf_ptr = qf_ptr->qf_next;
			} while (!qf_nonevalid && !qf_ptr->qf_valid);
			err = NULL;
	else if (dir == BACKWARD)		/* previous valid entry */
		while (errornr--)
			old_qf_ptr = qf_ptr;
			old_qf_index = qf_index;
				if (qf_index == 1 || qf_ptr->qf_prev == NULL)
					qf_ptr = old_qf_ptr;
					qf_index = old_qf_index;
					if (err != NULL)
					errornr = 0;
				qf_ptr = qf_ptr->qf_prev;
			} while (!qf_nonevalid && !qf_ptr->qf_valid);
			err = NULL;
	else if (errornr != 0)		/* go to specified number */
		while (errornr < qf_index && qf_index > 1 && qf_ptr->qf_prev != NULL)
			qf_ptr = qf_ptr->qf_prev;
		while (errornr > qf_index && qf_index < qf_count && qf_ptr->qf_next != NULL)
			qf_ptr = qf_ptr->qf_next;

	 * If there is a file name,
	 * read the wanted file if needed, and check autowrite etc.
	old_curbuf = curbuf;
	if (qf_ptr->qf_fnum == 0 || buflist_getfile(qf_ptr->qf_fnum,
									(linenr_t)1, GETF_SETMARK, forceit) == OK)
		/* When not switched to another buffer, still need to set pc mark */
		if (curbuf == old_curbuf)

		 * Go to line with error, unless qf_lnum is 0.
		i = qf_ptr->qf_lnum;
		if (i > 0)
			if (i > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
				i = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
			curwin->w_cursor.lnum = i;
		if (qf_ptr->qf_col > 0)
			curwin->w_cursor.col = qf_ptr->qf_col - 1;
		smsg((char_u *)"(%d of %d)%s%s: %s", qf_index, qf_count,
					qf_ptr->qf_cleared ? (char_u *)" (line deleted)" : (char_u *)"",
					qf_types(qf_ptr->qf_type, qf_ptr->qf_nr), qf_ptr->qf_text);
		 * if the message is short, redisplay after redrawing the screen
		if (linetabsize(IObuff) < ((int)p_ch - 1) * Columns + sc_col)
			keep_msg = IObuff;
			keep_msg_attr = 0;
	else if (qf_ptr->qf_fnum != 0)
		 * Couldn't open file, so put index back where it was.  This could
		 * happen if the file was readonly and we changed something - webb
		qf_ptr = old_qf_ptr;
		qf_index = old_qf_index;

 * list all errors
	int all;		/* If not :cl!, only show recognised errors */
	BUF				*buf;
	char_u			*fname;
	struct qf_line	*qfp;
	int				i;
	int				attr;

	if (qf_count == 0)

	if (qf_nonevalid)
		all = TRUE;
	qfp = qf_start;
	attr = highlight_attr[HLF_D];		/* Same as for directories */
	for (i = 1; !got_int && i <= qf_count; ++i)
		if (qfp->qf_valid || all)
			fname = NULL;
			if (qfp->qf_fnum != 0 &&
								 (buf = buflist_findnr(qfp->qf_fnum)) != NULL)
				fname = buf->b_fname;
			if (fname == NULL)
				sprintf((char *)IObuff, "%2d", i);
				sprintf((char *)IObuff, "%2d %s", i, fname);
			msg_outtrans_attr(IObuff, attr);
			if (qfp->qf_lnum == 0)
				IObuff[0] = NUL;
			else if (qfp->qf_col == 0)
				sprintf((char *)IObuff, ":%ld", qfp->qf_lnum);
				sprintf((char *)IObuff, ":%ld, col %d",
												   qfp->qf_lnum, qfp->qf_col);
			sprintf((char *)IObuff + STRLEN(IObuff), "%s: ",
										qf_types(qfp->qf_type, qfp->qf_nr));
			flushbuf();					/* show one line at a time */
		qfp = qfp->qf_next;

 * free the error list
	static void
	struct qf_line *qfp;

	while (qf_count)
		qfp = qf_start->qf_next;
		qf_start = qfp;

 * qf_mark_adjust: adjust marks
qf_mark_adjust(line1, line2, amount, amount_after)
	linenr_t	line1;
	linenr_t	line2;
	long		amount;
	long		amount_after;
	int 			i;
	struct qf_line	*qfp;

	if (qf_count)
		for (i = 0, qfp = qf_start; i < qf_count; ++i, qfp = qfp->qf_next)
			if (qfp->qf_fnum == curbuf->b_fnum)
				if (qfp->qf_lnum >= line1 && qfp->qf_lnum <= line2)
					if (amount == MAXLNUM)
						qfp->qf_cleared = TRUE;
						qfp->qf_lnum += amount;
				if (amount_after && qfp->qf_lnum > line2)
					qfp->qf_lnum += amount_after;

 * Make a nice message out of the error character and the error number:
 *	char	number		message
 *  e or E    0			"   error"
 *  w or W    0			" warning"
 *  other     0			""
 *  w or W    n			" warning n"
 *  other     n			"   error n"
	static char_u *
qf_types(c, nr)
	int c, nr;
	static char_u	buf[20];
	char_u		*p1;

	p1 = (char_u *)"   error";
	if (c == 'W' || c == 'w')
		p1 =  (char_u *)" warning";
	else if (nr <= 0 && c != 'E' && c != 'e')
		p1 = (char_u *)"";

	if (nr <= 0)
		return p1;

	sprintf((char *)buf, "%s %3d", p1, nr);
	return buf;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.