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*intro.txt*     For Vim version 5.0f.  Last modification: 1997 Apr 10

		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar

Introduction to Vim					*ref* *reference*

1. Introduction			|intro|
2. Vim on the internet		|internet|
3. Credits			|credits|
4. Notation			|notation|
5. Modes, introduction		|vim-modes-intro|
6. Switching from mode to mode	|mode_switching|
7. The window contents		|window_contents|

1. Introduction						*intro*

Vim stands for Vi IMproved.  It used to be Vi IMitation, but there are so many
improvements that a name change was appropriate.  Vim is a text editor which
includes almost all the commands from the Unix program "Vi" and a lot of new
ones.  It is very useful for editing programs and other 8-bit ASCII text.  All
commands are given with the keyboard.  This has the advantage that you can
keep your fingers on the keyboard and your eyes on the screen.  For those who
want it, there is mouse support and a GUI version with scrollbars and menus
(see |gui.txt|).

Throughout this manual the differences between Vi and Vim are mentioned in
curly braces.  See |vi_diff.txt| for a summary of the differences.

This manual refers to Vim on various machines.  There may be small differences
between different computers and terminals.  Besides the remarks given in this
document, there is a separate document for each supported system, see

This manual is a reference for all the Vim commands and options.  This is not
an introduction to the use of Vim.  There are many books on Vi that contain a
section for beginners.  For example "Learning the Vi editor", from O'Reilly.

A summary of this manual can be found in the file "help.txt",
|help.txt|.  It can be accessed from within Vim with the <Help> or <F1>
key and with the command ":help", |:help|.  The 'helpfile' option can be set
to the name of the help file, so you can put it in any place you like.

2. Vim on the internet					*internet*

			*www* *faq* *FAQ* *ftp* *distribution* *download*
The Vim pages contain the most recent information about Vim.  They also
contains links to the most recent version of Vim.  The FAQ is a list of
Frequently Asked Questions, read this if you have problems.

	VIM home page:	<URL:http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/vim/>
	VIM FAQ:	<URL:http://www.grafnetix.com/~laurent/vim/faq.html>

Usenet News group where Vim is discussed:		*news* *usenet*

							*vimdev* *mail_list*
There are three mailing lists for Vim:
<vim@prz.tu-berlin.de>		For discussions about using existing versions
				of Vim: Useful mappings, questions, answers,
				where to get a specific version, etc.
<vimdev@prz.tu-berlin.de>	For discussions about changing Vim: New
				features, porting, etc.
<vimannounce@prz.tu-berlin.de>	Announcements about new versions of Vim; also
				beta-test versions and ports to different

- You can only send messages to these lists if you have subscribed!
- You need to send the messages from the same location as where you subscribed
  from (yes, Majordomo is inflexible).
- Maximum message size is 40000 characters.

If you want to join, send a message to
and put "info" in the body.  Then Majordomo will give you a little help.

An archive is kept at:
And later at:

Bug reports:						*bugs* *bug-reports*
	Bram Moolenaar <mool@oce.nl>
Please be brief; all the time that is spend on answering mail is subtracted
from the time that is spent on improving Vim!  Always give a reproducible
example and try to find out which settings or other things influence the
appearance of the bug.  Try different machines, if possible.  Send me patches
if you can!  In case of doubt, include the output of these commands:
	:!uname -a	" Unix only
	:set all
	:set termcap

3. Credits						*credits* *author*

Most of Vim was written by Bram Moolenaar <mool@oce.nl>.

Parts of the documentation come from several Vi manuals, written by:
	W.N. Joy
	Alan P.W. Hewett
	Mark Horton

The Vim editor is based on Stevie and includes (ideas from) other software,
worked on by the people mentioned here.  Other people helped by giving me
suggestions and giving feedback about what is good and bad in Vim.

	Tony Andrews		Stevie
	Gert van Antwerpen	changes for DJGPP on MS-DOS
	Berkeley DB(3)		ideas for swapfile
	Keith Bostic		Nvi
	Ralf Brown		SPAWNO library for MS-DOS
	Robert Colon		many useful remarks
	Kayhan Demirel		sent me news in Uganda
	Chris & John Downey	xvi (ideas for multi-windows version)
	Eric Fischer		Mac port, 'cindent', and other improvements
	Bill Foster		Athena GUI port
	Loic Grenie		xvim (ideas for multi windows version)
	Steve Kirkendall	Elvis
	Sergey Laskavy		Vim's help from Moscow
	Avner Lottem		Edit in right-to-left windows (RIGHTLEFT)
	George V. Reilly	Win32 port
	Stephen Riehm		bug collector
	Olaf Seibert		DICE and BeBox version, regexp improvements
	Peter da Silva		termlib
	Paul Slootman		OS/2 port
	Henry Spencer		regular expressions
	Tim Thompson		Stevie
	G. R. (Fred) Walter	Stevie
	Robert Webb		Command-line completion, GUI version, and lots
				of patches
	Juergen Weigert		Lattice version, AUX improvements, UNIX and
				MS-DOS ports, autoconf

I wish to thank all the people that sent me bug reports and suggestions.  The
list is too long to mention them all here.  Vim would not be the same without
the ideas from all these people: They keep Vim alive!

4. Notation						*notation*

[]		Characters in square brackets are optional.

							*count* *[count]*
[count]		An optional number that may precede the command to multiply
		or iterate the command.  If no number is given, a count of one
		is used, unless otherwise noted.  Note that in this manual the
		[count] is not mentioned in the description of the command,
		but only in the explanation.  This was done to make the
		commands easier to lookup.  If the "sc" option is on
		(|'showcmd'|), the (partially) entered count is shown at the
		bottom of the window.  You can use <Del> to erase the last
		digit (|N<Del>|).

["x]		An optional register designation where text can be stored.
		See |registers|.  The x is a single character between 'a' and
		'z' or 'A' and 'Z' or '"', and in some cases (with the put
		command) between '0' and '9', '%', '#', ':' or '.'. The
		uppercase and lower case letter designate the same register,
		but the lower case letter is used to overwrite the previous
		register contents, while the uppercase letter is used to
		append to the previous register contents. Without the ""x" or
		with """" the stored text is put into the unnamed register.

{}		Curly braces denote parts of the command which must appear,
		but which can take a number of different values.  The
		differences between Vim and Vi are also given in curly braces
		(this will be clear from the context).

{motion}	A command that moves the cursor.  See the list in chapter 6,
		|cursor_motions|.  This is used after an operator command
		|operator| to move over the text that is to be operated upon.
		If the motion includes a count and the operator also had a
		count, the two counts are multiplied.  For example: "2d3w"
		deletes six words.  The motion can also be a mouse click.  The
		mouse is currently only supported for MS-DOS, Win32 and xterm
		under Unix.

{Visual}	A piece of text that is started with the "v", "V", or CTRL-V
		command and ended by the cursor position.  This is used
		before an operator command |operator| to highlight the text
		that is to be operated upon.  See the chapter on Visual mode

<character>	A special character from the table below or a single ASCII

'character'	A single ASCII character.

<char1-char2>	A single character from the range <char1> to <char2>.  For
		example: <a-z> is a lowercase letter.  Multiple ranges may be
		concatenated.  For example, <a-zA-Z0-9> is any alphanumeric

CTRL-{char}	{char} typed as a control character; that is, typing {char}
		while holding the CTRL key down.  The case of {char} does not
		matter; thus CTRL-A and CTRL-a are equivalent.  But on some
		terminals, using the SHIFT key will produce another code,
		don't use it then.

'option'	An option, or parameter, that can be set to a value, is
		enclosed in single quotes.  See chapter 19, |options|.

"command"	In examples, the commands you can type are enclosed in double

notation	meaning		    equivalent	decimal value(s)
<Nul>		zero			CTRL-@	  0 (stored as 10) *<Nul>*
<BS>		backspace		CTRL-H	  8	*backspace*
<Tab>		tab			CTRL-I	  9	*tab*
<NL>		linefeed		CTRL-J	 10 (used for <Nul>)
<FF>		formfeed		CTRL-L	 12	*formfeed*
<CR>		carriage return		CTRL-M	 13	*carriage_return*
<Enter>		same as <CR>				*<Enter>*
<Esc>		escape			CTRL-[	 27	*escape* *<Esc>*
<Space>		space				 32	*space*
<Del>		delete				127

<Up>		cursor-up			*cursor-up* *cursor_up*
<Down>		cursor-down			*cursor-down* *cursor_down*
<Left>		cursor-left			*cursor-left* *cursor_left*
<Right>		cursor-right			*cursor-right* *cursor_right*
<S-Up>		shift-cursor-up
<S-Down>	shift-cursor-down
<S-Left>	shift-cursor-left
<S-Right>	shift-cursor-right
<F1> - <F12>	function keys 1 to 12		*function_key* *function-key*
<S-F1> - <S-F12> shift-function keys 1 to 12	*<S-F1>*
<Help>		help key
<Undo>		undo key
<Insert>	insert key
<Home>		home				*home*
<End>		end				*end*
<PageUp>	page-up				*page_up* *page-up*
<PageDown>	page-down			*page_down* *page-down*
<kHome>		keypad home (upper left)	*keypad_home*
<kEnd>		keypad end (lower left)		*keypad_end*
<kPageUp>	keypad page-up (upper right)	*keypad_page_up*
<kPageDown>	keypad page-down (lower right)	*keypad_page_down*
<S-...>		shift-key			*shift*
<C-...>		control-key			*control* *ctrl*
<M-...>		alt-key or meta-key		*meta* *alt*
<t_xx>		key with "xx" entry in termcap

Note: The shifted cursor keys, the help key, and the undo key are only
available on a few terminals.  On the Amiga, shifted function key 10 produces
a code (CSI) that is also used by key sequences.  It will be recognized only
after typing another key.

Note: There are two codes for the delete key.  127 is the decimal ASCII value
for the delete key, which is always recognized.  Some delete keys send another
value, in which case this value is obtained from the termcap entry "kD".  Both
values have the same effect.  Also see |:fixdel|.

Note: The keypad keys are used in the same way as the corresponding "normal"
keys.  For example, <kHome> has the same effect as <Home>.  If a keypad key
sends the same raw key code as it non-keypad equivalent, it will be recognized
as the non-keypad code.  For example, when <kHome> sends the same code as
<Home>, when pressing <kHome> Vim will think <Home> was pressed.  Mapping
<kHome> will not work then.

Some of the examples are given in the <> notation.  The rules are:
 1.  Any printable characters are typed directly, except backslash and '<'
 2.  A backslash is represented with "\\", double backslash.
 3.  A real '<' is represented with "\<".
 4.  "<key>" means the special key typed.  This is the notation explained in
     the table above.  A few examples:
	   <Esc>		Escape key
	   <C-G>		CTRL-G
	   <Up>			cursor up key
	   <C-LeftMouse>	Control- left mouse click
	   <S-F11>		Shifted function key 11
	   <M-a>		Meta- a  ('a' with bit 8 set)
	   <M-A>		Meta- A  ('A' with bit 8 set)
	   <t_kd>		"kd" termcap entry (cursor down key)

If you want to use the full <> notation in Vim, you have to remove the 'B'
flag from 'cpoptions' and make sure the '<' flag is excluded (it already is by
	:set cpo=ceFs
If you have the 'B' flag in 'cpoptions', then <> notation mostly still works,
but you can't escape the special meaning of key names in <> with a backslash.
To distinguish using <> with and without the 'B' flag, it's called full <>
notation if the 'B' flag is excluded.
For mapping, abbreviation and menu commands you can then copy-paste the
examples and use them directly.  Or type them literally, including the '<' and
'>' characters.  This does NOT work for other commands, like ":set" and

There are several references to other versions of Vi:
	Vi	"the original".  Without further remarks this is the version
		of Vi that appeared in Sun OS 4.x.  ":version" returns
		"Version 3.7, 6/7/85".  Sometimes other versions are referred
		to.  Only runs under Unix.  Source code only available with a
	Posix	From the IEEE standard 1003.2, Part 2: Shell and utilities.
		Generally known as "Posix".  This is a textual description of
		how Vi is supposed to work.  The version used is a draft from
		beginning 1996, so all remarks are "expected to comply to"
		this.  Anything can change though...
	Nvi	The "New" Vi.  The version of Vi that comes with BSD 4.4 and
		many free Unix versions.  The version used is 1.79.
		":version" returns "Version 1.79 (10/23/96)".  Source code is
		freely available.
	Elvis	Another Vi clone, made by Steve Kirkendall.  The version used
		is 2.1b, which is a beta-test version.  Version 2.0 is the
		last official release.  Source code is freely available.

5. Modes, introduction				*vim-modes-intro* *vim_modes*

Vim has five BASIC modes:

Normal mode		In Normal mode you can enter all the editor
			commands.  If you start the editor you are in this
			mode (unless you have set the 'insertmode' option,
			see below).  This is also known as command mode.

Visual mode		This is like Normal mode, but the movement commands
			extend a highlighted area.  When a non-movement
			command is used, it is executed for the highlighted
			area.  See |Visual_mode|.

Insert mode		In Insert mode the text you type is inserted into the
			buffer.  If the 'showmode' option is on (which is
			default), the string "-- INSERT --" is shown at the
			bottom of the window.  |mode_ins_repl|

Command-line mode	In Command-line mode you can enter one line of text
			at the bottom of the window.  This is for the Ex
			commands, ":", the pattern search commands, "?" and
			"/", and the filter command, "!".  |mode_cmdline|

Ex mode			Like Command-line mode, but after entering a command
			you remain in Ex mode.  Very limited editing of the
			command.  |mode-Ex|

There are two ADDITIONAL modes:

Replace mode		Replace mode is a special case of Insert mode.  You
			can do the same things as in Insert mode, but for
			each character you enter, one character of the existing
			text is deleted.  If the 'showmode' option is on,
			(which is the default), the string "-- REPLACE --" is
			shown at the bottom of the window.  |replace_mode|

Insert command mode	Entered when CTRL-O given in Insert mode.  This is
			like Normal mode, but after executing one command Vim
			returns to Insert mode.  The string "-- (insert) --"
			is shown at the bottom of the window.

6. Switching from mode to mode				*mode_switching*

If for any reason you do not know which mode you are in, you can always get
back to Normal mode by typing <Esc> twice.  You will know you are back in
Normal mode when you see the screen flash or hear the bell after you type
<Esc>.  This doesn't work for Ex mode, use ":visual".

		      TO mode
                Normal     Visual     Insert     Replace    Cmd-line   Ex
FROM mode
Normal		  -        v V ^V      *1          R        : / ? !    Q
Visual           *2          -         c C         --       :          --
Insert           <Esc>       --        -         <Insert>   --         --
Replace          <Esc>       --       <Insert>     -        --         --
Command-line     *3          --       --           --       -          --
Ex               :vi         --       --           --       --         -

-  NA
-- not possible

*1 Go from Normal mode to Insert mode by giving the command "i", "I", "a",
   "A", "o", "O", "c", "C", "s" or S".
*2 Go from Visual mode to Normal mode by giving a non-movement command, which
   causes the command to be executed, or by hitting <Esc> "v", "V" or "CTRL-V"
   (see |v_v|), which just stops Visual mode without side effets.
*3 Go from Command-line mode to Normal mode by:
   - Hitting <CR> or <NL>, which causes the entered command to be executed.
   - Deleting the complete line (e.g., with CTRL-U) and giving a final <BS>.
   - Hitting CTRL-C or <Esc>, which quits the command line without executing
     the command.
   In the last case <Esc> may be the character defined with the 'wildchar'
   option, in which case it will start command line completion.  You can
   ignore that and type <Esc> again.  {Vi: when hitting <Esc> the command line
   is executed.  This is unexpected for most people; therefore it was changed
   in Vim.  But when the <Esc> is part of a mapping, the command line is
   executed.  If you want the Vi behaviour also when typing <Esc>, use ":cmap
   ^V<Esc> ^V^M"}

If the 'insertmode' option is on, editing a file will start in Insert mode.

						*Q* *mode-Ex* *ex-mode*
Q			Switch to "Ex" mode.  This is a bit like typing ":"
			commands one after another, except:
			- You don't have to keep pressing ":".
			- The screen doesn't get updated after each command.
			- There is no normal command-line editing.
			- Mappings and abbreviations are not used.
			In fact, you are editing the lines with the "standard"
			line-input editing commands (<Del> or <BS> to erease,
			CTRL-U to kill the whole line).
			Vim will enter this mode by default if it's invoked as
			"ex" on the command line.
			Use the ":vi" command |:visual| to exit "Ex" mode.

7. The window contents					*window_contents*

In command and Insert/Replace mode the screen window will show the current
contents of the buffer: What You See Is What You Get.  There are two
- When the 'cpoptions' option contains '$', and the change is within one line,
  the text is not directly deleted, but a '$' is put at the last deleted
- When inserting text in one window, other windows on the same text are not
  updated until the insert is finished.
{Vi: The screen is not always updated on slow terminals}

Lines longer than the window width will wrap, unless the 'wrap' option is off
(see below).  The 'linebreak' option can be set to wrap at a blank character.

The bottom lines in the window may start with one of these two characters:

'@'	The next line is too long to fit in the window.
'~'	Below the last line in the buffer.

If the bottom line is completely filled with '@', the line that is at the
top of the window is too long to fit in the window.  If the cursor is on this
line you can't see what you are doing, because this part of the line is not
shown.  However, the part of the line before the '@'s can be edited normally.
{Vi: gives an "internal error" on lines that do not fit in the window}

The 'showbreak' option contains the string to put in front of wrapped lines.

If the 'wrap' option is off, long lines will not wrap.  Only the part that
fits on the screen is shown.  If the cursor is moved to a part of the line
that is not shown, the screen is scrolled horizontally.  The advantage of
this method is that columns are shown as they are and lines that cannot fit
on the screen can be edited.  The disadvantage is that you cannot see all the
characters of a line at once.  The 'sidescroll' option can be set to the
minimal number of columns to scroll.  {Vi: has no 'wrap' option}

All normal ASCII characters are displayed directly on the screen.  The <Tab>
is replaced with the number of spaces that it represents.  Other non-printing
characters are replaced with "^{char}", where {char} is the non-printing
character with 64 added.  Thus character 7 (bell) will be shown as "^G".
Characters between 127 and 160 are replaced with "~{char}", where {char} is
the character with 64 subtracted.  These characters occupy more than one
position on the screen.  The cursor can only be positioned on the first one.

If you set the 'number' option, all lines will be preceded with their
number.  Tip: If you don't like wrapping lines to mix with the line numbers,
set the 'showbreak' option to eight spaces:
	":set showbreak=\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "

If you set the 'list' option, <Tab> characters will not be shown as several
spaces, but as "^I".  A '$' will be placed at the end of the line, so you can
find trailing blanks.

In Command-line mode only the command line itself is shown correctly.  The
display of the buffer contents is updated as soon as you go back to Command

Some commands hand over the window to external commands (e.g., ":shell" and
"=").  After these commands are finished the window may be clobbered with
output from the external command, so it needs to be redrawn.  This is also
the case if something is displayed on the status line that is longer than
the width of the window.  If you are expected to have a look at the screen
before it is redrawn, you get this message:

	Press RETURN or enter command to continue

After you type a key the screen will be redrawn and Vim continues.  If you
type <CR>, <SP> or <NL> nothing else happens.  If you type any other key, it
will be interpreted as (the start of) a new command.  {Vi: only ":" commands
are interpreted}

The last line of the window is used for status and other messages.  The
status messages will only be used if an option is on:

status message			option	     default	Unix default
current mode			'showmode'	on	    on
command characters		'showcmd'	on	    off
cursor position			'ruler'		off	    off

The current mode is "-- INSERT --" or "-- REPLACE --", see |'showmode'|.  The
command characters are those that you typed but were not used yet.  {Vi: does
not show the characters you typed or the cursor position}

If you have a slow terminal you can switch off the status messages to speed
up editing:
	:set nosc noru nosm

If there is an error, an error message will be shown for at least one second
(in reverse video).  {Vi: error messages may be overwritten with other
messages before you have a chance to read them}

Some commands show how many lines were affected.  Above which threshold this
happens can be controlled with the 'report' option (default 2).

On the Amiga Vim will run in a CLI window.  The name Vim and the full name of
the current filename will be shown in the title bar.  When the window is
resized, Vim will automatically redraw the window.  You may make the window as
small as you like, but if it gets too small not a single line will fit in it.
Make it at least 40 characters wide to be able to read most messages on the
last line.

On most Unix systems window resize works ok.  {Vi: not ok}


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