


README for version 5.0f of Vim: Vi IMproved.

Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor vi.  Many new features
have been added: multi level undo, syntax highlighting, command line history,
on-line help, filename completion, block operations, etc.  There is also a
Graphical User Interface (GUI) available.  See doc/vi_diff.doc.

This editor is very useful for editing programs and other plain ASCII files.
All commands are given with normal keyboard characters, so those who can type
with ten fingers can work very fast.  Additionally, function keys can be
defined by the user.

Vim currently runs under Amiga DOS, MS-DOS, Windows NT, Windows 95, Atari
MiNT, OS/2 and almost all flavours of UNIX.  There are some things included
for the Archimedes, but it does not work yet.  There are people working on a
VMS and a Mac port.  Porting to other systems should not be very difficult.

The best is to use ":help" in Vim.  If you don't have an executable (yet),
read doc/help.txt.  It contains pointers to the other documentation files.

"tutor/readme" is a one hour training course for beginners.

Vim is Charityware.  You can use and copy it as much as you like, but you are
encouraged to make a donation to orphans in Uganda.  Please read the file
"doc/uganda.txt" for details.

If you include Vim on a CD-ROM, I would like to receive a copy.  Just so I
know which Vim distributions exists in the world (and to show off to my
friends :-)).

If you distribute a modified version of Vim, you must send me a copy,
including the source code.  Or make it available to me through ftp; let me
know where I can find it.  If the number of changes is small (e.g., a modified
Makefile) e-mailing me the diffs will do.  I preserve the right to include
any changes in the official version of Vim.  It is not allowed to distribute
a modified version of Vim without making the source code available to me.
It is not allowed to remove these restrictions from the distribution of the
Vim sources.

All stuff for compiling Vim is in the "src" directory.  See src/INSTALL for

The latest news about Vim can be found in the Vim home page:

If you have problems, have a look at the Vim FAQ:

Please send bug reports to:
	Bram Moolenaar <mool@oce.nl>

There are three mailing lists for Vim:

	vim@prz.tu-berlin.de		about using Vim
	vimdev@prz.tu-berlin.de		about developing Vim
	vimannounce@prz.tu-berlin.de	announcements

If you want to join send a message to
and put "info" in the body.  Then Majordomo will give you a little help.
You must join before you are allowed to send messages to the lists (otherwise
Majordomo will eat your messages).

Send any other comments, patches, pizza and suggestions to:

	Bram Moolenaar		E-mail:	mool@oce.nl
	Clematisstraat 30
	5925 BE  Venlo		Fax: +31 77 3595473
	The Netherlands		Tel: +31 77 3872340


Exuberant Ctags
Author: Darren Hiebert (darren@hiwaay.net, http://fly.hiwaay.net/~darren)

This source code is released into the public domain. It is provided on an
as-is basis and no responsibility is accepted for its failure to perform
as expected. It is worth at least as much as you paid for it!

This is a reimplementation of the underused ctags(1) program and is intended
to be the mother of all ctags programs 8^). I was motivated to write this
because no currently available ctags program supported generation of tags for
all possible tag candidates, and because most were easily fooled by a number
of contructs. I am quite pleased with the result. It provides the following

    Able to generate tags for all of the following objects:
	- macro definitions
	- enumeration values (those inside enum{...})
	- function definitions (and some C++ methods)
	- function prototypes (optional; intended for library header files)
	- enum, struct and union tags and C++ class names
	- typedefs
	- global variables

    Supports for both K&R style and new ANSI style function definitions.

    It is very robust in parsing C code and is extremely hard to fool, even
    with conditional preprocessor contructs.

Which brings us to the most frequently asked question:

  Q: Why is it called "Exuberant" ctags?
  A: Because one of the meanings of the word is:

    exuberant : produced in extreme abundance : PLENTIFUL syn see PROFUSE

Compare the tag file produced by Exuberant Ctags with that produced by any
other ctags and you will see how appropriate the name is.

Official "Exuberant Ctags" Web site:  http://fly.hiwaay.net/~darren/ctags

Exuberant Ctags was originally derived from and inspired by the ctags program
by Steve Kirkendall (kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu) that comes with the Elvis vi clone
(though almost none of the original code remains). This, too, is freely

Please report any problems you find. The two problems I expect to be most
likely are either a tag which you expected but is missing, or a tag created
in error (shouldn't really be a tag). Please include a sample of code (the
definition) for the object which misbehaves.


README for version 5.0f with X11/Athena support of Vim: Vi IMproved

This is an already compiled NeXTstep *black binary* version of Vim v.5.0f, which also has buildin X11/Athena Xaw3d support.
Vim is the most powerfull vi like editor I know of (it's much better than
vile, nvi, stevie, elvis etc.), give it a try!

This version is also compiled with X11/Athena Xaw3d support (that's the 
reason why the static linked binary is such huge)!

NOTE:  the call "vim -g" or "gvim" starts vim for X11/Athena !!!

To install it just type     "make install"!

To uninstall it just type   "make uninstall"!

Installation source --> targets are:

cp bin/vim	  -->	/usr/local/bin/vim
cp bin/xxd	  -->	/usr/local/bin/xxd
cp bin/ctags  -->	/usr/local/bin/ctags  

ln /usr/local/bin/vim --> /usr/local/bin/gvim
ln /usr/local/bin/vim --> /usr/local/bin/ex
ln /usr/local/bin/vim --> /usr/local/bin/view

cp doc/*.txt      -->  /usr/local/share/vim/doc/*.txt
cp doc/tags       -->  /usr/local/share/vim/doc/tags
cp doc/menu.vim   -->  /usr/local/share/vim/menu.vim
cp doc/vimrc      -->  /usr/local/share/vim/vimrc
cp syntax/*.vim   -->  /usr/local/share/vim/syntax/*.vim

cp doc/vim.1      -->  /usr/local/man/man1/vim.1
cp doc/xxd.1      -->  /usr/local/man/man1/xxd.1
cp doc/ctags.1    -->  /usr/local/man/man1/ctags.1 


NOTE:  If you like, you may change the "ctags", "ctags.1" filenames
       and the "ex", "view" link names after installation. So they
	   don't conflict with the original ones from NeXT in your search
	   path (with other words, this preserves the usage of the original
	   vi, ex, view and ctags from NeXT's BSD distribution)!

To see some vim macros, tools and a tutorial inspect the "/macros", "/tools"
and "/tutor" directories!

Good luck


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.