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*various.txt*   For Vim version 5.0f.  Last modification: 1997 Apr 11

		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar

Various commands					*various*

1. Various commands	|various-cmds|
2. Online help		|online_help|

1. Various commands					*various-cmds*

CTRL-L			Clear and redraw the screen.

<Del>			When entering a number: Remove the last digit.
			Note: if you like to use <BS> for this, add this
			mapping to your .vimrc:
				:map CTRL-V <BS>   CTRL-V <Del>
			See |:fixdel| if your <Del> key does not do what you

:as[cii]	or					*ga* *:as* *:ascii*
ga			Print the ascii value of the character under the
			cursor in decimal, hexadecimal and octal.  For
			example, when the cursor is on a 'R':
				<R>  82,  Hex 52,  Octal 122
			When the character is a non-standard ASCII character,
			but printable according to the 'isprint' option, the
			non-printable version is also given.  When the
			character is larger than 127, the <M-x> form is also
			printed.  For example:
				<~A>  <M-^A>  129,  Hex 81,  Octal 201
				<p>  <|~>  <M-~>  254,  Hex fe,  Octal 376
			(where <p> is a special character)
			The <Nul> character in a file is stored internally as
			<NL>, but it will be shown as:
				<^@>  0,  Hex 00,  Octal 000
			Mnemonic: Get Ascii value.  {not in Vi}

							*:p* *:print*
:[range]p[rint]		Print [range] lines (default current line).

:[range]p[rint] {count}
			Print {count} lines, starting with [range] (default
			current line |cmdline_ranges|).

							*:l* *:list*
:[range]l[ist] [count]
			Same as :print, but display unprintable characters
			with '^'.

							*:nu* *:number*
:[range]nu[mber] [count]
			Same as :print, but precede each line with its line
			number.  (See also 'highlight' option).

:[range]# [count]	synonym for :number.

:{range}z[+-^.=]{count}	Display several lines of text surrounding the line
			specified with {range}, or around the current line
			if there is no {range}.  If there is a {count}, that's
			how many lines you'll see; otherwise, the current
			window size is used.

			:z can be used either alone or followed by any of
			several punctuation marks.  These have the following

			mark   first line    last line      new location
			----   ----------    ---------      ------------
			+      current line  1 scr forward  1 scr forward
			-      1 scr back    current line   current line
			^      2 scr back    1 scr back     1 scr back
                        .      1/2 scr back  1/2 scr fwd    1/2 src fwd
			=      1/2 src back  1/2 scr fwd    current line

			Specifying no mark at all is the same as "+".
			If the mark is "=", a line of dashes is printed
			around the current line.

:=			Print the cursor line number.

:norm[al][!] {commands}					*:norm* *:normal*
			Execute Normal mode commands {commands}.  This makes
			it possible to execute Normal mode commands typed on
			the command line.  {commands} is executed like it is
			typed.  For undo all commands are undone together.  If
			the [!] is given, mappings will not be used.
			{commands} should be a complete command.  If
			{commands} does not finish a command, more characters
			need to be typed, but the display isn't updated while
			doing this.
			Mostly useful for autocommands.  This command cannot
			be followed by another command, since any '|' is
			considered part of the command.
			Hint: If the {commands} ends in an <Esc>, Vim may
			think it's the start of a function key, and 'ttimeout'
			will apply, which makes things very slow, or even wait
			indefenitely for anything to be typed.  Include the
			[!] in this case.  {not in Vi, of course}

:{range}norm[al][!] {commands}				*:normal-range*
			Execute Normal mode commands {commands} for each line
			in the {range}.  Before executing the {commands}, the
			cursor is positioned in the first column of the range,
			for each line.  Otherwise it's the same as the
			":normal" command without a range.  {not in Vi}

							*:sh* *:shell*
:sh[ell]		This command starts a shell.  When the shell exits
			(after the "exit" command) you return to Vim.  The
			name for the shell command comes from 'shell' option.
			Note: This doesn't work when Vim on the Amiga was
			started in QuickFix mode from a compiler, because the
			compiler will have set stdin to a non-interactive

							*:!cmd* *:!*
:!{cmd}			Execute {cmd} with the shell.  See also the 'shell'
			and 'shelltype' option.  Any '!' in {cmd} is replaced
			with the previous external command (see also
			'cpoptions').  But not when there is a backslash
			before the '!', then that backslash is removed.
			Example: ":!ls" followed by ":!echo ! \! \\!"
			executes "echo ls ! \!".  After the command has been
			executed, the timestamp of the current file is checked
			|timestamp|.  Also see |shell_window|.

:!!			Repeat last ":!{cmd}".

							*:ve* *:version*
:ve[rsion]		Print the version number of the editor.  If the
			compiler used understands "__DATE__" the compilation
			date is mentioned.  Otherwise a fixed release-date is
			shown.  The following lines contain information about
			which options were defined when Vim was compiled.

:ve[rsion] {nr}		Set the version number to {nr}.  Used in .vimrc files.
			When omitted Vim will give a warning message. If {nr}
			is higher than the current Vim version this will
			result in an error message.  {not in Vi}

K			Run a program to lookup the keyword under the
			cursor.  The name of the program is given with the
			'keywordprg' (kp) option (default is "man").  The
			keyword is formed of letters, numbers and the
			characters in 'iskeyword'.  The keyword under or
			right of the cursor is used.  The same can be done
			with the command
				":!{program} {keyword}".
			There is an example of a program to use in the tools
			directory of Vim.  It is called 'ref' and does a
			simple spelling check.
			Special cases:
			- If 'keywordprg' is empty, the ":help" command is
			  used.  It's a good idea to include more characters
			  in 'iskeyword' then, to be able to find more help.
			- When 'keywordprg' is equal to "man", a count before
			  "K" is inserted after the "man" command and before
			  the keyword.  For example, using "2K" while the
			  cursor is on "mkdir", results in:
				!man 2 mkdir
			{not in Vi}

{Visual}K		Like "K", but use the visually highlighted text for
			the keyword.  Only works when the highlighted text is
			not more than one line.  {not in Vi}

[N]gs							*gs* *:sl* *:sleep*
:[N]sl[eep] [N]		Do nothing for [N] seconds.  Can be interrupted with
			CTRL-C (CTRL-Break on MS-DOS).  "gs" stands for "goto
			sleep".  While sleeping the cursor is positioned in
			the text (if visible).  {not in Vi}

2. Online help						*online_help*

			*help* *<Help>* *:h* *:help* *<F1>* *i_<F1>* *i_<Help>*
<Help>		or
:h[elp]			Split the window and display the help file in
			read-only mode.  If there is a help window open
			already, use that one.  {not in Vi}

:h[elp] {subject}	Like ":help", additionally jump to the tag
			{subject}.  {subject} can be a pattern |pattern|.
			   :help z.	jump to help for any "z" command
			   :help z\.	jump to the help for "z."
			If there is no full match for the pattern, or there
			are several matches, the "best" match will be used.
			A match is considered to be better when:
			- if no match with same case is found, a match with
			  ignoring case will be used
			- the match is after a non-alphanumereic character
			- it is at near the beginning of the tag
			- more alphanumeric characters match
			- the length of the matched is smaller
			Note that the longer the {subject} you give, the less
			matches will be found.  You can get an idea how this
			all works by using commandline completion (type CTRL-D
			after ":help subject".  {not in Vi}

The help file name can be set with the 'helpfile' option.  The initial height
of the help window can be set with the 'helpheight' option (default 20).
Jump to specific subjects by using tags.  This can be done in two ways:
- Use the "CTRL-]" command while standing on the name of a command or option.
  This only works when the tag is a keyword.  "<C-Leftmouse>" and
  "g<LeftMouse>" work just like "CTRL-]".
- use the ":ta {subject}" command.  This works with all characters.

Use "CTRL-T" to jump back.
Use ":q" to close the help window.

If you want to have the help in another xterm window, you could use this
	:!xterm -e vim +help &


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.